500 Banking Awareness MCQs

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MCQs 2018

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Q1.Which is the first Indian Commercial B. Provide relief packages to the

Bank that was fully owned and managed by Farmers C. Regulate insurance business
Indians ? in India D. Hiring & Purchasing assets
A. State Bank of India E. None of these
B. Allahabad Bank Q9. Which of the following
C. Central Bank of India organization decides Repo Rate ?
D. Canara Bank A. SEBI
E. None of these B. IMF
Q2.Which bank has started as a private C. AMFI
shareholders bank, mostly by European D. SBI
shareholders ? E. RBI
A. Bank of India Q10.What is/are true about IMF ?
B. Bank of Baroda A. It's headquarter is situated at
C. Dena Bank Washington, D.C.
D. Imperial Bank of India B. It works to foster economic stability and
E. South Indian Bank global growth by providing policy, advice and
Q3. Which was the first indian bank started financing to members
solely with Indian Capital? C. It negotiates conditions on lending and
A. Punjab National Bank loans under their policy
B. Andhra Bank D. It oversees the fixed exchange
C. Indian Overseas Bank rate arrangements between countries
D. Syndicate Bank E. All of these
E. None of these Q11. In which year Vijaya Bank
Q4.In which city the head office of was nationalized?
Corporation Bank is situated ? A. 1931
A. Bengaluru B. 1950
B. Mumbai C. 1980
C. Mangalore D. 1969
D. Kolkata E. 1959
E. Manipal Q12. Who is the chief of IMF?
Q5.Which of the following statements is/are A. Robert Zoelick
true about NABARD ? B. Christine Lagarde
A. It is a development bank in the sector C. Kristalina Georgieva
of Regional Rural Banks in India. D. Takehiko Nakao
B. It provides and regulates credits in the rural E. None of these
area. Q13.Which of the following is not a
C. It gives assistance for the promotion and bank-related term ?
development of rural sectors, mainly agriculture. A. Writ
D. It finances rural crafts. E. All of these. B. Blue Book
C. Blockade
Q6.Which of the following statements is/are D. Liquid
true about Co-operative Banks in India ? E. Real time Gross Settlement
A. It has a three-tire set-up. Q14. Which of the following is not a Bank?
B. State Co-operative Banks does not have A. HSBC
access to RBI B. BNP Paribas
C. It is an urban oriented Bank C. Barclays
D. It functions on sound business principles. D. Lufthansa
E. None of these. E. All are banks
Q7.Fiscal policy is related with which of Q15.Which of the following is not a Foreign
the following ? bank ?
A. Public Revenue and Expenditure A. Citi Bank
B. Education for All B. HSBC
C. Import and Export C. BNP Paribas
D. Issue of Currency D. Oriental bank of Commerce
E. None of these E. Taib Bank
Q8.What is the function of IRDA ? Q16. What is /are the main aim of financial
A. Plan for Financial Inclusion inclusion ?
A. to maintain a certain quantity of liquid assets B. Standard Chartered
with themselves at any point of time of their Bank C. Taib Bank
total time and demand liabilities. D. Barclays Bank
B. to control money supply in the economy. E. None of these
C. to provide basic banking services to all section Q23.Which one is the First Regional
of society in urban areas or rural areas at Rural Bank in India ?
affordable cost A. Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank
D. Only A and B B. Andhra Pradesh GrameenaVikas
E. None of these Bank C. Prathama Bank
Q17.What is known as the certain D. Bharatiya Mahila Bank
percentage of bank deposits which banks E. None of these
are required to keep with RBI in the form of Q24.Which of the following is not an
reserves or balances ? initiative taken by RBI and GOI
A. Statutory liquidity ratio towards financial inclusion ?
B. Repo Rate A. Swabhimaan Scheme
C. Reverse Repo Rate B. Easy KYC norms
D. Cash Reserve Ratio C. Granting new bank licenses D.
E. None of these Banking correspondent model E.
Q18.Which of the following statements is/ Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
are true about Marginal Standing Funding ? Q25. Which of the following statements is/
A. Banks can avail funds on overnight basis below are not true about Pradhan Mantri Jan –
the stipulated SLR up to two per cent of their Dhan Yojana?
respective Net Demand A. Every Indian family enrolled in a bank
B. Banks can avail funds from the RBI on for opening zero balance account
overnight basis against their excess SLR holdings B. The account can be opened by can be open
C. Bank can meet meet the liquidity by giving only one document either proof of
requirements of mutual funds address and proof of identity
D. Bank can get loans from RBI for C. It provides various different profit to account
their emergency needs holder like insurance cover, overdraft facility
E. All of these ,Atm card etc.
Q19.The rate, at which RBI lends money D. The main aim is to open one bank account
to commercial banks against securities for every adult person in every family
when commercial banks has less funds for E. All are true
Short Term, is/are known as which of the Q26.Which one is the first bank to
following ? introduce robot in banking service ?
A. Repo Rate A. HSBC
B. Repurchase Rate B. HDFC
C. Policy Rate C. ICICI
D. Only A and B D. Axis Bank
E. All of these E. Citi Bank
Q20. What is the main tool to control money Q27. Which of the following is not a
supply in case of banking? Public Sector Bank?
A. Bank Rate A. IFCI
B. Repo Rate B. EXIM Bank
C. Reverse Repo Rate C. SIDBI
D. LTV Ratio D. HDFC
E. None of these E. None of these
Q21.Which of the following is the first Q28.Which of the following banks first
bank of India ? introduce voice biometric in banking system
A. Allahabad Bank ?
B. State Bank of India A. HDFC
C. Punjab National Bank B. HSBC
D. Bank of Hindustan C. ICICI
E. None of these D. SBI
Q22.Which one of the following is the largest E. Citi Bank
Foreign Bank in India ? Q29.What of the following statements is/are
A. HSBC true about Green Banking ?

A. It stresses on environmental friendly Q37.IMPS stands for which of the following

practices B. It aims at reducing carbon footprint ? A. Intermediate Payment Service
from banking activities. B. Inter Metro Payment Service C.
C. It promotes deployment of clean energy Inter Market Payment Service
technologies D. Immediate Payment
D. It needs private sector investments Service E. None of these
E. All of these Q38.Which of the following is not
Q30.Which is the first Indian bank an advantage of Bitcoins ?
outside India ? A. It can not be stolen
A. Bank of India B. No transaction cost is required
B. State Bank of India C. No central Bank has authorized Bitcoin
C. Bank of Baroda D. It can not be tracked
D. Canara Bank E. All are advantages
E. Dena Bank Q39.NPCI stands for which of the following ?
Q31.What is a Bad Bank ? A. National Payments Corporation of India
A. It gives loan at a very high interest rate B. Non Payment Corporation of India
B. It takes over all bad loans and help to sell the C. National Profitable Corporation of
property in a private market India D. Non Profitable Corporation of
C. It takes more time to sanction a loan India E. None of these
D. The loan-policy of this bank is very complex E. Q40.Which of the following statements
None of these is/ are true about PAN?
Q32.NPA stands for which of the following ? A. It becomes mandatory for filing Income
A. Non Profitable Assets Tax Return
B. New Performing Assets B. It helps to get Tax deduction
C. Non Permanent Assets C. It is the most valid financial identity
D. Non Performing Assets D. It helps to get the benefit of various
E. None of these Govt. Schemes
Q33.PARA stands for which of the following E. All of these
? Q41.On which year NABARD was established
A. Private Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency B. ?
Public Associated Rehabilitation Agency A. 1991
C. Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation B. 1982
Agency D. Private Acquired Rehabilitation C. 1993
Agency E. None of these D. 1988
Q34.Which of the following is/ are the E. None of these
function(s) of world Bank ? Q42.What is/ are the objective(s) of IMF ?
A. It works for reduction of poverty worldwide B. A. To promote international monetary cooperation
It provides loans to countries of the world for B. To ensure balanced international trade
capital programs C. To exchange rate stability
C. It promotes gender equality D. To minimize exchange restrictions
D. It ensures environmental sustainability by promoting multilateral payments
E. All of these E. All of these
Q35.Which of following banks has Q43.The head office of UCO Bank is
established an exclusive vertical for NPA located at which city ?
recovery ? A. New Delhi
A. United Bank of India B. Mumbai
B. Union Bank of India C. Hyderabad
C. IDBI D. Kolkata
D. Allahabad Bank E. Pune
E. None of these Q44.The economic growth of a country
Q36.Which of the following statements can be measured by which of the
is/are true about Bitcoins ? following ? A. Net National Product
A. It is a virtual currency B. Net Domestic Product
B. It is a crypt-currency and a payment system C. C. Per Capita Real Income
It is a software protocol D. Gross Domestic Product
D. Two Types of keys are required to use E. None of these
Bitcoin E. All of these

