Sap SD

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7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

COGI Automatic Goods DGP3 Display Dangerous

Movements: Error Handling Goods Master

This transaction is used to correct errors that Use this transaction to display a dangerous
have resulted from automatic goods move- good master previously created using transac-
ments. Automatic goods movement errors tion DGP1.
occur, for example, when a production
order is being confirmed and components
DGR1 Dangerous Goods Master:
are backflushed from a storage location
Display with Descriptions
that does not have the required quantity in
inventory. Selection criteria include plant, Use this transaction to display a list of danger-
storage location, material, error date from/ ous goods master data from the dangerous
to range, and other relevant inventory docu- goods master data table DGTMD. Input
ment data. The output is an aggregated list of selection includes material, regulation key,
goods movement errors. Once the error has and valid from/to date range. The output
been reviewed and resolved, the inventory can be listed by material, mode of transport
movement will be processed. category, and validity area; all change sta-
tuses, which are identified by validity area or
change number, can be read at the item level.
DGP1 Create Dangerous
Display layout can be changed and saved as a
Goods Master
default, according to user requirements.
This transaction is used to create a danger-
ous good master, which is an extension
DP91 Resource-Related
of the material master. The master record
Billing Request
contains information required to carry out
automatic checks in the sales and distribu- This transaction is used to create a resource-
tion and materials management processes related billing request, which is a special type
and generate documents required by local of billing based on resources consumed by
regulators. Input an existing material master the organization. For example, a consulting
and the dangerous goods regulation code company agrees to sell services based on time
(in customizing the dangerous goods regula- spent on a sales order. Time is recorded to
tion code contains the mode of transport and the sales order and then the customer is
validity area, for example, Germany). Enter billed based on the hours charged to the
the master data and save. sales order. This transaction generates the
resource-related billing request, which is
followed up by an actual billing document.
DGP2 Change Dangerous
Input the sales order and line items, pricing
Goods Master
date, posting date and posting period, and
Use this transaction to change a dangerous execute.
good master previously created using transac-
tion DGP1.

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

DP93 Resource-Related Billing MCTA Customer Analysis: Selection

Request Between Company
This transaction uses the sales information
Codes Sales and Distribution
system application to report sales activities.
Use this transaction to create an intercom- This transaction specifically uses information
pany billing document for the purposes of structure S001 (Customer). An information
billing one company for using the resources structure contains characteristics (fields that
of another company code in order to bill an are reported on) and key figures (results of
end customer. In this scenario an intercom- the report). This transaction has the following
pany sales order is generated for using the standard delivered characteristics: sold-to,
resources. Once time and/or expenses are sales organization, division, distribution
charged to a project, the selling company channel and material. The standard deliv-
code can bill the end customer. The next ered key figures include, for example, sales
step is to use this transaction to create the order values and quantity, open sales order
intercompany billing request, which is then values, sales order cost, returns order values,
followed by an intercompany billing docu- billing values and sales order subtotal values.
ment. This in turn facilitates the payment Input customer, sales area and posting period
from the selling company code to the com- from/to range, and execute. Multiple display
pany code providing the resources. Input functions are available, including the ability
the intercompany sale document, period, to switch the drill order, the characteristic
fiscal year, and posting to date, choose a key and value display, and key figures related
sales price and click Enter. On the Sales to top % values.
screen, expand the items and chose the cross-
company line item and then chose Billing
MCTC Material Analysis
Request and click Yes to confirm the billing
(SIS): Selection
request creation.
This transaction is similar to transaction
MCTA but focuses on the material charac-
DP96 Collective Processing
teristic and uses information structure S004
(Material). An information structure con-
Billing Request
tains characteristics (fields that are reported
This transaction is used to create a resource- on) and key figures (results of the report).
related billing request for multiple resource This transaction has the following standard
usage postings across multiple sales orders. delivered characteristics: material, sales orga-
Resource-related billing is a special type of nization, division and distribution channel.
billing based on resources consumed by an The key figures include, for example, sales
organization. For example, a consulting com- order values and quantity, open sales order
pany agrees to sell services based on time values, sales order cost, returns order values,
spent on a sales order. Time is recorded to billing values and sales order subtotal values.
the sales order and then the customer is Input customer, sales area, posting period
billed based on the hours charge to the sales from/to range, and execute. Multiple display
order. This transaction generates a resource- functions are available including the ability
related billing request, which is followed by to switch drill-down order, the characteristic
the actual billing document. Input the sales key and value display, and key figures related
order and line items, pricing date, posting to top % values.
date and posting period and execute.

230 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

MCTE Sales Organization TK12 Change Condition Records

Analysis: Selection Shipment Costs

This transaction is similar to transaction Use this transaction to change pricing condi-
MCTA but focuses on the sales organization tion records for shipment costs, which may
characteristic and uses information structure be required if you need to change the rate,
S003 (Sales Organization). An information extend the valid to date, or place a deletion
structure contains characteristics (fields that indicator on the condition record. Input the
are reported on) and key figures (results of condition type, click Enter, select the condi-
the report). This transaction has the follow- tion table that contains the condition fields
ing standard delivered characteristics: sales (note that in customizing you do have some
organization, division, distribution channel flexibility as to changing some of the required
and sales district. The key figures include, fields for the purposes of maintenance, which
for example, sales order values and quan- can be useful if you want the change multiple
tity, open sales order values, sales order condition records at the same time) and click
cost, returns order values, billing values and Execute. Then maintain the condition record
sales order subtotal values. Input customer, and click Save.
sales area and posting period from/to range,
and execute. Multiple display functions are
TK13 Display Condition Records
available, including the ability to switch
Shipment Costs
drill-down order, the characteristic key and
value display, and key figures related to top Use this transaction to display a condition
% values. record previously created using transaction

TK11 Create Condition Records

Shipment Costs V.1 Incomplete SD Documents

This transaction is used to maintain pricing Use this transaction to list all sales docu-
condition records for shipment costs that ments that are incomplete according to the
access pricing information automatically incomplete procedure assigned to the sales
when creating a shipment cost document via document header or line item. Check the
transaction VI01. Input a condition type, for box for the document type(s) selected, the
example FB00, and click Enter. Next select status code, sales area information, and
the condition table to be maintained (each execute. The output will list the incomplete
condition type will be customized with an documents with the follow-on documents
access sequence and condition tables with affected and provide the ability to select the
the condition fields) and click Enter. In order document, complete the missing data, and
to calculate freight costs based on scales, you save the document.
also need to assign the scale to the freight
condition type in customizing (transaction V.2 Incomplete SD Documents
T_06). Maintain the condition record fields, (Incomplete Orders)
rate, unit of measure and valid from/to fields,
and save. This transaction is used in the same way
as transaction V.01 except the default field
selection for the SD transaction group is “0,”
which means that all incomplete sales orders
will be selected.

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

sales order change function. To process the

V.3 Incomplete SD Documents
backorder from the list, select your line
(Sales Inquiry)
item and select Edit • Backorder, select
This transaction is used in the same way as the MRP element, and click Edit • Change
transaction V.01 except the default field selec- Confirmation. Then in the Sales Require-
tion for the SD transaction group is “1,” which ments section, you can distribute available to
means that all incomplete sales inquiries will promise quantities or redistribute confirmed
be selected. quantities.

V.4 Incomplete SD Documents V.21 Log of Collective Run

(Sales Quotation)
Use this transaction to review a log of the
This transaction is used in the same way as billing collective run, which is generated by
transaction V.01 except the default field selec- collective run transactions such as billing
tion for the SD transaction group is “2,” which run via transaction VF04 or delivery run via
means that all incomplete sales quotations transaction VL10. Selection criteria include
will be selected. the number of the collective run, the type
of collective run (e.g., billing, delivery, etc.)
V.14 Sales Orders/Contracts and the user ID that started the run. The
Blocked for Delivery output shows the documents created and/
or any errors that occurred during the col-
Use this transaction to report all sales order/ lective run.
contracts blocked for delivery according
to the delivery block indicator. Note: The
values are determined from the confirmed V.23 Release Sales Orders for Billing
quantities of the order items. Also note, by This transaction is used to release any blocked
selecting the new data selection indicator, orders for billing document processing. Note
the program reads the whole database and so that if you select the confirmation prompt
if there is a large data set being processed it parameter, a dialog box appears for each
is recommended not to select this indicator. order, so when you confirm again, the docu-
Therefore, it is recommended that you save ment should be released. Selection criteria
the output. Selection criteria include delivery include customer, sales order number range,
block indicator and sales area. The display sales area information, user ID that created
variant can be changed, saved, and used as the document, and creation date range.
a default at run time.

