The Hexanoyl-Coa Precursor For Cannabinoid Biosynthesis Is Formed by An Acyl-Activating Enzyme in Cannabis Sativa Trichomes
The Hexanoyl-Coa Precursor For Cannabinoid Biosynthesis Is Formed by An Acyl-Activating Enzyme in Cannabis Sativa Trichomes
The Hexanoyl-Coa Precursor For Cannabinoid Biosynthesis Is Formed by An Acyl-Activating Enzyme in Cannabis Sativa Trichomes
The psychoactive and analgesic cannabinoids (e.g. D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) in Cannabis sativa are
formed from the short-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) precursor hexanoyl-CoA. Cannabinoids are
synthesized in glandular trichomes present mainly on female flowers. We quantified hexanoyl-CoA using
LC-MS/MS and found levels of 15.5 pmol g)1 fresh weight in female hemp flowers with lower amounts in
leaves, stems and roots. This pattern parallels the accumulation of the end-product cannabinoid, cannabidiolic
acid (CBDA). To search for the acyl-activating enzyme (AAE) that synthesizes hexanoyl-CoA from hexanoate,
we analyzed the transcriptome of isolated glandular trichomes. We identified 11 unigenes that encoded
putative AAEs including CsAAE1, which shows high transcript abundance in glandular trichomes. In vitro
assays showed that recombinant CsAAE1 activates hexanoate and other short- and medium-chained fatty
acids. This activity and the trichome-specific expression of CsAAE1 suggest that it is the hexanoyl-CoA
synthetase that supplies the cannabinoid pathway. CsAAE3 encodes a peroxisomal enzyme that activates a
variety of fatty acid substrates including hexanoate. Although phylogenetic analysis showed that CsAAE1
groups with peroxisomal AAEs, it lacked a peroxisome targeting sequence 1 (PTS1) and localized to the
cytoplasm. We suggest that CsAAE1 may have been recruited to the cannabinoid pathway through the loss of
its PTS1, thereby redirecting it to the cytoplasm. To probe the origin of hexanoate, we analyzed the trichome
expressed sequence tag (EST) dataset for enzymes of fatty acid metabolism. The high abundance of transcripts
that encode desaturases and a lipoxygenase suggests that hexanoate may be formed through a pathway that
involves the oxygenation and breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids.
Cannabis sativa L. (hemp, marijuana; Cannabaceae) is well that forms olivetolic acid (OA) (Dewick, 2009). Although OA
known for its content of cannabinoids, a group of more than formation has been investigated (Raharjo et al., 2004; Marks
70 natural products with unique pharmacological properties et al., 2009) and a candidate type III PKS (olivetol synthase,
(Elsohly and Slade, 2005). Major cannabinoids include OLS) identified (Taura et al., 2009), this step is unclear. OA is
D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound responsible geranylated to yield cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) (Fellermeier
for the psychoactive and therapeutic effects of marijuana and Zenk, 1998). The oxidocyclase tetrahydrocannabinolic
consumption, and cannabidiol (CBD), which has neuro- acid synthase (THCAS) converts CBGA to THCA while can-
protective properties (Gaoni and Mechoulam, 1964; Mec- nabidiolic acid synthase (CBDAS) forms CBDA (Sirikantara-
houlam et al., 2002). Cannabinoids are prenylated mas et al., 2004; Taura et al., 2007). THCA is the major
polyketides of mixed biosynthetic origin that are synthesized cannabinoid in drug strains of cannabis while CBDA pre-
from fatty acid and isoprenoid precursors (Figure 1). Hexa- dominates in hemp forms grown for fibre or seed. The
noyl-CoA, derived from the short-chain fatty acid hexanoate, cannabinoid acids occur in planta and undergo decarbox-
is used as a primer for a polyketide synthase (PKS) enzyme ylation to their neutral forms upon heating or pyrolysis.
