Iron Saga Tier List
Iron Saga Tier List
Iron Saga Tier List
The suits in this list are subject to our opinions based on what we see and know from the CN
server. This is also based on the future performance of the suits that is currently not available
to the JP server and only on the CN server. All rankings of this tier list are subject to change
based on the release and buff or nerf of these suits accordingly.
S Rank:
Suzaku/Zhu Que
All its true atks are Fire element (constant burn dmg from atks), balanced ranged and melee
DPS, has one of the best armor ratings for a melee mech, long reach with melee weapon, all
melee atks are made for high dps both single target and aoe. Is very good for all content PVE,
Raids, PVP.
Kai Form: its kai form improves its DPS even further by removing its last almost useless reel in
wire atk for a super strong melee special atk and flaming wings gotta love those.
Easily obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN Side: still very popularly used in high ranking pvp and will likely remain so, top tier
obtainable suit even for free players.
Big, bulky, slow death. Astaroth is made for tanking and tackling put in a tanky melee pilot like
Oboro and your frontline is pretty much set. He has THE highest def stat of any mech in the
game, he has a skill that blocks all frontal atks at a rate of 30% combined with a pilot of the
same skill like Oboro 24% that’s 54% chance to block all incoming frontal atks. He has a barrier
for ranged atks, he has an atk that creates a pin point barrier floating around him to block
ranged atks. His atks are throws and slams which basically mean the poor mech getting atked
by him are usually stuck in one spot to get hammered by your ranged dps unless its pilot can
resist the status. Widely used on CN server still for his versatility both in PVP and PVE as a wall.
Note that before Kai Astaroth is just one walking wall, don’t expect anything else.
Kai Form: Its Kai form gets even more def and increases the pin point barrier fairy to 2 for more
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN Side: still very popularly used in high ranking pvp and will likely remain so.
A solid built in rechargeable barrier skill for ranged atks, solid melee atk skills including aoe atk
skills, has a gap closing skill which is very important for melee, most of its atks are electric and
explosive element so they either hurt a lot or can paralyze an opponent. Its a very good choice
for all content PVP, PVE, and Raids. It is a PY mech (Pay only mech) meaning it is very hard to
get multiple copies to max this mech out and unlock its true potential unless you’re a whale.
Kai Form: It gains the ability to call in support from a Luna atk fighter for long ranged atk.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN Side: Not used very often anymore as there are stronger PY mechs that can outdo it in terms
of melee dps. For those who had it maxed before the release of its betters, they still use it and
it is seen often in the low to mid tier PVP.
Master Hiei:
Nick named the “Suicide king” by fans. Paper armor for a melee suit, can make copies of itself
at 50% health and when it dies, copies deal dmg for a limited time before they also explode. Its
main strategy is to get up close deal high speed dmg with its dual swords and make copies then
die in a blaze of glory quite literally, if its not blowing up and taking its opponents with it, you’re
using this suit wrong and should repent. There are equips that basically says this “when this suit
dies it will self destruct causing aoe dmg to all enemies in the area based on the maximum HP
of this suit” now normally this isn’t bad but when you got this guy and his 2-3 clones next to you
and they all explode in a blaze of glory your prob screwed because even if his hp is low, its still
reasonably high enough to 1 shot a low-mid hp enemy and that’s just 1 copy yeah just 1. Yes his
clones also counts as himself they have all the same equips he does so the self destruct effect
will go off when they die and since they are on a timer of say 5-7 seconds before they go poof
anything close to them will get wrecked or very close to wrecked. This is increased by a popular
pilot ppl like to use with him, Carol- her active skill makes clones of her suit…sound familiar?
Master Hiei is mainly used in PVP for his suicidal tendencies, doesn’t shine anywhere else sadly.
Heavily equip dependant to be useful so early game wise hes unfortunately useless and will
explode rather often, harmlessly might I add.
Kai Form: Hes one of the few suits who gets a complete sprite remake to something looking
awesome, gains another clone creating ability (hmm wonder why…), faster melee dps.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN Side: still very popularly used in high ranking pvp and will likely remain so.
The ranged suit that loves to hit your opponent’s mechs and its best friends behind it without a
care in the world. His main atks are all piercing Gerobi beams of happiness (they pierce through
enemy units). His main gun atks are all constant long beams across the map (imagine a giant
light saber being swung across the map) that are multi hit, which means this thing goes through
barriers fairly fast so that barrier that Artemis is so proud off which can only take a few hits
before it goes off will pretty much go poof when hit by this guy. He has homing missiles as an
upgradeable atk to acquire. (Homing missiles are your best friends in this game, it’s a
guaranteed hit, why the heck not?). He has Imperial Ride, which easily makes up for his inability
to hit with his lasers at long range by making sure he can unload in your face and warp away
from danger while doing it. Hes decently good in both PVP and PVE but less effective in PVP due
to his lower form being weaker at the job before his Kai. Fairly equip dependant to be effective
since laser weapons are not so accurate in IS.
Kai Form: You thought 3 piercing main guns that shoot across the map and can pierce anything
they hit were bad enough? What you thought those piercing guns being fired singlely was still
very painful? Goodness no sir, that’s a rather weak thought, lets add a bigger gun to make it 4
main guns, give lance the ability to dual wield 2 of them and the ability to spam all 4 main guns
in the opponents face with imperial ride, you can never have enough big guns…never…did I tell
you “a peaceful resolution is the best resolution?”
