Comparative Study of PEM Fuel Cell Parameter Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm
Comparative Study of PEM Fuel Cell Parameter Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm
Comparative Study of PEM Fuel Cell Parameter Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm
Solar Energy Research Center, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014, India
KEYWORDS Abstract In this paper, a new formulation based on the derivative of maximum power with respect
Fuel cell parameter extrac- to current is proposed for fuel cell parameter extraction. Compared to conventional extraction
tion; methods, the proposed method has various features such as faster convergence, higher efficiency
Proton exchange membrane and accuracy. In this work, the problem of parameter extraction is formulated as an optimization
fuel cell (PEMFC); task and it is solved using simple GA. Explanations about the new formulation and its implemen-
Genetic Algorithm (GA) tation using GA are elaborated. To validate the candidature of the proposed formulation, perfor-
mance analysis is done with two sets of initial value ranges and the results are compared with the
existing curve fitting method in terms of accuracy, convergence characteristics and objective func-
tion value. The results show that the proposed formulation employing GA is capable of extracting
fuel cell parameters accurately with lesser computational steps and time.
Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction harness the existing renewable energy resources. Fuel cell sys-
tems are prominent energy sources gaining momentum in
Increased power demand, continuous depletion of fossil fuels recent past due to its high efficiency, reliability, durability
and emission of greenhouse gases urge researchers and practi- and ease of application in diverse fields.
tioners to focus on new technologies that can efficiently Fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts hydrogen
fuel into electric power. Fuel cell system comprises of two
electrodes namely anode and cathode. Hydrogen is allowed
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9490113830.
to pass through the positive electrode and oxygen through
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Rajasekar),
the negative electrode, with an electrolyte between them facili-
[email protected] (B. Jacob), [email protected]
tating the exchange of electric charges. The flow of electrons
(K. Balasubramanian), [email protected] (K. Priya), sangukrish21@ (K. Sangeetha), [email protected], sudhakar. through the external circuit produces electric power [1].
[email protected] (T. Sudhakar Babu). Due to its robustness and higher efficiency, fuel cells have
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. been extensively utilized in commercial, industrial and residen-
tial applications (such as primary and backup power genera-
tion) [2]. Fuel cells can be categorized based on the type of
electrolyte used and the start-up time required. For instance,
Production and hosting by Elsevier
the start-up time for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel
2090-4479 Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1188 N. Rajasekar et al.
cell is 1 s whereas for Solid Oxide (SO) fuel cell it is 10 min. 2. PEM fuel cell model
Under normal operating conditions, a simple fuel cell typically
produces output voltage in the range of 0.5–0.9 V. Since this Fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts the stored
low voltage becomes insufficient for real-time applications, a energy of fuel directly into electricity with the help of an oxi-
stack of fuel cells are arranged in series so that the required dant [10]. It consists of a cathode and an anode with a
voltage can be attained [3].The most commonly used fuel cell proton-conducting membrane which serves as the electrolyte.
is the PEM fuel cell. It is popular due to its distinctive features The electrochemical equations occurring in electrodes of a
such as no waste is generated, high efficiency, low operating PEM fuel cell can be described as follows [11].
