Development of Flood Forecasting System Using Statistical and ANN Techniques in The Downstream Catchment of Mahanadi Basin, India
Development of Flood Forecasting System Using Statistical and ANN Techniques in The Downstream Catchment of Mahanadi Basin, India
Development of Flood Forecasting System Using Statistical and ANN Techniques in The Downstream Catchment of Mahanadi Basin, India
The floods in river Mahanadi delta are due to either dam release of Hirakud or due to contribution of inter-
cepted catchment between Hirakud dam and delta. It is seen from post-Hirakud periods (1958) that out of 19
floods 14 are due to intercepted catchment contribution. The existing flood forecasting systems are mostly
for upstream catchment, forecasting the inflow to reservoir, whereas the downstream catchment is devoid of
a sound flood forecasting system. Therefore, in this study an attempt has been made to develop a workable
forecasting system for downstream catchment. Instead of taking the flow time series concurrent flood peaks
of 12 years of base and forecasting stations with its corresponding travel time are considered for analysis.
Both statistical method and ANN based approach are considered for finding the peak to reach at delta head
with its corresponding travel time. The travel time has been finalized adopting clustering techniques, there by
differentiating high, medium and low peaks. The method is simple and it does not take into consideration the
rainfall and other factors in the intercepted catchment. A comparison between both methods are tested and it
is found that the ANN methods are better beyond the calibration range over statistical method and the effi-
ciency of either methods reduces as the prediction reach is extended. However, it is able to give the peak
discharge at delta head before 24 hour to 37 hour for high to low peaks.
Keywords: Flood Forecasting, Mahanadi Basin, Hirakud Dam, Statistical Method, ANN Architecture,
In our study the station at Khairmal is taken as the network is application oriented. However, the multi layer
base station (B.S) which is 115 km away and with an feed forward networks are most commonly used for hy-
average lead time of 12-16 hour for Hirakud release to drological applications [7].
reach here. Barmul is the intermediate station (I.S) and Generally four distinct steps applied to any ANN –
Mundali is the forecasting station (F.S) just upstream of based solution including flood forecasting problems.
Cuttack city. First of all data transformation is the initial step. The
input always varies in a larger range. So in order to les-
3. Data Availability sen the range the data is put in logarithmic scale. Then
normalization and scaling is done. Data sets with many
Adequate data is needed for the formulation of the fore- variations make training difficult. In order to prevent it
casting services. The development of the river forecast- the data are usually scaled using statistical, min-max,
ing procedure requires historical hydrological data and sigmoidal or principal component transformations [21].
for the preparation of operational forecasts sufficient Also the absolute input values are scaled to avoid as-
current information is required. Discharge data of (3 ymptotic issues [22].
hourly) is available at base, intermediate and forecasting The second step is the fixing the network architecture
station for a period of 1996-2007. Discharge of 2830 in which for a particular problem the number of hidden
cumecs and above at forecasting stations are considered layers, neurons in each layer and the connectivity be-
as peaks and its corresponding peaks at intermediate and tween neurons are set. Many experimental results say
base station are collected with their related travel times that one hidden layer may be enough for most forecast-
after drawing the corresponding time series. Out of this ing problems [6,17]. The studies of Cybenko [23], Hor-
80 peaks are considered for our analysis, taking 60 peaks nik et al. [24] revealed that a single hidden layer is suffi-
for calibration and 20 peaks for testing of models. Gen- cient for ANNs to approximate any non-linear transfer
erally, it can be said that it is necessary to have a mini- function. The number of neurons in each layer depends
mum of 10 years of basic hydraulic data, available to upon the problem being studied. Less number of neurons
develop adequate river forecasting procedures, the pri- in hidden layer will make the network with less degree of
mary requirement being that the period of record should freedom for learning and more number of neurons will
contain a representative range of peak flows [20]. lead towards more time and over fitting [25]. Validation
set error is often used to determine the optimal number
4. Methodology of hidden neurons for a given study.
In the third step is the finalization of a learning algo-
The selection of an appropriate flood forecasting model rithm for training the network. The parameters are final-
depends on the availability of the data, output desired etc. ized for the training data set to be applicable for any kind
On the basis of the analytical approach for the develop- of testing data. ANN architecture is considered to be
ment of flood forecasting method can be classified as: trained when the difference between ANN output and
1) Methods based on statistical approach. observed output is very small.
2) Methods based on mechanism of formation and Finally the validation step is applied to get the per-
propagation of floods. formance of the network. The optimal number of hidden
neurons and training iterations can also be determined
4.1. Statistical Approach through validation. The selection of acceptable model is
finalized on the basis of RMSE, R2 and efficiency.
