Hose Handling Crane PDF
Hose Handling Crane PDF
Hose Handling Crane PDF
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While the advice given in this briefing paper (“Paper”) has been developed using the
best information currently available, it is intended purely as guidance to be used at
the user’s own risk. No responsibility is accepted by the Oil Companies International
Marine Forum (“OCIMF”), the membership of OCIMF or by any person, firm, corporation
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1 Glossary 1
2 References 3
3 Introduction 4
4 Overview of the study 5
5 Major findings 6
6 Recommendations 7
7 Summary 8
Appendix 1 Study of tanker hose cranes at offshore terminals 9
Appendix 2 Water depth effects 13
Appendix 3 Motions, accelerations 16
Appendix 4 Nature of offshore rigid and floating hose loads 27
Appendix 5 Existing design guidelines 29
1 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
B Boom Tip Sometimes called boom point or boom head. The boom tip is the extreme
point on the crane boom where the lifted load, including the static and dynamic parts,
is applied to the crane. The acceleration of the boom tip is directly translated to the
lifted load by the lift wire.
Crane Spring The crane spring rate is computed from the lift weight and the total
elastic deflection of the entire crane structure including stretch of wire rope, deflection
of the boom, deflection of the hydraulic cylinder or boom hoist wire, deflection of the
crane pedestal and supporting structure. This is one component of the dynamic factor
that is included in the API offshore crane design criteria.
D Dynamic Factor / Vertical Dynamic Factor The Dynamic Factor is the factor applied to
the weight of an object being lifted to account for all dynamic effects (such as motion
and acceleration) that are not otherwise computed directly.
S Side-lead handling Lifting of a load with the main lifting wire misaligned with plane of
crane boom so as to impart a side loading on the boom tip.
Swell Waves, either deep water or shallow water, originating from a distance far away
from the site. Longer period waves travel faster than shorter period waves. Therefore
when a distant storm generates waves, the longer, faster waves separate from the
shorter slower waves. Swell arriving at a site is generally regular in nature, that is the
swell height and period is similar from wave to wave.
Water Particle Kinematics Motion of water molecules as a wave passes. In deep
water the water particles trace a nearly circular path as the wave passes (see figure
above). In shallow water, the motions of particles are influenced by the seabed,
elongating into ellipses.
Wave, deep water Waves in water deep enough to not “feel” the seabed. This depth
is commonly defined as being more than one-half the wave length. The water particle
motion is generally circular. The assumption of deep water waves simplifies ship
motions analysis. See Figure G1 below:
Wave, shallow water Wave in water depth less than one-half its own wave length.
In this water depth, the wave starts to “feel” the seabed and the path of the water
particles become elongated and elliptical. Some ship motions analysis software
incorporates shallow water wave theory, but not all. See Figure below:
Wave, Wind A wave that is generated locally at a terminal or harbour site by wind
acting on the water. These waves are irregular or random in nature (i.e. the seastate
comprises many wave heights and frequency combinations) and the seastate is best
defined by a wave spectrum for the purposes of ship motion response.
Wave Spectrum Mathematic description to express randomness of waves in the open
ocean. A look at a wave record shows that the waves are of all heights and periods at a
given time. Mathematically, the waves can be thought of as the sum of a large number
of different regular waves. The spectrum then is a way to represent these components
by plotting wave energy against wave frequency or period. The spectrum can be
determined from a time history of measured wave elevations or can be one of several
mathematical representations of the spectrum. Mathematical representations include
the Bretschneider, JONSWAP, Ochi, and others. The JONSWAP spectrum is commonly
used as it has the flexibility through its input parameters to model wave climates in
many locations. The form used here is defined by the significant wave height (Hs) and
the peak spectral period (Tp). Details of wave spectra, their derivation, and their uses
are outside the scope of this document, but more information may be found in standard
references on waves including reference 10 (Principles of Naval Architecture 1988).