CN Side: still very popularly used in mid-high ranking pvp and will likely remain so, top tier
obtainable suit even for free players.
No I don’t mean the mass produced rubbish that is made from this guy I mean the real Paimon.
Probably one of the best PVE suits in the game. Most of his hard hitting atks are AOE atks
meaning this guy most likely will wreck a few mobs surrounding him with his aoe atks. He has a
life drain atk that holds his targets in place for your ranged dps to go to town on and heals him
for the dmg he deals (this can be increased by a certain chain saw/sword maniac we all love).
Paimon is one of the few mechs who can effectively atk while being piloted by Vespa in her
chainsaw mode. One of his AOE atks happen to be a EMP atk which means he can paralyze
enemies around him for again your ranged dps or any other dps to have fun with. His Gale skill
is a gap closer skill meaning he will get in the middle of the enemy formation instantly to
disrupt them at the start of battle and deploy his aoe atks in their face. Paimon can be
upgraded to gain knockback and knockdown resistance, both very common in melee combat
looking at you Astaroth… He has a ranged atk barrier. Paimon is very good in PVE, decent in PVP,
not so amazing in raids since his dmg is aoe not single.
Kai Form: If you thought 2 Aoe atks wasn’t enough to wreck mobs he gains another and buffs to
his current aoe atks and more def because more def is always good to have for a melee mech.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players, his requirements are steep
although for the average f2p player.
CN Side: Not as popular in the PVP scene and mainly seen used by free players or players who
are new to the game in pvp as early on making a mech for all the content is hard and well you
gotta make do with what you got in pvp or any content at that point. ON JP however with the
latest patch to its AI Paimon is normally seen in high tier PVP and will most likely kill you if you
have melees swarming it.
Valk S:
The S totally means S rank, yeah….A Late bloomer suit that can be compared to those college
students who don’t know what to do with their life yet but have an idea of what to do. Valk S
starts as a slow ranged rocket launcher suit with homing axes (yes I just said homing axes...) and
a fairly “accurate” fast reloading laser atk (laser weapons in this game have the worst accuracy
modifiers, so laser weapons that are fairly accurate are rather rare, especially so for fast
reloading ones). Its honestly only redeeming quality before kai is the fact it allows pilots piloting
it to use their active skill 2x which is very good for support pilots like healers or team buffers
which as a result makes this suit a must have for PVE, PVP wise your gonna get wrecked don’t
do it unless you want to see this thing explode and be almost useless due to the fact its atks
beside the fast firing laser are slow firing and reloading. Top tier obtainable suit even for free
Kai Form: Well Valk S decided on its major and its totally not ranged, what a surprise. Valk S at
kai becomes a melee monster able to hold its ground, swing its giant dual axes around like they
weight nothing, throw out a bunch of multi hitting homing axes (how flying axes are homing
beats me, magic maybe?), and still allow your pilots to spam their active skill 2x+ with the right
equipment. Remember that Sasaki or that Xiao Yu that keeps wrecking your team with just their
special alone in PVP? Yeah… things just got worse since they can spam them now in this thing,
combined with its fast wide range melee atks, stunning slam atks, and its solid armor rating at
6000 this thing is no weak and fragile mech as its design implies anymore. With its kai form its
Rating for all content moves to very good for PVP, PVE, and Raids.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a true bang for
your effort suit that shines perfectly at the end.
While we’re on the subject of late bloomers lets go to another one! This PY mech is, super,
amazing, great, and unlike its other PY counter parts a total piece of crap without its kai. Now
mind you this is a piece of crap in PY mech terms which means it’s the bottom rank of the
supposedly game breaking mechs. (Actually it’s far worse but I’m trying to make the owners of
this thing feel better here and justify why such a horrible suit is up here with all the other S
ranking suits. Ahem!) Nero is a melee mech with quite literally very little redeeming features as
a melee mech. Its ranged atks are better than its melee atks… Utterly almost useless in PVE,
PVP, and Raids well it’s a good wall, slow moving wall, that has ranged barrier, yeah that’s
about it. This is given credence by Slokai (yes that pink haired mascot were not sure we love or
hate yet) its supposed personal pilot putting it on display and not piloting it at all until its kai
Kai Form: Nero S, the S is totally for Slokai, since the MHS surely don’t want to waste resources
making a pretty suit with their latest technology for Slokai for her not to use it and only put it
on display. Realizing that Nero was one pretty looking display case suit and nothing else, the
engineers at MHS learned from their mistake, realizing once again that Slokai herself likes to be
a ranged pilot…except their beautiful and lovely pope cant aim worth jack, the engineers did
the only thing they could, gave Nero S homing lasers (Wait What? Homing lasers what the hell
is this blasphemy!? Yeah this laser does not miss and is piercing also…), homing drill missiles,
improved AOE atks, and an improved ranged barrier system to protect their beloved pope. The
result is a master crafted long range master piece worthy of S rank that makes up for all the
failures of its past self and Slokai, funny enough Nero S is way better in other pilot’s hands then
Slokais, unsurprisingly. All of Nero S atks are homing which means they will follow you around
the map and wait patiently for your barrier to drop to hit you, yeah theres no avoiding getting
hit by its atks period. Nero S is exceptional in all content PVE, PVP, and Raids due to its high
armor, ranged barrier, and multi hitting homing atks.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a true bang for
your effort suit that shines perfectly at the end.
