Petition For A Writ of Certiorari, San Diego Gas & Electric Co. v. Cal. Public Utilities Comm'n, No. 18-1368 (May 1, 2019)

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Supreme Court of the United States



On Petition for a Writ Of Certiorari to the

California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate


Jeffrey N. Boozell Kathleen M. Sullivan

& SULLIVAN, LLP Stephanie N. Solomon
865 S. Figueroa St., 10th Floor QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART
Los Angeles, CA & SULLIVAN, LLP
(213) 443-3200 51 Madison Ave., 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10010
(212) 849-7000

April 30, 2019 Counsel for Petitioner


Whether it is an uncompensated taking for public
use in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amend-
ments for a State to impose strict liability for inverse
condemnation on a privately owned utility without
ensuring that the cost of that liability is spread to
the benefitted ratepayers.


The following were parties to the proceeding be-
fore the California court of appeal:
1. San Diego Gas & Electric Co. (“SDG&E”), Peti-
tioner in this Court, was Petitioner below.
2. The Public Utilities Commission of the State of
California, Respondent in this Court, was Respond-
ent below.
3. Protect Our Communities Foundation was a
Real Party in Interest below.
4. The Utility Reform Network was a Real Party
in Interest below.
5. Utility Consumers Action Network was a Real
Party in Interest below.
6. Ruth Hendricks was a Real Party in Interest
7. San Diego Consumers’ Action Network was a
Real Party in Interest below.
8. Mussey Grade Road Alliance was a Real Party
in Interest below.
9. Pacific Gas and Electric Company was an In-
terested Entity/Party below.
10. Southern California Edison Gas Company
was an Interested Entity/Party below.


SDG&E is a private, investor-owned utility. Eno-
va Corporation owns 100% of SDG&E. Sempra En-
ergy in turn owns 100% of Enova Corporation.
Sempra Energy has no parent corporation, and no
publicly held company owns 10% or more of its stock.


QUESTION PRESENTED........................................... i
PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDING ........................... ii
RULE 29.6 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ............... iii
TABLE OF AUTHORITIES....................................... vi
INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1
OPINIONS BELOW .................................................... 4
JURISDICTION .......................................................... 4
INVOLVED ....................................................... 4
STATEMENT .............................................................. 4
PRECEDENTS ............................................... 11
PRESENTED .................................................. 19
IMPORTANCE ............................................... 21
CONCLUSION .......................................................... 27

APPENDIX A—California Court of Appeal's Decision

(November 13, 2018)……………………………1a

APPENDIX B—California Supreme Court's Decision

(January 31, 2019)……………………...………5a

APPENDIX C—California Public Utilities

Commission Decision
(November 30, 2017)………….…………...……6a

APPENDIX D—California Public Utilities

Commission, Joint Concurrence
(December 26, 2017)………...…………...……86a

APPENDIX E—California Public Utilities

Commission, Order Denying Rehearing
(July 13, 2018)………..…………………...……94a




Armstrong v. United States,

364 U.S. 40 (1960)..................................... 13, 14, 17

Babbitt v. Youpee,
519 U.S. 234 (1997)............................................... 13

Barham v. S. Cal. Edison Co.,

74 Cal.App. 4th 744 (1999) ............... 6, 7, 10, 12, 16

Dolan v. City of Tigard,

512 U.S. 374 (1994)............................................... 13

Duquesne Light Co. v. Barasch,

488 U.S. 299 (1989)............................................... 18

Eastern Enterprises v. Apfel,

524 U.S. 498 (1998)............................................... 17

Edison International, Southern California

Edison Company v. Superior Court (Abate)
No. B294164 (Cal. App. Dec. 3, 2018), No.
S253094 (Cal. Dec. 17, 2018) ................................. 21

In re 2007 Wildfire Insurer Litig.

(Super. Ct. San Diego County, Jan. 29,
2009, No. 37-2008-0093083, CU-NP-CTL) .............7

In re San Diego Gas & Elec. Co.,

146 FERC ¶ 63,017, 2014 WL 713556

Kelo v. City of New London,

545 U.S. 469 (2005)............................................... 13

Knick v. Township of Scott,

862 F.3d 310 (3d Cir. 2017)
cert. granted 138 S. Ct. 1262 (2018) ................ 19, 20

Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc.,

544 U.S. 528 (2005)............................................... 15

Marshall v. Department of Water and Power

219 Cal. App. 3d 1124 (1990) .................................6

Monongahela Nav. Co. v. United States,

148 U.S. 312 (1960)......................................... 13, 17

Pacific Bell Tel. Co. v. S. Cal. Edison Co.,

208 Cal.App.4th 1400 (2012) ..................................6

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. Superior Court

No. A154847 (Cal. App. July 20, 2018), No.
S251585 (Cal. Oct. 1, 2018) ................................... 20

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. Superior Court

No. C087071 (Cal. App. May 9, 2018), No.
S249429 (Cal. June 8, 2018) .................................. 20

Penn Central Transp. Co. v. New York City,

438 U.S. 104 (1978)............................................... 15

San Diego Gas & Elec. Co. v. Sup. Ct.,

13 Cal. 4th 893 (1996) ............................................6

Sultum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency,

520 U.S. 725 (1997)............................................... 13

Williamson County v. Hamilton Bank of

Johnson City,
473 U.S. 172 (1985)............................................... 19


28 U.S.C. § 1257(2) ......................................................4

42 U.S.C. § 1983 ........................................................ 20

Cal. Pub. Util. Code, §451.1 ...................................... 21

Cal. Stats. 2018, ch. 626, §§ 26–27, 32 ..................... 21

U.S. Constitutional Provisions

U.S. Const. amend. V ............................................ 4, 12

U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 1 ................................. 4, 12

California Constitutional Provisions

Cal. Const. Art. I, sec. 19 .......................................... 12

Other Authorities

Anne C. Mulkern, No silver bullet. Can Calif.

Save its utilities?, E&E News (Apr. 1,
2019), ........ 24

Arvo Van Alstyne, Statutory Modification of

Inverse Condemnation: The Scope of
Legislative Power, 19 Stan. L. Rev. 727, 738
(1967)...................................................................... 13

Cal. Assembly Comm. on Utils. & Energy

(Feb. 26, 2018),
utilities-energy-committee-20180226/video.......... 25

Cal. Dep’t of Forestry & Fire Prot., Top 20

Most Destructive California Wildfires (Nov.
19, 2018),
df ............................................................................. 27

Chelsea Harvey, Here’s What We Know About

Wildfires and Climate Change, Scientific
American (Oct. 13, 2017),
climate-change/ ...................................................... 26

Ethan Howland, Utilities to fight climate risk

via insurance upgrades, 2018 CQ Roll Call
Was. Energy Briefing 1673 (Nov. 14, 2018).......... 22

Governor Newsom’s Strike Force, Wildfires

and Climate Change: California’s Energy
Future (Apr. 12, 2019),
Energy-Future.pdf. ................................................ 25

Greg Gordon & Kevin Prior, PCG Has

Suspended Dividends, Citing Uncertainty
Regarding Wildfire-Related Liabilities,
Evercore ISI (Dec. 21, 2017) ............................ 23, 25

Ivan Penn & Peter Eavis, Liability Claims

From Wildfires Threaten Utility, N.Y.
Times, Nov. 14, 2018, available at
utilities.html. ......................................................... 24

J.D. Morris, California considers wildfire

insurance fund to avoid repeat of PG&E’s
woes, S.F. Chronical (Feb. 25, 2019),
to-avoid-13641330.php?psid=oFzg ........................ 24

Jonathan Arnold, CPUC Denies SDG&E

Wildfire Recovery; Notes “Incorrect Premise”
of IC Doctrine, Deutsche Bank Power
Flash (Nov. 30, 2017) ............................................. 23

Mark Chediak & Kiel Porter, PG&E

Bankruptcy Looms, CEO to Exit as Fire
Costs Dwarf Cash, Bloomberg (Jan 14,
california-wildfires-costs-mount ........................... 24

Melissa Pamer & Elizabeth Espinosa, ‘We

Don’t Even Call It Fire Season Anymore ...
It’s Year Round’: Cal Fire, KTLA5 News
(Dec. 11, 2017),
cal-fire/ ................................................................... 26

Mike Yamamoto, Market Notes: Tuesday,

December 12, (Dec. 12, 2017),
2017/ ....................................................................... 23

Moody’s Investors Service, Rating Action:

Moody’s Changes San Diego Gas &
Electric’s Rating Outlook to Negative From
Stable (Apr. 11, 2018),
outlook-to-negative-PR_380749 ............................ 23

Robinson Meyer, Has Climate Change

Intensified 2017’s Western Wildfires?, The
Atlantic (Sept. 7, 2017),
climate-change/539130/ ......................................... 26

Sammy Roth, Edison CEO talks wildfires,

climate change and the utilities vanishing
monopoly, L.A. Times, (Mar. 13, 2019)
climate-change-20190313-story.html ................... 24

William P. Barr, Henry Weissmann, & John

P. Fratz, The Gild that Is Killing the Lily:
How Confusion over Regulatory Takings
Doctrine Is Undermining the Core
Protections of the Takings Clause, 73 Geo.
Wash. L. Rev. 429 (2005) ....................................... 16
California’s privately owned utilities face crip-
pling liability for damage to private property from
wildfires that have become the “new normal” in Cali-
fornia. The prospect of such liability has increased
insurance costs, weakened credit ratings, and dis-
couraged investment in California’s privately owned
utilities, who supply power to the overwhelming bulk
of the State’s businesses and residents and provide a
vital aspect of California’s infrastructure. The cata-
strophic consequences of such liability are not hypo-
thetical; they have already driven one privately
owned utility (Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (“PG&E”))
into a recent highly publicized bankruptcy.
This situation is almost entirely the creature of
law. In a series of California intermediate appellate
court decisions, California has imposed “inverse con-
demnation” liability on privately owned utilities for
damaging private property, just as if they were gov-
ernment actors. Because inverse condemnation is a
form of strict liability in California, it is far more at-
tractive to plaintiffs and the plaintiffs’ bar than the
hard work of proving that the utilities’ negligence in
the operation of their powerlines proximately caused
any wildfires or other damage. But unlike govern-
ment actors, privately owned utilities lack the coer-
cive power of taxation and cannot unilaterally set
their own rates. To recover the costs of inverse con-
demnation liability, they must ask their regulator,
the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”)
to allow them to pass the costs of that liability on to
their ratepayers.

The CPUC, affirmed by the California courts, has

now said no. In denying the application of petitioner
San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) to
recover through rates the $379 million SDG&E was
forced to pay in unreimbursed inverse condemnation
costs from wildfires, the CPUC said that inverse
condemnation was “not relevant” to its decision. In-
stead, the CPUC applied its own administrative
“prudent manager” standard and deemed SDG&E
entitled to nothing.
This is an uncompensated taking of SDG&E’s
private property for public use in violation of the
Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the federal
Constitution. The well-settled purpose of compensa-
tion for takings in eminent domain is to ensure that
the costs of public improvements are borne by the
benefitted public. The same is true for inverse con-
demnation, which ensures that damage from public
improvements is not visited disproportionately on
particular private parties but rather is borne by the
benefitted public as a whole.
California law, in violation of these principles,
has now created a takings whipsaw in which the
State transfers the cost of damage from public im-
provements from one private party (the damaged
homeowners and businesses) to another private par-
ty (SDG&E and other privately owned utilities). It
thus does exactly what inverse condemnation is sup-
posed to avoid: visits all the costs of damage from
public improvements on a single private party—here,
SDG&E. And in equal measure, California creates
an unconstitutional windfall for ratepayers, who are
the relevant public benefitted by the privately owned

utilities’ investment in electric power generation,

transmission and distribution facilities.
All three of California’s privately owned utilities
have tried in vain through repeated proceedings to
persuade the California court of appeal and Califor-
nia Supreme Court to grant discretionary review to
consider these issues. They have asked those courts
repeatedly without success to revisit the imposition
of inverse condemnation liability on privately owned
utilities. And from the other direction, SDG&E
asked those courts to review the CPUC decision
denying recovery, arguing that, assuming inverse
condemnation applies, denial of recovery is both an
unreasonable application of state law and an uncon-
stitutional taking without just compensation. Again
without success.
In light of the California court of appeal’s and
California Supreme Court’s steadfast refusal to con-
sider these important questions, this Court should
grant review. The decision of the California appel-
late court below takes privately owned utilities’
property for public use without just compensation, in
conflict with the Takings Clause as applied to the
States through the Due Process Clause, and in con-
flict with this Court’s settled takings jurisprudence.
And the question presented indisputably has grave
public importance: the legal whipsaw now created
by California’s appellate decisions threatens enor-
mous and exponentially increasing financial and in-
frastructure harm to the largest economy in the
Nation and the fifth largest economy in the world.
Certiorari should be granted.

The California court of appeal’s opinion is repro-
duced at App. 1a. The decision of the California Pub-
lic Utilities Commission is reproduced at App. 6a and
its denial of rehearing is reproduced at App. 94a.
The California Supreme Court’s denial of the petition
for review is reproduced at App. 5a.
The California court of appeal issued its opinion
on November 13, 2018. App. 1a. On January 31,
2019, the California Supreme Court denied SDG&E’s
timely filed petition for review. App. 5a. This Court
has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1257(2).
The Fifth Amendment, U.S. Const. amend. V,
provides in pertinent part:
No person shall * * * be deprived of life,
liberty or property, without due process of
law; nor shall private property be taken
for public use, without just compensation.
The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment, U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 1, provides:
No State shall * * * deprive any person of
life, liberty or property, without due
process of law.
A. Factual Background
SDG&E is a private, investor-owned utility that
supplies gas and electricity to over 3.4 million cus-
tomers in San Diego County and southern Orange

County, California. See Petitioner’s Appendix of Ex-

hibits in Support of Writ of Review in the California
Court of Appeal (“Cal. Ptn’s App.”) 1 Cal. Ptn’s App.
497, 500. SDG&E owns and operates nearly 19,000
miles of electrical distribution and transmission
lines, including many in rural backcountry areas
that it is legally obligated to serve and where the
risk of wildfires is significant. 1 Cal. Ptn’s App. 500-
501. In keeping with CPUC regulations and utility
industry best practices, SDG&E has multiple pro-
grams to mitigate and reduce wildfire risk, and has
been lauded as a “potential example of excellence.” 2
Cal. Ptn’s App. 822-824.
In October 2007, Southern California experienced
severe Santa Ana winds with reported wind speeds
of 40 to 60 miles per hour and gusts up to 100 miles
per hour. 1 Cal. Ptn’s App. 382, 31 Cal. Ptn’s App.
11787, fn. 30. As these winds swept across Southern
California, they caused hundreds of fires, only some
of which the thinly stretched firefighting resources
were able to contain and which burned over 500,000
acres. 1 Cal. Ptn’s App. 149-150, 31 Cal. Ptn’s App.
11777. The Witch Fire combined with the Guejito
Fire burned nearly 200,000 acres, damaging over
1,140 homes. 31 Cal. Ptn’s App. 11786, 11789,
11804. The Rice Fire burned nearly 9,500 acres and
damaged over 200 homes. 13 Cal. Ptn’s App. 6142.
Property owners, insurers, and government enti-
ties alleging damage from the fires filed more than
2,500 lawsuits against SDG&E, bringing, among
others, claims for inverse condemnation.

B. California Law Of Inverse Condemnation

Under California law, inverse condemnation is a
form of strict liability that can be enforced whether
or not the damage from a public improvement was
foreseeable, and even if there was no fault or negli-
gence. See, e.g., Marshall v. Department of Water
and Power of the City of Los Angeles, 219 Cal. App.
3d 1124, 1138-39 (1990); see also San Diego Gas &
Elec. Co. v. Sup. Ct., 13 Cal. 4th 893, 939-40 (1996).
All a plaintiff need establish is a causal relationship
between the government’s (or in this case, a privately
owned utility’s) activity and the alleged property
loss. Marshall, 219 Cal. App. 3d at 1138-39. And a
defendant can be held strictly liable for damages if
its public improvement was a substantial cause of
the damage, even if it is only one of several concur-
rent causes. See id.
The decisions of two intermediate California ap-
pellate courts have imposed inverse condemnation
liability on privately owned utilities to the same ex-
tent as such liability applies to government actors.
See Pacific Bell Tel. Co. v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 208
Cal. App. 4th 1400 (2012); Barham v. S. Cal. Edison
Co., 74 Cal. App. 4th 744 (1999). These decisions
and other decisions implementing them have never
been reviewed by the California Supreme Court.
Each decision imposed inverse condemnation lia-
bility on privately owned utilities on the express as-
sumption that the resulting costs would be recovered
from ratepayers as the relevant benefitted public.
Pacific Bell expressly noted that there was no “evi-
dence” that the CPUC would not allow a privately
owned utility to pass on inverse condemnation dam-
ages liability through adjustments “during its period-

ic reviews.” 208 Cal. App. 4th at 1407-08. Similarly,

Barham allowed a privately owned utility to be held
“liable in inverse condemnation” just the same “as a
public utility,” but in doing so recognized that the
key purpose of inverse condemnation is to “spread
among the benefiting community any burden dispro-
portionately borne by a member of that community.”
74 Cal. App. 4th at 752-53.
C. Proceedings Below
Overruling a demurrer filed by SDG&E, the Cali-
fornia superior court held that plaintiffs could bring
their inverse condemnation claims against SDG&E
even though it is a privately owned utility, not a gov-
ernment entity. See Minute Order, In re 2007 Wild-
fire Insurer Litig., p.2 (Super. Ct. San Diego County,
Jan. 29, 2009, No. 37-2008-0093083, CU-NP-CTL).
In light of the strict liability imposed by inverse
condemnation under California law, SDG&E decided
to settle the inverse condemnation claims against it
in order to reduce its exposure and avoid unneces-
sary litigation. 1 Cal. Ptn’s App. 141-42. As a result,
although plaintiffs asserted $5.6 billion in damages,
SDG&E resolved those claims with payments total-
ing $2.4 billion. 1 Cal. Ptn’s App. 57. SDG&E recov-
ered $1.1 billion from its liability insurers and
another $824 million from settlements with third
parties based on cross-claims it had filed, leaving
SDG&E with $476 million in unrecovered settlement
payments and legal expenses. 31 Cal. Ptn’s App.
11778, fn. 2.
In 2012, SDG&E applied to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), which regulates
the interstate transmission rates charged by utilities

like SDG&E, to include a portion of its unrecovered

payments in those rates. In 2014, FERC granted
SDG&E’s application, allowing immediate recovery
of $23 million and subsequent recovery of another
$67 million in settlement payments. See In re San
Diego Gas & Elec. Co., 146 FERC ¶ 63,017, 2014 WL
713556 (2014).
In so doing, FERC held that recovery was war-
ranted without regard to the prudence of SDG&E’s
maintenance operations. Id. at ¶ 66,112-13. FERC
reasoned that SDG&E would have been held liable
under California inverse condemnation law without
regard to fault, and that, “[b]y settling, SDG&E
avoided facing considerable litigation risk and dis-
posed of claims for significantly less than the amount
demanded by the claimants.” Id.
In 2015, SDG&E applied to the CPUC to include
in the rates under the CPUC’s jurisdiction $379 mil-
lion—most but not all of the unrecovered settlement
payments. App. 9a-10a. The CPUC denied
SDG&E’s request, ruling that SDG&E had failed to
prove that its operation and management of the facil-
ities connected with the fires satisfied the CPUC’s
own administratively developed “prudent manager”
standard. App. 81a-83a. Under the CPUC’s “pru-
dent manager” standard, privately owned utilities
are allowed to recover costs only if they prove that
those costs were “prudently incurred by competent
management exercising the best practices of the era,
and using well-trained, well-informed, and conscien-
tious employees who are performing their jobs
properly.” App. 13a.
The CPUC deemed the fact that SDG&E had
been subjected to strict liability for inverse condem-

nation “not relevant to a Commission reasonableness

review under the prudent manager standard.” App.
75a. According to the CPUC, “nothing” in prior judi-
cial decisions extending inverse condemnation to pri-
vate utilities “would supersede this Commission’s
exclusive jurisdiction over cost recovery/cost alloca-
tion issues involving CPUC regulated utilities,”
which the CPUC ruled required it to assess the pru-
dence of SDG&E’s conduct before the fires ignited.
App. 76a.
The CPUC’s president and another commissioner
issued a joint concurrence expressing concern about
the application of inverse condemnation to privately
owned utilities, and deeming “unsound” the premise
that utilities would be able to “socialize[]” the cost of
such liability across ratepayers, as the prior Califor-
nia intermediate appellate court decisions in Bar-
ham and Pacific Bell had expressly assumed. App.
91a. In addition, the concurrence noted that
applying inverse condemnation to privately owned
utilities that are not guaranteed to recover their
costs would increase those utilities’ capital costs and
insurance expenses, ultimately leading to higher
rates for ratepayers. App. 92a. The concurrence
urged the California legislature and courts to
reconsider whether inverse condemnation applies to
privately owned utilities. App. 92a-93a. Neither has
since done so.
SDG&E applied for rehearing, which the CPUC
denied. App. 94a-137a. The CPUC rejected
SDG&E’s argument that the “prudent manager”
standard should not apply under state law to inverse
condemnation costs, 127a-134a, and also rejected
SDG&E’s constitutional challenges to its application

of the “prudent manager” standard to bar recovery,

App. 134a-137a.
The CPUC declined to harmonize its ruling with
the judicial decisions in Barham and Pacific Bell,
even though those decisions had subjected private
utilities to inverse condemnation claims on the
express assumption that the CPUC would spread
inverse condemnation costs among the ratepayers.
App. 125a-131a. Deeming itself bound to apply its
“prudent manager” standard, the CPUC did not
consider whether applying the standard to inverse
condemnation costs created an unjust and
unreasonable whipsaw between contradictory legal
standards. App. 131a-134a. Finally, the CPUC
denied that applying the “prudent manager”
standard to inverse condemnation costs creates an
unconstitutional taking. App. 134a-137a.
D. The California Courts’ Denial Of Review
SDG&E filed a petition for a writ of review with
the California court of appeal, which denied review
in a summary three-page order. App. 1a-4a. The
court of appeal did not address the California judicial
decisions that had subjected privately owned utilities
to inverse condemnation or the cost-spreading ra-
tionale underlying those decisions. Nor did it
address the unconstitutional taking created by the
CPUC decision or seek to avoid that serious
constitutional issue by interpreting section 451 of the
California public utilities code (which provides for
rate recovery for “just and reasonable” charges) to
afford rate recovery for inverse condemnation costs.
Instead the court of appeal rejected SDG&E’s
arguments without explanation:

The Commission’s determination that the

princip[les] of inverse condemnation did
not bar its prudent manager analysis under
section 451 was not in excess of its powers,
nor a violation of the law, including the
Constitutions of the United States and
California. Contrary to SDG&E’s assertion,
the Commission’s review was statutorily
mandated, and no legal authority
authorized it to forgo it obligations under
section 451. Of note, SDG&E settled the
inverse condemnation claims in the wildfire
litigation rather than continue to advance
its position that it could not be held strictly
liable as a non-governmental entity.
Further, had the Commission determined
that SDG&E acted as a prudent manager,
the costs could have been passed onto the
ratepayers regardless of any potential
strict liability in a civil litigation setting.
App. 3a-4a.
SDG&E then filed a petition for review in the
California Supreme Court, which the Court summar-
ily denied. App. 5a.


This Court should grant certiorari because the
decision below conflicts with the fundamental right
to just compensation for takings of private property
for public use, as enshrined in the Fifth Amendment

as applied to the States through the Fourteenth

Amendment and embodied in this Court’s Takings
Clause jurisprudence. The CPUC’s denial of
recovery, affirmed by the California court of appeal,
is a regulatory taking warranting just compensation.
The California courts’ decision to impose liability
without such compensation upends settled law in
this area, warranting this Court’s review.
A. The Decision Below Conflicts With The
Core Cost-Spreading Premise Of The
Takings Clause
California law now imposes an unconstitutional
whipsaw on privately owned utilities. Barham and
Pacific Bell, decisions whose holdings the California
Supreme Court has consistently declined to review or
reconsider, impose inverse condemnation liability on
privately owned utilities just as if they were
government actors with the unfettered ability to
spread the costs of such liability to the benefitted
public. They are not. As the CPUC’s refusal to allow
SDG&E to recover those costs starkly illustrates,
privately owned utilities, unlike government actors,
may not spread inverse condemnation costs across
the benefitted public—here the ratepayers who
benefit from electric power generation and
transmission. The decision below thus conflicts with
this Court’s precedent under the Takings Clause.
Inverse condemnation is a judicially developed
doctrine rooted in federal and state constitutional
provisions that “private property [shall not be] be
taken for public use, without just compensation.”
U.S. Const. amend. V, XIV; see Cal. Const. Art. I, sec.
19 (“Private property may be taken or damaged for
public use only when just compensation…has first

been paid….”). As this Court has consistently

explained, the purpose of the Takings Clause is “to
bar Government from forcing some people alone to
bear public burdens which, in all fairness and
justice, should be borne by the public as a whole.”
Armstrong v. United States, 364 U.S. 40, 49 (1960).
In particular, “the just compensation requirement
spreads the cost of condemnations and thus ‘prevents
the public from loading upon one individual more
than his just share of the burdens of government.’”
Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469, 497 (2005)
(O’Connor, J., dissenting) (quoting Monongahela
Nav. Co. v. United States, 148 U.S. 312, 325 (1960)).
This rationale applies equally to suits for inverse
condemnation. See, e.g., Arvo Van Alstyne, Statutory
Modification of Inverse Condemnation: The Scope of
Legislative Power, 19 Stan. L. Rev. 727, 738 (1967)
(explaining that the purpose of the California law of
inverse condemnation is to ensure that losses are
“distributed over taxpayers at large rather than be
borne by the injured individual”).
This rationale makes sense where the taking is
made by the government, which is then free to spread
that cost among the benefitted public through the
coercive power of taxation. A government entity
sued in inverse condemnation by an injured property
owner may draw from general funds or raise taxes in
the community, and a publicly owned utility may
unilaterally raise the rates that consumers pay for
the services the utility provides. See, e.g., Sultum v.
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 520 U.S. 725
(1997) (taking by regional government planning
agency); Babbitt v. Youpee, 519 U.S. 234 (1997)
(taking by federal government); Dolan v. City of
Tigard, 512 U.S. 374 (1994) (taking by city).

Unlike the government or a public utility,

however, a privately owned utility may not raise the
rates that it charges customers or pass the costs of
inverse condemnation liability on to ratepayers
without the approval of its regulator, the CPUC.
And the CPUC below treated SDG&E quite unlike a
public entity by barring its request to spread those
costs across the ratepayers who benefit from
electricity generation and transmission. In denying
SDG&E the ability to spread its inverse
condemnation costs, the CPUC applied a “prudent
manager” standard that does not apply when the
government seeks to spread liability for such costs.
Such a ruling conflicts with the foundational
premise of the Takings Clause. Inverse
condemnation assumes that it is an unconstitutional
taking to require the property owner who lost his
home or business in a wildfire to “bear public
burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be
borne by the public as a whole.” Armstrong, 364 U.S.
at 49. But by the same logic it is an unconstitutional
taking to shift that public loss to another private
entity—here, SDG&E—rather than to the ratepaying
electricity customers who benefit from the public
improvement of power generation and transmission
in the State. Either the destruction of property in a
wildfire is a taking or it is not; but it cannot be a
taking for some purposes (when compensating
property owners) but not others (allowing SDG&E
the right to recover from the rate-paying public).
This Court should grant review to clarify these basic
principles in this context.