1. API Specification 2C, Specification for Offshore Pedestal Mounted Cranes,
01 March 2004
2. ABS Guide for Certification of Lifting Appliances, 2007, Chapter 2; Guide for
Certification of Cranes
3. DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.22, Lifting Appliances, October 2008
4. Lloyd’s Register Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, January 2003
5. GL Noble Denton Guidelines for Marine Lifting Operations, Rev 9, 31 March 2010
6. Department of Defense Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems, Section 301a,
Ship Motion and Attitude (Metric), 21 July 1986
7. Naval Ship’s Technical Manual, Chapter 589, Cranes; 30 May 2002
8. Appleton Marine Inc., Technical Review of Tanker Hose Handling Crane Capacity at
Offshore Terminals, November 2007
9. Hose Crane Operation at Offshore Terminals, OTF9 Amsterdam March 5-6, 2008, by
Capt. A.F. Fantauzzi
10. Principles of Naval Architecture, Vol III, Chapter 8; Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers; 1989.
4 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
1. Introduction
OCIMF members have expressed concerns about the capability of tanker hose handling
cranes to safely handle the lengths of hose typically associated with cargo operations
at offshore facilities (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and single
point mooring (SPM)). These concerns have been prompted by the increased use of
double carcass hoses, which has resulted in an increased weight of each equivalent
length of floating hose. In addition, the phasing out of single hull vessels has led to
today’s double hull tankers, which have greater freeboard, with the result that the total
length (and therefore total weight) of hose string to be lifted has also increased.
Current industry recommendations for the lifting capacities of hose handling cranes
are contained in the OCIMF’s Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and
Associated Equipment (an update of which is due in 2015). However, the published
guidance does not specifically take account of the potentially increased weight of
floating hose strings resulting from the above factors.
OCIMF engaged Herbert Engineering Corp. to conduct an analysis of tanker hose cranes
at offshore terminals. A goal of this analysis was to find the expected dynamic effects on
the crane loading due to hose-handling operations at offshore terminals.
This paper is a summary of the findings and recommendations from the study. The
substance of the report is included as an annex and full copies of the report, including
further detailed appendices, are available from the OCIMF secretariat on request.
5 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
3. Summary of findings
The study provided the following findings:
1. In the majority of wave conditions considered applicable, the dynamic loading for
hose lifting is generally less than 15% of the static lifted weight. This is less than the
minimum dynamic factor required by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and
the classifications society Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL) for offshore cranes lifting
rigid packages from supply boats (see point 5).
2. If swell is present, both swell and local wind waves combine to contribute to the
ship’s motions and therefore to dynamic loading of the crane. Under exactly the
right conditions when the swell period matches the natural roll period of the ship
the crane loading can increase to 1.4 to 1.5 times the static load.
3. The dynamic loading is a strong function of height, period and direction of both
waves and swell. Data for estimating the expected dynamic loading for a Suezmax
tanker crane was developed in the study.
4. There is a variety of criteria applied in the design of shipboard cranes. The rated
safe working loads (SWLs) of different cranes therefore have different margins or
allowances for dynamics.
5. Standards for offshore cranes (such as API and DNV) refer to a “vertical dynamic
coefficient” or “dynamic factor,” which accounts for the dynamics of a snatch-type
load. The minimum dynamic factor recommended by API and other standards
for offshore cranes is 1.3 to 1.4. However, many hose cranes were designed as
shipboard (harbour) cranes with lower minimum required dynamic loading
6. For a specified crane where the design margin that accounts for dynamics is
unknown, the range of margins presently used by the various design codes may
lead to opportunities for re-analysis of the structure and machinery. This presents
a good chance of finding the margin that is in fact adequate for hose handling
7. API specification 2C is a commonly-applied design standard for offshore cranes. It
has well-defined requirements for dynamic loading. Many tanker hose cranes are
designed for shipboard (harbour) service, which is not within the scope of API or
other offshore standards.
8. The API specification addresses lifting offshore operations from and to supply
vessels. This is a different application from lifting floating hoses, with different
kinds of dynamic loads. If a tanker hose handling crane is to be used to lift loads as
well as hoses from boats, a load rating that complies with API Spec 2C or similar
should be developed for that service.
9. Crane manufacturers typically use the API, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS
Group) and DNV standards reviewed in this study, whether or not they are specified
by the purchaser.
