I. Objectives: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Areas Science Teaching Dates and Period Quarter
I. Objectives: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Areas Science Teaching Dates and Period Quarter
I. Objectives: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Areas Science Teaching Dates and Period Quarter
Demonstrate an understanding of the common properties of acidic
A. Content Standards and basic mixtures.
Key Question: Why does a substance give a distinctive color when mixed with
Other substance?
Students will perform the activity “Acids and Bases at Home.” The activity
aims to investigate the properties of acidic and basic mixtures using plant
indicator and classify them as acid or base. This will allow learners to think
like a scientist and follow steps in experimentation
(Scientific Method Integration)
Key Questions:
1. What color is the indicator in acidic solution? In basic solution?
2. Are cleaning products more likely to be acidic or basic?
3. Are food products more likely to be acidic or basic?
(Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students).
D. Explain Each group will present their laboratory report. After the report, the
teacher will give inputs on important concepts missed by the students.
He will also give feedback on their laboratory activity group performance
The students will perform the activity “What does an antacid do?” Acids are
said to “neutralize” bases, and vice versa. In this activity the students will
E. Elaborate investigate the effect of these substances to each other and define the word
neutralize. This will lead them to answer the question
½ crosswise
Short-answer response
Part A (individual). Proper Handling of Acids and Bases
1. Read labels of acidic and basic household substances found in your
2. Write briefly your practice of handling these products safely.
Part B (by group). The Acid Rain
1. Explain the acid rain phenomenon
2. Describe the impact of acid rain on humans and the environment.
3. Give ways of preventing the adverse effects of acid rain.
Mastery Level No. of Learners
Mastery (96-100 %)
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Master Teacher I
Noted by:
School Principal II