Land Tits Finalssst PDF
Land Tits Finalssst PDF
Land Tits Finalssst PDF
Disclaimer: For exclusive personal use only. Not for sale.
SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION Issue: Whether the certificate of sale could be registered using the old
entry made in 1980 notwithstanding the fact that the original copies of the
CHAPTER 5 (SEC. 51 TO 77) reconstituted certificates of title were issued only on June 19, 1984.
Held: Yes. DBP, complied with all that was required of it for purposes of
Section 51. Conveyance and other dealings by registered owner. both primary entry and annotation of the certificate of sale. So long as the
An owner of registered land may convey, mortgage, lease, charge or registrant has complied with all that is required of him for purposes of
otherwise deal with the same in accordance with existing laws. He may entry and annotation, nothing more remains to be done but a duty
use such forms of deeds, mortgages, leases or other voluntary incumbent solely on the register of deeds.
instruments as are sufficient in law. But no deed, mortgage, lease, or
other voluntary instrument, except a will purporting to convey or affect Case Doctrine:
registered land shall take effect as a conveyance or bind the land, but 1. (Primary) Entry alone produces the effect of registration,
shall operate only as a contract between the parties and as evidence of whether the transaction entered is a voluntary or an involuntary one, so
authority to the Register of Deeds to make registration. long as the registrant has complied with all that is required of him for
purposes of entry and annotation, and nothing more remains to be done
The act of registration shall be the operative act to convey or affect the but a duty incumbent solely on the register of deeds.
land insofar as third persons are concerned, and in all cases under this 2. The qualms implicit in the query of the respondent (and present
Decree, the registration shall be made in the office of the Register of appellee) register of deeds about making annotation of an entry effected
Deeds for the province or city where the land lies. before he assumed that office are more imagined than real. He would only
be making a memorandum of an instrument and of its entry based on or
A. Primary Entry Book (Sec. 56) reciting details which are already of indubitable record and, pursuant to
the express command of the law, giving said memorandum the same date
Section 56. Primary Entry Book; fees; certified copies. Each as the entry. No part of that function is exclusive to the incumbent of the
Register of Deeds shall keep a primary entry book in which, upon office at the time entry was made or is forbidden to any of his successors.
payment of the entry fee, he shall enter, in the order of their reception,
all instruments including copies of writs and processes filed with him National Housing Authority vs Augusto Basa
relating to registered land. He shall, as a preliminary process in
registration, note in such book the date, hour and minute of reception of Reiteration of DBP
all instruments, in the order in which they were received. They shall be
regarded as registered from the time so noted, and the memorandum of Sps. Basa procured a loaned from NHA secured by real estate mortgage.
each instrument, when made on the certificate of title to which it refers, The loan remained unpaid and NHA foreclosed the mortgage. The sheriff's
shall bear the same date: Provided, that the national government as well certificate of sale was registered and annotated only on the owner's
as the provincial and city governments shall be exempt from the payment duplicate copies of the titles in the hands of the respondents, since the
of such fees in advance in order to be entitled to entry and registration. titles in the custody of the RD were among those burned down when a fire
gutted the QC City Hall. After the redemption period, NHA consolidated
Every deed or other instrument, whether voluntary or involuntary, so ownership over the foreclosed properties, and the same was inscribed by
filed with the Register of Deeds shall be numbered and indexed and the RD on the certificates of title in the hand of NHA. Respondents
endorsed with a reference to the proper certificate of title. All records theorized that since the sheriff's certificate was only inscribed on the
and papers relative to registered land in the office of the Register of owner's duplicate certificate of title, and not on the certificate of title in the
Deeds shall be open to the public in the same manner as court records, possession of the RD, then there was no effective registration and the one-
subject to such reasonable regulations as the Register of Deeds, under year redemption period had not begun to run. Thus, respondents sought
the direction of the Commissioner of Land Registration, may prescribe. to redeem the property.
All deeds and voluntary instruments shall be presented with their Issue: Whether the annotation of the sheriff's certificate of sale on the
respective copies and shall be attested and sealed by the Register of owner's duplicate certificate of titles is sufficient registration considering
Deeds, endorsed with the file number, and copies may be delivered to that the inscription on the original certificates could not be made as the
the person presenting them. same got burned.
Certified copies of all instruments filed and registered may also be Held: Yes. The prevailing rule is that there is effective registration once
obtained from the Register of Deeds upon payment of the prescribed the registrant has fulfilled all that is needed of him for purposes of entry
fees. and annotation, so that what is left to be accomplished lies solely on the
register of deeds.
- in accordance with the will of the registered owner; Durawood vs Candice Bona
- necessary to surrender the owner’s duplicate
Principle: All the requirements must be complied with in order to confer
PRIMARY ENTRY BOOK OR DAY BOOK jurisdiction upon the RD.
- record of all instruments, including copies of writs and processes, Facts: Durawood filed an action for sum of money plus damages with a
affecting registered lands; prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment against LBB
- preliminary process in registration Construction as payment for construction materials. RTC then issued an
- instrument shall be regarded as registered only from the moment it is Order for the issuance of a writ of attachment. On June 17, 2004, A Notice
noted in the day book; of Levy on Attachment was annotated on the TCT of LBB’s property.
- record is constructive notice of its contents and all interests, legal and Candice Bona filed a Motion seeking leave to intervene claiming therein
equitable that LBB Construction had sold the property to her and her siblings through
a Deed of Absolute Sale. She asserted that the sale is the subject of an
REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF VOLUNTARY DEALINGS entry dated June 16, 2004 in the books of the RD, while the levy on
attachment is subject to an entry dated later on June 17, 2004.
a. Filing and registration in the day book of the notarized deed or
instrument; Issue: Whether the sale annotated earlier should prevail over the levy on
b. Surrender of the owner’s duplicate certificate of title; and execution.
c. Payment in full of the proper registration fees within 15 days from date Held: No. While it was true that the levy came later, it turned out that the
of entry fee required in the sale was not paid. There was one requirement that was
not complied with which was necessary to confer jurisdiction upon the RD.
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS As such, there was no complete act of registration. For failure to pay the
fee, the levy on execution takes precedence over the Deed of Absolute
a) Compliance with the essential requisites of a contract Sale. Amodias allegedly conveyed the subject property to respondent
b) Observance of the formal requirements of public AZNAR. This transaction was registered under Act 3344. Subsequently, the
instruments Amodias conveyed the subject property in favor of Go Kim Chuan. A TCT
c) Performance of the jurisdictional requisites for registration was issued in the name of Go Kim Chuan under Act 496. AZNAR filed a
d) In addition, special laws require the submission of supporting case against petitioners Amodias and Go Kim Chuan for Annulment of Sale
documents for certain transactions before registration is allowed and Cancellation of TCT alleging that the sale to Go Kim Chuan was an
invalid second sale of the subject property which had earlier been sold to
DBP vs Register of Deeds of Nueva Ecija it.
Entry in the primary entry book alone is considered a complete act of Issue: Who between Go Kim Chuan and AZNAR was able to validly
registration as long as all the requirements are present. register the property.
Facts: DBP presented for registration a sheriff's certificate of sale in its Ruling: Since the sale in favor of AZNAR was registered under Act No.
favor of two parcels of land covered, both in the names of the Sps. Bautista 3344 and not under Act No. 496, the said document is deemed not
and Calison. The transaction was entered in the Registry's primary Entry registered. Rather, it was the sale in favor of Go Kim Chuan which was
Book. DBP paid the requisite registration fees on the same day. Annotation registered under Act No. 496. AZNAR insists that since there was no
of the sale on the covering certificates of title could not, however be Torrens title on file in 1964, insofar as the vendors, AZNAR, and the
effected because the originals of those certificates were found to be Register of Deeds are concerned, the subject property was unregistered at
missing from the files of the Registry, where they were supposed to be the time. The contention is untenable. The fact that the certificate of title
kept, and could not be located. DBP instituted proceedings to reconstitute over the registered land
said certificates, and reconstitution was ordered in a decision rendered on
June 15, 1982. For reasons not apparent on the record, the certificates of
title were reconstituted only on June 19, 1984. Mendoza vs Garana
RULING: Go Kim Chuan has the better right. Appropriate here is Art. 1544 • The act of registration shall be the operative act to convey or
of the NCC, providing the rules on double sale (ownership transferred to affect the land insofar as third persons are concerned
the person who has first recorded it in the Registry of Property if • It is the act of registration which creates a constructive notice to
immovable. Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the whole world and binds third persons
the person who in good faith was first in possession, and in absence • Absent such registration, a conveyance doesn’t affect or bind the
thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title, provided there is good land
faith). The registration contemplated here refers to registration under the • Under the rule on notice, there is a conclusive presumption that
Torrens system. It applies to cases involving conflicted rights over the purchaser has examined every instrument of record affecting the title
registered property and those of innocent transferees who relied on the • He is charged with notice of every fact shown by the record and
clean title of the properties. is presumed to know every fact shown by the record and is presumed to
know every fact which an examination of the record would have disclosed
It is indisputable that the property was under the Torrens system before • Since it is the act of registration which transfers ownership of
conveyances to AZNAR and Chuan were made. Despite this knowledge, the land sold, it has been held that a subsequent claimant cannot claim a
AZNAR registered it under Act 3344, contending that at the time of sale, better right over the land which had been previously registered in the name
there was no title on file. Act 3344 provides a system of recording of another.
transactions or claims over unregistered real estate without prejudice to a • A notice of lis pendens serves as a warning to a prospective
third party with a better right. If it is registered under the Land Registration purchaser or encumbrancer that the particular property is in litigation and
Act (LRA), and it is sold and registered not under the LRA but Act 3344, that he should keep his hands off the same, unless he intends to gamble
the sale is not considered registered. The mere fact that the certificate of on the results of the litigation.
title over the land was lost does not convert it into unregistered land.
AZNAR should have reconstituted the title instead of registration under Act
3344. However, this cannot be the sole basis of awarding subject property
for good faith must accompany registration. The second purchaser must
• A purchaser cannot close his eyes to facts which should put a
be in good faith.
reasonable man upon his guard, and then claim that he acted in good faith
under the belief that there was no defect in the title of the vendor
We do not agree that the adverse claim was made prior to issuance of the
• His mere refusal to believe that such defect exists or his willful
TCT to Chuan). The court cannot review facts unless there was a
closing of his eyes to the possibility of the existence of a defect in the
misapprehension of facts which would justify a different conclusion. In this
vendor’s title, will not make him an innocent purchaser for value, if it
case, the claim was annotated in 1990 after the title was reconstituted an
afterwards develops that the title was in fact defective, and it appears that
after issuance of the TCT in 1989. The reliance on Santiago is misplaced
he had no such notice of the defect as would have led to its discovery had
because the first buyers registered the sale under the Torrens system, not
he acted with that measure of precaution which may reasonably be
under Act 3344. AZNAR registered the sale under Act 3344 despite
required of a prudent man in a like situation.
knowing that the property is under the Torrens system. Chuan made
verifications with the City Assessor and RD, finding no adverse claim
against the Amodias. The good faith of Chuan cannot be doubted,
considering he followed all the necessary procedures to acquire the title in
his name. Finally, AZNAR’s complaint for cancellation of title contains no
• A forged deed may be the root of a valid title in the hands of a
allegation that Chuan was aware of defects in his title.
bona fide purchaser or mortgagee
• Torrens system permits a forged transfer, when duly entered in
the registry, to become the root of a valid title in a bona fide purchaser
• The law erects a safeguard against a forged transfer being
RULES IN DOUBLE SALE: In application of first registration regarding
registered by the requirement that no transfer shall be registered unless
ownership in disputes of double sales, it is important to note that
the owner’s certificate is produced along with the instrument of transfer
registration of the property must be done in the proper registry for it to be
• Public policy, expediency, and the need for a statute of repose
considered registered. Furthermore, mere registration of title is not
as to the possession of land, demand such a rule.
enough. Good faith must accompany the registration. What is important
• The right or lien of an innocent mortgagee for value upon the
for this purpose is not whether the second buyer is a buyer in good faith,
land mortgaged must be respected and protected, even if the mortgagor
but whether he registers the second sale in good faith, meaning, he does
obtained his title through fraud.
so without knowledge of any defect in the title over the property sold.