B. The Decision Below Conflicts With This

Court’s Regulatory Takings Precedent
The imposition of inverse condemnation liability
on privately owned utilities without ensuring that
those costs are spread across the benefitted rate-
paying public further conflicts with this Court’s prec-
edent on regulatory takings. Such takings result
from government action that (as here) diminishes or
destroys economic value without the formal exercise
of the power of eminent domain. In evaluating regu-
latory takings, this Court has instructed courts to
examine three factors: (1) “[t]he economic impact of
the regulation on the claimant”; (2) “the extent to
which the regulation has interfered with distinct in-
vestment-backed expectations”; and (3) whether the
government action balances the “benefits and bur-
dens of economic life to promote the common good.”
Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 538-39
(2005) (quoting Penn Central Transp. Co. v. New
York City, 438 U.S. 104, 124 (1978)).
As the decision below fails to recognize, those fac-
tors are all satisfied here. First, the economic impact
of imposing $379 million in inverse condemnation
costs on SDG&E without just compensation is self-
evidently substantial. And notably, SDG&E’s total
liability from inverse condemnation from the Witch,
Guejito and Rice fires alone might have been much
greater, indeed in the billions, had it not exercised
foresight in settling cases and managing its insur-
ance coverage so as to recover from third parties.
Second, requiring a privately owned utility to sat-
isfy a “prudent manager” standard before it can re-
cover the costs of inverse condemnation liability
clearly upsets its reasonable investment-backed ex-

pectations. As noted, the judicial precedents under

which California imposed inverse condemnation lia-
bility on privately owned utilities in the first place
expressly assumed that the resulting costs would be
spread across the benefitted rate-paying public. See
Pacific Bell, 208 Cal. App. 4th at 1407-08; Barham,
74 Cal. App. 4th at 752-53; see supra at pp. 6-7.
Thus, prior to the decision in this case, SDG&E’s in-
vestors reasonably believed that SDG&E would be
permitted to pass on the costs of inverse condemna-
tion claims to ratepayers via adjustments in the rate-
setting process. The CPUC decision negated these
reasonable, investment-backed expectations, trigger-
ing the just compensation requirement.
Moreover, privately owned utilities are compelled
by their regulatory obligations to sink significant in-
vestments into infrastructure and facilities, and are
compelled to continue providing services regardless
of profitability, without the option of exiting the
market. As one notable set of commentators has
thus suggested, “doctrinal confusion is nowhere more
apparent or more important than in the treatment of
takings principles applicable to public utilities.” See
William P. Barr, Henry Weissmann, & John P.
Fratz, The Gild that Is Killing the Lily: How Confu-
sion over Regulatory Takings Doctrine Is Undermin-
ing the Core Protections of the Takings Clause, 73
Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 429, 431 (2005).
Third, far from balancing the benefits and bur-
dens of economic life, the whipsaw created by un-
compensated inverse condemnation liability here
would concentrate the entire burden of damage from
the electricity infrastructure on privately owned util-
ities like SDG&E. Indeed, it would simply shift the

disproportionate burden of property damage from

public improvements from one private member of the
community (the damaged property owner) to another
private member of the community (here, SDG&E)
without ever allowing it to spread those costs among
the relevant public that benefits from power genera-
tion and transmission. Cf. Eastern Enterprises v. Ap-
fel, 524 U.S. 498, 529-30 (1998) (finding
unconstitutional regulatory taking where law requir-
ing payments into health fund for coal workers, even
though the payor was no longer in the coal mining
While the CPUC did not dispute the enormous
economic impact of its denial of any recovery, it erred
in arguing that there was no regulatory taking
because SDG&E had no “guaranteed expectation of
rate recovery under Section 451.” App. 136a. That
argument ignores the decisions of this Court and the
California court of appeal imposing inverse
condemnation liability on private utilities only on the
assumption that such liability would be recovered
through rate-making and thus spread among
ratepayers. The CPUC also argued that its actions
were in keeping with the CPUC’s statutory
obligations and established rate-making practice and
its interest in protecting ratepayers from unjust and
unreasonable rates. Id. The Takings Clause,
however, is a constitutional restriction that
supersedes statutes and agency practice. Moreover,
there is nothing “unjust or unreasonable” about
allowing a private utility to pass onto ratepayers the
cost of satisfying a burden that should be “borne by
the public as a whole,” Armstrong, 364 U.S. at 49,
and spread among those benefitted, Monongahela
Nav. Co., 148 U.S. at 325. Therefore, the CPUC

failed to dispel the constitutional taking effected by

applying the “prudent manager” standard to inverse
condemnation costs.
In light of the CPUC’s and court of appeal’s
failure to reconcile their decision with the Takings
Clause, the decision below will sow further confusion
in both state and federal courts regarding this
Court’s regulatory takings jurisprudence, and call
into question the important lines this Court has
drawn in explaining when a State’s imposition of a
new and expensive burden on a single private
individual has gone too far.
The principles set forth in Duquesne Light Co. v.
Barasch, 488 U.S. 299 (1989), do not suggest other-
wise. There, the Court found there was no “confisca-
tory” taking from a public utility in the rate-setting
process because the rate permitted by the public util-
ities commission still allowed for a reasonable rate of
return on investment. Id. at 315. But that case did
not determine whether a particular state action
would constitute a regulatory taking. Nor did the
Court state, or even suggest, that an overall reason-
able rate of return would insulate a State from any
and all takings challenges in the utilities context.
Surely, the State could not have police seize a parcel
of property or a building at SDG&E’s corporate
headquarters without compensation, and then argue
that its actions were constitutional because, even
without that property, SDG&E is still able to attract
capital and earn a reasonable rate of return on its
The same is true here: California has created a
judicial regime whereby SDG&E and other privately
owned utilities will be forced to absorb all of the costs

of inverse condemnation claims for wildfire-related

losses across the State, but will receive none of the
benefits that a government actor would receive in be-
ing able to spread the inverse condemnation costs to
the benefitted public by creating a new tax, drawing
from the public coffers, or increasing electricity rates.
Such a regime threatens core principles of the Fifth
and Fourteenth Amendments without regard to
whether the rate set by the CPUC would also be con-
sidered unconstitutionally confiscatory or not. This
Court’s guidance is therefore needed to resolve this
issue and provide much needed clarification in this
area of the law.
There is no reason why the question presented
here may not be fully and finally resolved by this
Court. First, unlike in many cases in which federal
unconstitutional takings questions arise from state
court proceedings, there is no question that SDG&E
has exhausted its state-law remedies. Specifically,
SDG&E has attempted to obtain “just compensation”
from the State by asking the CPUC for permission to
spread inverse condemnation liability across
ratepayers via the rate-setting process before seeking
this Court’s review. App. 6a. Thus, this case does
not present any of the procedural pitfalls of cases
like Williamson County v. Hamilton Bank of Johnson
City, 473 U.S. 172 (1985), or Knick v. Township of
Scott, 862 F.3d 310 (3d Cir. 2017), certiorari granted
138 S. Ct. 1262 (2018), where the plaintiff elected to
bring his Takings Clause claim in federal district
court without availing himself of potential state
court remedies first. See Williamson Cnty., 473 U.S.

at 194-96 (holding that Takings Claim action

brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 was not yet ripe
because plaintiff did not first seek compensation
through the procedures the state provided); Knick,
862 F.3d at 324-26 (same).
Second, the California court of appeal and
Supreme Court have repeatedly declined to grant
review of the issues raised here, suggesting that no
judicial resolution of the issues under state law will
be forthcoming so as to moot SDG&E’s federal
Takings Clause claim. The California appellate
courts have declined review of these issues despite
the CPUC’s members’ own repeated petitions for
judicial review, see supra, at p. 9, and in the face of
the privately owned utilities’ exponentially
increasing inverse condemnation liability from
Specifically, the California court of appeal and
Supreme Court have not only denied SDG&E’s
petitions for review in this case, but have also
summarily denied six related petitions for review. In
those petitions, PG&E and Southern California
Edison (“SCE”) questioned the California state-law
decisions imposing inverse condemnation on
privately owned utilities in light of the CPUC’s
decision denying recovery here. See, e.g., Pacific Gas
& Electric Co. v. Superior Court (Abu-Shumays) No.
C087071 (Cal. App. May 9, 2018), No. S249429 (Cal.
June 8, 2018) (2015 Butte Fire); Pacific Gas &
Electric Co. v. Superior Court (Abbott) No. A154847
(Cal. App. July 20, 2018), No. S251585 (Cal. Oct. 1,
2018) (2017 North Bay Fires); Edison International,
Southern California Edison Company v. Superior
Court (Abate) No. B294164 (Cal. App. Dec. 3, 2018),

No. S253094 (Cal. Dec. 17, 2018) (2017 Thomas

Fires). The denial of those petitions strongly
suggests that no state judicial relief is forthcoming.
Finally, there is no near-term prospect of any
legislative relief or clarification of the California law
of inverse condemnation as applied to privately
owned utilities. Last summer, Governor Jerry
Brown, recognizing that wildfires are the “new
normal” in California, proposed legislation that
would have reformed inverse condemnation law as
applied to privately owned utilities by removing the
strict liability standard and replacing it with a
standard reflecting a utility’s proportionate fault.
But the Legislature declined to adopt the Governor’s
proposal, instead enacting a statute concerning
wildfire cost recovery, Cal. Stats. 2018, ch. 626,
§§ 26–27, 32, that disclaimed any change in civil
liability standards, Cal. Pub. Util. Code, §451.1,
subd. (c), and effectively reaffirmed the CPUC’s
“prudent manager” standard, id., § 451.1, subd.
(a)(1)–(12). The Legislature thus left the legal
whipsaw squarely in place, underscoring the
ripeness of the Takings Clause question presented
The national importance of the takings question
presented here can hardly be overstated, and further
warrants the grant of certiorari. The California
courts’ imposition of uncompensated inverse
condemnation liability on privately owned utilities
threatens grave economic and infrastructure harm
not only to privately owned utilities in California,
but also to the California economy as a whole. And

because California is the largest economy among the

States and now the fifth largest economy in the
world, such risks inherently threaten the United
States’ economy as well.
California’s three largest privately owned
utilities—PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E—together
deliver power to 34.6 million of California’s nearly 40
million residents over 124,100 of California’s 163,696
square miles. These privately owned utilities not
only supply three-quarters of the State’s electricity,
but also employ nearly 40,000 California residents
and play a critical role in advancing environmental
goals. The threat of expansive inverse condemnation
liability against privately owned utilities has greatly
increased financial pressures on those utilities.
First, the threat of uncompensated inverse
condemnation liability in an era of escalating
wildfires has increased the cost of insurance and
eventually may render all California utilities
uninsurable. According to one report, utilities’
insurance costs in California have “skyrocketed” and
sometimes insurance has become simply
Second, the threat of uncompensated inverse
condemnation liability increases the costs of capital
for privately owned utilities. When the CPUC issued
the order below denying SDG&E recovery, market
analysts commented that California privately owned
utilities presented a “uniquely unpalatable
proposition of socialized no-fault liability” with “no

1 Ethan Howland, Utilities to fight climate risk via

insurance upgrades, 2018 CQ Roll Call Was. Energy
Briefing 1673 (Nov. 14, 2018).

assurance of presumed recoverability,”2 and warned

that the utilities would experience a “material
increase in their cost of capital.”3 Indeed, Moody’s
changed SDG&E’s rating outlook from “stable” to
“negative,” noting that the CPUC’s decision denying
SDG&E rate recovery would cause “higher
regulatory risk for investor-owned utilities in
California due to inverse condemnation exposure and
the uncertainty that they will be able to recover
related costs from ratepayers.”4 Following the
CPUC’s decision in this case, another analyst wrote
that California utilities were “uninvestable right
now” because there were “too many unknowns and
significant risk.”5
Third, privately owned utilities have suffered
plunges in their stock prices in the aftermath of
every new wildfire, reflecting the exponentially
increasing costs and risks of inverse condemnation

2 Jonathan Arnold, CPUC Denies SDG&E Wildfire

Recovery; Notes “Incorrect Premise” of IC Doctrine,
Deutsche Bank Power Flash, at 3 (Nov. 30, 2017).

3 Greg Gordon & Kevin Prior, PCG Has Suspended

Dividends, Citing Uncertainty Regarding Wildfire-Related
Liabilities, Evercore ISI, at 2 (Dec. 21, 2017).
4 Moody’s Investors Service, Rating Action: Moody’s
Changes San Diego Gas & Electric’s Rating Outlook to
Negative From Stable (Apr. 11, 2018),
5 Mike Yamamoto, Market Notes: Tuesday, December 12,
2017 (Dec. 12, 2017),

claims.6 In January 2019, PG&E filed for

bankruptcy in the face of an likely unrecoverable
estimated $30 billion in inverse condemnation
liability resulting from a series of wildfires.7 And
this may just be the tip of the iceberg. SCE recently
took a charge of $4.7 billion tied to wildfire events in
its service territory8 and both Edison International’s
CEO and analysts have opined that SCE could be
just one or two more fires away from bankruptcy.9

6 See Ivan Penn & Peter Eavis, Liability Claims From

Wildfires Threaten Utility, N.Y. Times, Nov. 14, 2018, at
A1, available at
7 Mark Chediak & Kiel Porter, PG&E Bankruptcy
Looms, CEO to Exit as Fire Costs Dwarf Cash, Bloomberg
(Jan 14, 2019),
8 Anne C. Mulkern, No silver bullet. Can Calif. Save its
utilities?, E&E News (Apr. 1, 2019),
9 Id.; Sammy Roth, Edison CEO talks wildfires, climate
change and the utilities vanishing monopoly, L.A. Times
(Mar. 13, 2019),
20190313-story.html; see J.D. Morris, California considers
wildfire insurance fund to avoid repeat of PG&E’s woes,
S.F. Chronical (Feb. 25, 2019),

The financial impact of inverse condemnation

liability on privately owned utilities has other ripple
effects on the national economy by harming
consumers and environmental goals. As the CPUC’s
own President warned legislators, “the financial
pressure on utilities from inverse condemnation may
lead to higher rates for ratepayers.”10 And as one
analysis recognized following the 2017 Wine Country
wildfires, “unless the law is changed regarding
application of inverse condemnation to investor-
owned utilities or the CPUC changes its position on
recovery under that law,” California utilities will
experience material increases in capital costs,
“stressing their ability to invest in CA infrastructure
and help the state meet its aggressive clean energy
agenda.”11 Most recently, Governor Newsom’s Strike
Force report explained that California’s “regime—
strict liability for wildfire damage coupled with
uncertain ability to recover those damages in rates—
increases the risk of bankrupt utilities, which in turn
drives up costs for consumers, threatens fair
recoveries for fire victims, undermines the state’s
ability to mitigate and adopt to climate change, and
creates uncertainty for utilities employees and

10 Cal. Assembly Comm. on Utils. & Energy (Feb. 26,

energy-committee-20180226/video, at 1:04:2-1:04:58
(testimony of CPUC President and Commissioner Michael
11 Gordon & Prior, supra.
12 Governor Newsom’s Strike Force, Wildfires and Cli-
mate Change: California’s Energy Future (Apr. 12, 2019),

These problems will only get worse as wildfires

(and wildfire litigation) increase exponentially with
climate change. Officials from the California
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (“Cal
Fire”) have warned that recent trends “’reflect a
major shift in wildfires, one … seen over the past 10
years” showing that “’[w]ildfires are becoming more
damaging and destructive.’”13 They also have
cautioned that fire season could now persist year-
round.14 By the end of this century, temperatures in
the United States are expected to rise another 3.5
degrees Celsius,15 or over 6 degrees Fahrenheit. The
increase in the risk of wildfires caused by increased
temperatures is exponential, not linear, meaning
that each degree increase in temperature may herald
a much greater proportional increase in the number
and severity of wildfires.16 Indeed, of the twenty

13 Melissa Pamer & Elizabeth Espinosa, ‘We Don’t Even
Call It Fire Season Anymore ... It’s Year Round’: Cal Fire,
KTLA5 News (Dec. 11, 2017),
14 Id.
15 Robinson Meyer, Has Climate Change Intensified
2017’s Western Wildfires?, The Atlantic (Sept. 7, 2017),
16 Chelsea Harvey, Here’s What We Know About
Wildfires and Climate Change, Scientific American (Oct.
13, 2017),

most destructive wildfires in California since 1932,

five occurred in 2017, and thirteen after 2000,
including the five largest.17
These profound economic and infrastructure
consequences of wildfire-related inverse
condemnation claims against privately owned
utilities underscore the need for the Court’s
intervention, especially in the face of inaction by the
California judicial and legislative branches. This
Court should grant review.

The petition for certiorari should be granted.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey N. Boozell Kathleen M. Sullivan
QUINN EMANUEL Counsel of Record
URQUHART & SULLIVAN, Stephanie N. Solomon
865 S. Figueroa St. & SULLIVAN, LLP
10th Floor 51 Madison Ave., 22nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA New York, NY 10010
(213) 443-3200 (212) 849-7000

Counsel for Petitioner

April 30, 2019

17 Cal. Dep’t of Forestry & Fire Prot., Top 20 Most

Destructive California Wildfires (Nov. 19, 2018),
(Public Utilities Commission No. 17-11-033)
Real Parties in Interest.
The petition for writ of review filed by San Diego
Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) and the accom-
panying exhibits, the answers filed by real parties in
interest Protect Our Communities Foundation (POCF)
and Ruth Henricks, the answer filed by the California
Public Utilities Commission, and the reply to answers
filed by SDG&E have been read and considered by
Justices Benke, O’Rourke, and Dato.
SDG&E challenges the Commission’s decision deny-
ing its application to include $379 million in settlement
payments stemming from litigation involving wildfires
caused by its facilities in 2007. SDG&E asserts the
Commission’s decision should be annulled because it
interpreted Public Utilities Code section 451 (further
statutory references are to the Public Utilities Code)
in a manner that unconstitutionally conflicts with the
strict liability the utility faced in the wildfire litigation
as a result of the plaintiffs’ inverse condemnation
claims. SDG&E also argues the Commission’s decision
must be annulled because insufficient evidence sup-
ported its determination that (1) SDG&E was an
imprudent manager and (2) SDG&E’s conduct caused
the Witch Fire.
“‘“[A]ny aggrieved party [to a decision of the
Commission] may petition for a writ of review in the
court of appeal . . . .”’” (SFPP, L.P. v. Public Utilities
Commission (2013) 217 Cal.App.4th 784, 793 (SFPP).)
“[W]hen ‘writ review is the exclusive means of appel-
late review of a final order or judgment, an appellate
court may not deny an apparently meritorious writ
petition, timely presented in a formally and procedur-
ally sufficient manner, merely because, for example,
the petition presents no important issue of law or
because the court considers the case less worthy of
its attention than other matters.’ [Citation.] We are
not, however, ‘compelled to issue the writ if the
[Commission] did not err . . . .’” (Ibid.)
“The limited grounds and standards for our review
are set forth in section 1757, subdivision (a). ‘No new
or additional evidence shall be introduced upon review
by the court. In a complaint or enforcement proceed-
ing, or in a ratemaking or licensing decision of specific
application that is addressed to particular parties, the
review by the court shall not extend further than to
determine . . . whether any of the following occurred:
(1) The commission acted without, or in excess of, its
powers or jurisdiction. (2) The commission has not
proceeded in the manner required by law. (3) The
decision of the commission is not supported by the
findings. (4) The findings in the decision of the
commission are not supported by substantial evidence
in light of the whole record. (5) The order or decision
of the commission was procured by fraud or was an
abuse of discretion. (6) The order or decision of the
commission violates any right of the petitioner under
the Constitution of the United States or the California
Constitution.’” (SFPP, supra, 217 Cal.App.4th at
pp. 793-794.)
“‘There is a strong presumption favoring the valid-
ity of a Commission decision.’” (SFPP, supra, 217
Cal.App.4th at p. 794.) “‘Generally, we give presump-
tive value to a public agency’s interpretation of a
statute within its administrative jurisdiction because
the agency may have “special familiarity with satel-
lite legal and regulatory issues,” leading to expertise
expressed in its interpretation of the statute. [Citation.]
Therefore, “the PUC’s ‘interpretation of the Public
Utilities Code should not be disturbed unless it fails to
bear a reasonable relation to statutory purposes and
language . . . .’”’” (Ibid.)
The Commission’s determination that the principals
of inverse condemnation did not bar its prudent
manager analysis under section 451 was not in excess
of its powers, nor a violation of the law, including the
Constitutions of the United States and California.
Contrary to SDG&E’s assertion, the Commission’s
review was statutorily mandated, and no legal author-
ity authorized it to forego its obligation under section
451. Of note, SDG&E settled the inverse condemna-
tion claims in the wildfire litigation rather than
continue to advance its position that it could not be
held strictly liable as a non-governmental entity.
Further, had the Commission determined that SDG&E
acted as a prudent manager, the costs could have been
passed onto the ratepayers regardless of any potential
strict liability in a civil litigation setting.
In addition, the exhibits submitted by SDG&E do
not support its assertion that the Commission’s findings
under section 451 were not supported by sufficient
evidence. Specifically, the record contains substantial
evidence showing both that SDG&E’s facilities caused
all three of the wildfires at issue, and that SDG&E did
not meet its burden to show that it reasonably and
prudently operated and maintained those facilities.
(See Toward Utility Rate Normalization v. Public
Utilities Com. (1978) 22 Cal.3d 529, 537 [“The findings
of fact by the Commission are to be accorded the same
weight that is given to jury verdicts and the findings
are not open to attack for insufficiency if they are
supported by any reasonable construction of the
In sum, SDG&E has failed to demonstrate that the
Commission erred on the claims it asserts. Under
these circumstances, we decline to issue the writ of
review. (Pacific Bell v. PUC (2006) 140 Cal.App.4th
718, 729.) The petition is denied. The application of
Southern California Edison Company and Pacific Gas
and Electric Company for leave to file an amicus
curiae brief is denied as moot.
BENKE, Acting P. J.
Copies to: All parties
En Banc
Real Parties in Interest.
Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District,
Division One - No. D074417
The request for judicial notice is granted.
The petition for review is denied.

Chief Justice
ALJ/SPT/SL5/ek4 Date of Issuance 12/6/2017
Decision 17-11-033 November 30, 2017
Application 15-09-010
Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company
(U902E) for Authorization to Recover Costs
Related to the 2007 Southern California
Wildfires Recorded in the Wildfire Expense
Memorandum Account (WEMA).
Table of Contents
Title Page
DECISION DENYING APPLICATION ..................... 1
Summary...................................................................... 2
1. Factual Background ............................................. 2
2. Procedural Background ........................................ 3
3. Legal Standards Applied...................................... 9
4. Discussion and Analysis .................................... 11
4.1. Witch Fire ....................................................... 11
4.1.1. Witch Fire Background ........................... 11
4.1.2. SDG&E’s Position on its Operation
and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Witch Fire ............................ 15
4.1.3 ORA’s Position on SDG&E’s Opera-
tion and Management of its Facili-
ties Prior to the Witch Fire ..................... 21
4.1.4. Intervenors’ Position on SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Witch Fire ............ 24
4.1.5. Reasonableness Review: SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Witch Fire ............ 27
4.2. Guejito Fire ..................................................... 29
4.2.1. Guejito Fire Background ......................... 29
4.2.2. SDG&E’s Position on its Operation
and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Guejito Fire .......................... 31
4.2.3. ORA’s Position on SDG&E’s Opera-
tion and Management of its Facili-
ties Prior to the Guejito Fire ................... 33
4.2.4. Reasonableness Review: SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Guejito Fire .......... 35
4.3. Rice Fire .......................................................... 36
4.3.1. Rice Fire Background .............................. 36
4.3.2. Legal Requirements................................. 37
4.3.3. Issues and Party Positions ...................... 38 FF1090’s Inspection and Trim-
ming Schedule .................................. 38 FF1090’s latent defect and the
issue of Reliability Trees .................. 40
4.3.4. Discussion ................................................ 41 SDG&E’s Tree Inspection and
Trimming Schedule .......................... 42 FF1090’s Latent Defect and the
Issue of Reliability Trees .................. 47
4.4. Commission Precedent ................................... 49
4.5. Wind and Weather Conditions in October
2007 ................................................................. 55
4.6. Reconsideration of Threshold Issues ............. 61
5. Conclusion .......................................................... 61
6. Intervenor Compensation .................................. 64
7. Comments on Proposed Decision ....................... 64
8. Assignment of Proceeding .................................. 65
Findings of Fact ......................................................... 65
Conclusions of Law .................................................... 69
ORDER....................................................................... 72
This decision finds that San Diego Gas & Electric
Company did not reasonably manage and operate its
facilities prior to the 2007 Southern California Wild-
fires and therefore denies the utility’s request to
recover costs recorded in its Wildfire Expense Memo-
randum Account. Because we deny this application on
its merits, the issue preliminarily scoped for phase two
of this proceeding is moot.
This proceeding is closed.
1. Factual Background
Beginning on October 21, 2007, a fire storm ripped
through portions of Southern California. This fire
storm, which was comprised of more than a dozen
fires, spread over portions of Orange, San Diego, Los
Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara,
and Riverside counties. These wildfires caused exten-
sive damage to properties in the region, widespread
evacuations, and fatalities.1 Investigative reports issued
in the aftermath of the 2007 wildfires by the California
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
and the Commission’s Consumer Protection and Safety
Division (CPSD) (now the Safety and Enforcement
Division), attributed the ignition of three of these
wildfires to San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E)
facilities. These three fires, the Witch, Guejito and
Rice wildfires (2007 Wildfires), are the subject of the
instant proceeding.
On September 25, 2015, SDG&E filed Application
(A.) 15-09-010 seeking Commission approval to recover

Application (A.) 15-09-010 at 2.
$379 million recorded in its Wildfire Expense Memo-
randum Account (WEMA). The WEMA is an account
established per Resolution E-4311, to track costs
associated with the Witch, Guejito, and Rice wildfires.
The $379 million represents a portion of the total $2.4
billion in costs and legal fees incurred by SDG&E to
resolve third-party damage claims arising from the
Witch, Guejito and Rice Wildfires.2 When translated
into typical residential rates, the WEMA costs would
lead to an increase of $1.67 per month when amortized
over six years.
2. Procedural Background
The 2007 Wildfires were the subject of two prior
proceedings before the Commission. Investigation (I.)
08-11-0073 concluded with Decision (D.) 10-04-047,
which approved a settlement agreement between the
Commission’s CPSD and SDG&E. Pursuant to the
settlement agreement, SDG&E paid penalties ($14.75
million) but did not admit to any safety violation or
role in the cause of the 2007 wildfires.4 Subsequently,
SDG&E, alongside Southern California Gas Company
and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, filed A.09-08-
020 to seek authority to establish a Wildfire Expense
Balancing Account (WEBA) to record future recovery

A.15-09-010 at 1. Portions of the $2.4 billion were recovered
from liability insurance coverage ($1.1 billion) and settlement
payments from third parties (Cox Communications and three
contractors totaling $824 million). Other portions of the costs
were allocated to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
jurisdictional rates. In addition, SDG&E proposes to voluntarily
contribute $42 million. (Id. at 7.)
Investigation on the Commission’s own Motion into the
Operations and Practices of SDG&E Regarding the Utility
Facilities linked to the Witch and Rice Fires in 2007.
D.10-04-047 at 5.
costs associated with the 2007 Wildfires. D.12-12-029
ultimately denied the utilities’ request to open the
WEBA.5 D.12-12-029 additionally ordered the memo-
randum accounts (WEMA), authorized by Commission
Resolution E-4311, to remain open pending a reason-
ableness review6 in an appropriate proceeding.7 Fol-
lowing this order, SDG&E filed A.15-09-010 on
September 25, 2015.
Between October 23 and October 30, 2015, protests
were timely filed and served by San Diego Consumers’
Action Network (SDCAN), the Utility Consumers’
Action Network (UCAN), The Utility Reform Network,
Center for Accessible Technology (TURN/CforAT),
Protect Our Communities Foundation (POC), Office of
Ratepayer Advocates (ORA), and Mussey Grade Road
Alliance (MGRA). TURN/CforAT argued that the
proceeding should be phased, with the first phase
addressing whether SDG&E had prudently managed
its facilities and operations and the second phase
addressing the reasonableness of the and timing of the

Ordering Paragraph 1 of D.12-12-029.
There is usually a significant distinction between a balancing
account and a memorandum account as used by the Commission.
Both accounts are typically employed to ensure the accurate
recovery of the actual cost of a regulatory program. The goal is to
avoid the risk of over- or under-recovery in retail rates of
reasonably incurred program costs. Balancing accounts have an
associated expectation of recovery. They have been pre-author-
ized by the Commission, and it is the amounts -- and not the
creation of the accounts themselves -- that the Commission
reviews for reasonableness. Memorandum accounts, in contrast,
are accounts in which the utilities record amounts for tracking
purposes. While the utilities may later ask for recovery of the
amounts in those accounts, recovery is not guaranteed. See D.03-
06-013 at 4-5.
Ordering Paragraph 2 of D.12-12-029.
amounts requested. Under this proposal, Phase 2
would only be reached if it was determined that
SDG&E had prudently managed its facilities. Ruth
Henricks (Henricks) filed and served a Motion for
Party Status on October 2, 2015 that was subse-
quently granted.
In its November 9, 2015 reply, SDG&E opposed
phasing A.15-09-010 and the protestors’ request to
incorporate the record from the prior proceedings
as part of the record for the instant proceeding.
Additionally, SDG&E stated that the reasonableness
standard should only be applied to: (1) its decision to
pursue the settlement of the claims stemming from the
2007 Wildfires litigation; (2) the process SDG&E
employed in settling the claims; and (3) its efforts in
reducing the costs.9
On February 19, 2016, a Joint Proposed Schedule
was served by MGRA, ORA, POC, Henricks, SDCAN,
TURN, and UCAN (collectively, the Joint Intervenors).
The Joint Proposed Schedule requested that A.15-09-
010 be litigated in phases as proposed by TURN/
CforAT, and that parties be provided with the oppor-
tunity to brief certain threshold legal and policy issues
in relation to the appropriateness of the rate recovery.
The assigned Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) con-
vened a prehearing conference on February 22, 2016.
Subsequently the assigned Commissioner issued a
Scoping Memorandum and Ruling (Scoping Ruling) on
April 11, 2016.
The Scoping Ruling implemented a two-phase
approach for this proceeding with a separate reason-

TURN/CforAT Protest at 4.
SDG&E Reply at 3; Scoping Ruling at 3.
ableness review for each phase. Phase 1 was to address
whether any threshold legal issues raised by the Joint
Intervenors should be a bar to the application and
prudent operation of the facilities. Specifically, Phase
1 was scoped as:
(1) Whether any of the Threshold Issues10
serves as a bar to recovery; and
(2) Whether SDG&E’s operation, engineer-
ing and management the facilities alleged
to have been involved in the ignition of
the fires was reasonable and prudent.
Each of the three fires should be
addressed separately.11
The Scoping Ruling stated that prior Commission
decisions indicate that a reasonableness standard
should entail a review of the prudency of SDG&E’s
actions leading up to the fire. The Scoping Ruling
specifically referenced D.14-06-007 in which the
Commission held that for costs to be found reasonable,
the utility must prove that they were:
prudently incurred by competent manage-
ment exercising the best practices of the era,
and using well-trained, well-informed and
conscientious employees who are performing
their jobs properly . . . [T]he Commission can

The Threshold Issues are: Whether rate recovery would
create a moral hazards . . . the fairness of imposing rate increases
on San Diego customers, particularly those who were already
victims of the fires . . . , and whether SDG&E has already been
compensated for such risks in its rates and whether it warrants
special recovery outside of the normal general rate case
process . . . : (Scoping Ruling at 6 citing the Joint Intervenors
Joint Proposed Schedule).
Scoping Ruling at 6.
and must disallow those costs: that is unjust
and unreasonable costs must not be recovered
in rates from ratepayers.12
The Scoping Ruling further stated that this stand-
ard is consistent with the Commission’s obligation
under Pub. Util. Code § 451 to ensure that resulting
rates will be just and reasonable and that service is
provided in a safe manner.
Opening briefs on Threshold Issues were filed by
SDG&E, ORA and UCAN on May 11, 2016. On May
26, 2016, Reply briefs were filed by SDG&E and
UCAN. The assigned ALJ reviewed the arguments
posed by the intervening parties to dismiss the
application on the basis of the Threshold Issues as a
motion for summary judgment. On August 11, 2016,
the assigned ALJ issued a ruling against the inter-
vening parties and confirming the procedural schedule
set forth in the Scoping Ruling. The August 11, 2016
ruling allowed for the re-consideration of the argu-
ments in the briefs after the development of an
evidentiary record.13
If the proceeding was not dismissed during the
first phase, the second of A.15-0-010 would have the
Commission consider whether SDG&E’s actions and
decision making in connection with settling of legal
claims and costs in relation to the wildfires were
In October 2016, this proceeding was reassigned to
ALJ S. Pat Tsen and ALJ Pro Tem Sasha Goldberg.

