WS Fel Mazi Mudhare
WS Fel Mazi Mudhare
WS Fel Mazi Mudhare
Fel Maazi & Mudhare (Maroof and Majhool)!
I. Write the following tables for the given verbs:!
1. Maazi Maroof!
2. Maazi Majhool!
3. Mudhare Maroof !
4. Mudhare Majhool !
جلس- to sit!
رجع- to return!
علم- to know!
عرف- to recognise!
خرج- to leave!
دخل- to enter!
حمل- to carry!
نزل- to send!
! II. Identify the seegha and translate the following:
َ .٣علِ ْم ُ
خ ِر ْجنَ!
ُ .٤
خ ْلت ُ ْم!
َ .٥د َ
.٦نَ ْح ِم ُل!
َ .٩عبَ ْد ُ
.١٠نُ ِ
ص ْرنَ!
ت! .١١بُ ِع ْ
س ُ
َ .١٢كتَبُ ْوا!
ب! .١٣نَ ْ
ش َر ُ
.١٤ظَ َل ْمنَا!
.١٥اَذْ َه ُ
.١٧تَ ْ
س َمعُ!
س ِئ ْلنَا!
ُ .١٨
.١٩نُ ْرزَقُ !
ب! .٢٠يَ ْغ ِ
ض ُ
.٢١يَ ْع ِرفُ ْونَ!
ش ِربْنَا!
َ .٢٢