temperature and pressure [4]. Anode side:
It is appreciable to build an effective fuel cell model before
proceeding into the installation part of the system so that the H2 ! 2Hþ þ 2e ð1Þ
design and testing can be made much easier [5]. Modelling of Cathode side:
fuel cell characteristics has drawn considerable attention of
researchers over the last decade as it helps in the better under- 1
2Hþ þ O2 þ 2e ! H2 O ð2Þ
standing of the phenomena occurring within the cell. It is a 2
major concern for researchers and practitioners to model fuel Overall electrochemical reaction:
cell characteristics accurately since its behaviour largely
depends upon the predicted characteristics as well as its model H2 þ O2 ! H2 O ð3Þ
parameter values. The values of all the model parameters
required for fuel cell modelling are not provided in the manu- The electrochemical model of fuel cell is proposed by
facturer’s datasheet. Therefore, it facilitates the need to accu- Amphlett et al. [12]. The output voltage equation governing
rately compute the values of the unknown parameters by a single fuel cell is
employing any suitable optimization technique. VFC ¼ ENernst Vact Vohmic Vcon ð4Þ
From the past literature, it can be inferred that the previous
attempts followed curve fitting method for fuel cell modelling ENernst can be calculated using the following formula
[6–9,15,16]. In this procedure, model parameters are computed ENernst ¼ 1:229 0:85 103 ðT 298:15Þ
by considering the sum of square of errors between computed
and measured values on predefined points on the fuel cell char- þ 4:3085 105 T½lnðPH2 þ 0:5 lnðPO2 Þ ð5Þ
acteristics. The main shortcomings of this method are as fol- where PH2 and PO2 are partial pressures (atm) of hydrogen and
lows: it consumes more time, is strenuous, error is large and oxygen, respectively. T is the fuel cell absolute temperature
is complex. Hence, in order to overcome these drawbacks a (K).
new formulation is proposed to accurately determine the The activation over potential can be expressed in a para-
model parameters. The proposed formulation is based on the metric form as follows,
fact that derivative of power with respect to current at
Maximum Power Point (MPP) is zero. This formulation Vact ¼ e1 þ e2 T þ e3 T lnðCO2 Þ þ e4 T lnðiÞ ð6Þ
henceforth is named as Maximum Power Point (MPP) method where the terms ei are semi-empirical coefficients, i is the cell
and it applies simple Genetic Algorithm for solving the fuel cell current (A), CO2 is the concentration of oxygen in the catalytic
parameter identification problem. interface of the cathode (mol cm3).
In the proposed formulation, only 3 points on the I-V char-
acteristics namely Voc ; Vmpp and Isc are utilized to estimate the CO2 ¼ 498
model parameters unlike the curve fitting method which con- 5:08 106 eð T Þ
siders many points on the I-V characteristics to estimate the The ohmic voltage drop is given by the expression [13]
model parameters. This formulation is accurate, fast converg-
Vohmic ¼ iðRm þ Rc Þ ð7Þ
ing and simple since it requires the computation of only 3
points. And,
For validation and detailed analysis of the novel formula- qm l
tion, extensive evaluation and comparison are done between Rm ¼
the conventional curve fitting method and the proposed
h T 2 i 2:5 i
MPP method. In order to estimate the goodness of proposed
181:6 1 þ 0:03 Ai þ 0:062 303 A
MPP method and for fair comparison, constraints such as fit- qm ¼ i T303
ness function value (best, worst, mean and standard devia- k 0:634 3 A exp 4:18 T
tion), convergence characteristics, matching of the computed
where Rm and Rc are the equivalent inner membrane resistance
and expected I-V characteristics and statistical tools like stan-
and outer contact resistance respectively. l is the thickness of
dard deviation, absolute error and histograms are taken into
the PEM (cm), which serves as the electrolyte of the cell, A
is the active cell area (cm2), qm is the membrane specific resis-
The remaining part of this paper is subdivided into 5 sec-
tivity and k is an adjustable parameter.
tions. Section 2 expounds the PEM fuel cell model. Section 3
The concentration voltage drop is given by,
explains the formulation of the objective function. Section 4
details the optimization technique used (i.e.) Genetic I
Vcon ¼ b ln 1 ð8Þ
Algorithm (GA). Section 5 deals with results and discussions. Imax
Comparative study of PEM fuel cell parameter extraction 1189
P ¼ VI ð13Þ
Random generation of
Taking differentiation of above equation we get, Initial population
dP dV
¼VþI ð14Þ
dI dI
Applying MPP condition to the above equation, RHS of Evaluation of
Fitness Function
equation is set to zero
dV V
þ ¼0 ð15Þ Mate selection
dI I
Thus, the objective function for fuel cell parameter extrac-
tion can be expressed as
Crossover and Mutation
dV Vmpp
J ¼ þ ð16Þ
dI ðVmpp ;Impp Þ Impp
No Termination
In the above equation the value of dV
dI ðVmpp ;Impp Þ
can be obtained Satisfied
from the basic voltage equation. Yes
2 0 0 11 3
dV T b l181:6
¼ e4 þ @
þ Rc þ @
A A C5
dI Impp Imax Impp Stop
ðVmpp ;Impp Þ Aexp 4:18ðT303Þ
solution space and arrive at optimal solution set in shorter with the aid of Roulette wheel selection method and multi
time. The various steps involved when GA is applied to the point crossover is employed.