C. Buyer in Good Faith
Section 60. Mortgage or lease of registered land. Mortgage and
leases shall be registered in the manner provided in Section 54 of this
Section 52. Constructive notice upon registration. Every
Decree. The owner of registered land may mortgage or lease it by
conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien, attachment, order, judgment,
executing the deed in a form sufficient in law. Such deed of mortgage or
instrument or entry affecting registered land shall, if registered, filed or
lease and all instruments which assign, extend, discharge or otherwise deal
entered in the office of the Register of Deeds for the province or city where
with the mortgage or lease shall be registered, and shall take effect upon
the land to which it relates lies, be constructive notice to all persons from
the title only from time of registration.
the time of such registering, filing or entering.
No mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate certificate of title shall hereafter be
issued by the Registers of Deeds, and those issued prior to the effectivity
Section 53. Presentation of owner's duplicate upon entry of new
of this Decree are hereby deemed canceled and the holders thereof shall
certificate. No voluntary instrument shall be registered by the Register of
immediately surrender the same to the Register of Deeds concerned.
Deeds, unless the owner's duplicate certificate is presented with such
instrument, except in cases expressly provided for in this Decree or upon
order of the court, for cause shown. The production of the owner's
The property has been identified or set apart from the mass of property of
duplicate certificate, whenever any voluntary instrument is presented for
the debtor-mortgagor as security for the payment of money or the
registration, shall be conclusive authority from the registered owner to the
fulfillment of obligation to answer the amount of indebtedness, in case of
Register of Deeds to enter a new certificate or to make a memorandum of
default of payment.
registration in accordance with such instrument, and the new certificate or
memorandum shall be binding upon the registered owner and upon all
persons claiming under him, in favor of every purchaser for value and in
1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation;
good faith. In all cases of registration procured by fraud, the owner may
2. The mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing mortgaged;
pursue all his legal and equitable remedies against the parties to such fraud
without prejudice, however, to the rights of any innocent holder for value
3. That the persons constituting the mortgage have the free
of a certificate of title. After the entry of the decree of registration on the
disposal of their property, and in the absence thereof, that
original petition or application, any subsequent registration procured by
they be legally authorized for the purpose.
the presentation of a forged duplicate certificate of title, or a forged deed
or other instrument, shall be null and void.
1. JUDICIAL Foreclosure — governed by Rule 68 of the Rules of Court
2. EXTRAJUDICIAL — governed by Act 3135, as amended by Act 411
1. Surrender of owner’s duplicate certificate is authority for the RD to enter
registration. No voluntary instrument shall be registered by the RD unless
the owner’s duplicate certificate is presented with such instrument, except THINGS TO REMEMBER REGARDING REM
in cases upon order of the court for cause shown. - Mortgage lien is a right in rem which follows the property;
- The issuance of a new TCT by the RD to the purchaser, w/o the - A REM is a voluntary transaction, as such, you have to present the
presentation of the owner’s duplicate, is unwarranted and confers no owner’s duplicate of copy for purposes of registration;
right on the purchaser. - The REM is the accessory contract; the primary contract is the
- In case of refusal or failure to surrender owner’s duplicate certificate, contract of loan.
the party in interest may file a petition in court to compel surrender
of the same to the RD pursuant to Sec. 107.
Uy vs Fule
The petitioner in his appeal to the SC, argues that he paid the full price of Based on a certification issued by LBP Department Manager Pulayan in
P10 million, that all documents shown to him by the vendors did not August 20, 1999, Maniego paid Kapantay’s loan account for P448, 202.08.
indicate any defect in the title, that the records state that Ronda was On June 8, 2000, he applied for a loan of P1 million, using the subject
awarded the OCTs, and that the settlement revealed that he was dealing property as collateral. Land Bank stated that as a condition for approval,
with Ronda’s heirs. Absent any irregularities, he did not have to look the title should first be transferred to Maniego. In August 14, 2000, the RD
beyond the titles presented and could not have been aware of the claim of Occidental Mindoro issued a TCT in Maniego’s name. On August 15,
over the disputed lots. The only time he could have been aware of 2000, Maniego and Land Bank executed a Credit Line Agreement and Real
constructive notice was after the annotation of adverse claim made 5 Estate Mortgage while simultaneously releasing the P1 million proceeds to
months after the sale to him. Thus, the right of an innocent purchaser must Maniego. He failed to pay the loan, and on November 4, 2002, Land Bank
be protected, even if seller obtains title through fraud. On the issue of applied for foreclosure, stating that Maniego’s debt amounted to P1, 154,
applicability of laws, RA 6657 should be applied using the 10-year 388.88.
prohibition period rather than perpetual prohibition because RA 6657
repealed PD 27’s rules on prohibition against transfer. Ronda secured the On December 2, 2002, Poblete filed a complaint for nullification of the Deed
OCTs through hereditary succession and the second transfer was beyond and reconveyance of title and damages. Poblete alleged that despite
the 10-year period. Respondents counter that their action for quieting of demands for payment, she did not receive the payment of P900, 000.
title was premised on the illegal acquisition of their decreed and titled Without her knowledge, Maniego used the deed to acquire the OCT from
property by the DAR under the OLT program. The title did not lose its Kapantay. The Deed allegedly bore Poblete’s and her dead husband’s
character as being valid since November 23, 1933. The claim of good faith forged signature, presenting the death certificate of her husband in the
is denied. He did not exercise due diligence in examining the title of the NBI. LBP on the other hand claims it is a mortgagee in good faith,
heirs of Ronda, stating that the title was acquired erroneously through the observing due diligence prior to approval of the loan by verifying Maniego’s
OLT program and that the prohibition made it clear that the lots shall not title with the RD. It also made a cross-claim against Maniego for payment
be transferred except by hereditary succession or to the government. of the loan. Maniego denied allegations and stated it was Poblete who
forged the signature. He alleged that he paid the consideration of the sale
ISSUES: Whether or not CA erred in failing to find that he was an innocent and even her loans.
purchaser for value who had the better right than the respondents over
the disputed land and failed to find that the applicable law was RA 6657, The RTC ruled in favor of Poblete, holding that the sale was a nullity. The
not PD 27. agreed consideration was not paid, and the signatures were proven to be
forgeries. RTC ruled that Lan Bank was not a mortgagee in good faith since
RULING: CA decision is affirmed. According to Bautista v. Silva, the it did not exercise the diligence required of banking institutions since it
requisites for the buyer to be in good faith is that he buys the property would’ve known that the sale was never consummated. However, the
with the well-founded belief that the person from whom he receives the cross-claim was granted. The CA affirmed the RTC decision in toto.
thing had title to the property and capacity to convey it. Thus, he no longer
needs to go beyond the four corners of the title. Such degree of proof of ISSUES: Whether or not LBP is a mortgagee in good faith?
good faith, however, is sufficient only when the following conditions
concur: (1), the seller is the registered owner of the land; (2), the latter is RULING: LBP is not a mortgagee in good faith. A forged deed was made,
in possession thereof; and (3), at the time of the sale, the buyer was not and such conveys no title. Where the deed of sale states that the purchase
aware of any claim or interest of some other person in the property, or of price has been paid but not actually paid, the deed is void ab initio for lack
any defect or restriction in the title of the seller or in his capacity to convey of consideration. The corresponding TCT issued is void. According to Yu
title to the property. If one or more requisites are not met, it was no longer Bun Guan v. Ong, the certificate of title was cancelled upon finding that
sufficient for said buyer to merely show that he had relied on the face of the deed of sale was simulated. In Ereña v, Querrer-Kauffman, the court
the title; he must now also show that he had exercised reasonable stated that when the instrument presented for registration is forged, the
precaution by inquiring beyond the title. registered owner does not lose title and neither does the mortgagee
acquire any right to the property.
The deed of sale executed between Ronda and the petitioner shows that
the TCTs were issued only on August 17, 1998, but the deed of sale was
Principle: When the subject property is already in the hands of an ELEMENTS TO ESTABLISH AN IMPLIED TRUST
innocent purchaser for value, it can no longer be returned to its original
owner. • There are two elements to establish trust: (1) an actual payment of
money and etc. or an equivalent constituting valuable consideration,
Facts: Cathay filed a complaint against Legarda alleging that Legarda and (2) such must be furnished by the alleged beneficiary of a
entered into a lease agreement with it, through its representative Cabrera, resulting trust.
and that there was a breach of the terms thereof. Pursuant to a court • Melecia’s money was used to buy the property but was placed in
order, the property of the Legarda was eventually sold to Cabrera at a Godofredo’s name. She purchased it because Felisia, an heir, wanted
public auction and thereafter registered under his name. After learning the to build a pharmacy. Melecia built a residential buiding and allowed
unfortunate turn of events, Legarda sought to annul the judgment at the Godofredo to mortgage a house he built on the property because she
CA. Howver, Legarda was declared in default due to negligence of counsel. trusted him. The title does not operate to vest ownership upon the
Later, the SC (Gayanco decision) ruled in favor of Legarda on account that property in favor of the College because the title is not a mode of
the negligence of her counsel affected her right to due process. It ordered acquiring ownership (Naval v. CA).
Cathay to reconvey the property to Legarda and to cancel the registration
of the said property in the name of Cathay. However, after this decision, THE COLLEGE IS A BUYER IN BAD FAITH FOR BEING AWARE OF THE HEIRS
Cathay was not able to return the property to Legarda because it nor longer OF MELECIA POSSESSING THE PROPERTY, BYPASSING THE GENERAL
possessed nor owned the property since such has already been subject to RULE OF GOOD FAITH
a series of transfers to innocent third parties at the time of promulgation
of the said judgment. • (BUYER IN BAD FAITH) The lower court sustained the College’s status
as an innocent purchaser for value on the basis of a lack of annotation
Issue: Whether or not the subsequent transfers of the property are valid of the heirs’ claim on Godofredo’s title, the proper publication of the
as the sucessors in interest were considered as innocent purchasers for extrajudicial settlement, an issuance of a certification to Melecia
value. allowing her to occupy a portion of the lot, and the tax declaration.
• Whether one is a buyer in good faith and whether due diligence and
Held: Yes, the transfers were valid and the successors of interest of prudence were exercised are questions of fact.
Cabrera are innocent purchasers of good faith. The successors relied on • (Bautista v. Silva) REQUISITES FOR ONE TO BE CONSIDERED A
the clean title of the subject land that were presented by their PURCHASER IN GOOD FAITH: (1) seller is the registered owner of the
predecessors. Since the property is already in the hands of an innocent land; (2) latter is in possession thereof; (3) at the time of sale, buyer
purchaser for value, it can no longer be returned to its original owner by was not aware of any claim or interest of some other person in the
Cabrera, much less by Cathay itself property, or of any defect or restriction in the title of the seller or in
his capacity to convey the title to the property.