Hexanoyl-CoA CoA
3 x malonyl CoA COOH Olivetolic acid
Hexanoyl-CoA Polyketide synthase HO
Aromatic Geranyldiphosphate
Cannabigerolic acid
synthase synthase
Acyl-CoA thioesters such as hexanoyl-CoA are formed by We sought to clarify the formation of hexanoyl-CoA as a
members of the acyl-activating enzyme (AAE) superfamily precursor for cannabinoid biosynthesis. LC-MS/MS analysis
that activate carboxylic acids through an adenylate interme- established that hexanoyl-CoA is present in cannabis flow-
diate (Schmelz and Naismith, 2009). In plants, the substrates ers. To identify the enzyme(s) responsible for hexanoyl-CoA
of AAEs include phenylpropanoids, fatty acids and jasmo- synthesis, we used transcriptome analysis of a trichome-
nate precursors. 4-Coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL), an enzyme specific cDNA library from female flowers to identify 11
involved in phenylpropanoid metabolism, and the long- putative AAE genes. Here we report that two encode
chain acyl-CoA synthetases, are perhaps the best character- hexanoyl-CoA synthetases and provide evidence that
ized of the plant AAEs (Shockey et al., 2002; Hu et al., 2010). CsAAE1 is a cytoplasmic enzyme that functions in cannab-
The genomic organization and biochemical diversity of inoid biosynthesis. CsAAE3 encodes a peroxisomal acyl-
AAEs have been recently reviewed (de Souza et al., 2008; CoA synthetase that activates a variety of substrates that
Shockey and Browse, 2011). include hexanoate.
The primary site of cannabinoid biosynthesis is glandular
trichomes that form on female flowers (Lanyon et al., 1981). RESULTS
Glandular trichomes are also found at lower densities on the
Hexanoyl-CoA and CBDA are present in female cannabis
male flowers, where a row of trichomes is located on the
inner surfaces of anthers (Dayanandan and Kaufman, 1976).
Analysis of the transcriptome of glandular trichomes from Hexanoyl-CoA has not been identified previously in canna-
mint, hop and other plants through EST sequencing has bis. In this study we sought to measure this metabolite in
been invaluable for discovering enzymes involved in spe- tissues that were actively synthesizing cannabinoids. We
cialized metabolic pathways (Lange et al., 2000; Nagel et al., used plants of the hemp cultivar ‘Finola’, which has a can-
2008; Wang et al., 2008; Dai et al., 2010). A recent EST nabinoid profile typical of hemp varieties (high CBDA/low
analysis of cannabis trichomes has provided data on their THCA) (Figure S1). The analysis was performed initially
metabolic functions (Marks et al., 2009). using trichome cells, but measurement of acyl-CoAs was not
(a) Hexanoyl-CoA standard (multiple m/z channels) Table 1 Quantity of hexanoyl-CoA and CBDA in various hemp
‘Finola’ tissues
2.5x106 -CoA
Hexanoyl-CoA CBDA
Tissue (pmoles g)1 FW)a (lmoles g)1 FW)a
Female flowers 15.5 5.7 2.4 0.8
Ion count
0.5x106 Hexanoyl Values represent mean standard deviation (n = 4)
30 000
members and THCAS (Sirikantaramas et al., 2004) ranked
11th with 48 contig members (Table 2). Genes for enzymes
20 000
of the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway,
10 000
which produces the geranyl side chain of the cannabinoids,
were highly expressed (Fellermeier et al., 2001; Phillips et
0 al., 2008). We also observed that transcripts that represented
5 6 7 8 9 10 several desaturases and enzymes of fatty acid degradation,
Time (min) specifically a lipoxygenase and an acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase,
were represented prominently in the trichome dataset.