present problem are described as follows:
4.4. Importance of range selection
Step 1: Parameter setting
Fix the GA parameters namely population size, cross over The proper selection of GA parameters alone does not guaran-
rate, mutation rate and termination criteria. tee faithful results as its convergence and the obtainment of
Step 2: Create an initial population faithful results also depends on the chosen initial population.
In this step, chromosomes i.e., individuals of the population Further, the range of fuel cell model parameters namely
are created. In this work, binary coded GA is used with e1 ; e2 ; e3 ; e4 ; b; Rc and k also plays a significant role in the proper
chromosome length of 70. Generate an initial population modelling of fuel cell system. Unfortunately, there is a lack of
with each chromosome (i.e., parameter values) representing proper knowledge about the model parameter values as well
a potential solution to the problem. as their range. This flaw can be concealed up to a certain extent
Step 3: Evaluation of objective function by allowing large number of iterations with entirely different
Fitness i.e., goodness of a solution, of each individual gen- random initial values so that the desired results are obtained.
erated in previous step is evaluated. In the present work, the However, increased number of iterations can yield poor results.
fitness value assigned to each chromosome is same as the Hence, to refine the search process in a proper manner as well as
objective function value; since it is a minimization function. to guarantee sufficient class of accuracy between the computed
After objective function evaluation i.e., Eq. (16), each chro- and actual characteristics, the model parameters are subjected
mosome is assigned a sector proportional to its fitness value to a definite range and the results obtained are analysed.
in a virtual roulette wheel. Roulette wheel selection proce- Further, the range should be constrained by considering the
dure is adopted to select the parents for the next generation. physical meaning of the parameter as well so that it becomes
Step 4: Cross over and mutation operation realizable. There are two possibilities in the range selection pro-
The parents selected performing the above steps are allowed cess 1. Wide range and 2. Narrow range. If the chosen range is
to undergo cross over, i.e., bits of chromosomes are wide, the search space is large and the applied optimization
exchanged, multipoint cross over is followed in this work technique takes longer time to converge to the best possible
for better efficiency. The offspring’s generated via cross solution. Moreover, there is a great possibility that the method
over are mutated. Bits of chromosomes are toggled based may converge to any of the local best solution which resembles
on the value of mutation probability. the best one and further deteriorates the efficiency of search
Step 5: Creation of new population process. To avoid the drawbacks of wide range selection, a nar-
In this step, old population is replaced with the newly gen- row range can be chosen. The issue of settling to local best value
erated population. and higher convergence time can be expelled with this perfor-
Step 6: Termination criteria mance, but care should be taken such that the best value should
Check whether a termination criterion is met. If it is satis- also be contained in the prescribed range. Thus, it is evident
fied, stop and print the result; else go to step 3. that proper selection of parameter ranges assures the expected
class of accuracy.
4.3. GA parameter selection The ranges for model parameters employed in this work are
presented in Table 1 where Range 1 is a narrow range whereas
range 2 is a wider range. These ranges are helpful in identifying
For obtaining the exact model parameters applying GA,
the best objective function for the proposed problem.