10. Estimates can be made of the expected level of dynamic load for given conditions
of waves and swell offshore. Methods for doing this include:
-- W
orking from pre-calculated motions over a range of wave and swell
conditions and applying these to existing conditions. The report presents these
for Suezmax tankers.
-- Estimating the real-time boom tip motion amplitude and period.
-- Installing instruments to measure real-time boom tip accelerations.
11. Roll, and roll induced acceleration at the boom tip, is more severe in deep water
compared to shallow water for the same wave height. The term deep water is
related to the length (and period) of waves acting on the ship. A deep water wave
is usually defined as having a wave length less than twice the water depth. At a
tanker terminal with a water depth of 25m, waves less than six seconds are deep
water waves, while those of longer than this threshold are shallow water waves
influenced by the bottom.
12. Design values for side-lead and for hose handling must be based on experience, so
operators must provide information to designers.
7 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
4. Recommendations
The report contains the following recommendations:
5. Summary
The Herbert Engineering Corp study has indicated that the dynamic loading for hose
lifting was generally less than 15% of the static lifted weight. However, there is a variety
of criteria applied in the design of shipboard cranes, and the rated safe working loads
of different cranes have different margins or allowances for dynamics. Further, some
assumptions made during the study, for instance design values for side-lead hose
handling, need to be studied further.
Operators should be made aware of limitations of their specific crane installations,
and it is recommended that the next revision of the OCIMF’s Recommendations for
Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment publication include reference to the
report’s findings, particularly with regard to anticipated dynamic loadings.
9 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
AHeave = Heave acceleration
The vertical acceleration in excess of gravity is the primary dynamic load effect that
structural engineers use for the design of the crane and its foundation. The present
study investigated the dynamic loading through the analysis of the tanker motions in
response to a set of defined sea states. The wave period, wave direction and location
of the load from the side of the vessel were varied to allow a determination of the
maximum accelerations at the boom tip. Two tanker load cases (ballast and full-load)
and two water depths (shallow and deep) were also included in the analysis matrix.
See appendix A4 for a further description of hose lifting loads and comparison against
lifting of rigid packages.
10 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
LOA 274.5m
LBP 261.0m
Beam 50.0m
Depth 25.1m
Full load displacement 180,166 MT
Full load draft 17.2m
Ballast displacement 88,554 MT
Ballast draft 9.1m
Table A.1: Suezmax tanker particulars
Experience with tanker loading and offloading at exposed terminals has shown that
long period swells from distant storms can occur in conjunction with local wind waves.
These could come from a variety of directions relative to the ship heading. For the
purposes of this study, OCIMF directed that a 2m high swell coming from any direction
be applied with the wind waves. Swell is defined here as a long-crested regular wave,
with little variation in height or period between subsequent waves.
Water depths used in the analysis can range from shallow for near shore terminals,
such as a single point mooring (SPM), to greater than 1,000m such as at a deep-water
floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO). For this study, the water depths
considered range from 1.5 times the full load draft of the study tanker (1.5 x 17.2m =
26m) up to 1,000m.
13 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
RAO (deg/m)
10 FL-25.8
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Freq (rad/sec)
Figure A.3: Roll RAOs – Deep and shallow water – bow quartering seas
14 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Figure A.4 presents the vertical acceleration RAOs for the same four cases, and similar
conclusions may be made as the accelerations correlate well with the roll responses.
These accelerations are for the point 7m off the side shell and 10m above the deck.
0 25
Vertical Acceleration RAOs
RAO (g/m)
Acceleration R
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Freq (rad/sec)
Figure A.4: Acceleration RAOs – Deep and shallow water - bow quartering seas
1.20 Tp =5 Sec
Tp =7 Sec
0.80 Tp =9 Sec
Tp =11 Sec
Tp =13 Sec
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Frequency (rad/sec)
By combining the wave spectrum with the acceleration RAOs, the maximum 1:1000
response was found. Note that this response is the highest expected in 1,000 responses
or 1,000 waves in a given sea state. For a sea state with an average wave period of
approximately 10 seconds, this could be thought to mean the maximum response
in 10,000 seconds, i.e. over a close to 3-hour period. Figure A.6 presents the 1:1000
vertical acceleration responses for shallow and deep water locations, plotted against
the peak spectral period, TP, of the wave spectrum.
