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for the U.S.
Maps and Apps to connect the most valuable landscapes in the nation

By Arancha Munoz-Criado
Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  1
What is
the Green
Green Infrastructure for the U.S. is a large-scale,
ambitious initiative for the twenty-first century. Its
objective is to transform communities into sustainable
centers by identifying an interconnected system
of landscapes to preserve natural habitats, protect
biodiversity, and promote healthier lifestyles, thus
improving the quality of our lives while supporting
intelligent and balanced economic growth across
our communities.

We now have the technology and tools to deliver it.

Intact Cores
Surface Water
National Scenic and Historic Trails

2  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  3
WHY NOW........................................................................................................................................................6

WHAT IS GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE............................................................................................................8

Copyright © 2016 Esri
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE HAS DEEP ROOTS....................................................................................... 10
All rights reserved.
COMPONENTS OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE..................................................................................... 12
Printed in the United States of America.

Map Illustration Credit: Ecosystems Sciences, LLC. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE ACROSS SCALES ........................................................................................ 16

Photo Credit: Copyright © Getty Images. HOW IT WORKS........................................................................................................................................... 18

This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International EVERYONE BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................ 20
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
EVERYONE HAS A ROLE............................................................................................................................. 22
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS,, and are trademarks, service marks,
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE PLANNING PROCESS.................................................................... 24
or registered marks of Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain
other jurisdictions. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE WEBSITE. MAPS AND APPS....................................................................... 26
be trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of their respective mark owners.
IT ALL STARTS WITH A NATIONAL INTACT HABITATS MAP................................................................. 28
The information presented in this document is based on standard Esri commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies and commercial data. APPS. MAKING THE CONNECTION......................................................................................................... 30
Use of the information presented in this document is subject to all applicable US
ENVISIONING PRIORITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES................................................................................. 32
export control laws and regulations including the US Department of Commerce Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) and Department of State International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR). U.S. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE 2030....................................................................................................... 34

4  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  5
M ore than a century ago, Frederick Law Olmsted looked out over Esri’s GIS technology offers decision-makers in all levels of government
the Yosemite Valley and saw a place worth saving. He proposed tools to understand air, water, and land systems so that we may avoid
the revolutionary idea of a nationwide system of parks and greenways, mistakes that could compromise the present and future health of our
which inspired the creation of the US National Park Service. As the Park planet. If we can start thinking of natural resources as part of a connected
Service approaches its centennial this August, we are reminded that the infrastructure that supports our everyday lives, perhaps we can also
construction of interconnected federally protected land is perhaps the recognize the need to actively conserve those resources. In an effort
first investment in green infrastructure in the United States. Olmsted to make this vision a reality, Esri launched the green infrastructure
believed that we should identify, preserve, and connect our most initiative to assemble, evaluate, and produce a model that will enable
valuable landscapes for the benefit of current and future generations. governments to protect and restore biodiversity while guiding economic
This belief is the foundation of the green infrastructure initiative. development decisions.

Building a connected system of landscapes requires the evaluation of I dream of creating and preserving a network of interconnected
natural assets at the beginning of the land development process. Almost landscapes that spans the entire United States—a rich treasure for
50 years ago, Ian McHarg’s seminal book, Design with Nature, proposed the whole nation. Building sustainable, healthy communities that can
that planning begin with a consideration of the land’s natural and cultural withstand rapid or disruptive growth is possible. But we need to work
together. And we need to start now.

features: its biodiversity, soils, slopes, drainage, and water. McHarg
discussed the idea of layering spatial information, landscape features,
and natural resources data to create a development plan that works with Jack Dangermond is president and founder of Esri, the world leader in GIS

nature instead of against it. software development and its application in business, health, education,
conservation, utilities, military and defense, oceanography, hydrology, and
many other fields.
Green infrastructure is first and foremost a spatial concept that requires
data about the landscapes and the technologies necessary to analyze
and understand the best plans for growth. While growth may be
inevitable, we can choose development that has a smaller footprint,
protects key habitats, and makes the landscape more connected
and resilient.