Figure 2. Liquid chromatography (LC) mass spectrometry MS/MS analysis of
Cannabis AAE genes (CsAAEs) were identified by utilizing
hexanoyl-CoA in female flowers of the hemp cultivar ‘Finola’. (a) Hexanoyl-
CoA detected using m/z 866.2 > 359.2 and benzoyl-CoA internal standard Arabidopsis AAE sequences to query the assembled canna-
detected with m/z 872.2 > 365.1. (b) Hexanoyl-CoA in cannabis flower extract bis ESTs using TBLASTN software. Eleven unique CsAAE
detected using m/z 866.2 > 359.2.
contigs and singletons were identified and named according
to their abundance in the cDNA library (Table 3). We
considered two contigs to be strong candidates to encode
reproducible, possibly because of losses during trichome a hexanoyl-CoA synthetase. CsAAE1 was the most highly
isolation. Instead we found that hexanoyl-CoA was readily expressed AAE based on transcript abundance (42 ESTs),
detectable when whole flowers with trichomes were ana- and was the 16th most abundant transcript in the EST
lyzed (Figure 2). After adjustment for recoveries using the dataset. CsAAE1 also had the highest EST count of the four
internal standards, we quantified the hexanoyl-CoA pools in AAE genes present in the cannabis trichome EST dataset
female flowers, leaves, stems and roots. To compare these reported by Marks et al. (2009). The second candidate,
pool sizes with those of the final pathway product, we also CsAAE3, was identified due to its homology to an Arabid-
quantified the content of the cannabinoid pathway end- opsis 4CL-like gene (At4g05160) that activates several fatty
product CBDA in the same tissues. As shown in Table 1, the acids, including hexanoate (Schneider et al., 2005). Of the
levels of hexanoyl-CoA and CBDA are highest in female nine other AAEs, only CsAAE2, which was not full length,
flowers and substantially lower in the other tissues that we showed high EST counts. This protein was most similar to
analyzed. the Arabidopsis LACS4 AAE (At4g23850), which activates
long-chain fatty acids (Shockey et al., 2003).
Cannabinoid pathway transcripts are abundant in cannabis
trichomes CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 encode hexanoyl-CoA synthetases
We analyzed the transcriptome of cannabis trichome cells Of the eight full-length AAE cDNAs, CsAAE1, CsAAE3,
for genes that encoded enzymes of cannabinoid and terpe- CsAAE6, CsAAE8 and CsAAE10 yielded soluble protein
noid biosynthesis, with a focus on AAE transcripts. The when expressed in Escherichia coli (Figure S2). CsAAE5,
trichomes were obtained exclusively from female flowers, CsAAE7 and CsAAE9 formed inclusion bodies and were not
which are larger and have more trichomes than male flow- analyzed further. The hexanoyl-CoA synthetase activity of
Table 2 Transcripts in a cannabis trichome-specific cDNA library as Table 3 Acyl-activating enzymes identified in the cDNA library from
determined by EST sequencing cannabis trichome secretory cells
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)
that some cannabinoid biosynthesis occurs in internal floral contain targeting sequences and is therefore likely to be in
tissues. the cytosol. The co-infiltration of YFP:CsAAE1 and OLS:CFP
resulted in overlapping fluorescence signals for YFP and
CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 are localized to different subcellular
CFP, indicating that these proteins are cytosolic (Figure 6).
Phylogenic relationships of cannabis AAEs
Many plant AAEs are located in the peroxisome where they
function to activate substrates for b-oxidation (Shockey et We examined the evolutionary relationships between the
al., 2003; Souza et al., 2008). Peroxisomal proteins either CsAAEs and those from other plants. We first generated a
contain a C-terminal peroxisome targeting sequence 1 maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree using cannabis and
(PTS1) of 12 amino acids ending with SKL (or variants Arabidopsis AAE protein sequences (Shockey et al., 2003;
thereof), or an N-terminal peroxisome targeting sequence 2 Shockey and Browse, 2011) (Figure S5). CsAAE1 is a mem-
(PTS2) sequence with a RLx5HL motif (Reumann, 2004). ber of clade II, which includes AtAAE17 (At5g23050), AtA-
CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 were analyzed for PTSs using a AE18 (At1g55320) and a plastidic acetyl-CoA synthetase
BLOCKS-based algorithm ( (ACS, At5g36880). CsAAE3 grouped with the clade V pro-
The C-terminal sequence of CsAAE1 is not predicted to have teins, which includes enzymes that accept a range of fatty
a functional PTS1 signal (e-value 0.32), whereas CsAAE3 acids, hormone precursors and phenylpropanoids as sub-
contains a non-canonical PTS1 sequence (e-value 0.04). strates (Koo et al., 2006; Kienow et al., 2008; Souza et al.,
Neither protein contains a PTS2 sequence. 2008). All clade V AAEs possess canonical PTS1 signals and
We sought to verify these predictions by co-localizing are predicted to be located in the peroxisome.