Gabutan v. Nacalaban
• In 1957, Godofredo Nacablan purchased an 800 sq. m. piece of land
in Cagayan de Oro City from the Daamos. A TCT was issued in the • Absent one or two of the foregoing conditions, the law puts the buyer
name of Godofredo and thereafter, he built a house on it. He died in on notices and obliges the later to exercise a higher degree of
1974 and was survived by his wife, Baldomera and their children. diligence by scrutinizing the certificate of title and examining all
• Baldomera issued a certification in favor of her mother Melecia which factual circumstances. It’s no longer sufficient to rely on the face of
provided that she could build and occupy a house on the portion of the title.
the property. The tax declaration showed that Melecia owned the • The College has the burden to prove its status as a purchaser in good
building previously owned by Godofredo. faith. It cannot be discharged by legal presumption, and the College
• Baldomera died in 1994, and her children subsequently executed an has failed to discharge such.
Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of Deceased Person with Sale to the • Nacalaban et. al. are not the registered owners, but Godofredo
College. The old TCT was cancelled and the new one was issued in (Bautista v. CA – sale made not by a registered owner requires a
the name of the College. Melecia died in 1997 and was survived by higher degree of diligence).
her children. Soon after, the college demanded that the heirs of • Second, the College was aware that the Heirs of Melecia were in
Melecia vacate the premises. possession of the property. (Occeña v. Esponilla – the purchaser
• The heirs filed a complaint for reconveyance against Nacalaban and should have verified on the authority of the occupants’ possession
the College, alleging that: Melecia bought the property with her own instead of relying on the representation of the vendors that they were
money but Godofredo executed the Deed of Absolute Sale in his squatters).
name, Godofredo and Baldomera were only trustees of the property • "Honesty of intention" which constitutes good faith implies a freedom
in favor of Melecia, the real owner, they only knew about the from knowledge of circumstances which ought to put a person on
• The Register of Deeds of Pasig City argued that he could not enforce Saberon vs Ventanilla
the decision to cancel the titles since GSIS no longer had titles over
the two lots. They already conveyed it in 1985 and 1988 to Bartolome Principle: Registration is the operative act that conveys ownership or
and Dimaguila (Lot 7 and 8 of Block 2), the lot of Bartolome being affects the land insofar as third persons are concerned. Registration is
titled under the name of his assignee Victorino. Thus, the RoD claims constructive notice to third persons.
• With the CDO and the warnings to the public and prospective buyers
The Sanchezes are not guilty of negligence published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer on April 16, 1989 and in the
• Garcia committed himself he would personally undertake the Manila Bulletin on April 19, 2014, VTCI should have been aware of
preparation and execution of the Extrajudicial Settlement with the irregularities in the proposed sale of townhouses by Garcia and
Sale as well as the reconstitution of the original copy of TCT No. TSEI.
156254 on file with the Register of Deeds of Quezon City.
• Thus, it was inevitably for plaintiff-appellant/appellee Felisa Yap d. BPI cannot be considered a mortgagee in good faith
to surrender to defendant Garcia the owner’s duplicate copy of • Considering that Garcia/TSEI were already selling the townhouse
the aforesaid title as well as the other documents pertinent for units to the public as early as January 1989, FEBTC was remiss in not
such documentation and reconstitution. requiring Garcia/TSEI to submit a written approval from the HLSURB
• The surrender was purely to comply with and in pursuance to for the mortgage of the subject property where the townhouse units
their earlier agreement with the defendants. were being constructed as required
• The purported issuance of TCT 383697 was made more than six (6)
POSSESSION: months before Garcia/TSEI approached the bank for the loan. Thus,
• The records would disclose that the plaintiffs FEBTC should have been placed on guard as to why Garcia/TSEI
appellants/appellees did not voluntarily surrender possession initially gave it TCT 156254 in the name of the Sanchezes when TCTC
thereof to defendants. 383697 was purportedly already issued and in Garcia’s possession
• It was defendant Garcia who took possession of the subject way before the bank loan was negotiated.
property, without plaintiffs-appellants/appellees knowledge.
Rescission of the Agreement was not barred by the subsequent
The Sanchezes did not act in bad faith transfer
• There is bad faith on the part of the landowner whenever the act • Failure of TSEI to pay the consideration for the sale of the subject
was done with his knowledge and without opposition on his part. property entitled the Sanchezes to rescind the Agreement.
• Sanchezes did take action to oppose the construction on their • And in view of the finding that the intervenors acted in bad faith in
property by writing the HLURB and the City Building Official of purchasing the property, the subsequent transfer in their favor did
Quezon City. As a result, the HLURB issued two (2) Cease and not and cannot bar rescission.
Desist Orders and several directives against Garcia/TSEI which,
however, were left unheeded. Home Bankers Savings vs CA
Garcia, TSEI, BPI, and the intervenors acted in bad faith Principle: The one who mortgaged the property must be the absolute
a. Garcia and TSEI acted in bad faith owner of the property. With respect to banks, they have to go beyond
• They knew for a fact that the property still belonged to the the title and exercise extraordinary diligence.
Sanchezes and yet proceeded to build the townhouses not just
without the authority of the landowners, but also against their Facts: Each of private respondents namely, entered into separate
will. contracts to sell with TransAmerican through the latter's Owner/General
Manager, Engr.
b. Intervenors Sps. Caminas, Maniwang, Tulagan, and Marquez acted in Jesus Garcia, involving certain portions of land. On May 30, 1989, Engr.
bad faith (IMPORTANT) Garcia and his wife obtained a loan from petitioner Home Bankers
• All persons dealing with property covered by a torrens certificate without the prior approval of the HLURB and mortgaged eight lots as
of title are not required to go beyond what appears on the face collateral. Home Bankers registered its mortgage on these titles without
of the title. any other encumbrance or lien annotated therein. However, five out of
• Exception:Where the purchaser or mortgagee has knowledge of these eight titles turned out to be private respondents' townhouses
a defect or lack of title in the vendor, or that he was aware subject of the contracts to sell with TransAmerican. Home Bankers
ofsufficient facts to induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire eventually foreclosed the mortgage, and a sheriff’s certificate of sale in
into the status of the property in litigation its favor was annotated on the titles of the subject lots.
• One who buys property withfull knowledge of the flaws
and defects in the title of the vendor is enough proof of Issue: Whether the mortgage was valid and enforceable against
his bad faith and estopped from claiming that he acquired respondents.
the property in good faith against the owners
The factual milieu of the case reveals that intervenors are buyers in bad Held: No, the mortagege was null and void. Garcia was not the absolute
faith for the following reasons, owner of the subject parcels. Moeover, Home Bankers cannot be innocent
• They admitted that they executed either contracts of sale or purchasers because judicial notice can be taken of the uniform practice of
contracts to sell indicating that the lot is covered by TCT No. banks to investigate, examine and assess the real estate offered as
156254 registered under the name of the respondent security for the application of a loan. We cannot overemphasize the fact
Sanchezes. that the Bank cannot barefacedly argue that simply because the title or
• The fact that the lot being sold to them belonged to persons titles offered as security were clean of any encumbrances or lien, that it
other than TSEI or Garcia should have driven the intervenors, was thereby relieved of taking any other step to verify the over-reaching
as prudence would dictate, to investigate the true status of the implications should the subdivision be auctioned on foreclosure.
• The intervenors should havebeen suspicious of the explanation
of Garcia that TCT No. 383697, reflecting TSEI as the owner of D. Morgagee in Good Faith
the property, has been burned and that he is in the process of
reconstituting the title. Before signing the contract of sale or Ruiz vs Dimailig
contract to sell, they should have asked Garcia where the
reconstitution case has been filed or is pending and proceeded • Respondent Bernardo F. Dimailig (Bernardo) was the registered
to verify with the said court the status of the reconstitution. owner of a parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-361747 located in
• The intervenors knew that they were buying a townhouse over Alapan, Imus, Cavite.
a subdivision lot from TSEI and Garcia. Such being the case, • In October 1997, he entrusted the owner’s copy of the said TCT to his
they should have verified with the HLURB whether said project brother, Jovannie, who in turn gave the title to Editha Sanggalang
is registered with said housing agency and if a license to sell has (Editha), a broker, for its intended sale.
been issued to TSEI or Garcia. • However, in January 1998, the property was mortgaged to Evelyn V.
Ruiz (Evelyn) as evidenced by a Deed of REM without Bernardo’s
VCTI acted in bad faith knowledge and consent.
FIRST • Hence, Bernardo instituted this suit for annulment of the Deed of
• VTCI has not shown that it verified with the RD if the alleged TCT REM.
383697 of respondent TSEI is valid and genuine. • Evelyn insisted that she is a mortgagee in good faith & for value.
• It should be remembered that the duplicate certificate of TCT 156254 • She met Jovannie when she inspected the subject property and
was lost and subject of reconstitution. Yet respondents Garcia and assured her that Bernardo owned the property and his title thereto
TSEI were not able to show that it was already reconstituted. In was genuine.
addition, there was no deed of absolute sale executed by the • The REM cannot be annulled and that she had the right to keep the
Sanchezes in favor of TSEI as the latter failed to pay the last two (2) owner's copy of TCT No. T-3617 4 7 until the loan was fully paid to
installments and subsequently, the agreement to sell was rescinded her.
by the Sanchezes for non-payment. • BERNARDO testified that when he went abroad on October 19, 1997,
• There being no deed of absolute sale, there is, consequently, no he left the owner's copy of the TCT of the subject property to Jovannie
ground for the RD to cancel TCT No. 156254 and subsequently issue as they intended to sell the subject property.
TCT 383697 in the name of TSEI. • He argued that his alleged signature appearing therein was merely
• This goes to show that TCT 383697 of TSEI appears to be forged as he was still abroad at that time.
spurious and a fake title. • When he learned in September or November 1998 that Editha
• This is buttressed by the fact that the date of the issuance of TCT mortgaged the subject property, be personally told Evelyn that the
383697 is June 9, l988, pre-dating the execution of the Agreement REM was fake and demanded the return of his title. Not heeding his
between the Sanchezes and TSEI on December 8, l988. request, he filed a complaint for estafa through falsification of public
• With the failure of VTCI to exert earnest efforts to verify the document against Editha and Evelyn, The criminal case against
authenticity of TCT 383697, then it is not a purchaser in good Evelyn was dismissed while Editha was found guilty as charged.
RULE 45: The issue of whether a person is a mortgagee in good faith is FACTS:
not within the ambit of a Rule 45 Petition. The determination of presence
or absence of good faith, and of negligence are factual matters, which are Felipe Esguerra and Praxedes de Vera (Esguerra spouses) were the
outside the scope of a petition for review on certiorari. owners of several parcels of land in Camalig, Meycauayan, Bulacan —
Exception: When there is a different or conflicting factual findings among them a 35,284-square meter parcel of land covered by Tax
between the RTC and CA, such as in this case. Declaration No. 10374 and a 23,989-square meter parcel of land
covered by Tax Declaration No. 12080.
MORTGAGEE IN GOOD FAITH: [Tax Dec 10374] Half of it (17,642 square meters) they sold to their
• Evelyn cannot invoke the protection given to a mortgagee in grandchildren, herein petitioners Feliciano, Canuto, Justa, Angel,
good faith. Fidela, Clara and Pedro, all surnamed Esguerra.