Scoping Ruling at 6 citing D.14-06-007 at 31.
Ruling Confirming Procedural Schedule Following Briefs on
the Threshold Issues, August 11, 2016 at 4.
Id. at 5.
Following this reassignment, ORA filed a motion for
change of venue, which was ultimately denied.15 In
accordance with the procedural schedule set by the
Scoping Ruling, the newly assigned ALJs and Com-
missioner scheduled and held two Public Participation
Hearings (PPHs) in Escondido, California, on January
9, 2017.16 Over 200 residents of San Diego County
attended the PPHs, as well as several local news
Evidentiary Hearings for Phase 1 of this proceeding
were held at the Commission’s San Francisco hearing
rooms the week of January 23, 2017. In response to
requests from SDG&E and ORA, the assigned ALJs
issued a ruling on February 10, 2017 modifying the
post-hearing briefing schedule for Phase 1. In addition
to modifying due date(s) for briefs, this ruling directed
parties to obtain confirmation that the Cal Fire
investigative reports on the 2007 Wildfires were in fact
final and/or closed.17
On March 17, 2017, ORA served an affidavit from
the Unit Chief for Cal Fire’s MVU Unit affirming that
Cal Fire considers the investigative reports into the
2007 Wildfires final, with no plans to re-open or
supplement any of these investigations.18 Opening
briefs for Phase 1 were filed and served on March 24,

Administrative Law Judges’ Ruling Denying the Office of
Ratepayer Advocates’ Motion to Change Venue (December 21,
Administrative Law Judges’ Ruling Setting Public
Participation Hearings (November 11, 2016).
Ruling Administrative Law Judges’ Ruling Modifying Proce-
dural Schedule and Requiring Supplemental Information at 4.
ORA Response regarding Cal Fire Affidavit (March 17,
2017 by SDG&E, ORA, SDCAN, UCAN, POC, and
Henricks. Reply briefs were filed and served on
April 14, 2017 by SDG&E, ORA, MRGA, UCAN, and
SDCAN. The record for Phase 1 of this proceeding was
submitted19 for Commission consideration on July 6,
2017 after Henricks filed a motion to accept the late
filing of Henricks’ Opening Brief.
On August 22, 2017 a proposed decision (PD)
denying SDG&E’s recovery in this proceeding was
served on the service list to A.15-09-010. Opening
comments on the PD were filed on September 11, 2017,
along with motions by Pacific Gas and Electric
Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison
Company (SCE) for party status. The filing of motions
by PG&E and SCE at this late juncture triggered
responses from the intervenors and ORA in this pro-
ceeding. After evaluating the motions and responses,
the assigned ALJs granted PG&E and SCE limited
party status20 on September 26, 2017. This limited
party status gave PG&E and SCE the opportunity to
comment on the legal issue of inverse condemnation.
PG&E and SCE filed joint comments on the issue of
inverse condemnation on October 4, 2017. SDG&E,
ORA, POC, UCAN and MGRA filed replies to the joint
comments on October 11, 2017.
In addition to the comment period for inverse
condemnation, on September 18, 2017, the assigned
ALJs noticed an All Party Meeting. The All Party
Meeting, held by Commissioner Liane Randolph, took
place in Chula Vista, California, immediately after the

Rules of Practice and Procedure, Rule 13.14(a).
See A.15-09-010 E-mail Ruling Granting Limited Party
Status to Southern California Edison Company; A.15-09-010 E-
mail Ruling Granting Limited Party Status to PG&E.
conclusion of the September 28, 2017 Commission
Meeting. The All Party meeting provided parties with
the opportunity to address the Commission. Partici-
pants in the All Party Meeting included SDG&E,
and UCAN.
Due to the scheduling of the All Party Meeting,
and building in time for replies to PG&E and SCE’s
comments on inverse condemnation, the statutory
deadline for this proceeding was extended by D.17-09-
038 to April 11, 2018.
3. Legal Standards Applied
The appropriate standard in a ratesetting matter is
preponderance of the evidence.21 As the Applicant,
SDG&E bears the burden of proof. Preponderance of
the evidence usually is defined “in terms of probability
of truth, e.g., ‘such evidence, when weighed with that
opposed to it, has more convincing force and the
greater probability of truth’.”22 In short, SDG&E must
present more evidence that supports the requested
result than would support an alternative outcome.
The Commission’s standard for reasonableness
reviews, reaffirmed in a series of decisions, is as
The term reasonable and prudent means that
at a particular time any of the practices,
methods and acts engaged in by a utility
follows the exercise of reasonable judgment in
light of the facts known or which should have
been known at the time the decision was
made. The act or decision is expected by the

D.16-12-063 at 9, citing D.12-12-030 at 44.
D.12-12-030 at 42, aff’d D.15-07-044 at 28-30.
utility to accomplish the desired result at the
lowest reasonable cost consistent with good
utility practices. Good utility practices are
based upon cost effectiveness, safety and
We have analyzed SDG&E’s management and
operation of its facilities prior to the ignition of the
Witch, Guejito and Rice Wildfires within the rubric
of the Commission’s prudent manager standard. In
comments to the proposed decision, SDG&E contends
that the Commission is imposing a perfection stand-
ard. That is not the case. Our decision today analyzes
the Witch, Guejito, and Rice fires separately, taking
into account extensive records submitted by the
parties, industry practice in 2007, and contempo-
raneous information available to SDG&E at the time
of the separate ignitions. Each analysis is fact specific
and has been reached after careful consideration of the
record. Contrary to SDG&E’s assertion, holding utilities
accountable under the reasonable and prudent man-
ager standard in no way imposes a standard of
perfection. The Commission was prepared in this case,
as it will in the future, to find SDG&E’s conduct is
reasonable and prudent, if the facts warrant such a
4. Discussion and Analysis
In this section, the Commission analyzes the Witch,
Guejito, and Rice fires separately and determines
SDG&E’s prudency in managing its facilities. As the
Applicant seeking recovery, SDG&E must affirma-
tively satisfy the Commission that it acted prudently.
We weigh evidence presented by SDG&E that it acted
prudently, against evidence presented by the interve-

24 CPUC 2d 476, 486.
nors that SDG&E did not act prudently. In each
analysis, we find SDG&E to have failed its burden of
proof to show by a preponderance of the evidence, that
it complied with the Commission’s prudent manager
4.1. Witch Fire
4.1.1. Witch Fire Background
The Witch Fire, which later merged with the Guejito
Fire, was the second largest fire to occur in San Diego
County in 2007.24 The SDG&E facility involved in the
ignition of the Witch Fire was Tie Line (TL) 637.25 TL
637 is a 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line that con-
nects the Santa Ysabel and Creelman substations.26
TL 637 is approximately 14 miles long and runs along
a remote backcountry section of San Diego County.27
Although there were no eyewitnesses to the ignition
of the fire, the Cal Fire investigator determined that a
fault on TL 637 between poles Z416675 and Z416676
on October 21, 2007 led to arcing of the lines, which
dispersed hot particles to land in the grassy field below
the powerlines.28 These particles were determined to
have ignited the Witch Fire which was then spread by
wind.29 There was a Red Flag Warning30 in place at

ORA-01 at 6.
SDGE-11-A at 2.
Id. at 3
Id. at 3; ORA-01 at 6 to 7.
SGDE-11-A at 3-4, citing Cal Fire Report (Witch) at 2, 14,
and 19.
ORA-01 at 45: The National Weather Service issues a Red
Flag Warning “to call attention to limited weather conditions of
particular importance that may result in extreme burning
4:45 a.m., prior to the Witch Fire’s ignition on October
21, 2007.31
The following chart depicts a timeline of the events
occurring the day of the Witch Fire ignition:
Timeline of Events on October 21, 2007 on TL 63732
Time Description of Event
8:53 a.m. Fault 1 occurred on TL 637
The Transmission System Operator dis-
patched Electric Troubleshooters to either
9:05 a.m. and
end of TL 637(Santa Ysabel and Creelman
9:08 a.m.
substations) to gather additional infor-
mation about the 8:53 a.m. fault
SDG&E’s Grid Operations were respond-
ing to the Harris Fire which burned in
9:30 a.m. southern San Diego County near the
vicinity of SDG&E’s 500 kV transmission
line, the Southwest Powerlink
Electric Troubleshooters reported back to
10:00 a.m. the Transmission System Operator at Grid
The Troubleshooters found that the protection devices at
each end of the line operated and opened the circuit
breakers, which remained opened for ten seconds, and then

conditions. It is issued when it is an on-going event or the fire

weather forecaster has a high degree of confidence that Red Flag
criteria will occur within 24 hours of issuance.” (Citing the
National Weather Service Glossary, Red Flag Warnings.)
SDGE-11-A at 6-7, referencing Appendices 3 and 4
(Appendix 3 is the Operations Shift Supervisor Daily Log from
October 21, 2007), (Appendix 4 is the Electric Switching Order for
TL 637 on October 21, 2007).
reclosed the line, because the faults had cleared within the
ten seconds The Troubleshooters learned that the faults
were temporary because they had cleared within 10
seconds, and so the flow of electricity was restored.33
11:22 a.m. Fault 2 occurred on TL 637
Cal Fire requests Grid Operations to de-
11:42 a.m. energize the Southwest Powerlink to allow
air drops of fire retardant in the area.
Electric Troubleshooters dispatched to the
12:01 p.m.
Santa Ysabel and Creelman substations
SDG&E’s Grid Operations opened the
12:15 p.m.
Southwest Powerlink as a Forced Outage
Electric Troubleshooter reported back to
Grid Operations from the Santa Ysabel
12:19 p.m.
substation that the circuit breakers had
again operated and had reclosed.
Fault 3 occurred on TL 637, while the
12:23 p.m. Troubleshooters were at the Santa Ysabel
and Creelman substations.
Under SDG&E’s Transmission Monitoring & Control
Procedure 1100, when a line faults and immediately
recloses and the cause for the trip is unknown, the line
should be patrolled by either a vehicle or aerially, via a
Witch Fire observed by Air Tanker Pilot
12:29 p.m.
(according to the Cal Fire Report)
12:33 p.m. Patrolman was sent to patrol TL 637

12:39 p.m. Patrolman informed the Grid Operations

Transmission System Operator that he

SDGE-11-A at 7.
would go out to patrol TL 637 in person
rather than by air.
Electric Troubleshooter reported back to
Grid Operations from the Creelman sub-
12:56 p.m.
station that the circuit breakers had again
operated and had reclosed.
Grid Operations became aware of the
1:10 p.m.
Witch Fire
SDG&E’s Transmission Construction and
1:14 p.m. Maintenance Manager rerouted a Con-
struction Supervisor to Santa Ysabel
SDG&E’s Transmission Construction and
Maintenance Manager requested that Grid
1:59 p.m.
Operations disable automatic reclosing on
TL 637
Grid Operations Transmission System
2:01 p.m. Operator turned-off automatic reclosing at
the Santa Ysabel substation
Grid Operations Transmission System
Operator requested a Troubleshooter be
2:05 p.m.
dispatched to the Creelman substation to
turn-off automatic reclosing.
An SDG&E Construction Supervisor with
SDG&E’s Transmission Construction and
3:00 p.m.
Maintenance Manager met a Cal Fire crew
at the Santa Ysabel substation
Fault 4 occurred on TL 637, automatically
3:25 p.m.
reclosed at the Creelman substation
TL 637 became de-energized by the Grid
3:27 p.m.
Operations Transmission System Operator
A series of four faults occurred on TL 637 on October
21, 2007: the first fault at 8:53 a.m.; the second fault
at 11:22 a.m.; the third fault at 12:23 p.m.; and the
fourth fault at 3:25 p.m.34 Cal Fire concluded that the
Witch Fire ignited after the third fault occurred on TL
637 at 12:23 p.m. on October 21, 2007 because an Air
Tanker Pilot first observed the fire at 12:29 p.m.35
SDG&E Grid Operations became aware of the Witch
Fire at 1:10 p.m., and de-energized TL 637 after the
fourth fault at 3:27 p.m.36
Ultimately, the Witch Fire led to the destruction of
1,141 homes, 509 outbuildings, and 239 vehicles.37
Once combined with the Guejito Fire, the Witch Fire
burned a total of 197,990 acres.38 The combination of
the Witch and Guejito Fires led to two fatalities and
injured 40 firefighters.39
4.1.2. SDG&E’s Position on its Operation
and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Witch Fire
SDG&E maintains that its operation and manage-
ment of its facilities linked to the Witch Fire prior to
October 21, 2007 were reasonable.40 SDG&E supports
its position by claiming: (1) SDG&E’s response to the
faults along TL 637 was reasonable given the infor-
mation available at the time of the faults; (2) SDG&E’s

SDGE-11-A at 6 to7.
SDGE-11-A at 6 to 7.
SDGE-11-A at 6 to 7.
ORA-01 at 7, citing Cal Fire Report (Witch) at 2.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 30.
recloser policy was reasonable and prudent; and
(3) the Witch Fire was not foreseeable.41
SDG&E’s Response to Faults along TL 637
SDG&E maintains that the facts surrounding the
Witch Fire do not show that SDG&E acted unreason-
ably or imprudently in its response to the four faults
occurring along TL 637 on October 21, 2007.42 SDG&E
does not dispute the fact that its facilities were directly
involved in the ignition of the Witch Fire, SDG&E put
forth Mr. Ali Yari (Mr. Yari), SDG&E’s Director of
Electric Grid Operations, to testify as to SDG&E’s
reasonable and prudent monitoring of the faults along
TL 637.43
First, SDG&E contends that its actions and
response to the faults occurring along TL 637 were
reasonable given the information it had available in
real time on October 21, 2007.44 Mr. Yari testified that
in 2007, SDG&E did not have the capability to
determine in real-time the exact location of the faults
occurring along the 14-mile stretch of TL 637.45
SDG&E maintains that the relay equipment at the
substation stores voltage and current information, and
not specific fault locations.46 Mr. Yari testified that it
would have taken at least one hour to get the
protection engineer in a position to dial into the relay,
plus about 30 additional minutes to download and

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 30 to 31.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 37.
SDGE-11-A at 1.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 37.
Id. at 41.
process the information. SDG&E asserts that this
need for engineering intervention to analyze the
data stored in the relay showed that SDG&E acted
prudently in responding to the faults on TL 637.48
SDG&E contends its response to the faults along TL
637 was reasonable because its interpretation of the
data stored in the relay along TL 637 was both analyt-
ical and appropriate, given the standards in 2007.49
Second, SDG&E maintains its Grid Operations’
response time to inspect TL 637 was reasonable given
the threat to the Southwest Powerlink on October 21,
2007.50 In his direct testimony, Mr. Yari explains how
the threat of the Harris Fire to the Southwest
Powerlink impacted SDG&E’s monitoring of TL 637.
Mr. Yari notes, the threat to the Southwest Powerlink
“was a major event consuming SDG&E resources –
including the attention of Grid Operations personnel
and the resources available to conduct patrols. . . .
SDG&E was particularly concerned about the outage
of this major transmission line since it was essential
to grid stability across Southern California. . . .
SDG&E was also taking seriously the faults on TL 637
but there was no indication of any kind of emergency
. . . since faults are not particularly unusual on a windy
day . . .”51 SDG&E maintains that even though its
Grid Operations de-energized the Southwest Power-
link at 12:15 p.m., Grid Operations was appropriately
monitoring the faults along TL 637.52 SDG&E argues

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 43.
Id. at 42.
Id. at 37, SDGE-11-A at 1-13.
SDGE-11-A at 9.
that its dispatch of troubleshooters to investigate
the faults on TL 637 was all that was required to be
Third, SDG&E argues that, because it had not
previously experienced fires related to transmission
lines coming into contact with one another, SDG&E’s
level of concern about the faults along TL 637 was
appropriate.54 Through Mr. Yari, SDG&E stressed
that conductor-to-conductor activity is “relatively rare”
and on windy days a fault is not unusual given the
potential for debris to come into contact with a
conductor.55 Because of this “relatively rare” activity,
SDG&E asserts it was reasonable not to suspect that
hot particles were being emitted from the activity
along TL 637.56
As such, SDG&E maintains that its monitoring of
the faults on TL 637 was reasonable and prudent.

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 37 to 38.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 38, citing SDGE-11-A at
Id. and SDGE-11-A at 8.
SDGE-11-A 8 to 9.
SDG&E’s Recloser Policy
SDG&E asserts its recloser policy57 in effect on
October 21, 2007 as both reasonable and prudent.58
SDG&E maintains ORA fails to show how SDG&E’s
awareness of the 2001 Power Line Fire Prevention
Field Guide (2001 Field Guide) put SDG&E on notice
of the risks of its recloser policy prior to October 2007.
SDG&E notes the 2001 Field Guides’ excerpt, “auto-
matic reclosers re-energizing the line into the fault
may cause repeated arcing and increase the probabil-
ity of igniting vegetation,” does not show SDG&E’s
imprudence in utilizing its recloser policy in response
to the faults along TL 637.59 SDG&E asserts that even
if it were possible to turn off TL 637’s automatic
reclosers after the second fault, such an action would

SDG&E Recloser Policy: Similar to all electric utilities across
the country, SDG&E uses protection devices on all of its trans-
mission lines to ensure that the electric system detects and
responds to fault activity and isolates the faulted line. Those
protection devices measure currents and voltages and detect any
abnormal system conditions or faults, on the associated lines. If
a transmission system line faults, the protective relays operate to
open the circuit breakers (de-energizing the line), and the circuit
breakers remain open for ten seconds before the reclosers attempt
to reclose them. If the circuit breakers do not reclose successfully,
which would indicate that the fault has not cleared after 10
seconds, the recloser “locks out” and prevents further automatic
reclose attempts. If the circuit breakers reclose successfully, the
circuit is restored. As an additional protection, even if the circuit
breakers reclose successfully after 10 seconds, the recloser will
lockout if the lines faults again within 120 second of the initial
fault. If no additional faults occur within that 120-second period,
the recloser resets. ORA-18 at 2, citing Geier Testimony Excerpts
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 49.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 49 to 50.
not have avoided the Witch Fire’s ignition.60 Moreover,
Mr. Yari testified that disabling automatic reclosers
after the second fault would have been imprudent
“given the important of keeping [TL 637] in service to
serve the backcountry during a very windy day” and
that the recloser policy was industry practice.61
Foreseeability of Witch Fire
SDG&E maintains that the facts surrounding the
Witch Fire do not show that SDG&E acted unreason-
ably or imprudently based on what SDG&E knew at
the time.62 More specifically, SDG&E argues that
Henricks, MGRA, UCAN and POC fail to show how
the Witch Fire was foreseeable.63
First, SDG&E put forth Mr. David Geier (Mr. Geier)
to testify as to SDG&E’s fire preparedness in 2007.64
Mr. Geier, SDG&E’s Vice President of Electric Trans-
mission and System Engineering, discussed the
2003 Wildfires65 in his direct testimony and the steps
SDG&E took in the aftermath of the 2003 Wildfires to
reduce the risk of wildfires in its service territory.66
Mr. Geier explained how post-2003 SDG&E focused on
improving the integrity and reliability of the utility’s

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 50.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 51, citing Reporter’s Tran-
script Volume 3 at 384.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 30 to 31.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 30.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 31.
SDGE-05 at 15, 2003 Wildfires: In San Diego County alone,
the 2003 Wildfires burned over 400,000 acres, destroyed more
than 2,400 homes, and caused extensive damage to SDG&E
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 31.
transmission and distribution systems, especially in
the areas subject to the extreme Santa Ana winds.67
Through Mr. Geier, SDG&E showed that it created a
full-time fire coordinator position to provide training
to its employees on fire risk, in addition to creating a
database to track fire causes and patterns.68 Despite
the newly created fire coordinator position and data-
base, SDG&E maintains that there was no infor-
mation available that could have been used to predict
the Witch Fire ignition.69
Second, SDG&E maintains that there has not been
a credible showing that there has ever been a compa-
rable event to the 2007 Wildfires.70 SDG&E contends
that while the 2003 Wildfires were significant, the
2007 Wildfires happened under different circum-
stances.71 Specifically, SDG&E contends that the 2007
Wildfires involved over a dozen major fires igniting
over a short period of time, including ignitions
to powerlines, which was not the case in 2003.72
Accordingly, SDG&E maintains there was no way to
have foreseen what occurred in October 2007 based on
historical data.73
Third, SDG&E contends that the Witch Fire was not
foreseeable because SDG&E designed, engineered,
maintained and inspected TL 637 in compliance with

SDGE-05 at 16.
SDGE-05 at 16.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 32 citing SDGE-12 at 25.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 32.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 32.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 32.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 33.
the Commission’s industry standards.74 General Order
(GO) 95 requires that all infrastructure be designed,
constructed, rebuilt and maintained to account for
known local conditions.75 And while MGRA and other
intervenors have raised SDG&E’s compliance with GO
95 in regards to the foreseeability of the Witch Fire,
SDG&E maintains those arguments fail to discredit
SDG&E’s showings of compliance and prudence.76
Specifically, SDG&E asserts MGRA fails to show how
rebuilding TL 637 to a higher wind loading standard
would have prevented the Witch Fire.77
As such, SDG&E maintains that its operation and
management of TL 637 was reasonable.
4.1.3 ORA’s Position on SDG&E’s Opera-
tion and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Witch Fire
ORA maintains that SDG&E has not shown by a
preponderance of the evidence that SDG&E’s opera-
tion and management of its facilities prior to the
ignition of the Witch Fire were reasonable.78 ORA
argues that SDG&E’s response to the faults occurring
on TL 637 was unreasonable.79 Within this argument,
ORA contends: (1) the timing of SDG&E’s response to
the faults along TL 637 was not appropriate; and
(2) SDG&E did not effectively use fault location infor-
mation available at the relays in response to the

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 33.
MGRA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 8.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 33.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 33.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 13.
faults. ORA additionally argues that SDG&E’s
recloser policy in effect on October 21, 2007 impru-
dently increased fire risk.81
SDG&E’s Response to Faults along TL 637
ORA contends that SDG&E has not shown it acted
prudently in connection to the ignition of the Witch
Fire.82 ORA maintains SDG&E’s failure to use fault
location information effectively demonstrates that the
utility failed to act reasonably regarding the faults
along TL 637.83
First, ORA maintains that SDG&E should have
responded sooner to investigate the faults occurring on
TL 637 on the morning of October 21, 2007.84 ORA
points to SDG&E’s dispatch of troubleshooters in
support of this argument: “the dispatch time for the
second trip was almost four times as long as for the
first trip that occurred less than three hours before.
Multiple line trips of TL 637 in a single day should
have been a concern to the utility, especially since this
was a rare event that had occurred only 9 times in
the previous 24 years.”85 ORA argues that SDG&E’s
response time was slow, noting that over 6 hours
passed from the time of the initial fault on TL 637 to
its de-energization.86 ORA argues that SDG&E should
have had the resources in place to communicate the
need for patrol; and that SDG&E’s failure to have

ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 28.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 13.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 13.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 10.
Id. citing ORA-03 at 1-3 (TL 637 Fault History).
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 11.
resources available constituted imprudent manage-
ment.87 ORA maintains that this imprudent manage-
ment lead to the ignition and spread of the Witch
Second, ORA maintains that SDG&E did not effec-
tively use the fault location information it had
available to respond to the faults along TL 637.89 ORA
contends that SDG&E could have obtained the
location of faults in time to be in a better position to
respond to the faults on TL 637.90 Specifically, ORA
refers to the following fault time and location infor-
mation obtained through discovery to rebut SDG&E’s
argument that it could not analyze the data stored in
the relay without engineering intervention.91

Fault Time Fault Location

8:53 a.m. 2.73 miles / 2.74 miles
11:22 a.m. 2.73 miles / 2.75 miles
12:23 p.m. 2.79 miles /2.76 miles
3:25 p.m. 2.82 miles / 2.84 miles
ORA notes that SDG&E did not retrieve the above
mileage data until October 22, 2007, a day after the
ignition of the Witch Fire.92 Additionally, ORA high-
lights the testimony of Mr. Yari, that had SDG&E
looked at the mileage data, it would have been in a

ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 12.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 34.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 13.
Id. at 17.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 13.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 13 to 16, referencing ORA-19.
better position to respond to the faults.93 In sum, ORA
asserts it was imprudent of SDG&E to not effectively
use data that was available at the relays in responding
to the faults. Moreover, ORA contends that had
SDG&E used the fault location data on October 21,
2007, rather than the day after ignition, it would have
assisted SDG&E in having a quicker response time.94
SDG&E’s Recloser Policy
ORA maintains SDG&E’s recloser policy in effect
during the faults along TL 637 imprudently increased
fire risk.95 Under cross-examination by ORA, Mr. Geier
acknowledged and essentially agreed with the 2001
Field Guide’s assertion, “Automatic reclosers reener-
gizing the line into the fault may cause repeated
arcing and increase the probability of igniting vegeta-
tion.”96 ORA contends this assertion put SDG&E on
notice of the risks posed by automatic reclosers to
ignite vegetation, as early as 2001.97 ORA asserts that
these risks and the fact that there was a Red Flag
Warning in place on October 21, 2007, and that there
were an unusual number of trips shows that SDG&E
was imprudent when it did not anticipate that its
facilities posed a fire risk on October 21, 2007.98
As such, ORA maintains the record established
SDG&E did not act prudently on October 21, 2007.

ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 17, citing Reporter’s Transcript
Volume 3 at 349.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 17.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 28.
Hearing Reporter’s Transcript Volume 2 at 197; ORA Phase
1 Opening Brief at 29, citing ORA-20.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 32.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 15.
4.1.4. Intervenors’ Position on SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Witch Fire
Many of the intervenors to this proceeding contend
that SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence that SDG&E’s operation and management of
its facilities prior to the ignition of the Witch Fire
were reasonable.99 Henricks, MGRA, UCAN and POC
assert that the fact that SDG&E had prior experience
with catastrophic fires, renders SDG&E imprudent
when SDG&E failed to adequately address the faults
on TL 637.100
Foreseeability of Witch Fire
Henricks, MGRA, UCAN and POC maintain that
the facts show SDG&E did not operate its facilities
reasonably prior to the ignition of the Witch Fire.101
Henricks asserts that SDG&E was familiar with the
2003 Wildfires, and thus was on notice that a fire could
spread to the extent to which the Witch Fire spread.102
Henricks highlights the testimony of SDG&E’s wit-
ness Lee Schavrien (Mr. Schavrien) to show that
SDG&E had knowledge of the catastrophic events
linked to 2003 Wildfires.103 Henricks maintains that
SDG&E’s knowledge of the 400,000 acres burned, 16
lives lost, and 2400 homes destroyed by the 2003
Wildfires put SDG&E on notice that such an event

Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 5.
Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 4; MGRA Phase 1 Reply
Brief at 13 to 15.
See generally Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief.
Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 4.
Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 4, referencing Reporter’s
Transcript Volume 2 at 264 to 271.
could occur again. As such, Henricks maintains
SDG&E did not act reasonably because the 2007
Wildfires were foreseeable.105
MRGA argues that SDG&E fails to show it acted
reasonably in its operation and management of TL
637.106 MGRA contends that SDG&E fails to establish
it had no reason to suspect the faults occurring along
TL 637 were the result of unusual conductor to conduc-
tor contact.107 More specifically, MGRA contends that
had SDG&E applied SDG&E’s prior knowledge of load
standards and the Santa Ana wind conditions differ-
ently, the Witch Fire could have been prevented, or at
the very least foreseen.108
UCAN and POC maintain that SDG&E failed to act
reasonably prior to the Witch Fire’s ignition because
fires were foreseeable given the history in SDG&E’s
service territory.109 Although UCAN’s arguments as to
wind and weather conditions are addressed in more
detail in Section 4.4 of this decision (Wind and Weather
Conditions in October 2007), UCAN’s assertions touch
on how SDG&E failed to act reasonably in regards to
the Witch Fire.110 UCAN contends that the Santa Ana
wind conditions were a foreseeable, known local condi-
tion and SDG&E should have been prepared for the

Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 5, referencing Reporter’s
Transcript Volume 2 at 264 to 271.
Henricks Phase 1 Opening Brief at 5.
MGRA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 13.
MGRA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 15 to 16.
MGRA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 16.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 3; POC Phase 1 Opening
Brief at 3.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 3.
possibility that its electrical equipment might spark
wildfires during a Santa Ana windstorm.111 And although
UCAN does not dispute the fact that SDG&E’s
facilities were not linked to the 2003 Wildfires, UCAN
does contend that the events surrounding the 2003
Wildfires put SDG&E on notice of the fire potential
years prior to the ignition of the 2007 Wildfires.112 As
such, UCAN maintains that SDG&E cannot prove by
a preponderance of the evidence that its management
and operation of its facilities prior to the ignition of the
Witch Fire were reasonable.113
4.1.5. Reasonableness Review: SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Witch Fire
In evaluating SDG&E’s operation and management
of its facilities in connection with the Witch Fire,
the Commission must determine whether SDG&E
employed reasonable judgement in its operation and
management of its facilities in the period leading up to
the ignition of the Witch Fire.
SDG&E’s response to the faults along TL 637 was
unreasonable when viewed in light of the record of
this proceeding. The threat of the Harris Fire to
the Southwest Powerlink, does not excuse SDG&E’s
failure to monitor the faults on TL 637. The fact that
there are other wind related wildfires in the area
should put a prudent manager on notice to anticipate
wind related events to its facilities. Also, in the 24 year
history of FL 637, there were only nine days with
multiple faults. While compliance with industry

UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 3.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 3.
UCAN Phase 1 Reply Brief at 5.
practice is relevant to our reasonableness review,
SDG&E must also show it acted reasonably in light of
the circumstances at the time. The Red Flag Warning
indicating high wind conditions, other fires in the
vicinity, the request by Cal Fire to de-energize another
transmission line, and three faults over a period of 3.5
hours, all alerted SDG&E to the potential for fires and
should have caused SDG&E to act more proactively on
October 21, 2007.114 Mr. Yari testified it would take 1.5
hours for a protective engineer and computer to
calculate the exact location of the fault(s) on TL 637.
Had SDG&E de-energized TL 637 or sent a protective
engineer out to either end of TL 637 before the third
fault occurred, it may have prevented the third fault
from igniting the Witch Fire at 12:23 p.m. Moreover,
it would have been more reasonable for SDG&E to
send a protective engineer to calculate the fault
mileage information on the date the faults occurred
and the fire ignited.
While SDG&E’s recloser policy was industry prac-
tice, it knew as early as 2001 that automatic reclosers
energizing into the fault may cause arcing and
increase fire risk. SDG&E fails to show how it was
reasonable for its Grid Operations to take 6.5 hours to
de-energize TL 637 after the initial 8:53 a.m. fault.
This 6.5 hour lapse does not show that SDG&E was
engaged in reasonable utility practice. It would have
been more reasonable to force an outage before the
Witch Fire ignited at 12:23 p.m. However, the fact that
SDG&E did not de-energize TL 637 until 3:27 p.m.,
does not show how SDG&E acted reasonably in its
decision to not de-energize the line immediately at
1:10 p.m. Even though SDG&E management was

ORA-01 at 10:13-15; ORA-03 at 1-3.
aware of the 2001 Field Guide’s assertion that auto-
matic reclosers increase the risk to ignite vegetation,
SDG&E still failed to take more proactive steps to
prevent the Witch Fire’s ignition.
There were multiple events happening on October
21, 2007 which show SDG&E was unreasonable not to
foresee the Witch Fire or to assert now that that it was
not foreseeable. The Red Flag Warning in effect on
October 21 2007 coupled with the 9:30 a.m. ignition of
the Harris Fire put SDG&E on notice that wind and
weather could cause the ignition of another fire in its
territory on October 21, 2007. The four faults on a line
that did not have a history of faults combined with
SDG&E’s knowledge of the destruction caused by the
2003 Wildfires, including the Cedar Fire, contradicts
the argument that the Witch Fire was unforeseeable.
As such, SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance
of the evidence that it acted prudently in its operation
and management of its facilities linked to the ignition
of the Witch Fire.
4.2. Guejito Fire
4.2.1. Guejito Fire Background
The Guejito Fire was first reported by Cal Fire at
01:00 on October 22, 2007 near the City of Escondido,
in San Diego County.115 The SDG&E facility involved
in the ignition of the Guejito Fire was a 12 kV over-
head conductor. CPSD and Cal Fire attributed the
ignition of the Guejito Fire to a Cox Communications
(Cox) lashing wire coming into contact with an
SDG&E 12 kV overhead conductor, between SDG&E

ORA-01 at 17.
poles P196387 and P196394.116 The SDG&E conduc-
tors were located above the Cox lines.117
GO 95, within the California State Rules for
Overhead Electric Line Construction, sets the basic
minimum allowable clearance of wires from other
wires at crossings.118 Rule 38 of GO 95 specifies a
minimum clearance of 6 feet with a maximum reduc-
tion of ten percent under wind conditions.119 On
November 2, 2007 an SDG&E engineering contractor,
Nolte Associates, Inc. performed an engineering survey
on the facilities linked to the Guejito Fire’s ignition.120
The Nolte Survey documented a 3.3-foot clearance
between the SDG&E conductors and Cox lines prior to
any repair work being completed after the ignition of
the Guejito Fire.121
The Cox facilities involved in the Guejito Fire were
installed in August of 2001.122 SDG&E purports that it
is not known when the 3.3-foot clearance violation
occurred, as there were no pre-fire surveys completed
on the facilities in question.123 At hearings however,
SDG&E presented Mr. Greg Walters, a former man-
ager of SDG&E’s Compliance Management Group and
Joint Facilities Department, to testify that it was his
belief that the Cox facilities involved in the Guejito

ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 34, citing ORA-05 at 926.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 34, citing ORA-50.
General Order 95 at Table 2.
Id. at 18-19.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 18.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 59.
Fire were not in compliance with GO 95, Rule 38,
Table 2 at the time of installation.124
In its opening brief, ORA notes that CPSD found
SDG&E to be in violation of the following statutory
provisions at the time it conducted its post-fire survey
of the SDG&E facilities involved in the Guejito Fire:
• Public Utilities Code Section 451 (“Failing to
detect/repair a broken lashing wire and/or
failing to maintain required clearances.”);
• GO 95, Rule 31.1 (“Failing to detect/repair a
broken lashing wire and/or failing to maintain
required clearances, in consideration of the
given local conditions such as the well-known
Santa Ana winds.”); and
• GO 95, Rule 38 (“As supported by the Nolte
Survey, the clearances between Cox’s and
SDG&E’s facilities were noncompliant before/
during and after the Guejito [F]ire ignition,
which occurred during conditions that did not
justify the noncompliance.”)125
SDG&E’s expert, Mr. Darren Weim (Mr. Weim),
testified that detailed inspections prior to the Guejito
Fire were conducted on June 22, 2007 (for Pole
P196394) and April 8, 2005 (for Pole P196394).126 Mr.
Weim noted, “[o]ther than missing or damaged high
voltage or warning signs (which were repaired), no
[other] conditions were noted in these inspections.”127

A.15-09-010 at 15; Reporter’s Transcript Volume 5 at 793.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 25; citing ORA-05 at
SDGE-06 at 11.
SDGE-06 at 11.
As referenced above, the Guejito Fire, which later
combined with the Witch Fire, burned a total of 197,990
acres before being contained.128 Once combined, the
Guejito and Witch Fires led to two fatalities and 40
injured firefighters.129
4.2.2. SDG&E’s Position on its Operation
and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Guejito Fire
SDG&E does not dispute that GO 95 required a 6-
foot clearance; however, SDG&E maintains that its
operation and management of its facilities involved
in the Guejito Fire prior to October 22, 2007 were
reasonable.130 SDG&E argues that it appropriately
inspected the facilities linked to the ignition Guejito
Fire.131 Furthermore, SDG&E contends ORA fails to
show how a compliant clearance between the Cox line
and the SDG&E overhead conductors could have
prevented the ignition of the Guejito Fire.132
GO 95 Clearance Requirements and SDG&E’s
At hearings, SDG&E presented Mr. Darren Weim
(Mr. Weim), SDG&E’s Manager of Northeast Con-
struction & Operations, to discuss the utility’s design,
construction, and maintenance standards that were in
place prior to 2007.133 While SDG&E does not dispute
GO 95’s 6-foot clearance requirement, Mr. Weim’s

ORA-01 at 7.
ORA-01 at 18.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 59-60.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 3.
A.15-09-010 at 15.
testimony was used to show the programmatic approach
SDG&E takes in its inspection and maintenance of its
facilities.134 Mr. Weim testified regarding SDG&E’s
Corrective Maintenance Program. He elaborated on
two of the inspections carried-out under SDG&E’s
Corrective Maintenance Program.135 A “patrol inspec-
tion” involves visual inspections, designed to identify
obvious structural problems and hazards.136 A
“detailed inspection” requires trained employees to
perform thorough checks on distribution poles and all
attachment facilities to identify GO 95 clearance
violations.137 Mr. Weim noted that the most recent
patrol inspection was completed on August 30, 2007,
with no hazards identified.138 The most recent detailed
overhead inspections were conducted on June 22, 2007
and April 8, 2005, but did not uncover design or
construction issues with respect to poles P196387 and
SDG&E maintains that “if the 3.3 foot clearance
pre-dated SDG&E’s inspections, and those inspections
did not uncover the problem, those facts merely show
that SDG&E was not perfect.”140 SDG&E maintains
that the Commission’s prudence standard “is not a
‘perfection’ standard: it is a standard of care that
demonstrates all actions were well planned, properly

SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 60.
SDGE-06 at 4.
SDGE-06 at 4 to 5.
SDGE-06 at 5.
SDGE-06 at 10.
SDGE-06 at 11.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 60.
supervised and all necessary records retained.”141
Furthermore, SDG&E maintains that ORA failed to
show that the 3.3-foot clearance contributed to the
Guejito Fire’s ignition.142
As such, SDG&E maintains that its management
and control of its facilities prior to the ignition of the
Guejito Fire were reasonable.
4.2.3. ORA’s Position on SDG&E’s Opera-
tion and Management of its Facilities
Prior to the Guejito Fire
ORA maintains that SDG&E has failed to prove by
a preponderance of the evidence that SDG&E’s opera-
tion and management of its facilities linked to the
Guejito Fire were reasonable.143 ORA cites to the facts
surrounding the ignition of the Guejito Fire as well as
the applicable clearance requirements per GO 95.
GO 95 Clearance Requirements and SDG&E’s
ORA argues that SDG&E’s failure to comply with
GO 95 renders the utility’s operation and management
of its facilities imprudent.144 ORA contends that the
lack of records documenting when the 3.3-foot clear-
ance violation occurred does not mean that SDG&E
met the prudent manager standard.145 ORA maintains
that the fact that Mr. Walters testified, under oath,
that the clearance violation occurred at the time of the
2001 Cox line installation is evidence of imprudent

Id. citing D.14-06-007 at 36.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 63.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 18.
utility management. Additionally, ORA contends
that the longstanding clearance violation was a safety
risk, rendering SDG&E imprudent.147 Bolstering this
argument, ORA highlights the specific statutory viola-
tions CPSD found during its post-fire investigation
of the facilities linked to the Guejito Fire.148 ORA
contends that CPSD’s finding that SDG&E failed to
maintain its facilities in compliance with Public
Utilities Code § 451, GO 95 Rule 31.1, and GO 95 Rule
38 , shows SDG&E was imprudent in managing its
facilities linked to the Guejito Fire.149
As such, ORA maintains that SDG&E’s operation
and management of its facilities prior to the ignition
of the Guejito Fire were not reasonable.150
4.2.4. Reasonableness Review: SDG&E’s
Operation and Management of its
Facilities Prior to the Guejito Fire
In evaluating SDG&E’s operation and management
of its facilities in connection to the Guejito Fire, the
Commission must determine whether SDG&E employed
reasonable judgment in its operation and manage-
ment of its facilities in the period leading up to the
ignition of the Guejito Fire.
The record shows that SDG&E utilized its Corrective
Maintenance Program to perform patrol and detailed
(overhead) inspections of P196387 and P196394 prior
to the Guejito Fire ignition. SDG&E asserts its failure
to identify the 3.3-foot clearance violation merely

Id. citing Reporter’s Transcript Volume 5 at 792.
Id. at 24.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 24.
ORA Phase 1 Opening Brief at 24.
ORA Phase 1 Reply Brief at 30.
shows the utility was not perfect; we disagree. SDG&E’s
use of patrol and overhead inspection protocols may be
reasonable. The repeated failure of these patrols to
identify the clearance violation is not reasonable.
While SDG&E’s testimony highlights its Corrective
Maintenance Program, the existence of the Corrective
Maintenance Program is not sufficient to establish
that SDG&E fulfilled its duty to be a reasonable and
prudent manager. At the same time, the lack of
inspection records indicates a failure to act prudently.
The fact that the Cox line was installed in 2001, six
years before the fire, and that no inspection records
affirmatively reference compliance with GO 95 clear-
ance requirements is problematic. Moreover, we find
the six-year gap in inspection records (from 2001 to
2007) to be indicative of imprudent management.
SDG&E asserts that to find its failure imprudent
would be to interpret the prudence standard as a
perfection standard. We disagree. Documentation of
compliance with objective clearance standards at some
point during the many years the Cox line was installed
is not equivalent to perfection.
As such, SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance
of the evidence that it acted prudently in its operation
and management of its facilities prior to the ignition
of the Guejito Fire.
4.3. Rice Fire
4.3.1. Rice Fire Background
The Rice Fire ignited on October 22, 2007 in
Fallbrook, California.151 The Cal Fire Investigation
Report into the Rice Fire concluded that the cause of

SDGE-08 at 2.
the fire was a downed powerline.152 CPSD determined
that a limb from sycamore Tree FF1090 (FF1090)
broke and fell onto SDG&E 12 kV overhead conductors
on October 22, 2007, which in turn caused the conduc-
tors to break and fall to the ground.153
In comments to the proposed decision, SDG&E
alleges that the weight of the evidence shows it could
not have prevented the Rice Fire, because it had no
way to know of a defect in the broken tree branch that
fell onto the conductors. SDG&E reiterates its claim
that the broken branch was not marked for trimming
and would not have been removed.154 We revise our
discussion below to address these comments with
further support from the evidentiary record of this
proceeding. The Commission finds that SDG&E failed
to trim FF1090 on a timely basis and failed to keep
adequate records for FF1090. SDG&E failed to show
that it was prudent in its management of FF1090, or
that it could not have identified the defective branch
with proper management. We find the evidence
inconclusive as to the growth direction and the growth
pattern of the broken branch.
4.3.2. Legal Requirements
The Commission’s GO 95, Rule 35 sets the general
clearance requirements for vegetation around power-
lines.155 Rule 35 requires that where dead, rotten or
diseased trees or dead, rotten, or diseased portions of
otherwise healthy trees overhang or lean toward
power conductors, those trees or portions are to be

ORA-01 at 22.
SDGE-08 at 2.
See SDG&E’s Comment
SDGE-08 at 2.
removed. In 2007, GO 95 required a radial clearance
of 18 inches, and Public Resources Code Section
4293156 required a radial clearance of 4 feet, between
vegetation and 12 kV conductors.157 To comply with
both Commission rules and State law, SDG&E designed
and implemented its Vegetation and Management
Program (VMP ) and Tree Pre-inspection proce-
dures.158 In this decision, we review the VMP that was
in place on October 22, 2007. SDG&E’s VMP manual
describes SDG&E’s Tree Pre-inspection procedures in

Public Resources Code § 4293: Except as otherwise provided
in Sections 4294 to 4296, inclusive, any person that owns, con-
trols, operates, or maintains any electrical transmission or
distribution line upon any mountainous land, or in forest-covered
land, brush-covered land, or grass-covered land shall, during
such times and in such areas as are determined to be necessary
by the director or the agency which has primary responsibility for
the fire protection of such areas, maintain a clearance of the
respective distances which are specified in this section in all
directions between all vegetation and all conductors which are
carrying electric current: (a) For any line which is operating at
2,400 or more volts, but less than 72,000 volts, four feet; (b) For
any line which is operating at 72,000 or more volts, but less than
110,000 volts, six feet; (c) For any line which is operating at
110,000 or more volts, 10 feet. In every case, such distance
shall be sufficiently great to furnish the required clearance at
any position of the wire, or conductor when the adjacent air
temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or less. Dead trees, old
decadent or rotten trees, trees weakened by decay or disease and
trees or portions thereof that are leaning toward the line which
may contact the line from the side or may fall on the line shall be
felled, cut, or trimmed so as to remove such hazard. The director
or the agency which has primary responsibility for the fire
protection of such areas may permit exceptions from the
requirements of this section which are based upon the specific
circumstances involved. (Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1300.)
SDGE-08 at 16.
SDG&E-08, Appendix 3.
detail. The document provides an overview of the
VMP, inventory criteria for vegetation, instructions to
the Vegetation Management System, factors affecting
reliability, procedure to escalate issues, updating
inventory of vegetation, tree growth rates and the
Vegetation Management Areas (VMAs). The manual
is comprehensive and indicates that SDG&E had a
robust VMP in 2007.
4.3.3. Issues and Party Positions
Although no party disputes that the Rice Fire
started when a broken limb from FF0190 fell onto
SDG&E’s conductors, parties dispute whether SDG&E
prudently marked, inspected and trimmed FF1090
pursuant to its VMP. Parties focused their litigation
efforts on the tree inspections, trimming schedule and
activities related to the clearance requirements. ORA
and SDG&E also introduced testimony and evidence
regarding Reliability Trees and FF1090’s latent defect. FF1090’s Inspection and
Trimming Schedule
FF1090 is a fast growing sycamore tree inventoried
by the VMP in its Vegetation Management System
(VMS) in 1999. The VMS is a software application
designed by SDG&E to record tree data within a
dynamic inventory of vegetation having the potential
to grow into or fall into SDG&E electric power lines
and facilities.159 SDG&E pre-inspectors update infor-
mation contained within certain fields in the database
based on their evaluation of the tree. One of the fields
in the VMS database is called “Months to next trim”,
and the inspector can choose 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 months, etc.
from the drop down menu. SDG&E’s VMS considers

Ibid at 8.
the tab “0-3 months” as setting a timeline that begins
during the subsequent trim cycle, which in this case
meant between September to November 2007.
The record shows that FF1090 was inspected on
July 18, 2007 and the SDG&E inspector chose the 0-3
months tab to remove direct overhang. On October 22,
2007, three months later, when the Rice Fire ignited,
FF1090 had not been trimmed. ORA and SDG&E
heavily litigated the issues of when FF1090 should
have been trimmed, whether FF1090 exhibited a
clearance violation, and whether the trim would have
prevented the branch from falling onto the conductors.
ORA argues that FF1090 should have been trimmed
before October 18, 2007, three months from the July
18, 2007 pre-inspection. ORA believes that failure to
trim FF1090 led directly to the branch breaking off
and falling on the conductors. SDG&E states that the
“Months to next trim” tab should be used to estimate
how many months will elapse before the tree grows out
of compliance. According to SDG&E, a selection of 0-3
months would mean that the tree should be trimmed
in the upcoming trim cycle, which in this case, would
have been between September and November of
2007.160 SDG&E further alleges that the broken off
branch was growing away from the power lines, and
as such would not necessarily have been subject to
trimming. FF1090’s latent defect and
the issue of Reliability Trees
The parties did not focus on some other aspects of
the VMP manual that are nevertheless important in

See SDG&E-13 Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Don Akau
at 10-11.
determining whether SDG&E acted prudently prior to
the fire. Don Akau, SDG&E’s Vegetation Management
Program Manager, testified about the hidden defect he
observed in the broken branch after the fire. Mr. Akau
referred to “staining” at the point where the fallen
branch broke from the main trunk161 and proposed
that the staining could be an indicator of “included
bark”, or “internal structural stressing and cracking in
the branch union” which in his opinion contributed to
the failure of the limb in the winds.162
Throughout this proceeding, SDG&E claimed that
the included bark was hidden, and could not have been
discovered by its personnel during their inspections.
According to SDG&E’s VMP manual, a Reliability
Tree is “Any Tree, located inside or outside the utility
right-of-way, that has a reasonably good potential for
interrupting service to an overhead circuit (excluding
secondary) with the current routine cycle.”163 When a
pre-inspector identifies a Reliability Tree, it is
mandatorily marked in the VMS as a Reliability Tree
and for trimming.164 A Reliability Tree exhibits one or
more factors listed in the VMP manual, and per
SDG&E’s inspection procedures, must be marked,
pruned and inspected to ensure grid reliability.
FF1090 was not marked as a Reliability Tree before
the Rice Fire.
4.3.4. Discussion
In evaluating SDG&E’s operation and management
of its facilities in connection with the Rice Fire, the

SDG&E-08 at 19 and SDG&E-13 at 8.
SDG&E-08, Appendix 3 at 7.
Ibid. at 30.
Commission must determine whether SDG&E
employed reasonable judgment in its operation and
management of its facilities in the period leading up to
the ignition of the Rice Fire. The general purpose of
routine pre-inspections is to identify vegetation for
pruning and removal that will not maintain required
clearance for a full cycle (fourteen months). As part of
the inspection process, the pre-inspector is also tasked
to identify and mark Reliability Trees. A Reliability
Tree is “Any Tree, located inside or outside the utility
right of way, that has a reasonably good potential for
interrupting service to an overhead circuit within the
current routine cycle.” According to the VMP manual,
“a majority of tree related outages that occur in the
utility right-of-way are the result of tree or limb
failure, not tree growth.”165 When a Reliability Tree is
identified the pre-inspector shall [emphasis added]
check both the reliability and trimming required box
in the tree tab.166
As part of its VMP, SDG&E relies on its inspectors
to select the appropriate fields in the VMS and to
identify potential Reliability Trees. It is essential for
SDG&E personnel and contractors to be well trained
in the procedures of the VMP so that they accurately
select the drop down menus in the VMS.167
Based on an exhaustive review of the record and
informed primarily by SDG&E’s own VMP manual,

The Vegetation Management System (VMS) is a database
which tracks all of the inventoried vegetation within SDG&E’s
territory. The VMS has various drop down menus which allow an
inspector to identify issues with a tree and recommend the proper
course of action.
the Commission finds SDG&E acted imprudently in
its management of FF1090. First, we find SDG&E to
have deviated from its usual timeline in trimming
FF1090. Secondly, SDG&E’s pre-inspector mistook the
‘months to next trim’ menu to mean that a selection of
0-3 months means that an actual trimming would take
place within 0-3 months of the pre-inspection. The
contractor’s misunderstanding of the VMS led him to
incorrectly select a menu item that delayed the
trimming beyond three months from the inspection
date. Thirdly, SDG&E did not identify FF1090 as a
“Reliability Tree” even though FF1090 seems to have
exhibited at least two characteristics on the “Tree
Hazard Checklist.”168 Each of these elements of the
record is discussed below. In each of these instances,
SDG&E failed to demonstrate that it employed
reasonable judgment in its operation and
management of its facilities in the period leading up to
the ignition of the Rice Fire. SDG&E’s Tree Inspection
and Trimming Schedule
The record shows that at the time of the Rice Fire’s
ignition, SDG&E had a VMP in place whereby FF1090
was inspected and trimmed. A summary of all
available pre-inspections and subsequent trim dates
recorded in the VMS Tree Information Sheet up to the
Rice Fire are shown in the table below:

Tree FF1090 Inspection and Prune dates

Tree FF1090 Inspection Date Prune date

05/07/1999 05/01/2000
01/25/2001 No trim record
01/02/2002 04/29/2002
01/13/2003 05/07/2003
11/11/2003 02/17/2004
11/17/2004 02/11/2005
07/12/2005 No trim record
07/19/2006 No trim record
(10/19/2007)* 10/22/2007
* SDG&E states that Davey Tree Surgery Company
and SDG&E personnel performed follow up inspec-
tions on October 15, 2007 and October 19, 2007
respectively, and that FF1090 was in compliance with
clearance requirements on those two visits. However,
these additional inspection dates are not shown in the
tree information sheet submitted by SDG&E. SDG&E
asserts the October 15, 2007 inspection by a data
request response submitted by Davey.169
The Tree Information Sheet identifies FF1090 as
a fast growing sycamore tree with a growth rate of
between four to six feet every year. FF1090 was
inventoried on May 7, 1999 and pruned on May 1,

See SDGE-08, Appendix 7.
2000. It was inspected again on January 25, 2001 and
January 2, 2002. Having not been trimmed for 20
months, the January 2, 2002 inspection documents
FF1090 as having between 1.5 to 4 foot clearance to
the conductors and SDG&E pruned FF1090 on April
29, 2002.170 In 2002, SDG&E had notice that, because
of FF 1090’s growth rate, not trimming the tree
annually resulted in FF1090 being out of clearance
compliance. Subsequent to the 2002 violation, FF1090
was inspected and pruned annually until the
inspection on July 12, 2005. FF1090 was not trimmed
after July 12, 2005, nor was it trimmed after the
inspection on July 19, 2006. By the July 18, 2007
inspection, FF1090 had not been trimmed for over 29
There were only two instances in FF1090’s
inventoried history in which it was not trimmed on an
annual basis. The first instance in which SDG&E
failed to trim FF1090 annually was in 2002, when the
tree was recorded as being within 4 feet of conductors.
The Rice Fire marks the end of the second time period
during which SDG&E fell out of the annual trimming
schedule. At the time of the Rice Fire ignition, SDG&E
had not trimmed FF1090 for 29 months. The fact that
SDG&E deviated from its own standard time table,
and allowed more than two years to elapse without
pruning this fast-growing tree, shows that SDG&E
was not reasonable or prudent in its management of

SDGE-08 at Appendix 6. SDG&E argues that ORA failed to
prove FF1090 was out of compliance, we note that it is SDG&E
who carries the burden of proof to show it was acting prudently
and reasonably, not the other way around.
ORA and SDG&E focus their arguments on the
definition of 0-3 months and whether it meant that
FF1090 should have been trimmed by October 18,
2007. The Commission reviews all available data as a
whole. SDG&E’s inspector described his reasoning in
selecting 0-3 months: “And I listed from zero months
to three months as when it should be trimmed. I chose
that option on the drop-down menu.” “[I]t had strong
growth towards the lines, and I felt it would encroach
in the 4 foot distance from the primary line in the
facilities within three months.”172
In light of this testimony, SDG&E’s claim that “0-3
months” did not set a deadline for trimming is
unpersuasive. SDG&E’s contract requires Davey to
train its pre-inspectors on many topics in the VMP
manual and to use the VMS. But, in this instance, the
pre-inspector did not have a clear understanding of the
drop down menu functions in the VMS. The inspector’s
misunderstanding of SDG&E’s tree trimming program
underscores the need for proper training. If the con-
tractor made a mistake due to insufficient or improper
training, SDG&E is still responsible for acts, omis-
sions, or failures of its agents under PUC Section
In comments on the proposed decision, SDG&E
further asserted that the broken off branch grew away
from the powerline, and was not marked for trimming.