Vertical Acceleration Response
eleration (g)
0.08 FL-1000
FL 1000
Maxximum Acce
0.06 BL-1000
0 00
5 7 9 11 13
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
A2.4 Conclusions
It is clear that the accelerations computed for deep water were more severe than those
computed in shallow water, based on the above comparisons. The remainder of the
study used deep water wave theory.
For shallow water terminals, where the calculated dynamic loading controls crane
operations, it should be noted that the dynamic loading may be conservative.
16 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
A3 Motions, accelerations
A goal of this study was to find the expected dynamic loads on the crane due to hose-
handling operations at offshore terminals. The general approach was to compute the
motions of the tanker, and from these motions the accelerations at the crane boom
tip. Computations were made for a variety of situations, including distance of load
from the side shell and a range of wave periods. The U.S. Navy standard ship motion
programme USN-SMP which uses deep water wave theory was used in performing
these computations.
Note that all analyses conducted in this study are linear for 2m significant wave height.
Linearity implies that the results may be scaled to find results for other wave heights.
The boom tip accelerations can be represented either by a response spectrum or as
discrete values in response to a sea state. For this study, discrete values are presented
for each of three points off the side of the vessel at the longitudinal location of the
crane pedestal, which is 10m above the main deck. These points, at 1m, 3m, and 7m off
the side, are shown in figure A.7.
2.0 16
1.5 12
e (m or deg / m)
sponse (deg/m)
1.0 8
Roll Res
0.5 4
0.0 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Freq (rdn/sec)
2.5 18
2 14
mplitude (deg)
mplitude (m)
Yaw & Pitch
Roll Am
Motion Am
0.5 4
0 0
0 5 10 15
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
2.5 12
mplitude (deg)
Motion Amplitude (m)
Yaw & Pitch (deg)
Roll Am
0 0
0 5 10 15
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Significant Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.008 0.011 0.011 0.011
7 0.024 0.030 0.030 0.031
9 0.038 0.047 0.048 0.049
11 0.036 0.058 0.060 0.065
13 0.030 0.087 0.092 0.103
Maximum Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.014 0.019 0.020 0.020
7 0.044 0.054 0.055 0.057
9 0.069 0.085 0.086 0.089
11 0.065 0.104 0.108 0.117
13 0.055 0.157 0.166 0.186
Table A.2: Beam sea vertical acceleration responses
The maximum accelerations are in the sea states with a peak period of 13 seconds at
the furthest outboard location. For the ballast condition, the roll natural period is close
to 13 seconds, so the roll response heavily affects the accelerations. The maximum
acceleration approaches 0.2g in this case, the highest dynamic amplification factor
(DAF) found in response to random waves.
20 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Acceleration (g)
1m OB
0.10 3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Acceleration (g)
1m OB
0.10 3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Significant Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002
7 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.008
9 0.007 0.013 0.013 0.014
11 0.008 0.021 0.022 0.025
13 0.010 0.043 0.046 0.051
Maximum Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.003
7 0.007 0.013 0.013 0.014
9 0.013 0.023 0.024 0.025
11 0.014 0.038 0.040 0.044
13 0.019 0.077 0.082 0.093
Table A.3: Bow quartering sea acceleration responses
Acceleration (g)
0.06 1m OB
3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Acceleration (g)
0.06 1m OB
3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Figure A.15: Maximum expected vertical acceleration response – bow quartering seas
Significant Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
9 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
11 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
13 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Maximum Accelerations
TP On CL 1m OB 3m OB 7m OB
5 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
7 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
9 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
11 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
13 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011
Table A.4: Head sea acceleration responses
23 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
Acceleration (g)
0.006 1m OB
3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Note: In pure Head Seas, boom
tip distance does not affect Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Acceleration (g)
1m OB
0.010 3m OB
7m OB
on CL
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Note: In pure Head Seas, boom
tip distance does not affect Peak Spectral Period (sec)
0 TF g's/m
Vertical Acceleration g/m
30 TF g's/m
45 TF g's/m
60 TF g's/m
90 TF g's/m
120 TF g's/m
135 TF g's/m
g s/m
4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0
Swell Period (sec)
Figure A.19 presents the acceleration due to the first combination described above. In
this case:
• The maximum acceleration occurs at 13 seconds, close to the natural roll period.
