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Chilli Leaves: Capsicum Annuum and Capsicum Frutescens)

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Chilli leaves
(Capsicum annuum and capsicum frutescens)

Meaning of the chili peppers or leaves and acne problem
Statement of the problem



Do you know that Chili is well known as spicy herbs and spices
that usually contains in food as seasoning? Some people already know
the Health Benefits of Chili but they never know that chili has its
own benefits.
Do you want to know what Chili leaves are? Chili leaves
(capsicum) is the flowering plant that is cultivated since a long
ago. We don’t know that chili leaves is not just a normal leaves. It
also contains some vitamins and minerals, helping our body to be
healthy and active.
Most of people choose to throw the chili leaves and just take
its chili as they though chili leaves are useless. But little didn’t
they know this chili leaves are not just created to be a spices but
to be a medicine and alternatives.

Treats Arthritis

Arthritis is common happen to elderly above 55 years old. Thus, this disease causes swollen and stiffness in joints. For

the patients, arthritis can be worse that effects body movements. Indeed, chili leaves can help to treat arthritis as it

contains high inflammatory properties.

2. Treats Shingles

What is shingles disease? Shingles is skin disorder that happens due to virus, it’s the same virus that causes smallpox.

Also, shingles is likely scabies on skin. Then, chili leaves can be used to treat shingles as it has the source of

3. Cleans Toxin

Then, our body conducts of toxin from all sources such as food or anything. Thus, chili leaves have the anti septic

properties that able to heal you from food poisoning. Also, to heal skin disorder such as ringworm, fungi diseases, or

help from injuries.

4. Healthy Diet

Chili has been known as the great source for diet menu. Also, chili leaves can help you promoting healthy diet.

Indeed, chili leaves contain a low fat and calories. Then, you may use it as your alternative weight loss treatment.

Well, how to do it? You can take dried chili leaves for three or four leaves. Then, boil it with water and you may add it

with lime or lemon water. So, drink it straight in the morning.


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5. Lowers Cholesterol Level

There two type of cholesterol which are good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Thus, the high level of

cholesterol can cause you a serious disease like heart attack. Meanwhile, the low fat and low calories in chili leaves

may help you to lower cholesterol level.

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6. Boots Immune System

One more health benefits of chili leaves is to boost immune system. As chili leaves contain the source of

phytochemcials and phenolic acids. These sources are used to boosts immune system and as well as preventing us

from diseases.

7. Source Antioxidant
Indeed, antioxidant is all we need to kill free radicals that cause us bad things in body. Well, chili leaves contain the

high source of antioxidant which is the source to prevent cancer, cataract, cardiovascular diseases and more. Indeed,

we may consume the leaves to get extra anti oxidants source.

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8. Produces Insulin

It is important for diabetes type 1 patients. Indeed, pepper leaves contain photochemical. It boosts pancreatic cells to

produce insulin in diabetes cases. Then, the trials also proven that the chili leaves can reduce the LDL level.

You may also read: Diabetes Treatments – Types of Diabetes

9. Indigestion Treatment – You can cure indigestion with chili leaves. Thus, boil the fresh chili leaves and drink it

after meals.

10. Cures Fever – You can also cure fever with this traditional medical treatment. By then, mashed chili leaves mixed

with lettuce oil and apply it on your forehead.

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11. Heals Wound – The chili leaves is used for dressing wound. It’s used as traditional and fast cure.

12. The Nutrient Sources – The chili leaves contain great sources of Vitamins and Minerals. They are Vitamin A,

Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, Iron, calcium, potassium.

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Thus, there are many health benefits of chili leaves in medical applications that we now know.

Beauty Treatments with Chili Leaves

Indeed, chili leaves also beneficial to promote your beauty.

13. Prevents Acne – Acne is common skin disorder that caused by hormones or bacteria. Indeed, you can use chili

leaves as your traditional facial mask to Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally. Well, that is How to Get Rid of Acne for


14. As Scrubs – Here we go for a great traditional scrub. You may just crush the fresh chili leaves and apply it to you

hands, feet, and body. It works to nourish skin.

15. Facial Mask – One more beauty trick with chili leaves is worth for facial mask. How to do it? You can mix the

chili leaves with rice water. Then, apply to face about fifteen minutes.

16. Mouth Wash – This is the traditional trick for your mouth was. How to make it? Boil the fresh leaves and take it.

You can then just wash your mouth with the liquid. It will freshen your mouth and breathe.

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17. Skin Disorder – Then, you may experiences skin disorder like small bump by insect bites such as mosquitoes.

Well, the alternative way to fix it it’s by applying the chili leaves to your red bump skin.