Q45.Fiscal Policy is concerned about which D. It will be allowed to lend to

of the following ? customers E. None of these
A. Export and Import Q52.Which of the following steps has taken
B. Issue of currency by the RBI to tackle bad loans ?
C. Population Control A. It proposes to include some members to
D. Public Revenue and Expenditure constitute requisite benches
E. None of these B. It works on a framework to facilitate
Q46.Which of the following Banks Plans to consistent decision making in bankruptcy
set up 100 digital villages to promote C. It reconstitutes an Oversight Committee
Digital Banking ? to operate banking ordinance
A. Dena Bank D. It works on a framework to facilitate
B. Vijaya Bank consistent decision making in insolvency
C. Oriental Bank of Commerce E. All of these
D. NABARD Q53.Who has appointed as the CEO of
E. None of these Bank of India by ACC ?
Q47.Which of the following statements is A. Sunil Mehta
not true about the upcoming Rs. 500 B. Dinabandhu Mahapatra
currency notes ? C. Melwyn Rego
A. It's design will be similar to the 2017 D. Rajkiran Rai G
introduced Rs. 500 currency notes E. None of them
B. It will have the signature of Dr. Urjit K Patel C. Q54.JLF stands for which of the following
It will bear the printing year 2017 on the reverse ? A. Joint Leased Fund
side B. Joint Lending Forum
D. It will have inset letter A in both C. Joint Lender's Forum
number panels D. Joint Lender's
E. None of these Federation E. None of these
Q48.The first Paytm Payment Bank is located Q55.The head office of Union Bank of
at which city ? India is situated at which city ?
A. New Delhi A. New Delhi
B. Gurugram B. Mumbai
C. Noida C. Kolkata
D. Lukhnow D. Chennai
E. Chandigarh E. Gurugram
Q49.Which of the following is not a Q56.CRR stands for which of the following ?
feature of upcoming Re. 1 note ? A. Credit Reserve Ratio
A. It will be pink-green on the obverse and B. Credit Reverse Ratio
reverse in combination with other colours C. Cash Reserve Ratio
B. It will bear the rupee symbol D. Cash Reverse Ratio
C. It will be issued by the Reserve Bank of E. None of these
India D. The watermarks will include Ashoka Q57.Which of the following statements is
Pillar, hidden numeral 1 and hidden word true about Deflation ?
Bharat in Hindi A. It is an increase of price of goods and
E. None of these services that projects Indian Economy
Q50.NEFT stands for which of the following ? B. It happens when goods are fewer and
A. National Electronic Fund Transfer B. National buyers are more
Equity Fund Transaction C. It happens when there is more demand
C. National Electronic Fund Transaction and less supply
D. Non Electronic Fund Transfer E. D. It is a continuous decrease in prices of
None of these goods and services
Q51.Which of the following is not a E. None of these
feature of Paytm Payment Bank ? Q58.PLR stands for which of the following
A. It accepts deposits upto 1 Lakh per customer ? A. Premium Interest Rate
in savings/ current account and wallet B. Prime Interest Rate
B. It offers the services like Debit card, C. Prime Investment Rate
online banking and mobile banking D. Premium Investment
C. It offers the facility of online fund transfer to Rate E. None of these
it's customer at free of cost
Q59.Which of the following is true about Q67.Who is the chairman of SEBI ?
FII ? A.Harsh Kumar Banwala
A. It is used to denote an investor mostly in the B.Ajay Tyagi
form of an institution C.T.S Vijayan
B. It proposes to invest in Indian Market D.Dr. Sanjeev Misra
C. It generally purchases in large volumes which E.None of them
has impact on stock markets Q68.Which of the following
D. It includes Pension Funds, mutual funds etc. E. statements is/are true about KYC ?
All of these A. It stands for 'Know Your Customer'
Q60.IPO stands for which of the following B. It is the process of banking business
? A. Initial Payment Offering identifying and verifying the identity of it's clients
B. Initial Public Offering C. It's main purpose is to stop illegal
C. Intermediate Public Offering money laundering
D. Immediate Payment Offering D. It prevents identity theft and
E. None of these fraud E. All of these
Q61.What is the main feature of MUDRA Q69.In which city the head office of
Bank ? NABARD is situated ?
A. It will provide loan to buy house A.New Delhi
B. It will give loans to small entrepreneurs up B.Lukhnow
to 10 Lakh C.Mumbai
C. It will provide education loan to the students D.Chennai
D. It will sanction loan to buy land for agriculture E.Thirubanantapuram
E. None of these Q70.Which of the following statements is
Q62.What is SIDBI ? not true about Bharatiya Mahila Bank ?
A. Software Industries Development Bank of India A.It is an Indian Financial Services
B. State Industries Development Bank of India C. Banking Company based in Mumbai
Small Industries Development Bank of India D. B.It has merged with State Bank of
Steel Industries Development Bank of India India C.It accepts deposits only from
E. None of these women D.It lends money mainly to
Q63.Which of the following statements women E.All are true
is/ are of true about Sensex ? Q71.AEZ stands for which of the following
A.It is an indices of stock market ? A.Agri-products Export Zone
B.It is an index to measure the B.Agricultural Export Zone
'market's sentiment' C.Agricultural Economy
C.It is a figure indicating the relative prices of Zone D.Agriculture Expert's
shares on the exchange Zone E.None of these
D.It is also known as Sensitive Q72.What do you mean by Amount at Risk ?
Index E.All of these A. It is the due amount of loan
Q64.NBFC stands for which of the following B. It is the balance of sum payable not
? A.National Banking Financial Company B.Non- covered by reserves
Banking Financial Company C.Non-Borrowing C. It is the total value of NPA
Financial Company D.National Banker's Financial D. It denotes the below minimum balance in
Company a bank account
E.None of these E. None of these
Q65. Which of the following is not a Q73.ABM stands for which of the following ?
Credit Rating Agency of India? A.Automatic Balance Machine
A.CRISIL B.Automated Balance Machine C.Auto-generated
B.ICRA Banking Machine D.Automated Banking Machine
D.Fitch Ratings E.None of these
E.None of these Q74.Which of the following statements is
Q66.SEZ stands for which of the following ? not true about bankruptcy ?
A.Special Economic Zone B.Standard Economic A.It is a condition in which a firm is unable
Zone C.Sectional Economy Zone D.Sub-Urban to meet its obligations
Economic Zone E.None of these B.It is a condition in which a person can not
meet his/her liabilities

C.In bankruptcy, all the assets of a company are C.Safe custody

surrendered to the court for administrator D.It is D.Locker
the state of being completely penny less E.None E.None of these
of these Q82.Which of the following is the
Q75.Which of the following banks has primary regulator of Banking business? ?
the largest number of branches in A.State Government
foreign countries ? B.Central Government
A.Bank of India C.Parliament
B.Bank of Baroda D.RBI
C.Corporation Bank E.None of these
D.Dena Bank Q83.A bank can refuse open an account on
E.Vijaya Bank behalf of which of the following ?
Q76.General Insurance does not A.Artificial Persons
provide protection in which of the B.Arrested Person
following ? A.Cattle Insurance C.Convicted Person
B.Medical Insurance D.Undesirable Person
C.Crop Insurance E.None of them
D.Fire Insurance Q84.What is the purpose of reporting by the
E.None of these banks about suspicious transactions to the
Q77.What do you mean by Minimum Cash anti money laundering committee?
Reserve ? A.To combat finance of terrorism B.To
A.It is a percentage of Capital in Bank check the inflow of crime money
B.It is a percentage of reserves in Bank C.To check inflow of the money earned out of sale
C.It is a percentage of aggregate deposits of the of narcotics
bank D.To check the hawala transactions
D.It is A percentage of aggregate loans and E.All of the above
advances of the bank Q85.If a non - banking financial
E.None of these company wants to collect public deposits
Q78.Which of the following is a Demat it is governed by which Act ?
Account ? A.Banking companies Act
A.Accounts which facilitate repayment of a B.RBI Act 1934
loan taken from that bank. C.Central Government
B.Accounts which can be operated through the D.Companies Act 1956
internet banking facility E.None of these
C.Zero balane accounts Q86.Which of the following statements
D.Accounts in which various companies' is/are true about inbsolvency ?
shares are traded in electronic form A.It can cause bankruptcy
E.None of these B.A company is declared as insolvent when
Q79.Currency notes those are deposited in they are unable to pay their debits back on
the currency chest are the property of which time C.A person, who is insolvent, can take
of the following ? certain steps towards a resolution
A.SBI D.It is a financial fall
B.Respective Bank E.All of these
C.RBI Q87.What is Lead Bank ?
D.Respective Bank A.It offer loan to the leading banking
E.None of these institutions B.It is a bank which coordinates the
Q80.What is mortgage ? banking institutions in the district
A. Security on the immovable property for a loan C.It can't set up branches
B. Security on the movable property for a loan C. D.It was implemented in 1975
Concession on the immovable property E.None of these
D. Facility on the immovable Q88.What is DCP ?
property E. None of these A.Demonetization Control
Q81.Which term is known as a fixed deposit Plan B.Debit Credit Plan
receipt that is kept with the bank for its C.Department Credit Plan
safety ? D.District Credit Plan E.None
A.Safe deposit of these
B.Valid Safe deposit

Q89.The head-office of Indian Overseas C.It is the nation's wealth according to the
Bank is situated in which city ? provisions of control on Green House Gases D.It is
A.Chennai the nation's wealth according to GDP per Capita E.It
B.Mumbai is the total wealth from the forest area
C.New Delhi Q98.NDTL stands for which of the following
D.Pune ?
E.Panaji A.Net Demand & Time Liabilities
Q90.What is FDI ? A.Frozen B.Net Demand & Tax Liabilities
Direct Investment B.Foreign C.New Demand & Tenure Liabilities
Direct Investment D.National Deposits & Total
C.Functional Direct Liabilities E.None of these
Investment D.Functional Debit Q99.Which is not an Apex Institution ?
Investment E.None of these A.NABARD
Q91.What is the main source of B.SIDBI
National Income of India ? C.State Co-operative Bank
A. Agriculture D.SBI
B. Industrial Sector E.None of these
C. Trade Sector Q100.NAV stands for which of the following
D. Tourism Sector ?
E. Service Sector A.Net Average Value
Q92.CBS stands for which of the following ? B.Net Actual Value
A.Core Banking Software C.Net Asset Value
B.Core Banking System D.Net Access Value
C.Core Banking Solution E.National Asset Value
D.Core Banking Service Q101.Commercial Papers is issued
E.Core Banking Section by whom?
Q93.What do you mean by NNP of a A.Bank to Bank
country? A.New National Product B.Bank to Company
B.Net New Product C.Company to Bank
C.National Net Product D.Supplier to Company
D.Net National Product E.Company to Supplier
E.None of these Q102.Who has coined the term
Q94.What do mean by Mixed Economy 'Gross National Happiness' ?
? A.Co-Existence of Rich and Poor B.Co- A.RBI
Existence of Public and Private Sectors B.World Bank
C.Co-Existence of agricultural and industrial C.Amartya Sen
Sectors D.King of Bhutan
D.Co-Existence of Small and Large E.Europian Union
Industries E.None of these Q103.Credit History of the Borrower
Q95.What do you mean by Net is provided by which Organization ?
National Product of a country ? A.SEBI
A. GDP minus depreciation allowances B.IRDA
B. GNP plus depreciation allowances C. C.FRBI
GNP minus depreciation allowances D. D.CII
GDP plus depreciation allowances E. E.CIBIL
GDP minus Net Income from Abroad Q104.In Gross National Product, which of
Q96.MAT stands for which of the following the following contributes the highest ?
? A.Maximum Alternate Tax B.Maximum A.Primary Sector
Alternate Time B.Secondary Sector
C.Maximum Alternate Time C.Tertiary Sector
D.Minimum Alternate Tax D.Private Sector
E.None of these E.Public Sector
Q97.What is Green Index ? A.It Q105.Which of the following regulates
is the total export of a nation the Mutual Fund ?
B.It is the nation's wealth according to GNP A.SIDBI
per Capita B.FRBI

D.SEBI A.Non Performing Assets

E.None of these B.Overdrawn accounts
Q106.What do you mean by 'Flat Money' ? C.Bad debts
A.It is the currency backed by tangible assets D.Out of order accounts
B.It is the currency backed by Government E.None of these
Guarantee C.It is the currency backed by gold Q114.Human Development Index is
reserves D.It is the currency backed by NPA indicated by which of the following ?
E.It is the currency backed by budgetary support A.Total area of Agricultural Land with family
Q107.Core banking infrastructure is done by B.Life Expectancy at Birth
which of the following ? C.Nature of Employment
A. IBA D.Total Cost of Agricultural
B. SIDBI Land E.None of these
C. NABARD Q115.Who are benefited by the
D. RBI Reserve Mortgage Scheme ?
E. SEBI A.Children
Q108.What do you mean by Gross Domestic B.Govt. Employees
Product ? C.Industrialists
A.Market value of all final goods and D.Senior Citizens
services within a country E.None of these
B.Cost of production of all final goods and Q116.Government securities deal with
services within a country which of the following in primary and
C.Cost of services within a country in a year secondary markets ?
D.Market value of all final goods and A.Corporate Bonds
services within a country in a year E.None of B.Primary Dealers
these C.Secondary Dealers
Q109.What do you mean by Factoring ? D.Tertiary Dealers
A.It is the arrangement to raise a short E.None of them
term money against the prepaid expenses Q117.Which of the following is reduced by
B.It is the method to discount the long term bills the the higher growth rate of the economy ?
C.It is the process of selling of account A.Poverty
receivables as per contract for cash payment to B.Population of country
a factor before it becomes due C.Gender Inequalities
D.It is the easy way to raise capital from a D.Flow of FDI
factoring company by a small business E.None of these
E.None of these Q118.IRR stands for which of the following
Q110.Which organization of the following ? A. Internal Rate Ratio
can avail the Refinance Facility ? B. Internal Rate of Recession
A.State Co-operative Banks C. Internal Reserve Ratio D.
B.RRBs Internal Rate of Return E.
C.Commercial Banks none of these
D.State ADFCs Q119.To avail the facility of locker, a
E.All of these customer have to pay which of the
Q111.In India, largest share of GDP comes following?
from which of the following sectors ? A.Locker Rent
A.Defense Sector B.Safe Custody Charges
B.Agricultural Sector C.Commission on the locker
C.Service Sector D.Only B and C
D.Manufacturing Sector E.Only A and C
E.None of these Q112.Who sets up 'Base Rate' Q120.BR Act stands for which of the
for Banks ? following ?
A.Individual Banks Board A.Bank Rule
B.RBI B.Bank Regulation
C.SEBI C.Bank Reclaim
D.Interest Rate Commission of D.Bank Reserve
India E.None of these E.Bank Reformation
Q113.What is known as the Bank Q121.Which of the following is the unit of
advances of a bank ?


