Brand FAshion
Brand FAshion
Brand FAshion
32 Online & Print International, Refereed (Reviewed) & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Neyati Ahuja [Subject: Commerce] International Journal of Vol. 3, Issue: 2, February: 2015
Research in Humanities & Social Sciences ISSN:(P) 2347-5404 ISSN:(O)2320 771X
3. Research Methodology
Consumer Survey on the effect of brands on their buying behavior through questionnaire.
Sample Size: 100 Respondents.
A sample questionnaire is annexed.
5. Understanding Branding
Products are what companies make, but customers buy brands. Therefore marketers go for branding in
order to distinguish their offerings from similar products and services provided by their competitors.
Additionally, it carries an inherent assurance to the customers that the quality of a purchase will be
similar to earlier purchases of the same brand.
Kotler (1999) expands on the concept of identity by stating that a brand is capable of conveying up to
six different levels of meaning to a targeted audience. This is known as the “Six Dimensions of The
Attributes A brand will communicate specific attributes, such as prestige
Benefits A brand strengthens a product’s attributes by communicating a set of benefits
that makes it more attractive
Values A brand represents a company’s core values and belief system
Culture A brand is representative or target a target audiences socio cultural
Personality A Brand can project behavioral personality patterns of targeted consumers
User The brand, in some cases, can emulate the end user
7. Questionnaire results
7.1 Age
44% Respondents belonging to the age group of 11-25 are the most brand conscious group and prefer
following their desired brands on social networking sites. 32% belonging to 26-40 are also brand
conscious & the degree of loyalty towards brands is high among this group. The degree brand of
consciousness goes on decreasing in higher age groups.
Data indicate that 6% belong to income category of Rs less than 10000 and 16% fall between Rs
10000-50000. Then 42% fall between income categories of 50000-100000. And another 32% come
under income group of 100000 & above. Household income highly influences the consumer behavior
towards fashion goods; families having income above Rs 50000 monthly prefer more of the branded
fashion apparels & accessories as compared to families having income less than Rs. 50000 a month.
Analysis reveals that 38% of the total respondents become aware about particular brands through
Print media (newspapers & magazines), 30% through advertisements on TV & Radio, 26% through
Online Media, and another 6% through words of mouth.
8. Conclusion
Brand is a guarantee, an assurance for a defined standard of quality for the first time and for every
time. Brand is name or logo that plays the role in the mind of the customer. Brands do not compete
in the product area but compete for the mind space of the customer. A brand once established in the
mind of the customer becomes indelible when customer identifies itself with that particular Brand.
Branding is an effective marketing strategy tool that has been used with frequent success in the past.
Branding can be an effective and powerful tool for all types of business organizations. If brand
owners use their product correctly, the payoffs can be substantial. However, if brands are
mismanaged, the results can be damaging. From the overall research we came to the conclusion that
brands have an effect on the consumer mind in many ways like quality, rates, income, age group’s etc.
Even in the fashion industries brand have a significant effect on consumer behavior.
1. Consumer Behavior, 6th Edition, by Hawkins, Best ad Coney.
2. Consumer Behavior, 6th Edition, by Lean G. Sehiffman and Leslic lazan Kanuk.
3. Kevin Lane Keller (2004). Strategic Brand Management, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, New
(Tick whichever applicable)
The following questionnaire is being used for the purpose of a survey on 'The impact of branding
on consumer buying behavior with respect to brands in fashion industry”. The results of the
analysis done on the basis of the responses will be used for educational purposes only. Thank you for
your time.
Name: Mr. Ms.__________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Gender: Male Female
Marital status: Unmarried Married
1. How often do you shop for apparels & other fashion accessories?
Once in a month once in 3 months
2-3 times a month once in 6 months
35 Online & Print International, Refereed (Reviewed) & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Neyati Ahuja [Subject: Commerce] International Journal of Vol. 3, Issue: 2, February: 2015
Research in Humanities & Social Sciences ISSN:(P) 2347-5404 ISSN:(O)2320 771X
2. Factors you consider while purchasing a readymade garments?
BASIS Large Extent(3) Some Extent(2) Least Extent(1)
Cloth type
10. How much do you agree that social media help in acquiring information about the fashion
11. How important are the following factors of a shopping experience to you?
Very important Important Neutral Unimportant
Brand Name
Convenient location
36 Online & Print International, Refereed (Reviewed) & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Neyati Ahuja [Subject: Commerce] International Journal of Vol. 3, Issue: 2, February: 2015
Research in Humanities & Social Sciences ISSN:(P) 2347-5404 ISSN:(O)2320 771X
12. How relevant are the following factors while choosing a clothing brand?
Irrelevant Neutral Relevant Very Relevant
Online shopping
Customer service
37 Online & Print International, Refereed (Reviewed) & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)