V_17 Create Condition

V.15 Backorders Record Using Index
This transaction is used for backorder pro- This transaction is used to create condition
cessing, where you can list the materials that records using an index which is an aid to
are on backorder and confirm them manu- condition record updates. An index is set
ally using available to promise inventory up by selecting fields that are relevant to the
quantities. Input your selection criteria (for index and then flagging a condition type (in
example, the plant, sold-to party, purchase customizing) as relevant to condition index
order number) and click Execute. The output update. Once this has been set up, you can
displays your list of sales order line items use this transaction to create new condition
and materials. Then you can branch to the records via the index. For example, you create

232 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

prices and discounts for all materials within a from/to, delivering plant, sales organization,
group. Select the condition table that contains distribution channel and customer.
the index fields, input selection criteria and
then click Execute. On the next screen, input
V_UC Selection of Incomplete
the condition record values, and save.
SD Documents

Use this transaction to list all sales docu-

V_NL Create Net Price List
ments that are incomplete according to the
Use this transaction to create a net price incomplete procedure assigned to the sales
list based on the pricing conditions already document header or line item. Check the
maintained in the system. Selection crite- box for the document type(s) selected and
ria include sales area information, sold-to other selection criteria, for example, status
party, plant, material from/to range, order code, sales area information, overall docu-
type, billing type, item category, and pricing ment status code, sales document from/to,
date (note that the only optional field is the and execute. The output will list incomplete
material number). Input required fields and documents with the follow-on document
click Execute to display the list of materials affected and provide the ability to select the
net price calculation. The display format can document, complete the missing data, and
be changed and saved to include subtotal save the document.
amounts, unit quantity, customer groups,
and many more fields commonly used in net Rescheduling of Sales
pricing calculation. and Stock Transfer
Documents: by Material
V_R2 Rescheduling of Sales
This transaction is used to reschedule open
and Stock Transfer
sales and stock transfer documents. A check-
Documents: Evaluation
ing rule is used as a basis for the check, for
This transaction is used to evaluate the list example, check delivery schedules. Line items
of rescheduled sales and stock transfer docu- are sorted into priorities, delivery priority,
ments generated via transaction V_V2. A list schedule line date, etc. The rescheduling
of changed documents and documents in can be run in simulation mode or in update
which an error occurred during processing mode, which means the program changes
are displayed. If, in the subsequent evalua- the confirmation/delivery date. Line items
tion, a restricted selection is carried out, a are read and quantities are transferred to
note appears at the end of the list saying that availability to promise checking, and deliv-
not all document line items are displayed. You ery dates can be rescheduled and saved in
can set the scope of the list under the menu a log. Input material from/to range, plant,
option List in the list display. You can view sales order and/or stock transport order
improvements, deteriorations, and the entire and list sorting requirements and execute.
list. Before the documents can be included in Results showing old new delivery scheduled
one or either of the restricted lists, the date or date are displayed and can be saved. Note:
quantity has to have changed so that the item due to system performance concerns, you
can be contained in both the list of improved should narrow selection criteria as much as
or deteriorated documents. Selection criteria possible.
include material from/to range, plant, sales
orders and/or stock transport orders range

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

V/I5 Change Condition VA01 Create Sales Order

Record Using Index
This transaction is used to set up a contractual
This transaction is used to change condition agreement between your sales organization
records using an index. An index is set up (typically aligned with a company code) and a
by selecting fields that are relevant to the sold-to party (the customer/business partner
index and then flagging a condition type (in you have the agreement with). A sales order
customizing) as relevant to condition index can be sub divided into a distribution chan-
update. Once this has been set up, you can nel and/or division, which, together with
use this transaction to change condition the sales organization, combine to make up
records via the index. For example, you can the sales area. The sales area will determine
change price and discount conditions for all some of the master data that will be used
materials within a material group. Select the on the sales order. Various sales order types
table that contains the index fields, input come standard with the system, including a
selection criteria, click Execute Change, regular order, cash sale, return order, debit/
input condition record values, and save. credit memo requests, etc. The sales order
has functionality to determine pricing for
Display Condition materials being sold, as well as availability
Record Using Index and shipping date. Furthermore, the sales
order is integrated with manufacturing and
Use this transaction to display condition purchasing in order to plan fulfillment of
records via an index. An index is set up by the sales order requirements. Furthermore,
selecting fields that are relevant to the index the sales order is integrated with the finance
and then flagging a condition type (in custom- module and credit management, checking,
izing) as relevant to condition index update. for example, whether the customer’s sales
For example, you can display all price and order value is within their credit limit. The
discount conditions for materials within a sales order is split into header information
material group. Select the table that contains and line item information. Input the sales
the index fields, input selection criteria, and order type, sales area, click Enter and then
click Execute to display the list of condition select customer/business partners, materials/
records. services to be sold, requested delivery date
and pricing information, and save.
V/LD Execute Pricing Report

This transaction is used to display a list of VA02 Change Sales Order

pricing records based on a pricing report Use this transaction to change a sales order,
table set up in customizing. In customizing, such as adding or deleting items. Input the
select the key fields and condition tables sales order number and click Enter. If you
that contain the selected fields and save the need to make changes to multiple items, the
report table under a two-character ID. In this Fast Change function can be used via the
transaction, input the two-character ID of the menu path Edit • Fast Change of. The Fast
reporting table and click Execute. On the Change function can change data such as the
next screen, input the selection criteria from plant, delivery block indicator and the reason
the selected fields and execute to display the for rejection status change. Other functions,
pricing report. such as executing the available to promise
check and updating pricing details, can also
be performed.

234 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

deviation category. For example, if a sales

VA03 Display Sales Order
order is created for 20 ea and the purchase
This transaction is used to display a sales requisition/purchase order that was subse-
created using transaction VA01. quently created from the sales order was
changed to 30 ea, this report would highlight
List of Sales Orders the difference. It also offers the ability to drill
down on the documents to facilitate chang-
Use this transaction to list sales orders using ing the quantity. Other deviation categories
a material or business partner as one of the are also available. It is recommended to use
selection criteria. You can select just the transaction VA08 in background mode for
sales orders that you created, all open sales large amounts of data.
orders, or all orders within a date created
range. Various output display options are
VA11 Create Inquiry
available, which can be saved and used as
a default. Note that a special authorization This transaction is used to record an inquiry
parameter ID is required in your user profile as part of the pre sales process. Functionality
in order to make and save changes to the similar to the Sales Order Create function is
display layout. also available to the Inquiry Create function,
such as pricing information and delivery date
Selection: Comparison scheduling. A sales inquiry is entered by sales
area, which includes the sales organization,
of Orders with Purchase
distribution channel and division. Also input
Requisitions and
an inquiry type, such as an available stock
Purchase Orders
inquiry or price list inquiry, and click Enter.
This transaction is used to report on inconsis- Within the inquiry function, the customer
tencies between the sales order quantity and can be informed of available stock on hand,
the purchase order quantity in a third party the shipping date timeline, and the price of
order sales process. Selection includes sales materials. By saving the inquiry, reports can
order and deviation category. For example, be created such as an analysis of the number
if a sales order is created for 20 ea and the of inquires that have been converted to sales
purchase requisition/purchase order that was orders or materials that customers are most
subsequently created from the sales order interested in. Input the inquiry type, sales
was changed to 30 ea, this report would area, click Enter, and then select customer/
highlight the difference. It also offers the business partners, materials/services to be
ability to drill down on the documents to sold, requested delivery date and pricing
facilitate changing the quantity. Other devia- information, and save.
tion categories are also available.

VA12 Change Inquiry

VA08 Adjustment Sales-
Purchasing (Selection Using Use this transaction to change an inquiry
Organizational Data) previously created using transaction VA11.

This transaction is used to report on inconsis-

VA13 Display Inquiry
tencies between the sales order quantity and
the purchase order quantity in a third party Use this transaction to display an inquiry
order sales process. Selection includes sales previously created using transaction VA11.
organization, sales office, sales group and

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

a specified valid from/to date. Input the quo-

VA14L Sales Documents
tation type (e.g., in reference to an inquiry
Blocked for Delivery
or marketing activity), sales area informa-
This transaction is used to review any sales tion, click Enter, then select the customer/
documents that have been blocked for business partners, materials/services to be
delivery. Sales documents may be blocked sold, requested delivery date(s) and pricing
for delivery if they are on credit hold where information, and save.
a customer has exceeded their credit limit.
Selection options include the customer, sales
VA22 Change Quotation
area (sales organization, distribution channel
and division), all sales documents, or only Use this transaction to change a quotation
sales documents that are open. The report previously created using transaction VA21.
output displays sales document number and
category, sold-to and ship-to customer num- Display Quotation
ber, and the various blocks that can exist.
There is an option to change the layout and Use this transaction to display a quotation
drill-down capability into the sales document previously created using transaction VA21.
in order to facilitate delivery dates change,
remove manual blocks, etc. VA25 List of Quotations

Use this transaction to list quotations using

VA15 List of Inquiries
a material or business partner as one of the
Use this transaction to list sales inquiries selection criteria. You can select just the quo-
using a material or business partner as one tations that you created, all open quotations,
of the selection criteria. You can select just or all quotations within a date created range.
the sales inquiries that you created, all open Various output display options are available,
inquiries, or all inquiries within a date cre- which can be saved and used as a default.
ated range. Various output display options Note: a special authorization parameter ID is
are available, which can be saved and used required in your user profile in order to make
as a default. Note: a special authorization and save changes to the display layout.
parameter ID is required in your user profile
in order to make and save changes to the VA26 List of Quotations
display layout. (Follow-up Actions)

This transaction is used to display a list of

VA21 Create Quotation open quotations for a particular sold-to party
This transaction is used to create a document up to a valid to date. Furthermore, a docu-
that is a legally binding offer for a material ment date from/to can also be selected in
or provision of service according to some order to narrow the output list. After the
fixed terms. Functionality similar to the Sales list is displayed, quotations can then be pro-
Order Create function is also available to the cessed and converted into sales orders.
Quotation Create function, such as pricing
information and delivery date scheduling. VA31 Create Scheduling Agreement
A sales area (sales organization, distribution
channel and division) is required and the This transaction is used to create an agree-
quotation can be created in reference to a ment with a customer to deliver materials
customer inquiry. Typically, the quotation has with specific delivery quantities and dates

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Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

which are created in a delivery schedule.

VA41 Create Contract
Scheduling agreements are integrated with
production planning so that material com- This transaction is used to create a contract
ponents/production can be appropriately with your business partner. There are various
scheduled in order to fulfill agreed upon types of contract, namely a master contract
delivery dates. Input the agreement type, or a value, quantity, and service contract. A
for example, a just-in-time scheduling agree- master contract will contain general terms
ment, sales area information, and click Enter. such as a master agreement number, per-
Input the business partner data, the materi- haps special payment terms, and it offers a
als to be delivered, and the forecast or fixed way to group follow-on contracts for report-
delivery dates, and save. ing purposes. A value, quantity and service
contract will contain information about the
material/service quantities and pricing, and
VA32 Change Scheduling Agreement
it will facilitate copying information into
Use this transaction to change the scheduling released sales orders where delivery dates
agreement, perhaps as a result of the customer and prices can be finalized. Contracts are valid
informing you that the delivery dates require for a specified time period. Input the contract
changing. Scheduling agreements can be inte- type, sales area information and click Enter.
grated with EDI functionality whereby the Then input business partner information,
customer can send forecast delivery dates for valid from/to dates, material/service materi-
production planning purposes and then send als, quantities/values, and save.
follow-up notices of firm delivery dates.