• No valid mortgage will arise unless the mortgagor has a valid [Tax Dec 12080] 23,489 square meters of which they also sold to
title or ownership over the mortgaged property. petitioners, and the remaining 500 square meters they sold to their
• Such doctrine of mortgagee in good faith presupposes other grandchildren, the brothers Eulalio and Julian Trinidad
"that the mortgagor, who is not the rightful owner of the (Trinidad brothers).
property, has already succeeded in obtaining a Torrens Also sold to the Trinidad brothers were a 7,048-square meter parcel
title over the property in his name and that, after of land covered by Tax Declaration No. 9059, a 4,618-square meter
obtaining the said title, he succeeds in mortgaging the parcel of land covered by Tax Declaration No. 12081, and a 768-square
property to another who relies on what appears on the meter parcel of land covered by Tax Declaration No. 13989.
said title." The Esguerra spouses executed the necessary Deed of Sale in favor of
• In order for a mortgagee to invoke the doctrine of mortgagee in petitioners on August 11, 1937, 1 and that in favor of the Trinidad
good faith, the impostor must have succeeded in obtaining a brothers on August 17, 1937. 2 Both documents were executed before
Torrens title in his name and thereafter in mortgaging the notary public Maximo Abaño.
property. Where the mortgagor is an impostor who only [IMPORTANT FACTS] Eulalio Trinidad later sold his share of the
pretended to be the registered owner, and acting on such land to his daughters-respondents herein, via a notarized Kasulatan
pretense, mortgaged the property to another, the mortgagor ng Bilihang Tuluyan ng Lupa 3 dated October 13, 1965. A portion of
evidently did not succeed in having the property titled in his or the land consisting of 1,693 square meters was later assigned Lot No.
her name, and the mortgagee cannot rely on such pretense as 3593 during a cadastral survey conducted in the late 1960s. On
what appears on the title is not the impostor's name but that of respondents' application for registration of title OCT No. 0-3631 was
the registered owner. issued in their name.
• In the case at hand, the title to the subject property remained Meanwhile, on November 10, 1958, petitioners sold to respondents'
registered in the name of Bernardo. It was not transferred to the parents Eulalio Trinidad and Damiana Rodeadilla (Trinidad spouses) a
impostor's name when Evelyn transacted with the latter. Hence, portion of about 5,000 square meters of the 23,489-square meter of
the principle of mortgagee in good faith finds no application; land which they previously acquired from the Esguerra spouses. During
correspondingly, Evelyn cannot not seek refuge therefrom. the same cadastral survey conducted in the late 1960s, it was
discovered that the about 5,000-square meter portion of petitioners'
FORGED DOCUMENT: parcel of land sold to the Trinidad spouses which was assigned Lot No.
3591 actually measured 6,268 square meters. In a subsequent
• During pre-trial, both parties agreed that it was not Bernardo application for registration of title over Lot No. 3591 OCT No. 0-6498
who signed as the mortgagor in the Deed of REM. was issued in the name of Trinidad.
• It was only an impostor - representing himself as Bernardo -
who mortgaged the property. Petitioners fault the appellate court:
• This impostor is not only without rightful ownership on the 1. . . . in misappreciating the fact that the act of the respondent Eulalio
mortgaged property, he also has no Torrens title in his own Trinidad in acquiring the property from Felipe Esguerra constituted fraud.
name involving said property. Based on the testimony of Appellant Pedro Esguerra that he does not know
• Simply put, for being a forged instrument, the Deed of REM is a how appellees were able to secure a title over the lot in question and that
nullity and conveys no title they never sold Lot No. 3593 to Virginia Trinidad since it is part of the
whole lot of 23,489 square meters.
Evelyn did not take the necessary steps to determine any defect in
the title of the alleged owner of the mortgaged property. 2. . . . in the [i]nterpretation and application of the provisions of Article
• '"Bernardo" introduced himself to Evelyn as the owner of the 1542 of the New Civil Code.
property, he did not present any proof of identification.
• To recall, he only exhibited his community tax certificate and a picture ISSUE: WON there is fraud [Not important and not discussed
when he introduced himself to Evelyn. thoroughly in the case] & WON Article 1542 of Civil Code can apply
• Evelyn also ignored the fact that "Bernardo'' did not participate in the in this case because of the discrepancy of the Area of Lot 3593 sold.
negotiations/transactions leading to the execution of the Deed of [topic]
REM. Notably, no power of attorney was given to Editha who
supposedly transacted in behalf of Bernardo. RULING:
• Evelyn likewise failed to ascertain the supposed title of "Bernardo" No. The said testimony is a mere conclusion on the part of appellants.
over the property, Evelyn admitted that during the ocular inspection, On the other hand, the evidence shows that appellees acquired title
she remained in the vehicle. She did not inquire from the subject over the subject property by virtue of a deed of sale executed by their
property's occupant or from the occupants of the surrounding father Eulalio Trinidad in their favor.
properties if they knew "Bernardo" and whether or not he owned the Under the Torrens System, an OCT enjoys a presumption of validity,
subject property. which correlatively carries a strong presumption that the provisions of
the law governing the registration of land which led to its issuance
Yes, although the right of an heir over the property of the Capistrano to Scott; Scott to Jamilars; Jamilars to Gilturas; Jamilars and
decedent is inchoate as long as the estate has not been fully Gilturas to Golpeo and Tan
settled and partitioned, the law allows a co-owner to exercise Capistrano – Scott – Jamilars– Golpeo and Tan
rights of ownership over such inchoate right.
Laurencia was within her hereditary rights in selling her pro Issue: WON the buyers of the property are buyers in good faith
indiviso share. The legality of Laurencia’s alienation of portions
of the estate of the Alejandrino spouses was upheld in the Ruling:
Quieting of title case which had become final and executory by
Laurencia’s withdrawal of her appeal in the CA. No. First. The purported sale of the property from Capistrano to Scott
When Nique filed a motion for the segregation of the portions of was a forgery, and resort to a handwriting expert was not even
the property that were adjudged in his favor, he was in effect necessary as the specimen signature submitted by Capistrano during
calling for the partition of the property. Under the law, partition trial showed marked variance from that found in the deed of absolute
of the estate of a decedent may only be effected by: sale. In the same token, the deed of sale between Scott and the
Jamilars was also forged, as it noted the stark differences between the
(1) the heirs themselves extra-judicially; signatures of Scott in the deed of sale and those in her handwritten
(2) by the court in an ordinary action for partition, or in the letters to Capistrano.
course of administration proceedings; Second. The Jamilar spouses should have known that the signatures
(3) by the testator himself; and of Scott and Capistrano were forgeries due to the patent variance of
(4) by the third person designated by the testator. the signatures in the two deeds of sale shown to them by Scott, when
Scott presented to them the deeds of sale, one allegedly executed by
Extrajudicial settlement between Mauricia and Laurentia became Capistrano in her favor covering his property.
the basis for the segregation of the property in favor of Nique. The CA also correctly found the Gilturas not innocent purchasers for
However, evidence on the extrajudicial settlement of estate was value, because they failed to check the veracity of the allegation of
offered before the trial court and it became the basis for the Jamilar that he acquired the property from Capistrano.
order for segregation of the property sold to Nique. In ruling that Sy was not an innocent purchaser for value. Sy knew
Mauricia does not deny the fact of the execution of the deed of that the title to the property was still in the name of Capistrano, but
extrajudicial settlement of the estate. She only questions its failed to verify the claim of the Jamilar spouses regarding the transfer
validity on account of the absence of notarization of the of ownership of the property by asking for the copies of the deeds of
document and the non-publication thereof. absolute sale between Capistrano and Scott, and between Scott and
Jamilar. Sy should have likewise inquired why the Gilturas had to affix
A partition is valid though not contained in a public instrument. their conformity to the contract to sell by asking for a copy of the deed
of sale between the Jamilars and the Gilturas. Had Sy done so, he
Moreover, the execution of the deed of extrajudicial settlement would have learned that the Jamilars claimed that they purchased the
of the estate reflected the intention of both Laurencia and property from Capistrano and not from Scott.
Mauricia to physically divide the property. [IMPORTANT] Minimum requirement of a good faith buyer The owner's
Both of them had acquired the shares of their brothers and duplicate copy of TCT No. 76496 in the name of Capistrano had always
therefore it was only the two of them that needed to settle the been in his possession since he gave Scott only a photocopy thereof
estate. The fact that the document was not notarized is no pursuant to the latter's authority to look for a buyer of the property.
hindrance to its effectivity as regards the two of them. The On the other hand, the Jamilars were able to acquire a new owner's
partition of inherited property need not be embodied in a public duplicate copy thereof by filing an affidavit of loss and a petition for
document to be valid between the parties. the issuance of another owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. 76496. The
minimum requirement of a good faith buyer is that the vendee of
G. Caveat Emptor Principle the real property should at least see the owner's duplicate copy of the
title (and not a PHOTOCOPY).
The rule of caveat emptor requires the purchaser to be aware of the
supposed title of the vendor and one who buys without checking the Domingo Realty vs. CA
vendor’s title takes all the risks and losses consequent to such failure.
HOW TO CONDUCT DUE DILIGENCE VERIFICATION OF TITLE: On November 19, 1981, petitioner Domingo Realty filed a complaint
1. Verify the origin, history, authenticity and validity of the title with against Antonio Acero, conducting business under the name A.M. Acero
the Trading, Victorio, and the Does for recovery of possession of three
2. Register of Deeds and Land Registration Authority parcels of land in Metro Manila. Acero constructed a factory building
3. Engage the services of a competent and reliable geodetic for manufacture of hollow blocks.
engineer to verify the boundary, metes and bounds of the lot The respondents filed their answer (Acero and Victorio), claiming
that Acero merely leased the land from Victorio who claimed to
subject of said title based on the technical description in the said
own the property where the factory stood. Victorio assailed the
title and the approved survey plan in the Land Management TCTs of Domingo Realty, stating that they came from spurious deeds of
Bureau sale and that he has been in possession for more than 70 years.
4. Conduct an actual ocular inspection (AGREEMENT IMPORTANT) Yu presenting Domingo Realty executed
5. Inquire from the owners and possessors of adjoining lots with a compromise agreement with Acero and Luis Dy, stipulating
respect to the true and legal ownership of the lot in question that the Realty’s ownership is recognized, Dy’s title is not
genuine, Acero’s property is encroaching on a portion of
Domingo Realty’s property and shall deliver the property to the
Sy v. Capistrano Jr Realty, Dy bought the property in good faith and waives all
claims. RTC Pasay approved the Compromise Agreement.
[IMPORTANT] Minimum requirement of a good faith buyer
Ruling: • Purpose of annotating the adverse claim on the title of the disputed
BOTH PARTIES ARE IN GOOD FAITH; CAVILES COMPLIED WITH land is to apprise third persons that there is a controversy over the
NECESSARY REQUISITES AND BAUTISTAS RELIED ON FACE OF ownership of the land and to preserve and protect the right of the
TITLE adverse claimant during the pendency of the controversy
• Notice to third persons that any transaction regarding the disputed land
Respondents relied on the face of the title which was free from the is subject to the outcome of the dispute
notice of attachment, which however, was entered into the primary
entry book of the Register of Deeds in Pasay City. The Register of Deeds FORMAL REQUISITES OF AN ADVERSE CLAIM
failed to annotate the notice of attachment on the original copy of
the title. 1. The adverse claimant must state the following in writing
The respondent spouses had no notice of any defect, irregularity, or a) his alleged right or interest
encumbrance of the title, and neither did they have any b) how and under whom such alleged right or interest is acquired
knowledge of facts or circumstances which should have put them on c) the description of the land in which the right or interest is
inquiry. They were clearly innocent purchasers for value and in good faith claimed; and
at the time they acquired the subject property. d) the number of certificate of title
(Sandoval v. CA) Reiteration of a long line of decisions declaring that 2. The statement must be signed and sworn to before a notary public or
one need not go beyond the face of the title when registered other officer authorized to administer oath; and
under the Torrens system.