money whose face value and intrinsic value Q129.Banking in India is controlled by
are equal ? which of the following ?
A.Flat Money A.Ministry of Commerce
B.Commodity Money B.Ministry of Finance
C.Optional Money C.Reserve Bank of India
D.Full Bodied Money D.NITI Ayog
E.None of these E.None of these
Q122.What is the full form of EMI ? Q130.Which of the following is associated
A.Equal Monthly Investment to teaser rates ?
B.Equal Monthly Installment A.Personal Loan
C.Easy Monthly Installment B.Home Loan
D.Equated Monthly C.Auto Loan
Installment E.None of these D.Education Loan
Q123.Regional Rural Banks are sponsored E.None of these
by which of the following ? Q131.Which of the following decides
A.Reserve Bank of India the Bank Rate ?
C.Nationalized Commerce B.GOI
Bank D.Government of India C.SBI
E.None of these D.RBI
Q124.Reserve Bank of India is established in E.NABARD
which year ? Q132.FCEB stands for which of the following
A.1945 ?
B.1935 A.Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bond
C.1949 B.Foreign Currency External Bond
D.1952 C.Foreign Currency Export Bond
E.None of these D.Foreign Currency Exchange
Q125.Which of the following is/are Optional Bond E.None of these
Money ? Q133.Which of the following is a banking
A.Bank Drafts term ?
B.Cheque A.Zero Hour
C.Bills of Exchange B.Sedimentary
D.Promissory Notes C.Output Devices
E.All of these D.Swapping
Q126.Which of the following bank was E.De-mat
known as Imperial Bank of India Q134.PSLC stands for which of the following
before Nationalization ? ?
A.United Bank of India A.Priority Sector Loan Certificates
B.Dena Bank B.Priority Sector Lower Credit
C.Punjab National Bank C.Priority Sector Lending
D.State Bank of India Certificates D.Priority Sector Large
E.Vijaya Bank Credit E.None of these
Q127.Which of the following is called as Q135.In which city the head office of RBI is
Non-Legal Tender Money ? located ?
A.Commodity Money A.New Delhi
B.Full Bodied Money B.Lukhnow
C.Optional Money C.Kolkata
D.Paper Money D.Bengaluru
E.None of these E.Mumbai
Q128.Which of the following is not Q136.Who regulates the insurance sector
a Representative Money ? of India ?
B.Silver B.IRDA
C.Copper C.RBI
D.Tobacco D.SEBI
E.None of these E.None of these
Q137.IDF stands for which of the following ?

A.Interest Debt Fund D.Board of Financial

B.Institution Debt Fund System E.None of these
C.Investment Debt Fund Q146.NABARD was established in which year
D.Infrastructure Debt Fund ?
E.None of these A.1983
Q138.SBI has entered in a joint venture B.1985
with which of the following for undertaking .1981
general insurance business? D.1982
A.LIC, India E.1986
B.New India Assurance Ltd Q147.In which year BFS was constituted ?
C.Insurance Australlia A.1995
Group D.Allianz B.1996
E.None of these C.1994
Q139.Credit Cards are known as which of the D.1997
following ? E.1998
A.Easy Money Q148.CSR stands for which of the following
B.Hard Money ? A.Corporate Sector Responsibility
C.Soft Money B.Customer Satisfaction Responsibility
D.Real Money C.Corporate Social Responsibility
E.Plastic Money D.Corporate Social Reforms
Q140.Which asset can be mortgaged ? E.None of these
A.Book Debts Q149.The member of BFS board is chaired
B.Stock by whom ?
C.National Saving Certificates A.Deputy Governor
D.Land and Building B.Finance Minister
E.Share C.Prime Minister
Q141.Crossing applies to which of the D.Governor
following instruments ? E.Vice President
A.Bills Q150.Who is the chairman of NABARD
B.Cheques ? A.Harsh Kumar Bhanwala B.Urjit Patel
C.Fixed Deposit Reciepts
D.Promissory Notes C.Raghuram Rajan
E.None of these D.Arundhuti Devi
Q142.A savings bank account opened with E.None of them
a zero balance of minimum balance is Q151.What is Microcredit ?
known as which of the following ? A.It is the amount given by Govt. for Small
A.No frill account Industries Development
B.Current Account B.It is the amount given to the students as
C.Call Deposit education loan
D.Savings-bank ordinary account C.It is the small credit given to poor
E.None of these D.It is the installment given by Farmers against
Q143.NOF stands for which of the following Loan
? E.None of these
A.New Original Funds Q152.Which of the following are the
B.Net Owned Funds main products of Retail Banking ?
C.Net Origin Funds A.Card Products
D.New Opened Funds B.Deposit Products
E.None of these Q144.Which of the following C.Loan products
is not a classification of Scheduled Banks ? D.Only B and C
A.SBI E.All of these
B.Nationalized Banks Q153.LAF stands for which of the following ?
C.RRB D.Foreign Banks A.Least adjustment facility
E.All of these B.Liquidity adjustment facility
Q145.BFS stands for which of the following ? C.Long adjustment facility
A.Board for Financial Supervision D.Liabilities adjustment facility
B.Bureau of Financial Supervision E.None of these
C.BiLateral Financial System Q154.Who administered Monitary Policy ?

A.GOI C.Different Ration for Indians

B.SBI D.Different Rate of Interest-bond
C.RBI E.None of these
D.State Governments Q163.What is the minimum investment
E.None of these in SGB ?
Q155.Which of the following statements A.Five Grams
is/are true about Scheduled Bank ? B.Four Grams
A.It is an institution which is notified by GOI C.Three Grams
B.It is a company defined by companies act, D.Six Grams
2013 C.It is a corporation or company E.One Gram
incorporated by the law in force in India Q164.Which of the following banks offer loans
D.It is included in the Second Schedule of to the poor to construct or buy houses
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. E.All of ?
these A.IIBI
Q156.Which of the following is related to B.NHB
Kapoor Committee, 1999 ? A.Micro-finance C.IDBI
B.Capital Account convertibility E.None of these
C.Restructuring of RRBs D.Co- Q165.Which of the following Government
operative Banking Reforms Bodies carry out the appointments of the
E.None of these Banking Ombudsman?
Q157.Which of the following deals with A.SEBI
the small and medium enterprises ? B.Govt. of India
A.IFCI C.Finance Ministry
C.SIDBI E.None of these
D.RBI Q166.What do you mean by 'Tax Haven' ?
E.None of these A.It is a country where people need not to pay
Q158.The Bank that begins with “U” is Municipal tax
the tagline of which of the following bank B.It is a country where people can dump
? A.Union Bank of India the illegal money without any problem
B.UCO Bank C.It is a country where foreigners need not to
C.United Commercial Bank pay any tax on their income
D.United Bank of India D.It is a country where people need not to pay
E.None of these Luxury tax
Q159.The major stakes of NABARD is E.None of these
owned by whom ? Q167.Which of the following is not
A.Central Government included in the Priority Sector ?
B.SBI A.Education Loan
C.Ministry of Finance B.Agricultural Finance
D.RBI C.Life Insurance Policy
E.None of these D.Housing Loans
Q160.AEP stands for which of the following E.None of these
? A.Automated engineered payment service Q168.Which of the following can be called as
B.Aadhaar-enabled promotion scheme a non-institutional lender
C.Aadhaar-enabled Payment system D.Aadhaar- ? A.Small Banks
enabled Payment scheme E.Aadhaar-enabled B.Grameen Banks
Payment Service C.Money Lenders
Q161.Who issues the Sovereign Gold Bond ? D.Credit Cooperative Socities
A.Ministry of Finance E.Micro Finance Institutions
B.GOI Q169.In which city, RBI does not have
C.State Governments a regional office?
D.RBI A.Panaji
E.None of these B.Kolkata
Q162.DRI stands for which of the following ? C.Shimla
A.Different Rate of Interest B.Differential Rate of D.Kota
Interest E.Guwahati

Q170.which of the following is not E.1999

considered as a Govt. Security ? Q178.In which city the biggest International
A.Dated Securities Financial Center is located?
B.Call or Put Option Bonds A.London
C.T- Bill B.Geneva
D.Floating rate Bonds C.Paris
E.None of these D.New York
Q171.Which of the following terms is used in E.Sydney
Banking and Finance ? Q179.With which of the following
A.Scattering Loss organizations, the mutual funds should
B.Oscillation be registered?
C.Revenue A.AMFI
D.Shielding B.NABARD
E.Line of Sight C.SEBI
Q172.'Your Perfect banking Partner' is the D.IBA
Tag line of Which bank ? E.RBI
A.Dena Bank Q180.Kelkar Committee is associated
B.Federal Bank with which of the following ?
C.UCO Bank A.De listing in Share market
D.SBI B.Reformation of Company Law
E.Vijaya Bank C.Frame work of Insurance
Q173.The head office of Bank of Maharashtra Sector D.Tax Structure Reforms
is situated in Which of the following cities ? E.None of these
A.Pune Q181.ADB stands for which of the
B.Mumbai following ?
C.Nasik A.Asian Development Bank
D.Aurangabad B.American Development Bank
E.Nagpur C.Australian Development
Q174.To open a new Branch, a Bank must Bank D.African Development
have the permit from RBI under which of the Bank E.None of these
following acts ? Q182.The bank where the majority( more
A.Section 22 of RBI Act than 50%) stake is hold by Govt. is
B.Section 22 of SEBI known as which of the following ?
C.Section 22 of NABARD A.Commercial Banks
D.Section 22 of banking Regulation B.Government Banks
Act E.None of these C.Public Sector Banks
Q175.A fixed deposit receipt which a bank D.Nationalized Banks
keeps for its safety is known as which of E.None of these
the following ? Q183.Which of the following terms signifies
A.Safe Deposit the difference between the import and export
B.Locker of a country ?
C.Valid Safe Deposit A.Balance of payment
D.Safe Custody B.Trade Sheet
E.None of these C.Credit Balance
Q176.The head office of Vijaya Bank is D.Balance of Trade
situated in which city ? E.Balance of Profit
A.Mumbai Q184.'Together We Can' is the Tagline
B.Pune of which bank ?
C.Bengaluru A.Dena Bank
D.Chennai B.Vijaya Bank
E.Hyderabad C.Canara Bank
Q177.In which year the Credit D.IDBI Bank
Guarantee Corporation is created ? E.Uco Bank
A.1974 Q185.In which year Indian Overseas Bank
B.1971 is Nationalized ?
C.1975 A.1968
D.1978 B.1972

C.1964 D.Accounts Receivable

D.1966 E.None of these
E.1969 Q194.How is the Interest on the savings
Q186.RBI is going to launch which of the bank accounts compounded ?
following currency notes for the first time A.Yearly B.Half-yearly
? A.Rs. 300 C.Monthly
B.Rs. 200 D.Daily
C.Rs. 70 E.None of these
D.Rs. 5000 Q195.Which of the following bodies
E.None of these determine Rates of Interest on deposits ?
Q187.Which of the following countries A.Respective Bank
voluntarily contribute first to the UN B.SEBI
Tax Fund to help the developing C.IBA
countries ? A.China D.Government of India
B.USA E.None of these
C.Russia Q196.Which section of banking regulation
D.India act 1949 deals with the return of
E.None of these unclaimed deposits ?
Q188.Which of the following is known as A.Section 27
the Money loaned by a bank or other B.Section 26
institution which is repayable on demand ? C.Section 23
A.Demand Loan D.Section 21
B.Cash Credit E.None of these
C.Call Money Q197.Who is the Chairman of GST Council ?
D.Short Term Loan A.Prime Minister
E.Long Term Loan B.President
Q189. DHFL was set up in which year ? C.Finance Minister
A.1992 D.Governor General of India
B.1979 E.None of them
C.1986 Q198.GST was passed through which
D.1988 Amendment Bill of the Constitution ?
E.1981 A.124 Amendment Bill, 2016
Q190.Which of the following is/ are the B.120 Amendment Bill, 2016
advantage(S) that are offered to a SEZ ? C.121 Amendment Bill, 2016
A.Exemption from Central Sales Tax D.122 Amendment Bill,
B.Exemption from Service Tax 2016 E.None of these
C.Exemption from minimum alternate tax Q199.NUUP stands for which of the following
D.Full Income Tax exemption on export ?
E.All of these A.Nationalized Uniform USSD Platform
Q191.SEBI was set up in which year ? B.New Universal USSD Platform
A.1988 C.National Unified USSD Platform
B.1984 D.New Unified USSD Platform
C.1992 E.None of These
D.1996 Q200.Which of the following taxes
E.None of these are bounded with GST ?
Q192.Who is the President of ADB ? A.Entry Tax
A.Takehiko Nakao B.Luxury Tax
B.Raghuram Rajan C.Kristalina C.Food Tax
Ivanova Georgieva D.Thomas D.Entertainment Tax
Jordan E.All of these
E.None of them Q201.GSTN stands for which of the
Q193.Which of the following statements following ?
shows the assets and liabilities of a A.Goods Ans Sales Tax Network
business at a certain date. ? B.Goods And Service Tax Network
A.Account Sheet C.Good And Simple Tax Network
B.Accounts Payable D.Good And Systematic Tax
C.Balance Sheet Network E.None of these

