Part-Ops Requirements Operator Use Only DGCA Use Only
Part-Ops Requirements Operator Use Only DGCA Use Only
Part-Ops Requirements Operator Use Only DGCA Use Only
(c) The operator should identify a person who fulfils the role of safety manager and who is
responsible for coordinating the safety management system. This person may be the accountable
manager or a person with an operational role within the operator.
AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(1);
(2);(3);(5) (d) Within the operator, responsibilities should be identified for hazard identification, risk
assessment and mitigation.
(e) The safety policy should include a commitment to improve towards the highest safety standards,
comply with all applicable legal requirements, meet all applicable standards, consider best
practices and provide appropriate resources.
(f) The operator should, in cooperation with other stakeholders, develop, coordinate and maintain
an emergency response plan (ERP) that ensures orderly and safe transition from normal to
emergency operations and return to normal operations. The ERP should provide the actions to be
taken by the operator or specified individuals in an emergency and reflect the size, nature and
complexity of the activities performed by the operator.
AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(3)
Doküman No: SHGM.UOD.51859319.FR.60 Revizyon No - Tarihi : 00 – 00/00/0000 3/6
Commercial Air Transport Operators
Safety Management System Manual (SMM) Compliance List
AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(3) (d) (2) (iv) Safety audits focussing on the integrity of the operator’s management system, and periodically
assessing the status of safety risk controls; and
(d) (2) (v) Safety surveys, examining particular elements or procedures of a specific operation, such as
problem areas or bottlenecks in daily operations, perceptions and opinions of operational
personnel and areas of dissent or confusion.
(e) The management of change
The operator should manage safety risks related to a change. The management of change should
be a documented process to identify external and internal change that may have an adverse effect
on safety. It should make use of the operator’s existing hazard identification, risk assessment and
mitigation processes.
(b) The contents of the safety management manual should include all of the following:
(b) (1) Scope of the safety management system;
(b) (2) Safety policy and objectives;
(b) (3) Safety accountability of the accountable manager;
AMC2 ORO.GEN.200(a)(5) (b) (4) Safety responsibilities of key safety personnel;
(b) (5) Documentation control procedures;
(b) (6) Hazard identification and risk management schemes;
(b) (7) Safety action planning;
(b) (8) Safety performance monitoring;
(b) (9) Incident investigation and reporting;
(b) (10) Emergency response planning;
(b) (11) Management of change (including organisational changes with regard to safety responsibilities);
(b) (12) Safety promotion.
(c) The SMM may be contained in (one of) the manual(s) of the operator.
(a) It is not required to duplicate information in several manuals. The information may be contained
in any of the operator manuals (e.g. operations manual, training manual), which may also be
GM1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(5)
(b) The operator may also choose to document some of the information required to be documented
in separate documents (e.g. procedures). In this case, it should ensure that manuals contain
adequate references to any document kept separately. Any such documents are then to be
considered an integral part of the operator’s management system documentation.