Onwards to the next and last late bloomer suit for now! Unlike Valk S or Nero who are pretty
much not so great in their based form Longdan very much is a decent mech. It has twin gatling
guns that fires flaming bullets (fire element that will cause burn status ailment the moment
they hit), its solid ammo based so it can benefit from pilots that buff solid ammo based suits, its
atks also cause stun at a high chance per hit (gatling guns and per hit…), its atks have a fairly
good cool down rate, and it has the nice ability that says the lower its hp the less dmg it takes
so it is a rather tanky ranged dps suit. Its weapons and armor allow it to be fairly decent in all
content PVP, PVE, and raids.
Kai Form: Longdan at kai becomes a rather nice power house. Longdan upgrades his weak flash
bang missiles with brand spanking new firestorm missiles. Firestorm missiles in IS are missiles
that are fired, spread into a wide missile salvo about the width of the suit, in a straight line
towards the nemy with no tracking but pack a punch. Now this normally wouldn’t be amazing
at all, however Longdan doesn’t just fire 1 salvo he repeatedly fires this with very short cool
downs in between salvos which equate to a storm of gatling flaming bullets that sets its target
on fire so they take extra dmg, hard hitting long range cannon fire, and a continuous salvo of
firestorm missiles which hurt a lot per hit. Oh did I forget to add all of these atks have a chance
to stun its target per hit still? Therefore Longdan is a solid ranged dps suit for all content PVP,
PVE, and raid.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-semi high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good
bang for your effort suit that shines nicely at the end.
Black Jack
BJ is the Top solid ammo sniper mech in the Game. His flaw lies with the fact that his guns are
slow reload and the bullet speed is very slow, the slowest in the game as a matter of fact. What
does this mean? It means BJ atks will rarely hit since opponents can just move away before his
bullets hit them and he doesn’t fire fast enough to make up for this which pretty much means
hes not hitting anything that moves at all. Ok, now that we got his flaws out of the way lets talk
about the good things and why hes in this list in the first place as obviously I will not include any
mechs that are not good in this tier list. BJ is the hardest hitting sniper mech in the game this
counts not just per single shot but the fact that generally he fires 3 shots each dealing 1k+ per
hit if properly equipped, most sniper mechs 1 shot and have to reload, BJ shoots 3 shots per
gun so that’s 6 1k+ shots to the face and counting his mounted shoulder cannons that do 900+
dmg per shot that shoots and reload faster and also has 3 ammo that’s also 6 shots with 900k+
dmg each. Now if you follow that math that’s pretty much a dead mech there after he fully
unloads once. All of BJ’s weaknesses are very easy to cover theres an ammo that literally says
increase main gun dmg and bullet speed, BJs personal reloader made quite literally for him as
its effects pretty much say equip this on a BJ please (said equip increases wep reload AND
magazine size by 50% and further increase reload speed if the weapon ammo count is less than
4, BJ meets all these criteria very easily) , theres a pet that pretty much says increase bullet
speed and pilot shooting, there are 2 ranged cores that has been talked about to death for
ranged DPS that gives another 40% reload. Now BJ itself is fully aware of its weaknesses and its
upgraded core skills increases its bullet speed by +30, increases it shoulder mounted sniper
cannons ammo count by +1 to make them both 4 shots, allows its pilot to use their active skill
2x, and gives the equipped pilot 10% skill gauge at start of battle. Rather a damsel long list of
bonuses no? The only thing he doesn’t cover is his reloading weakness. BJ is Mexices personal
mech and her skill set funny enough covers the rest of its weaknesses. Mexice gives weapon atk
interval -50%, reload speed +27%, and piercing shot to make sure the mech she pilots always
hits like a truck without having to worry about any defensive skills like barriers, shields, or other
mech and pilot def skills
Now the math, Reloader gives 50% reload, its extra effect is 10%+, Super or Double core gives
40%, that’s 100% reload speed, if you’re using double core + Mexice this means, 127% reload
speed (reloading basically doesn’t exist), 100% wep swap speed (BJ will automatically skip all
wep swap animation and start firing its next available wep immediately which all = spam sniper
shots like an semi-auto assault rifle. Stabilized rounds id say gives +10 bullet speed, pet gives
+20, solid ammo pilots like Sharo gives +40, and BJ himself gives +30, that’s 100% bullet speed
up, BJ’s not going to be missing you when your quickly moving around if hes got 100% bullet
speed, its going to appear like his bullet just insta warped itself to your face and hit very hard
indeed. Mind you at +50 bullet speeds its bullets are already nightmarishly fast enough as is and
will hit most things moving around. Reloader gives +50% ammo to the wep it applies to most so
BJ’s sniper cannons get a +1 ammo, BJs core skill also gives his sniper cannons +1 ammo so that
makes his sniper cannons by default at 5 shots per shoulder cannon that’s 900 x 10 dmg to the
face at a rather magical rate of fire. Fun fact one of BJ’s moves it acquires as a move upgrade is
Mexice active skill which allows it to spam its weapons rapidly, this may not sound all that
amazing to some but you gotta remember most personal pilot PY mechs don’t gain their pilots
active skill as a spammable atk till they are Kaied. Most mechs facing down a fully and properly
equipped BJ will be dead in about 3-5 seconds that’s 20 seconds a pvp match if your poor
opponent has no hard shell armor or last stand mechs, and story fodder, well they are fodder
aren’t they?
