Chapter Nine World'S Simplest 5 Pip Scalping Method
Chapter Nine World'S Simplest 5 Pip Scalping Method
Chapter Nine World'S Simplest 5 Pip Scalping Method
For a book that was intended to help you build your confidence, it’s spent a long time
instead discussing various trading methods and systems.
But there is a very good reason for that (aside from the need to fill up some pages with
All of the methods discussed so far have an extraordinarily high win rate when compared
to your average $97 Clickbank system.
And when your confidence level is suffering after slogging through a series of losing
trades, there is no better prescription for a return to the Higher Level of Confidence you
once enjoyed than winning a few trades in a row and washing off all that Loser Dust you
picked up earlier.
And of all the methods discussed so far, none is any better than this ultra-simple 5 Pip
Scalping System.
While this method will work with pretty much any pair, I strongly recommend you limit
it to the EUR/USD, for two reasons: first, the spread on the EUR/USD is normally the
smallest, no matter who you trade with, and this gets you to +5 on the trade much faster
than with pairs that traditionally have a spread of 2-3 pips; and second, the EUR/USD is
traditionally a pair that does not experience quick, wild swings in price, increasing the
chance that any one trade will move 5+ pips after the OsMA “0” line is crossed.
Of course, all the usual rules of trading still apply: trade during times of higher volume
(the London and New York sessions) and do not get into a trade right before a scheduled
news release (it just isn’t worth the risk). I’ve found the first hour of the London session
(3 a.m. eastern time) and a two hour period after the U.S. session begins (9-11 a.m.
eastern) are the most consistent, and have had plenty of days where I scored 5 out of 5
winning trades.
That does NOT mean you will win every trade during those particular hours. It just
means I’ve found that this method works best during those 3 hour segments. Losses can
and do still occur. But there have normally been more wins than losses, and I normally
end the session with a positive pip count.
Other than that, there are no other limitations on the trade. Just get out at +5 and wait for
the next trade to set up. Other than those random days when the EUR/USD is trending
strongly in one direction, there are usually enough trades in any two hour segment to
easily make your +20 for the day.
As for a stop loss, either apply a 10 pip stop-loss, or manually get out at either -10 pips,
or when the first OsMA bar closes on the opposite side of the “0” line (this will usually
save you 2-3 pips over waiting to see -10).
For myself, I usually set a daily limit of 20 pips, simply because I’ve reached that point in
my trading life where I’m trying to develop some non-forex related interests, and by
limiting myself to 20 pips (or 2 hours) of trading, I can achieve all of my financial goals
and have plenty of time left over to pursue those other interests.
But more importantly for anyone who has just suffered a string of losing days, 20 pips a
day is an achievable goal that allows you to start building up momentum, as well as your
trading account, while also allowing you to manage all of those negative emotions that
surface when you find yourself mired in a losing streak.
I know of a semi-professional poker player who follows the same path whenever he
suffers through a few losing sessions. He normally plays $20/40 Hold ‘Em, where the
pots regularly exceed a thousand dollars. But after he gets smacked around by the other
players, he goes online and plays in a bunch of $2/4 and $5/10 games, against players of
a lesser caliber.
All it takes is three or four winning sessions at his lower level, and he is back on his game
and ready to resume playing in the bigger money games.
As he explains it, it’s not about the money (and there is obviously a lot less at stake in a
$2/4 game than there is in a $20/40 game).
It’s about winning pots and reminding himself he really does know how to play the game
at a very high level.
The same applies to Forex—the best way to break a losing streak is to rack up a series of
smaller wins and remind yourself you really do know how to trade; you just got caught
up in circumstances and needed to break free of that losing cycle.
Winning 4-5 trades in a single session, scalping 5 pips at a time, will go a long way
towards breaking that cycle.
Here are three chart captures from last Friday. The first is from the opening of the
London session at 3 a.m. eastern time. The next two are from 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. eastern
time. Friday was a very good trading day, and this simple method worked like
gangbusters. On days when trading is less active, this method still will work well, but
you may see fewer trades, and you will definitely see smaller price moves than the ones
demonstrated here.
But the purpose of these charts is not to convince you to trade this method. They are
merely demonstrations of when and where you enter a trade (with the exit pre-determined
at +5 pips).
Pic 9A
5 trades.
5 winners.
25 pips net.
Trade #1 on the above chart demonstrates a situation that can and does occur with some
frequency. You can tell from the downward slope of the OSMA bars starting just prior to
13:00 that price is moving down and that a Sell trade is likely to be signaled in the next
few minutes.
However, as you can see at #1 above, price rallied and the OSMA bars began to start
moving back up, without ever once crossing and closing below the zero line. This is just
as valid a signal as if the bars crossed and closed over the zero line for the first time. You
may go days without seeing this happen, and you might see it happen more than once
during a single session (as we do here at both #1 and #3).
Trades #4 and #5 also demonstrate something important. Sometimes this method gives
you a (GASP!) losing trade. Here we racked up 2 losers in a row for 10 pips each.
Some days (or sessions) just turn out this way. It really is NO BIG DEAL!
No one wins every trade. NO ONE! Get used to losing a trade now and then because it’s
going to happen no matter how hard you work or how much you pray. As long as you
are using solid money management, losses should never be a big deal. You just shake
them off and keep moving forward.
Pic 9C
Trade #3 went nowhere fast and cost us 10 pips, but the other 4 trades netted 5 apiece.
How fast would you be quitting your real job if you were knocking out 35 pips gains on a
daily basis?
That’s a rhetorical question…don’t answer it. My point is, there are some very simple
trading methods out there that if you stick with them, you’re going to end up making
money as a Forex trader.
All you have to do is make up your mind you’re going to stick with one of them and
actually start placing trades.
I hope you found this Chapter to be both entertaining and informative. The “5 Pip Scalp”
has long been a tool I fall back on when I find myself stuck in any kind of a losing streak
(and yes, I get into losing streaks just like everyone else). It’s a quick way to right the
ship and get start heading back in the right direction.
If you’d like to learn some additional high-probability trading methods, along with some
unique but very effective money management and trading psychology tricks and tips,
visit my website at and pick up a copy of my latest book,
“Sensible Forex.”