Negligence cannot also be imputed to the petitioners in this case. The The claimant should state his residence or the place to which all notices
records show that the petitioners obtained a writ of preliminary may be served upon him *Non-compliance with the above requisites
attachment of the subject property and was then entered in the renders the adverse claim non-registrable and ineffective attorney’s
primary entry book of the RoD of Pasay City. When they sought to fees consists of a share in the property recovered by the client, such
inscribe the certificate of sale, they discovered that the latter had been interest may be the basis of an adverse claim.
sold to the Bautistas.
The notice of attachment was inscribed on the cancelled certificate of title LEGAL REQUISITES OF AN ADVERSE CLAIM
on Nov. 22, 1983 but was made to appear to be annotated Oct. 6, 1982.
The belated inscription is reflected since said inscription followed the 1. There must be a claim on the land
earlier entry on Oct. 18, 1982 of the sale of the subject property to 2. Claim must be adverse to the registered owner
respondent spouses. 3. Claim must have a reason subsequent to the original registration —
CA stated that the petitioners did not take any action to annotate the meaning if the basis of the adverse claim happened BEFORE the title
attachment. Bautistas would also contend that the problem would not was issued this is no longer a valid case for adverse claim. It should
have come about had the petitioners not been negligent. be subsequent because registration is proceeding in rem so if you
SC disagrees. The petitioners paid the corresponding fees for the have any objection by that time they should have raised it during the
annotation of the notice of attachment and had every right to application for registration
presume that the register of deeds would inscribe the said notice 4. No other remedy is provided for under the property registration decree
on the original title covering the subject property. He had a duty to to register the interest or the right of the party
inscribe the notice on the original title.
ATTACHMENT; CAVILES HAS A BETTER RIGHT OVER PROPERTY An adverse claim may be cancelled only after the claim is adjudged invalid
FOR EARLIER REGISTRATION and unmeritorious by the court while passing upon a case where the land
involved is subject of the interest or right being secured by the adverse
In INVOLUNTARY REGISTRATION, such as attachment, levy upon claim.
execution, and etc., it has been held that entry into the day book
is sufficient notice to all persons of such adverse claim. It should be ADVERSE CLAIM NOT IPSO JURE CANCELLED AFTER 30 DAYS;
annotated at the back of the OCT, but this is the duty of the RoD. HEARING NECESSARY.
As held in DBP v. Acting Register of Deeds of Nueva Ecija, entry
alone produces the effect of registration, whether the transaction RD cannot unilaterally cancel the adverse claim. There must be a court
entered is a voluntary or involuntary one, so long as the registrant hearing for the purpose. The reason for this is to afford the adverse
has complied with all that is required of him. claimant an opportunity to be heard, providing a venue where the
Who has the better right then: Caviles Spouses. Article 1544 propriety of his claimed interest can be established or revoked, all for the
states that if both are in good faith and the property in question is purpose of determining at least the existence of any encumbrance on the
immovable, it should belong to the person acquiring it who in good faith title arising from such adverse claim.
first recorded it in the Registry of Property.
Notice of Attachment: annotated OCTOBER 6, 1982 while the new Sajonas v. CA
TCT was issued on OCTOBER 18, 1982, the date when Plata sold the
property to the Bautistas. It is consistently ruled that the Facts:
auction/execution sale retroacts to the date of the notice of Spouses Ernesto Uychocde and Lucita Jarin (sellers) agreed to sell a
attachment on Oct. 6, 1982. The earlier registration of petitioners’ parcel of land to the spouses Alfredo Sajonas and Conchita R. Sajonas
levy of preliminary attachment gave them superiority and preference in (buyers) through a contract to sell. On August 27, 1984, the Sajonas
rights. couple caused the annotation of an adverse claim based on the said
Contract to Sell on the title of the subject property.
Issue: Whether or not the contracts to ell that the sellers executed ARGUMENTS BEFORE SC
in favor of Golden Haven covering the same lots to Filinvest are MARTINEZ: Garcia’s adverse claim is nothing but a notice of interest
valid and enforceable. adverse to Brua the amount of the loan secured by a Deed of Real
Ruling: Estate Mortgage. Adverse claim cannot be superior to a final
THE NOTICE OF ADVERSE CLAIM SERVES AS A WARNING TO sale. Sajonas v. CA does not apply because Sajonas’s claim was
THIRD PERSONS; FILINVEST SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE made by virtue of a contract to sell while Garcia’s was as a
DILIGENT IN BUYING THE LOTS SINCE THE NOTICE WARNED mortgagee of Brua. She admits that she is obliged as a vendee in
THEM OF DOUBLE SALE a public sale to pay liens and encumbrances existing, necessarily
To prove good faith, the buyer of registered land only needs to show including the adverse claim in the amount of P150,000.
that he relied on the face of the title, but it is only true where the GARCIA: Appropriate remedy should have been petition for review
buyer is unaware of any adverse claims; failing that, he must show under Rule 45. There was no grave abuse since CA had legal basis.
a higher degree of diligence to qualify as a buyer in good faith. Any lien inscribed earlier prevails over any inscribed later.
Filinvest was on notice that Holden Haven caused the annotation as
early as August 4, 1989. Despite that, Filinvest still bought Lots 1, Issue: Whether or not the notice of levy should prevail over the
2, 6, and 12 on later dates (Sept. 10, Nov. 18, and Dec. 29). notice of adverse claim?
Filinvest contends that the title carried a notice of adverse claim only Ruling:
with respect to Yap’s part of Lot 6 and did not affect Lots 1, 2, 12, (Unimportant procedure law) Petition is dismissed. Petitioner should
and the remainder of Lot 6. SC disagrees. have filed for petition for review under Rule 45 instead of certiorari
The annotation of an adverse claim is intended to protect the since she is assailing CA decisions. Even if they were to consider
claimant’s interest in the property. It is a warning to third petition for certiorari under Rule 65, CA must be shown to commit
parties dealing with the property that someone claims an grave abuse of discretion.
interest in it or asserts a better right than the registered owner. It
constitutes a notice to the whole world. While the notice here is only LEVY DOES NOT MAKE THE JUDGMENT CREDITOR THE OWNER OF
to one lot, it served as a warning that one of the owners was THE PROPERTY; THE LIEN IS STILL SUBORDINATE TO ALL VALID
• Agrarian reform program is founded on the right of farmers and regular
farm workers, who are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands On June 11, 1992, Banaga tried to redeem the property by
they till, or in case of other farm workers, to receive a just share on the depositing with the trial court the amount of redemption
fruits thereof which was financed by co-petitioner Tan. Damalerio
• To this end, the State shall encourage and undertake the just distribution (respondent) opposed the redemption stating that it was made
of all agricultural lands, subject to the priorities and retention limits set beyond the time given to her by the court in the earlier case.
forth in the law, taking into account ecological, developmental, and equity (LOWER COURT RULING) The lower court decided on August 7,
considerations and subject to the payment of just compensation 1992, that the redemption was valid and ordered the RD to
• The State shall respect the right of small landowners, and shall provide cancel respondent’s CT and issue new titles in Banaga’s name.
for voluntary land-sharing Respondent appealed and filed a petition for certiorari with the CA
while later causing another notice of lis pendens on the CTs. CA
PETITIONS AND ACTIONS AFTER ORIGINAL REGISTRATION issued a TRO to stop execution of the decisions of the lower
CHAPTERX (SECTIONS 107 - 110) court.
On January 7, 1993, Banaga sold the property to Tan with the deed
Surrender of Withheld Duplicate Certificate (Sec. 107) of sale which mentioned that the CT of respondent was not yet
cancelled. Despite the notice, Tan subdivided the property under
Section 107. Surrender of withhold duplicate certificates. Where it a subdivision plan made in the name of private respondent.
is necessary to issue a new certificate of title pursuant to any involuntary When the TRO expired, Tan asked the RD to issue new titles in
instrument which divests the title of the registered owner against his her name and such was granted with the previous annotations of
consent or where a voluntary instrument cannot be registered by reason the notices of lis pendens still written into the CT.
of the refusal or failure of the holder to surrender the owner's duplicate (CA RULING) CA later declared on October 28, 1993 the private
certificate of title, the party in interest may file a petition in court to compel respondent the absolute owner of the subject property for
surrender of the same to the Register of Deeds. The court, after hearing, failure to redeem the property within the 30-day period previously
may order the registered owner or any person withholding the duplicate granted to her by the court. The decision became final and review
certificate to surrender the same, and direct the entry of a new certificate was dismissed for lack of merit.
or memorandum upon such surrender. If the person withholding the
duplicate certificate is not amenable to the process of the court, or if not CORRECT REMEDY TO REGISTER THE LOT IN RESPONDENT’S
any reason the outstanding owner's duplicate certificate cannot be NAME
delivered, the court may order the annulment of the same as well as the The trial court issued a writ of execution to order the RD to
issuance of a new certificate of title in lieu thereof. Such new certificate reinstate the CTs in respondent’s name. The fact that CA’s decision
and all duplicates thereof shall contain a memorandum of the annulment declared him as the absolute owner entitles him to a writ of
of the outstanding duplicate. execution to reinstate the titles in Damalerio’s name.
However, the RD refused to comply with the writ of execution,
REMEDY WHERE DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE IS WITHHELD stating that the CT issued to Tan must first be surrendered.
• In case the person in possession of the owner’s duplicate certificate Respondent moved to cite RD in contempt of court which was denied
refuses or fails to surrender the same to the RD so that any involuntary or because the trial court said that the remedy is by consulta to
voluntary instrument may be registered and a certificate issued, the party the Commission of Land Registration. They also denied the
in interest may file a petition in court to compel the surrender of the same motion for an issuance of a writ of possession because the
to the RD appropriate remedy is to declare the CTs of Tan void.
• The court after hearing may order the registered owner or any person CA granted the petition upon appeal by certiorari and mandamus.
withholding the duplicate certificate and direct the entry of a new SC upheld the same in the present case. It was puzzled as to why
certificate or memorandum upon such surrender the petition of Tan and Banaga (petitioners) seek to set aside the
• If the person withholding the certificate is not amenable to the process two orders by respondent judge not named (the orders to set aside
of the court, or if for any reason the certificate cannot be delivered, the were the denial of a writ of possession (March 29, 1996) and denial
court may order the annulment of said certificate and the issuance of a of a motion for reconsideration (Jan. 4, 1993 – pero Jan. 4, 1995
new certificate of title in lieu thereof ang gibutang sa SC).
• Such new certificate and all duplicates thereof shall contain a Petitioners argue that:
memorandum of the annulment of the outstanding duplicate (1) Tan is a buyer in good faith.