So with that entire Essay worth of explanations above you can clearly see that BJ deserves his
spot in this list as a rather very OP sniper mech, hence hes a PY mech. Yes he will need the
proper pilot and equips to make him good but his dps once properly equipped and piloted is
just silly and will be easily one of your main ranged dps in any fight PVE, Raid, and even PVP if
your poor sod of an opponent is not smart and hasn’t gone hunting for a hard shell armor to
save his sorry ass from getting 1 shotted by sniper mechs by now.
Kai form: At Kai BJ DW(dual wield) makes life wonderful for everyone, he now dual wields his
guns and can fire all his weapons at the same time, smile I know you want to. BJs mounted
sniper cannons ammo count gets officially bumped up to 5 which means if hes properly
equipped that’s 7 shots each of joy, mind you the dmg for his shoulder cannons is decreased to
just 800 per shot, its just 800 that’s not a lot at all, nope not at all…Wait what!? Did you just tell
me my base maxed kaied Astaroth only has 6930 HP after Kai WTF!?
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-mid tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines in the long run with the right pilots and equips to make up for his
Bloody Wolf 7
Ah yes BW 7, the red spiky sniper mech that with certain pilots will make your enemies life
miserable if they don’t have hard shell armor equipped. Rapid triple fire high dmg sniper shots
with AOE dmg grenades, homing missiles, and homing split missiles that back atk. This will be
short because well BW 7 is rather simple 3 triple fire rapid firing sniper cannons is just plain
painful especially when they have quite the high reload speed at 6 seconds each. BW 7 has built
in anti missile intercept which means hes anti funnel and regular missiles. BW7 is basically a
better version of BJ without most of BJs weaknesses if comparing both at base maxed enhanced
without equips. However do remember that a properly equipped BJ will absolutely shred a BW7
in a sniper contest as BW7 is in a sense a true sniper mech and its weapon types says so, BJs
weapons are considered repeating weapons meaning their actually machine guns hence they
shoot like a machine gun once properly equipped. This isn’t to say bad things about BW7 mind
you as among all the true solid ammo sniper mechs in the game BW7 stands at the top as
properly equipped his dmg potential can get pretty close to a BJ, but hey were comparing a PY
mech VS. a normal mech here, that’s pretty unfair to BW7 but it also shows just how strong
BW7 really is. Most of BW7s weapons by default reload as fast or faster than BJs, BW7s
weapons ammo speed is much faster than Bjs by default, one of his atks happens to be a 7 up
homing split missile, BW7 has no problems firing all his weapons together or in quick succession
at max upgrade, his weapon firing speed for a sniper mech is the fastest without any equip
buffs, he actually has crack grenades for AOE dmg, and he has a spiked mace to wreck your face
in melee with, last but not least his main gun atk is automatically buffed by 100% at start of
battle in exchange for 25% decrease of reloading speed which can be easily fixed, I mean said
main gun starts at 4 seconds reload speed here…adding in 25% to its reload time is kinda not a
lot anyways and most ppl will be throwing on a double or super core to BW7 so that’s +40%
reload speed there to counter that -25% reload speed. BW 7 is very good in all modes but hes
hampered by current hard shell armor meta in high tier PVP, for now low to mid tier pvp hes
still good as not many ppl have hard shell armor yet. And yes it was supposed to be short but
you know gotta fully explain to ppl how things work and hey at least its not as long as BJs
review above, if you made it through that this shouldn’t be a problem.
Kai form: BW 7 at kai is more or less more powerful sniper shots, sadly this means nothing since
current meta on CN is hard shell which is anti snipers period which is unfortunately becoming a
reality on JP as well for PVP anyways for all other content BW7 still wrecks face and will
continue doing so as blue poster mechs don’t have hard shell armor, nor do story fodder and
bosses, nor does the all important corp raid bosses.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Only used for other content except PVP, pretty much non-existent except low tier PVP
where newbies wont have hard shell and will be sniped to death instantly by BW 7.
Tyrant 2
The superior of the 2 non-PY tyrant mechs and a necessary piece along with tyrant 1 to make
the much more superior Tyrant 3 PY mech. Tyrant 2 has rapid firing solid ammo based twin
gatling cannons that ricochet to nearby enemies. The gatling cannons are also fast to reload and
once his main atk move once upgraded lets him unload everything in your face, not imperial
ride style but more like a turret. Tyrants 2 shoulder cannons are some of the fastest reloading
weps as well, so its good for constant dps. The thing that makes Tyrant 2 shine however is his
single shot funnel atk, it stuns, its rapid fire, and with Haruka as the pilot it’s a super high speed
turret of death. Tyrant 2 is a versatile mech in all modes and is still seen in low-high tier PVP.
Kai form: Tyrant 2 has no kai form as its created as a piece to be combined into tyrant 3.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-semi high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good
bang for your effort suit that shines instantly with the right pilots.