VA42 Change Contract

VA33 Display Scheduling Agreement
Use this transaction to change a contract pre-
Use this transaction to display a scheduling viously created using transaction VA41. Note
agreement previously created using transac- that any changes to contracts, as with most
tion VA31. other master data and transactional docu-
ments, are logged in a change document that
VA35 List of Scheduling Agreements can be viewed within the contract document
via the menu path Environment/Changes.
Use this transaction to display a list of sched-
uling agreements using a material or business
VA42W Change Contract
partner as one of the selection criteria. You
can select just the scheduling agreements that This transaction is the same as transaction
you created, all open scheduling agreements, VA42 but is used in conjunction with work-
or all scheduling agreements within a date flow functionality for the completion and
created range. Various output display options approval of a master contract setup.
are available, which can be saved and used
as a default. Note: a special authorization
VA43 Change Contract
parameter ID is required in your user profile
in order to make and save changes to the Use this transaction to display a contract pre-
display layout. viously created using transaction VA41.

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

VA44 Actual Overhead: VA51 Create Item Proposal

Calculation: Sales Order
This transaction is used to create a proposed
This transaction is used to calculate overhead list of materials that can be stored and easily
on sales order costs as part of cost object retrieved at sales order processing time. For
controlling functionality for sales orders. example, if a customer typically orders the
An overhead costing sheet can be assigned same list of materials, this list of materials
directly in the sales order, in the Account can be stored in an item proposal document
Assignment tab, or derived via customizing and then, at sales order processing time,
to facilitate the overhead calculation. Note: the list of materials can be retrieved via the
As with valuated sales order stock, overhead menu path Edit • Additional functions •
is allocated to the cost element for the cost Propose Items. Input the proposal list type,
of sales calculation. But with a non-valuated sales area information, description of the list,
sales order stock, overhead is allocated when valid from/to date, materials to be proposed,
the consumption cost elements are posted and save the document.
or to the cost elements upon the inventory
movement posting when the materials are
VA52 Change Item Proposal
Use this transaction to change an item pro-
posal previously created using transaction
VA45 List of Contracts
Use this transaction to display a list of con-
tracts using a material or business partner as
VA53 Display Item Proposal
one of the selection criteria. You can select
just the contracts that you created, all open Use this transaction to display an item pro-
contracts, or all contracts within a date cre- posal previously created using transaction
ated range. Various output display options VA51.
are available, which can be saved and used
as a default. Note: A special authorization VA55 List of Item Proposals
parameter ID is required in your user profile
in order to make and save changes to the Use this transaction to list item proposals
display layout. using the material number as the selection
criteria. You can select just the item propos-
als that you created or all item proposals
VA46 List of Contracts
within a date created range or valid from/
(Follow-up Actions)
to range. Various output display options are
This transaction is used to display a list of available, which can be changed, saved, and
open contracts for a particular sold-to party used as a default. Note: A special authoriza-
up to a valid to date. Furthermore, a sub- tion parameter ID is required in your user
sequent process valid to date can also be profile in order to make and save changes
selected in order to narrow the output list. to the display layout.
After the list is displayed, contracts can be
processed and converted into released sales Actual Settlement:
Sales Orders
Use this transaction to settle actual pri-
mary and secondary costs and revenues (if

238 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

applicable) to the receivers established in the

VB03 Display Listing/Exclusion
sales order line item (which is a cost object)
settlement rules. In cost object controlling Use this transaction to display a material
for sales orders, the sales order is an interim listing/exclusion previously created using
cost collector that can be used to plan, record transaction VB01.
actual costs, and monitor costs until certain
activities have been completed and costs Create Material Determination
moved to their final destination. This move-
ment of the costs to their final destination is This transaction is used to determine materi-
called settlement. The sales order settlement als based on some predefined conditions. For
rules are dependent on the parameters estab- example, a material that has been replaced
lished in the settlement structure, settlement by a new material can be automatically sub-
profile, and order type (all defined in custom- stituted, using material determination during
izing and in the master data itself). sales order input. Another typical use for this
functionality involves using the customer’s
material number to automatically determine
VACF Fiscal Year Close: Carry
SAP’s system-generated material number. The
Forward Commitment
material determination functionality utilizes
This transaction is used to carry forward the condition technique to accommodate this
commitments values, in this case open sales process. Input the material determination
orders posted in the current year but not type, valid from/to date range and the rel-
reduced until the following year. The com- evant condition entries, and save.
mitment carried forward updates the budget
in the new fiscal year. Input the sale order
VB12 Change Material
number range, the carry forward from fiscal
year, and execute in test or update mode.
Use this transaction to change a material
determination condition previously created
VB01 Create Listing/Exclusion
using transaction VB11. This transaction is
This transaction is used to control the materi- typically used when the valid from/to date
als you sell to your customers. In other words, range has expired and needs extending.
you create a material listing for a particular
customer and only sell materials to that cus- Display Material Determination
tomer that are on the list. Furthermore, you
can create a material exclusion that prevents Use this transaction to display a material
a customer from buying particular materials. determination condition previously created
The listing/exclusion functionality utilizes the using transaction VB11.
condition technique to accommodate this
process. Input the listing/exclusion type, VB21 Create Sales Deal
make the table entries, such as the selected
materials, and save. This transaction is used to create master data
for a sales deal, which includes general data
and associated pricing information, such as a
VB02 Change Listing/Exclusion
flat rate discount or volume-related discount.
Use this transaction to change a material A sales deal can be created in reference to a
listing/exclusion previously created using promotion (created using transaction VB31),
transaction VB01. in which case the payment terms can also be

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

defaulted into the sales deal. Input the agree- input the description. Then enter the pay-
ment type, click Enter, and enter general ment terms, valid from/to date range and
data such as the valid from/to date range and internal comment, if required, and save.
description of the deal. Complete the master
data by clicking the Condition Record icon
VB32 Change Promotion
to input the pricing/discount information,
for example, a discount on a product line or Use this transaction to change a promotion
individual materials. This condition will now previously created using transaction VB31.
be shown in the sales order if that product This transaction may be used, for example,
line or material is being sold. if the promotion needs to be discontinued
prematurely, which can be accomplished by
changing the valid to date.
VB22 Change Sales Deal

Use this transaction to change a sales deal

VB33 Display Promotion
previously created using transaction VB21.
This transaction may be used, for example, Use this transaction to display a promotion
if the sales deal needs to be discontinued previously created using transaction VB31.
prematurely, which can be accomplished by
changing the valid to date. VB35 Promotions List

This transaction is used to display a list of

VB23 Display Sales Deal
promotions using the following selection
Use this transaction to display a sales deal criteria: promotion number, promotion
previously created using transaction VB21. description, validity from/to date range, and
sales area information. The output display
can be changed and used as a default to suit
VB25 List of Sales Deals
user requirements.
This transaction is used to display a list of
sales deals using the following selection crite-
VB41 Create Cross-Selling
ria: sales deal number, sales deal description,
valid from/to date range, assigned promo- This transaction is used to create a master
tion, and sales area information. The output data link for materials that are frequently
display can be changed and used as a default sold together. This information is commonly
to suit user requirements. used in mail order sales scenarios wherein a
customer calls to order a material and once
the material is entered into the sales order, a
VB31 Create Promotion
dialog box appears enabling the order entry
This transaction is used to create a promotion, clerk to suggest an additional material the
which can represent a broad marketing plan customer might consider buying. Input the
used to connect multiple sales deals (created material determination type, click Enter,
using transaction VB21). Sales deals can be select a condition type, click Enter, enter a
created in reference to a promotion, which valid from/to date range, and then enter the
facilitates the link to the promotion. Further- materials sold/to be suggested. Note: to get a
more, the promotion contains payment terms sales analysis of materials that are frequently
and valid from/to dates which, by default, sold together, you can use report program
contain the information from the sales deal. SDCRSL01.
Input the agreement type, click Enter, and

240 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

VB42 Change Cross-Selling VBN3 Display Free Goods

Use this transaction to change the material
determination master data previously created Use this transaction to display the free goods
using transaction VB41. condition record previously created using
transaction VBN1.
VB43 Display Cross-Selling
VBO1 Create Rebate Agreement
Use this transaction to display the material
determination master data previously created This transaction is used to create a special type
using transaction VB41. of agreement/discount with the customer
involving the settlement of a discount/rebate
retroactively. An agreement for a rebate is
VBN1 Create Free Goods
entered into with the customer or another
rebate recipient, and rebate volume/accrual
This transaction is used to create master data amounts are recorded as sales document/
to determine free goods during sales docu- deliveries are processed. Then, on a one-time
ment processing. Free goods are those that or periodic basis, the rebate amount is settled
the customer does not pay for and may be by creating a rebate request and rebate settle-
one of two types: inclusive (the free goods ment document. The rebate agreement has
are within the same line on the sales order) header data and uses the condition technique
or exclusive (a separate line on the sales docu- to accrue for the rebate amount and capture
ment is created where the free material does the rebate volume. Input the agreement
not have to take the same material number as type, click Enter, enter the valid from/to
the original material ordered). The condition date range, rebate recipient, description, type
technique is used to facilitate this functional- of settlement, click the Condition icon and
ity. Input the condition type (which may be then enter the condition records that will
by material, customer/material etc.), click be called during sales document processing
Enter, select the key combination, materi- and save.
als etc., the valid from/to date range of the
condition, and save. The free goods will now
VBO2 Change Rebate Agreement
be selected during sales document processing
if the condition is fulfilled. Use this transaction to change a rebate agree-
ment previously created using transaction
VBO1. This transaction is also used to per-
VBN2 Change Free Goods
form the following functions: change the
rebate amount or validity date range, perform
Use this transaction to change a free goods settlement and report on previous settlement
condition record previously created using amounts and rebate volume.
transaction VBN1. This transaction may be
used, for example, if the free good deal needs
VBO3 Display Rebate Agreement
to be discontinued prematurely, which can
be accomplished by changing the valid to Use this transaction to display a rebate agree-
date. ment previously created using transaction
VBO1. This transaction can be used to report
on previous settlement amounts and rebate

