Phos Palladium: The Better: Choice For Gold Wire Bonding To An ENEPIG Finish
Phos Palladium: The Better: Choice For Gold Wire Bonding To An ENEPIG Finish
Phos Palladium: The Better: Choice For Gold Wire Bonding To An ENEPIG Finish
What it
revealed was record sales, and our Phos Palladium: The Better
indisputable position as the industry’s #1 Choice for Gold Wire Bonding
supplier of ENIG, ENEPIG, electroless to an ENEPIG Finish
gold, and via fill coppers.
We are grounded in the idea that Successful gold wire bonding is achieved
between a gold wire and a clean soft gold
developing and adapting technologies
surface finish. The wire has to be high purity
that produce a substantial competitive (99.99+%); the mating surface must have a
advantage for our customers is our most similar level of purity.
important mission. At the core of this,
Immersion gold deposits meet the purity
always, is a commitment to scientific
requirement for gold wire bonding. Does it
review, and what is provable. follow that ENIG is a good gold wire bondable
It is our highest endeavor to continue to surface finish? The short answer is no. The
bring to the market products that make immersion gold in ENIG is crystalline in structure
and as such, is susceptible to the diffusion of
customers successful - based on good
the underlying nickel to the surface. A
science and good economics – and nickel-contaminated gold surface will not
supported by the industry’s finest team successfully bond with the gold wire.
of field professionals. (continued on pg. 2)
Phos Palladium: The Better Choice for
Gold Wire Bonding to an ENEPIG Finish (continued)
(continued )
Fine Patterns Figure 4. HSS results with M705 as the solder ball; EPIG (Pd 0.05-0.2um,
Au 0.1um) and ENEPIG (Ni-P 6um, Pd 0.05-0.2um, Au 0.1um)
The plating of fine patterns clearly favors EPIG – see
Figure 1. The ENEPIG sample on the left shows
obvious over-plating into the space where wiring lines
are located. The wiring line gap is 15μm. In contrast,
no over-plating was observed with the EPIG plating.
(Ni 6µm, Pd 0.1µm, Au 0.1µm ) (Pd 0.1µm, Au 0.1µm)
Solder Joint Reliability Figure 7. HSS result with LF35 as the solder ball; EPIG (Pd 0.05-0.2um,
For both EPIG and ENEPIG processes, the solder joint Au 0.1um) and ENEPIG (Ni-P 6um, Pd 0.05-0.2um, Au 0.1um)