Q202.Which of the payment Services Q210.GSTN creates a platform for which

is available 24*7 ? of the following ?
A.NEFT A.Stake Holders
B.IMPS B.Government
C.RTGS C.Tax Payers
D.UPI D.Only A and B
E.None of these E.All of these
Q203.QSAM stands for which of the Q211.Indian Bank was established in
following ? which year ?
A.Quick Service On Adhaar Mapper A.1906
B.Quick Systematic On Adhaar Mapper B.1907
C.Query Service On Adhaar Mapper C.1908
D.Queued Service On Adhaar Mapper D.1909
E.None of these E.1910
Q204.How much GST is charged on the Q212.Punjab National Bank was first
Purchase of fresh vegetables ? established in which city ?
A.1% A.Amritsar
B.2% B.Jalandhar
C.0% C.Lahore
D.3% D.Ludhiana
E.5% E.Sialkot
Q205.Which section of Negotiable Q213.Who is the Economic Relations
Instruments Act, 1881 deals with the Secretary in the Ministry of External
Cheque ? Affairs of India?
A.Section 4 A.Amar Sinha
B.Section 5 B.Amit Goyel
C.Section 6 C.Kaushik Misra.
D.Section 10 D.Vijay Gokhale
E.Section 12 E.Ashis Kohli
Q206.Who governs the purchases of securities ? Q214.SEBI has imposed a fine of Rs. 27 lakh
A.Transaction Tax to which company for violating norms
B.Securities Tax related to public holding and disclosures ?
C.Purchase Tax A.Disha Microfin Pvt Ltd
D.Securities Transaction B.Sungold Capital
Tax E.None of these C.BSS Microfinance Pvt Ltd
Q207.Which section of Negotiable D.Zodius Capital E.None of
Instruments Act 1881 deals with the Bill of these
Exchange ? Q215.Which country implemented GST
A.Section 1 for the first time ?
B.Section 3 A.Canada
C.Section 7 B.Argentina
D.Section 12 C.India
E.Section 5 D.France
Q208.IFSC stands for which of the following E.Spain
? Q216.What is the current GST rate on
A.International Financial System Code fertilizer declared by the GST Council ?
B.Indian Financial System Code A.12%
C.Integrated Financial System Code B.6%
D.Innovative Financial System Code E.None C.8%
of these D.9%
Q209.How much GST will be applicable E.5%
for the purchase of Gold? Q217.In which year RBI was nationalized ?
A.5% A.1947
B.3% B.1948
C.2% C.1949
D.4% D.1950
E.0% E.1951

Q218.In which year the 'National Housing A.Bank of India

Bank' was set up ? B.State Bank of India
A.1989 C.Dena Bank
B.1990 D.Allahabad Bank
C.1987 E.None of these
D.1983 Q226.'A Friend You Can Bank Upon' is
E.1988 the tagline of which bank ?
Q219.How many associate Banks do SBI has A.Dena Bank
? B.Vijaya Bank
A.6 C.Punjab National Bank
B.4 D.Union Bank
C.5 E.None of these
D.3 Q227.UTI stands for which of the following
E.7 ? A.Union Trust of India
Q220.DICGC stands for which of B.Uniform Trust of India
the following ? C.Unit Trust of India
A.Deposit Insurance and Credit D.United Trust of India
Guarantee Corporation E.None of these
B.Debit Issue and Credit Guarantee Corporation Q228.In which year SIDBI was established ?
C.Deposit Insurance and Consumer Guarantee A.1989
Corporation B.1991
D.Debit Issue and Credit Grant C.1992
Corporation E.None of these D.1990
Q211.Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran E.1988
Private Limited was set up in which year ? Q229.IFCI stands for which of the following
A.1996 ?
B.1997 A.Independent Finance Corporation of India
C.1995 B.Industrial Finance Corporation of India
D.1998 C.Institutional Finance Corporation of India
E.1999 D.Intermediate Finance Corporation of
Q222.'You can bank always on us' is the India E.None of these
tagline of which bank ? Q230.UTI was established in which year ?
A.State bank of Hyderabad A.1964
B.State bank of Mysore B.1965
C.State bank of India C.1966
D.State bank of Bikaner and D.1960
Jaipur E.None of these E.None of these
Q223.BRBNMPL stands for which of Q231.In which kind of banking, the bank
the following ? invests money mostly in government
A.Bengal Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private bonds and securities ?
Limited A.Para Banking
B.Bahujan Reserve Bank Note Mudran B.Narrow Banking
Private Limited C.Green Banking
C.Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Public D.Retail Banking
Limited E.None of these
D.Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Q232.What is the main motto of Green
Private Limited Banking ?
E.None of these A.It gives Agricultural Loans
Q224.Head office of State bank of Mysore is B.It provides study loan to the students
located in which city ? of Agriculture
A.Mysuru C.It promotes deployment of clean
B.Mangalore energy technologies
C.Bengaluru D.It provides financial assistance for
D.Hubli plantation purpose
E.None of these E.None of these
Q225.Which is the oldest joint stock bank Q233.EXIM Bank was established in
of India functioning till today ? which year ?

A.1981 B.HSBC
B.1988 C.Asian Development Bank
C.1987 D.Standard Chartered
D.1989 Bank E.None of these
E.1982 Q242.Who is appointed as the New CEO
Q234.Which bank has launched the 'Image of Syndicate Bank ?
Debit Card' ? A.Urjit Patel
A.Canara Bank B.Sartaj Desai
B.Indian Bank C.Arundhuti Basu
C.Karnataka Bank D.Melwyn Rego
D.Dena Bank E.None of them
E.None of these Q243.In which year Syndicate Bank
Q235.GIC was established in which year ? was established ?
A.1971 A.1926
B.1972 B.1925
C.1973 C.1927
D.1974 D.1923
E.1978 E.None of these
Q236.Which of the following banks has Q244.'Good people to grow with' is a tagline
recently become Payments Bank ? of which of the following banks ?
A.Suryoday A.Syndicate Bank
B.Janalakshmi B.Punjab National Bank
C.FINO C.Indian Overseas Bank
D.Capital LAB D.State Bank of India
E.None of these E.None of these
Q237.What is the minimum number of banks Q245.In which city the head office of Indian
that should be involved in Chain Banking ? Overseas Bank is situated ?
A.4 A.Mumbai
B.5 B.New Delhi
C.7 C.Pune
D.2 D.Kolkata
E.3 E.Chennai
Q238.Which bank recently has decided to Q246.Which of the following is the Core
block all Maestro Debit Cards for security Banking Solution of Reserve Bank of India
based reasons ? ? A.e-kuber
A.Punjab And Sindh Bank B.e-cbs
B.Punjab National C.e-auction
Bank C.Union Bank D.e-investment
D.Dena Bank E.None E.None of these
of these Q247.Which of the following is the Apex
Q239.RTGS stands for which of the following Organization for Industrial Finance in India
? ? A.Industrial Credit And Finance Corporation of
A.Retail Time Gross Settlement India
B.Real Time Gross Settlement B.Industrial Development Bank of
C.Reverse Time Gross Settlement India C.Industrial Finance Corporation
D.Realization Time Gross D.RBI
Settlement E.None of these E.None of these
Q240.PNB was established in which year ? Q248.What is known as a Banker's Cheque ?
A.1899 A.Credit Card
B.1897 B.Demand Draft
C.1894 C.Debit Card
D.1890 D.Banker's Draft
E. None of these E.Pay Order
Q241.Which Bank has signed a load Q249.Auction of Govt. securities is done
agreement with India for improving through which of the following system ?
road connectivity ? A.NPCI
A.World Bank B.BHIM

C.UPI Q257.What is the raised limit of Foreign

D.e-Kuber Portfolio Investors(FPI) investment in
E.None of these Govt. Securities by the RBI ?
Q250.What is the main purpose to form the A.2.3%
RRBs ? B.4.7%
A.To keep lending rate lower for the farmers C.3.5%
than the co-operative institutions D.6.1%
B.To work on innovative ideas E.None of these
C.To help the targeted group Q258.AIIB stands for which of the
D.To work on the principles of commercial Banks following? A.Asia India Development Bank
E.None of these B.Asia Inter Development Bank
Q251.Which of the following companies is C.Authorized Infrastructure Development
the technology partner of RBI for launching Bank D.Asia Infrastructure Development Bank
e-Kuber ? E. None of these
A.Infosys Q259.In which country the Head Quarters of
B.CTS Asian Development Bank is situated ?
C.TCS A.China
D.IBM B.Philippines
E.Polaris C.India
Q252.Which of the following can be called as D.Sri Lanka
an inter-bank application ? E.Japan
A.Transactions of Q260.On which day of 2017, the Save
Government B.Automatic Public Sector Banks Day (SPSBD) is
Clearing House C.Delivery Vs celebrated in India ?
Payment D.RTGS A.9th July
E.All of these B.6th July
Q253.At which place the Bankers meet and C.7th July
settle their Mutual accounts and claims ? D.19th July
A.Collecting Center E.20th July
B.Treasury Q261.UFBU stands for which of the following
C.Dumping Ground ?
D.Clearing House A.Universal Fraternity of Bank
E.None of these Unions B.United Foundation of Bank
Q254.GST settlements are proposed to be Forums C.United Forum of Bank
done through which of the following Unions D.Universal Forum of Bank
applications ? Unions E.None of these
A.UPI Q262.Which of the following funds are dealt
B.e-Kuber by the Capital Market of Indian Financial
C.NPCI System ?
D.BHIM A.Long-term Funds
E.None of these B.Short-term Funds
Q255.Who is the CEO of HSBC Bank ? C.Hedge Funds
A.Maria Grey D.Government Funds
B.Robert Smith E.None of these
C.Stuart Gulliver Q263.MBS stands for which of the
D.William Smith following ?
E.None of them A.Money-Backed Security
Q256.What is the concessional rate of GST B.Mortgage-backed
imposed by the Govt, on the helpful devices Security C.Material-Backed
for the physically challenged people ? Security D.Manual-Backed
A.3% Security E.None of these
B.2% Q264.Who is the Principle Regulator of
C.5% Indian Capital Market ?