18. Shaving – Believe it or not, chili leaves can help you shave off from armpit hair.

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Meanwhile, it’s shocking that chili leaves are also good for some beauty treatments that none of us ever though

before. Now, you may try.

Chili Leaves as Culinary Uses

It’s only its chili that used in culinary uses. As it said, chili adds the original spicy taste that you may love. Thus, chili

leaves it’s also good in culinary applications in many Asia countries.

19. Food Dressing – Chili leaves used as food dressing in many tasty food. Likewise, Indian foods, Thai food, some

of Indonesian food and also most of Asia dishes use chili leaves for their top dressing on the plates. As it is, chili

leaves have a bitter taste but it is okay to mix it with another food to balance the taste.

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20. Additional Herbs and Spices – Indeed, in many region people add chili leaves as their seasonings. Likewise,

some Korea, Japanese, and Filipino dishes add chili leaves in their menus. The food like kimchi, dahon ng sili, and

some soups are tasty with chili leaves addition seasoning on the last minute of cooking. Thus, you may never thought

about it before but chili leaves make the curry more tasteful.

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As a result, chili leaves are amazingly beneficial for our body. Indeed, you can use it for medical, beauty tricks, and

also culinary uses. That’s so great to know the health benefits of chili leaves. Now, let’s take a look to the herbal

recipes below.

How to Process the Chili Leaves Herbal Tea

You may also read: Health Benefits of Luyang Dilaw Tea – Health Benefits of Guyabano Leaves Tea

Meanwhile, here is the ingredients and steps to process herbal drink from chili leaves:

1. Take three till four chili leaves, the fresh leaves.

2. Clean the leaves.

3. Boil the water, about 300 ml for one serving.

4. Grind the chili leaves.

5. Then, put the grilled chili leaves to the boiling water.

6. If it’s done, strain the water.

7. Pour it to your cup and it’s almost ready.

8. Add honey to make it perfect.

9. The chili leaves herbal tea is ready to drink.

Meanwhile, for overall wellness then you may drink the chili leaves herbal tea once a day in the morning. As a result,

there are many health benefits of chili leaves that we can take. For now, we may take its benefits. Nevertheless, it is

not easy to find chili leaves, likewise, the fresh ones. As people in the store do not sale chili with its leaves. By the

way, you may start to plant it or ask them to store the chili leaves too. Some traditional market may sell the chili

leaves fresh with its spicy chili.

Chili is the most popular seasoning in the world after salt. Unlike peppers, to which they are
closely related, the different varieties of chili can have widely different heat value – from the
“just spicy” to the “fiery hot” variety. They are more nutritious than sweet peppers, and the red
varieties generally have a higher nutritional content than the green ones.

What Makes Chili So Hot? Capsaicin is a substance in chili that have no odor or flavor but
impart their bite by acting directly on the mouth’s pain receptors. This results in the teary
eyes, runny nose, and sweating experienced by most people who indulge in the hotter
varieties. This substance is concentrated mainly in the white ribs and seeds, which can be
removed to produce a milder flavor.

Scoville Units: Chili’s hotness is rated in Scoville units. Scoville Units are the measurement
of capsaicin level (the substance that makes chili hot). The hottest pepper on record is the
Habañero/Scotch bonnet which some claim are the same pepper and others claim are slightly
different varieties. Habañeros are rated at 100,000 to 350,000 Scoville units. By contrast, the
lowly Serrano comes in at about 5,000 to 15,000 Scoville units.

Chili Nutrition: capsaicin, carotenoids, flavonoids, volatile oil, and steroidal saponins.

Health Benefits of Chili:

 An excellent source of vitamin A and C. Just one ounce of chili contains 70mg of
vitamin C, more than 100% of the RDA, and about 70% of the RDA for vitamin A.
 The capsaicin in chilies may act as an anticoagulant perhaps helping to prevent blood
clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Two teaspoon of Jalapeno pepper can rev
up the blood-clot-dissolving mechanism.
 Forthose with a cold or allergies, eating chilis can provide temporary relief from nasal
and sinus congestion.
 Contain bioflavonoids that may help prevent cancer.
 A drop
or two of hot-pepper extract on cotton applied to a sore tooth is an instant
remedy for toothache
 Hot peppers are used as folk medicine to ward off senility.
 Has aphrodisiac effect
 Helps in digestion by promoting salivary and stomach secretions.
 Prevents the growth of helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcer.
 Chili
is made into warm lotion and applied for rheumatic pains. To make the lotion,
crush fruit, mix with oil and apply on affected part 3-4 times daily. Avoid using near the
 An excellent medicine for lung; it acts as expectorant and can help prevent and
alleviate chronic bronchitis and emphysema. A hot spicy meal three times a week can
help keep airways free of congestion.
Health Benefits of Chili Leaves:

 Leaves are used for dressing wound.