Gawain is the 1st of his kind and is a very versatile mech in all modes including high tier PVP.
Gawain is both a melee mech and a ranged funnel mech, which means his atks are very
accurate, have the chance to stun on hit, can be piloted by both melee and ranged pilots, and is
exceedingly dangerous in the hands of funnel or missile pilots. All his atks are normal element
meaning he will benefit greatly from the equip weapon Hyper energy shell which allows him to
drain 20% hp per hit and with his melee funnels being rapid multi hit atks he can easily tank
while murdering the opposition. The same can be said if he is equipped with multi explosive
shell since all his funnels are also considered normal element missile atks so he can constantly
apply status effects per hit from burn, slow, to paralyze making him a monster to fight against.
Of course we can’t forget the last fact; Gawain is an imperial knight mech which means
everybody’s favorite mech move is also available to Gawain, imperial ride which of course
means a massive burst in dmg instantly while evading incoming atks. Gawain is also the king of
the mock battle mode in which you solo fight waves upon waves of enemies since his C atk
pretty much wipes the floor with fodder mechs and will make short work of boss mechs in this
mode, making something long and tedious to clear for purple equip cubes quick and short.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low- high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with the right pilots.
Heavy Kongou
Heavy Kongou is a paralyzing monster of a sniper mech. If your opponent deploys 2 of these
and you know you don’t have anti paralysis on any of your mechs just give up all hope
instantaneously they will just be sitting ducks till they die, that’s its gg. All HKs atks are lightning
element and his missile swarms all paralyze 100% on contact and I do mean missile swarm that
covers the map so there is no escape they will hit and they will paralyze you and with 2 of them
on the field its pure lock down, screw imperial rides from Galahads or any mechs special
awesome atks because they wont happen and your soy beans will be in last stand mode faster
then you can shed a tear, at that point you pray to heaven somehow by some miracle your
melee tank soybeans can actually do dmg to kill these HKs which prob wont happen as their still
busy swarming the map with their para missiles and you only got 2 very slow and on the last leg
literally mechs that can do anything since they gain status immunity when in last stand mode all
the while you still have to deal with their other 2 mechs yeah you deads. If your forward melee
are not soy beans then im sorry please watch as all 4 of your mechs stand still and do nothing
till they die. Did I tell you that its swarm para missiles are rapid reload missiles!? Yeah their the
fastest reloading missiles in the game, there is no escape unless your entire team has the
purple equip grounding chain to make them immune to para which unfortunately if you do this
makes you open to the other 2 mechs you have to worry about, good luck! You have to
understand this guy started the anti paralysis meta the prime cause of it and well with his
release and ppl realizing his potential expect to see lightning heavy teams later on. HK is very
good for all modes because well rapid fire paralyzing swarm missiles are unfair to the general
fodder in story missions and in general. Yes now you know why hes so fat hes hiding all those
swarm missiles. Yes I know I said hes a sniper mech and he does snipe but his sniping is crap at
best anyways with the slowest reload for a single shot sniper rifle. Oh yeah his shoulder
cannons are rapid fire and high speed reloading to and they also paralyze just for kicks. Voted
best troll mech on multiple occasions.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-mid tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with the right pilots.
Taylor Star
As if Taylor Swift wasn’t popular enough she even has her own mech. Taylor star is basically the
dodgy bastard mech that will kick your ass with music quite literally. Most of Taylors stars atks
are shotgun type and aoe atks, it’s a ranged mech that loves close combat and comes built in
with a slow status aoe field which will cast the slow status ailment on all enemy mechs near it
and apply CONSTANT AOE DMG, I assure you it will get close very fast to apply this
debuff/status ailment. The aoe slow field atk is an always on atk core skill so theres no turning it
off or reloading it, you’re feeling it all day long till you die. It also comes with a super musical
funnel in which to spread wonderful music to all surrounding enemies, to its pilot its wonderful
music to enemies its all loud hell. All of its wonderful musical soundwave atks also do knock
back and stun so yeah there goes effective close combat fighting resistance. Doesnt help this
thing is basically a ninja mech either so you’re not killing it easily as it does have a suite of
dodge moves and it loves to share its wonderful aoe field so much it will always stay close to
share along with its shotguns and paralyzing main gun, theres no escape from the music for
your melee mechs say gg to your ranged mechs as its musical atks are considered special atks
so theres nothing that can prevent this dmg, listen to the melody of your death. Taylor Star
does decently in all modes including PVP where it’s the rockstar of the match.
Kai form: much more lovely AOE music sharing atks what could go wrong? Don’t you love
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with the right pilots.
Deer Stalker
Teresas personal PY mech a sniper mech that will make you cry with its multitude of status
ailment causing atks and accurate gerobi beam funnels. All of DS atks are status ailment causing
affects that debuff atk and def and cause paralysis. Its missiles either aoe stun or are homing
debuff missiles. Its 2 funnels are a constant laser atk to any target on the map and allow DS to
fight multiple enemies at once. DS comes with a recharging barrier that negates up to 2000
dmg and makes DS immune to all status ailments while its active, recharge time is every 5
seconds so its pretty darn good. DS also comes with a stealth cloak to make it less of a target
and is one of the few units in the game with no melee atk so it’s a purely a ranged dps suit
which is highly sought after as mechs with any form of melee atks tend to try and use them
when they shouldn’t. In the hands of certain pilots DS can become a burst dmg monster or an
extremely powerful constant DPS monster. Very good in all modes especially PVE.