Today, more than 39,000 local government entities regulate the use
Growth is inevitable. Let’s grow intelligently, of 70 percent of the US land base, but many of them do so in isolation
while preserving our most valuable landscapes. and without access to tools to assess the condition and potential of
the environments in their respective jurisdictions. Integrating green
The time is now.
infrastructure and geographic information system (GIS) technology in the
planning and development process enables municipalities to preserve
and connect the county’s most critical landscapes.

6  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  7
Green infrastructure is about
identifying and connecting the
most valuable landscapes before
growth and development begin.

What is

Critical Habitats Key Geologic Scenic views Productive
Features & Cultural sites agricultural lands

Floodplains Groundwater Rivers, streams Open space

Recharge Areas and wetlands and recreation
Green infrastructure is a strategically planned
and managed network of open space,
watersheds, wildlife habitats, parks, and other
natural and seminatural areas that enrich and
sustain communities.

8  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  9
is the key
to sustainable
Has Deep Roots environments.
Fragmented landscapes have a difficult time
Green infrastructure is an old idea with new relevance. It began with Olmsted’s concept of interconnecting surviving environmental fluctuations such as
parkways to cities and expanded to McHarg’s idea that growth should begin with an assessment of the climate change. But an interconnected green
natural landscape. But it has renewed relevance because entire species and ecosystems have been lost infrastructure enables species to migrate,
because of human impact, use, and exploitation, and natural systems have become increasingly fragmented. reproduce, and adapt to changing conditions.
Connectivity also gives people ways to access,
Today, many states have built statewide models of key habitats and started individual projects to revitalize
enjoy, and appreciate the natural world.
these landscapes.
There is a strong evidence (e.g. E.O.Wilson,
The degradation, fragmentation, and loss of landscapes are not only caused by unabated sprawl but also R.Forman, J.Lawton) that connected networks
from conservation efforts and planning that do not consider the bigger picture. are critical to sustain the capacity of our natural
environment to provide ecosystem services
such as clean water, climate regulation, and
crop pollination, as well as providing habitats

Green infrastructure gives answers. for wildlife.

• Is the template for planning growth at any scale, ensuring the preservation of the
ecological functions of the landscape and avoiding sprawl.
• Allows the coordination of conservation and investment efforts through a holistic
view of the landscape.

10  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  11
Components of Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure helps identify the
most important landscapes in your
community that should be preserved to
• Foster environmental benefits including clean air,
freshwater, vibrant wildlife, and food sources.
Green infrastructure is an interconnected When appropriately planned, designed, and managed,
• Conserve places that provide high quality of life and
network of land that combines several green infrastructure delivers a wide range of benefits— preserve cultural values.
key components: from providing sustainable transport links to mitigating
• Connect people with nature.
the effects of climate change.
• Sites that support relevant ecological, cultural, • Avoid hazard areas by using natural landscapes as
agricultural, and scenic values buffers against storms, floods, or drought.
The principles of green infrastructure apply
• Hazard areas that pose environmental risks or
to any landscape from forests to deserts, from • Allow space for natural environments to adapt to
costs to the community if developed
climate change.
• A network of ecological corridors and functional suburban to agricultural areas. The green
connections that link all these areas infrastructure approach to planning works
as well in pristine, natural areas as it does in
Green infrastructure identifies, connects, and communities with intense human activity.
preserves the landscapes of greatest ecological, Groundwater Key geological Prime agriculture
cultural, and scenic value to create an interconnected Recharge features
network of open spaces, watersheds, wildlife habitats,
parks, and other natural and seminatural areas. These
landscapes provide communities with the vital services Rivers, wetlands Nature-based Floodplains
that enrich and sustain the quality of life. and streams recreational areas

Individual elements of green infrastructure vary in

form, size, and function across sites and at varying
Critical habitats Large Marine Areas Viewsheds to
scales; however, the combination and connection of prime vegetation outstanding landscapes
these elements are what create a continuous green
landscape across the nation. Whether or not these
elements are recognized in our planning is up to
us; but the fact is, these landscapes deliver critical,
life-enhancing services.