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

VBOF Update Billing Documents VCC1 Payment Cards: Worklist

This transaction is used to update billing This transaction lists all sales orders and
documents for rebate conditions that have deliveries with payment cards. The report
been created with a valid date in the past or selection criteria include sales area infor-
pricing condition changes that will affect bill- mation, sales document and various status
ing documents already created. The program indicators, such as the sales document’s
updates the billing document pricing proce- overall status and credit hold status. The
dure for changes to rebate conditions and output display enables you to process a sales
then posts an accrual if required. Selection document, release documents and carry out
criteria include rebate agreement number, authorizations.
rebate recipient, validity end date before,
sales area information and posting date.
VD01 Customer Create (Sales)
The program can be run in test or update
mode. This transaction is used to create the cus-
tomer master record sales and distribution
views, which are stored at the sales area level.
VC/2 Sales Summary
The customer master sales and distribution
Use this report to prepare for sales activi- view contains data relevant to sales, shipping,
ties. The report is split into a header and billing and business partner determination
main section. The header contains a View functionality. Customer master data fields
Field icon, which allows you to group the that are either optional or required fields,
information you require and an Information as determined by the account group, can
Block field, which enables you to go directly be maintained. All business partners, such
to the information block you require. The as sold-to, ship-to, payer and bill-to, can be
main body of the report contains blocks of created using this transaction code. Input the
information, such as the customer address, customer master sales area information and
partner contacts, sales volume/key figures, the customer master number if the General
credit information, promotional agreements, Data views have already been maintained;
and any payment card information. if not, leave blank and the General Data
will need input also. Then click Enter.
Input relevant customer master data and
VC01N Create Sales Activity
save. Note that there is a comparison report
Use this transaction to record sales activities via transaction F.2D that displays customer
you engage in with a customer. Record the master records that have not been created in
sales activity type such as a phone call, sales finance or sales and distribution to ensure
letter, etc., date and time from/to the activity that all data have been set up in the relevant
took place, company information, contact modules.
person and description of the activity. The
screen can be customized by sales activity
VD02 Customer Change (Sales)
type to suit business requirements. Sales
information can be displayed and you can This transaction is used to change any of the
branch to the address data of the customer. customer master record views in the Gen-
Follow-on activities can also be created, such eral or Sales Area Data views. Customer
as a sales letter to follow up on a phone call master data fields that are either optional
or sales order processing. or required, as determined by the account
group, are available to change. All business

242 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

partners, such as sold-to, ship-to, payer and

VD51 Create Customer-
bill-to, can be changed using this transac-
Material Info Record
tion. Note that there is a change log on the
customer master that can be accessed within This transaction is used to stored customer-
the customer master via menu path Envi- specific material master data, such as the
ronment • Account Changes in order to customer’s material number and descrip-
review changes by user ID, date and old/ tion. Furthermore, customer-specific data
new values. on deliveries and delivery tolerances can
also be stored. This data can be used during
sales order entry whereby if you input the
VD03 Customer Display (Sales)
customer’s material number, your company’s
This transaction is used to display the cus- material number will be pulled into the sales
tomer master record views at the general and/ order. Also, during EDI incoming sales order
or sales area level. All business partners, such processing, your company’s material number
as sold-to, ship-to, payer and bill-to, can be can be derived from this master data.
displayed using this transaction.

VD52 Selection of Customer-Material

VD04 Customer Account Changes Info Records (Change)
Use this transaction to report all changes to Use this transaction to change a customer’s
the customer master. The report is organized material info record previously created using
by customer and sales area. There is an option transaction VD51. This may be required if, for
to select a specific date, time, and user ID of example, more materials need to be added.
the individual making the change. The report
output will display the fields changed, with
VD53 Selection of Customer-Material
the option to drill down and display the old/
Info Records (Display)
new field value and date changed.
Use this transaction to display a customer’s
material info record previously created using
VD05 Customer Block/Unblock
transaction VD51.
This transaction is used to block the customer
master from various transactions, such as List Customer-Material Info
sales order processing, financial postings,
etc. Use this transaction to display a list of
customer-material info records. Input selec-
tion criteria include sales organization, your
VD06 Customer Flag for Deletion
company’s material number, the customer’s
Use this transaction to flag a customer mas- material number, and the customer number.
ter for deletion. The deletion flag can be set Display variants can be created, saved, and
by sales area or all sales areas. Furthermore, used as a default.
the deletion flag can be set at the general
area level and general area level including Edit Customer Hierarchy
selected sales areas. The deletion flag will
ensure that the customer cannot be used in This transaction is used to create and change
transactional processing and can be included levels on a customer hierarchy, which is used
in the archiving process. to reflect the structure of a customer organi-
zation. For example, a customer may have

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

several buying companies that all receive the

VF02 Change Billing Document
same pricing/discounts: you can maintain
this hierarchical structure and maintain pric- Use this transaction to change a billing docu-
ing records at that higher level. The same ment, which may be required, for example, if
hierarchy can be used for rebate processing the billing document had not been processed
and profitability analysis. Input the hierarchy in the financial modules because perhaps the
type (which controls how the hierarchy is posting period had been incorrectly closed. In
used, for example, pricing, account groups this case, you need to reopen the accounting
and organizational data restrictions), the cus- period and, using this transaction, input the
tomer or customer number range, sales area billing document number, click Enter, and
information and execute. On the next screen, save the document, which will ensure that the
highlight the customer and click the Create accounting documents have been created.
button or the Change button to maintain
the hierarchy assignment in the right-hand Display Billing Document
window pane and save.
Use this transaction to display the billing doc-
ument previously created using transaction
VDH2 Display Customer Hierarchy
VF01 or VF04. From the display function,
Use this transaction to display a customer you can click the Accounting Document
hierarchy previously created using transac- icon in order to drill down into the general
tion VDH1N. ledger or management financial postings.

VF01 Create Billing Document VF04 Maintain Billing Due List

This transaction is used to process the billing This transaction is used to process multiple
document, which represents the final step in billing documents at one time. Selection is by
the sales and distribution ordering cycle. This billing date, reference document or sales area.
transaction is used to process an individual You can change the default data, proposed by
billing document; however, transaction VF04 copy control, by clicking the Default Set-
is used to process multiple billing documents. tings tab and selecting a different billing type
Billing document types, including invoices, or billing date. Document selection enables
credit memos, cancellations, rebate settle- the choice of sales process you want to bill,
ments and pro forma invoices, are typically such as order-related or delivery-related bill-
defaulted from the previous document type/ ing. After executing the program and before
copy control settings in customizing. The you create the billing documents, you have
billing document is fully integrated with the the option to bill individually for each refer-
financial module and, upon posting, creates ence document or perform collective billing,
financial postings to the general ledger and where the system tries to combine billing
management reporting modules (if required). documents as much as possible, by sold-to,
Input the billing type (if needed) and billing payment terms, etc.
date (current date is defaulted) and then input
the reference document, which could be a List of Billing Documents
delivery document, sales order (if non-deliv-
ery relevant) or rebate settlement request, Use this transaction to list billing documents
and click Enter. The billing information can using a material or business partner, typi-
be reviewed before saving. cally payer, as one of the selection criteria.
You can select all open billing documents or

244 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

all billing documents within a date created the invoice list number, remove the billing
range. Various output display options are document, and save the list.
available, which can be saved and used as
default. Note: A special authorization param-
VF23 Display Invoice List
eter ID is required in your user profile in
order to make and save changes to the display Use this transaction to display an invoice list
layouts. previously created using transaction VF21.

VF11 Cancel Billing Document VF25 List of Invoice Lists

This transaction is used to cancel a billing Use this transaction to list invoice lists using
document, which may be required if, for the business partner payer. You can select all
example, there was an error in posting to open invoice lists or all invoice lists within
the incorrect customer account in finance. a date created range. Various output display
An additional cancellation billing document options are available, which can be saved and
is created reversing the accounting entries, used as a default.
allowing the corrections to be made to the
reference document and allowing for the VF26 Cancel Invoice List
recreation of the billing document. Input
the billing document number and save. The Use this transaction to cancel invoice lists,
cancellation will also be displayed in the which reverses financial postings and renders
document flow. the billing documents available for posting

VF21 Create Invoice List

VF31 Output from Billing
This transaction is used to create invoice lists,
at specified time intervals or on specific dates, This transaction is used to process the billing
in order to send to a particular payer busi- output as a separate step from the billing
ness partner. This may be required where a document creation function. Input the output
central payer collects and pays invoices for type (which is the billing document layout
a group of companies. Typically, the group form), the transmission medium (e.g., print-
payer pays the invoices and in return for out or fax), the sort order in which the output
this service earns a factoring discount. Note is created and printed, and the processing
that there are a number of prerequisites to mode (e.g., whether this is the first billing
enabling this functionality that must be set output or repeat output). In addition, the bill-
up in customizing, such as a special condition ing document range, billing date, reference
type for the factoring discount, use of special type document and sales area information
billing document type, customer calendar can be selected before you click Execute.
setting (in the customer master), etc. Input
the billing documents individually or via a VF43 Posting Documents
worklist and save your selection. for Revenues

Use this transaction to report on revenue

VF22 Change Invoice List recognition postings for an individual sales
Use this transaction to change an invoice list, order or accounting document, which is use-
for example, if one of the billing documents ful if document summarization is active since
had been incorrectly input into the list. Input it is not possible to retrace the postings by