ORA-44, Transcript excerpts of the March 25, 2008
Examination Under Oath of Mark Clemens.
California Public Utilities Code section 2109: “In
construing and enforcing the provisions of this part relating to
penalties, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or
employee of any public utility, acting within the scope of his
official duties or employment, shall in every case be the act,
omission, or failure of such public utility.”
SDG&E did not carry its burden to show that the
broken branch grew away from the powerline. Rather,
the growth direction of the broken branch is inconclu-
sive from the record. Testimony from Mr. Akau states
that the branch was positioned toward the northeast,
growing away from the powerline;174 testimony from
Mr. Ronald Hay states that the broken branch grew to
the south, toward the utility lines;175 and testimony
from Mr. David Kracha states that broken limb grew
completely vertically and did not grow toward or away
from the powerlines.176
Next, assuming that the broken branch grew away
from the powerline, a second evidentiary issue emerges.
SDG&E presented multiple witnesses stating that the
broken branch was part of co-dominant leader growth-
with two similar-sized branches growing from the
same union point. SDG&E has argued throughout
this proceeding that due to the co-dominant nature of
these branches, the breaking of one necessitated the
removal of the other. After observing the broken
branch on October 22, 2007, before Cal Fire could
inspect the ignition site, SDG&E’s Chris Thompson
ordered the removal of the remaining leader branch,
and reduction of FF1090’s entire canopy to prevent
additional failures.177 SDG&E justifies the reduction
of the entire canopy of FF1090 by stating it was
necessary to prevent further failures. Applying the
same rationale, the evidence indicates that that

See SDG&E-08 at 18.
See ORA-40, Transcript excerpts of May 28, 2008 exami-
nation under oath of Ronald Hay.
See ORA-41, Transcript excerpts of May, 28, 2008 Exami-
nation under oath of David Kracha.
See SDG&E-13, Appendix 4 at 4.
trimming of FF1090’s overhang would have required
balanced trimming throughout the canopy. Thus, even
if the broken branch did not have clearance problems,
a prudent manager trimming on a regular schedule
likely would have trimmed FF1090 to balance the
other branches that did have clearance issues.
According to SDG&E, two additional inspections of
FF1090 took place on October 15, 2007 and October
19, 2007, and those inspections found FF1090 to be
in compliance with clearance requirements.178 The
October 19, 2007 inspection was conducted by SDG&E
personnel, but also is not shown in the Tree
Information sheet. FF1090’s Latent Defect and
the Issue of Reliability Trees
In addition to FF1090’s inspection and trim history,
the Commission also considers whether SDG&E has
met the burden of showing that it could not have
identified the defect in FF1090. The Commission’s
analysis of the record and the VMP concludes that
SDG&E has not met its burden: There is insufficient
evidence to show that acting responsibly SDG&E
could not have identified the defect in FF1090. The
broken branch with included bark exhibited at least
two factors which could warrant FF1090 being marked
as a Reliability Tree.
To begin, Section 5 of SDG&E’s VMP manual
discusses Reliability Trees. The five-page section
defines Reliability Trees and provides a Hazard Tree
Checklist for evaluating trees for reliability and six

We note the October 15, 2007 inspection is not recorded on
SDG&E’s own Tree Information Sheet, but reported by Davey as
part of a data response in SDG&E-08, appendix 7.
sample photos. Two checklist items are relevant
to FF1090: 1) “are there multiple vertical branches
originating from one point that may indicate weak
attachment?” and 2) “are there narrow-angled branch
crotches that may indicate included bark?180”
Section 5 of SDG&E’s VMP manual is consistent
with General Order 95, Rule 35, which requires that
diseased and rotten portions of otherwise healthy
trees growing toward or hanging over powerlines be
SDG&E presents evidence of the included bark
and the limb’s growth direction through Mr. Akau’s
testimony, a hand drawn diagram by Mr. Akau, and
testimony from Ronald Matranga and Chris Thompson,
SDG&E arborists who visited the Rice Fire site after
the fire. According to SDG&E, the broken limb which
caused the ignition contained hidden ‘included bark’,
which could not be observed during routine inspec-
tions. In his direct and rebuttal testimony, Mr. Akau
referred to the presence of “staining” at the point
where the fallen branch broke from the main trunk.181
Mr. Akau proposes that the staining could be an
indicator of “included bark”, or “internal structural
stressing and cracking in the branch union” which in
his opinion contributed to the failure of the limb in the
The record, however, does not clearly support that
SDG&E did not have advance notice of the structural

SDG&E-08, Appendix 3 at 30.
SDG&E-08 at 19 and SDG&E-13at 8.
Mr. Akau testified regarding SDG&E’s Vegetation
Management Program and presented inspection pro-
tocol for “Reliability Trees,” and stated that no structural
defects were noted by SDG&E’s contractors during the
July 18, 2017 inspection 183 SDG&E’s Chris Thompson
testified in I.08-11-006 that the cause of the included
bark was co-dominant leader branches in FF1090.184
Mr. Thompson states in his testimony that FF1090’s
included bark occurred “when two separate leaders
start growing together and pushing against each other
as they grow in diameter.”185 Further corroboration of
FF1090’s growth pattern can be found in the tran-
scribed testimony of Ronald Hay, which described the
broken branch as part of “a healthy clutter[spelling
per transcript] of branches that grew straight up.”186
While as discussed above, SDG&E personnel pro-
vided conflicting testimony on the growth direction of
the broken branch, in contrast SDG&E personnel have
been consistent in their recollection of the growth
pattern of the broken limb.
The testimony indicates that the broken branch was
part of at least two vertical branches, possibly more,
growing closely together. This testimony indicates
that the tree appeared to have some physical charac-
teristics that would have warranted further attention.
Based on the testimony of SDG&E’s personnel, SDG&E

SDGE-13 at 9, citing “Direct Testimony of Ronald
Matranga” in I.08-11-006, June 6, 2009 at 3-5.
SDG&E-13, Appendix 4 at 4.
See ORA-40, Transcript excerpts of May 28, 2008 Exami-
nation under oath of Ronald Hay at 23.
has not met its burden of showing that it could not
have identified the defect in FF1090.
4.4. Commission Precedent
The Commission has a long history of cases that
apply the reasonable and prudent manager standard
to after-the-fact reviews of costs incurred by utilities.
In each case, the facts showed that the costs the
Commission denied were directly attributable to clear
and identifiable utility failures or errors.
The facts of I.86-04-002 have similarities to the facts
of the instant proceeding. On June 9, 1985, a weld in
a high-pressure steam pipe at the Mohave Coal Plant
(Mohave) ruptured, blasting steam hotter than 1,000
degrees Fahrenheit through an employee breakroom
and Mohave’s control room.187 As a result, six people
were killed and ten others were severely injured.188
The steam caused extensive damage to the control
room, as well as other portions of the plant.189 The
Commission ultimately concluded that Southern
California Edison Company (SCE) acted unreasonably
in failing to implement an inspection program to
ensure that the portion of the piping system that
ultimately failed was maintained in a safe condition.190
In reaching its decision, the Commission offered,
“[e]vidence of accepted industry practices will often be
relevant to a reasonableness inquiry, but compliance
with such practices will not relieve the utility of [its]

D.94-03-048 at 2.
D.94-03-048 at 2.
D.94-03-048 at 2.
D.94-03-048 at 2.
burden of showing that its conduct was reasonable.”191
Furthermore, the Commission noted “guidelines are
only advisory in nature and do not relieve the utility
of its burden to show that its actions were reasonable.”
I.86-04-002 concluded with D.94-03-048, which held it
was not reasonable to pass costs resulting from the
accident to SCE’s ratepayers.
Similar to Mohave, where SCE’s facilities were
directly involved killing six people and injuring ten
others, SDG&E’s facilities were directly involved in
the ignition and subsequent destruction caused by the
2007 Wildfires. Although SDG&E had industry recog-
nized policies and programs in place (recloser policy,
Corrective Maintenance Program, and Vegetation
Management Program) prior to October 2007, such
practices do not relieve SDG&E of its burden to show
that its actions were reasonable. As discussed above,
SDG&E fails to show its actions were reasonable when
SDG&E allowed 4 faults to occur on TL 637 over a
period of 6.5 hours; SDG&E failed to uncover the 3.3
feet clearance violation for 6 years after utilizing its
Corrective Maintenance Program’s patrol and detailed
inspections; and SDG&E did not show by a preponder-
ance of the evidence that it properly monitored and
trimmed FF1090 before the ignition of the Rice Fire.
SDG&E did not train its contractors to properly mark
the VMS and has not shown it could not have
identified a defective limb. SDG&E is responsible for
its contractor’s failure to appropriately mark the VMS
and ensure that Tree FF1090 was trimmed on a timely
basis. The Commission is also concerned with records
suggesting that FF1090 may have been a Reliability
Tree warranting immediate attention.

D.94-03-048 at 37, citing D.88-03-036 at 527.
In A.82-04-12 and I.82-01-01 (Helms), the Commis-
sion reviewed whether the costs incurred by Pacific
Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) in building the
Helms Project192 prior to the Lost Canyon pipe failure
constituted reasonable and prudent utility expendi-
tures.193 On September 29, 1982, the Lost Canyon pipe
crossing failed during testing of the Helms Project.194
In April 1983, PG&E filed an amendment to A.82-04-
12 asking the Commission: (1) to place $738.5 million
cost for the Helms Project incurred before the Lost
Canyon pipe failure into rate base; and (2) to defer any
review of the additional reconstruction cost until
PG&E resolved all litigation arising from the Lost
Canyon pipe failure.195 In reaching its conclusion, the
Commission found PG&E failed to appreciate the risks
associated with the construction of the Helms Project,

D.85910 defines the Helms Project as: The Helms Pumped
Storage Project is a combination pumped storage and conven-
tional hydroelectric project. The project allowed for the utilization
of the water power resources of the North Fork Kings River and
Helms Creek. The project completes development of the available
head between Courtright Lake, maximum water surface eleva-
tion 8,184 feet, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Pine Flat
Reservoir, maximum water surface elevation 952 feet. The
maximum head developed by the project between Courtright
Lake and Lake Wishon is 1,744 feet. The power potential will be
developed by constructing a conduit consisting of two tunnels, a
short pipe section and a penstock between Courtright Lake and
an underground powerhouse. Total length of the conduit, which
is entirely underground except for the 140-foot pipe section, is
20,408 feet. The trailrace tunnel connects the underground pow-
erhouse with Lake Wishon.
D.85-08-102 at 6 to 7.
D.85-08-102 at 5.
D.85-08-102 at 5 to 6.
and that PG&E also failed “to take seriously the
repeated safety citations and work shutdowns issued
and ordered by the State Department of Occupational
Safety and Health.”196 Ultimately, the Commission
found PG&E failed to perform at the appropriate
standard of performance, rendering PG&E impru-
dent.197 D.85-08-102 specified that ratepayers would
not be required to indemnify PG&E for losses arising
from the Lost Canyon pipe failure.198
Similar to Helms, where the Commission found
PG&E failed to take into account the risks associated
with building the Helms Project, SDG&E failed to
take into account the risks associated with its
automatic recloser policy. As ORA showed, SDG&E
had knowledge of the 2001 Field Guide’s caution that
automatic reclosers increase the risk of igniting vege-
tation. As such, it was imprudent of SDG&E to not
take into account the risk factors associated with
re-energizing TL 637 after three faults occurred
within a span of 3.5 hours.
D.84-09-120 addressed the reasonableness of SCE’s
cost of power purchased to replace power lost because
of the diesel generator fire at San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 1.199 On July 14,
1981, a fire caused by a small oil leak in a section
of piping attached to a diesel engine caused two
emergency diesel generators at SONGS 1 to be out

D.85-08-102 at Findings of Fact 6 and 10.
D.85-08-102 at Conclusions of Law 5 and 6.
D.85-08-102 at Conclusion of Law 9.
D.84-09-120 at 2.
from July 17, 1981 to August 16, 1981.200 Although a
small oil leak had been reported near the piping in
question, maintenance personnel could not find the
source of the leak, even with the diesel shutdown.201
Unfortunately, during the next monthly scheduled
load-test, the unidentifiable leak caused oil to spray
out and ignite a fire.202 The coordinated effort between
SONGS 1 control room operators and the fire person-
nel limited the fire to only 7 minutes, thereby reducing
damage to the diesel generator.203 In reviewing SCE’s
conduct, the Commission applied its reasonableness
standard, and found that the replacement energy costs
associated with the SONGS I diesel generator fire
were incurred on account of SCE’s unreasonableness
and were therefore unrecoverable.204
Similar to SONGS, where the Commission found
costs incurred for replacement energy costs were
unrecoverable due to the unreasonableness of SCE’s
actions, the costs of the 2007 Wildfires were incurred
due to unreasonable management by SDG&E. Even
though SCE limited the diesel fire to 7 minutes,
thereby substantially reducing the fire’s damage, the
Commission still found SCE’s actions leading up to
the diesel fire to be unreasonable. Similarly, it was
imprudent of SDG&E to allow a fourth fault to occur
on TL 637 more than two hours after SDG&E’s Grid
Operations became aware of the Witch Fire. Similar
to SONGS, where maintenance personnel could not
locate the oil leak, SDG&E’s Corrective Maintenance

D.84-09-120 at 72.
D.84-09-120 at 73 to 74.
D.84-09-120 at 74 to 75.
D.84-09-120 at 74 to 75.
D.84-09-120 at Conclusion of Law 2.
Program failed to identify the almost 3-feet clearance
violation between SDG&E’s overhead conductors
and the below-installed Cox Communication Line.
While SONGS involved the prompt deployment of
maintenance personnel to address its oil leak, SDG&E
was unable to locate and address the clearance issue
for almost six years, even after personnel completed
inspections on April 8, 2005, June 22, 2007 and August
30, 2007.
Applying the above case analysis to the facts of the
instant proceeding, it is reasonable for the Commis-
sion to find SDG&E’s actions leading up to the 2007
Wildfires imprudent. Moreover, it is reasonable for the
Commission to deny those costs which were incurred
by SDG&E to resolve third-party damage claims
arising from the Witch, Guejito and Rice Wildfires.
4.5. Wind and Weather Conditions in October
Per the Scoping Ruling, the Commission has analyzed
SDG&E’s operation and management of its facilities
prior to the ignition of the 2007 Wildfires by each fire.
Regardless of the varying facts surrounding the Witch,
Guejito and Rice wildfire ignitions, a common issue
amongst the three fires exists. While no party disputes
the fact that the Santa Ana winds are a known local
condition in San Diego County, dispute remains as to
whether the winds credited with the ignition and
spread of the 2007 Wildfires were unprecedented.205 If
the wind and weather patterns present in October of
2007 were not unprecedented, then a prudent
manager would have used the weather information to
reasonably manage and operate its facilities.

ORA-01 at 36; SDGE-05 at 3.
The parties to this proceeding have put forth exten-
sive arguments and expert witness testimony on the
issue of the wind and weather conditions in October
2007. While both SDG&E and UCAN presented highly
recognized wind and weather experts, the opinions
encompass a variety of the methodologies to estimate
the peak wind speeds during the ignition of each of the
2007 Wildfires. While reviewing the experts’ show-
ings, we have applied the following principle:
[I]n administrative proceedings before an
agency composed of trained specialists and
before expert examiners or hearing officers,
the burden of evaluating the weight and
probity of testimony and evidence covering
technical subject matter is primarily that of
sifting and evaluating the evidence based
upon the agency's expertise. Expert opinion
does not bind the Commission. The Commis-
sion may form its own conclusions without
the aid of expert opinions.206
SDG&E’s Experts’ Showings
SDG&E put forth Mr. Steve Vanderburg (Mr.
Vanderburg) and Dr. Jon Peterka (Dr. Peterka) to
show that the October 2007 weather conditions were
Mr. Vanderburg, a Senior Meteorologist with
SDG&E, testified that the 2007 Wildfires occurred
during the most severe weather event in San Diego

D.90642, 2 CPUC2d 89, 102 (1979), citing Market Street
Railway v. Railroad Commission, 324 U.S. 548, 560-561 (1945).
See City of Los Angeles v. Public Utilities Commission, 7 Cal. 3d
331, 351 [*34] (1972).
County since 1984. Mr. Vanderburg presented a
statistical analysis comparing wind gusts from the
Julian Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS)
and the West Santa Ysabel weather station to show
that the wind gust speeds would have been 92 miles
per hour (mph) during the peak of October 2007
weather season.208 Mr. Vanderburg utilized data from
the West Santa Ysabel weather station because it was
the closest source to the Witch Fire ignition point.209 In
briefs, SDG&E stressed that even though the West
Santa Ysabel weather station did not exist in 2007,
“Mr. Vanderburg was still able to determine what the
wind gust speeds would have been at the West Santa
Ysabel weather station during the peak of the late
October 2007 wind event.”210
Dr. Peterka, a Professional Engineer and Professor
Emeritus in Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering
at the Department of Civil Engineering at Colorado
State University, testified as to the mean wind speeds
at the time and location of the ignition of each of the
2007 Wildfires.211 Dr. Peterka used a two-pronged
approach, WRF (Weather Researching and Forecasting)
Modeling and a model of the local terrain, to compute
peak wind gusts speeds of: 78 to 87 miles per hour
(mph) for the Witch fire ignition; 59 to 68 mph for the
Guejito fire ignition; and 70 to 75 mph for the Rice fire
ignition.212 In his direct testimony, Dr. Peterka elabo-

SDGE-09 at 2.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 91 to 92.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 91.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 91 to 92.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 98.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 98, citing SDGE-10 at 1
and Appendix 1.
rated on his methodology. Essentially, Dr. Peterka
explained that he validated his WRF results with 2007
observed data from the Automated Surface Observing
System (ASOS) located at the Ramona Airport.213 Dr.
Peterka stated, “the largest 3-second gust measured at
the Ramona Airport during [October 2007] was 55
mph. Based on the ESDU procedure used to estimate
the 3-second gust from the WRF simulations, the gusts
are predicted to be between 60 and 76 mph, or 9 to
38 percent higher than the actual measurements.
The validation exercise is dependent on the overall
match between ASOS and WRF wind speeds and
directions . . . . as well as the comparison of peak gusts.
This validation supports my methodologies.”214 Dr.
Peterka explained that he believed the RAWS and
ASOS data were obtained from stations that were
improperly sited. Dr. Peterka asserts that the improper
siting resulted in recorded wind speeds that are too
low.215 For this reason, Dr. Peterka discarded the 2007
RAWS and ASOS and came up with a result that is 9
to 38 percent higher.216
In addition to providing analyses of the wind and
weather events surrounding the ignition of the 2007
Wildfires, SDG&E’s experts highlighted the utility’s
involvement in developing the Santa Ana Wildfire
Threat Index (SAWTI).217 SDG&E notes, “to develop
the SAWTI, SDG&E and UCLA worked to configure
the WRF model by calibrating it against actual obser-
vations of temperatures, winds, and dew points

Reporter’s Transcript Volume 5 at 735 to 740.
SDGE-10 at 12.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 9.
Reporter’s Transcript Volume 5 at 739.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 94.
collected from SDG&E weather stations during Santa
Ana wind events.”218 SDG&E highlights that the SAWTI
allows an individual to understand the fire potential
by comparing it to past and present conditions.219 As
such, SDG&E’s experts utilized the SAWTI in testify-
ing that the wind and weather conditions in San Diego
County in 2007 had the largest fire potential since
1984.220 Because of this, SDG&E maintains that it had
no way to know how the strong winds in October 2007
would affect SDG&E’s service territory and fire
UCAN’s Experts’ Showings
UCAN put forth Dr. Janice Coen (Dr. Coen) and Dr.
Alexander Gershunov (Dr. Gershunov) to rebut the
claims made by SDG&E’s weather experts. Dr. Coen,
a Project Scientist with the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in Colorado, and Dr. Gershunov,
from University of San Diego in the Climate, Atmos-
pheric Science and Physical Oceanography Division at
the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, assert that
SDG&E’s experts’ analysis is flawed.222
Dr. Gershunov testified regarding his methodologies
in calculating the wind gust speeds for each of the
2007 Wildfires, and how his findings show that the
2007 Wildfires cannot be attributed to an unprece-
dented weather event.223 Dr. Gershunov’s estimates

SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 94.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 95.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 95.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 95.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 8, 18; UCAN Phase 1 Reply
Brief at 8.
UCAN Phase 1 Reply Brief at 9.
for the Witch fire ignition were 43.1 mph, 56.7 mph at
the time of the Guejito Fire’s ignition, and 34.4 mph at
the time of the Rice Fire’s ignition.224 UCAN argues
that “when looking at these numbers from both
SDG&E’s wind expert and UCAN’s wind expert, the
differences seem huge. However, as Dr. Gershunov
testified, the difference is that [Dr. Gershunov] used
the recorded data from 2007 to validate and bias
correct his model results and that SDG&E did not.”225
Dr. Gershunov utilized data recorded by the RAWS
and ASOS stations in calculating his wind speed
estimates.226 As noted by Dr. Gershunov, “not only was
there a stronger wind event on record [in San Diego
County], but there were 3 other wind events that were
within 10-percent of the wind speeds of the 2007 Santa
Ana event that occurred in the last 30 years.”227
Furthermore, UCAN notes that SDG&E’s use of the
SAWTI to advance its theory that the 2007 Wildfires’
ignition and spread were beyond the utility’s control is
not supported by SDG&E’s experts’ theories.228
Analysis of Parties’ Experts
The presentation of UCAN’s and SDG&E’s expert
witnesses added tremendous value to the record of
this proceeding. SDG&E’s attempt to explain why
the contemporaneous data collected from San Diego
County’s RAWS and ASOS should be discarded were
not persuasive. We find the wind estimates of Dr.
Gershunov to be more reflective of the actual wind and

UCAN Phase 1 Reply Brief at 9.
UCAN Phase 1 Reply Brief at 9.
UCAN Phase 1 Reply Brief at 9.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 19, citing Reporter’s
Transcript at 1004 to 1005.
UCAN Phase 1 Opening Brief at 19.
weather conditions during the ignitions of the Witch,
Guejito and Rice Wildfires in October 2007. We find
Dr. Gershunov’s utilization of the actual recorded
weather data from 2007 to validate his wind speed
estimates to be more reliable than Dr. Peterka’s
methodologies. Furthermore, the Commission is not
persuaded by SDG&E’s use of the SAWTI to try to
establish that the wind and weather conditions in San
Diego County in October 2007 created the largest
wildfire threat since 1984 because of more refined
testimony provided by the other parties.
Because we find the methodologies that UCAN’s
experts utilized in developing its testimony to be more
consistent with the actual weather and wind condi-
tions in San Diego County in October 2007, the
Commission does not find that the 2007 Wildfires were
spread under unprecedented wind and weather condi-
tions. SDG&E fails to show how the wind and weather
conditions impacted its operation and management of
its facilities involved in the 2007 Wildfires.
4.6. Reconsideration of Threshold Issues
While the August 11, 2016 ruling rejected the Joint
Intervenors’ briefs requesting the dismissal of this
application based on the aforementioned Threshold
Issues, the ruling did allow for the re-consideration of
the Threshold Issues after the development of the
evidentiary record. Since the August 11, 2016 ruling,
there have been no additional testimonies or briefs
submitted referencing the Threshold Issues. With this
decision, the Commission denies A.15-09-010 based on
SDG&E’s imprudent management of its facilities. As
such, the Threshold Issues should be denied as moot.
5. Conclusion
Almost 10 years have passed since the Witch,
Guejito, and Rice Wildfires ripped through San Diego
County in October 2007. The parties to this proceeding
have produced a voluminous record on which the
Commission must base its decision. And although
ORA and UCAN were not present at Grid Operations
on October 21, 2007, or at the August 30, 2007 patrol
inspection of P196394 and P196387, or privy to the
implementation of SDG&E’s Vegetation Management
Program, ORA, UCAN, MGRA and Henricks have
presented evidence which paints a clearer picture of
SDG&E’s utility management prior to the ignition of
the 2007 Wildfires.
As to the Witch Fire, the Commission is not per-
suaded that SDG&E utilized good utility practice
when it allowed three faults to occur within a span of
3.5 hours, on a line with a history of 9 multiple fault
days in a 24-year period. Multiple faults on TL 637 on
a single day during a Red Flag Warning should have
been of more concern to SDG&E than the threat of the
Harris Fire to the Southwest Powerlink. Additionally,
while SDG&E’s recloser policy was industry practice,
it was unreasonable for SDG&E to allow 6.5 hours to
elapse between the initial fault at 8:53 a.m. on TL 637
and the de-energizing of TL 637 at 3:27 p.m.
As to the Guejito Fire, SDG&E cannot just point to
its Corrective Maintenance Program to show it
fulfilled its duty to be a reasonable and prudent man-
ager. SDG&E did not utilize good utility practice when
it failed to discover the 3.3-foot clearance violation
after conducting what it purported to be thorough
patrol and visual inspections prior to October 22, 2007.
And although the record shows SDG&E completed
inspections prior to the Guejito Fire ignition, it is
unreasonable for six years to have elapsed without
finding or addressing the clearance violation between
the SDG&E overhead conductor and the Cox line.
As for the Rice Fire, SDG&E fails to explain why it
ignored its own contractor’s recommendation to trim
FF1090 within 0 to 3 months of Davey’s July 2007
inspection. Furthermore, SDG&E’s utilization of its
Vegetation Management Program does not absolve
SDG&E of its responsibility to act reasonably in light
of specific information. Because SDG&E had labeled
FF1090 as a fast grower, SDG&E should have
trimmed FF1090 before October 22, 2007.
Finally, even if we were to find SDG&E’s operations
reasonable under the circumstances, SDG&E cannot
use the wind and weather conditions of October 2007
to mitigate SDG&E’s failure to operate as reasonable
and prudent manager. SDG&E’s witnesses fail to
accurately present the wind and weather conditions
in October 2007. Moreover, SDG&E does not prove
that the Witch, Guejito and Rice Wildfire were due
to unforeseeable circumstances beyond SDG&E’s
Because SDG&E has failed to prove by a prepon-
derance of the evidence that its management and
operation of its facilities prior to the ignition of the
Witch, Guejito and Rice wildfires were reasonable, we
find SDG&E’s management and control of its facilities
prior to the 2007 Wildfires imprudent.
California law, Commission practice and precedent
all essentially require that before ratepayers bear any
costs incurred by the utility, those costs must be just
and reasonable. Because we find SDG&E’s manage-
ment and control of its facilities prior to the ignition of
the Witch, Guejito and Rice Wildfires unreasonable,
such costs incurred by the utility in settling third-
party damage claims are unjust and unreasonable. As
such, those costs must not be recovered through
ratepayers. SDG&E’s request to recover $379 million
recorded in its WEMA must be denied.
With the denial of SDG&E’s application, there is no
reason for SDG&E’s Wildfire Expense Memorandum
Account to remain open to recover: (a) wildfire claims,
including any deductibles, co-insurance and other
incremental insurance expense paid by SDG&E that
are not authorized as part of SDG&E’s General Rate
Case or any other proceeding; and (b) incremental
outside legal costs incurred by SDG&E in the defense
of wildfire claims.229 After the adoption of this decision,
it is appropriate for SDG&E to file a Tier 1 Advice
Letter with the Commission’s Energy Division to
implement the denial of $379 million from its WEMA
and to close the account.
Since SDG&E’s application is denied based on its
unreasonable management and control of its facilities,
there is no need to re-consider the Threshold Issues
identified in the Scoping Ruling. The Threshold Issues
should be denied as moot.
6. Intervenor Compensation
Per Public Utilities Code Section 1804(c), following
the issuance of a final order or decision by the
Commission in the hearing or proceeding, a customer
who, or eligible local government entity that, has been
found, pursuant to § 1804 (b), to be eligible for an
award of compensation may file within 60 days a
request for an award.