E.None of these C.HDFC Bank
Q265.ARM stands for which of the following D.Axis Bank
? E.Bank of India
A.Assured Rate Mortgage Q273.Which bank has signed MoU with
B.Adjusted Rate Mortgage Santander to promote India-UK trade
C.Additional Rate Mortgage ? A.HDFC Bank
D.Advanced Rate Mortgage B.Kotak Mahindra Bank
E.None of these C.Yes Bank
Q266.Which of the following D.Axis Bank
Committees recommended to set up E.None of these
Reserve Bank of India ? Q274.EPFO stands for which of the
A.Royal Commission following ?
B.Dantwala Committee C.D A.Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
R Mehta Commission B.Employer's Provident Fund Organisation
D.Hilton Young Commission C.Employer's Permanent Fund Organisation
E.Simon Commission D.Emergency Payment Fund Organisation E.None
Q267.'Where service is a way of life' is the of these
tagline of which bank ? Q275.Which bank ties up with PFG Forex
A.Dena Bank for remittance facility for the benefit of
B.Vijaya Bank Indian Expatriates in Australia ?
C.Punjab and Sind A.Andhra Bank
Bank D.Uco Bank B.South Indian Bank
E.None of these C.Vijaya Bank
Q268.Who is the CEO of UCO Bank ? D.Dena Bank
A.Urjit Patel E.None of these
B.Ravi Krishan Takkar Q276.As per the instruction of RBI, in
C.Arun Tiwari D.Vinod case of any unauthorized online banking
Kathuria E.None of transaction, within how many days
them customers must report ?
Q269.What is used by the monetary A.4days
authorities to control the inflation ? B.7days
A.MCLR C.5days
B.Reverse Repo D.3days
Rate C.Repo Rate E.10days
D.Base Rate E.None Q277.Who is appointed as the Non-
of these executive Chairman of Union Bank of India ?
Q270.The head Quarter of Punjab National A.Urjit Patel
Bank is situated in which city ? B.Rahul Prasad
A.New Delhi C.Kewal Handa
B.Chandigarh D.Nitin Chowla
C.Kolkata E.None of them
D.Gurugram Q278.Which Indian Finance Company
E.Ludhiyana has signed MoU with the Govt owned
Q271.Indus OS has partnered with which Vnesheconom Bank of Russia ?
bank to launch OS-integrated Unified A.TATA Capital
Payment Interface payment platform in B.Srei Infrastructure Finance
India ? C.HGI Finance
A.HSBC D.HSBC Invest Direct (India) Ltd.
B.Axis Bank E.None of these
C.ICICI Bank Q279.Swiss Bank will share information
D.Yes Bank automatically of financial account
E.Bandhan Bank information with which of the following
Q272.Which of the following banks does countries from 2019?
not sign agreement with EPFO regarding A.Pakistan
Provident fund related issues? B.India
A.Bank of Baroda C.Sri Lanka
B.ICICI Bank D.Both Band C

E.Both A and B D.To find the GST rate while

Q280.Which of the following pairs of PSU offline E.All of these
banks was merged ? Q288.Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of
A.Allahabad Bank and United Bank of India Commerce Life Insurance has entered into
B.Bank of India and New Bank of India an alliance with which bank for marketing
C.Punjab National Bank and Bank of Rajasthan various life insurance products ?
D.Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India A.ICICI Bank
E.None of these B.Axis Bank
Q281.SLR stands for which of the following ? C.Dhanalaxmi Bank
A.Standard Liquidity Ratio D.South Indian Bank
B.Statutory Liquidity Ratio E.None of these
C.Stable Liquidity Ratio Q289.Which of the following banks has
D.Substitute Liquidity Ratio launched a digital village initiative in Nepal
E.None of these ? A.Dena Bank
Q282.What is the maximum limit of SLR ? B.Punjab National Bank
A.45% C.Vijaya Bank
B.35% D.State Bank of India
C.40% E.None of these
D.50% Q290.What will be the recent growth
E.30% rate over the coming decade according to
Q283.Increase in which of the following can the Harvard University research?
increase the cost of borrowing and lending A.6.7%
of the banks ? B.7.7%
A.Base Rate C.4.5%
B.Reverse Repo Rate D.8.2%
C.MCLR E.None of these
D.Repo Rate Q291.With which bank Shriram Group
E.None of these Insurance companies has made an agreement
Q284.'Much more to do with You in focus' is to explore the merger possibility
the tagline of which bank ? ?
A.Bank of Maharashtra A.HSBC Bank
B.Andhra Bank B.Axis Bank
C.Dena Bank D.Vijaya C.IDFC Bank
Bank E.None of these D.ICICI Bank
E.None of these
Q285.In which year Bank of Maharashtra Q292.FCNR stands for which of the following
was established ? ?
A.1938 A.Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable
B.1936 B.Foreign Currency Net-Repatriable
C.1932 C.Foreign Currency Natural Repatriable
D.1937 D.Freeze Currency Non-Repatriable
E.1935 E.None of these
Q286.According to RBI, what should be Q293.What is the function of Mixed Banking
assets size of the NBFCs to offer New ?
Pension Scheme ? A.It performs all kind of functions assignd to
A.450 Cr and Above the bank
B.500 Cr and Above B.It undertakes the activities of commercial
C.300 Cr and Above and investment banking together
D.400 Cr and Above C.It provides easy access to the complete
E.None of these financial portfolkio of clients
Q287.What is/are the function(s) of the GST D.All of these
rate Finder App ? E.None of these
A.To verify accurate tax rate on commodity Q294.'Experience Next Generation Banking'
and services under GST is the tagline of which of the following banks
B.To benefit tax payers ?
C.To let every one know how much GST is A.Andhra Bank
charged on a particular good and service B.UCO Bank

C.South Indian Bank D.Cheap Money

D.Vijaya Bank E.Paper Money
E.Axis Bank Q303.Which of the following refers to a
Q295.In which city the head office of South single small bank which provides
Indian Bank is situated ? financial services to the local community?
A.Kochi A.Branch Banking
B.Chennai B.Group Banking
C.Thrissur City C.Unit Banking
D.Bengaluru D.Investment Banking
E.None of these E.None of these
Q296.In which year Andhra Bank Q304.DTL stands for which of the following ?
was founded ? A.Detail Time Limit
A.1923 B.Demand and Time Liabilities
B.1924 C.Detailed Timing Limit
C.1925 D.Demand and Time Limit
D.1926 E. None of these
E.1927 Q305.Wholesale banking is also called
Q297.Which of the following unit of as which of the following ?
money has the equal intrinsic and face A.Corporate Banking
value ? A.Flat Money B.Commercial Banking
B.Full Bodied Money C.Retail Banking
C.Paper Money D.Both A and B
D.Optional Money E.None of these
E.None of these Q306.'We Understand Your World' is
Q298.Which money has less production the tagline of which of the ?
cost than its face value ? A.Axis Bank
A.Paper Money B.ICICI Bank
B.Commodity Money C.HDFC Bank
C.Flat Money D.Andhra Bank
D.Optional Money E.None of these
E.Token Money Q307.In which year HDFC Bank
Q299.NHB stands for which of the following was established ?
? A.1995
A.Nominal Housing Bank B.1994
B.Non-profit Housing Bank C.1993
C.Nationalized Housing Bank D.1996
D.National Housing Bank E.1990
E.None of these Q308.IDF stands for which of the following
Q300.NHB is a subsidiary of which of ? A.Industrial Debt Funds
the following banks ? B.Immediate Debt Funds
A.SBI C.Infrastructure Debt
B.SEBI Funds D.International Debt
C.NABARD Funds E.None of these
D.GOI Q309.In which year Andhra Bank
E.RBI was established ?
Q301.By which 'Micro Finance Development A.1923
and Equity' fund is maintained in India ? B.1924
A.RBI C.1925
B.CII D.1927
D.SIDBI Q310.IDF can be set up by which of the
E.None of these following ?
Q302.Which of the following is known as A.Company
the Weak Currency ? B.Institution
A.Hard Currency C.Trust D.All of these
B.Soft Currency E.Either B or C
C.Hot money

Q311.MSF stands for which of the following D.RBI

A.Merger Standing Facility Q320.What is the recent Import Duty on
B.Marginal Statutory Fund Sugar decided by the Govt. to restrict cheap
C.Marginal Standing Facility inward shipments and maintain domestic
D.Marginal Statutory Facility prices?
E.None of these A.40%
Q312.PCA stands for which of the following ? B.30%
A.Prompt Corrective Action C.50%
B.Prominent Corrective Action D.60%
C.Process Corrective Action E.None of these
D.Product Corrective Action Q321.Which of the following statements
E.None of these is/are the feature(s) of Aaykar Setu
Q313.Who is the CEO of Dena Bank ? initiative launched by Ministry of Finance ?
A.Urjit Patel A.Finance Minister has launched the initiative B.It
B.Aswini Kumar is an e-initiative for income tax department to link
C.A. B Shetty with the tax payers
D.Rakesh Sharma C.It must provide information on useful
E.None of them tax services
Q314.AFA stands for which of the following D.It has live chat facility
? A.Alternate Factor Authentication B.Adequate E.All of these
Factor Authentication Q322.The reform initiative DBT scheme
C.Additional Factor stands for which of the following ?
Authentication D.Audit Factor A.Debit Benefit Transfer Scheme
Authentication E.None of these B.Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme C.Department
Q315.BHIM stands for which of the following Benefit Transfer Scheme D.Dynamic Benefit
? Transfer Scheme
A.Bharat Intermediate for Money E.None of these
B.Bank Interface for Money Q323.Which of the following accounts
C.Banker's Interface for Money does not provide interest?
D.Bharat Interface for Money A.Savings Account
E.None of these B.Current Account
Q316.In which city the head office of C.Fixed Deposit Account
IndusInd Bank is situated ? A.Kolkata D.All of these
E.None of these
B.Mumbai Q324.MCLR stands for which of the following
C.Pune ?
D.Bengaluru A.Maximum Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
E.New Delhi B.Maintenance Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
Q317.Who is the CEO of HDFC Bank ? C.Minimum Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
A.Urjit Patel D.Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
B.R. Subramaniakumar E.None of these
C.Aditya Puri Q325.Which of the following is not
D.Animesh Chauhan a financial institution ?
E.None of them A.LIC
Q318.'Relationship beyond banking' is the B.IDBI
tagline of which bank ? C.SEBI
A.Bank of India D.ECGC
B.Bank of Baroda E.NATO
C.Oriental Bank of Commerce Q326.Invisible Export is related to which
D.Dena Bank of the following ?
E.Punjab National Bank A.Prohibited Goods
Q319.Which organization maintain B.Services
Cash Reserve Ratio ? C.Unrecorded Goods
A.TRAI D.Goods Through Smuggling
B.SEBI E.None of these

Q327.Which of the following refers to the Q335.In which city the head Quarter of
flow of funds from one country to another to RBI is situated ?
earn a short-term profit ? A.Mumbai
A.Hot Money B.New Delhi
B.Soft Currency C.Ahmedabad
C.Hard Currency D.Chennai
D.Cheap Money E.Bengaluru
E.None of these Q336.NHB is the Apex Bank for which of
Q328.What is a Bank Draft ? the following ?
A.It is the cheque which a bank draws itself B.It is A.Investments
letter from the bank B.Housing
C.It is an instruction not to honor a stop C.Finance
payment D.It is an instruction to banker to D.Insurance
collect customer's debt E.None of these
E.None of these Q337.Which of the following Banks has
Q329.In which city the head office of announced collaboration with IIC to boost
National Housing Bank is situated ? trade?
A.Mumbai A.Dena Bank
B.Pune B.HDFC Bank
C.New Delhi C.Axis Bank
D.Chennai D.Vijaya Bank
E.Gurugram E.None of these
Q330.Who is the CEO of Punjab And Q338.IMPS stands for which of the
Sind Bank ? following ?
A.Urjit Patel A.Intermediate Payment Service
B.Jatinder Bir Singh B.International Mode Payment Service
C.Aditya Puri C.Independent Mode Payment Service
D.Amitabh Chowla D.Immediate Payment Service E.None of these
E.None of them Q339.Which of the following statements
Q331.In which city the head office of is true about NHB ?
Allahabad Bank is situated ? A.It is a Public Limited Company
A.Allahabad B.It is a Private Limited Company
B.Kolkata C.It is a Limited Company
C.Mumbai D.It is a Community Interest
D.Chennai Company E.None of these
E.Pune Q340.IBC stands for which of the following
Q332.Who is CEO of Dhanalaxmi Bank ? ? A.Insolvency and Banking Code
A.Rakesh Shetty B.Insolvency and Bankruptcy
B.Uday Kotak Code C.Intermediate Bankruptcy
C.G. Sreeram Code D.Immediate Bankruptcy
D.Urjit Patel Code E.None of these
E.None of them Q341.The non profit organization GSTN
Q333.'Experience Our Expertise' is the is formed to create which platform ?
tagline of which bank ? A.Government
A.Axis Bank B.Stakeholders
B.Bandhan Bank C.Tax payers
C.HDFC Bank D.None of these
D.Yes Bank E.All of these
E.None of these Q342.Who is the CEO of Bandhan Bank ?
Q334.In which city the head office of A.Aditya Puri
HDFC Bank is situated ? B.Urjit Patel
A.New Delhi C.Chandra Sekhar Ghosh
B.Mumbai D.G Sreeram
C.Pune E.None of them
D.Chennai Q343.What is threshold limit of GST
E.Kolkata for North Eastern states ?
A.15 Lakh