Kai form: Ds does not have a kai form yet as it was recently released
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with the right pilots.
Infinity is the best Funnel mech in the game hands down, Harukas personal suit. Infinity
provides the party with 25% laser dmg rduction to keep it safe from laser spam atkers like
galahad meta, comes with its personal funnel duration buff 50% and 15% atk buff to its funnel
atks. It funnels are rapid firing funnels that with haruka as pilot atks even faster and can have
massive burst dmg with Harukas active skill. As with all funnel atk based mechs all of Infinity’s
funnel atks are very accurate and are extremely high in hit count per dmg ratio and its special
move is to deploy all of its funnels to atk at the same time this includes all funnels already
deployed so its possible to have more than the standard 4 funnels deployed at the same time.
With Missile core infinity becomes a much more dangerous funnel mech as all of its 4 funnels
can be potentially 4x deployed making it 16 funnels on the map. Infinity is excellent in all modes
and excels in both PVE and PVP.
Kai form: At Kai Infinity Cosmos loses its funnel buff, decreases its funnel duration buff from
50% to just 36%, keeps its party 25% laser element dmg reduction, loses its the laser shoulder
cannons for 1.5x more funnels making it 6 funnels that are much harder for enemies to
intercept and destroy, and 2 rapid reloading paralyzing homing missile pods. Infinity pretty
much transforms into a missile and funnel monster mech with extremely high constant dps and
even higher burst dmg with Harukas active.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with Haruka and will go a long way once its kai is
Kaguya is one of the top 3 OP melee mechs in the game with Susanoo and Sin 3 being the other
two. Kaguya is Oboro’s personal mech and is a highspeed melee monster able to make a
shadow clone to atk and mislead enemies, warp atk, atk with air slashes that will all set its
target on fire for extra dmg. Kaguya comes built in with fire status ailment immunity, so no
setting this mech on fire it won’t work. Kaguya comes with its own persanl atk buff to all its aks
by 20% since their all fire element and all its atks have 20% health drain per hit which makes
pretty it darn hard to kill and damsels tanky by default. Not only does it have ridiculous melee
atk speed for something carrying a giant sword but it also can instantly warp to any opponent’s
mech back and create a shadow clone to atk from both sides. Basically fighting a single kaguya
is fighting 2 kaguyas 70+% of the time, rather unfair numbers in a 1v1 match no? Kaguya is
excellent in all content especially PVP if you see some running 2 of these maxed be 100% their a
whale and will most likely wreck your team as that’s 6v4 and 8v6 my friend rather unfair
numbers period and with the correct equips and pilots Kaguya can be so much worse to face.
With all this talk of OP its kinda obvious Kaguya is master race in all modes especially PVP.
Kai form: At Kai Kaguya gains Oboros active skill as its personal move atk, gets a decrease in cd
time for its shadow clone skill so it can use its clone more often, gains a AOE slam atk, and a
brand spanking new whirlwind slash move to slice everything in front of it into flaming pieces.
All of Kaguyas atks and moves are also upgraded to their kai versions which is the highest lvl of
any skill, meaning more dmg and more dodging since all their CD timer is lowered also one of
its new kai skills is stealth on taking dmg with a rather nice CD requirement, which means it can
be constantly used…yes that’s totally fair in a melee match nothing wrong with this at all. I hope
I didn’t forget to say that all its new atks and special atk moves are fire based meaning they do
extra dmg, set your mechs on fire, and are auto buffed by 20% due to Kaguyas default core
passive buff. If your fighting one pray its not maxed, not properly equipped, or doesn’t have the
correct pilots, yes a man can hope.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots and will go a long way once its
kai is released.
Susanoo is one of the top 3 OP melee mechs in the game along with Kaguya and Sin 3. Kaguya is
Kaede’s personal mech and is a high speed dual wielding melee monster who is able to create
defensive atk orbs to atk those around him in melee, shoot multiple melee homing gale slashes,
do a piercing multiwave airslash to you and your neighbors face, do a jump atk that evades all
atks, does massive dmg on hit, shoots multiple homing flare atks at the same time as the jump
atk, and of course set your sorry derier on fire with half his atks. Funny thing the supposedly fire
atks he does are all “normal” element atks yes you heard it right those atks that set your ass on
fire are normal element atks which if you can’t understand what I just said then heres the plain
man language, this means his atks cheat the element system as they are all normal element
atks, wonderful right? What are the benefits to his atks being normal element? Well for starters
this means you equip a hyper energy to make his atks drain hp which in a pvp match or in any
content is very good as it means he can heal his dmg taken fairly fast without requiring a healer
in your party. Susanoo is also the fastest atking melee mech in the game due to him being dual
wield and with a rather hefty range concerning his swords are freaking massive which is a nice
add to the hyper energy effect when he hits.