Ecological Resources

Cultural, Historic & Scenic Resources

Parks & Recreation
Hazard Areas


Green Infrastructure Map

12  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  13
Rivers, streams, Lakes
lakes Critical habitats.
Critical Habitats. Prime Culture, recreation,
Culture, Recreation, Hazard
Hazard Areas,Areas.
Wetlands Rivers, Streams, Forest and prairies Prime agriculture
Agriculture scenic views Floodplains or Steep slopes
Forests and Prairies Scenic Views and Steep Slopes

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14  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  15
Green V aluable landscapes don't stop at municipal boundaries. To prevent
fragmentation, it's important to understand where critical landscapes
are located and how they function across municipalities. Green infrastructure
offers a holistic approach to planning. It identifies key natural services across
all scales—at regional, local, and urban scales.

At the regional scale, green infrastructure emphasizes organization and
connectivity. At the local and urban scales, it demonstrates how the
interaction of different spaces impacts the design of cities as well as how
they are lived in and sensed.

National Scale

across scales
Green infrastructure addresses the landscape from a regional perspective
because species, habitats, scenic views, and development seldom regard
administrative borders. What happens upstream will have an impact
downstream. It's important for communities to consider green infrastructure
at a regional scale to understand how the broader landscape may affect local
flooding, habitats, scenic views, and the ability of communities to balance
growth and development.

At a Regional Scale

Green infrastructure creates a connected network of

green spaces that conserve natural ecosystem values and
functions, providing vital services like clean water, soil for
agriculture, and breathable air.

At a local Scale

Green infrastructure creates greenbelts around towns,

inhibits urban sprawl, and preserves urban identity.
It connects communities with nature and retains the
important scenic and cultural landscapes that make a
community unique. It also provides recreational and
health benefits.

At a Urban Scale

Green infrastructure at the urban scale connects

public spaces like squares, parks, and streets with the
surrounding landscapes and ecological resources. It
also includes the tree canopy that keeps a city cooler in
summer, adds natural beauty, helps clean the air, and
reduces storm water runoff.

16  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  17
Connections are key Currently land is developed first, relegating green space to whatever zones are

How Does It left after urban growth. The green infrastructure process reverses the order, first
identifying the landscapes of greatest value and then planning growth.

Isolated landscapes have a difficult time thriving and
being resilient enough to survive change (such as climate
change). Joining landscapes into an interconnected green
infrastructure enables species to migrate, exchange genetic

Green infrastructure is
material, and adapt. Connections also give people ways to
access, enjoy, and appreciate the natural world. 1 Identify ecological values
2 Add cultural and scenic values
3 Design Connections

about prioritization. Most often, corridors follow waterways and valleys. Others Identify the areas of greatest Add areas with the greatest cultural Design connections between these
Changes to the landscape happen may follow concentrations of biological diversity or ecological value—wetlands, rivers, and scenic values and ones that areas to preserve the ecological
fast; so setting priorities is critical. A lakes, prime forests, critical recharge are most highly rated and loved by functions and make surrounding
migration patterns, or they may create green links among areas, intact cores with high the population. Include any hazard landscapes accessible. Connection
green infrastructure strategy reworks
communities. potential for biodiversity, marine areas, prime agriculture, cultural is also ensured on an urban scale by
the traditional order of planning by areas, and estuaries. sites, scenic and historic trails, creating an urban green infrastructure
having decision makers identify and scenic views areas, and floodplains. that links urban public spaces with
map landscapes of highest value the landscapes of highest value in the
first, before growth. With a green
Green infrastructure frameworks use two components: surrounding area.
infrastructure map, communities work 1. Cores – These are areas of high conservation value and
together to evaluate and prioritize ecological quality that form the heart of the ecological
which areas to protect. Equipped network. They may contain rare or important habitats or
with this information, communities
have the conditions to support them.
can create a development plan that Cultural and visual values

takes into account how to preserve 2. Then landscapes with

greatest cultural and visual value

and connect valuable landscapes— 2. Corridors –These are connectors that improve the
inside and outside boundaries—while
functional and ecological connectivity between core areas,
growing in a sustainable way.
enabling species to move between them. Corridors may
also act as links between communities and nature. Ecological values Resource values


New developments and greatest resource and
agricultural value

citizens benefit from

landscapes that preserve
a community's identity, Hazard Areas

4. Then landscapes with

support environmental KD]DUGSRWHQWLDO ñRRGðUHV

values and biodiversity,

and avoid hazard areas. Green infrastructure - Urban Scale Connections

6. Connection is also ensured on an urban scale by creating an urban green infrastructure 5. Green connections between
which uses green itineraries to link up urban public spaces, such as squares, gardens, parks areas preserve the functions
of the landscape and increase
and main streets, with the landscapes