B.20 Lakh A]Mukesh Kumar Jain

C.5 Lakh B]Urjit Patel
D.10 Lakh C]Arundhuti Bhattacharya
E.None of these D]Kishore Sansi
Q344.Section 13 of Negotiable Instruments E]None of them
Act 1881 deals with which of the following ? Q352."Your Family Bank, Across India" is
A.Promissory Note the tagline of which of the following Banks
B.Negotiable Instruments ? A]Karnataka Bank
C.Reserve Fund B]Dena Bank
D.Cheque C]Vijaya Bank
E.None of these D]Punjab And Sind Bank
Q345.Which of the following banks has largest E]None of these
number of offices in India after SBI ? Q353.What is/are the function(s) of
A.Canara Bank EXIM Bank ?
B.Dena Bank A]To pay special attention to the export of capital
C.Punjab National Bank goods
D.Vijaya Bank B]To extend customer's credit and credit
E.None of these lines C]To project export
Q346.Who is appointed as the MD and D]To solve the problems of the
CEO of Oriental Bank of Commerce ? exporters E]All of these
A]Animesh Chauhan Q354.Who generally pays for the loss in
B]Arvind Mehta case of an insurance arrangement ?
C]Mukesh Kumar A]Agent
Jain D]Pulkit Mishra B]Insurer
E]None of them C]Insured
Q347.Who is appointed as the MD and D]Broker
CEO of National Stock Exchange of India ? E]None of these
A]Harsh Bhatt Q355.FSDC stands for which of the following
B]Vikram Limaye ?
C]Rahul Kumar A]Financial Stability And Development Council
D]Arjun Chandela B]Fundamental Stability And Development Council
E]Ashish Srivastav C]Fiscal Stability And Developed Council
Q348.Which of the following organizations D]Financial Security And Debt Council E]None of
has filed an Initial Public Offering ? A]Bajaj these
Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. B]Bharti Axa Q356.Who are benefited by the
General Insurance Co. Ltd. C]Cholamandalam MS Reverse Mortgage Scheme ?
General Insurance Co. Ltd. D]ICICI Lombard A]Students
General Insurance B]Govt. Pension Holders
E]None of these C]Farmers
Q349.What is percentage of rise D]Senior Citizens
in transaction through cards post E]Unemployed person
demonetization ? Q357.What is Fiat Money ?
A]5% A]The money which is temporarily accepted
B]6% by Govt. keeping Gold as deposit
C]7% B]The money which decreed by the Govt.
D]8% as money
E]10% C]The money which is temporarily accepted
Q350.Which Bank has received $150 by Govt. keeping Silver as deposit
mn from OPIC to fund SME lending ? D]The money which is accepted
A]Dena Bank internationally E]None of these
B]Axis Bank Q358.What is the motto of Marginal
C]ICICI Bank Standing Facility introduced by RBI
D]HDFC Bank ? A]Controls Bad Debt
E]Yes Bank B]Controls Inflation
Q351.Who has been Conferred the C]Controls Deflation
"Personality Of The Year" Award by Skoch D]Contains instability in the overnight inter-bank
Consultancy Services? rates

E]None of these C]Pune

Q359.In which year SBI has merged with the D]New Delhi
Bharatiya Mahila Bank ? E]None of these
A]2015 Q367.Who is the CEO and MD of IDFC Bank ?
B]2017 A]Urjit Patel
C]2012 B]Vikram Limaye
D]2014 C]Sunil Kakar
E]2011 D]Vikram Mehta
Q360.What do you mean by Cryptocurrency E]None of them
? Q368.In which country the head quarter
A]Plastic Money of Bank for International Settlements is
B]Digital Currency situated ?
C]Paper Money A]Germany
D]All of these B]Switzerland
E]None of these C]Russia
Q361.IBBI stands for which of the following D]England
? E]Spain
A]Intermediate Bankruptcy Board of India Q369."Relationships beyond Banking" is
B]Inter operational Bankruptcy Board of India the tagline of which bank ?
C]Insolvency And Bankruptcy Board of India A]Bank of Baroda B]Canara Bank
D]Interpol And Bankruptcy Board of India E]None C]Bank of India
of these D]Dena Bank
Q32.Which bank has launched the one-stop E]SBI
integrated website for the home buyers ? Q370.IIN stands for which of the following ?
A]Dena Bank6 A]Issuer Identification Number
B]Punjab National Bank B]Independent Identification Number C]Internal
C]RBI Identification Number
D]Allahabad Bank D]Internatinal Identification
E]State Bank of India Number E]None of these
Q363.Which of the following banks has Q371.In which year Deposit Insurance and
launched the National Digital-Only Marketing Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
campaign ? was set up ?
A]Axis Bank A]1977
B]ICICI Bank B]1978
C]Kotak Mahindra Bank C]1979
D]HDFC Bank E]None D]1972
of these E]1975
Q364.Indian Chamber of Commerce will Q372.FEDAI stands for which of
host a Global Business Forum in association the following ?
with which state ? A]Foreign External Dealers Association of India
A]Bihar B]Foreign Enabled Dealers Association of India
B]Jharkhand C]Foreign Export Dealers Association of India
C]Goa D]Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of
D]West Bengal India E]None of these
E]Karnataka Q373.Which of the following banks was
Q365.With which bank Meghalaya Govt. has inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 ?
signed MoUs to migrate Govt. Transactions A]SBI
in digital mode? B]Union Bank of India
A]RBI C]Punjab and Sind Bank
B]SBI D]Andhra Bank
C]NABARD E]None of these
D]Regional Rural Banks Q374.What is the present Repo Rate in India
E]Dena Bank ?
Q366.In which city the Sahara India Life A]4%
Insurance is based ? B]4.25%
A]Lukhnow C]6.25%
B]Kolkata D]6%

E]None of these D]Arundhuti Bhattacharya

Q375.What is the current Bank Rate of India E]Pranab Mukherjee
? Q382.Which of the following banks has
A]6.5% launched Met Loan and Life Surakhsha
B]6.25% (MLLS) in association with PNB Metlife ?
C]7% A]HDFC Bank
D]5.25% B]South Indian Bank
E]None of these C]Karnataka Bank
Q376.Which Bank has launched the facility D]Axis Bank
to get instant personal loan from the ATMs E]None of these
for the existing salaried customers? Q383.Carlyle Group has acquired entire 26%
A]Axis Bank stake of GE Capital Groups in a joint
B]ICICI Bank collaboration with which bank ?
D]Kotak Mahindra Bank B]BOI
E]Karur Vaishya Bank C]UBI
Q377.Which of the following electronic D]SBI
payment companies will offer gold as E]None of these
cash back on its platform ? Q384.How many Currency Verification
A]Payzippy systems RBI will hire for 6 months to
B]PayU India separate fake notes from the scrapped notes
C]Paytm of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 denomination ? A]11
E]Citrus Pay B]12
Q378.Which Bank has signed an agreement C]10
with Directorate General of Supplies And D]20
Disposal to extend various banking services E]8
to the e-market place of Govt. ? Q385."Your Tech- Friendly Bank" is
A]Bank of India the tagline of which Bank ?
B]Dena Bank C]United A]State Bank of India
Bank of India D]Bank B]Dena Bank
of Baroda E]State C]Vijaya Bank
Bank of India D]Bank of Baroda
Q379.Which of the following has signed a E]Indian Bank
pact with European Securities And Markets Q386.In which year the Indian
Authority for exchange of information Overseas Bank was established ?
related to Central Counter parties ? A]1938
A]SEBI B]1936
B]IRDA C]1935
C]RBI D]1937
D]SBI E]1934
E]None of these Q387.What is the function of Acid-test ratio
Q380.The board of IMF(International ?
Monetary Fund) has approved a $1.8 A]It counts the amount of loan.
Billion Dollar Loan to which of the B]It measures business liquidity.
following countries ? C]It regulates the interest rates of Bank.
A]Cambodia D]It gives decision regarding NPA
B]Tanzania E]None of these
C]Greece Q388.Which of the following assets can
D]Syria easily be converted into cash ?
E]None of these A]Current Assets
Q381.Who has introduced the bill to B]Intangible assets
facilitate SBI merger Bill with its subsidiary C]Fixed Asset
banks ? D]All of these
A]Narendra Modi E]None of these
B]Arun Jaitley Q389.What is the function of CPI ?
C]Urjit Patel A]It regulates the interest rates of Bank.

B]It counts the amount of loan. A]Canara Bank

C]It measures the inflation of a country B]Andhra Bank
D]All of these C]Indian Bank
E]None of these D]Bank of Baroda
Q390.What is the Floating Rate ? E]Allahabad Bank
A]Repo Rate Q397.Which of the following banks is going
B]Reverse Repo Rate to buy Digital Payment Platform
C]The Rate of Interest provided by the Bank "Freecharge" ?
to another Bank A]HDFC Bank
D]Rate of interest that changes with change B]SBI
in market rate C]Axis Bank
E]None of these D]ICICI Bank
Q391.Which bank has launched a "Multi- E]Yes Bank
currency Forex Card" to offer smooth Q398.Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance has
experience for the Overseas travelers ? renewed its corporate agency
A]HSBC agreement with which bank ?
B]Standard Chartered Bank A]South Indian Bank
C]Axis Bank B]HDFC Bank
E]None of these D]Axis Bank
Q392.According to the latest World E]Dhanalaxmi Bank
Economic Outlook Report of IMF what will Q399.Who is the CEO of Axis Bank?
be the growth rate of India in 2018 ? A]Sikha Sharma
A]6.5% B]Rebati Khanna
B]7.9% C]Sudha Patni
C]7.8% D]Neha Mishra
D]7.7% E]None of them
E]6.9% Q400.What is the minimum period for
Q393.What is/are true about the Banking accepting Deposits under the Foreign
Regulation(Amendment) Bill, 2017 ? Currency Non- Resident (FCNR) scheme
A]This Bill authorities RBI to direct Banking ? A]2 years
companies to resolve the stressed assets B]3 years
problem. C]6 months
B]It was introduced by Arun Jaitley in Lok Sabha. D]1.5 years
C]It will replace Banking Regulation(Amendment) E]1 year
Ordinance, 2017. Q401.Who is the Alternate Governor of
D]It allows RBI to initiate resolution process of India in the Board of Governors in Asian
insolvency. Development Bank (ADB) ?
E]All of these A]Shaktikanta Das
Q394.Which of the following has started B]Subhas Chandra Garg
the Merchant Banking Operation ? C]Urjit Patel
A]RBI D]Raghuram Rajan
B]NABARD E]None of them
C]SIDBI Q402.Who can avail the facility of e-KYC ?
D]SBI A]Pan Card Holders
E]IRDA B]Voter Card Holders
Q395.Which country has recently has C]Aadhaar Card Holders
achieved total independence from D]Ration Card Holders
International Monetary Fund and E]None of them
World Bank ? Q403.Bank accepts interest free deposits
A]Greece in which of the following cases ?
B]Bolivia A]Savings Account B]Savings
C]Vietnam Account for Minors
D]India C]Deposits of Minority
E]Combodia Groups D]Current Account
Q396."A Tradition of Trust" is the tagline E]None of these
of Which bank ?