• The 2m swell near the roll natural period plus a 2m significant sea state, also near
the resonant period, results in accelerations up to 0.40g with the load 1m off the side
shell and 0.48g at 7m off the side shell.
Acceleration (g)
0.30 1m OB
3m OB
7m OB
on CL
4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Figure A.19: Combined accelerations – beam swell + beam wind wave response
Figure A.20 presents the combined RMS acceleration due to the beam swell combined
with the maximum wind-wave acceleration. The maximum vertical acceleration is
about 0.38g, with the load 1m off the side shell, and 0.45g at 7m off the side shell.
Acceleration (g)
0.30 1m OB
3m OB
7m OB
on CL
4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Peak Spectral Period (sec)
Figure A.20: Combined accelerations – beam swell + beam wind wave response
Such an estimate of the expected boom tip acceleration can be made for other
combinations and directions of waves and swell. Adjustments for the height of waves
and swell can also be made, because the responses are proportional to the wave height.
For the combination of wind-waves and swell discussed above, the dynamic load
factor would be in the order of 1.45 to 1.5 times the static weight of the hose.
26 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
A3.5 Conclusions
1. With 2m significant wave height, the maximum dynamic loading for this case ranges
from approximately 16% of suspended hose weight with the boom raised (load 1.0 m
off side) to 19% of suspended hose weight with the boom lowered (load at 7.0 m off
the side).
2. Long period swell may result in higher vertical accelerations at the boom tip with
or without local seas if it acts at the natural roll period. In this case the maximum
dynamic loading may reach 48% or more of suspended hose weight in 2m wave
and swell heights.
3. Input from operators is needed to help define side lead and off lead values for
design and analysis of crane structures.
4. Operators should be informed of the important effects of roll resonant response
from both wind waves and swell on the dynamic loading.
27 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
8.00 Static Weight
6.00 Dynamic Load
4 00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Time (sec)
Picking up a floating hose is a radically different kind of dynamic load. The load
increases gradually as more length of hose is supported from the crane hook. The
crane oscillates as described in the foregoing motions analysis. The acceleration of
the hook results in dynamic inertia loads that are proportional to the acceleration and
the mass supported by the crane; these loads oscillate with the ship and period of the
waves (this loading is characterised in figure A.22). Again, this is an idealisation that
ignores some second order effects – including wave forces on the hose that will affect
the hook load. Manual calculations indicate that the wave forces are small compared
to the weight and inertia forces once the hose is mostly out of the water (static weight
for lifting a double-carcass hose is in the order of 10 to 14 tonnes). Note that the inertial
loads are directly proportional to the mass being lifted (and therefore also directly
proportional to static weight).
28 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Load (t)
6.00 Static Weight
Dynamic Load
4 00
0 20 40 60 80
Time (sec)
The dynamic effect of a snatch-type load tends to be greater than picking up a floating
hose for a typical crane stiffness and typical motions of tankers in reasonable wave
condition. This is cause to add guidance in the API Specification 2C and other design
guides that address the different, generally smaller, dynamic loading experienced by
hose cranes.
29 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
The design factor provides an idea of the variation among the different codes and also
among functions (i.e. shipboard cranes vs offshore cranes), from a high of 1.17 for API
to a low of 0.77 for DNV. This implies that there may be opportunities to recalculate
crane ratings to a less conservative standard.
These comparisons once again illustrate that the different and more benign nature of hose lifting compared to package lifts leads to
opportunities for reanalysis of the structure and machinery to provide the basis for increasing the crane rating.
35 – A Study into Crane Loads Associated with Hose Handling at Offshore Terminals
36 – Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Oil Companies
International Marine Forum
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London SW1H 9BU
United Kingdom