A  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  19
Benefits are achieved when green space
conservation and management are integrated
with land development and built infrastructure
planning. Green infrastructure provides
ecological, economic, and social benefits that
Ecological Benefits
• Maintains/Restores habitat
• Improves watershed health/water quality
• Improves air quality
• Enhances biodiversity
• Mitigates storm water/flooding
Economic Benefits
• Attracts businesses and workers
• Generates revenue
• Provides access to local businesses
• Increases property values
• Lowers energy costs
Social Benefits
• Enhances the quality of the place
• Enables recreation
• Improves public health
• Promotes equity and access
• Fosters community
support sustainable development:
• Regulates climate • Lowers health care costs • Connects people with nature
• Sequesters carbon • Promotes renewable energy • Educates people about nature's role
• Improves more sustainable modes of transport • Increases local food production

Return on green infrastructure investment is high. Well-maintained and managed green infrastructure
improves the image of regions and neighborhoods, boosting economic growth. It attracts and retains
high-value businesses and entrepreneurs and is proven to increase property values.

Health benefits Space for water Resilient ecosystems Quality of life

Encourage exercise Create water reservoirs Connect landscapes that Enrich the local sense
by providing safe and to boost biodiversity, create wildlife corridors of place, and encourage
stimulating places encourage recreation, to enable species people to travel through
for recreation in local and promote local movement and sustain their communities in
character. richer, more resilient more sustainable ways,
biodiversity in the face such as cycling and
of a changing climate. walking.

Growth of local economy Biodiversity and the Space for food


Attract new business Protect and promote Preserve space for

investment with healthy and diverse growing food near
vibrant communities habitats that support a cities to increase
and ensure stable broad range of species. local access. Create
employment. educational and
business opportunities
to ensure food security

20  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  21
Everyone Green infrastructure brings together government agencies,
local citizens, planners, developers, and conservationists
who use their skills, experiences, funding streams, and Green
opportunities to effect change. This also includes those

Has a Role who make decisions on how, when, and where to develop
and conserve land as well as the people who actively
participate in the planning process.

is about
Green Infrastructure
and transparency—
know where the
most valuable
If you are a If you are a

Planner or Local Government Environmental, Land Trust

landscapes in
Identify the most valuable landscapes to and Others Groups
determine which should be protected or Agriculture, forestry, Make more informed decisions when
handled with care so as to avoid or reduce nature conservation, setting conservation goals. Determine
developmental impacts. Landscapes may which landscapes are well connected, where
provide important ecological functions that
water, marine and
connections could be restored, and which

your community
need to be conserved such as land where fisheries, urban planning, areas are in need of conservation action,
water recharge occurs, scenic vistas, habitat climate policy, transport, easements, or other land management.
for rare species, and recreational areas. Use
energy, disaster Improve synergies between all groups
maps to show how investments are prioritized. concerned.
prevention, land-use

are and learn

Include these maps in policy documents, such
as comprehensive plans, zoning reviews, or policies, and financing Communities
economic development plans. instruments. Learn where the most valuable landscapes in
your community are found and advocate for
Developer their conservation, or manage your own lands

more about them.

Identify the most efficient solutions at the in ways that conserve them and keep them
lowest costs in terms of impact on land, water, connected. Connect with nature.
and energy consumption. Discover the best
places to build to optimize property values, Federal Government
such as proximity to scenic viewsheds, cultural
Determine how key resources on federal
sites, and open space.
lands connect to and are supported by the
broader landscape, and vice versa. Identify
University opportunities for collaboration with adjacent
Use the data and maps in ecology, landscape landowners and managers.
architecture, or planning courses. Embed the
concept of green infrastructure in all related School
fields. Teach children the importance of nature. Find
and propose site-specific Green Infrastructure

22  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  23

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G Green infrastructure planning
Green Infrastructure in the
reen infrastructure is a framework for
conservation and development. It considers
the complex interactions among natural habitats,
surface water, flood management, biodiversity, food
evaluates the types of natural
and cultural resources available

Planning Process
production, and recreation, together with housing,
transportation, and energy.
today and prioritizes those
In the planning process, first identify, evaluate, and
prioritize areas that are critical to preserve before
assets that are most important
growth occurs. Seeing all those areas in one map for your community.
helps find opportunities and set priorities.

