Ladle Furnace Applications

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Resco Manufacturing Locations

Hammond, IN
Resin Bonded Brick Marelan, Quebec
LadleMax AMG
Burned Basic Brick
Basic Monolithics
High Fired Alumina

Tarentum, PA
Dolomite Brick
Dolomite Specialties Nuline 23-87
East Canton, OH
High Alumina Brick
Nucon 60 Refractory
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Wet Mortars
Perecon Products
Gun Mixes
Greensboro, NC
Vibrocast for Steel Ladle
Gun Mixes
EZ CAST 3250 Applications
Manufacturing Locations RESCO Corporate Headquarters
Regional Sales Offices
Pittsburgh, PA Tampa, FL Canada Customer Service Tarentum: WRI Adaphos
Phone: 888.283.5505 Phone: 813.645.4060 Phone: 450.691.2933 Phone: 724.224.8800
Fax: 412.494.4571 Fax: 813.354.3555 Fax: 450.691.2966 Fax: 724.224.3353 Adacor
Norristown, PA
Phone: 610.292.3500
Gary, IN
Phone: 219.886.9767
Greensboro (Cartop/Minerals)
Phone: 336.299.1441
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Phone: 562.802.2463
Resco LR
Fax: 610.279.6070 Fax: 219.886.9821 Fax: 336.855.8375 Fax: 562.802.0315 R 80 B
Founded in 1946, Resco has served its markets with specialized products ever since, initially, with
the refining industry and later in the steel industry. Innovations have been key to Resco’s long suc-
Pacocast 60C
cess, including AA-22 and the original patent on semi-universal ladle brick.
Recent acquisitions have diversified Resco into many new refractory markets. The addition of Na-
tional’s product lines allows Resco to offer a comprehensive range of products, and dolomite prod- Sureflow
ucts are available since the Worldwide acquisition was completed.
LadleMax AMG
Resco Products, Inc
Penn Center West
Phone: 888.283.5505
Phone: 412.494.4491
Nuline 23-87
Building 2, Suite 430 Fax: 412.294.1080
Pittsburgh, PA 15276

March 2006
Resco Products for
Safety Lining
Zone Castable Brick Mortar Plastic Ram Shotcrete/Pump Cast
Vibrocast 70 Seneca* Rescoset 80P Rescoram 85S Resco LR Vibrocast 85 ULM PC
Vibrocast EZ 80 Narcal 70D* Vibrocast ASC 7LT PC
Vibrocast 85 ULM PC Seneca* Rescoset 80P Rescoram 85S Resco LR Vibrocast 85 ULM PC
Ladle Lip
Sidewall & Slagline EZ Cast 3250 XR Narcal 70D* Vibrocast ASC 7LT PC
No Ladle furnace Seneca 60*
Seneca 60P*
Sidewall & Slagline Vibrocast 85 ULM PC Perecon** Rescoset 80P
Safety Slagline
Ladle Furnace EZ Cast 3250 XR Nucon 60**
Nucon 60 (15-87)** Safety Sidewall
Working Lining
Vibrocast 85 ULM Seneca 80* Adaphos 85 Trowel Rescoram 85S Resco LR Vibrocast 85 ULM PC
Working Bottom Vibrocast ASC 8LT (C) Duralite 80G* Adaphos 85 Dip Transition
LadleMax AMG(Series) Rescoset 80P Vibrocast ASC 7LT PC
Impact Zone Bottom Vibrocast ASC 8LT (C-C) Precast
Seneca 80 XD*
Impact Zone Wall
LadleMax AMG 90 or Sidewall
Rescal R 80 B*
Precast Blocks Vibrocast ASC 8LT (C-C) Adaphos 85 Trowel
Rescocast 17AC Adaphos 85 Trowel Rescoram 85S Resco LR
Around blocks
Vibrocast ASC 8LT (C)
Vibrocast 85 ULM Seneca* Adaphos 85 Dip Vibrocast 85 ULM PC
Seneca 80* Adacor 80 Dip Vibrocast ASC 7LT PC
Duralite 80G* Adaphos 85 Trowel Bottom
LadleMax AMG+ Impact Zone
LadleMax AMG SL+
LadleMax AMG HP+
LadleMax AMG 90 SL+
LadleMax AMG 90+
Nucon 60 (15-87) ** Adaphos 85 Dip
Seneca 80 KR* Adacor 80 Dip
No Ladle Furnace
Duralite 80G*
Nuline 1-99++ Adaphos 85 Dip
Slagline Nuline 2-99 Adacor 80 Dip
Ladle Furnace Nuline 13LFX++
Nuline 5DH++
Vibrocast EZ 80 Nuline 22-96++ Rescoset 80P Rescoram 85S Vibrocast 70 PC
Ladle Lip Vibrocast 85 ULM Seneca 80* Vibrocast 85 ULM PC Safety Bottom
Vibrocast ASC 8LT (C)

Brick Identifiers:
• + Denotes Magenesia-Carbon Brick
• ++ Denotes Alumina-Magnesite Carbon Brick
• * Denotes Alumina Brick
• ** Denotes Burned Basic Brick

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