fluorescent protein fusions of the CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 with To gain further insight into the evolution of CsAAE1, we
organelle-specific marker proteins using transient expres- expanded the analysis of AAE clade II to include homologs
sion in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves (Sparkes et al., 2006). from Chlamydomonas, basal plants and higher eudicots.
To avoid disrupting the C-terminal PTS1 signal, CsAAE1 and Using data from the recent sequencing of the cannabis
CsAAE3 were expressed as N-terminal yellow fluorescent genome (van Bakel et al., 2011), we identified three addi-
protein (YFP) fusions. When co-infiltrated leaves were tional clade II AAEs (CsAAE12, 13 and 14). The proteins in the
examined using confocal microscopy, YFP:CsAAE3 was expanded clade II group into three distinct subclades
found in discrete compartments that co-localized with the (Figure 7a). We designated the group that included CsAAE1
PX-CK peroxisome cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) marker and AtAAE17 as subclade IIa, the group that included
protein (Figure 6). In contrast, YFP:CsAAE1 localized to the AtAAE18 as subclade IIb, and the group that contained
cytosol. We compared the localization of CsAAE1 with the ACS and homologs as subclade IIc. To investigate if perox-
putative cannabinoid pathway enzyme OLS, which does not isomal localization is a hallmark of subclades IIa/b, the
Role of hexanoyl-CoA in cannabinoid biosynthesis
Cannabinoids are a rare example of a plant polyketide bio-
0 synthesized from hexanoate or hexanoyl-CoA precursors.
C ara te
is C4
is C5
p- Cin C18
umam 0
Fe ffea e
Si ru te
pa e
co n 2
a t
na lat
Many plants and microbes use fatty acyl-CoAs as polyketide
p- Cin C18
umam 0
af te
Si ru te
pa e
co n 2
na lat
Fe ea
Not determined due to lack of catalytic activity.
50 trichome cells compared with other tissues (Figure 5). Fur-
thermore, we have localized CsAAE1 to the cytosol, which is
0 the same compartment where the putative cannabinoid en-
zyme OLS is localized. The substrate preference of CsAAE1
Transcript abundance (fold difference compared to leaves)
biosynthesis as it shows more specificity for hexanoate and
other short-chain fatty acyl-CoAs than CsAAE3 (Figure 4).
