Mystery Riddles Game Games 108196
Mystery Riddles Game Games 108196
Mystery Riddles Game Games 108196
Difficulty Difficulty
An old man lives alone in a flat. Because of his Detective Hercule Poirot reviewed the
age, he is not able to move comfortably and so information they had on the case so far.
most of the things have to be delivered to his A lady named 'Monica' was found shot and
house. Hercule already had a list of suspects: Rooney,
On Friday while delivering the mail, the postman Torres, David, Messi and Ronaldo.
feels something suspicious in the flat and tries to The killer is a fan of Poirot and challenged him by
look inside through the key hole and he saw the leaving notes at various places.
body of the old man covered with blood. # The first was found in a dressing room.
A detective arrived on the scene. # The second was found in the attic.
Outside the flat, he found two bottles of warm # The third was in the vestibule.
milk, Tuesday’s newspaper, some unopened mails # The fourth in an ice-cream room.
and some gifts. # The fifth in the dining room
All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues
The detective immediately knows who the are where you find the notes.' But nothing was
murderer is. found anywhere.
Hercule Poirot thought for a moment and then
Who was the murderer? arrested the killer. Who was the killer?
The dead body of Adrian was found at the bottom A rich man was found murdered one Sunday
of a cliff. He was clothed in heavy hiking boots, morning. His wife immediately called the police.
gloves, several light jackets, and thick woolen The police questioned the wife and the staff in the
trousers. hall. The following alibis were given:
James G. recounted: “I returned to camp early to
make dinner for the hunting party when I saw - The wife declared she was in bed reading a
Adrian and Lulo arguing. They had been dating book.
for several years and frequently held heated
discussions. I didn't want to intrude, so I hid - The cook said she was cooking breakfast.
behind a tree. Suddenly Adrian picked up a rock
and delivered a fatal blow to Lulo's head. Just - The gardener claimed he was planting seeds.
then Adrian saw me. He was so startled he turned
and ran. He obviously forgot about the cliff and - The daughter said she was getting the mail.
fell to his death.”
- The maid explained she was cleaning the
When the lab checked the rock that supposedly windows.
killed Lulo, it found Adrian's fingerprints on it.
The police immediately ordered the arrest of The police instantly arrested the murderer.
James G. Why? Who did it? And how did the police know?
A dead body is found at the bottom of a “Who shot her?” cried a man as he rushed into the
multistory building. It looks quite clear that the hospital where his wife was kept.
person has committed suicide by jumping off The man was stopped by the police who asked
from one of the floors. him where he was last night he told them he was
A detective comes, goes to the first floor and spending the night at a friend’s place.
walks in the room facing the direction in which He told them that when he called to check on his
the body was found. He opens the closed window wife, the maid answered the call and just told him
of that room and flips a coin towards the floor. that his wife has been taken to the hospital. And
He goes to the second floor and does the exact as soon as he heard this he came running to the
same thing till the last floor. Then, when he Hospital.
climbs down, he tells the team that it is a murder, After hearing this the police immediately arrested
not suicide. him. Why?
How does he know that?
#15 – The Mystery Code Riddle #16 – The Hospital Mystery Riddle
Difficulty Difficulty
#3 mother
We know from (3) that the youngest person was not the victim, from (4) that the youngest person
was not the helper and from (6) that the youngest person was not the killer. The youngest person
can only have been the witness therefore. If we make up a chart there are now three possible
Oldest person (father) H H M
Next to oldest (mother) V M H
Next to youngest (son) M V V
Youngest (daughter) W W W
(H = Helper ; V = Victim ; M = Murderer ; W = Witness)
We can work out from (5) that the father was the oldest, from (2) that the youngest person must
have been the daughter. Therefore the next to the youngest must have been the son and the next to
the oldest, the mother.
#4 Jason Kumar
The number on the calendar was written in a hurry. Sherlock matched the written number with
the months of the year.
So it gives us 7-8-9-10-11: July, August, September, October, November.
Use the first letter of each month and it spells J-A-S-O-N.
#5 The police found fingerprints on the rock but Adrian’s body was found with gloves on. How
could there be fingerprints if he was wearing gloves. James G must be lying then.
#6 The daughter is the murderer because there is no mail on Sundays!
#7 Upon reaching each room, he found out that the window facing the dead body was closed. He
had to open the window himself. This tells that there was somebody else with him who closed the
window. If he would have committed suicide, at least one window would have been open.
#8 Murder.
1. There are signs of the struggle in the room as the clock is broken.
2. Two water glasses in the room indicate the presence of two people which also suggest that the
killer is known to the victim.
3. The man’s crutches are too far from the man.
#9 The maths teacher is the murderer because it was the first day of college. She can’t have been
giving grades on the first day!
#10 The thief is the seaman because the Japanese flag looks the same when upside down and no
one can tell if it is upside down. So, he was telling a lie.
#11 The poison was in the ice cubes. The girl who drank fast was not poisoned because the ice cubes
didn’t have the time to melt.
#12 Sean said “suddenly a man came up from behind and shot him” but the victim was shot in the
stomach. So Sean is lying!
#15 Bill. If you read the message upside down, you'll notice that the numbers resemble letters
and that those letters form legible sentences. The message is 'Bill is boss. He sells oil.'
# 16 The police called him and told him to come to the crime scene but gave no address. The
husband arrived at the right place so the police knew he was the killer!