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

sales order line item from the accounting the document number. The display list offers
document. The revenue posting document the ability to navigate to postings at the line
can also be found by looking at the document item level and then to the revenue accounts
flow and also by drilling back to the original with the revenue update status. Click the All
document from the accounting document. Revenue Postings icon to display all postings
Selection criteria include sales documents or for a collective run. Drill-down capability
the Accounting Document radio buttons is available to view the sales order and the
and the document number. The display offers follow-on documents.
the ability to navigate to postings at the line
item level and then to the revenue accounts
VF46 Maintain Cancellation List
with the revenue update status. Click the All
Revenue Posting icon to display all postings Use this transaction to cancel any revenue rec-
for a collective run. Drill-down capability is ognition postings incorrectly generated from
available to view the sales order and follow- transaction VF44. This transaction reverses
on documents. the original financial postings, marks both
the original line and the reversed line with a
cancellation indicator in the revenue recogni-
VF44 Edit Revenue List
tion tables, and creates new lines ready for
This transaction is used to recognize rev- use again with transaction VF44.
enue separately from the standard billing
document, once the process is initialized
VF47 Revenue Recognition;
(depending on the revenue recognition
Inconsistency Check
method). Revenue recognition functionality
in Revenue Table
is activated by item category in customizing.
Sales order line items with an item category Use this transaction as the main tool in the
activated for revenue recognition will con- analysis of the revenue recognition data from
trol when revenue is recognized as opposed a technical view of the revenue recognition
to recognizing revenue when invoicing the tables. Sales orders may contain errors, which
customer (which is the standard SAP process). can cause inconsistencies in the revenue
Input the company code, sales document recognition tables (VBREVK, VBREVE and
number range (if required), the posting VBREVR). Selection criteria include company
period/fiscal year, posting date, and execute. code, sales document range, number of lines
The output displays the revenue recognition to read (to improve performance) and types
relevant line items from which you can select of checks (for example, checking control
the lines and process the financial posting lines in the revenue recognition tables and
documents individually or collectively. whether the control lines have errors). The
report can be executed in test mode (which
is recommended until errors are analyzed)
VF45 Revenue Report
and update mode.
Use this transaction to report on revenue rec-
ognition postings for multiple sales orders. Compare Report
The revenue posting document can also be
found by looking at the document flow and This transaction is used to compare finance
by drilling back to the original document from and sales and distribution balances on the
the accounting document. Selection criteria accrual accounts (i.e., deferred revenue and
include sales and distribution documents or unbilled revenue). The program looks at the
the Accounting Document radio button and account balance in finance and compares this

246 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

to the balance in the revenue recognition

VG01 Create Group
tables (VBREVE and VBREVR) for selected
periods. This report simply compares bal- This transaction is used to group delivery
ances; to determine the reasons for any documents for collective processing. Input
issues, VF47 can be used. Selection criteria the group type, which determines the type
include the company code, an individual of document that can be processed in this
accrual account, posting period, and fiscal collective manner, i.e., group deliveries that
year from/to. The executed report provides refer to sales order or returns only, and click
a header part that shows the balances deter- Enter. On the next screen, enter the docu-
mined for the selected accrual account and a ments numbers that are to be grouped and
detail part that provides a worklist with sales save.
document line items used when the accrual
account was posted via billing or revenue Change Group
Use this transaction to change a delivery
group previously created using transaction
VFRB Retro-billing
Use this transaction in a scenario where new
pricing has been agreed upon with the cus- Display Group
tomer and is valid for billing documents that
have already been processed. You can run Use this transaction to display a delivery
this transaction to list the billing documents group previously created using transaction
affected by the new pricing conditions and VG01.
to create new billing documents for the dif-
ferences. Input the payer, sales organization, VI01 Create Shipment Costs
billing date range, execute transaction, and
then process the additional invoices. This transaction is used to create an indi-
vidual shipment cost document for a
shipment or shipment stage. Input the ship-
VFX3 Release Billing Documents
ment document number, which must have a
for Accounting
transportation status of “planned” (defined in
This transaction enables the release of billing customizing) and click Enter. The shipment
documents that, for whatever reason, have cost document has header information, such
not been passed to finance for posting. For as pricing/settlement date, which will be set
example, if the financial posting period had to the default value (defined in customizing).
been incorrectly closed. Once the posting The shipment cost document also has line
period has been reopened, you can use this item information, which includes a pricing
transaction to release the billing document to procedure that calculates costs using the pric-
accounting. Input the payer or payer range, ing condition technique and settlement data.
sales organization, select various incomplete The shipment cost document also has sub
posting indicators, and then execute the items that represent the calculation basis for
program. the cost. Upon saving the shipment cost docu-
ment, costs are automatically calculated and
settlement data is assigned and transferred
to accounting.

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

data need to be assigned. Input the shipment

VI02 Change Shipment Costs
document number, click Enter, make the
Use this transaction to change an individual necessary changes and save.
shipment cost document, which may be
required, for example, if further calculation
VI07 List Shipment Costs: Change
of shipment costs is needed or settlement
Worklist in Background
data need to be assigned. Input the shipment
document number, click Enter, make the This transaction is used to change shipment
necessary changes and save. cost documents via a worklist with back-
ground processing. Shipment cost documents
may require changing, for example, if further
VI03 Display Shipment Costs
calculation of shipment costs needs updat-
Use this transaction to display a shipment ing, and the updates can be performed in
cost document previously created using background.
transaction VI01.
VI12 List Shipment Costs:
VI04 Shipment List: Create Settlement
Shipment Costs
Use this transaction to settle shipment cost
Use this transaction to create multiple ship- documents that have not been fully calcu-
ment cost documents at one time. Input lated, for example, shipment cost documents
selection criteria include service agent, route, created with line items with automatically
shipment document range, status of the ship- calculated shipment costs. On a periodic
ment document and many attributes of the basis, this program is executed, and line items
shipment document. The shipment cost doc- are reviewed and batched together for settle-
ument header information includes pricing ment to accounting.
date and settlement date, which will default
(defined in customizing). The shipment cost Logs in the Application Log
document line item information includes
a pricing procedure calculating costs using Use this transaction to review the log for ship-
the pricing condition technique and settle- ment cost document changes via a worklist in
ment data. The shipment cost document also background executed using transaction VI07.
has sub items that represent the calculation The log can be displayed with or without
basis for the cost. Upon program execution warnings and errors.
and list generation, the saved shipment cost
document can have the costs automatically VK11 Create Condition Records
calculated, settlement data assigned, and be
transferred to accounting. This transaction is used to maintain pricing
condition records that access pricing informa-
tion automatically in sales documents. Input
VI05 List Shipment Costs:
a condition type, for example PR00 for price,
Change Worklist
and click Enter. Next, select the condition
This transaction is used to change shipment table to be maintained (each condition type
cost documents via a worklist. Individual will be customized with an access sequence
shipment cost documents may require and condition tables with the condition
changing, for example, if further calculation fields) and click Enter. Maintain the condi-
of shipment costs is needed or settlement

248 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

tion record fields, price, unit of measure and purposes. For example, a sales order placed
valid from/to fields and save. by customer who has exceeded his or her
credit limit can be blocked. After the sales
order has been blocked, the customer may
VK12 Change Condition Records
settle his or her account receivable and/or the
Use this transaction to change pricing condi- credit department may grant the customer
tion records, which may be required if you more credit, which means that you can use
need to change the price, extend the valid to this transaction to release the blocked sales
date, or place a deletion indicator on the con- order(s). Input the credit control area and
dition record. Input the condition type, click credit representative group, credit account
Enter, select the condition table that contains (customer) and click Execute. On the next
the condition fields. (Note: In customizing, screen, select the blocked sales order, click
you do have some flexibility as to changing the Release flag, and save the document.
some of the required fields for the purposes
of maintenance, which can be useful if you
VKM2 Released SD Documents
want to change multiple condition records at
the same time.) Click Execute. Then maintain Use this transaction to display a list of sales
the condition record and click Save. documents that have been released via trans-
action VKM1.
VK13 Display Condition Records
VKM3 Sales Document
Use this transaction to display a condition
record previously created using transaction This transaction is used to review only sales
VK11. orders that have been blocked via credit
control, as opposed to transaction VKM1,
which reviews both sales orders and deliver-
VK14 Create Condition Records
ies. There is also a selection option for the
with Reference
sales order document number. Customers
This transaction is used to create pricing can be set up with a credit master and with
condition records with reference to existing Dynamic Credit Checking turned on at the
pricing condition records. Input the pricing sale document level, sales documents can
condition type, select the table used for the be checked for credit control purposes. For
reference, input the reference pricing condi- example, a sales order placed by a customer
tion record, select the option to keep the who has exceeded his or her credit limit can
reference valid from/to date, if required, and be blocked. After the sales order has been
execute. On the next screen, enter the new blocked, the customer may settle his or her
entries at the line item level and save. account receivable and/or the credit depart-
ment may grant the customer more credit,
VKM1 Blocked SD Documents which means you can use this transaction to
release the blocked sales order(s). Input the
This transaction is used to review sales docu- sales order document number, if known, and
ments, including sales orders and deliveries, click Execute. On the next screen, select the
that have been blocked via credit control. blocked sales order, click the Release flag,
Customers can be set up with a credit mas- and save the document.
ter and with Dynamic Credit Checking
turned on at the sale document level, sales
documents can be checked for credit control