(2) Proper remedy is for private respondent to secure the titles in
PETITION TO SURRENDER TITLE MAY BE FILED AS AN INCIDENT his name by consulta to the Land Registration Commissioner, not
• Where the court in an action for specific performance, upheld the sale to Issue:
the plaintiff and ordered the defendant to comply with the terms and Whether or not the argument of petitioner Tan is in good faith is
conditions to the sale, it was proper for the plaintiff to ask the court to valid. – res judicata
compel the defendant to surrender the duplicate certificate of title to the Whether or not private respondent's remedy is a direct or
RD for the registration of the sale, this being a necessary incident in the independent civil action for cancellation of petitioner Tan's titles. -
main case No
• Section 107 doesn’t preclude a party to a pending case to include as Whether or not the execution of the final and executory decision
incident therein the relief stated under said section, specially if the which is to issue titles in the name of private respondent cannot
certificate of title to be surrendered is intimately connected with the be compelled by mandamus because of the "formality" that the
subject matter of the principal action registered owner first surrenders her duplicate Certificates of Title
• Where the title is subject to a mortgage, the order of the court cannot in for cancellation – No
any way prejudice the rights of the mortgagee since any lien annotated in Whether or not petitioner Tan has better right.
the certificate is incorporated or carried over to the new transfer certificate Ruling:
of title to whoever it is issued RES JUDICATA HAS ALREADY SET IN; RENDERING THE
AUTHORITY OF COURT TO ORDER THE SURRENDER OWNER’S Petitioners again raise the issue of ownership which has already been
DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE ruled upon by CA and the SC where the respondent was adjudged
• In order that the court may order the registered owner to surrender his to be the rightful and absolute owner thereof. Res judicata has
owner’s duplicate, it has to determine upon the evidence presented by already set in, with the elements present:
the parties whether the registered owner had been lawfully divested of (1) former judgment must be final.
his title thereto (2) court which rendered judgment had jurisdiction over the parties
• That of course requires and involves of the determination of the and subject matter.
question of title to the registered property (3) must be a judgment on the merits.
• Section 107 doesn’t constitute a reopening of the decree entered as a (4) there must be between the first and second actions, identity of
result of proceedings in rem for the confirmation of imperfect title under parties, subject matter, and cause of action.
said act, it cannot be deemed to contravene the purpose or aim of the
Torrens system Banaga clearly was unable to exercise her right to
redemption and as a consequence, lost her claim of ownership to
1. The registered owner is a party of the case; THE REMEDY IS NOT FOR CANCELLATION OF TITLE BECAUSE THE
2. There’s already a final and executory decision of the court; CASE WILL BE SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE REDEMPTION SUIT
3. There’s already an order of the issuance of Certificate of Title in WHICH WAS FINAL AND EXECUTORY
favor of the prevailing parties. The remedy is not for cancellation of Tan’s titles. The facts, evidence,
circumstances, and arguments invoked in the final decision are the
Toledo Banaga v. CA same matters that will be established in the independent suit. It
doesn’t matter if it was a redemption suit or a cancellation of title
Facts: because the test of identity of causes of action is not in form
CASE FOR REDEMPTION OF PROPERTY but whether the same evidence would support and establish
the former and present causes of action.
Facts: When IDP did not question the validity of the deed of sale, the
On October 19, 1990, respondent Iglesia ni Kristo filed with the RTC summary judgment issued by the court was an exercise of its general
of Quezon City a complaint for specific performance with jurisdiction.
damages against the Islamic Directorate of the Philippines (IDP). Hence, when INK filed a motion for the issuance of an order from the
Respondent INK alleged that by virtue of an Absolute Deed of same court to compel the holder of the duplicate certificates of title
Sale dated April 20, 1989, IDP sold to it 2 parcels of land to surrender the same for the registration of the deed of sale subject
located at Tandang Sora, Barrio Cuilat, Quezon City, both of which of the principal action, the motion was a necessary incident to the
IDP is the registered owner. main case.
The parties stipulated in the deed of sale that the IDP shall Even while Sec. 107 of PD 1529 speaks of a petition which can be
undertake to evict all squatters and illegal occupants in the filed by one who wants to compel another to surrender the certificates
property within 45 days from execution, but IDP failed to fulfill its of title to the Register of Deeds, this does not preclude a party to
obligation. So, INK prayed that the trial court order IDP to comply a pending case to include as an incident therein the relief
with its obligation of clearing the subject lots of illegal occupants and stated under Sec. 107, especially if the subject certificates of
pay damages to INK. title to be surrendered are intimately connected with the
IDP’s answer: It was INK which violated the contract; delayed subject matter of the principal action.
payment of purchase price. IDP then prayed that the contract This principle is based on expediency and in accordance with
of sale be rescinded and revoked. the policy against multiplicity of suits.
June 15, 1991: INK filed a motion for partial summary
judgment on the ground that there was no genuine issue as to GENERAL RULE: REQUIRES A PETITION TO COMPEL.
any material fact. The trial court rendered partial judgment on EXC: IF SUCH IS INCIDENTAL TO PRINCIPAL CASE.
September 12, 1991, and an amended partial judgment on October
7 granting the reliefs prayed for by INK except the prayer for INK IS THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY AND ENTITLED TO
PETITION) praying that petitioner (Leticia Ligon), who was in CERTIFICATES OF TITLE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT PREJUDICE
possession of the certificates of title over the properties as LIGON’S RIGHTS AS MORTGAGE
mortgagee of IDP, be directed to surrender the same to the
Register of Deeds of Quezon CIty for the registration of the Under our land registration law, no voluntary instrument shall be
Absolute Deed of Sale in its name; they alleged that the document registered by the Register of Deeds unless the owner’s duplicate
could not be registered due to the refusal/failure of petitioner certificate is presented together with such instrument, except in
to deliver the certificates despite repeated requests. some cases or upon the order of the court for cause shown. In
Ligon: filed an opposition alleging that IDP was not served copy of case the person in possession refuses or fails to surrender the same
the motion; ownership of INK over the property was still in to the RD so that a voluntary document may be registered and a new
issue since rescission was sought by IDP. Should the motion be certificate issued, Sec. 107 of P.D. No. 1529 states:
granted, she asked for the RD to be directed to deliver the owner’s …Where a voluntary instrument cannot be registered by reason
duplicate copies of the new certificates of title to her. of the refusal or failure of the holder to surrender the owner’s
duplicate, the party in interest may file a petition in court to
(a) when registered interests of any description, whether vested, TIMELINE: Cabanez (girl) filed petition for correction of name and
contingent, expectant, or inchoate, have terminated and ceased; marital status in CTs -> RTC granted -> Cabanez (male) filed
(b) when new interests have arisen or been created which do not petition for annulment with CA -> CA granted -> Cabanez (girl)
appear upon the certificate; filed a motion for reconsideration -> CA granted -> MFR denied by
(c) when any error, omission or mistake was made in entering CA
a certificate or any memorandum thereon or on any duplicate
certificate; Issues:
(d) when the name of any person on the certificate has been Whether or not amendment and alteration of Certificates of
changed; Title Provided for under section 108 of PD 1529 is an in rem
(e) when the registered owner has been married, or, registered proceedings that requires strict compliance with the
as married, the marriage has been terminated and no right or publication requirements.
interest of heirs or creditors will thereby be affected; Whether or not sec. 3 and 4 of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court
(f) when a corporation, which owned registered land and has been suppletorily apply to the proceedings provided for under
dissolved, has not conveyed the same within three years after section 108 of PD 1529 wherein the requirement of
its dissolution; and publication is mandatory.
(g) when there is reasonable ground for the amendment or
alteration of title. Ruling:
Here, the petitioner was in reality seeking the reconveyance of The court finds merit in the petition, but for reasons which are not
the property covered by OCT No. 684, not the cancellation of identical as those by petitioner.
a certificate of title as contemplated by Section 108 of P.D. No. The CA ruled on the basis of the provisions of PD 1529, specifically,
1529. the CA cited Sections 2 and 108 of the said law which provides
Thus, his petition did not fall under any of the situations that:
covered by Section 108, and was for that reason rightly
The CA said that there is no allegation in the petition that the FAILURE TO AVAIL OF THE REMEDIES UNDER SEC. 1 OF RULE 47
petitioner has failed to avail of any of the remedies in Section IS NOT FATAL TO HER CASE; JUDGMENT RENDERED WITHOUT
1 through no fault of his own before instituting the present petition. JURISDICTION IS FUNDAMENTALLY VOID
The petition is also not sufficient in substance.
Under Section 2 of Rule 47 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, the grounds When a petition for annulment of judgment is grounded on lack of
for Annulment of Judgment are: jurisdiction, the petitioner need not allege that the ordinary
remedy of new trial or reconsideration of the judgment sought
(a) lack of jurisdiction of the lower court; and to be annulled are no longer available through no fault of her
(b) extrinsic fraud. own.
This is because a judgment rendered without jurisdiction is
The CA said that the ground petitioner obviously relied upon in fundamentally void.
the present action is extrinsic fraud. Thus, it may be questioned any time unless laches has already
However, the petitioner failed to state the facts constituting set in.
extrinsic fraud as a ground.
Since the petitioner failed to avail of any of aforementioned remedies FAILURE OF PETITIONER TO APPEND AFFIDAVITS OF WITNESSES
in Section 1 without justification and that the ground relied upon was AS REQUIRED BY SEC. 4 OF RULE 47 IS NOT FATAL TO HER CASE
not substantiated, the petition, therefore has no prima facie merit.
Petitioner Coombs filed a Motion for Reconsideration. She Petitioner annexed to her petition the owner's duplicate copy of TCT
insisted that her petition was grounded on lack of jurisdiction, No. 6715 and the RTC Decision - which sufficiently support the
not extrinsic fraud. petition's cause of action.
In fact, she explicitly spelled out in her petition that the RTC did not A copy of the TCT alleged to have been missing supports the claim
have jurisdiction over the subject matter in LRC Case No. 04- that the same was never lost. In the same vein, a copy of the RTC
035 because the owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. 6715 was Decision, in conjunction with supporting jurisprudence,
never lost. supports petitioner Coombs' averment that said decision was
The Court of Appeals denied the said motion and explained that rendered without jurisdiction.
the RTC has jurisdiction over all proceedings involving title to real Her allegations coupled with the appropriate supporting documents
property and land registration cases. give rise to a prima facie case that the RTC did not have jurisdiction
Thus, it had jurisdiction over the subject matter of LRC Case No. over the subject matter in LRC Case No. 04-035.
04-035. It further held that petitioner Coombs failed to append As we ruled in Tan Po Chu v. Court of Appeals, if allegations of this
affidavits of witnesses or documents supporting her cause of nature turned out to be true, the RTC Decision would be void
action as required by Section 4, Rule 47 of the Rules of Court. and the Court of Appeals would have been duty-bound to
It cited Veneracion v. Mancilla, where it was held that failure to strike it down.
append the necessary documents may prompt the appellate court to Thus, the appellate court erred when it brushed aside this duty and
dismiss the petition outright or deny the same due course. dismissed the case outright based on a strict interpretation of
technical rules.
TIMELINE: Coombs owns property -> tried to pay real property tax WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The Resolutions of
but was told it was not listed in her name -> discovered that her the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE. The Court of Appeals is directed
TCT was cancelled and issued to Santos thru Castaneda (filed to REINSTATE the Petition for Annulment of Judgment.
petition for issuance of duplicate copy) -> Santos sold to Pancho
and Leviste -> Leviste executed real estate mortgage over subject
property with BPI -> Petition for annulment of judgment by Tan Po Chu v. CA
Coombs to CA -> CA dismissed petition, failing to state facts
constituting extrinsic fraud Principle: When the owner's duplicate certificate of title has not been lost,
but is in fact in the possession of another person, then the reconstituted
Issues: certificate is void because the court failed to acquire jurisdiction over the
Did the RTC have jurisdiction over the subject matter in LRC subject matter — the allegedly lost owner's duplicate. The correct remedy
Case No. 04-035? for the registered owner against an uncooperative possessor is to compel
Is the failure of petitioner to avail of the remedies under Sec. the surrender of the owner's duplicate title through an action for replevin.
