Beamer Example

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Org-Mode Beamer Example

Derek Feichtinger

May 10, 2019

An alternative title page for a section
Org mode version information
Sources and Links
A simple slide
A more complex slide
This is a notes page
A collection of example pages
block environments
structureenv environment
definition environment
proof environment and revealing line by line
numbered list over two pages (1)
numbered list over two pages (2)
long source code over two pages
Animations by overlays
Highlighting text
Basic revealing of blocks using BEAMER_act
Explicitely defining the transparancy of covered text
different transparency setting and default overlay
dynamic transparency setting and default overlay
plain text between two blocks
Multiple Columns
Blocks in two columns
A text section and a figure
A centered text section and a figure
Backup slide 1
Backup slide 2
Look at the Org source file to learn about available options. I also
added many comments explaining the usage, there.
I generating presentation notes.
I inserting a table of contents with the current section highlighted at
the beginning of each section.
I configuring transparency of yet uncovered overlay elements.

Emacs version:
GNU Emacs 26.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.8)
of 2019-04-13

org version: 9.1.9

I I started this example based on the Worg hosted example by Eric S. Fraga
I Basic LATEX Beamer links
I An introduction to Beamer (German)
I great beamer reference card by Fabrice Niessen on GitHub.
I nice link for choosing a theme: beamer theme matrix
I nice example of beamer features (pure Latex)
I Presentations using Latex - the Beamer Class by Amber Smith.
Excellent introduction showing many beamer features.

1. Note
I an example of a note
This slide consists of some text with a number of bullet points:
I the first, very important, point!
I the previous point shows the use of the special markup which translates to
the Beamer specific alert command for highlighting text.
The above list could be numbered or any other type of list and may include
This slide illustrates the use of Beamer blocks. The following text, with its own
headline, is displayed in a block:
1. Org mode increases productivity
I org mode means not having to remember LATEXcommands.
I it is based on ascii text which is inherently portable.
I Emacs!

The size of the table font can be chosen by giving a #+LATEX: \small
command (or \tiny or \footnotesize)

WNs Processors Cores/node HS06/node total cores total HS06

20 2*Xeon X5560 8 118 160 2360
11 2*E5-2670 2.60GHz 16 263 176 2893
4 2*AMD 6272 2.40GHz 32 241 128 964
35 464 6217

This is a notes page with some information.

1. a block
\begin{block}{A block}
2. an alert block
\begin{alertblock}{An alert block}
3. an example block
\begin{exampleblock}{An alert block}

1. a block containing a colorbox

1.1 colboxA The beamercolorbox text and an Org example block
\begin{beamercolorbox}[shadow=true, rounded=true]{eecks}
2. a color box test made with inline LaTex code
Just some text.

A fullframe is a frame with an ignored slide title. frametitle is set to the empty
I A headline with an ignoreheading environment will only have its contents
displayed in the output. The heading text itself is ignored, and no heading bar is
I Contents are not inserted in any frame environment. It makes no
sense to use this as major element for a slide.
I ignoreheading is useful as a structural element in order to again place normal
text after a previous element (like a block or a column environment).

1. structureenv
I For highlighting text.
I To help the audience see the structure of your presentation.
I On this slide you should see that the text of the upper items is
differently typeset from the bottom item in the structureenv.
2. end of structureenv
I you need to use ignoreheading (like here) in order to then insert
some more normal text after the structureenv.
1. definition Contents of the definition

1. proof
I Suppose p were the largest prime number.

1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
Use the [@N] syntax to start a numbered list at a certain value.
1. block A
4.1 five
4.2 six
4.3 seven
5. block B
7.1 eight
7.2 nine
7.3 ten
Use the allowframebreaks Beamer option.

(use-package python
:config (progn
;; load my own python helper functions
(load-file (concat dfeich/site-lisp "/my-pydoc-helper.el"))

(defun dfeich/python-keydefs ()
(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<M-right>")
(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<M-left>")
(add-hook ’python-mode-hook #’dfeich/python-keydefs)

;; show line numbers on the left for python

(add-hook ’python-mode-hook ’linum-mode)

(when (featurep ’flycheck)

(add-hook ’python-mode-hook ’flycheck-mode))
(use-package jedi-core
:ensure t
:config (progn
(autoload ’jedi:setup "jedi-core" nil t)
(add-hook ’python-mode-hook ’jedi:setup)
(setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
(setq jedi:server-args ’("--log" "/tmp/jedi.log"
"--log-level" "INFO"))
(when (featurep ’company)
(defun dfeich/python-mode-hook ()
(add-to-list ’company-backends ’company-jedi)
(add-hook ’python-mode-hook ’dfeich/python-mode-hook))))))

The double @@ can be used to enclose active code. Here we use it to specify beamer code that
will highlight text by specifying an overlay.
A useful feature
For the first list we use an #+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay +- specification.
It acts like \begin{itemize}[<+->]. So, it will cause the list items to appear one after the
I item 1
I item 2
I item 3
For the second list we classify each line by angular brackets to explicitely define the order of
revealing each item.
I item 1

1. First Block
I this is visible from the beginning
2. Second Block
I and this one is revealed afterwards by using the BEAMER_act
keyword in the PROPERTIES section.

1. First Block
I this is visible from the beginning
2. Second Block
I this is initially invisible since we used
\setbeamercovered{invisible} for this frame
I then it is revealed again using the BEAMER_act keyword in the
1. First Block this is visible from the beginning. Note that we specified another
transparency compared to the previous slide.
2. Second Block Initial visibility defined by \setbeamercovered{transparent=30}.
3. Third Block And a third block

1. First Block this is visible from the beginning. We defined \setbeamercovered{highly

dynamic} so that other blocks are slowly getting less transparent.
2. Second Block a second block
3. Third Block And a third block
4. Fourth Block And a fourth block

1. block 1 The first block

2. ign A plain text paragraph. I only managed to get the right uncovering behavior by
using #+LATEX: \onslide<2-> in front of the paragraph.

3. block 2 The second block

1. A left block

I this slide consists of two columns

I This is the first column

2. A right block

I this is the right column

1. A text section

I this slide consists of two columns

I the first (left) column has no heading and consists of text
I the second (right) column has an image and is enclosed in an
example block
2. A screenshot
1. A centered text section

I a centered text section. I found no good way for using \vfill or

\minipage as referenced here
2. A screenshot

1. Octave code
A = [1 2 ; 3 4]
b = [1; 1];
x = A\b
2. The output
A =

1 2
3 4

x =


I org is an incredible tool for time management

I it is also excellent for composing documents

I Beamer is a very powerful LATEX package for presentations

I the combination is unbeatable: Org Beamer

I ease of composing slides fast and being able to use all the other Org
I though, it takes a bit of a learning curve and examples to copy from
SOME BACKUP SLIDES. The Appendix will not be listed in the table of contents.
Some backup info These details are not part of the main talk.

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