His core skill is to buff his own atks by 35% when a male or female pilot pilots him, this basically
means no pilots of er unique origins. The other core skill is not so friendly for every melee hit
Susanoo has a low chance to cleave off 1/8 or 12.5% of its target max hp, this means Susanoo
can basically wreck any mech in about 8 hits if you’re lucky and that’s 8 hits that can happen
within 4 seconds as again fastest atking multi hitting melee in the game. Susanoo is also given
some of the highest ranking mech skills in the game for a non kai mech, some of his mech skills
basically says “kai skill-dodge lvl 1”, that’s also quite cheat if you ask me, not only are they kai
level, he has a long list of them, because you know if I have to scroll down on his skill list to see
all his skills I consider that quite long as some PY mechs don’t even have a full pages worth of
skills this guy however does. Susanoo is excellent for all content especially PVP.
Kai Form: Susanoo does not have a Kai form at the moment because he was released fairly
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots.
Now im no fan of tanks by any means as a matter of fact I consider most of them fodder to be
wrecked by mechs, as shown in most mecha anime. However for these tanks I will make an
exception. Now you may ask why the hell I would make an exception for bloody weak tanks,
So yes do collect their shards in bar or keep them if you pull them, they may look like fodder
now but once in kai form their monsters both of them. Both of them are solid choices in their
kai mech forms for all content including PVP, Qiong Qi especially so if paired with Heavy Kongou.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable tanks even for free players.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-semi high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good
bang for your effort suit that shines nicely at the end.
Sin 3
Sin 3 is the 3rd upgrade for the sin series of the MHS, the 3rd Melee king suit in IS and probably
the third guy that will kill you in a pvp match. With an op move and atk skill set, hes very worthy
of his PY tier rankings as a melee king suit. Sin 3 is normal element for all his atks so you can
equip him with hyper energy for 20% of health drain on all his atks, he has homing drill missiles
which can stun, most his melee atks hits all enemies around him, his ulti atk makes him pretty
much invulnerable during animation, buffs his atks for a few seconds, he has 20% melee atk
reflection for all those other melee suits, and oh yeah he regens 5% health every time he does
his ulti atk, so you know its er kinda hard to get rid of him in battle. With the recent buffs to his
atks Sin 3 now also buffs his atk stats when he does his normal spin atk for more joy. Sin 3 is
excellent for all game content PVP or PVE.
Kai Form: Sin 3 has a kai form which improves upon his atks and increases his melee reflection
all the way up to a wonderful 50% with a pilot like Vespa and her 30% melee reflect that’s a
nice 80% of death coming back at you.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit. JP wise you can make him via the lab but Sin 3 is the MOST EXPENSIVE lab mech to
make requiring sin 1 + sin 2 regular alloy and 50 super alloy (yeah you know the stuff you get
from gatcha for each pull that can be exchanged for a mech or equip selector at surprisingly
enough 50 super alloy also. So that’s 5 copies of both sin1 and sin 2 and 250 super alloy and a
ton of regular alloy, good luck.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots, but excels with pilots that have
the move CD skill like hitomi or Vespa its main pilot.
Demon Blade
DB is the strongest melee event mech in the game. All his core passives are blink atks, his ulti
atk move is a blink atk, he has aoe defense orbs of a great variety with a high dps per hit. He is
the premier noob killing melee mech in pvp due to the blink atks ( he basically warp atks all
over the place and cannot be hit while he is doing this) and aoe orbs that deal massive dmg on
hit. DB main atks are normal element so once again you can equip hyper energy to him to make
him harder to kill and with the fact that he blink atks rather often hitting him is already an issue.
In terms of power he is pretty much the melee mech right below PY tier mechs so its kinda
obvious how strong DB is. DB excels in all game content PVP and PVE but shines mainly in PVP.
Easily Obtainable? Yes very much so, available for exchange every Halloween event. You can
get 5 copies of him so only 1 maxed DB.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots, but excels with pilots that have
the move CD skill like hitomi or pilots who can spam his aoe defense orbs like Slokai for massive
Belial is currently one of the best melee suits you can get. He has regenerating anti ranged
barrier, jump atks that makes him invincible during animation, and is an aoe melee suit with
plenty of knock down atks.
Kai Form: Belial kai is prob one of the best melee suits in the game atm. At Kai Belial also gets a
new core ability that aloows him to self heal once his health drops below 50%. The fact that
belials atks are all normal element atks, yes this means that huge flamethrower aoe atk also
means that you can equip him with hyper energy (our favorite equip by now im sure) to give
him more survivability and crazy tamkiness. Basically Belial at kai is a monster to fight against as
he has a recharging anti ranged barrier so ranged dps vs him are mostly useless when its up, he
has built in health regen, and can be equipped to also get health drain on all atks, did I tell you
his atks are all aoe and his kai form makes them longer and give them more range? Yeah…
that’s a lot of life drain there. Belial is very good for all content PVP and PVE and is very often
used by players on CN vs blue poster bosses.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots, but excels with pilots that have
the move CD skill like hitomi for jump atk aoe spam.