1 of Rule 47 fatal to her case?
Is the failure of petitioner to append affidavits of witnesses as Facts:
required by Sec. 4 of Rule 47 fatal to her case?
Respondents are correct in saying that the service of notice of the THE RECONSTITUTION OF A FAKE AND FICTITIOUS
petition for reconstitution filed under RA 26 to the occupants of the DUPLICATE TITLE FALLS UNDER SEC. 3 (F) AND NOT 3(A);
property, owners of the adjoining properties, and all persons who may THUS, IT REQUIRES THE REQUIREMENT OF SERVICE OF
have any interest in the property is not required if the petition is NOTICE
based on the owner's duplicate certificate of title or on that of
the co-owner's, mortgagee's, or lessee's. (Director of Lands v. CA) The instant petition for judicial
(Puzon v. Sta. Lucia Realty and Development, Inc.) This involves reconstitution falls squarely under Section 3(f), Republic Act No. 26,
a petition filed for the reconstitution of the original of two Torrens because the Director of Lands claims that the respondent's duplicate
certificates of title based on Puzon's duplicate certificates of title. of the Certificate of Title No. T-12/79 or TCT No. 42449 are fake and
Serving a notice is not required if the petition is based on the owner’s fictitious.”
duplicate certificate of title or of the co-owner’s, etc. Consequently, we applied Sections 12 and 13 of RA 26 and held that
RA 26 Sec. 12: x x x The requirements under Sections 12 and 13 do for non-compliance with these provisions, the trial court did not
not apply to all petitions for judicial reconstitution, but only to those acquire jurisdiction over the petition for reconstitution.
based on any of the sources specified in Section 12, that is, For petitions based on sources enumerated in Sections 2(c), 2(d),
"sources enumerated in Section 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(f), 3(c), 2(e), 2(f), 3(c), 3(d), 3(e) and 3(f), Section 13 adds another
3(d), 3(e), and/or 3(f) of this Act. requirement: that the notice be mailed to occupants, owners
of adjoining lots, and all other persons who may have an
SEC. 2. Original certificates of title shall be reconstituted from such interest in the property. To repeat, mailing the notice is not
of the sources hereunder enumerated as may be available, in the required for a petition based on Sections 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), 3(b) and
following order: 4(a), as in the present case.
(a) The owner's duplicate of the certificate of title; It is Section 13 in relation to Section 12 of RA 26 which applies
(b) The co-owner's, mortgagee's, or lessee's duplicate of the to LRC Case No. Q-96-8296. Hence, in addition to its posting
certificate of title; and publication, the notice of hearing of LRC Case No. Q-96-
(c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, previously issued by the 8296 should also have been served through mail on the
register of deeds or by a legal custodian thereof; owners of the adjoining properties and all persons who may
(d) An authenticated copy of the decree of registration or patent, as have any interest in the property.
the case may be, pursuant to which the original certificate of title was The records show that neither the adjoining owners nor the
issued; other interested parties, Uy and Zalamea, were issued, were
(e) A document, on file in the registry of deeds, by which the notified of respondents' petition in LRC Case No. Q-96-8296.
property, the description of which is given in said document, is
mortgaged, leased or encumbered, or an authenticated copy of said ACTUAL NOTICE REQUIREMENT IS JURISDICTIONAL
document showing that its original had been registered; and
(f) Any other document which, in the judgment of the court, is These requirements and procedure are mandatory. The petition
sufficient and proper basis for reconstituting the lost or destroyed for reconstitution must allege the jurisdictional facts; the notice of
certificate of title. hearing must also be published and posted in particular places and
the same sent to specified persons.”
SEC. 3. Transfer certificates of title shall be reconstituted from such For non-compliance with the actual notice requirement in
of the sources hereunder enumerated as may be available, in the Section 13 in relation to Section 12 of RA 26, the trial court did
following order: not acquire jurisdiction over LRC Case No. Q-96-8296. The
proceedings in that case were thus a nullity and the 28 October 1996
(a) The owner's duplicate of the certificate of title; Order was void.
(b) The co-owner's, mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate of the
certificate of title; Summary:
(c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, previously issued by the (D&D Summary) If reconstitution of title is based on documents under:
register of deeds or by a legal custodian thereof; Section 3(a, b) = posting and publication only
(d) The deed of transfer or other document on file in the registry of Section 2(c, d, e, f) 3(c, d, e, f) = posting and publication + notice by
deeds, containing the description of the property, or an authenticated mailing of the (reconstitution) case
copy thereof, showing that its original had been registered, and
pursuant to which the lost or destroyed transfer certificate of title was
issued; Heirs of Venturanza v. Republic
The evidence shows that TCT No. 2574, the title in question, derived (OSG CONTENTION)
its existence from RT-40 (140) in the name of Florencio Mora which OSG argues that the alleged loss or destruction of the owner's
was a reconstituted title based on TCT No. 140 allegedly obtained by duplicate copy of OCT No. 3980 has no evidentiary basis and that
Florencio Mora during the Japanese occupation. there is no sufficient basis for the reconstitution of OCT No.
The records of the Register of Deeds of Camarines Sur, however, do 3980.
not show how the land covered by TCT No. 140 supposedly in OSG likewise maintains that the findings of fact of the Court of
the name of Florencio Mora was registered. Appeals are not supported by the evidence on record.
Neither is there a decree number, when said decree was entered, the Lastly, OSG insists that, contrary to respondents' assertion, the
OCT number or LRC Record Number. government of the Republic of the Philippines is not estopped by the
mistakes, negligence or omission of its agents.
Respondents maintain that they have complied with Section 2 of
The judgment in CA-G.R. No. 20681-R did not operate as res
Republic Act No. 26 considering that there was no opposition from
judicata which would bar the Republic's action because there
the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG); that the OSG is guilty of
was no identity of cause of action between CA-G.R. No. 20681-R
estoppel; that there was a valid basis for reconstitution of OCT No.
and the instant case.
The issue in CA-G.R. No. 20681-R was whether or not Mora's evidence 3980;
in Special Proceedings No. 674 and the procedures adopted by that there was compliance with jurisdictional requirements; that both
him for the reconstitution of certificate of title alleged to have the original file copy and the owner's copy of the subject OCT for
been lost or destroyed were in conformity with the provisions reconstitution were lost or destroyed beyond discovery; and that
of Republic Act No. 26. questions of fact are not subject to review by this Court.
The questions of ownership and whether or not the property
or portion thereof was registrable, being a timberland, were Issues:
never put at issue in CA-G.R. No. 20681-R. Whether or not the reconstitution of OCT No. 3980 was in
Neither the non-existence of the original title from which Mora's TCT accordance with the pertinent law and jurisprudence on the
No. RT-40 (140) and petitioners' TCT No. 2574 were derived, nor the matter.
non-registrability of the timberland included in the area in question
As borne out by the records of this case, respondents were unable to Likewise, the deed of sale purportedly between Antonia Pascua,
present any of the documents mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (e) as seller, and Pedro Fontanilla, as buyer, which involves OCT
above. Thus, the only documentary evidence the respondents No. 3980 cannot be relied upon as basis for reconstitution of
were able to present as possible sources for the reconstitution Torrens certificate of title.
of OCT No. 3980 are those that they believed to fall under the class An examination of the deed of sale would reveal that the number
of "any other document" described in paragraph (f). of the OCT allegedly covering the subject parcel of land is
clearly indicated, however, the date when said OCT was issued
DOCUMENTS REFERRED IN SEC. 2(F) MAY BE RESORTED ONLY IN does not appear in the document.
ABSENCE OF THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS IN THE LIST AND WHEN This circumstance is fatal to respondents' cause as we have
THERE IS IN EFFORT TO FIND THEM IF THEY ARE UNABLE TO BE reiterated in Republic v. El Gobierno de las Islas Filipinas that the
PRESENTED absence of any document, private or official, mentioning the
number of the certificate of title and the date when the
As correctly pointed out by petitioner, we had emphasized in
certificate of title was issued, does not warrant the granting
Republic v. Holazo that the term "any other document" in
of a petition for reconstitution.
paragraph (f) refers to reliable documents of the kind described
in the preceding enumerations and that the documents referred Estoppel in Action for Cancellation of Title
to in Section 2 (f) may be resorted to only in the absence of the
preceding documents in the list. The general rule is that the State cannot be put in estoppel by the mistakes
Therefore, the party praying for the reconstitution of a title or errors of its officials or agents. However, like all general rules, this is
must show that he had, in fact, sought to secure such also subject to exceptions, viz:
documents and failed to find them before presentation of
"other documents" as evidence in substitution is allowed. “Estoppel against the public are little favored. They should not be invoked
(Republic v. Holazo) When Rep. Act No. 26, Section 2(f), or 3(f) for except in rare and unusual circumstances and may not be invoked where
that matter, speaks of "any other document," it must refer to similar they would operate to defeat the effective operation of a policy adopted to
documents previously enumerated therein or documents ejusdem protect the public. They must be applied with circumspection and should
be applied only in those special cases where the interests of justice clearly
generis as the documents earlier referred to. The documents alluded
require it. Nevertheless, the government must not be allowed to deal
to in Section 3(f) must be resorted to in the absence of those
dishonorably or capriciously with its citizens, and must not play an ignoble
preceding in order. If the petitioner for reconstitution fails to part or do a shabby thing; and subject to limitations . . ., the doctrine of
show that he had, in fact, sought to secure such prior equitable estoppel may be invoked against public authorities as well as
documents (except with respect to the owner's duplicate copy against private individuals.”
of the title which it claims had been, likewise, destroyed) and
failed to find them, the presentation of the succeeding Judicially reconstituted titles are superior to administratively
documents as substitutionary evidence is proscribed. reconstituted titles.
Reconstituted titles shall have the same validity and legal effect as the
originals thereof unless the reconstitution was made extra-judicially. In
THE REQUIREMENTS OF WHAT MUST BE SHOWN BEFORE A contrast to the judicial reconstitution of a lost certificate of title which is in
RECONSTITUTION OF TITLE CAN BE MADE rem, the administrative reconstitution is essentially ex-parte and without
notice. The reconstituted certificates of title do not share the same
What should be shown are: indefeasible character of the original certificates of title. It is only fair and
a. that the certificate of title had been lost or destroyed; reasonable to apply the equitable principle of estoppel by laches against
b. that the documents presented by petitioner are sufficient and the government to avoid an injustice to the innocent purchasers for value.
proper to warrant reconstitution of the lost or destroyed
certificate of title; Barstowe Phils. Corp. vs. Republic
c. that the petitioner is the registered owner of the property or had
d. that the certificate of title was in force at the time it was lost or FIRST TRANSACTION (SERVANDO TO BPC)
destroyed; and BPC traces its titles to the subject lots back to Servando with TCTs
e. that the description, area and boundaries of the property are No. 200629 and 200630 over the subject lots. Servando executed
substantially the same and those contained in the lost or a Deed of Absolute Sale of the subject lots to his son Antonio.
destroyed certificate of title. Despite his prior sale of the subject lots to Antonio, Servando,
In the case at bar, the respondents were unable to discharge the transferred/conveyed the subject lots to BPC in exchange for
burden of proof prescribed by law and jurisprudence for the subscription of 51% of the capital stock of BPC.
reconstitution of lost or destroyed Torrens certificate of title. About a year after the death of Servando, Antonio executed another
Deed of Conveyance of the subject lots in favor of BPC in exchange
First, respondents failed to prove that the owner's duplicate
for subscription of 2,450 shares of its capital stock.
copy of OCT No. 3980 was indeed eaten by termites while in the
Due to the fire that gutted the Office of the Quezon City
custody of respondent Concepcion Lorenzo and her late husband
Register of Deeds, Antonio sought the administrative
Pedro Fontanilla who, inexplicably, did not execute an affidavit of loss reconstitution of the original copies and owner's duplicate copies of
as required by Section 109 17 of Presidential Decree No. 1529. TCTs No. 200629 and 200630. LRA issued TCTs No. RT-23687 and
Second, The Certification 18 dated April 23, 2001 issued by the RT-23688.