 The leaves are excellent sources of calcium, iron and Vitamin B.
 The leaves are a good source of potassium and vitamin A.
 The leaves can help relieve indigestion. Make an infusion of fresh leaves using one
tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Drink after meals.
 For wellness: Eat one cup of fresh leaves everyday

Chili peppers are the fruits of Capsicum pepper plants, noted for their hot

They are members of the nightshade family, related to bell peppers and
tomatoes, and most belong to a species known scientifically as Capsicum
There are many varieties of chili peppers, such as cayenne and jalapenos.

Chili peppers are primarily used as spices, or minor ingredients in various

dishes, spice blends and sauces.

They are usually eaten cooked, or dried and powdered, in which form they
are known as paprika.

Capsaicin is the main bioactive plant compound in chili peppers,

responsible for their unique pungent (hot) taste and many of their health

Nutrition Facts

Fresh chili peppers are mainly composed of water (88%) and carbohydrates

The table below presents the main nutrients found in chili peppers (1).

Nutrition Facts: Chili pepper, Raw, Red — 100 grams


Calories 40

Water 88 %

Protein 1.9 g

Carbs 8.8 g

Sugar 5.3 g

Fiber 1.5 g
Fat 0.4 g

Saturated 0.04 g

Monounsaturated 0.02 g

Polyunsaturated 0.24 g

Omega-3 0.01 g

Omega-6 0.23 g

Trans fat ~

Vitamins and Minerals

Chili peppers are rich in various vitamins and minerals.

However, since they are only eaten in small amounts, their contribution to
the daily intake is very small.

Vitamin C: Chili peppers are very high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a

powerful antioxidant, important for wound healing and immune function.

Vitamin B6: A family of B-vitamins, some of which have important

functions in energy metabolism.

Vitamin K1: Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is essential for

blood clotting and healthy bones and kidneys.

Potassium: An essential dietary mineral that serves a variety of

functions in the body. Adequate intake of potassium may reduce the risk
of heart disease (2).

Copper: Often lacking in the Western diet, copper is an essential

antioxidant trace element, important for strong bones and healthy
Vitamin A: Red chili peppers are high in beta-carotene, which is
converted into vitamin A in the body.
Bottom Line: Chili peppers are rich in various vitamins and minerals, but
they are usually eaten in small amounts so they do not contribute
significantly to the daily micronutrient intake.

Other Plant Compounds

Chili peppers are a rich source of spicy-hot capsaicin.

They are also very high in antioxidant carotenoids, which are linked with
numerous health benefits.

Here are the main bioactive plant compounds in chili peppers:

Capsanthin: The main carotenoid in red chili peppers, responsible for

their red color, and often accounting for up to 50% of the total carotenoid
content. Its powerful antioxidant properties may act against cancer (3, 4).

Violaxanthin: The major carotenoid antioxidant in yellow chili

peppers, accounting for 37-68% of the total carotenoid content (3, 5).

Lutein: Most abundant in green (immature) chili peppers, the levels

of lutein decrease with maturation. High consumption of lutein has been
linked with improved eye health (6, 7).

Capsaicin: One of the most studied plant compounds in chili peppers.

It is responsible for their pungent (hot) flavor and many of their health

Sinapic acid: An antioxidant, also known as sinapinic acid. It has a

variety of potential health benefits (8, 9).

Ferulic acid: Similarly to sinapic acid, ferulic acid is an antioxidant

that may help protect against various chronic diseases (9, 10).
The antioxidant content of mature (red) chili peppers is much higher than of
immature (green) peppers (3).

Bottom Line: Chili peppers are rich in antioxidant plant compounds that
have been linked with various health benefits. Most notable is capsaicin,
which is responsible for the pungent (hot) taste of chili peppers.

Health Benefits of Chili Peppers

Despite their burning taste, chili peppers have long been considered a
healthy spice.

Pain Relief

Capsaicin, the main bioactive plant compound in chili peppers, has some
unique properties.

It binds with pain receptors, which are nerve endings that sense pain. This
induces a burning sensation, but does not actually cause any real burning

Even so, high consumption of chili peppers (or capsaicin) may damage the
pain receptors over time, causing desensitization to the burning flavor of

It also makes these pain receptors insensitive to other forms of pain, such
as heartburn caused by acid reflux.

One study found that when red chili peppers (2.5 grams/day) were given to
patients with heartburn (dyspepsia) it worsened pain at the beginning of
the 5-week treatment, but improved it over time (11).
This is supported by another small study showing that 3 grams of chili each
day for 6 weeks improved heartburn in patients with acid reflux (12).

