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Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No.

p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

Sorting Technic of Traditional Market Waste in Magelang City

1)*) 2)
Ayu Rahayu , Adhi Surya Perdana
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar


The city of Magelang is a city that has a large population. Due to the automatic density of the
population, there will be many shopping places, one of which is the market to meet the daily needs of
the community. Magelang city is able to produce market waste up to 300 tons per day. The waste has
not been used properly. This can cause environmental pollution. Market waste in the city of Magelang
is a homework that must be immediately completed because all this time it has not been fully
processed. The research objective is to sort out organic and inorganic waste at the Market in
Magelang City. The sample of research includes five markets namely Rejowinangun, Gotong Royong,
Kebonpolo, Cacaban and Sidomukti. The research method used survey method with questionnaire
research tool aimed at market traders to know the characteristics of market traders, merchant waste,
average amount of waste and its utilization, and other supporting components. Presentation of data
analysis result obtained by descriptive analysis approach. The findings of the waste sorting from a
total of 90 respondents, as many as 62.2% have not sorted out market waste. Find the average
volume of waste that can be used as animal feed per m3 / day according to the market location that is
3 3 3 3
Rejowinangun Market (9,2 m ), Gotong Royong (5,2 m ), Kebonpolo (3,3 m ) Cacaban (1.8 m ), and
Sidomukti (2.1 m ), it is expected that this research can be used as a reference for market waste
treatment in determining the policy of the local Industry and Trade Office.

Keywords: Sorting technique, Traditional Market Waste, Magelang

Introduction organic waste, but cannot be called animal

feed. Vegetable waste is one of the wastes
Magelang is a city that has a large that can be used as animal feed. One way
population. As a result of the density of the of processing vegetable waste is by making
automatic population, there will be many vegetable waste flour, silage and wafers
shopping places, one of them is traditional (Noviagama, 2002).
market to meet the daily needs of the Technologies of using waste into
community. Magelang city is capable of animal feed have been widely studied, but
producing waste up to 280 m3 per day so far it is still very much needed. In
(DLH, 2016). The waste has not been used addition, ingredients that can be used as
and it can cause environmental pollution. animal feed, are good nutrients for
Market waste in the city of Magelang have livestock, not dangerous for consumption
to be solved but cannot be processed and has large availability. This study is
entirely. expected to obtain data about the types of
Important process is sorting waste that can be processed as animal
waste. This study aims to sort out what can feed. The data is expected to be an answer
be used as animal feed and which cannot or reference for the community to determine
be used as animal feed. Market waste that long-term policies in managing waste that
can be used as animal feed comes from can be introduced as animal feed.

110 *) Corresponding author:

[email protected]
Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No. 2
p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

Mind Map

Figure 1. Research Mind Map

Materials and Methods used a questionnaire sheet which includes

several indicators, namely the
This research was conducted in characteristics of market traders, market
the City of Magelang which consisted of five traders' waste, the average amount of
major markets namely Rejowinangun, market waste and its uses, and
Gotong Royong, Kebonpolo, Cacaban, and components. Data were analyzed using
Sidomukti. The research method uses descriptive analysis.
surveys by distributing questionnaires to
market sellers. The research instrument

Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No. 2
p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

Results and Discussion

Sorting characteristic

Table 1. Based on waste location

Seller Total
Markets Sorting Never sorting (person)
Person % Person %
Rejowinangun 13 43,3 17 56,7 30
Gotong Royong 9 36 16 64 25
Kebonpolo 10 66,7 5 33,3 15
Cacaban 1 10 9 90 10
Sidomukti 1 10 9 90 10
Total 34 37,8 56 62,2 90

Percentage of waste sorting from inorganic. For vegetable traders, in

a total of 90 respondents, as much as particular they separate their waste by type
62.2% have not sorted out market waste. because later farmers will take it to be used
Most sellers from the Rejowinangun market as animal feed. This cannot be separated
(56.7%) did not sort waste. On the other from the intervention of the market
hand, sellers from the Kebonpolo market in manager. Market managers provide trash
large part (66.7%) have already sorted bins according to their type so as to
waste. Sellers in the Kebonpolo market facilitate traders and visitors in disposing of
have separated their waste into organic and trash as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Waste sorting in Kebonpolo market

From the data above, it is in the market. For example organic waste
necessary to hold a counseling so the can be used as animal feed, while inorganic
merchants realize to sort the waste when it waste can be used as handicrafts from
is disposed of. Hope, they want to throw garbage. This in addition to reducing
trash in the trash that has been provided pollution can also provide additional income
such as in the Kebonpolo market. It is to traders.
expected that after counseling can affect According to Gilarso (2004) the
vegetable traders to sort waste. This sorting notion of a market in a narrow sense is a
of waste aims to facilitate the use of waste place where on certain days sellers and

Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No. 2
p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

buyers can meet to buy and sell goods. market survey in Magelang City contained
While the understanding of the market in a five large markets managed by the
broader sense that is the meeting between Regional Government, namely the
the seller and the buyer to carry out the sale Rejowinangun Market, Gotong Royong,
and purchase transaction is no longer Kebonpolo, Cacaban and Sidomukti. The
limited to a certain place or on a certain day volume of waste produced by each market
(Gelbert et al., 1996). The results of the per day can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Waste volume from each market

No Market Waste volume (m3)/ day Type
1 Rejowinangun 13 Organic: 9,2 m3
Anorganic: 3,8 m3
2 Gotong Royong 8 Organic: 5,2 m3
Anorganic: 2,8 m3
3 Kebonpolo 5 Organic: 3,3 m3
Anorganic: 1,7 m3
4 Cacaban 3 Organic: 1,8 m3
Anorganic: 1,2 m3
5 Sidomukti 3 Organic: 2,1 m3
Anorganic: 0,9 m3

Based on the research results In general, it can be explained that

obtained that each market produces organic waste is an excessive material or product
and inorganic waste with different volumes. that is deemed to have no value for users
The total waste generated by these five (Madani, 2011). To create comfort,
markets is 32 m3 / day. The waste consists cleanliness and beauty in the market, an
of organic waste as much as 21.6 m3 / day, effective and efficient waste management
while inorganic waste is 10.4 m3 / day. system is needed to achieve maximum
When compared with data obtained from results as expected (Widodo, 2013). The
DLH City of Magelang (2016), the resulting more population there will be more volume
waste has decreased. This is caused by of waste produced (Rahayu et al., 2013).
several factors including the reduced
purchasing power of the people of Kind of market waste
Magelang City because they prefer to shop Market waste that found in the
in supermarkets compared to markets. This market of Magelang City is grouped into two
is as stated by Alhamda et al., 2015 that the groups, namely organic and inorganic. The
factors that influence waste production are: waste of organic waste itself consists
population and density; level of activity; mostly of waste of vegetables and fruits.
lifestyle or economic level; geographical While inorganic waste consists of plastic
location; climate; season; and technological bottles, plastic bags, cans, wrapping paper
progress. and others as shown in Figure 1.

Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No. 2
p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

Fig 2. Waste in South Rejowinangun Market

Types of market waste that can be used bean sprouts, spinach, cabbage, corn husk,
as animal feed kale leaves, cassava leaves, tomatoes,
cucumbers, and chicory. According to
Market vegetable wastes that Mansy (2002) and Trubus (1999) the
were often found in research locations composition of several types of vegetable
include cabbage, caisim, cauliflower leaves, waste is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Composition of Several Types of Vegetable Waste

Kind of Dry Calori Protein Fat Fiber Calcium Iron Ash Carbohydrate Water
vegetable Matter (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (%) (g) (g)
Spinach 15,20 43 5,20 - 1,00 340 4,1 - 6,5 86,9
Kale 10,00 30 2,70 - 1,10 60 2,5 - - -
Cabbage 7,00 22 1,60 - 0,80 55 0,8 - - -
Chinese 5,80 17 1,70 - 0,70 100 2,6 - - -
Sprouts - 23 2,90 0,20 - - - - 4,1 92,4
Kale leaves 23,80 - 8,93 1,03 3,19 - - 1,82 - -
Cassava - - - - - - - 1,77 - -
Cauliflower - 3890 31,77 - 13,77 - - 19,93 - -
Corn skin - 4351 1,94 - 34,15 - - 2,97 - -
- : no data found

Vegetable waste is a market Conclusion

waste that can be used as animal feed.
According to Rusmana (2007), vegetable It can be concluded that market
waste will be useful if used as feed through waste in Magelang is classified as organic
processing. One way of processing and inorganic waste. Most of the traders in
vegetable waste is by making market Magelang City Market have not sorted
vegetable waste flour (Saenab et al., 2011), garbage. So there is a need for counseling
market vegetable waste silage (Muktiani et to increase the awareness of traders about
al., 2013; Umming et al., 2010) and feed the importance of sorting garbage. Market
wafers (Literally, 2005; Miftahudin et al., waste that can be used as animal feed is
2015; Noviagama, 2002; Retnani et al., organic waste. These organic wastes
2009). include spinach, kale, cabbage, chicory,
mung bean sprouts, kangkung leaves,
cassava leaves, cauliflower leaves and corn

Journal of Livestock Science and Production Volume 2 No. 2
p-ISSN 2598-2915 Edisi September 2018
e-ISSN 2598-2907

husk. The expected results of this research Muktiani A.J., Achmadi BIM, Tampoebolon,
can be used as a reference for market and Setyorini R. 2013. Pemberian
waste treatment as well as determining the silase limbah sayuran yang
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