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

assigning pick locations, and updating the

VKM4 SD Documents
sales order status. Input the shipping point,
Use this transaction to review both blocked selection date (this will select all material
and released sales documents: this transac- available on those dates and transportation
tion is a combination of transactions VKM1 scheduling up to this date) and click Enter.
and VKM2. Review the delivery quantity and default
information and click Save.
VKM5 Deliveries
VL01NO Create Outbound Delivery
This transaction is used to review only
without Order Reference
deliveries that have been blocked via credit
control, as opposed to transaction VKM1, Use this transaction to create a delivery
which reviews both sales orders and deliver- document without reference to a sales order,
ies. There is also a selection option for the which may be required if sales orders are
delivery document number. Customers can processed outside of SAP and you want to
be set up with a credit master with Dynamic create a delivery document manually just
Credit Checking functionality at the sale for printing delivery output. In this scenario,
document level. For example, at delivery there will be no default information flow
time a customer who has overdue accounts from the sales order, so all information will
receivable and has exceeded his or her credit need to be entered manually and there will be
limit will have any future deliveries blocked no system checks (for example, checking to
for credit control purpose. Subsequently, see whether the data are complete with plant
the customer may settle his or her account and material storage information). Input the
receivable and/or the credit department may shipping point, delivery document type, sales
grant the customer more credit, which means area information, click Enter, and manually
that you can use this transaction to release enter materials, quantities, etc.
the blocked deliveries. Input the delivery
document, if known, and click Execute. On Change Outbound Delivery
the next screen, select the blocked delivery
document, click the Release flag, and save Use this transaction to change an outbound
the document. delivery document, which can include input-
ting the pick quantity, changing the shipping
route for the delivery, transportation schedul-
VL01N Create Outbound Delivery
ing dates, deleting or adding line items to the
with Order Reference
delivery, etc. Input the delivery document
This transaction is used to create a delivery and click Enter. Make changes to the header
document in reference to a single sales docu- or line item information and click Save. If the
ment. Delivery documents can serve as the delivery document is complete and the goods
basis for planning material requirements, have been shipped, you can also post the
picking, creating shipping units and billing. goods issue inventory movement from this
A delivery will be issued out of one shipping transaction, which will relieve and update
point. When you create the delivery docu- inventory balances and process the associ-
ment, some of the activities that will take ated financial transactions. For the ability to
place include checking for delivery blocks, process multiple documents via a worklist,
calculating weight and volume, checking you can use transaction VL06.
for any partial delivery requirements on the
sales order, redetermining the shipping route,

250 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

you want to post goods issue/goods receipt

VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
immediately following confirmation.
Use this transaction to display the delivery
document, which also includes drill-down
VL06D Outbound Deliveries
capability to view any follow-on documents,
for Distribution
such as inventory and financial postings.
Input the delivery document number and This transaction is used when integrating
click Enter. SAP with a decentralized warehouse manage-
ment system (WMS) where you can choose at
which point the delivery document is ready
VL06 Delivery Monitor
for distribution to the WMS. In customiz-
Use this transaction to access the delivery ing, you set decentralized WHS to active
monitor, which is a central transaction for for the warehouse number; for the delivery
monitoring and subsequent collective pro- type, you set at what point the distribution
cessing of inbound and outbound delivery occurs. Furthermore, if you set the distri-
documents. This transaction lists completed bution option to delayed for the delivery
and open deliveries. Delivery documents type, then you can use this transaction to
can be listed depending on their status, such execute the distribution of the delivery docu-
as all deliveries ready for picking or goods ment to the decentralized WMS. Selection
issue. Deliveries can be selected for collective criteria include sales area, shipping point,
processing using multiple selection options, delivery date range, delivery status (e.g. “D”
but some of the selection options are preset, for delayed), warehouse number, delivery
such as those dependent on the status of the number, material number range, and most
delivery document. Select the type of collec- of the common data referenced on a delivery
tive processing required, for example, click document.
the Transportation Planning icon and on
the next screen input selection options, such General Delivery List –
as shipping point or shipping planning date
Outbound Deliveries
range, and execute.
Use this report for a general list of out-
bound delivery documents. Selection criteria
VL06C Outbound Deliveries
include sales area, shipping point, delivery
for Confirmation
date range, delivery status (e.g. transporta-
Use this transaction for the collective pro- tion planning, goods issue, etc.), warehouse
cessing of delivery documents that require number, delivery number, material number
confirmation, such as those requiring confir- range, and most of the common data refer-
mation of transfer orders for picking or put enced on a delivery document.
away entries. As with creation of a transfer
order, the color of the confirmation indicates Outbound Deliveries
its status. Input selection criteria, such as
for Goods Issue
shipping point and planned goods move-
ment date range, and execute. If you have Use this transaction to process the outbound
set the processing of subsequent functions to delivery post goods issue function. Selection
background mode, you can specify whether options include shipping point and the actual
the picking or put away quantity should be goods movement date. Execute the program.
copied into the delivery quantity or whether If the goods issue posting was successful, the
processed deliveries appear in green; if errors

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

occurred, they appear in red. The delivery

VL06ID Inbound Deliveries
also appears in green if the goods issue was
for Distribution
already posted for the delivery document in
question (this may occur because the same This transaction is used when integrating
delivery was accidentally selected twice, for SAP with a decentralized warehouse manage-
example). ment system (WMS) where you can choose at
which point the delivery document is ready
for distribution to the WMS. In customiz-
VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor
ing, you set decentralized WHS to active
Use this transaction to access the delivery for the warehouse number; in the delivery
monitor, which is a central transaction for type, you set at what point the distribution
monitoring and subsequent collective pro- occurs. Furthermore, if you set the distri-
cessing of inbound delivery documents. bution option to delayed for the delivery
This transaction can list completed and open type, then you can use this transaction to
deliveries. Delivery documents can be listed execute the distribution of the delivery docu-
depending on their status, such as all deliv- ment to the decentralized WMS. Selection
eries ready for put away or goods receipt. criteria include sales area, shipping point,
Deliveries can be selected for collective delivery date range, delivery status (e.g. “D”
processing using multiple selection options, for delayed), warehouse number, delivery
but some of the selection options are preset, number, material number range, and most
such as those dependent on the status of the of the common data referenced on a delivery
delivery document. Select the type of collec- document.
tive processing required, for example, click
the Transportation Planning icon and, on
VL06IF List of Inbound Deliveries
the next screen, input selection options such
as purchase order, delivery date range, and Use this report for a general list of inbound
execute. delivery documents. Selection criteria include
shipping point/receiving point, purchase
order, document creation date range, ven-
VL06IC Inbound Deliveries
dor status, status of the inbound delivery
for Confirmation
document, delivery number, material, and
Use this transaction for the collective pro- most of the common data referenced on a
cessing of delivery documents that require delivery document.
confirmation, such as transfer orders for pick-
ing or put away entries. As with the creation
VL06IG Inbound Deliveries
of a transfer orders, the color of the confir-
for Goods Receipt
mation indicates its status. Input selections
include purchase order document number, Use this transaction to process the inbound
inbound delivery document number, planned delivery goods receipt function. This transac-
goods movement date range. Then you can tion may be used, for instance, in the sales
execute. If you have set the processing of return process where a delivery document
subsequent functions to background mode, is processed with the relevant information
you can specify whether the picking or put for receiving the returned materials back
away quantity should be copied into the into the plant. Selection options include
delivery quantity or whether you want to the receiving shipping point and the actual
post goods issue/goods receipt immediately goods return date. Execute the program. If
following confirmation. the goods return posting was successful, the

252 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

processed deliveries appear in green; if errors

VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
occurred, they appear in red. The delivery
also appears in green if goods return was Use this transaction to access the delivery
already posted for the delivery document in monitor, which is a central transaction for
question (this may occur because the same monitoring and the collective processing of
delivery was accidentally selected twice, for outbound delivery documents. This trans-
example). action lists completed and open deliveries.
Delivery documents can be listed depend-
ing on their status, such as all deliveries
VL06IP Inbound Deliveries
ready for picking or goods issue. Deliver-
for Putaway
ies can be selected for collective processing
This transaction is used to process an inbound using multiple selection options, but some
goods receipt and put the stock into the of the selection options are preset, such as
warehouse supported by the Warehouse those dependent on the status of the deliv-
Management system (WM). For example, ery document. Select the type of collective
a company issues a purchase order that is processing required, for example, click the
confirmed by the vendor using a shipping Transportation Planning icon and, on the
notification. When the shipping notification next screen, input selection options, such as
is received, the data are transferred to an shipping point and shipping planning date
inbound delivery document so that you can range, and execute.
put the inventory away into the warehouse
when it arrives. Input selection criteria
VL06P Outbound Deliveries
include purchase order document num-
for Picking
ber, inbound delivery document number,
planned goods movement date range; then Use this transaction to execute the picking
you can execute. If you have set the process- process, which involves taking goods from
ing of subsequent functions to background a storage location and staging the materials
mode, you can specify whether the picking in a picking area where the goods can be
or put away quantity should be copied into prepared for shipping. Picking can be set
the delivery quantity or whether you want to up to post automatically at delivery docu-
post the goods receipt immediately following ment creation time or processed manually
confirmation. using this transaction, according to the daily
workload. There is a picking status in the
delivery document that indicates what stage
VL06L Outbound Deliveries
of picking the delivery is at, such as started
for Loading
or completed. Selection options include ship-
Use this transaction to generate a list of ping point, picking delivery date range, and
deliveries ready for loading into a truck or warehouse number. Execute to display a list
shipment container prior to goods issue. of deliveries ready for picking. Then select
The vehicle or transport equipment sealing the delivery documents, enter picking quan-
activity is also supported. Selection options tity, and save.
include shipping point and the actual load-
ing date. Execute the program and update
VL06T Outbound Deliveries for
the loading date as necessary and save. The
Transportation Planning
processed deliveries appear in green; if errors
occurred, they appear in red. This transaction is used to display a worklist
of deliveries ready for transportation

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

planning, i.e., those deliveries that are ready

VL09 Reverse Goods Movement
to be assigned a route for the delivery and
a forwarding agent for transportation. A Use this transaction to reverse a goods
prerequisite for this functionality is that the movement such as a goods issue posted in
delivery type is flagged in customizing as reference to an outbound delivery document.
transportation-planning relevant and This may be required if the goods movement
routes are set up. Input the shipping point was posted in error. Enter the shipping point,
and transportation planning date or organize goods movement date, inbound/outbound
the worklist by selecting the route and/or for- delivery document number, and click Exe-
warding agent and then click Execute. Once cute. Then select the delivery document/
the worklist is displayed, you can then assign goods movements you want to reverse and
delivery documents to shipments manually click Save. Select Enter through the confir-
or have them automatically assigned to ship- mation message to confirm the reversal and
ment documents. post the reversing goods movements.

