Test Cards List
Test Cards List
Test Cards List
Version 04 draft B
2 July 2018
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Document history
All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of Barclays Bank PLC.
Document history
Ver Date Description
01 02 Nov 2016 Initial client release.
03 27 Mar 2018 Reinstated APACS auth request test data removed in error in previous version A1
Any amount ending in 98 pence returns a manual auth response A1
Expanded list of acquirer response codes A2
Added the PagePage response screen for amount 335 A1
Removed CV_DATA (CSC) as repeats value 3xxxx in A1 (was A3 )
Removed test cards/data with known issues 2.1, A1, A3
04A-B 02 July 2018 Removed test data 335 as it is no longer supported in Staging environment - A1 A1 Formatted: Font: Italic
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Document history ii
Table of contents iii
Chapter 1 - Introduction 5
Chapter 2 - Processing test transactions 7
2.1 Test card details 7
2.2 Test 3-D Secure password and response 8
Chapter 3 - Processing test refunds 9
3.1 Locating a transaction to refund 9
3.2 Performing a refund 9
3.2.1 Via the portal 9
3.2.2 Via web services 10
Appendix A - Test data 11
A1 Authorisation requests (APACS) 11
A2 Response codes 12
A3 Account verification 15
Barclaycard Smartpay B Test Cards and Test Data v04 draft B iii of 15
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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Before you can start processing online payments through your Barclaycard Smartpay Live environment, you’ll need to process
some test transactions through your Staging environment. These tests will help you become more familiar with our system,
and you can also check the integration was implemented properly. Use the test card details we’ve supplied below for your
tests., Do notdon’t use real card details. Comment [TL:B1]: Emphasised
based on the importance of the
By using the supplied test card numbers and test data you can simulate various types of transactions and their response instruction.
conditions. Formatted: Font: Bold
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Chapter 2 - Processing test transactions
Maestro 675914000000000004 0
Maestro 675914000000000012 1
Maestro 675914000000000020 2
Maestro 675914000000000038 4
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Chapter 2 - Processing test transactions
CVV: Any number will work, as long as the number of digits used is correct.
You must ensure that your website can handle each of these responses sent by Barclaycard Smartpay back to your site.
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Chapter 3 - Processing test refunds
Transactions can be refunded for the full or partial amount. There’s no limit on how many refunds can be performed.
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Chapter 3 - Processing test refunds
For further information, please refer to the Smartpay B SOAP Web Services Integration Guide.
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Appendix A - Test data
The response codes are defined for each acquirer in A2 Response codesResponse codes. Formatted: Font: Italic
Amount Response
1300 Returns an unexpected message type without a host field response, but includes STX and ETX.
1303 Returns unexpected message type with a message copied from real example, includes FS, STX and ETX.
1783 Any auxiliary data present in the request is echoed back in the response.
5700 Any auxiliary data present in the request is echoed back in the response.
220x Hold message. Where 'x' is the number of hold messages to send before sending the actual response.
223 Referred response (add referral telephone number), also include 0000 authorisation code.
331 Referred response but no referral number, only "refer" in the message. Returns response code '02'.
332 Referred response but no referral number, only "call" in the message. Returns response code '02'.
5900 Referral telephone number contains a single US (terminal should use its own telephone number).
333 Keep the card (hot list). Returns response code '05'.
334 Declined.
444 Close socket after request (internal simulator throws write error).
9xxyy To test response codes, where yy is the response code and xx is a code to indicate acquirer specific
02 - Amex: set response message to PICK UP CARD
5801 Response has additional data set to 100000 (for an authorisation request received with CV2 data which the
acquirer doesn't check).
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Appendix A - Test data
Amount Response
5962 Return auxiliary data 10 (subtype 01 and 02) for Mastercard.
5963 Return auxiliary data 10 with invalid subtype 01 (shorter than 5 characters).
5964 Return auxiliary data 10 (subtype 01 and 02) for VISA with subtype 10 shorter than maximum length 15.
5965 Return auxiliary data 10 (subtype 01 and 02) for Mastercard with subtype 10 shorter than maximum length 9.
A2 Response codes
The following response codes are referenced in the table above. Please note that not all codes/acquirers are simulated.
Acquirers may assign different descriptions to these codes; please refer to your acquirer's documentation for their specific
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Appendix A - Test data
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Appendix A - Test data
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Appendix A - Test data
A3 Account verification
The following test data can be used to simulate the verification of the CSC and address details.
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