Design and Analysis of Broach Tool For Splines: Research Paper
Design and Analysis of Broach Tool For Splines: Research Paper
Design and Analysis of Broach Tool For Splines: Research Paper
Research Paper
Malyadri Akula1, K.Chandra Sekhar2, Akula Nagendra3
3.0 DESIGN PROCEDURE The rake angles of tool for 12o, 15o and 18o and pitch
After observing the work piece drawing relevant data of 9.68 mm, 10.46 mm and 11.23 mm are considered
is as under: for various values of depth of Cut (rise / tooth), the
Major Dia. D = 50.5 mm values of length of the tool over teeth, total length of
Minor Dia. D = 43.5 mm the tool, specific cutting force, total Broaching force
No. of splines S = 16 and load per tooth were recorded with the help of ‘C’
Spline width W = 5.0 + 0.01 mm program and the results are tabulated.
• The variations of cutting force per tooth is
constant for different pitch values, for a
given rake-angle.
• The total Broaching force varies with pitch
value for a given rake angle due to the
variations in number of teeth in engagement.
• The stress plot against depth of cut shows
uniform increase of stresses, the stresses are
Figure.9: 1st Principle stress distribution S1 increasing with decreasing of rake angles
Table:2 due to higher cutting forces.
• The deflection of the tooth is higher for
higher rake angle. This is because of the
reduction in included angle of the tooth.
• The rake angle influencing the total
broaching force and force on cutting tooth.
Hence very care should be taken while
resharpening the tooth tool to maintain the
designed rake angle on the profile of the
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