VL06U Unchecked Outbound VL10 Sales and Purchase

Deliveries Orders, Fast Display

Use this transaction to display a worklist of This transaction is used to create multiple
unchecked deliveries, which are deliveries delivery documents in reference to a sale
with a reduced scope of check in relation to and/or purchase order. Sales and purchase
the main availability checking functionality. orders are analyzed and delivery documents
An unchecked delivery is only created in are created according to the planned delivery
reference to a preceding document that has date. Collective processing of deliveries may
shipping requirement dates on it. Use this be required if you want to combine deliver-
transaction to convert unchecked deliveries ies for a ship-to party. Input the shipping
into checked deliveries by performing all nec- point, the delivery creation date (which is
essary checks that were explicitly switched the earliest of the material availability date
off when you created the unchecked delivery, or transportation planning date), the rule
especially the availability checking. Input the for determining the delivery date, and click
sales area, shipping point, planned goods Execute. You can then manually process the
movement date, and click Execute. The deliv- delivery document by selecting the line and
ery now confirms the delivery quantities to clicking the Dialog or you can select the
the sales order and updates the status. You lines and click the Creating the Deliveries
can now perform all the follow-on functions, in Background icon.
such as picking, packing, and goods issue.
VL10A Sales Orders, Fast Display
VL08 Report Results of Pick Order
This transaction is used to create multiple
This transaction is used to report picked delivery documents in reference to a sales
quantities. Input the delivery number and order only. Sales orders are analyzed and
the picking request number and click Enter. delivery documents are created according
On the next screen, you can confirm amounts to the planned delivery date. Collective
for individual items in the picking request. processing of deliveries may be required if
Items that are subject to confirmation are you want to combine deliveries for a ship-to
automatically confirmed. party. Input the shipping point, the delivery
creation date (which is the earliest of the

254 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

material availability date or transportation you want to combine deliveries for a ship-to
planning date), the rule for determining the party. Input the shipping point, the delivery
delivery date, and click Execute. You can then creation date (which is the earliest of the
manually process the delivery document by material availability date or transportation
selecting the line and clicking the Dialog planning date), the rule for determining the
icon or you can select the lines and click the delivery date, and click Execute. You can then
Creating the Deliveries in Background manually process the delivery document by
icon. selecting the line and clicking the Dialog
icon or you can select the lines and click the
Creating the Deliveries in Background
VL10B Purchase Orders, Fast Display
This transaction is used to create multiple
delivery documents in reference to purchas-
VL10I Sales and Purch. Order
ing documents only. This may be required, for
Item Sched. Lines
instance, when delivering interplant transfers
using stock transport orders. Stock transport Use this transaction to create multiple
orders are analyzed and delivery documents delivery documents in reference to a sales
are created according to the planned delivery or purchasing schedule line agreement.
date. Collective processing of deliveries may Schedule line agreements contain details of
be required if you want to combine deliv- a delivery schedule. Some scheduling agree-
eries for a ship-to plant location. Input the ments contain two sets of delivery date: one
shipping point, the delivery creation date is a forecast delivery date and the other is a
(which is the earliest of the material availabil- firm delivery date that can be sent by the cus-
ity date or transportation planning date), the tomer via EDI. Once the firm delivery dates
rule for determining the delivery date, and are received, you can use this transaction for
click Execute. There are also further selec- the automatic creation of the delivery docu-
tion options for narrowing the list of stock ments for subsequent shipment processing.
transport orders on the Purchase Orders Collective processing of deliveries can also
tab. On the next screen, you can manually facilitate combining deliveries for a ship-to
process the delivery document by selecting party. Input the shipping point, the delivery
the line and clicking the Dialog icon or you creation date (which is the earliest of the
can select the lines and click the Creating material availability date or transportation
the Deliveries in Background icon. planning date), the rule for determining the
delivery date, and click Execute. You can then
manually process the delivery document by
VL10H Sales Order and Purchase
selecting the line and clicking the Dialog
Order Items
icon or you can select the lines and click the
This transaction is used to create multiple Creating the Deliveries in Background
delivery documents in reference to a sales/ icon.
purchase order at the line item level. The
delivery list output gives you the option to
VL21 Create Background Jobs
select specific quantities, at the line item
for Goods Issue Posting
level, when combining and creating deliv-
eries. Sales and purchase orders are analyzed This transaction can be used for collectively
and delivery documents are created accord- posting the goods issue for delivery docu-
ing to the planned delivery date. Collective ments and can be set up to run in background
processing of deliveries may be required if mode. Selection criteria include shipping

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

point, route, goods issue date, delivery docu-

VL33N Display Inbound Delivery
ment number, grouped delivery document
number and shipment number. Use this transaction to display an inbound
delivery document previously created via
transaction VL31N.
VL22 Display Change
Documents of Delivery
VL35 Create Picking Waves
Use this transaction to display a list of delivery
According to Delivery
document change documents that are posted
Compare Times
when details of a delivery are changed. The
system records changes to the header or line This transaction is used to assign deliveries
item data, partner roles, status, and to man- to picking waves. The warehouse is divided
agement data. You can also call up this report into picking timeslots, and the assignment
when processing the delivery document in of a delivery to a timeslot is dependent on
change or display mode. Selection criteria the time when the order is recorded. Input
include one delivery document number at a the warehouse number, reference date (used
time. Selection criteria can also include item to compare with the delivery date), timeslot
number, date and user ID of the individual group, timeslot, and other selection related
making the change. The report output will to delivery data and execute. The program
display the fields changed with the option can be executed with the wave groups saved
to drill down and display the old/new field automatically or wave groups displayed
value and date changed. before saving.

VL31N Create Inbound Delivery VL35_ST Create Pick. Waves

Acc. To Shipments
This transaction is used to create an inbound
delivery document, which may be required Use this transaction the create wave picks
to document delivery confirmation from automatically according to time criteria, with
the vendor. Input the vendor number, pur- reference to shipments. Input the warehouse
chase order number, expected delivery date, number, reference date (used to compare
expected delivery time, any external ID num- with the delivery date), timeslot group,
bers, means of transport and click Enter. timeslot, shipment number from/to range
The purchase order lines will be displayed; and execute. The program can be executed
then select the line item, input the quantity with the wave groups saved automatically or
confirmed, and save. wave groups displayed before saving.

VL32N Change Inbound Delivery VL36 Change Wave Picks

Use this transaction to change an inbound This transaction is used to make changes to
delivery document, which may be required to wave picks. Input the warehouse number,
input a change in the planned delivery date, reference date (used to compare with the
change the confirmed vendor delivery quan- delivery date), timeslot group, timeslot and
tity or process the goods receipt. Input the the numbers of the wave picks in the group
inbound delivery document number, click field. On the next screen, the wave picks
Enter, make changes to the delivery date or appear. Waves and deliveries that were saved
quantity received, for example, and save. with capacity problems are marked in yellow.
You can move deliveries from one wave to

256 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

another and deselect waves and deliveries

VL65 Inbound Delivery Purge Report
and then save the changes.
This transaction is used to purge old inbound
deliveries for which no more goods receipts
VL37 Wave Pick Monitor
are expected. For this program to work, the
Use this transaction to monitor the status of purge offset in days needs to be entered in
wave picks. Input the warehouse number, customizing for the warehouse in question.
reference date (used to compare with the The goods movement status of the inbound
delivery date), timeslot group, timeslot and delivery at the header level and for each item
the numbers of the wave picks in the group is set to C (completely processed) if the off-
field and click Execute. The display list gives set days are reached for the purge scenario.
you an overview of the processing status of Selection criteria include purge scenario (e.g.,
wave picks. third part process or stock transport order),
warehouse number and delivery number. The
VL41 Create Rough Goods Receipt program can be executed in test or update
This transaction is used to split the goods
receiving process into two steps: one a rough
VL66 Delete Inbound Delivery
goods receipt and the other an exact goods
receipt. This allows for the matching of a Use this transaction to delete an inbound
shipping notification or purchase order with delivery document. Note that the inbound
a delivery note while triggering the printing delivery document must not have any goods
of documents to enable the physical receiv- receipts posted to it or any handling units
ing of the goods (counting). You can enter a assigned to it. Selection criteria include deliv-
rough goods receipt only if the purchasing ery document and the created on date. The
information record has the confirmation cat- program can be executed in test or update
egory (confirmation control) turned on. Input mode.
the delivery number, vendor, purchase order
number, and delivery date and then click the
VLSP Subsequent Outbound-
Inbound Delivery Document icon
Delivery Split

This transaction is used to subsequently split

VL64 Generation of Inbound
a delivery into multiple deliveries, which is
required if you discover that one delivery has
This transaction is used to search for a deliv- too many items or the quantity is too large
ery schedule of a purchase order line item for the means of transport. This functionality
or schedule line of a scheduling agreement has to be activated in customizing. During
where the flag is set for Automatic inbound the subsequent outbound-delivery split, the
delivery creation. If the delivery date for status of the delivery document is checked
the schedule line is older than or equal to to ensure that subsequent functions, such as
the delivery date entered by the user, the goods movements or billing documents, have
system generates a new inbound delivery for not been created. Also, the system confirms
each purchase order and/or scheduling agree- characteristics (delivery groups and correla-
ment. Selection criteria include vendor, plant, tion), copies data (texts), calculates attributes
purchasing document number and delivery (volume and weight), and carries out deter-
to date. The program can be run in test or minations (outputs). Selection criteria include
update mode. shipping point, outbound delivery document,