proper selection of predefined GA parameters is crucial. If
the selection of the values is not accurate, the result obtained
will be erroneous which results in the mismatch between the 5. Results and discussion
computed fuel cell characteristics and the actual characteris-
tics. Further, in order to rule out the possibility of getting inac- To accentuate the supremacy of the new formulation, its per-
curate results completely the values of population size, formance is compared with that of the conventional curve fit-
crossover probability, mutation rate and maximum genera- ting method. To make a fair comparison, same GA method is
tions are judiciously adjusted in such a way that better results applied for both the approaches and the performance is evalu-
are obtained. Each of the values is modified via continuous ated. Further, the performance of the proposed MPP approach
tuning within a certain range and the best value is evolved. and conventional curve fitting approach is evaluated in terms
Thus, the best set of GA parameters arrived which are men- of fitness function value (best, worst, mean and standard devi-
tioned herein. The value of population size is 100, mutation ation), convergence characteristics, matching between com-
rate is 0.3 and cross over rate is 0.8 and the number of itera- puted and expected I-V characteristics, standard deviation,
tions to be performed is 250. Selection of parents is performed absolute error graph and histograms. The results obtained
Table 2 Best, worst, mean and the standard deviation values of both the approaches for 150 runs.
Approach Best Worst Mean Standard deviation
Range 1-GA Proposed method 0.003366 0.003749 0.003532 0.0000793
Range 1-GA Point by point method 0.5147 1.44003 0.7511 0.209617
Range 2-GA Proposed method 0.001259 0.00199 0.001544 0.00013793
Range 2-GA Point by point method 0.35283 2.46632 1.122 0.384907
Range 1 40
0.003 Range 2 30
Fitness Value
0.0025 20
0.002 10
0.0015 0
0.0013 0.0014 0.0015 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018 0.0019 0.002
0.001 Objective Function Value
method for range 1 and range 2.
Objective Function Vs No. of iterations
10 0
Range 1
Range 2 Objective function value
Fitness Value
0 12
0 50 100 150 200 250 10
No. of iterations 8
Figure 3 Variation of objective function by the conventional 2
curve fitting method for range 1 and range 2. 0
50 are explicitly discussed. Programs were developed in
40 MATLAB for GA with both methods. Simulations are per-
30 formed using Pentium 4 INTEL 4 GB RAM 2.4 GHz
20 processor.
GA is made to run 150 times for both the approaches and
0.0034 0.0035 0.0036 0.0032 comparison is made in terms of best, worst, mean and stan-
Objective function value dard deviation of objective function value obtained for all
the iterations is described in Table 2.
Figure 4 Histogram of the objective function value for Range 1 From Table 2, it is clearly evident that the proposed MPP
for proposed MPP method. method provides better results for all range of initial values.
1192 N. Rajasekar et al.
20 25
Pressure in bar 2 10
1 0 5
Current in Amperes
Absolute Error
4 25
3.5 20
3 15
2.5 10
1.5 5
Pressure in bar 1 0 Current in Amperes
extracted I–V characteristics for different conditions of pres- with the widely used curve fitting approach. The results
sure and temperature is done in detail. demonstrate that the new MPP formulation applying GA per-
A closer observation of the graphs Figs. 8 and 9 indicates forms better than curve fitting method in terms of accuracy,
that the computed and expected fuel cell characteristics are convergence characteristics, convergence speed and objective
exactly matching when the proposed approach is employed function value.
even under different test conditions however there is a notice-
able drift in the characteristics when point by point approach Acknowledgement
is executed. Hence, the proposed formulation always promises
to provide appropriate matching between the computed and The authors would like thank the Management, Vellore
the actual characteristics irrespective of the test conditions. Institute of Technology University, Vellore, India for
For further justification of the proposed method, the absolute providing support. This research work has been carried out
error is calculated by comparing the difference between computed in Solar Energy Research Center, School of Electrical
and actual I-V curve values. The calculation of the absolute error Engineering, VIT University, Vellore. The authors would like
from I-V curves is based on the following equation: to sincerely thank the reviewers for their valuable comments
and recommendations to improve the quality of the paper.
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N. Rajasekar – He was born in Tamil Nadu, interest includes photovoltaic system design,
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applications in Renewable Energy systems.
Basil Jacob – Completed M. Tech in Power
Electronics and Drives from VIT University,
Vellore, India, in 2014. He is currently work-
ing as Lecturer in a Reputed University in
Kerala. His area of research interest is Power
electronics and Renewable Energy systems.