0 Unfortunately, there have been no reports of successful
–2 genetic transformation of cannabis, and it was not possible
10 to probe the function of CsAAE1 or CsAAE3 by using trans-
–8 genic approaches such as RNAi. Our attempts at virus-
20 µm
change in subcellular localization. The identification of a a C6 fatty acid. Although C8- and C10-specific thioesterases
second clade IIa cannabis AAE (CsAAE12) through our are found in plants that accumulate medium-chain fatty
cannabis genome sequencing effort (van Bakel et al., 2011) acids (e.g. Cuphea; Dehesh et al., 1996), there are no C6-
supported this hypothesis. CsAAE12 is adjacent to CsAAE1 specific thioesterases reported. We searched the cannabis
in the genome, encodes a protein that has 77% amino acid trichome transcriptome and found three contigs that were
identity to CsAAE1 and possesses a functional PTS1 signal similar to acyl-ACP thioesterases. Represented by only
(Figure 7b). Alternatively, CsAAE1 may have evolved eight, three and two ESTs, they were not as prominent as
through allelic drift away from the ancestral clade IIa the cannabinoid and terpenoid pathway transcripts. We
function. were unable to detect any thioesterase-like sequences in
the EST dataset reported by Marks et al. (2009). A second
CsAAE3 is a peroxisomally targeted enzyme that is likely
possible route to hexanoate is the degradation of branched-
involved in b-oxidation
chain amino acids and elongation of the resulting a-keto
We found that CsAAE3 is more efficient than CsAAE1 at acids (a-KA) (Kroumova et al., 1994; Kroumova and Wag-
synthesizing hexanoyl-CoA. However, CsAAE3 is localized to ner, 2003). We considered this route to be unlikely given
the peroxisome (Figure 6) and it is not clear how hexanoyl- that 13C feeding provided no evidence to support this route
CoA formed in this compartment could be exported to the (Fellermeier et al., 2001) and the lack of high expression for
cytoplasm where the polyketide synthesis phase of the transcripts for branched-chain amino acid metabolism. A
cannabinoid pathway is located. CsAAE3 accepts a very third option is the formation of C18 unsaturated fatty acids
broad range of substrates, which indicated that it is a more by the action of desaturases, and their cleavage by lipoxy-
generalized acyl-CoA synthetase that may function in per- genase and hydroperoxide lyase to yield C6 and C12
oxisomal b-oxidation. products. Volatile C6-aldehydes in soybean, apple and to-
mato are formed by a lipoxygenase pathway (Matoba et al.,
Origin of hexanoate
1985; Gray and Prestage, 1999; Rowan et al., 1999). The
Although the incorporation of 13C-label into cannabinoids high expression of three desaturases (62, 53 and 22 ESTs)
supports the hypothesis that hexanoate is formed from and a lipoxygenase (25 ESTs) provides evidence that the
fatty acid precursors (Fellermeier et al., 2001), the origin of fatty acid degradation pathway maybe active in trichomes,
hexanoate for activation by CsAAE1 has not been clarified. although hydroperoxide lyase was represented by three
There are several possible metabolic routes to short- and ESTs.
medium-chain fatty acids in plants such as de novo bio-
Metabolic engineering of cannabinoid biosynthesis
synthesis, elongation of a-keto acids, and fatty acid degra-
dation. Marks et al. (2009) concluded that hexanoate was Our discovery of AAEs that catalyze the biosynthesis of
likely formed from the de novo pathway, based on the high hexanoyl-CoA and other acyl-CoA esters may further the
expression of ACP and 3-keto-ACP reductase in trichomes breeding of low-cannabinoid cannabis varieties. Hemp cul-
compared with leaves. The de novo route would require an tivars must contain <0.3% of THCA to be permitted to be
acyl-ACP thioesterase to terminate fatty acid biosynthesis at grown legally in Canada and in the European Union. While
Figure 7. Analysis of acyl-activating enzyme (AAE) clade II homologs from the plant kingdom. (a) Maximum likelihood inference of the phylogenetic relationship of
CsAAE1 and representative plant clade II homologs. Branch point bootstrap values were calculated with 1000 replicates, and values <60 are not shown. At,
Arabidopsis thaliana; Cr, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Cs, Cannabis sativa; Gm, Glycine max; Mt, Medicago truncatula; Os, Oryza sativa; Pp, Physcomitrella patens;
Pt, Populus trichocarpa; Rc, Ricinus communis; Sm, Selaginella moellendorffii; Vc, Volvox carteri; Vv, Vitis vinifera; Zm, Zea mays. (b) Alignment of the C-terminal
amino acid residues of clade II acyl-activating enzyme (AAE) proteins. The e-values calculated using a peroxisome targeting sequence 1 (PTS1) signal prediction
algorithm ( are listed adjacent to each sequence.