The desensitization effect does not seem to be permanent, and one study
found that it was reversed 1-3 days after capsaicin consumption stopped

Weight Loss

Cooking With Chili

If you want to try some chili pepper recipes, remember that the smallest peppers are usually the hottest,
and the stems and seeds are typically removed during preparation. Moreover, the capsaicin oils in
chilies can irritate and burn your skin (and your eyes), so wear rubber gloves when handling this spice.26
Chili peppers taste great with beans, just like this delicious dish from my book "Healthy Recipes for
Your Nutritional Type:"
Beef and Bean Chili Recipe
 2 pounds 100 percent grassfed beef
 1 1/2 cups kidney beans (drain and rinse)
 7 tomatoes (crushed)
 1 medium jalapeno chili (remove the ribs and seeds then mince)
 1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
 2 cups chopped onions
 2 cups tomato sauce
 1/4 cup plain traditionally cultured yogurt made from organic raw milk
 1/4 cup grassfed cheddar cheese (grated)
 2 tablespoons garlic cloves (minced)
 2 teaspoons ground cumin
Procedure: This recipe makes four servings.
1. Heat a heavy 5-quart pot, then add the ground beef. Cook, stirring and breaking up the meat
until it turns brown (make sure it doesn't burn). Drain the excess fat and leave just a small
amount to cook the onions in.
2. Add the onions and cook for five minutes. Mix in the garlic and jalapeno and cook until tender.
Stir in the chili powder and cumin and continue to cook until it becomes fragrant.
3. Stir in the crushed tomatoes and then the tomato sauce, and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.
4. Add the beans and continue to cook uncovered until the meat and beans become very tender and
the chili turns thick (about 30 minutes more).
5. Serve in small bowls and garnish each bowl with 1 tablespoon each of yogurt and cheddar

You Should Try Chili Oil too

A staple condiment of Chinese, Thai and Korean cuisine, chili oil is commonly used as a condiment. Its
deliciously fragrant, reddish orange infusion of chili peppers in a base oil can make almost any
humdrum dish sing. Chili oil comes in handy when your palate craves a little more heat, kicking up
your taste buds a notch.
The good news is that you can easily make chili oil at home, so you can be sure that it is pure and
hygienic. Note that some commercial chili oils are adulterated with synthetic dyes, which can be
detrimental to your health.27 If you want to learn how to make chili oil, here's a recipe adapted from The
Woks of Life:28
Chili Oil Recipe
 1 1/2 cups extra-virgin coconut oil
 5 pieces of star anise
 1 cinnamon stick (preferably cassia cinnamon)
 2 bay leaves
 3 tablespoons Sichuan peppercorns
 3/4 cup Asian red pepper flakes (crushed)
 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons Himalayan salt (to taste)
1. Gently warm the oil, star anise, cinnamon stick, bay leaves and Sichuan peppercorns in a small
saucepan over medium-high heat. When the oil starts to bubble slightly, turn the heat down to
2. Let the oil simmer for 30 minutes. If you start to see that slight bubbling die down, periodically
turn the heat back up to medium-high, then back down to medium if it gets too hot.
3. You'll know the oil is done cooking when the seeds and pods turn darker in color.
4. Allow the oil to cool for five minutes, and in a separate heat-proof bowl, measure out the
crushed red pepper flakes and Himalayan salt.
5. Remove the aromatics from the oil, slowly pour it over the chili flakes and then stir well. When
completely cooled, transfer to a sealable, sterilized glass bottle using a funnel.
6. Seal the bottle then store it in the refrigerator and use within six months.
This recipe makes about 2 1/4 cups. Chili oil is not only a must-have condiment that adds a reddish
tinge and piquancy to many Asian recipes, but it can also be used for various healing purposes. It
contains nutrients from the chili pepper and the base oil, and some percentage of these nutrients leach
into the oil. Chili oil has a capsaicin content of about 7 percent, so it can offer the same health benefits
of chili peppers.29
There are a few important things to remember when preparing, cooking and storing chili oil. It
generally has a long shelf life and can last up to six months if stored in the pantry or up to one year
when refrigerated.30
But like any other infused oils, it may create an anaerobic (there is little to no breathable oxygen)
environment where botulism, a rare but potentially life-threatening bacterial illness, can occur.31
Heating the oil and chilies to kill any bacteria, sterilizing your container before use and using dried
flavoring agents, will reduce any potential risks.
Prevents Acne
➢ Acne is common skin disorder that caused by hormones or
bacteria. Indeed, you can use chili leaves as your traditional
facial mask.

Facial Mask
➢ One more trick with chili leaves is worth for facial mask. How
to do it? You can mix the chili leaves with rice water. Then,
apply to face about fifteen minutes.

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