Q404.Who regulates that the trust-based Q411.Which kind of banking offered by

IMF must be a Mutual Fund normally ? the banks which generally provides
A]NABARD incentives for employees at a company ?
B]SEBI A]Narrow Banking
C]RBI B]Branch Banking
D]GOI C]Investment Banking
E]None of these D]Group Banking
Q405.Which of the following committees has E]None of these
recommended that one part of foreign Q412.Who is the CEO of Punjab
exchange reserves must be used for the National Bank ?
infrastructural development ? ? A]Urjit Patel
A]Mehta Committee B]Sunil Mehta
B]Rangarajan Committee C]Sikha Sharma
C]Rakesh Mohan D]Sushil Desai
Committee D]Parekh E]None of them
Committee E]None of these Q413.Which kind of Banking refers to a
Q406.Which of the following banks has tied single and small bank which provides
up with the Bajaj Alliance General Insurance financial services to the local community
for the distribution of the insurance products ? A]Investment Banking
? B]Branch Banking
A]Dena Bank C]Group Banking
B]Punjab National Bank D]Unit Banking
C]Punjab And Sind E]None of them
Bank D]Vijaya Bank Q414.Which of the following is the flow of
E]None of these funds from one country to another to earn
Q407.NPCI stands for which of the a short-term profit ?
following ? A]Hard Currency
A]New Payments Corporation of India B]National B]Soft Currency
Payments Corporation of India C]Nominal C]Cheap Money
Payments Corporation of India D]National D]Hot Money
Products Corporation of India E]None of these E]None of these
Q408.RBI has not set up Supervisory Q415."Taking Banking Technology to
Colleges for which of the following Common Man" is the tagline of which bank ?
commercial Banks ? A]Dena Bank
A]State Bank of India B]Indian Bank
B]Punjab National C]Vijaya Bank
Bank C]Dena Bank D]Union Bank of India
D]Axis Bank E]Bank of E]None of these
India Q416.Which of the following currencies
Q409.Which of the following Indian fluctuates as a result of the political or
organization has signed an Accreditation economic uncertainty of a country?
Master Agreement with Green Climate A]Hard Currency
Fund ? B]Soft Currency
A]RBI C]Cheap Money
B]NABARD Dot Money
C]SEBI E]None of these
D]SBI Q417.Which of the following is the
E]None of these oldest Stock Exchange of India ?
Q410.Which of the following denotes the A]Bangalore Stock Exchange
ratio between cash in hand and total assets B]Bombay Stock Exchange
maintained by the bank ? C]Hyderabad Stock Exchange
A]SBR D]Ahmedabad Stock Exchange
B]SLR E]None of these
C]CBR Q418.In which year Private Sector
D]CLR Mutual Funds were permitted ?
E]None of these A]1988

C]1992 D]18 UAPAs have been signed in the

D]1993 current financial year.
E]None of these E]All of these
Q419.The National Housing Bank is the Q425.Who is appointed as the head of the
wholly owned Subsidiary of which of the Supervision Department ?
following ? A]Vikash Singh
A]ICICI Bank B]Akash Sharma
B]RBI C]S S Mundra
C]SBI D]N S Viswanathan
D]LIC E]None of them
E]None of these Q426.RBI has imposed a fine on which of
Q420.Which bank gives long term loan the following banks for the non-compliance
to farmers ? of the Know-Your-Customers norms ?
A]RBI A]United Bank of India
B]SBI B]Union Bank of India
C]RRB D]NABARD C]State Bank of India
E]Land Development Bank D]Dena Bank
Q421.Who is appointed as the part-time E]Vijaya Bank
member of IRDA ? Q427.Who is the Secretary General of
A]Pramukh Jadeja Federation of Indian Chambers of
B]Sanjeev Khurana Commerce and Industry ?
C]Ravi Mittal A]Sanjaya Baru
D]Ashok Nanda B]Didar Singh
E]None of them C]Satish Mehra
Q422.Which of the following statements D]Asutosh Jain
is/are true about the Cyber Audit planned by E]None of them
RBI ? Q428.What is the recent Repo Rate imposed
A]The new Cyber Audit will be applicable for all by RBI ?
banks. A]5.75%
B]The banks not having the security measures B]6%
as per RBI standards will have to comply within C]6.25%
certain time. D]6.5%
C]It will initiate action against the banks which E]7%
will not have the essential security measures Q429.Who is the new chairman of
even after warning. Bombay Stock Exchange ?
D]It will analysis the gap on the basis of A]Raghubir Mishra
the reports. B]Dhirendra Swarup
E]All of these C]Asutosh Jindal
Q423.Airtel Payment Bank has tied up with D]Ravi Mehra
which of the following ? E]None of them
A]BSNL Q430."Where Service is a Way of Life" is the
B]HPCL tagline of which bank ?
C]NMDC A]Punjab National Bank
D]BHEL B]Punjab and Sindh Bank
E]None of these C]Dena Bank
Q424.Which of the following statements is/ D]Vijaya Bank
are true about the APA scheme ? E]None of them
A]The Central Board of Direct Taxes has entered Q431.SBI Credit Cards are integrated with
into the 9 unilateral Advanced Pricing of the following ?
Agreements(APA) scheme with the tax payers. A]PayPal
B]It provides the certainty to the tax payers in B]Samsung Pay
transfer pricing domain by specifying the C]Paytm
methods of pricing. D]Digi Pay
C]It will determine the price of Arm's length E]None of these
of International transactions in advance for Q432.AFC stands for which of the following ?
maximum period of 5 years. A]Adequate Finance Company B]Alternate
Finance Company

C]Asset Finance Company Q440.India has signed a loan pact for

D]Amount Finance financing of $329 Million for the Gujrat
Company E]None of them Rural Road Projects ?
Q433.Which is the regulator for the A]ADB
Housing Finance Company ? B]World Bank
C]SBI E]None of these
D]GOI Q441.The customers of which bank will
E]None of these have to pay charges for depositing cash
Q434.MGC stands for which of the following above Rs. 5000 in non-base branches ?
? A]Punjab And Sindh Bank
A]Mutual Guarantee Companies B]Dena Bank
B]Multi Guarantee Companies C]Vijaya Bank
C]Marketing Guarantee Companies D]Punjab National Bank
D]Mortgage Guarantee Companies E]SBI
E]None of them Q442.Which Indian is appointed as the
Q435.The Head Quarters of Bank for Executive Director, World Bank to represent
International Settlements is situated in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka
which country ? for 3 years ?
A]USA A]Raghuram Rajan
B]Switzerland B]Subhas Garg
C]Italy C]S. Aparna
D]Germany D]Urjit Patel
E]England E]None of them
Q436.Who is the Chairman and MD of SIDBI Q443."Prosperity For All" is the tagline
? of which Bank ?
A]Asif Khan A]Corporation Bank
B]Mohammad Mustafa B]Federal Bank
C]Suresh Bindra C]Syndicate Bank
D]Akhilesh Sinha D]UCO Bank
E]None of them E]None of these
Q437.What is the amount SBI has planned to Q444.In which year the Indian Bank was
raise by allotting Basel-III compliant bonds established ?
to various investors? A]1908
A]Rs. 2500 Crore B]1907
B]Rs. 2100 Crore C]1906
C]Rs. 2000 Crore D]1905
D]Rs. 3000 Crore E]1904
E]None of these Q445.Indus OS has joined hand with
Q438.Which of the following banks has hit which of the following banks for launching
the international bond market with a USD the "OS- integrated UPI payment
400- Million issue as the part of the USD 2- platform" in India ?
Billion medium term note Program ? A]ICICI Bank
A]Punjab National Bank B]Axis Bank
B]Canara Bank C]Yes Bank
C]Punjab and Sindh Bank D]HDFC Bank
D]Dena Bank E]None of these
E]Vijaya Bank Q446.In which city the Secretariat Office of
Q439.Which of the following banks has Financial Stability Board is situated ?
not yet crossed the Rs. 1 Trillion Market A]London
Capitalization ? B]Nairobi
A]HDFC Bank C]New York
B]ICICI Bank D]Basel
C]SBI E]None of these
D]Indusind Bank
E]Dena Bank

Q447.The Economic Survey of India B]Kotak Mahindra Bank

is compiled by which of the following C]ICICI Bank
? A]Ministry of Home Affairs D]Axis Bank
B]Ministry of Finance E]Dhanalaxmi Bank
C]CBDT Q455.Which of the following banks has
D]NITI Aayog launched the instant credit cards to
E]None of these enable the savings account customers to
Q448.To whom the "Sub Prime Lending" get a credit card easily ?
is made ? A]ICICI Bank
A]The borrowers who want to take loan B]Axis Bank
against mortgage of tangible assets. C]South Indian Bank
B]The preferred customers of Bank. C]The D]Dhanalaxmi Bank
borrowers with bad credit history. D]The E]Karur Vaishya Bank
borrowers with a good credit history. Q456.Which Bank has unveiled two digital
E]None of these services for online payment i.e. Bharat QR
Q449.LIBOR stands for which of the and Bharat Bill Payment System ?
following ? A]United Bank of India
A]Liberal Inter Bank Offered Rate B]Canara Bank
B]Liberal Inter Bank Official Ratio C]Union Bank of India
C]London Inter Bank Official Ratio D]Andhra Bank
D]London Inter Bank Offered Rate E]None of these
E]None of these Q457.Which organization allows the Multi
Q450.What do you mean by Stagflation ? Commodity Exchange to launch Gold options
A]Inflation with recession ?
B]Inflation with deflation A]RBI
C]Inflation with growth B]SBI
D]Deflation with growth C]SEBI
E]None of these D]IRDA
Q451.Which of the following bodies has E]GOI
introduced an online registration Q458.Which bank has introduced two-tier
mechanism for the security custodians ? interest rate structure for the savings
A]IRDA bank accounts ?
B]RBI A]Indian Overseas Bank
C]NABARD B]Oriental Bank of Commerce
D]SEBI C]Andhra Bank
E]SBI D]Indian Bank
Q452.Which of the following banks has E]None of these
invested in Flipkart through $100 billion Q459.Who is the MD of EXIM Bank of India ?
technology-focused Vision fund? A]Indusind A]Ajay Tyagi
Bank B]David Rasquinha
B]Softbank C]Urjit Patel
C]South Indian Bank D]Pawan Kumar Bajaj
D]Dhanalaxmi Bank E]None of them
E]None of these Q460.Who is appointed as the Chief
Q453.Zeta App has partnered with which Executive of National Payments
of the following banks ? Corporation of India ?
A]Dena Bank A]Vivek Nihalani
B]Vijaya Bank B]Arun Trivedi
C]IDFC Bank C]Dilip Asbe
D]Punjab National Bank D]Sarfaraz Mirza
E]HSBC Bank E]None of them
Q454.Which of the following banks will offer Q461.In which year United Bank of India
the Debit Card at a special price of Rs. 99 for was founded ?
the 1st year for the customers who will open A]1976
account under the 0 balance account scheme B]1954
? C]1963
A]HDFC Bank D]1950