A.15-09-010 at Attachment B.
7. Comments on Proposed Decision
The PD of the ALJs in the matter was mailed to the
parties in accordance with Pub. Util. Code § 311 and
comments were allowed under Rule 14.3 of the Com-
mission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. Opening
Comments to the PD were filed on September 11, 2017
by SDG&E, ORA, POC, MGRA, and Henricks. Reply
Comments were filed by SDG&E, Henricks, MGRA,
POC, and UCAN on September 15, 2017. This Decision
has been revised where appropriate to address rele-
vant comments.
A second round of comments pertaining to the
issue of Inverse Condemnation was filed according to
the procedural schedule set via e-mail ruling on
September 29, 2017.
SDG&E, PG&E and SCE all argue that the PD
commits legal error by failing to address Inverse Con-
demnation. Further, they argue that under Inverse
Condemnation principles, SDG&E would be strictly
liable for the costs sought in its application. Thus, they
argue that the Commission must approve rate recovery
of the costs SDG&E requests here regardless of pru-
dency. SDG&E argue that reasonableness review of
the WEMA application should be based exclusively on
whether the settlement amounts paid by SDG&E were
reasonable. We disagree.
First, Inverse Condemnation principles are not
relevant to a Commission reasonableness review
under the prudent manager standard. Thus, Inverse
Condemnation was not a material issue in Phase 1 and
did not merit a dedicated discussion. Notably, even
SDG&E withdrew its testimony concerning Inverse
Condemnation for purposes of Phase 1.
Second, according to SDG&E’s application, the
Superior Court only went so far as to rule that the
plaintiff homeowners could plead Inverse Condemna-
tion claims in their civil actions against SDG&E. We
are not aware of any Superior Court determination
that SDG&E was in fact strictly liable for the costs
requested in its application. Even if SDG&E were
strictly liable, we see nothing in the cited case law that
would supersede this Commission’s exclusive jurisdic-
tion over cost recovery/cost allocation issues involving
Commission regulated utilities.
In response to comments, the section of the decision
describing the Rice Fire has been modified to provide
more of the details of the facts and legal analysis on
which the decision is based. Corresponding findings
of fact and conclusions of law have been revised to
reflect this.
8. Assignment of Proceeding
Liane M. Randolph is the assigned Commissioner
and ALJ S. Pat Tsen and ALJ Pro Tem Sasha
Goldberg are the presiding officers to this proceeding.
Findings of Fact
1. Intervening parties argued that Threshold Issues
on fairness and moral hazard should bar SDG&E from
recovering its costs recorded in the WEMA before a
reasonableness review.
2. The assigned ALJ rejected early dismissal of the
application based on the Threshold Issues but allowed
re-consideration of the Threshold issues after the
development of an evidentiary record.
3. Parties have served no additional testimony or
briefs on the Threshold Issues.
4. The Witch Fire, which later merged with the
Guejito Fire, was the second largest fire to occur in
San Diego County in 2007.
5. The SDG&E facility involved in the ignition of
the Witch Fire was TL 637.
6. TL 637 is a 69 kV line that connects the Santa
Ysabel and Creelman substations.
7. Cal Fire determined that a fault on TL 637
between poles Z416675 and Z416676 on October 21,
2007 led to arcing of the lines, which dispersed hot
particles to land in the grassy filed below the
8. A Red Flag Warning was in place at 4:45 a.m. on
October 21, 2007.
9. The first fault on TL 637 occurred at 8:53 a.m. on
October 21, 2007.
10. The second fault on TL 637 occurred at 11: 22
a.m. on October 21, 2007.
11. The third fault on TL 637 occurred at 12:23 p.m.
on October 21, 2007.
12. The Witch Fire ignited at 12:23 p.m., after the
third fault on TL 637.
13. SDG&E’s Grid Operations became aware of the
Witch Fire at 1:10 p.m. on October 21, 2007.
14. The fourth fault on TL 637 occurred at 3:25 p.m.
on October 21, 2007.
15. SDG&E’s recloser policy was industry practice.
16. On October 21, 2007, it took 6.5 hours for Grid
Operations to de-energize TL 637.
17. SDG&E did not calculate the fault location infor-
mation data stored in the relay until October 22, 2007.
18. It would take a protective engineer 1.5 hours to
calculate the exact location of the faults on TL 637.
19. SDG&E was aware of the 2001 Power Line Fire
Prevention Field Guide, which put SDG&E on notice
that automatic reclosers re-energizing the line increases
the probability of igniting vegetation.
20. The Guejito Fire ignited on October 22, 2007
near Escondido, California.
21. The SDG&E facility involved in the ignition of
the Guejito Fire was a 12 kV overhead conductor.
22. CPSD and Cal Fire attributed the ignition of the
Guejito Fire to a Cox Communications lashing wire
coming into contact with an SDG&E 12 kV overhead
conductor, between poles P196387 and P196394.
23. Rule 38 of GO 95 sets a minimum clearance of 6
feet for wires from other wires at crossings.
24. The November 2, 2007 survey completed by the
SDG&E contractor, Nolte Associates, Inc. documented
a 3.3-foot clearance between the SDG&E conductors
and the Cox Communications line prior to any repair
being completed after the ignition of the Guejito Fire.
25. At the time of the Guejito Fire ignition, SDG&E
had in place its Corrective Maintenance Program
to conduct patrol and detailed inspections on its
26. SDG&E completed a patrol inspection on
P196387 and P196394 on August 30, 2007 and a
detailed inspection on June 22, 2007 and April 8, 2005,
but did not uncover the 3.3-foot clearance violation.
27. The Cox Communications Facilities were
installed in August 2001.
28. SDG&E presented evidence that it is not known
when the clearance violation between the Cox Commu-
nications line and the SDG&E overhead conductors
first occurred.
29. The Rice Fire ignited on October 22, 2007 in
Fallbrook, California.
30. CPSD determined that a limb from sycamore
Tree FF1090 broke and fell onto SDG&E 12 kV
overhead conductors causing a powerline to fall to
ignite the ground below.
31. To track and monitor vegetation around power-
line facilities and comply with General Order 95 and
Public Resources Code Section 4293, SDG&E designed
and implemented a Vegetation Management Program
and Tree-Pre-inspection procedures that were in place
at the time of the ignition of the Rice Fire.
32. The Tree Information Sheet for Tree FF1090
listed it as a “fast grower” prior to and at the time of
the ignition of the Rice Fire, with between 4 and 6 feet
of growth per year.
33. The Tree Information Sheet for Tree FF1090
shows that it was trimmed approximately every 12
months except for two occasions: 1) After being
trimmed on May 1, 2000, it was next trimmed on April
29, 2002 and 2) after being trimmed on February 11,
2005, it was not trimmed again until the day of the
Rice Fire on October 22, 2007.
34. A January 2, 2002 inspection recorded Tree
FF1090 with a 1.5 to 4 foot clearance from the conduc-
tors and subsequently trimmed on April 29, 2002.
35. A July 18, 2007 inspection of Tree FF1090
advised SDG&E of a direct overhang and marked it for
trimming within zero to three months.
36. SDG&E’s Vegetation Management System
considers the tab ‘zero to three months’ to begin during
the subsequent trim cycle, which in this case meant
between September to November, 2007.
37. SDG&E’s inspector marked the zero to three
months tab in the Vegetation Management System to
indicate that the tree needed to be trimmed before the
end of three months due to strong growth toward the
powerline, which ends on October 18, 2007.
38. SDG&E’s inspector mistook the meaning of the
zero to three months tab, and did not follow the
instructions for SDG&E’s Vegetation Management
39. SDG&E’s Vegetation Management Program
had an inspection protocol for “Reliability Trees.”
40. Reliability Trees are trees which pose a threat
to the safe and reliable delivery of electricity that have
the potential to fail completely or drop limbs onto
41. Trees marked as Reliability Trees are mandato-
rily marked for trimming and heightened inspections.
42. The broken branch of FF1090 was part of at
least two vertical branches, possibly more, growing
closely together.
43. SDG&E’s testimony indicates that FF1090’s
broken branch matched the description of two check-
list items in the Hazard Tree Checklist.
44. FF1090 was not marked as a Reliability Tree
before the Rice Fire.
45. SDG&E failed to trim Tree FF1090 for a 29-
month period prior to the ignition of the Rice Fire.
46. Dr. Gershunov’s estimates of the peak wind
gusts speeds for the 2007 Wildfires are more
compelling than Dr. Peterka’s because he relied on
contemporaneous wind and weather data recorded
during October 2007 to validate his estimates.
Conclusions of Law
1. For costs to be found reasonable, the utility must
prove that they were prudently incurred by competent
management exercising the best practices of the era,
and using well-trained, well-informed and conscien-
tious employees who perform their jobs properly.
2. As required by Public Utilities Code Section 451
all rates and charges collected by a public utility must
be “just and reasonable.”
3. The burden of proof is on SDG&E to demonstrate
that it is entitled to the relief sought in this
proceeding, including affirmatively establishing the
reasonableness of all aspects of the application.
4. The standard of proof that SDG&E must meet is
that of a preponderance of evidence, which means the
evidence presented by SDG&E must be more convinc-
ing and have a greater probability of truth when
weighed against opposing evidence.
5. SDG&E’s operation and management of its
facilities prior to the ignition of the 2007 Wildfires is
subject to a reasonableness review.
6. The reasonableness review entails a review on
the prudency of SDG&E’s actions leading up to the
ignition of the 2007 Wildfires.
7. Evidence of accepted industry practices is rele-
vant to a reasonableness inquiry, but compliance with
such practices is not dispositive.
8. Evidence of following accepted industry practices
does not relieve SDG&E of the burden of showing that
its conduct was reasonable.
9. SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence that its operation and management of its
facilities prior the ignition of the Witch Fire were
10. The combination of the Red Flag Warning in
place on October 21, 2007, three faults on a line over a
period of 3.5 hours after having only 9 multiple fault
days in that same line’s 24-year history, should have
caused SDG&E to act more aggressively.
11. The threat of the Harris Fire to the Southwest
Powerlink does not excuse SDG&E’s failure to monitor
the faults on TL 637.
12. The 2003 Wildfires put SDG&E on notice of the
potential for wildfires in its service territory.
13. SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence that its operation and management of its
facilities prior to the ignition of the Guejito Fire were
14. It was imprudent of SDG&E to not discover the
clearance violation between its overhead conductor
and the Cox Communication line for 6 years.
15. SDG&E failed to maintain its facilities in com-
pliance with GO 95 Rule 38 clearance requirements
prior to the ignition of the Guejito Fire.
16. SDG&E failed to prudently inspect its facilities
prior to the ignition Guejito Fire.
17. General Order 95, Rule 35 requires that where
dead, rotten or diseased trees or dead, rotten or
diseased portions of otherwise healthy trees overhang
or lean toward power conductors, those trees or
portions are to be removed.
18. Public Resources Code Section 4293 requires
radial clearance of 4 feet between vegetation and 12
kV conductors.
19. SDG&E failed to properly train its tree pre-
inspectors, causing the inspector to incorrectly mark
fields in its Vegetation Management System.
20. SDG&E failed to prove by a preponderance of
the evidence that it could not identify the defective
limb in Tree FF1090.
21. SDG&E fails to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence that its operation and management of its
facilities prior to the ignition of the Rice Fire were
22. SDG&E failed to prudently manage the
facilities connected with the 2007 Wildfires.
23. Because we find Dr. Gershunov’s analysis of the
wind gust speeds at the time of the ignition of each of
the 2007 Wildfires more compelling, the 2007 Wildfires
were not spread under extraordinary circumstances.
24. SDG&E has not justified recovering from rate-
payers costs incurred to resolve third-party damage
claims arising from the Witch, Guejito and Rice
25. SDG&E’s requested relief should be denied.
26. SDG&E should file a Tier 1 Advice Letter with
the Commission’s Energy Division to implement the
provisions of this decision.
27. The Threshold Issues identified in the Scoping
Memorandum should be denied as moot.
28. This decision should be effective today.
29. Application 15-09-010 should be denied.
1. The application by San Diego Gas and Electric
Company for Authorization to Recover Costs Related
to the 2007 Southern California Wildfires Recorded in
the Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account is denied.
2. The Threshold Issues as identified in the Scoping
Memorandum are denied as moot.
3. Within 30 days of the effective date of this
decision, San Diego Gas and Electric Company shall
file a Tier 1 Advice Letter to implement the denial
of (a) wildfire claims, including any deductibles,
co-insurance and other incremental insurance expense
paid by SDG&E that are not authorized as part of
SDG&E’s General Rate Case or any other proceeding;
and (b) incremental outside legal costs incurred by
SDG&E in the defense of wildfire claims from its
Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account as ordered in
this decision, and to close the account.
4. All pending motions in Application 15-09-010 are
hereby denied.
5. Application 15-09-010 is closed. This order is
effective today.
Dated November 30, 2017, at San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
December 26, 2017
At the Commission Meeting of November 30, 2017,
President Michael Picker and Commissioner Martha
Guzman Aceves stated that they would file a Joint
Concurrence in Decision 17-11-033. The decision was
mailed on December 6, 2017.
The joint concurrence of President Picker and
Commissioner Guzman Aceves is now available and is
attached herewith.
Anna E. Simon
Acting Administrative Law Judge
Concurrence of President and Commissioner Michael
Picker and Commissioner Martha Guzman Aceves on
Item 40, Decision Regarding Application of San Diego
Gas & Electric Company for Authorization to Recover
Costs Related to the 2007 Southern California
Wildfires Recorded in the Wildfire Expense
Memorandum Account
This decision denies the Application of San Diego
Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) for Authorization
to Recover Costs Related to the 2007 Southern
California Wildfires Recorded in the Wildfire Expense
Memorandum Account. We support this decision, but
join in this concurrence to note concerns this decision
revealed. We respectfully urge the California Legisla-
ture to affirmatively address the issues of liability
calculation and cost allocation in instances when
utility infrastructure is implicated in private property
loss. We also respectfully urge the California Courts of
Appeal to carefully consider the rationale for applying
inverse condemnation in these types of cases. Despite
our concerns, after a thorough review of the record and
legal arguments, we join our colleagues in support of
this decision, which is supported by the record.
This decision denies cost recovery of $379 million in
costs related to the 2007 Southern California Wildfires
recorded in the Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account
(WEMA). Specifically it concludes SDG&E did not
meet the preponderance of evidence standard that it
acted as a prudent manager in response to the three
wildfires at issue: Witch, Guejito, and Rice.
Preponderance of the evidence usually is defined “in
terms of probability of truth, e.g., ‘such evidence as,
when weighed with that opposed to it, has more
convincing force and the greater probability of truth’”1
In short, SDG&E must present more evidence that
supports the requested result than would support an
alternative outcome.
The decision reviews and discusses in detail whether
SDG&E’s actions met the preponderance of evidence
standard. Although the analysis of these actions is
thorough and the record supports the outcome of this
case, we note the challenges of applying this standard
in such a case.
Witch Fire
We believe the question of whether SDG&E’s response
to the Witch Fire was reasonable, which later merged
with the Guejito Fire, is a close call, but the record
supports the outcome of this case. The SDG&E facility
involved in the ignition of the Witch Fire was Tie Line
(TL) 637.2 TL 637 is a 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission
line that connects the Santa Ysabel and Creelman
substations.3 TL 637 is approximately 14 miles long
and runs along a remote backcountry section of San
Diego County.4 Although there were no eyewitnesses
to the ignition of the fire, the Cal Fire investigator
determined that a fault on TL 637 between poles
Z416675 and Z416676 on October 21, 2007, led to
arcing of the lines, which dispersed hot particles to
land in the grassy field below the powerlines.5 These

D.12-12-030 at 42, aff’d D.15-07-044 at 28-30.
SDGE-11-A at 2.
Id. at 3.
Id. at 3; ORA-01 at 6 to 7.
particles were determined to have ignited the Witch
Fire which was then spread by wind.6
A series of four faults occurred on TL 637 on October
21, 2007: the first fault at 8:53 a.m.; the second fault
at 11:22 a.m.; the third fault at 12:23 p.m.; and the
fourth fault at 3:25 p.m.7 Cal Fire concluded that the
Witch Fire ignited after the third fault occurred on TL
637 at 12:23 p.m. on October 21, 2007 because an Air
Tanker Pilot first observed the fire at 12:29 p.m.8
SDG&E Grid Operations became aware of the Witch
Fire at 1:10 p.m., and de-energized TL 637 after the
fourth fault at 3:27 p.m.9 SDG&E maintains that its
operation and management of its facilities linked to
the Witch Fire prior to October 21, 2007 were reason-
able.10 SDG&E supports its position by showing:
(1) SDG&E’s response to the faults along TL 637 was
reasonable given the information available at the time
of the faults; (2) SDG&E’s recloser policy was reason-
able and prudent; and (3) the Witch Fire was not
The decision of whether to de-energize power lines
in a region in response to a catastrophic event such as
a wildfire is significant, because it implicates public
safety broadly. Street lights, telephones, and other
infrastructure critical to a response to an emergency
are dependent on electricity. When a wildfire threat-

SGDE-11-A at 3-4, citing Cal Fire Report (Witch) at 2, 14, and
SDGE-11-A at 6 to7.
SDG&E Phase 1 Opening Brief at 30.
SDG&E Phase 1 Reply Brief at 30 to 31.
ens the electricity grid for a specific region, the utility
must consider not only the immediate danger of the
wildfire, but also the public safety considerations of
de-energizing a particular circuit. Utilities are under-
standably reluctant to de-energize circuits without a
compelling rationale. Here, SDG&E faced this choice
with the Witch fire. The record reflects the wildfire
threatened TL 637 and SDG&E did not de-energize
the line until 3:27 p.m. This decision finds that SDG&E
acted imprudently. Under the preponderance of the
evidence standard, the Commission must consider all
of these facts. We found the determination of when
was the appropriate time to de-energize TL 637 to be
a close call, but the record supports the outcome of this
We also note developing an evidentiary record
regarding wind is a challenge, but is essential to a case
such as this where wind played a key role. SDG&E
contends that the wind conditions were severe and
unprecedented. If that is the case, SDG&E’s decision
to not de-energize TL 637 before the start of the fire is
complex. The complexity of that decision reflected in
the record in this case demonstrates the challenge of
applying a prudency standard, which requires us to
consider in the aggregate whether SDG&E acted
reasonably and make what we consider to be a binary
choice whether SDG&E should be able to recover all or
none of the costs. The ability to do a more nuanced
assessment of fault could be a helpful regulatory tool
and we respectfully ask the legislature to consider this
Despite the concerns regarding the Witch fire identi-
fied in this concurrence, we defer to the conclusion of
the Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), because as the
finders of fact in this proceeding, they are situated best
to make factual determinations. Indeed the record in
this case supports the outcome of this decision.
Legal Liability of a Utility Related to Wildfires
In this case SDG&E assumed the legal principle of
inverse condemnation applied to torts claims in this
matter and settled claims by the public before submit-
ting an application to the Commission. In its application,
the SDG&E cites California Courts of Appeal cases
addressing utility legal liability in the context of other
types of private property loss.12 SDG&E contends a
court noted it could be appropriate to apply the legal
principle of inverse condemnation to utilities in some
The California Public Utilities Code requires the
Commission to subject applications for recovery of
cost by investor owned utilities to a reasonableness
review,14 which is not true for publicly owned utilities.
If the preponderance of the evidence shows that the
utility acted prudently, the Commission will allow the
utility to recover costs from the ratepayers. However
in this instance, the Commission determined the actions
of SDG&E were imprudent based on the specific facts
in the case and will not allow recovery of costs.
Thus the logic for applying inverse condemnation to
utilities - costs will necessarily be socialized across a
large group rather than borne by a single injured
property owner, regardless of prudence on the part of
the utility - is unsound.
Returning to the case at hand, SDG&E settled tort
claims by the public before submitting an application

SDG&E Application at 4 to 7.
SDG&E Application at 6.
Cal. Pub. Util. Code Section 451.
to the Commission to recover those costs. The
Commission then fulfilled its statutorily prescribed
role to perform a reasonableness review. This process
demonstrates two concerns to us, which we believe
merit further review. First, the SDG&E accrued
liability by settling tort claims before the Commission
could determine the prudency of its actions in a
reasonableness review. Second, as noted above the
application of a prudency standard, which provides
the Commission with what we consider to be a binary
choice of determining prudency in the aggregate, could
be improved upon to explicitly allow a more nuanced
assessment of fault.
We are also concerned that the application of inverse
condemnation to utilities in all events of private prop-
erty loss would fail to recognize important distinctions
between public and private utilities and that the
financial pressure on utilities from the application of
inverse condemnation may lead to higher rates for
ratepayers. Investor owned utilities are partially
dependent on the capital markets to raise money and
the insurance market to mitigate financial risk. If
strict liability is imposed for damage associated with
wildfires caused in whole or in part by utility infra-
structure, the risk profile of the investor-owned utility
may be questioned by investors and insurance provid-
ers alike. The increase in the cost of capital and the
expense associated with insurance could lead to higher
rates for ratepayers, even in instances where the
investor-owned utility complied with the Commission’s
safety standards.
We respectfully urge the California Legislature to
affirmatively address the issues of liability calculation
and cost allocation in instances when utility infra-
structure is implicated in private property loss. We
also respectfully urge the California Courts of Appeal
to carefully consider the rationale for applying inverse
condemnation in these types of cases. Despite our
concerns, after a thorough review of the record and
legal arguments, we join our colleagues in support of
this decision, which is supported by the record.
Dated December 21, 2017, at San Francisco,
Michael Picker
Martha Guzman Aceves
Date of Issuance July 13, 2018
Decision 18-07-025 July 12, 2018
Application 15-09-010
(Filed September 25, 2015)
Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company
(U902E) for Authorization to Recover Costs
Related to the 2007 Southern California
Wildfires Recorded in the Wildfire Expense
Memorandum Account (WEMA).
(D.) 17-11-033
In this Order, we dispose of the Applications for
Rehearing of Decision (D.) 17-11-033 (or “Decision”),
filed by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”),
and by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”)
and Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”)
In October 2007, over a dozen wildfires burned
portions of southern California causing extensive prop-
erty damage and a number of deaths. Investigation
reports issued by the California Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection (“Cal Fire”) as well as the Commis-
sion’s Consumer Protection and Safety Division (now
the Safety and Enforcement Division (“SED”), deter-
mined that three of the fires were ignited by SDG&E
electric transmission facilities: the Witch Fire; the
Guejito Fire; and the Rice Fire (together “2007
After the fires, SDG&E, PG&E, and SCE all sought
Commission approval to establish Wildfire Expense
Memorandum Accounts (“WEMAs”) to record costs
such as: a) payments to satisfy wildfire claims includ-
ing co-insurance and deductibles expenses; b) outside
legal expenses incurred defending wildfire claims; c)
increases or decreases in wildfire insurance premiums
from amounts authorized in SDG&E’s general rate
case; and d) the cost of financing Wildfire Expense
Balancing Account (“WEBA”) balances. The Commis-
sion authorized the WEMA accounts in Resolution
In 2012 the Commission issued D.12-12-029 which,
among other things, kept open SDG&E’s WEMA
account subject to reasonableness review consistent
with Public Utilities Code Section 451 should SDG&E
later seek to recover those costs from its ratepayers.2
In 2015, SDG&E in fact filed Application (A.) 15-09-
010 requesting rate recovery for $379 million in

Resolution E-4311, dated July 29, 2010, at pp. 2-3, 10
[Findings and Conclusions Number 2].
See Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company,
Southern California Edison Company, Southern California Gas
Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Authority to
Establish a Wildfire Expense Balancing Account to Record for
Future Recovery Wildfire-Related Costs [D.12-12-029] (2012) at
pp. 13-14, 19 [Ordering Paragraph Number 2] (slip op.). (All
citations to Commission decisions are to the official pdf versions
which can be found on the Commission’s website at: Form.aspx.)
WEMA costs recorded for the 2007 Wildfires.3 In this
proceeding we conducted the reasonableness review
required by D.12-12-029. Such reviews are governed
by Public Utilities Code Section 451.4
Section 451 requires utilities to show that all
requested charges are “just and reasonable” in order
to be recovered in rates.5 To ensure that charges
requested by a utility are just and reasonable, and
ensure that a utility has operated and maintained its

See Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company for
Authorization to Recover Costs Related to the 2007 Southern
California Wildfires Recorded in the Wildfire Expense Memoran-
dum Account (A.15-09-010), dated September 25, 2015, at p. 7.
All subsequent section references are to the Public Utilities
Code unless otherwise stated.
D.17-11-033 at p. 10, citing e.g., Re Southern California
Edison Company (“Re SCE”) [D.87-06-021] (1987) 24 Cal.P.U.C.2d
476, 486. Pub. Util. Code Section 451 states in pertinent part:
All charges demanded or received by any public utility
. . . for any product or commodity furnished or to be
furnished or any service rendered or to be rendered
shall be just and reasonable. Every unjust or unrea-
sonable charge demanded or received for such product
or commodity or service is unlawful.
Every public utility shall furnish and maintain
such adequate, efficient, just, and reasonable service,
instrumentalities, equipment, and facilities . . . as are
necessary to promote the safety, health, comfort, and
convenience of its patrons, employees, and the public.
Pub. Util. Code Section 454 states in pertinent part:
(a) Except as provided in Section 455, a public utility
shall not change any rate or so alter any classification,
contract, practice, or rule as to result in any new rate,
except upon a showing before the commission and a
finding by the commission that the new rate is justi-
fied . . . .
system in a safe and reasonable manner, we have
adopted the longstanding Prudent Manager Standard.
Under that standard, a utility has the burden to
affirmatively prove that it reasonably and prudently
operated and managed its system.6 As discussed at
more length in Part II.A. below, that means a utility
must show that its actions, practices, methods, and
decisions show reasonable judgment in light of what it
knew or should have known at the time, and in the
interest of achieving safety, reliability and reasonable
Our Decision found that, on balance, SDG&E failed
to meet its burden to show that its operation and
management of its system leading up to the 2007
Wildfires, and its immediate response at the time of
the fires, was reasonable and prudent. By definition
then, rate recovery would be unjust, unreasonable,
and unlawful under Section 451. For that reason, we
denied SDG&E’s request to pass the $379 million in
WEMA costs on to its ratepayers.8
Applications for Rehearing were filed by SDG&E as
well as PG&E and SCE jointly. SDG&E alleges: (1) it
was unlawful to find SDG&E failed to meet the
Prudent Manager Standard; (2) Commission prece-
dent did not support the Commission’s determination;
(3) the Decision erred regarding the severity of wind
and weather conditions in October 2007; and (4) the
Decision erred by failing to allow rate recovery