Finding correlation between stage and discharges be-
tween upstream and downstream gauging stations is one 4.3. Clustering Approach
of the simplest methods. This gives better result when
there is less influence of tributaries joining the main As the data set varies in a wide range, it requires some
stream in between or the intercepted catchment is not distinction and in particular when different peaks are
influenced by heavy rainfall. available for the same travel time. In order to make
proper justice for different peaks with respective travel
4.2. ANN Approach time, it requires clustering. Both K-mean and Fuzzy
C-mean clustering methods are attempted.
There are many ANN architectures and algorithms de-
veloped. Out of them most common are Multi layer feed 4.3.1. K-Mean
forward, Hoppfield networks, Radial basis function net- This method was developed by MacQueen [26]. It is best
work, Recurrent network, Self organization feature maps, described as a partitioning method. It partitions the data
Counter propagation networks. Selection of a particular into K mutually exclusive clusters and returns a vector of
indices indicating to which of the K-clusters it has as- for finding the travel time. But in order to further distin-
signed each observation. The algorithm to clusters N guish K-mean and Fuzzy C mean clustering methods are
objects based on attributes into K partitions where K < N. adopted to find a better answer for travel time of differ-
The optimization function ent peaks.
x j i
k 2
V (1) 5. Results and Discussion
i 1 x j S i
It tries to achieve minimum intra cluster variance or First of all statistical approach is applied into calibration
the squared error function. Where there are K clusters Si dataset (60 nos.). The relationships between the dischar-
= 1,2……K, and Vi is the centroid or mean point of all ges between Khairmal-Barmul, Barmul-Mundali, Khair-
the points Xj Є Si. [27]. mal-Mundali and Khairmal-Barmul-Mundali are devel-
oped. These relationships are put on the testing data sets
4.3.2. Fuzzy C-Mean (FC) (20 nos.) and the results are recorded in Table 1.
In this method the affinity of a site to undergo either two Where, QM = discharge at Mundali (Forecasting Sta-
or more clusters are visualized. Earlier developed by tion), QB = discharge at Barmul (Intermediate Station)
Dunn [28] and improved by Bezdeck [29] is basically and QK = discharge at Khairmal (Base Station).
used for pattern recognition. Here the data are bound to The same dataset is again put into ANN architecture
each cluster by means of a membership function which using MATLAB codes. The trial has been taken with a
represents the Fuzzy behavior of this algorithm. It shows 3-layer feed forward network. Different combinations of
how to group data points that populate some multidi- feed forward network with changing transfer function,
mensional space into a specific number of different clus- number of neurons and epochs varying at an increment
ters. The objective function of 50 are trailed. The combinations which are mostly as
2 per performance criteria fixed are noted. The Cascade
Jm i 1 j 1 uijm xi c j , 1 m
(2) feed forward network has been most successful for
m = any real number, uij = degree of membership of Khairmal-Barmul and Khairmal-Barmul-Mundali and
other two cases are with Feed forward network. Numbers
xi in cluster j , xi = ith of d-dimensional measured
of neurons in input and output layers are mentioned in
data, c j = d-dimension center of cluster. column (2) of Table 2. In all cases ‘tansig’ neurons are
Similarly, different ANN architectures are attempted used in first layer, ’purelin’ in second layer and ‘trainbr’
over the discharge and corresponding travel times. The remains the training function. Both ‘tansig’ and ‘purelin’
calibration and validation data sets remain same for both are better compatible with feed forward networks. Again
the methodology. The same methodology is also adopted the two layer sigmoid/linear network can represent any
Table 1. Relationship between discharges using simple statistical method (peak to peak).
QM = 0.84197QB + 0.1996QK
Khairmal-Barmul-Mundali 1705.85 1272.12 0.970 0.990 0.934 0.9736
+ 468.72
Khairmal-Barmul-Mundali CFF 2,15,1 4000 1697 1324.1 0.9850 0.9922 0.9700 0.9714
functional relationship between inputs and outputs if the with a poor correlation. The lack of correlation does not
sigmoid layer has enough neurons [30]. The ‘trainbr’ imply lack of association. Because ‘r’ measures only
function updates the weight and bias values as per Le- linear association, a strict curvilinear relationship would
venberg-Marquardt optimization. It minimizes the com- not necessarily be reflected in a high ‘r’ value. Con-
bination of squared errors and weights and then deter- versely, correlation between two variables does not
mines the correct combination so as to produce a net- guarantee that they are causatively connected [31].