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

handling unit, ship-to party, shipment data

VRRE Create Returns Delivery
and split profile, which contains the control
for Repair Order
settings for how the split deliveries will be
grouped. This transaction is used to create a returns
delivery document in reference to a single
returns request. This transaction is similar
VM01 Create Hazardous Material
to transaction VL01N (Create Delivery Docu-
This transaction is used to create hazardous ment) except that you can cannot process the
material master records that contain special post goods movement (instead, you have to
handling instructions in the warehouse man- use transaction VL02N the post the goods
agement system. Information in the master receipt). The delivery document can serve
record can include storage class (how the as the basis for planning the material return
material should be stored), hazardous mate- and for processing the credit memo. Input the
rial storage warning (warnings that can be shipping point, return request, delivery type,
issued when handling the material in the click Enter, review the delivery quantity and
warehouse) and, if the material is liquid, what default information, and click Save.
concentration of a hazardous substance (as
a percentage) is in the material. Regulations
VS01 Create Scale
governing hazardous material vary by national
laws, so the master record data can be cus- This transaction is used to create a scale for
tomized to include any extra data required. calculating shipment costs, for example, a
Input the hazardous material number and the scale to calculate a freight rate depending on
region code that governs the hazardous mate- the combination of a distance scale (scale base
rial regulations and click Enter. Maintain the type distance) and weight scale (scale base
relevant data and save. type weight). In order to calculate freight
costs based on scales, you also need to assign
the scale to the freight condition type using
VM02 Change Hazardous Material
transaction T_06. Input the scale basis, click
Use this transaction to change hazardous Enter, and on the next screen enter a descrip-
material master records that contain spe- tion for the scale, scale type (controls scale
cial handling instructions in the warehouse level, e.g., “scale basis” or “to scale”), enter
management system. This may be required scale levels, and save.
if, for example, regulations governing the
hazardous material were to change. Input the
VS02 Change Scale
hazardous material number and the region
code that governs the hazardous material Use this transaction to change the scale rate
regulations and click Enter. Maintain the for calculating shipment costs, for example,
relevant data and save. a scale to calculate a freight rate depending
on the combination of a distance scale (scale
base type distance) and weight scale (scale
VM03 Display Hazardous Material
base type weight). Input scale ID, click Enter,
Use this transaction to display a hazardous change rates and save.
material previously created using transaction
VS03 Display Scale

Use this transaction to display scales for cal-

culating shipment costs, for example, a scale

258 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

to calculate a freight rate depending on a

V T02N Change Shipment
combination or a distance scale (scale base
type distance) and weight scale (scale base Use this transaction to change an individual
type weight). Input scale ID and click Enter shipment document, which controls the
to review the rates. transportation planning process, includ-
ing acquiring the services of a forwarding
agent, organizing the means of transporta-
VS04 Create Scale with Reference
tion, specifying the route for the shipment,
Use this transaction to create a scale with and defining the stages covering the route in
reference to an existing scale. Input the scale the most efficient way. Input the shipment
ID and click Enter. Then, on the next screen, document, click Enter, make the necessary
make changes for the new scale and save. changes, such as assign additional deliveries
documents, adjust transportation times/date,
VS06 List Scales etc. and save.

Use this transaction to report on a list of

V T03N Display Shipment
scales and rates. Selection options include
scale basis, scale description, scale type, cre- Use this transaction to display a shipment
ated by and date of creation. Input selection document previously created using transac-
criteria and click Execute. The display output tion VT01N.
can be changed to suit user requirements and
saved for future reporting.
V T04 Create Shipments in
Collective Proc.
V T01N Create Shipment
This transaction is used to create multiple
This transaction is used to create an indi- shipment documents automatically at one
vidual shipment document, which controls time depending on grouping rules that you
the transportation planning process, includ- define. The shipment document controls the
ing acquiring the services of a forwarding transportation planning process, including
agent, organizing the means of transporta- acquiring services of a forwarding agent,
tion, specifying the route of the shipment, organizing the means of transportation,
and defining the stages covering the route in specifying the route for the shipment, and
the most efficient way. In customizing, the defining stages covering the route in the most
delivery type must be relevant for transporta- efficient way. In customizing, the delivery
tion planning and, for outbound deliveries, type must be relevant for transportation plan-
the routes have to be defined. Input the ning and, for outbound deliveries, routes
transportation point, shipment type (what have to be defined. Select whether inbound
type of transportation is to be processed, for or outbound shipment documents are to be
example, shipment by road), selection variant created and then define which deliveries will
(can default values for transportation plan- be considered by maintaining a selection
ning) and click Enter. On the next screen, variant. Then you can define the grouping
assign deliveries to the shipment, select a criteria for the shipment documents, such
forwarding agent, plan the transportation as grouping by shipping point, ship-to party
times/dates, and save the document. and route with minimum and maximum
values for weight, volume and number of
deliveries. You can also define some default

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

values for shipment dates and times. There 0 (Planned), transportation planning point,
is also an option to process transportation planned check-in date, and the shipment
chains when shipments consist of multiple type. Input selection criteria and execute
shipment documents. Execute the program to display the list. On the next screen, the
with an option to log the results, which can planner can select a shipment and branch to
be viewed via transaction VT05. the shipment document for processing and
save the document. This report is displayed
in advanced list viewer (ALV) format, which
V T05 Logs in the Application Log
means there are advanced view options that
Use this transaction to display the log can be customized by the user and saved for
resulting from the collective shipment cre- future reporting.
ate program executed via transaction VT04.
The amount of detail in the log depends on
V T12 Shipment List: Shipment
your selection when executing transaction
VT04; for example, you can save the log
with a normal amount of detail or with very This transaction is similar to transaction
detailed information, including messages of VT11 but has an extra option related to sta-
a technical nature. tus reporting of the shipment document, in
particular, transportation status and dates for
planned and actual shipment completion.
V T06 Shipment List: Collective
Change Shipment
V T16 Shipment List: Check-in
This transaction is used for mass changes to
shipment documents, for example, if you Use this transaction to report on shipments
need to change the forwarding agent on mul- that you want to check in. You can report on
tiple shipments. Instead of changing each all shipments that are expected to arrive on
document individually, you can make a mass that day, for instance, so that you can check
change in multiple shipment documents in in the shipments as the trucks arrive. Selec-
one step. This change function allows you to tion criteria important for check-in include
enter changes in a sample line and then carry planned deadlines and service agents. Input
those changes over multiple shipment docu- selection criteria and execute the report. From
ments. Selection criteria include forwarding the displayed list, you can set the check-in
agent, route, shipping conditions, container status for all selected documents. Provided
ID, overall transport status and various that the relevant setting was made in the
transportation planning dates. Execute the activity profile, a dialog box will appear in
program and, on the next screen, enter your which the truck’s license plate number and
changes in the default line and choose refer- driver’s name can be entered. Once you have
ence document. New value(s) will update the made changes to a shipment document in the
selected shipment documents and then you list and then returned to the list, you can use
can save your changes. the Refresh function to update the list.

V T11 Shipment List: Planning V T20 Overall Shipment

Status Monitor
Use this transaction for reporting on ship-
ments to be planned or scheduled. For This transaction gives a good overview of the
example, a shipment planner can select, as transportation execution process, displaying
selection criteria, the overall transport status shipments grouped by status, time, and date

260 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Sales and Distribution (SD) 7

and how much workload exists. For example, documents, labels to attach to the side of con-
the transportation planner can review a par- tainers, shipment notifications and pro forma
ticular shift in terms of workload and react billing documents to accompany export
to a busy schedule. In this way, the work can shipments across country borders. Input
be distributed more evenly. Selection criteria the shipment document number, planned
include transportation planning point, ship- shipment completion date, transportation
ment type, shipping point, forwarding agent, planning point, business partners (including
transportation planning date and time range, ship-to party and forwarding agent), output
status groups, and an option to select the type (documents), the transmission medium
critical number of shipments per hour. (such as printout and email), output device
(such as a printer), and execute. The next
screen will show the status of the output.
V T22 Selection Screen: Change
Document Shipment
VV21 Create Output – Condition
Use this transaction to report a list of ship-
Records: Shipping
ment document changes. Selection criteria
include user ID of the individual making the This transaction is used to create conditions
change, date and time of change, shipment for the automatic generation of output (such
number, shipment document table/field, as printed documents/sending emails) for
and an option to display the changes per shipping documents. Input the output type
shipment or by field grouping. The report and click Enter to select the condition table.
output will list the fields changed grouped Then choose the condition table that will
by shipment document or table field and the store the condition records and click Enter.
old/new field values and date changed. The condition record will be those conditions
that, if fulfilled, will automatically generate
the output. On the next screen, input the
V T32 Selection Criteria for
conditions, the valid from/to date range and
Forwarding Agent
This transaction is used to report on the
tendering status of shipment order where
VV22 Change Output – Condition
one or more potential transportation service
Records: Shipping
providers submit a quote for the transpor-
tation service. Selection criteria include Use this transaction to change conditions for
tender status, such as accepted or rejected the automatic generation of output (such as
by forwarding agent, date of tender status, printed documents/sending emails) for ship-
forwarding agent, shipment type, and over- ping documents, which may be required to
all status of the shipment document. Once extend the validity period for the condition
the quote is accepted, the shipment order is record. Input the output type and click Enter
updated with the terms and conditions of to select the condition table. Then choose the
the transportation service and the service is condition table that will store the condition
carried out. records and click Enter. Make changes to the
condition record and save.
V T70 Messages for Shipments

Use this transaction to print output from ship-

ment documents. The types of documents
that can be output include general shipping

7 Sales and Distribution (SD)

VV31 Create Output – Condition VV32 Change Output – Condition

Records: Billing Records: Billing
This transaction is used to create conditions Use this transaction to change conditions for
for the automatic generation of output (such the automatic generation of output (such as
as printed documents/sending emails) for printed documents/sending emails) for bill-
billing documents. Input the output type and ing documents, which may be required to
click Enter to select the condition table. Then extend the validity period for the condition
choose the condition table that will store record. Input the output type and click Enter
the condition records and click Enter. The to select the condition table. Then choose the
condition record will be those conditions condition table that will store the condition
that, if fulfilled, will automatically generate records and click Enter. Make changes to the
the output. On the next screen, input the condition record and save.
conditions and the valid from/to date range
and save.

262 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

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