See, e.g., Re SCE [D.87-06-021], supra, 24 Cal.P.U.C.2d at p.
Id. at p. 486.
D.17-11-033, at pp. 2, 6, 9-11, 70 [Conclusion of Law Number
9], p. 71 [Conclusion of Law Number 13] & p. 72 [Conclusion of
Law Number 21] & [Ordering Paragraph Number 1].
consistent with the cost spreading principle under the
doctrine of inverse condemnation.
PG&E and SCE challenge the Decision alleging that
cost recovery should have been driven by the cost
spreading policy of inverse condemnation rather than
traditional Commission reasonableness review stand-
ards.9 Responses were filed by the Office of Ratepayer
Advocates (“ORA”), Ruth Hendricks, and Protect Our
Communities (“POC”) and the Utility Consumers’
Action Network (“UCAN”) jointly.
We have reviewed each and every issue raised by
SDG&E, PG&E and SCE and are of the opinion that
good cause has not been established to grant rehear-
ing. Accordingly, the Applications for Rehearing of
D.15-11-042 are denied because no legal error was
A. Reasonableness Reviews and the Prudent
Manager Standard
Commission regulation of privately owned utilities
is governed by the principle of reasonableness, as to
both a utility’s ability to spread costs and charges
among its ratepayers, as well as its provision of a safe
and reliable utility system. The principle derives from
Section 451, which provides:
All charges demanded or received by any
public utility . . . shall be just and reasonable.
Every unjust or unreasonable charge demanded

PG&E and SCE’s arguments are almost entirely subsumed
in the issues and arguments raised by SDG&E. Thus unless
specifically noted, their arguments are not addressed separately.
or received by for such product or commodity
or service is unlawful.
Every public utility shall furnish and main-
tain such adequate, efficient, just, and
reasonable service, instrumentalities, equip-
ment, and facilities. . . as are necessary to
promote the safety, health, comfort, and
convenience of its patrons, employees, and
the public.
(Pub. Util. Code, § 451.)10
Consistent with Section 451, we can grant rate
recovery only if requested rates and charges are
deemed “just and reasonable.” Similarly, rates or
charges deemed unjust or unreasonable are unlawful,
and must be denied.
We have summarized this concept of reasonableness
in In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas
& Electric Company and Southern California Gas
Company for Authority to Revise Their Rates Effective
January 1, 2013, in Their Triennial Cost Allocation
Proceeding [D.14-06-007] (2014) at p. 31 (slip op.),
California law, Commission practice and
precedent, and common sense, all essentially
require that before ratepayers bear any costs
incurred by the utility, those costs must be
just and reasonable . . . . When that occurs,
the Commission can find the costs incurred
by the utility to be just and reasonable and
therefore, they can be recovered from rate-
payers. When this is not the case however, the
Commission can and must disallow those

See also ante, fn. 5 [Pub. Util. Code, § 454, subd. (a).].
costs: that is unjust or unreasonable costs must
not be recovered in rates from ratepayers.
In implementing Section 451 for purposes of utility
reasonableness reviews, the Commission utilizes an
established Prudent Manager Standard as the test to
evaluate whether requested costs are just and reason-
able. We have summarized this test as follows:
The standard for reviewing utility actions has
been established as one of reasonableness
and prudence . . . . The term “reasonable and
prudent” means that at a particular time any
of the practices, methods, and acts engaged in
by a utility follows the exercise of reasonable
judgment in light of facts known known or
which should have been known at the time
the decision was made. The act or decision is
expected by the utility to accomplish the
desired result at the lowest reasonable cost
consistent with good utility practices. Good
utility practices are based upon cost-effective-
ness, reliability, safety, and expedition.
(See, e.g., Re SCE [D.87-06-021], supra, 24
Cal.P.U.C.2d at p. 486.)
Further guidance is embodied in other decisions,
such as D.02-08-064, which states:
A reasonable and prudent act is not limited to
the optimum practice, method, or act to the
exclusion of all others, but rather encom-
passes a spectrum of possible practices,
methods, or acts consistent with the utility
system needs, the interest of the ratepayers
and the requirements of governmental
agencies of competent jurisdiction . . . .
The greater the level of money, risk and
uncertainty involved in a decision, the greater
the care the utility must take in reaching that
decision . . . .
The burden rests heavily upon a utility to
prove . . . that it is entitled to the requested
rate relief and not upon the Commission, its
staff, or any interested party to prove the
(Investigation into the Natural Gas Procurement
Practices of Southwest Gas Company [D.02-08-064]
(2002) at pp. 5-8 (slip op.) (citations omitted).)
We have also stated:
When [utilities] file applications to demonstrate
the reasonableness of Safety Enhancement
they will bear the burden of proof that the
companies used industry best practices and
that their actions were prudent. This is not
a “perfection” standard: it is a standard of
care that demonstrates all actions were well
planned, properly supervised and all neces-
sary records are retained.
(D.14-06-007, supra, at pp. 31, 36 (slip op.).)
Although these concepts guide all Prudent Manager
reviews, each case must be evaluated in light of own
unique circumstances and the evidence presented.
In this case we reviewed evidence presented by
SDG&E, ORA, UCAN, POC, Ruth Hendricks, San
Diego Consumers’ Action Network (“SDCAN”), and
the Mussey Grade Road Alliance (“MGRA”).
SDG&E contests our findings for all three 2007
Wildfires. In its Application for Rehearing, SDG&E
essentially attempts to re-litigate the issues and the
evidence. Such attempts are improper under Section
1732. However, to fully address SDG&E’s claims we
will discuss SDG&E’s allegations below.
B. SDG&E’s Reasonableness Challenges
1. The Witch Fire
Cal Fire determined that the Witch Fire was caused
by SDG&E’s 14-mile long 69 kilovolt (“kV”) transmis-
sion line (“TL”) 637 that runs between its Santa Ysabel
and Creelman substations. TL 637 experienced four
faults between 8:53 a.m. and 3:25 p.m. on October 21,
2007.11 SDG&E’s automatic reclosers re-energized the
line after each of the faults. But the repeated re-
energization caused arcing after the third fault that
caused hot particles to ignite vegetation below the
SDG&E does not contest these facts, but argues we
ignored what it knew or reasonably could have known
at the time. SDG&E argues we wrongly found that it:
(a) failed to adequately monitor the faults; (b) failed to
send a protective engineer to identify the fault loca-
tions; and (c) failed to adequately appreciate the
arcing risk and more timely de-energize TL 637.

The first fault occurred at 8:53 a.m., the second at 11:22 a.m.,
the third at 12:23 p.m., and the fourth at 3:25 p.m. The Witch
Fire was first observed by an air tanker at 12:29 p.m., shortly
after the third fault. Ultimately, TL 637 was not de-energized
until approximately 3 hours after the Witch Fire started and
almost two hours after SDG&E’s Grid Operations became aware
of it. (D.17-11-033, at pp. 12-13; ORA Exhibit 2 (ORA-02);
SDG&E Exhibits 11 & 11-A (SDG&E-11, at p. 4, SDG&E-11-A,
at pp. 2-4.)
Witch Fire Investigation Report. Case No. 07-CDF-570,
Incident No. 07-CA-MVU-10432. October 21, 2007. California
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
(SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 27-38, citing D.17-11-033,
at pp. 27-29, 66-67 [Findings of Fact Numbers 15, 16,
17, 18 & 19] & p. 71 [Conclusions of Law Number 11].)
We disagree.
a) Fault Monitoring
SDG&E contends the fact that it dispatched trou-
bleshooters to the substations after the first two faults
and dispatched a patrolman after the third fault,
proved that it acted prudently.13 (SDG&E Rhg. App.,
at pp. 28-30.)
We acknowledged these steps, but disagreed that
they were adequate. We reasoned that under the
conditions, a prudent manager should have sent a
protective engineer to determine the exact location
and cause of the faults, or, absent that, should have
de-energized TL 637 sooner to prevent any potential
fire from starting.14
SDG&E argues that such extraordinary measures
were unnecessary. SDG&E said faults are common on
windy days, and its reclosers successfully re-energized
the line after each of the first two faults. Thus,
SDG&E saw no cause for heightened concern.
This reasoning ignores a number of important
considerations that a prudent manager should have
taken into account. For example:
• SDG&E knew, or should have known that
October 21, 2007 was not going to be just an
ordinary windy day. For several days Predictive

A patrol never actually occurred. High winds prevented a
helicopter patrol, and rough terrain prevented a patrol by foot. A
fire near the Santa Ysabel substation also made patrol too
dangerous. (SDG&E-11-A, at pp. 7-8, 10-11.)
D.17-11-033, at pp. 27-29.
Services at the Southern California Geographic
Area Coordination Center, in coordination with
the National Weather Service, had been pre-
dicting “High Risk” and “Red Flag” wind events
for October 21, 2007.15 SDG&E’s own trouble-
shooters attested to the intensity of the winds
on that day.16
• SDG&E knew or should have known there was
a history of significant wind-related power line
fires in San Diego County.17
• SDG&E knew that although its recloser policy
was industry practice, faults that resulted in
multiple re-energization attempts posed a risk
of arcing that could ignite vegetation and cause
• SDG&E should have known that multiple faults
on TL 637 were cause for concern given faults
on TL 637 were uncommon.19
• SDG&E knew TL 637 was located in a remote
backcountry location with an abundance of
vegetation that would be prone to fire.20

SDG&E-01, Appendix 1, California Fire Siege 2007, at pp.
See, e.g., SDG&E-11-A, at pp. 6-7, 10-11, 13.
MGRA Exh. 1 (MGRA-1, at pp. 5-8, 11-18, 23-28.); POC Exh.
1 (POC-1, at pp. 8-9, 11-13, 17-18.)
See e.g., D.17-11-033, at p. 18; ORA-18; Reporters Transcript
(“RT”) Volume (“Vol.”) 2, SDG&E/Geier, at p. 197; ORA-20.
D.17-11-033, at p. 27; ORA-3, at pp. 1-3 (TL 637 Fault
SDG&E-11, at pp 3-4.
• SDG&E knew on the day of the Witch Fire that
several other fires had already been triggered
by the winds.21
SDG&E argues there was no known or foreseeable
risk because not all past fires were linked to utility
facilities,22 and its own facilities had never started a
fire due to conductor (line-to-line) contact. SDG&E
also argued that its resources were consumed with
responding to the Harris Fire, which it deemed a
priority because it threatened SDG&E’s 500 kV
Southwest Powerlink.23
These arguments were not persuasive given the
above known safety risks. These factors indicated
more than a routine response effort was needed.
Evidence showed that other response and service
entities had prudently prepared for heightened response
efforts in light of the impending Santa Ana condi-
tions.24 Nothing suggested SDG&E had done the same.
SDG&E said only that it took the usual routine
measures by sending troubleshooters to the substa-
tions. But troubleshooters do not necessarily locate
faults and dispatching patrolmen do not help if a
patrol is not possible. In addition, while we recognize
SDG&E’s concerns regarding the Harris Fire, it is not
clear why problems on TL 637 or any other line did not
merit equal effort.
SDG&E argues there was no evidence a prudent
manager would have acted differently. But that was

SDG&E-11-A, at pp. 8-9.
SDG&E-12, at pp. 23-25.
SDG&E-11-A, at pp. 8-9.
(SDG&E-01, Appendix 1, California Fire Siege 2007, at
pp. 16-17.)
not the burden of any party to prove. Under a
reasonably objective view, the conditions warranted
more intervention.
b) Failure to Deploy a Protective
Because SDG&E could not patrol the line, it could
only have determined the fault locations on TL 637 by
deploying a protective engineer to run a computer
model using mileage data from its event records.
SDG&E contends that even if it had done that, it
could not have prevented the Witch Fire. SDG&E
reasons there was only an hour between the second
and third faults, and it would have taken longer for a
protective engineer to calculate the fault locations.
Thus, SDG&E argues sending a protective engineer
would have changed nothing, and there was no proof
its failure to do so caused the fire. (SDG&E Rhg. App.,
at pp. 30-32.)
SDG&E misses the fundamental point. Even if the
fire would have started anyway, a reasonableness
review looks at whether it acted reasonably and
prudently given what it knew or should have known
about the potential safety risk.
As explained above, SDG&E knew that Santa Ana
wind conditions were predicted, it knew it had such
conditions on that day, and it knew those conditions
increased the potential for fire risk. SDG&E also knew
there were other wind-related fire events already
happening, it knew TL 637 had already faulted twice,
it knew repeated reclosing attempts could cause a fire,
and it knew relatively quickly that it could not
physically patrol TL 637.
Together, these factors suggest that a prudent
manager would use all available resources to ensure
that TL 637 did not ignite a fire. Here, that would
have meant utilizing a protective engineer and event
records to determine the location and cause of the
faults. Even SDG&E conceded that effective use of
event records would have put SDG&E in a better
position to respond to the faults.25 But SDG&E did not
do that. And had SDG&E taken that step, it may have
been possible to find that its actions were prudent.
c) Delay in De-Energizing TL 637
SDG&E Grid Operations de-energized TL 637
approximately 6.5 hours after first fault occurred and
almost 2.5 hours after it knew the Witch Fire had
started. We did not consider this time lapse to be
reasonable under the conditions (e.g., high winds,
multiple faults, etc.), and the likelihood for fire under
these conditions.
SDG&E argues there was no reason to de-energize
TL 637 any sooner. It states that the Harris Fire and
2003 Cedar Fires did not involve powerlines, and it
didn’t know that conductor contact could cause a fire.
SDG&E says all it knew was that it had temporary
faults on a backcountry line on a windy day. Thus, to
suggest it could have foreseen a fire or been more
proactive was hindsight bias. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at
pp. 33-35.)
That SDG&E can name two fires that did not
involve powerlines was not persuasive. It knew or
should have known that multiple fires, such as the
1970 Laguna Fire, the 2004 Wynola Fire, and the 2005
Fallbrook Fire, were wind and powerline related. That

See, e.g., RT Vol. 3, at p. 349.
should have put SDG&E on notice that the situation
was unsafe.
SDG&E’s position regarding the weather conditions
is also problematic. Here it says it was just another
windy day. Elsewhere it says the winds were extreme
and unprecedented.26 (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 34,
55-57.) It cannot have been both.
In addition, the fact that SGD&E had no direct
experience with conductor contact causing a fire
misses the larger point. It is reasonable to expect that
a prudent manager, when faced with potential conduc-
tor contact, would know it presented a heightened
safety risk.27
SDG&E contends that even if it had de-energized
the line when Grid Operations learned of the fire (1:10
p.m.), it would not have prevented it because the fire
had already started. But that is not the point. The
issue was whether SDG&E could show that its actions
and decisions were prudent given what it knew or
should have known at the time. De-energizing the line,
at least once SDG&E knew the Witch Fire had started,
would have been a reasonable and prudent thing to do.

SDG&E states it had safety procedures for Red Flag
conditions. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 35.) However, procedures
alone do not prove a utility’s actions or decisions in any particular
instance were reasonable. (Re Southern California Edison
Company (“Mohave”) [D.94-03-048] 53 Cal.P.U.C.2d 452, 465-
SDG&E minimizes the potential for fire ignition from
repeated re-energization stating the conditions contemplated in
its 2001 Field Guide were different. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 35.)
Whether the exact same conditions were in play was not the
issue. SDG&E knew that an event causing repeated re-energiza-
tion could cause arcing and potential fire ignitions. Disavowal of
any such knowledge is simply not persuasive.
SDG&E’s own testimony attested to the fact that
energized power lines can create additional risks to
firefighters and the public in fire conditions.28
SDG&E contends that de-energizing powerlines
should not be taken lightly because electricity is needed
to provide water supply, traffic signals, communica-
tions, and emergency services during fire events.
(SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 32-33.)
These are important considerations. Yet, SDG&E
has utilized de-energization strategies before to mini-
mize fire risk.29 And SDG&E made no showing here
that de-energizing TL 637 sooner would have caused
significant adverse impacts. Given the backcountry
location of TL 637, it was not clear why SDG&E waited
so long after the fire had begun to de-energize TL
Finally, SDG&E argues that the $379 disallowance
amounted to a penalty, and one that was grossly
excessive given its culpability. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at
p. 37, citing BMW of N. Am. v. Gore (“BMW”) (1996)
517 U.S. 599.)
BMW involved an award of $4,000 in actual damages
and $2,000,000 in punitive damages. The Court
deemed $2,000,000 to be excessive in that it was 500
times the amount of actual harm caused by the

SDG&E-11-A, at p. 11.
SDG&E contends that its actions post-ignition, and in
response to, the fire were outside the scope of this proceeding.
(SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 37, citing Scoping Memo, at p. 4; RT Vol.
3, at pp. 388-400, 404, 433 & 436.) Nothing in the Scoping Memo
or elsewhere imposed such a limitation.
defendant’s conduct. (Id. at pp. 562, 565, 574-576, 581-
582.) That is not the case here.
This case did not involve punitive damages. And
even if did, the $379 million disallowance would not
have been excessive compared to the $2.4 billion in
actual harm caused by the 2007 Wildfires.
2. The Guejito Fire
Cal Fire determined that the Guejito fire ignited
when a Cox Communications (“Cox”) lashing wire
came into contact with an SDG&E 12 kV overhead
conductor between poles 196394 and 196387. The
SDG&E line was located above the Cox equipment,
and the winds blew the lashing wire up into SDG&E’s
line, causing an arc and starting the fire.31
SDG&E does not contest these facts, but argues we
failed to say why the lashing wire contacted SDG&E’s
line, i.e., because Cox’s lashing wire was broken.
SDG&E claims we ignored that evidence, thus failed
to state a material finding of fact. (SDG&E Rhg. App.,
at pp. 38-41.)
We did not ignore the fact that Cox’s lashing wire
was broken prior to the contact. But there was no need
to make a specific finding to that effect. It was an
obvious point, and not material in and of itself.
SDG&E also contends it had no way to know that
the lashing wire broke, and it was unreasonable to find
that its actions were imprudent just because of a
“technical” clearance violation. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at
p. 42.)

Guejito Fire Investigation Report. Incident No. CA-MVU-
010484. October 22, 2007. California Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection; D.17-11-033, at p. 29; ORA-05, at pp. 1075-78.
SDG&E misses the point. It is not about whether
SDG&E knew the lashing wire was broken or even
when it broke. The issue is that SDG&E knew it had
an obligation to maintain its facilities in compliance
with established equipment clearance requirements
under General Order (“GO”) 95.32
SDG&E’s own testimony readily acknowledged the
mandates of GO 95, specifically noting Rule 31.1
(Design, Construction, and Maintenance), Rule 31.2
(Inspection of Lines), Rule 32.1 (Two or More Systems),
and Rule 38 (Minimum Clearances of Wires From
Other Wires). SDG&E also acknowledged the pole
inspection requirements under GO 165.
These regulations required SDG&E to maintain a
minimum 6 foot clearance between its line and Cox’s
equipment. SDG&E was also required to conduct
regular patrol inspections to ensure compliance with
all safety requirements at least every 2 years, with
detailed inspections every 5 years.
SDG&E testified that it complied with all inspection
requirements, and had last inspected Pole 196394 on
June 22, 2007, and Pole 196378 on April 8, 2005.33
Still, there was a significant clearance violation that
SDG&E’s inspections failed to identify.34 SDG&E
should have known about that violation and resolved
it before the Guejito Fire.
SDG&E tries to shift the responsibility to Cox. But
GO 95 applies to both SDG&E and Cox, and both were

A copy of GO 95 can be located at:
SDG&E-12, at p. 10-11.
D.17-11-033, at pp. 30-31; SDG&E-07, at pp. 14-15.
responsible to ensure compliance with respect to their
respective facilities.
SDG&E also suggests that the lashing wire would
have contacted its line regardless of the clearance
violation, thus there was no causal link between the
violation and the fire. That is a theory SDG&E cannot
prove, and the rules are designed to prevent such
contact. SDG&E’s speculation and conjecture do not
establish error.
SDG&E’s position also seems to ignore the point of
reasonable and prudent management. Had SDG&E
complied with the established clearance rules, absent
any other imprudent conduct, there would have been
some basis to find that it reasonably and prudently
operated and maintained its facilities. Here, the GO
violation and the failure of SDG&E’s inspections
to identify the violation demonstrated a failure
to reasonably and prudently operate and maintain
overhead electric lines in accordance with established
rules and regulations. Compliance is not discretion-
ary. Thus, we could not reasonably find that SDG&E
met the Prudent Manager Standard.
3. The Rice Fire
Cal Fire determined that the Rice Fire ignited when
a limb from sycamore tree FF1090 broke and knocked
an SDG&E 12 kV line to the ground, starting the fire.35
SDG&E does not contest these facts, but contends
the Decision: (a) violated section 311; and (b) was
unsupported by the evidence. We find these argu-
ments are without merit.

Rice Fire Investigation Report. Case No. 07-CDF-572,
Incident No. 07-CA-MVU-010502. October 23, 2007. California
Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention. (See, also e.g., D.17-
11-033 at p. 36; SDG&E-08 at p. 2.)
a) Section 311
SDG&E contends that after the Proposed Decision
was issued, we invented an entirely new theory to
support the proposed outcome.36 SDG&E contends
that the modifications made to the Decision were
substantive revisions that constituted an “alternate.”
As such, SDG&E argues Section 311 required the
Decision to be recirculated for a new 30-day review
and comment period, and by not doing that SDG&E
was denied adequate due process. (SDG&E Rhg. App.,
at pp. 43-45.)
Section 311(e) requires that “alternate” decisions be
subject to a 30-day public notice and comment period.
But the statute did not apply here because the
modifications SDG&E complains of did not make the
Decision an “alternate” within the meaning of section
311(e), or the Commission’s implementing rules.
Section 311(e) defines an “alternate” as:
[E]ither a substantive revision to a proposed
decision that materially changes the resolu-
tion of a contested issue, or any substantive
addition to the findings of fact, conclusions of
law, or ordering paragraphs.
(Pub. Util. Code, § 311, subd. (e) (emphasis added.).)
Similarly, Rule 14.1 of the Rules or Practice and
Procedure define an “alternate” as follows:
(d) “Alternate proposed decision” . . . means
a substantive revision by a Commissioner to
a proposed decision or draft resolution . . .
which either:

A copy of the Proposed Decision can be located at:
(1) materially changes the resolution of a
contested issue, or
(2) makes any substantive addition to the
findings of fact, conclusions of law, or order-
ing paragraphs.
A substantive revision to a proposed decision
or draft resolution is not an “alternate pro-
posed decision” . . . if the revision does no
more than make changes suggested in prior
comments on the proposed decision . . . .
(See also Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 20, § 14.1, subd. (d)
(emphasis added.).)37
The modifications at issue were not an “alternate”
because they were not substantive revisions made by
a Commissioner, nor did they materially change the
outcome recommended by the Proposed Decision.
The modifications were simply changes made by the
Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) in response to
comments on the Proposed Decision.
Decisions routinely contain changes made by an
ALJ following comments on a Proposed Decision. That
practice is consistent with section 311(d), which allows
the Commission to adopt, modify, or set aside all of a

Section 311(e) also requires the Commission to have rules for
implementing Section 311(e), stating:
The commission shall adopt rules that provide for the
time and manner of review and comment and the
rescheduling of the item on a subsequent public
agenda, except that the item may not be rescheduled
for consideration sooner than 30 days following service
of the alternate item upon all parties.
Proposed Decision without any additional review or
The modifications also did not present an entirely
new theory to support the proposed outcome. The
Proposed Decision and Final Decision both show that
the same basic issues were discussed in addressing the
Rice Fire. For example, both documents discussed:
vegetation clearance requirements; SDG&E’s Vegetation
Management Program (“VMP”); SDG&E’s inspection
records for Tree FF1090; the positions of the parties;
recommendations by SDG&E’s tree contractor; the 0-
3 month trim designation under the SDG&E’s VMP;
evidence regarding the growth rate for Tree FF1090;
the latent defect in the limb that fell; and Reliability
Tree issues.39
The modifications did no more than provide
additional detail, based on the evidence, with respect
to the same issues. SDG&E had, and availed itself of,
the opportunity to comment on those issues in its
testimony, its briefs, and its comments on the Proposed
Decision.40 Accordingly, SDG&E received adequate
due process.
b) Record Evidence
The Decision found that SDG&E failed to prove that
its vegetation management of Tree FF1090 was
prudent because it: deviated from its own past annual

See Pub. Util. Code, § 311(d).
See Proposed Decision, at pp. 34-43 and Decision, at pp. 36-
See, e.g., SDG&E’s Comments on the Proposed Decision
of ALJs Tsen and Goldberg, dated September 11, 2017 and
SDG&E’s Reply Comments on the Proposed Decision of ALJs
Tsen and Goldberg, dated September 18, 2017.
trim cycle; failed to keep complete trim records;41
failed to identify structural issues that may have led
to more timely trimming of the limb that broke; and
let more than two years lapse prior to the fire without
having trimmed Tree FF1090.42
SDG&E states there was no need to trim Tree
FF1090 in the two years before the fire because it did
not find any clearance violations.43 (SDG&E Rhg.
App., at pp. 51-52.) Yet even if that was so, SDG&E
knew Tree FF1090 was fast growing.44 And records
showed that the tree had been on an annual trim cycle
prior to the two year lapse.45
That practice suggested that at least at some point,
SDG&E believed it was prudent to trim Tree FF1090
annually. It was not clear why it was suddenly
prudent not to follow that practice. It was also not
persuasive that SDG&E’s idea of prudent manage-
ment was to trim a tree only when there is a recorded
clearance violation.
SDG&E’s handling of a trim recommendation that
was made before the fire was also a cause for concern.
In July 2007, SDG&E’s tree contractor Davey Tree
Surgery Company (“Davey”) inspected Tree FF1090

D.17-11-033, at pp. 36-49.
D.17-11-033, at pp. 42-44; SDG&E-08, Appendix 6.
SDG&E contends the evidence proved that the limb that
broke grew away from the line, and we relied on unsubstantiated
hearsay to say SDG&E did not prove that fact. (SDG&E Rhg.
App., at pp. 48-49.) Even if the evidence was hearsay, it is not
impermissible to rely on hearsay evidence in administrative
proceedings. (See, e.g., Investigation re North Shuttle Service Inc.
[D.98-05-019] (1998) 80 Cal.P.U.C.2d 223, 230.)
See, e.g., ORA-32, Data Request Response Number 7.
SDG&E-08, Appendix 6.
and identified a limb directly overhanging SDG&E’s
electric line. The contractor testified that the tree
showed strong growth toward SDG&E’s electric line,
thus the limb required immediate trimming.46
Using SDG&E’s computerized Vegetation Manage-
ment System (“VMS”), the contractor selected the
menu item called “Months to Next Trim” and picked
the option that appeared to require the most immedi-
ate trim (0-3 months).47 He understood that to mean
that the tree would be trimmed within three months
of his inspection.48
In explaining why the tree had not been trimmed
at the time of the fire, SDG&E said the contractor
misunderstood the 0-3 designation. SDG&E argued it
did not mean the tree should be trimmed within 3
months of inspection. It only meant the tree would
grow out of compliance within 3 months.49 SDG&E
also argued that if a more immediate trim was
required, the contractor should have flagged the tree
as a hazard tree.50
This argument seemed to suggest the only way a
tree would be trimmed is if it was identified as a
hazard, or if it grew out of compliance with established
clearance minimums. Such conditions do not make a
strong case for prudent preventative maintenance. If
nothing else, it appeared SDG&E had not adequately

ORA-44, RT Excerpt at pp. 10-13, 39-40, 56.
Options under the ‘Months to Next Trim’ field were 0-3
months, 3-6 months, and 6-9 months, etc. (SDG&E-13, at p. 10.)
ORA-44, RT Excerpt at pp. 10-11, 39-40, 56.
See, e.g., ORA-34, RT Excerpt at pp. 6-7; SDG&E-13, at pp.
SDG&E-08, at pp. 12, 17.
trained its contractor to know the appropriate means
by which to ensure a tree would be trimmed on a more
immediate basis. Adequate contractor training is part
of a utility’s responsibility as prudent manager.
SDG&E’s response at the time the trim recom-
mendation was made also raised questions as to
prudency. Prior to authorizing a time and equipment
billing for the recommended trim, an SDG&E employee
went to observe Tree FF1090. He said he recom-
mended against any trimming because he considered
the overhang to be too slight.51 That is SDG&E’s
discretion. Yet if there is a direct overhang, prudent
practice suggests that trimming or removing such a
limb would be the obvious and safe course to take.
In testimony, SDG&E stated that the limb that
broke on October 22, 2007, broke due to the failure of
a codominant branch structure with included bark.52
Throughout the proceeding that was referred to as a
“hidden defect.” SDG&E contends that because it was
hidden, it could not have known the limb might break,
and such defects would be difficult to detect from
regular ground inspections.53 SDG&E argues even
Rule 35 only requires removal of such limbs when a
utility has actual knowledge of the problem.54 (SDG&E
Rhg. App., at pp. 46-48.)
We recognize that Tree FF1090 was fairly tall and
that could hinder SGD&E’s ability to detect the defect