using a standard curve prepared from an authentic CBDA gation. The wash step was repeated twice and the samples
standard (40–9500 pmoles injected, r2 1.0). were loaded onto a chromatography column. After washing
with 10 ml of HWB, His-tagged proteins were eluted with
qRT-PCR of CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 expression
2.5 ml of His-tag elution buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl pH 7,
‘Finola’ plants were grown from seed until mid-flowering 500 mM NaCl, 250 mM imidazole, 10% v/v glycerol, 10 mM
stage. Roots, stems, leaves, female flowers (with trichomes b-mercaptoethanol). The eluates were exchanged into
and after trichome isolation using the Beadbeater), trichome 50 mM HEPES pH 9, 10% v/v glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM
cells and male flowers were sampled from three plants. dithiothreitol using PD10 columns (Amersham Biosciences,
Total RNA was isolated as described above. RNA had an The purity of the isolated proteins
Abs260:Abs280 of >1.9 and showed distinct ribosomal bands was verified by SDS-PAGE (Figure S1), and the protein
on a denaturing gel. First-strand cDNA was synthesized concentration was determined by Bradford assay.
using 0.5 lg RNA with a QuantiTect cDNA Synthesis kit Hexanoyl-CoA synthetase assays were performed in a
(Qiagen). Each 20 ll cDNA sample was diluted 1:4 with 20 ll reaction mix that contained 0.1 lg recombinant AAE,
water, and 1 ll used as a PCR template. Gene-specific 50 mM HEPES pH 9, 8 mM ATP, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM CoA
primers were designed to produce amplicons of 90–200 bp and 4 mM sodium hexanoate for 10 min at 40C. Reactions
(Table S2). PCR reactions (20 ll) were performed in 96-well were terminated with 2 ll of 1 N HCl and stored on ice until
plates using a SYBR Green-based assay (QuantiFast SYBR analysis. After centrifugation at 15 000 g for 5 min at 4C,
Green kit; Qiagen) with a StepOne Plus instrument (Applied the samples were diluted 1:100 in water and analyzed by
Biosystems). The cycling parameters used were 95C for UPLC-MS/MS as described above.
5 min followed by 40 cycles of 95C for 10 sec, 60C for The kinetic properties of CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 with CoA
30 sec, and a standard dissociation protocol (95C 15 sec, were tested in assays containing 50 mM HEPES pH 9.0,
60C for 1 min, 60–95C in 0.3C increments for 15 sec). 10 mM sodium hexanoate, 8 mM ATP, 10 mM MgCl2,
Experiments were performed using cDNAs from three plants 0.02–2 mM CoA, and 290 ng of CsAAE1 or 10 ng of CsAAE3.
with two technical replicates. Actin, which we found had Detection of hexanoyl-CoA was performed by analyzing 5 ll
stable expression in all tissues tested, was used as a refer- of the reaction mixtures by HPLC-MS using a Waters 2695
ence gene. The efficiencies for all primer pairs were 90–110% system coupled to a Waters 3100 single quadrupole mass
as calculated using the standard curve method. Ct values detector. The isocratic LC conditions consisted of 87% 2 mM
were calculated using STEPONE Software (Applied Biosys- ammonium formate pH 4.6 and 13% acetonitrile, with a flow
tems). The 2)DDCt method was used for relative gene rate of 250 ll min)1. Compounds were separated on a
expression analysis. reverse phase column (2.1 mm · 5 cm, 2.7 lm, Ascentis
Express C18; Sigma-Aldrich). Hexanoyl-CoA was detected in
Recombinant protein expression, purification and assay
positive mode by scanning for m/z of 866 Da (CV = 45 V,
CsAAE ORFs were amplified using gene-specific primers span = 0.2 Da, dwell time = 0.01 sec). Curve fitting of the
(Table S2) using full-length cDNAs or trichome cDNA as data was performed with PRISM 5.0 (GraphPad, www.graph-
template. The PCR products were cloned into pCR8/GW/ using the non-linear regression with substrate
TOPO (Invitrogen) and recombined into the pHIS8/GW using inhibition model for CsAAE1 and the Michaelis–Menten