E]1937 Q470.Who is appointed as the MD and

Q462."Where Every Individual is CEO of IFCI(Industrial Finance
Committed" is the tagline of which bank ? Corporation of India) ?
A]Dena Bank A]Raghuram Swamy
B]Oriental Bank of Commerce B]E Shankara Rao
C]Vijaya Bank C]Vijay Prakash
D]Allahabad Bank D]Balbir Sindhu
E]Andhra Bank E]None of them
Q463.Who has issued the "T-Bills" in India ? Q471.Which of the following banks is going
A]SBI to offer instant Credit Cards ?
C]State Government B]Axis Bank
D]GOI C]Dhanalaxmi Bank
Q464.Who publishes the "World E]City Union Bank
Investment Report" annually ? Q472."Trusted Family Bank" is the tagline
A]WTO of which of the following banks ?
B]IBRD A]Vijaya Bank
C]IMF B]Yes Bank
D]ADB C]Dena Bank
Q465.The account for which the bank acts as E]United Bank of India
the uninterested third party is termed as Q473.The National Income of India is
which of the following ? measured on the basis of which of
A]Fixed Account the following ?
B]Savings Account A]Number of employed youths
C]Escrow Account B]Flow of Goods
D]Current Account C]Volume of tax collected per annum D]Income
E]Reserve Account of Govt. and PSU employees
Q466.Who is the Chief Executive E]All of the above
of Commonwealth Bank of Q474.In which year the Banking
Australia? A]David Watson OMBUDSMAN scheme has come into force ?
B]Francis Smith A]2004
C]Ian Narev B]2005
D]Henry Brandon C]2006
E]None of them D]2007
Q467.Who is the Chairman and MD of ITPO E]2008
? A]A K Sahai Q475.Which of the following factors must be
B]L C Goyal reduced by the growth of economy ?
C]Urjit Patel A]Gender inequalities
D]Nareswar Swamy B]Population of the country
E]None of them C]Poverty
Q468.Which of the following banks is given D]Flow of FDI
the Best Performance award by the NABARD E]None of these
? Q476.In which year the Banking
A]Dena Bank Companies Act was passed ?
B]Andhra Bank A]1947
C]Union Bank of India B]1948
D]Corporation Bank C]1950
E]Vijaya Bank D]1953
Q469.Which of the following banks E]1949
has launched a CSR initiative ? Q477.Which of the following statements
A]RBI is/are true about Banking Ombudsman ?
B]NABARD A]It is a Collateral Judicial Authority
C]SBI B]It is a Quasi Judicial Authority
D]RRB C]It is a Bi-Lateral Judicial Authority
E]None of these D]All of these

E]None of these C]Asian Development Bank

Q478.What will be the effect of the service D]Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
charge on the bank statement ? E]None of these
A]Lower Balance Q486.FICCI stands for which of the
B]Interest deduction from the account following ?
C]Fixed Charge incurred A]Foundation of Indian Chambers of
D]All of these Commerce and Industry
E]None of these B]Federation of Indian Committees of Commerce
Q479.The Banking Ombudsman can summon and Industry
which of the following ? C]Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
A]Bank and Investment
B]Customer D]Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
C]Local Government and Industry
D]Both A and B E]None of these
E]Both A and C Q487.Which of the following is/are the
Q480.The RBI became the Central Banking feature(s) of the new Rs. 50 currency notes
Authority in which of the following years ? ?
A]1935 A]It will bear the signature of RBI Governor Urjit
B]1965 Patel.
C]1972 B]Its base colour will be Fluorescent Blue.
D]1947 C]It will have the motif of "Hampi With Chariot".
E]1950 D]It will be a legal tender.
Q481.Which of the following banks is E]All of these
planning IPOs of two Regional Rural Banks Q488.Which of the following Public Sector
? A]RBI Banks has signed Insurance deal with
B]SBI Bajaj Allianz General Insurance ?
C]State Co-operative Bank A]United Bank of India
D]NABARD B]Union Bank of India
E]None of these C]Dena Bank
Q482.Which of the following Private D]Vijaya Bank
Sector Banks of India inaugurates E]SBI
AADHAAR enrollment center? Q489.In which place the first regional
A]HDFC Bank center of New Development Bank was
B]Axis Bank opened ? A]New York
C]Yes Bank B]London
D]Karur Vaishya Bank C]Johannesburg
E]ICICI Bank D]Paris
Q483.Who is the Executive Director of IBBI E]New Delhi
(Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India) Q490."With you all the way" is the tagline
? of which bank ?
A]Padmini Sahai A]Vijaya Bank
B]Jyoti Sharma B]Dena Bank
C]Dr. Mamata Suri C]UCO Bank
D]Fateema Shaikh D]SBI
E]Sabrina D'Souza E]Andhra Bank
Q484.Which Bank is planning to waive 12 Q491.CASA Deposits are which of
EMIs on regular repayments of loan up to 30 the following ?
Lakh ? A]Term Deposits
A]ICICI Bank B]Demand Deposits
B]Axis Bank C]Recurring Deposits
C]Kotak Mahindra Bank D]Hybrid Deposits
D]HDFC Bank E]None of these
E]None of these Q492.ECB stands for which of the following
Q485.The Power Grid of India has signed a ? A]External Credit For Business
pact with which of the following banks ? B]Essential Commercial Banking
A]World Bank C]European Credit Borrowing
B]Commonwealth Bank of Australia D]External Commercial Borrowing

E]None of these
Q493.Who was the first Governor of RBI ?
A]C. D Deshmukh
B]Urjit Patel
C]Osborne Smith
D]James Taylor
E]None of them
Q494.What is the reason behind
Depreciation of an asset ?
B]Wear and Tear
C]Labour Trouble
D]Fire in the Unit
E]None of these
Q495.Who was the first MD of Exim Bank ?
A]R C Shah
B]Ravneet Kaur
C]Kalyan Banerjee
D]T Ranganathan
E]None of them
Q1. C Q2. D Q3. A Q4. C Q5. E Q6. A Q7. A Q8. C Q9. E Q10. E Q11. C
Q12. B Q13. E Q14. D Q15. D Q16. C Q17. D Q18. E Q19. E Q20. B Q21. D Q22. B
Q23. C Q24. E Q25. D Q26. B Q27. D Q28. E Q29. E Q30. A Q31. B Q32. D Q33. C
Q34. E Q35. C Q36. E Q37. D Q38. C Q39. A Q40. E Q41. B Q42. E Q43. D Q44. C
Q45. D Q46. B Q47. E Q48. C Q49. C Q50. A Q51. D Q52. E Q53. B Q54. C Q55. B
Q56. C Q57. D Q58. B Q59. E Q60. B Q61. B Q62. C Q63. E Q64. B Q65. C Q66. A
Q67. B Q68. E Q69. C Q70. C Q71. B Q72. B Q73. D Q74. E Q75. B Q76. B Q77. C
Q78. D Q79. C Q80. A Q81. C Q82. D Q83. D Q84. E Q85. D Q86. E Q87. B Q88. D
Q89. A Q90. B Q91. E Q92. C Q93. B Q94. B Q95. C Q96. D Q97. C Q98. A Q99. B
Q100. C Q101. A Q102. D Q103. E Q104. C Q105. D Q106. D Q107. C Q108. D Q109. C Q110. E
Q111. C Q112. B Q113. A Q114. B Q115. D Q116. B Q117. A Q118. D Q119. A Q120. B Q121. D
Q122. D Q123. C Q124. B Q125. E Q126. D Q127. C Q128. E Q129. C Q130. B Q131. D Q132. A
Q133. E Q134. C Q135. E Q136. B Q137. D Q138. C Q139. E Q140. D Q141. B Q142. A Q143. B
Q144. E Q145. B 146. D Q147. C Q148. C Q149. D Q150. A Q151. C Q152. E Q153. B Q154. C
Q155. E Q156. D Q157. C Q158. D Q159. A Q160. C Q161. D Q162. D Q163. E Q164. B Q165. D
Q166. B Q167. C Q168. C Q169. D Q170. C Q171. C Q172. B Q173. A Q174. D Q175. D Q176. C
Q177. B Q178. A Q179. C Q180. D Q181. A Q182. C Q183. D Q184. C Q185. E Q186. B Q187.
Q188. C Q189. D Q190. E Q191. C Q192. A Q193. C Q194. D Q195. A Q196. A Q917. C Q198. D
Q199. C Q200.E Q201. B Q202. A Q203. C Q204.C Q205. C Q206. D Q207. E Q208. C Q209. B
Q210. E Q211. B Q212. C Q213. Q214. B Q215. D Q216. E Q217. D Q218. E Q219. C Q220. A
Q221. C Q222. A Q223. D Q224.C Q225. D Q226. B Q227. C Q228. D Q229. B Q230. A Q231. B
Q232. C Q233. E Q234. C Q235.B Q236.C Q237. E Q238. B Q239. D Q240. C Q241. C Q242. B
Q243. B Q244.C Q245.E Q246. A Q247. B Q248.D Q249.D Q250. C Q251. E Q252. C Q253. E
Q254. B Q255. C Q256. C Q257. B Q258.D Q259. B Q260. D Q261. C Q262. A Q263. B Q264. C
Q265. C Q266. D Q267. C Q268. B Q269.C Q270. A Q271. D Q272. E Q273. C Q274. A Q275. B
Q276. B Q277. C Q278.B Q279. E Q280. D Q281. B Q282. C Q283. D Q284. B Q285. E Q286. B
Q287. E Q288. C Q289. D Q290.B Q291.C Q292. A Q293. B Q294. C Q295. C Q296. A Q297. B
Q298. E Q299. D Q300. E Q301. D Q302. B Q303.C Q304.B Q305.D Q306.C Q307.B Q308.C
Q309.A Q310.E Q311.C Q312.A Q313.B Q314.C Q315.D Q316.B Q317.C Q318.A Q319.B
Q320.C Q321.E Q322.B Q323.B Q324.D Q325.E Q326.B Q327.A Q328.A Q329.C Q330.B
Q331.B Q332.C Q333.D Q334.D Q335.A Q336.B Q337.C Q338.E Q339.A Q340.B Q341.E
Q342.C Q343.D Q344.B Q345.C Q346.C Q347.B Q348.D Q349.C Q350.E Q351.D Q352.A
Q353.E Q354.B Q355.A Q356.D Q357.B Q358.D Q359.B Q260.B Q361.C Q362.E Q363.D
Q364.D Q365.B Q366.A Q367.C Q368.B Q369.C Q370.A Q371.B Q372.D Q373.B Q374.C
Q375.A Q376.D Q377.C Q378.D Q379.A Q380.C Q381.B Q382.C Q383.D Q384.B Q385.E
Q386.D Q387.B Q388.A Q289.C Q390.D Q391.B Q392.D Q393.E Q394.C Q395.B Q396.E
Q397.C Q398.E Q399.A Q400.E Q401.B Q402.C Q403.D Q404.B Q405.D Q406.B Q407.B
Q408.C Q409. Q410.B Q411.B Q412.B Q413. Q414.D Q415.B Q416.B Q417.D Q418.D
Q419.B Q420.E Q421.C Q422.E Q423.B Q424.E Q425.E Q426.B Q427.A Q428.B Q429.B
Q430.B Q431.B Q432.C Q433.B Q434.D Q435.D Q436.B Q437.C Q438.B Q439.E Q440.C
Q441.D Q442.C Q443.A Q444.B Q445.C Q446.D Q447.B Q448C Q449.D Q450.A Q451.D
Q452.B Q453.C Q454.B Q455.A Q456.B Q457.C Q458.D Q459.B Q460.C Q461.D Q462.B
Q463.D Q464.E Q465.C Q466.C Q467.B Q468.D Q469.C Q470.B Q471.E Q472.C Q473.E
Q474.C Q475.C Q476.E Q477.B Q478.A Q479.B Q480.D Q481.B Q482.D Q483.C Q484.B
Q485.C Q486.D Q487.E Q488.B Q489.C Q490.B Q491.B Q492.D Q493.C Q494.B Q495.A

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