SDG&E-13, Appendix 4, at pp. 1-2.
SDG&E-13, Appendix 2, at p. 4.
SDG&E-13, Appendix 2, at p. 4.
SDG&E contends it was, or would have been error to find
SDG&E violated Rule 35. Nothing in the Decision made such a
finding. We merely identified the standard required by that Rule.
(D.17-11-033, at p. 37.)
during routine ground inspections. But the broken
limb was also part of a growth structure called a
codominant leader branch growth. And it is known
that hidden defects are common in such growth
structures. The tree also appeared to have certain
indicia of a Reliability (or hazard) Tree.
SDG&E’s own Vegetation Management Plan indi-
cated that both these factors, if properly identified,
would result in immediate trimming or removal of the
affected limbs.55 The Plan also represented that SDG&E
routinely inspected for structural defects, limbs that
may break even if there are no clearance issues (such
as codominant limb growth), and Reliability Tree
issues.56 Thus, it was not clear why SDG&E’s
inspections had failed to identify these issues prior to
the fire. SDG&E never claimed that it could not have
identified these problems during normal inspections.
It only said that it had not found them.
Finally, SDG&E contends that even if it had marked
Tree FF1090 as a Reliability Tree and/or trimmed that
tree, there was no proof that the fire would have been
avoided. (Rhg. App., at pp. 48, 51.)
There is no way to know that. At least the potential
for fire would have been reduced. And again, the
argument sidesteps the fact that if SDG&E had
adhered to its annual trim cycle for this tree, ade-
quately trained its contractors, or acted on what
seemed to be reasonably identifiable structural prob-
lems, it may have been possible to agree that SDG&E’s

D.17-11-033, at pp. 46-49; SDG&E-13, at p. 11; SDG&E-08,
Appendix 3, at pp. 30-31.
SDG&E-13, at p. 9.
actions were prudent. The evidence did not support
that conclusion here.
C. Commission Precedent
In discussing the outcome in this case, the Decision
found certain similarities between the facts of this
case and three other notable prudency reviews where
the Commission denied rate recovery due to various
utility errors or failures. (D.17-11-033, at pp. 49-54,
citing Re Southern California Edison Company
(“SONGS I”) [D.84-09-120] (1984) 16 Cal.P.U.C.2d 249
[Replacement power costs related to an oil leak and
fire at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station]; Re
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“Helms”) [D.85-08-
102] (1985) 18 Cal.P.U.C.2d 700 [Costs related to
delays in construction of the Helms Pumped Storage
Project]; Mojave [D.94-03-048], supra, 53 Cal.P.U.C.2d
452 [Costs associated with explosion at the Mojave
Generating Station].)
SDG&E contends these decisions fail to support
any finding of imprudence, because unlike Mohave,
SDG&E implemented its inspection and maintenance
program, unlike Helms, SDG&E was not issued safety
citations or subject to work shut downs, and unlike
SONGS I, SDG&E did not have improper equipment
in place. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 54-55.)
It was not necessary that these specific facts be
the same. As discussed above, each case presents its
own unique facts and circumstances. But there were
certain analogies, and SDG&E ignored those.57 SDG&E

SDG&E also argues we must find “clear and identifiable
errors” in order to find imprudence. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 53.)
Certain prudency reviews have identified such errors. But that is
not the established test. And even if it was, SDG&E fails to
may disagree with our findings in that regard. But
that does not establish that we erred.58
D. Wind and Weather Conditions
SDG&E contends that the wind and weather
conditions were unprecedented when the fires broke
out, and it was error to find that those conditions did
not impact SDG&E’s operation and management of its
facilities. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 55-57.)
We did not say the conditions had no impact at all.
We recognize Santa Ana wind conditions can present
certain challenges. Yet the evidence suggested the
conditions were not as extreme and unprecedented as
SDG&E claimed, and SDG&E failed to show that the
conditions impacted its actions in a manner that
should have negated any finding of imprudence.59
In evaluating the weather conditions, we considered
evidence presented by SDG&E’s own experts as well
the experts of other parties.60 These experts used very
different methodologies to arrive at their conclusions.
SDG&E’s main expert used wind tunnel simulations
and calculations derived from a numerical computer
program designed to approximate the physical process
of the atmosphere (Mesoscale modeling).61

explain how many of the issues discussed herein would not

qualify as such.
See Southern California Edison Company v. Public Utilities
Commission (2005) 128 Cal.App.4th 1, 8.
D.17-11-033, at pp. 55-60.
See, e.g., SDG&E-01; SDG&E-10; SDG&E-15; MGRA-1;
POC-1; UCAN-01; UCAN-02; UCAN-07.
SDG&E-10, at pp. 3-11, 13-19; SDG&E-15. Based on this
approach SDG&E calculated mean or sustained wind speeds of
56 mph for the Witch Fire, 34 mph for the Guejito Fire and 37
This approach was criticized as producing artificial
results, and parties argued SDG&E had failed to
account for the limitations and error estimates
associated with its approach.62
By contrast, UCAN’s experts relied on Remote
Automatic Weather Station (“RAWS’) data, i.e., actual
wind observations recorded at various geographical
locations at the time of the event. Based on that
data, they concluded that the October 2007 weather
conditions were neither unprecedented nor uniquely
SDG&E rejected RAWS in arriving at its wind
estimates. SDG&E said RAWS data was unreliable
because on the ground obstructions could minimize
what SDG&E believed to be the actual wind values.64
In response, UCAN’s experts argued, among other
things, that: (a) rejection of RAWS data led to a biased

mph for the Rice Fire. Peak gust speeds were calculated to be 78-
87, 59-68, and 70-75 mph, respectively. (SDG&E-10, at p. 3.)
SDG&E also states that the California Fire Siege 2007 Report
deemed the 2007 fires as among the most devastating in
California history. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 56, citing SDG&E-
01, Appendix 2, at p. 6.) The Report does indicate the wind event
was severe. But the fact that the fires were devastating does not
necessarily mean that the wind and weather conditions were
See, e.g., ORA-55, at pp. 4-3 to 4-9.
UCAN-01; UCAN-02; UCAN-07. Based on RAWS observa-
tions UCAN determined mean or sustained wind speeds of 23-29
mph for the Witch Fire, 26-33 mph for the Guejito Fire, and 17-
25 mph for the Rice Fire. Associated peak sustained winds were
30-38, 26-33, and 20-28 mph, respectively. Gust speeds at the
time of ignition were determined to be 43.1, 56.7, and 34.4,
respectively. (UCAN-02, at p. 3.)
See, e.g., SDG&E-10, at pp. 13-19.
result; (b) the consistency of RAWs data at the various
weather stations proved its accuracy and reliability;
(c) SDG&E’s calculations were overstated as based on
a worst case scenario; (d) wind tunnel estimates were
unnecessary and relied on flawed computer (Mesoscale)
inputs; (e) theoretical calculations and modeling fail to
accurately capture the physical terrain and actual
atmospheric conditions; and (f) SDG&E’s Santa Ana
Wildfire Threat Index (“SAWTI”) appeared to over-
state the impact of the winds on fire spread.65
Perhaps no approach is perfect. The evidence was
conflicting. But on balance, we found the evidence
supported UCAN’s approach as being more realistic,
and reliable. Thus, we find no error.
E. Inverse Condemnation Generally
Inverse condemnation is a reverse eminent domain
proceeding. Both derive from the constitutional
principle that private property may not be “taken” or
damaged for public use without just compensation.66
In an eminent domain proceeding, a public or gov-
ernmental entity seeks to condemn or “take” private
property for a public use (such as the construction of
an electric transmission line).
In an inverse condemnation proceeding, a property
owner seeks to hold a public or government entity
strictly liable for any physical injury/damages that
may have been caused by that entity’s public improve-
ment. Traditionally, the doctrine has covered damages

UCAN-01, at pp. 4-5, 11-17; UCAN-07, at pp. 25-27.
See, e.g., Marshall v. Department of Water and Power of the
City of Los Angeles (“Marshall”) (1990) 219 Cal.App.3d 1124,
1138-1139; San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. The Superior
Court of Orange County (“Covalt”) (1996) 13 Cal.4th 893, 939-940,
citing Cal. Cost., art. I, § 19; U.S. Const., 5th Amend.
to real property. But it can also compensate for the loss
of personal property.67
Under inverse condemnation, liability can be found
whether or not the damage was foreseeable, and even
if there was no fault or negligence by the public
entity.68 All a plaintiff need establish is a causal
relationship between the governmental activity and
the property loss complained of, i.e., proximate cause.
And a public entity can be held strictly liable for
damages if its public improvement was a substantial
cause of the damages, even if it is only one of several
concurrent causes.69
The policy underlying inverse condemnation is one
of cost sharing or cost spreading. It is intended to
relieve individual property owners from the economic
burden of damages by spreading the costs among the
larger community of individuals that benefit from the
public improvement.70
Relevant case law reflects that the doctrine was
initially applied to only local public or governmental
entities such as a City Department of Water and
Power. More recently, the Courts have allowed inverse
condemnation claims against Commission-regulated,
privately-owned utilities (“IOUs”).71

Marshall, supra, 219 Cal.App.3d at pp. 1138-113.
Marshall, supra, 219 Cal.App.3d at pp. 1138-1139.
Marshall, supra, 219 Cal.App.3d at p. 1139.
See, e.g., Barham v. Southern California Edison Company
(“Barham”) (1999) 74 Cal.App.4th 744, 752.
For purposes of this order, the terms IOUs and utilities are
used interchangeably to mean Commission-regulated, privately-
owned utilities. The terms do not include publicly-owned utilities.
In extending inverse condemnation liability to IOUs,
the Courts have reasoned there are functional simi-
larities between local public or government entities
and regulated IOUs. For example, in 1999 the Court
. . . the Supreme Court held that a public
utility is in many respects more akin to a
governmental entity than to a purely private
employer . . . . [m]oreover, the nature of the
California regulatory scheme demonstrates
that the state generally expects a public
utility to conduct its affairs more like a
governmental entity than like a private
corporation . . . . We are not convinced that
any significant differences regarding the
operation of publicly versus privately owned
utilities . . .
(Barham, supra, 74 Cal.App.4th at p. 753.)
In a later case, SCE argued that a distinction could
be drawn because unlike governmental entities (such
as a city), IOUs have no taxing authority. IOUs can
only raise rates with Commission approval.72 But the
Court said only that SCE failed to prove the
Commission would not allow it to pass along costs in
rates, stating:
As the Barham court noted, if we were
to adopt Edison’s position, “we would be
required to differentiate between damage
resulting from the operation of a utility based
solely upon whether it is operated by a gov-

Pacific Bell Telephone Company v. Southern California
Edison Company (“Pac Bell”) (2012) 208 Cal.App.4th 1400, 1407-
ernmental entity or by a privately owned
public utility’ but we are “not convinced that
any significant differences exist.”
Pacific Bell Telephone Company v. Southern California
Edison Company (“Pac Bell”) (2012) 208 Cal.App.4th
1400, 1407-1408.)
F. SDG&E’s Inverse Condemnation Challenge
After the 2007 Wildfires, more than 2,500 civil
lawsuits were filed against SDG&E by property
owners and governmental entities seeking recovery for
damages caused by the 2007 Wildfires. The San Diego
Superior Court ruled that the civil plaintiffs could
bring a cause of action against SDG&E under the
doctrine of inverse condemnation.73
Because the investigation reports linked SDG&E’s
facilities to the Witch, Guejito, and Rice fires, SDG&E
argued that fully litigating the damage claims was too
great a financial risk in light of its potential liability.
For that reason SDG&E settled the claims in lieu of
litigating them to conclusion. In its Application before
this Commission, SDG&E stated that the requested
$379 million represents claim amounts not otherwise
covered by its liability insurance, settlements with
third parties, or cost recovery from the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (“FERC”).74
SDG&E’s settlement of the claims meant the
Superior Court never formally determined that SDG&E
was strictly liable under inverse condemnation. But

See A.15-09-010, at p. 2, citing In re Wildfire Litigation,
January 29, 2009 Minute Orders Overruling SDG&E’s Demur-
rers to the Master Complaints.
A.15-09-010, at p. 7. [Total WEMA costs identified as $2.4
SDG&E argued liability was inevitable, thus our
review should have been driven by the cost spreading
principle of inverse condemnation, not by the tradi-
tional Section 451/Prudent Manager review.
SDG&E argues that if we had applied the cost
spreading principle, rate recovery would have been
allowed. But in denying that recovery, we: (1) created
an unnecessary conflict of laws; (2) produced an unjust
and unreasonable result; and (3) violated Constitu-
tional takings principles. We discuss these allegations
1. Conflict of Laws
Inverse condemnation is a constitutional principle
and this Commission must abide by the Constitution.75
SDG&E therefore reasons we created a conflict of
laws by failing to harmonize Section 451 and inverse
condemnation in a manner that allowed it to pass its
WEMA costs on to ratepayers.76 (SDG&E Rhg. App., at
pp. 13-16, citing PG&E Corporation v. Public Utilities
Commission (“PG&E Corp.”) (2004) 118 Cal.App.4th
1174, 1199.) We disagree.
As discussed above, Commission regulation of IOUs
is governed by the principle of reasonableness pursu-
ant to Section 451. SDG&E’s challenge raises the

See Pub. Util. Code, §§ 1757, subd. (a)(6) & 1757.1, subd.
SDG&E argues our Decision ignored inverse condemnation,
thus failed to contain adequate findings and conclusions on all
issues material to a decision. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 13, citing
Section 1705.) That is incorrect. Our Decision merely explained
that the scope of this proceeding was limited to determining
whether SDG&E met the Prudent Manager Standard. Inverse
condemnation is not an element of, or material to, that analysis.
Thus, no separate findings or conclusions were required.
following question: could or must the Commission
have foregone Section 451 and the associated Prudent
Manager review in lieu of applying inverse condemna-
tion cost sharing principles? We find the answer to
that question is no.
Inverse condemnation arises in the context of liti-
gating civil damages claims. We have no jurisdiction
to award damages or litigate such cases.77 It is not in
our purview to render determinations regarding whether
inverse condemnation or other legal tort doctrines
should be applied in assessing damages claims. Those
issues are for the Courts, not this Commission.
More importantly, even if the Court had found
SDG&E strictly liable under inverse condemnation,
we could not have set aside Section 451 review. The
California Constitution expressly prohibits agencies
such as this Commission from foregoing such statu-
tory mandates. Section 3.5 provides:
Sec. 3.5 An administrative agency, including
an administrative agency created by the
Constitution or an initiative statute, has no

Pub. Util. Code Section 2106 provides in pertinent part:
Any public utility which does, causes to be done, or
permits any act, matter, or thing prohibited or declared
unlawful, or which omits to do any act, matter, or thing
required to be done, either by the Constitution, any
law of this State, or any order or decision of the
commission, shall be liable . . . for all loss, damages, or
injury caused thereby or resulting therefrom. If the
court finds that the act or omission was willful, it may
in addition to the actual damages, award exemplary
damages. An action to recover from such loss, damage,
or injury may be brought in any court of competent
jurisdiction by any corporation or person . . . .
(a) To declare a statute unenforceable, or
refuse to enforce a statute, on the basis of it
being unconstitutional unless an appellate
court has made a determination that such
statute is unconstitutional;
(b) To declare a statute unconstitutional;
(c) To declare a statute unenforceable, or
refuse to enforce a statute on the basis that
federal law or federal regulations prohibit the
enforcement of such statute unless an
appellate court has made a determination the
enforcement of such statute is prohibited by
federal law or regulations.
(Cal. Const., art. 3, § 3.5.)
SDG&E ignores these issues, saying only that the
Courts have assumed the cost spreading policy of
inverse condemnation could be satisfied by IOU rate
recovery. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p. 12.) Assumptions,
however, are not legal requirements. Thus, unless or
until the Courts or the Legislature provide otherwise,
our treatment of IOU cost recovery is bound by the
statutory mandate of Section 451.
PG&E Corp. does not change our conclusion. PG&E
Corp. states that the Commission cannot disregard
express legislative directives or restrictions on its
power. (PG&E Corp., supra, 118 Cal.App.4th at pp.
1198-1199.) This is not relevant here because there
are no legislative directives or prohibitions regarding
the application of Section 451 versus inverse
SDG&E also cites People v. Garcia (2017) 2 Cal.5th
792 to suggest that we were required to forego Section
451 and allow rate recovery under the doctrine of
constitutional avoidance.78 (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp.
14-16.) Again, we disagree.
In People v. Garcia, the Court found that requiring
sex offenders, as a condition of probation, to waive the
psychotherapist-patient privilege did not violate the
constitutional rights to privacy or right against self-
incrimination. In reaching that conclusion, the Court
reasoned the statute was narrowly tailored so that
a defendant’s rights were only limited in specific
circumstances and consistent with the State’s goal of
managing sex offenders. (Id. at pp. 792, 800-801, 802-
803, 806-807.)
Like the statute in People Garcia, Section 451 is
narrowly tailored to deny cost recovery only if costs are
deemed unjust and unreasonable. That is consistent
with the State’s goal of ensuring that utility customers
receive safe and reliable service, and pay only just and
reasonable rates.79
Finally, SDG&E contends that even if its actions
and decisions were unreasonable, we should have
allocated/apportioned costs between ratepayers and
shareholders consistent with other reasonableness
reviews. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 14-15, citing Re
Pacific Gas and Electric Company [D.84-12-033]
(1984) 16 Cal.2d 457; Re Southern California Edison
Company [D.87-06-021] (1987) 24 Cal.P.U.C.2d 476;

PG&E and SCE cite to California Housing Finance Agency
v. Elliott (1976) 17 Cal.3d 575 for the same notion. (PG&E/SCE
Rhg. App., at p. 2.) We find nothing in that case to suggest an
agency must abdicate its own governing statutes and standards
in light of constitutional principles.
Cal. Const., art XII, § 6; Pub. Util. Code, §§ 451, 454, subd.
(a), 728.
and Re Southern California Gas Company [D.94-05-
020] (1994) 54 Cal.P.U.C.2d n391.)
The cited cases are not controlling here. Those cases
involved unique circumstances where we approved
settlements in which the parties had agreed to allocate
costs in varying degrees between ratepayers and
shareholders. (Re Pacific Gas and Electric Company
[D.84-12-033], supra, 16 Cal.2d at pp. 457, 460, 489
[Findings of Fact Numbers 1, 3, 6 & 11]; Re Southern
California Edison Company [D.87-06-021], supra, 16
Cal.P.U.C.2d pp476, 478; and Re Southern California
Gas Company [D.94-05-020], supra, 54 Cal.P.U.C.2d
392-393, 402.) Settlements, however, are not
precedential. And they do not establish standards or
principles that carry over to future proceedings.80
2. Alleged Unreasonable and Unjust Result
SDG&E contends we wrongly found inverse con-
demnation inapplicable to Prudent Manager reviews
because doing so subjected SDG&E to an unreasonable
whipsaw of incompatible legal standards. SDG&E
argues that because inverse condemnation excludes
any analysis of reasonableness, it defied logic that it
was subjected it to that standard here. (SDG&E Rhg.
App., at pp. 16-17.)
As discussed above, we were bound to apply the
reasonableness standard of Section 451 under the
law that exists today. That inverse condemnation is
indifferent regarding reasonableness did not negate
our own statutory obligation.
SDG&E also argues we wrongly used its own actions
against it in finding that inverse condemnation was

Commission Rule of Practice and Procedure 12.5; Cal. Code
of Regs., tit. 20, § 12.5.
irrelevant for purposes of this Phase 1 review. In
particular, SDG&E objects to the fact we said it had
withdrawn its inverse condemnation testimony in
Phase 1.81 SDG&E argues that did not mean it waived
those arguments, it just meant SDG&E adhered to the
scope of Phase 1. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 18-19.)
Our Decision did not say or find that SDG&E had
waived all inverse condemnation arguments. The
question was at what juncture that issue might be
relevant. Phase I was about the Prudent Manager
review. As discussed above, many considerations are
relevant in that context, but inverse condemnation is
not among them. Thus we correctly found that inverse
condemnation was not material to Phase 1.
SDG&E also objects to our stating no Court
determined SDG&E was strictly liable under inverse
condemnation.82 SDG&E argues we could not possibly
intend to suggest that a utility must litigate a case to
judgement, irrespective of cost, in order to preserve
arguments such as inverse condemnation. (SDG&E
Rhg. App., at pp. 19-20.)
Again, that is not what our Decision said. It is a
utility’s prerogative to settle civil lawsuits. It was
simply a statement of fact. And this Commission was
not free, in the place of a Court, to make that
Finally, SDG&E contends we could have avoided
any tension between Section 451 and inverse condem-
nation by looking only at whether it was reasonable
for SDG&E to settle the damage claims. (SDG&E Rhg.

D.17-11-033, at pp. 64-65.
D.17-11-033, at p. 65.
App., at pp. 16-20, citing San Diego Gas & Electric
Company, 146 FERC P63,017, ¶¶ 61-62 (2014).)83
The purpose of this proceeding was determined by
the Scoping Memo. Phase 1 was to address the prudent
operation and management of SDG&E’s facilities.
Whether it was reasonable for SDG&E to have settled
the legal claims was an issue for Phase 2.84 We were
not required to forego the Phase 1 evaluation just
because SDG&E preferred a more limited review.
SDG&E’s reliance on San Diego Gas & Electric
Company, 146 FERC P63,017, ¶¶ 61-62 (2014) is also
flawed. FERC did not conduct a dedicated reason-
ableness review. SDG&E had requested WEMA cost
recovery as part of a Transmission Owner rate case.
(Id. at ¶¶ 1-4.) That is very different than a Prudent
Manager review.
In addition, even when FERC considers whether a
utility’s conduct was reasonable, it applies a very
different standard of review. FERC presumes all costs

PG&E and SCE contend the rate recovery should not be used
to deter imprudent actions. Rather, penalties should be used for
that purpose. (PG&E/SCE Rhg. App., at pp. 9-10.) We did impose
such a penalty in D.10-04-047. (Investigation on the Commission’s
Own Motion into the Operations and Practices of San Diego Gas
& Electric Company Regarding the Utility Facilities Linked to
the With and Rice Fires of October 2007; Investigation on the
Commission’s Own Motion into the Operations and Practices of
San Diego Gas & Electric Company Regarding the Utility
Facilities Linked to the Guejito Fire of October 2007 [D.10-10-047]
(2010) at p. 1, 16-17 [Ordering Paragraph Number 4] (slip op.).)
The disallowance here was the lawful consequence of review
under Section 451.
Scoping Memo and Ruling of Assigned Commissioner and
Assigned Administrative Law Judge (“Scoping Memo”), dated
April 11, 2016, at pp. 4-6.
requested by an IOU are reasonable and prudent,
and its analysis stops there unless there is a specific
challenge to the utility’s request. (Id. at ¶¶ 37-38.)
Our standard is more rigorous. Utilities bear the
burden to prove that all costs sought to be recovered
in rates are just and reasonable.85 SDG&E did not
meet that burden here. Thus, we find no legal error.
3. Constitutional Takings
The State and federal Constitutions prohibit the
government from “taking” private property for public
use without just compensation.86 Generally, there are
two types of taking arguments: (1) economic taking;
and (2) the physical taking of property.
SDG&E argues there was an economic taking.
Specifically, that our denial of WEMA rate recovery,
i.e., SDG&E’s ability collect the $379 million from its
ratepayers, was an unlawful taking of money it has a
right to receive. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at pp. 21-22.)
This argument assumes that a utility is guaranteed
rate recovery for any costs that it incurs (particularly
where inverse condemnation could apply). That is not
the case. For purposes of utility ratemaking or rate
recovery, the Courts have found that an unlawful
taking or confiscation does not occur unless a

See, e.g., SONGS 1 [D.84-09-120], supra, 16 Cal.P.U.C.2d at
p. 283 [Stating also: “It would be unconscionable from a regula-
tory perspective to reward such imprudent activity by passing the
resultant costs through to ratepayers.”].
Cal. Const., art. I, § 19; U.S. Const., 5th Amend. As applied to
utilities, Courts have stated that the guiding principle has been
that the Constitution protects utilities from being limited to a
charge for their property serving the public which is so “unjust”
as to be confiscatory. (See, e.g., Duquesne Light Co. v. Barasch
(“Duquesne”) (1989) 488 U.S. 299, 307-308.)
regulation or rate is unjust and unreasonable.87 And
whether a regulation or rate is just and reasonable
depends on a balancing of the interests of the
regulated entity and the interests of its ratepayers.88
Utilities are not entitled to any particular rate
recovery. “That a particular rate may not cover the
costs of a particular good or service does not work
confiscation in and of itself.”89 Similarly, a regulated
has does not have a constitutional right to a profit or
any right against a loss.90 As long as the regulation or
rates “‘as a whole afford [the regulated firm] just
compensation for [its] over-all services to the public,
they are not confiscatory. (Citation omitted.)”91
For SDG&E to establish a taking here, it would have
to show that it had a protected interest in rate
recovery, that we unlawfully withheld that money,
and that the takings was for a public purpose.92
SDG&E does not establish any of these things here.
Instead, SDG&E reiterates the constitutional policy
that under the takings clause a government entity
should not force some people alone to bear public
burdens which, in all fairness, should be borne by the
public as a whole.

Duquesne, supra, 488 U.S. at p. 307; 20th Century Insurance
Co. v. Garamendi (“20th Cent. Ins.”) (1994) 8 Cal.4th 216, 292.
Federal Power Commission v. Hope Natural Gas Company
(“FPC v. Hope”) (1943) 320 U.S. 591, 603; 20th Cent. Ins., supra,
8 Cal.4th at p. 293.
20th Cent. Ins., supra, 8 Cal.4th at p. 293.
Id. at p. 294.
Id. at p. 293.
See, e.g., Bronco Wine Company v. Jolly (“Bronco Wine”)
(2005) 129 Cal.App.4th 988, 1030.
Here, SDG&E argues that had it not settled the
damages claims, a finding of strict liability was a fore-
gone conclusion. Thus, in SDG&E’s view, its WEMA
costs were a public burden that its ratepayers, not it
alone, should have to bear. (SDG&E Rhg. App., at p.
21, citing Kavanau v. Santa Monica Rent Control
Board (“Kavanau”) (1997) 16 Cal.4th 761, 773-774.)
We do not see any violation under the standard in
Kavanau. That case states that claims of unlawfulness
cannot be disposed of by “general propositions.” (Id. at
pp. 773-744.) In addition, absent a clear takings the
Court will look at other factors such as the economic
impact of a regulation on the claimant, the extent to
which the regulation interfered with investment-
backed expectations, the character of the government
action, and the nature of the State’s interest in the
regulation. (Id. at pp. 773-775.)
SDG&E’s claim is based entirely on the general
proposition of cost sharing. That alone does not prove
any constitutional violation occurred. In addition,
under other factors a Court may consider, our deter-
mination was lawful. For example, while the denial of
rate recovery may have an economic impact on
SDG&E, utilities have no guaranteed expectation of
rate recovery under Section 451. The law is clear. To
be compensable, costs, charges and rates must be just
and reasonable.93
The character of our action was also in keeping with
this Commission’s statutory obligations and estab-
lished ratemaking practice. And we have a substantial
interest in protecting consumers (ratepayers) from

Pub. Util. Code, § 451. (See also e.g., FPC v. Hope, supra, 320
U.S. at p. 600.)
exorbitant, unjust, and unreasonable rates. Thus, we
find no unlawful takings.
The Application for Rehearing of D.17-11-033 is
denied because no legal error was established.
1. The Applications for Rehearing of D.17-11-033
are denied.
2. This proceeding, Application (A.) 15-09-010 is
closed. This order is effective today. Dated July
12, 2018, at San Francisco, California.

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