Tyrant 3
Tyr 3 is the culmination of tyr 2 and tyr 1 best traits added into a new mecha toy for Slokai. Yes
she basically just threw the thing together after seeing the failures of both tyr 1 and 2 and what
works with both. The result is an amazing ranged dps suit that makes ppls lives miserable if left
alone on the battlefield. Is got a nice gerobi beam of death that has maximum accuracy (a rarity
for laser weapons I assure you) and can hit anything across the map and anything in its path will
get melted pretty hard if the poor sod in question has no hard shell armor equipped. (mind you
even with hard shell this laser atk still hits for about 25% of any units hp not exactly friendly
yeah?) its other weapons stun and can knockdown on hit which makes tyr3 annoying suit to
fight against. Most of its atks are once again normal and explosive element so you know what
that means, more hyper energy equipping for hp drain goodness on atk. At below 60% hp Tyr 3
also gains status immunity for a short time. Good for all content especially PVP.
Esily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most ranged pilots, but excels with pilots that have
quick reload skills or high ranged stats like Teresa for massive dmg on gerobi beam of doom
Bat Samurai
Batmans mech enough said. No I literally do mean what I just said, its pilot name is Wayne, he
wears a samurai batman suit, he likes likes his bat shurikens, he will murder you in melee
combat. Ok all sillyness aside this limited time PY suit is a monster. Bat S has 10% health regen
on bat shuriken atk hit, can stealth for most of his atks, he has a gap closing skill, is dual wield,
has very fast atks in dual wiled mode, slef buffs his atks after stealth, and has a very long atk
combo that do massive dmg. Bat S being stealthed half the time means hes untargetable during
that time while he beats the day lights out any suit because they cant target him they just stand
there to be hit. All Bat S atks are normal element so you know the drill by now equip hyper
energy for hard to kill sillyness. Bat S is currently the 3rd rank melee king suit on both jp and CN
so yeah that means hes very op. Excellent for all content PVP and PVE, especially PVP.
Kai Form: Bat sam has no kai form as its newly released plus it’s a collab suit so chances are low.
Easily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most melee pilots, but excels with pilots that have
the move CD skill like Hitomi or pilots that benefit from stealth like Veronica.
Breaking Dawn
Woods Personal Suit and the mech with the largest sprite design and gun in the game, BD is
also very bling as hes shiny golden. Breaking Dawn can missile spam the map, rapid fire all its
weapons, has built in laser elemental atk resistance, and a giant laser beam meant to vaporize
anything on the map. Imagine a golden version of Fredom Gundam Meteor and your not to far
off. A very solid ranged dps suit that can dish out massive dps after its latest buff from the devs
to make truly PY level good. BD is excellent for all content PVP and PVE excelling at PVE. (BD is
one of the few ranged suits that can actually hit 40k+ dps in the game in test mode.)
Kai Form: BD gain super armor ands immunity while charging his giant laser cannon, can move
while charging his laser, gains the ability to burst fire his main cannon 3x. BD overall gets buffed
on his kai version to make him even more dangerous to fight against.
Esily Obtainable? No, it’s a PY mech pray your luck holds out or your wallet does, not f2p
friendly suit.
CN side: Still very much used in the low-Top tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for your effort suit that shines instantly with most ranged pilots, but excels with pilots that have
quick reload skills or high ranged stats like Teresa for massive dmg on gerobi beam of doom
Normally there would not be a SS rarity suit here but Galadad is an exception, I mean come on I
even went through the trouble of giving the mecha a nickname he has to be good. Galadad is
rightfully so a very good suit, he has rapid firing secondary guns, his weapons ranged from
lasers to sniper rifles, he can spam all of his atks including his piercing giant fly swatter of a laser
rifle, and he has imperial ride! At this point let’s just say most mechs with imperial ride are
usually better than their same rarity counterparts just because imperial ride is just ridiculously
good. Heck you can even say Imperial ride is one of the main reasons Galadad is in the S ranking
for mechs, because with imperial ride Galadad can unload way more dmg then his SS rarity
counter parts and even passing a good chunk of SSS rarity ranged mechs including his evolved
form Lancelot in single target dps. Lancelot is in fact so good at close combat unloading of
ammo and fire power it is the designated close combat ranged killing suit in CN and is very
widely used in top tier PVP to counter melee suits and other suits that likes to get to close. A
overall excellent suit for PVE, PVP, and raids. Galadad unsurprisingly, is the poor man’s answer
to OP PY mechs and other noisy mechs who like to hide in the rear lines or fight on front lines.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players, he’s so common it literally
rains Galadads for days for some lucky ppl in bar shop.
CN side: Still very much used in the low- high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for the buck suit that goes the long mile and keeps going.
Doujiang Yunlong Gai is pretty much a decked out SSS version of Doujiang Gai with impoved
Last stand time at 7 seconds instead of just 5 and equipped with ranged weapons and the
ability to summon a slow firing World War 1 era cannon to atk its enemies. It even comes with a
bolt action hand gun, an ak 47 assault rifle, a single shot bolt action rifle, and back mounted
catapult, and a Chinese saber as a melee wep, DYG proves a walking relic can still kick your ass,
do be careful fighting it.
Easily Obtainable? Top tier obtainable suit even for free players, Doujiang Gai is so common it
literally rains Doujiangs for days for some lucky ppl in bar shop. DYG is easily farmable from the
multiple story maps that he drops.
CN side: Still very much used in the low- high tier ranks of PVP and other content, a good bang
for the buck suit that goes the long mile and keeps going.
Below are the sad A rank mechs who wished they could be S rank mechs but are lacking
something to push them up into the S rank.