LR recombinase (Invitrogen). Plasmids were transformed model for CsAAE3. Kinetics were measured in assays that
into Rosetta 2 (DE3) cells (Merck, and contained 50 mM HEPES pH 9.0, 8 mM ATP, 10 mM MgCl2,
protein expressed in 500 ml LB medium with 0.2 lM iso- and various concentrations of fatty acid. [CoA] was 0.5 mM
propyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). CsAAE1 was for CsAAE1 and for 2 mM CsAAE3. Compounds were
expressed at 12C for 24 h, whereas CsAAE3 was expressed separated as above, except that isocratic conditions were
at 37C for 16 h. Cells were harvested by centrifugation and 93% ammonium formate for butyryl-CoA, 72% for decanoyl-
resuspended in 10 ml His-tag lysis buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl CoA and 45% for palmitoyl-CoA analysis. Masses scanned
pH 7, 500 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM imidazole, 10% v/v glycerol, were 838 Da (butyryl-CoA), 922 Da (decanoyl-CoA), and
10 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 1% v/v Tween 20, 750 lg ml)1 1006.5 (palmitoyl-CoA). Reaction products were quantified
lysozyme), incubated on ice for 1 h, and lysed by sonication. using standard curves of authentic CoA-thioester standards
After centrifugation for 20 min at 12 000 g at 4C, the (r2 of 1.0, butyryl-CoA; 0.99, hexanoyl-CoA; 1.0, decanoyl-
supernatant was added to 160 ll of Talon resin (Clontech, CoA; 0.99, palmitoyl-CoA). that had been washed with His-tag
Substrate preference assay
wash buffer (HWB; 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 7, 500 mM NaCl,
2.5 mM imidazole, 10% v/v glycerol, 10 mM b-mercaptoeth- Assays conditions were identical to those used in (Schneider
anol). The samples were incubated with rocking at 4C and et al., 2005). To each well of a 96-well plate, 90 ll of 100 mM
the resin pelleted by centrifugation. The resin was resus- Tris pH 7.8, 1 mM MgCl2, 2.3 lg luciferin and 0.5 lg of lucif-
pended in HWB, washed at 4C, and recovered by centrifu- erase were added. After shaking for 2 sec the luminescence
ª 2012 The Authors
The Plant Journal ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Plant Journal, (2012), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04949.x
12 Jake M. Stout et al.
was measured with a 1420 Multilabel counter (PerkinElmer, Figure S1. HPLC chromatogram of hemp ‘Finola’ flower extract. for 15 sec without a filter in place. Figure S2. SDS-PAGE analysis of purified recombinant AAEs.
Figure S3. Biochemical properties of CsAAE1 and CsAA3.
Subcellular localization of CsAAE1 and CsAAE3 Figure S4. Kinetic plots of CsAAE1 and CsAAE3.
Figure S5. Maximum likelihood inference of the phylogenetic
YFP:CsAAE1 and YFP:CsAAE3 fusions were constructed by relationship of cannabis AAEs and the Arabidopsis AAE superfamily.
recombination into pEARLEYGATE104 (Earley et al., 2006) Table S1 Km values of acyl-activating enzymes reported in the
using LR recombinase (Invitrogen). To generate an OLS:CFP literature
Table S2 Primers sequences used in this study
construct, OLS lacking a stop codon was cloned into pCR8/
Table S3 Protein sequences used for phylogenetic analysis
GW/TOPO before recombination into pEARLYGATE102 Please note: As a service to our authors and readers, this journal
using LR recombinase. The peroxisome marker PX-CK provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such
(Nelson et al., 2007) was from ABRC ( materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organized for online Plasmids were transformed into Agrobacterium delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset. Technical support
issues arising from supporting information (other than missing
tumefaciens GV3101 by electroporation and selected on LB
files) should be addressed to the authors.
plates that contained 10 lg ml)1 rifampicin and 50 lg ml)1
kanamycin. Leaves of 2-week-old Nicotiana benthamiana REFERENCES
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