work that generalizes well as per Bayesian regularization However, to have a better answer for efficiency and
process. It reduces the difficulty of determining the op- RMSE values clustering methods are adopted for the
timum network architecture also over fitting of training discharge value at base station and its corresponding
dataset is prevented, whereas in other networks gener- travel time for the calibration dataset. At least 4 clusters
alization and early stopping is required for reducing over are attempted applying K-mean and Fuzzy c-mean me-
fitting. The performance functions are set as RMSE, R2 thod using the same MATLAB code. The datasets are
and efficiency. The details of the network applied for divided into 4 clusters and their varying ranges are re-
different combinations are shown in Table 2. corded. For each range the average travel time has been
The plots of the statistical method and ANN network calculated. In both methods low peak (2660-8256 m3/s)
over the testing value of 20 numbers of observation as has large travel time (37.77 hours) to reach at delta head
obtained from MATLAB is also produced in Figures 2(a) where as high peaks has taken nearly 25 hours to reach at
to (d) respectively. delta head. As each peak is categorized the respective
For travel time the corresponding discharge and tra- travel time for different discharge values are fixed.
vel times between the stations are trailed with the same However when the result is put over the test dataset
calibration and testing data range applying both Statisti- K-mean clustering has given 80% efficiency with RMSE
cal (Table 3) and ANN architectures (Table 4). The value of 2.5 hour (Table 5). One value of testing dataset
ANN is also applied in the same way with many num- has been removed because it seems that it has some re-
bers of trials. cording errors. So travel time test series has been carried
It has been revealed that none of the case has a good out with 19 numbers of data.
efficiency, RMSE and R2. All the relations are ended A plot (Figure 3) has been drawn with observed test-
Figure 2. (a) Comparison between observed and computed discharge (Khairmal-Barmul); (b) Comparison between observed
and computed discharge (Barmul-Mundali); (c) Comparison between observed and computed discharge (Khairmal-Mundali);
(d) Comparison between observed and computed discharge (Khairmal-Barmul-Mundali).
Table 3. Relationship between discharges and travel time using simple statistical method.
RMSE(hours) R2 Efficiency
Between stations Equation
Training Testing Training Testing Training Testing
Khairmal-Barmul TB = 270.7*(QK) 3.42 2.93 0.409 0.261 0.465 0.2973
Table 5. Peak values with corresponding travel time obtained by using different clusteringmethods
K-mean Fuzzy-C-Mean
Figure 3. Plot between testing travel time and estimated by different clustering methods.
ing values and validation result of different clustering Khairmal-Mundali reach (efficiency = 80.11% and
values. The plot shows the result of K-mean clustering is RMSE = 2.55 hour). As the data recording is of 3 hour
almost close with that of observed, whereas result of interval this kind of result is still encouraging. The travel
Fuzzy C mean for some low peak values. For high peaks time between base and forecasting stations varies be-
both K-mean and Fuzzy have same results. As K-mean tween 24-37 hour. By applying clustering method justice
has able to model both high and low peaks with an effi- has been made for different magnitude of peaks. The
ciency of 80.1%,which is higher than Fuzzy C-mean results are handy to operate. The moment one gets the
methods, the discharge range values and its correspond- discharge at Khairmal (Base Station), he can immedi-
ing travel time fixed by this method may be taken as the ately calculate the discharge to be obtained at Mundali
forecast travel time between base station and forecasted (Forecasting Station) with its corresponding travel time.
station. The travel time has not calculated for other in- The result at Mundali (Forecasting Station) with respect
termediate stations as our concentration is with the peak to Khairmal (Base Station) basing on the ANN network
at base station and travel time of at least 24 hour. is best for taking the flood forecasting effectively be-
cause in taking Khairmal-Barmul and Barmul-Mundali
6. Conclusions efficiency is above 97% and RMSE value is 500 m3/s
less than Khairmal-Mundali but lead time of only 12
Both statistical and ANN methods are applied for down- hours remains after Barmul. So considering the factor of
stream Hirakud catchment between stations Khairmal, higher lead time for more relief measures we are making
Barmul and Mundali. The forecasting obtained by both a tradeoff with efficiency. Thus calculating peak dis-
the methods is encouraging. Although the ANN method charge and travel time at Mundali on the basis of Khair-
has a better performance, the existence of statistical me- mal discharge and time of occurrence will be a best
thod cannot be denied as far as discharge measurement is workable method for practicing hydrologists and field
considered. However, the adoption of clustering method engineers. Still the results are running with the limitation
in order to find travel time with respect to different peaks of data insufficiency, large recording intervals, non-con-
is another finding. The best result for travel time is for sideration of influence of other climatic variation.