Register of Deeds of Ilagan, Isabela did not categorically state Sometime later, TCTs No. RT-23687 and RT-23688 were cancelled
that the original copy of OCT No. 3980, which respondents and in lieu thereof, TCTs No. 30829, 30830, 30831, and 30832 in the
alleged to be on file with said office, was among those name of BPC were issued. BPC then acquired from the Housing
destroyed by the fire that gutted the premises of said office on and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) a permit to develop
December 4, 1976. The document only stated that said office "could the subject lots into a residential subdivision.
not give any information/data involving the existence of Subsequently, BPC entered into Joint Venture Agreements with other
Original/Transfer Certificate of Title No. Lot No. 18, area 770 sq. m., corporations for the development of the subject lots into a subdivision
called Parthenon Hills.
located at Taggapan, Echague, Isabela."
Third, a comparison between the aforementioned certification
and the technical description and sketch plan will reveal that
Meanwhile, according to the Republic, the subject lots were owned
there was a discrepancy in the land area of the lot allegedly by First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC) which sold the
covered by OCT No. 3980. What was reflected on the former was subject lots to the Republic. TCT No. 275443 and 288417 was
a land area of 770 sq. m. while the latter two documents issued in the name of the Republic.
pertained to a land area of 811 sq. m. Because of the fire which razed the Quezon City Office of the
Furthermore, respondents were not able to show adequate proof Register of Deeds and destroyed the original copies of TCTs No.
that a Torrens certificate of title was issued covering the 275443 and 288417, the Republic applied for administrative
subject parcel of land or that the same piece of land is what is reconstitution of the same with the LRA.
covered by the allegedly lost or destroyed OCT No. 3980. It was then that the Republic came to know that another party had
The Certification dated December 3, 2001 issued by the Land applied for reconstitution of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 which also
Registration Authority (LRA) which indicates that Decree No. covered the subject lots.
This prompted the Republic to file a petition for cancellation of title
650254 issued on September 1, 1937 is not among the
against Antonio, Servando, and BPC, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-92-
salvaged decrees on file in the LRA and is presumed to have been
lost or destroyed as a consequence of World War II does not
support respondents' assertion that OCT No. 3980 did exist (RTC & CA RULING)
prior to its loss or destruction because said document failed to
show a connection between Decree No. 650254 and OCT No. 3980.
NOTE!: In this case, as you have noticed, the developer Gold Loop always SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PROTECTIVE
refused to give a copy to the
respondents of the Contract to Sell because at the back of their minds,
they already have an intention to rescind the contract because of the DECREE (PD 957)
default in the payments by the spouses. DEFAULT ANG NAG-UNA
Jurisdiction of HLRUB
That’s why if you enter into contracts like this, you should insist for a copy
as a matter of fact you can ask that the contract to sell be annotated in According to P.D. No. 1344, the National Housing Authority (now the
the cert of title or in the condominium cert of title. So, this is a valid ground HLURB) shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide cases of the
to suspend the payment of the monthly amortizations. The spouses following nature:
Sadhwani in this case were saved because they have in fact defaulted in a. Unsound real estate business practices;
their payments and they were able to use this defense and they were also b. Claims involving refund and any other claims filed by
aided by a lawyer to guide them. subdivision lot or condominium unit buyer against the project
owner, developer, dealer, broker or salesman; and
Alteration of Plans c. Cases involving specific performance of contractual and
statutory obligations filed by buyers of subdivision lot or
Sec. 22. (PD 957) Alteration of Plans. — No owner or developer shall condominium unit against the owner, developer, dealer, broker
change or alter the roads, open spaces, infrastructures, facilities for public or salesman.
use and/or other form of subdivision development as contained in the
approved subdivision plan and/or represented in its advertisements, Ortigas & Company, Limited Partnership vs. Court Of Appeals
without the permission of the Authority and the written conformity or
consent of the duly organized homeowners association, or in the absence DOCTRINE: Its jurisdiction is limited to those cases filed by the buyer or
of the latter, by majority of the lot buyers in the subdivision owner of a subdivision lot or condominium unit and based on any of the
causes of action enumerated in Section 1 of P.D. 1344.
G.O.A.L Inc. v CA
FACTS: Petitioner, a realty company, developed the Ortigas Center. This
FACTS: GOAL and the National Housing Authority (NHA) entered into an case concerns the Pasig City side of the commercial district known as the
agreement whereby NHA extended to GOAL a loan of 4.425 million for the Ortigas Center, known in 1969 as Capitol VI Subdivision.
construction of Gemin I Condominium. A Contract Agreement was entered Respondent filed a complaint against Ortigas for specific compliance. It
into between GOAL and Matson International Corporation for the alleged that Ortigas failed to comply with Mun Ordinance 5, Series of 1966
construction of the condominium within 1 year at the cost of 4.2 million. which required it to designate appropriate recreational and playground
However, the contractor abandoned the project with only 60% facilities at its former Capitol VI Subdivision (regarded as a residential
of it finished. GOAL offered the condominium units for sale with private site), now the Pasig City side of the Ortigas Center. Further, it alleged that
respondents among its buyers, NHA. To remedy the situation brought despite the fact that the plan was only approved by the Municipal Council
about by the abandonment of the project by the first contractor, GOAL as to layout, petitioner proceeded to develop the property without securing
subsequently pursued the construction of the fifth floor with NHA granting a final approval.
additional funding on the condition that it would hold on to the Ortigas alleged that its development plan for the subject land was for a
condominium certificates of title of private respondents. commercial subdivision, outside the scope of MO 5 that applied only to
Private respondents filed with the Housing and Land Use residential subdivisions; that the City cannot assail the validity of that
Regulatory Board (HLURB), Office of Appeals, Adjudication and Legal development plan after its approval 25 years ago. Ortigas filed a motion
Affairs (OAALA), a complaint against GOAL. Among the issues raised were to dismiss the case on the ground that the RTC had no jurisdiction over it,
the illegal construction of the fifth floor of Gemin I Condominium, the such jurisdiction being in the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
failure to deliver the title of private respondent Filomeno Teng despite his (HLURB) for unsound real estate business practices.
repeated demands, and the failure to provide adequate parking spaces for RTC denied the motion and held that HLURB's jurisdiction pertained to
the unit owners. disputes arising from transactions between buyers, salesmen, and
subdivision and condominium developers. In this case, the City is a lgu
ISSUES: 1. Whether or not the construction of the floor is illegal. seeking to enforce compliance with a mun ordinance, an action that is not
within the scope of the disputes cognizable by the HLURB.
(1) Yes, it is illegal. ISSUE: Whether or not the jurisdiction over the City's action lies with the
The above provision is clear. We do not have to tussle with legal RTC, not with the HLURB.
hermeneutics in the interpretation of Sec. 22 of P.D. 957. The written
approval of the National Housing Authority alone is not sufficient. It must RULING: Yes. Executive Order 648 empowers the HLURB to hear and
be coupled with the written conformity or consent of the duly organized decide claims of unsound real estate business practices against land
homeowners association or the majority of the lot buyers. Failing in this, developers. Ultimately, whether or not the HLURB has the authority to hear
the construction of the fifth floor is violative of the decree (Sec. 22 of PD and decide a case is determined by the nature of the cause of action, the
957) invoked. subject matter or property involved, and the parties. Section 1 of P.D.
1344 vests in the HLURB the exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide the
Failure to deliver the title following cases:
GOAL’s contention that it should not have been faulted for failing
to deliver the title to private respondent Teng as the proximate cause (a) unsound real estate business practices;
thereof was the abandonment of the construction project by the first (b) claims involving refund and any other claims
contractor, hence, due to force majeure. There is no one else to blame but filed by subdivision lot or condominium unit buyer
itself. Upon full payment of the agreed price, petitioner is mandated against the project owner, developer, dealer,
by law to deliver the title of the lot or unit to the buyer. broker, or salesman; and
Second contention, GOAL attempts to justify its failure to deliver the (c) cases involving specific performance of
certificate of title of private respondent Teng by claiming that it used the contractual and statutory obligations filed by
title as part collateral for the additional loan NHA had extended for the buyers of subdivision lots or condominium units
construction of the fifth floor. against the owner, developer, dealer, broker or
While we empathize with petitioner in its financial dilemma we cannot salesman.
make innocent parties suffer the consequences of the former's lack of
business acumen. Upon full payment of a unit, petitioner loses all its right Unlike paragraphs (b) and (c) above, paragraph (a) does not state which
and interests to the unit in favor of the buyer. Consequently, it has no right party can file a claim against an unsound real estate business practice.
to use the certificate of title of respondent Teng as collateral for a new But, in the context of the evident objective of Section 1, it is implicit that
loan. The title of Teng must be released to him as provided by law. the "unsound real estate business practice" would, like the offended party
1.) Off-street parking vs indoor parking areas in paragraphs (b) and (c), be the buyers of lands involved in development.
With respect to the second issue, petitioner contends that the decision of The policy of the law is to curb unscrupulous practices in real estate trade
the Court of Appeals is contrary to law considering that under Sec. 12-D, and business that prejudice buyers.
No. 2, Rule V of the Implementing Rules of P.D. 957, what should be given
for free are only "off-street" parking spaces and not indoor parking areas. Not every case involving buyers and sellers of subdivision lots or
condominium units can be filed with the HLURB. Its jurisdiction is limited
Petitioner is wrong. It has for purposes of its own construed "off-street" to
mean "not including indoor." On the other hand, the law does not exclude to those cases filed by the buyer or owner of a subdivision lot or
condominium unit and based on any of the causes of action enumerated in
"indoor parking." What it specifically excludes is "street parking."
Section 1 of P.D. 1344. The City had not bought a lot in the subject area
Therefore, parking may be in the basement or, in the absence thereof, in
the first floor. from Ortigas which would give it a right to seek HLURB intervention in
enforcing a local ordinance that regulates the use of private land within its
Furthermore, at this point, a definition of terms may be necessary. In a
condominium, common areas and facilities are "portions of the jurisdiction in the interest of the general welfare. It has the right to bring
such kind of action but only before a court of general jurisdiction such as
condominium property not included in the units," whereas, a unit is "a part
of the condominium property which is to be subject to private the RTC.
ownership."5 Inversely, that which is not considered a unit should fall
under common areas and facilities.
Hence, the parking spaces not being subject to private ownership form
part of the common area over which the condominium unit owners hold