Goals Preparatory Phase Design Phase

Which green infrastructure resources currently exist? Where are opportunities to improve them?

Future Trends
Prioritize Your Goals Map Existing Resources Evaluate (Alternatives)
Design Proposal and
Start by placing all the most Are they functioning well? Identify threats, priorities Design and programming
valuable regional assets in prioritize them according to and opportunities
To conserve places for ecological one map. their value and connect them.
• Restore wetlands and wildlife habitat
• Improve water quality and quantity
• Leave space for climate change adaptation

To preserve the quality of life

and sense of place?
• Conserve places that people care about
• Foster community spirit and social cohesion
• Preserve main scenic views Identify opportunities and priority areas • Opportunities and priorities to
• Preserve main agricultural lands and farms Then add the most valuable for conservation and public use together implement conservation strategies
local landscapes in your area. with a coordinated strategy to channel • Template for growth and new
development and redevelopment to the infrastructures
most appropriate locations.
To connect people with nature? • Opportunities and priorities for public
• To improve the resource, to connect it use and access to natural areas
• Create safe and beautiful trails and to expand it?
• Design parks for children
• To connect it with people? Where are
• Provide a range of educational opportunities the priority areas to increase public

To save money and enhance • To enlarge biodiversity habitat

• To preserve the quality of the
• Act as a catalyst for urban regeneration landscape and sense of place?
• Increase land property values
• Have an integrated view for investments

24  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  25
The Enabling people to use
Green Infrastructure Green Infrastructure
At a National Scale

Esri has compiled a unique resource for green infrastructure planning. For the first time, a national green
infrastructure framework is available to help connect landscapes, support native species and ecological
1 Start with the national intact
habitat cores map.
processes, protect cultural resources, and promote cooperation among landowners.
To facilitate the definition and delineation of green
A green infrastructure national framework is essential to ensure coherence and efficiencies across infrastructure at the local scale, Esri created a national
map of intact habitat cores and GIS applications. The
administrative boundaries. The Esri website supports green infrastructure planning and provides information
map shows intact areas in the USA that are greater than
about the most important landscapes in your community. It offers a basemap of intact habitats, or cores, from
100 acres. You can view, evaluate, and change the size or
which to start defining green infrastructure at other scales. Local data can be added to refine the model and other attributes based on your land management goals.
to set local priorities and goals. A Green Infrastructure atlas provides existing national data coverage and
authoritative information for use in your own projects. National and local agencies, organizations, experts,
and local citizens can all access information that can be added to locally significant sites and data.

ArcGIS and the green infrastructure atlas facilitate the understanding of ecological processes
and human relations. They provide tools to ask questions and find answers visually. At a Regional Scale

2 Use the Green Infrastructure atlas. TNC Conservation

Priority Areas

You can add areas of ecological, cultural, visual, USA

TNCCritical Habitat
Conservation 2014
Priority Areas

and agricultural values, as well as hazard areas Legend

Critical Habitat

like flooding, from the layers of the Esri Green


Infrastructure atlas.
USA Wetlands

Green Interactive
Infrastructure Green Apps Guidance

Atlas Infrastructure


Cultivated crops
Woody Wetlands

At a Municipal Scale

3 Add local data and design your

Green Infrastructure Plan.
REGIONAL 1:175,000 Most Valuable Areas: Core Areas, Habitat, Open Space

Local governments and agencies can refine and update

the maps by adding local data such as significant
wetlands, nature reserves, and known sensitive areas.
You can also apply Esri's apps to help with the design
of the local green infrastructure.

26  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  27
It All Starts Identify regional green infrastructure first.
Landscapes and ecological functions cross
With a administrative boundaries. They require a
regional view.
of Intact
Habitat Areas What makes an intact, high quality habitat?
USA intact natural areas greater than 100 acres

Add local data

T he map identifies natural intact

areas, or cores, larger than 100
acres in size and at least 200 meters
Cores serve as a predictor for the integrity of the habitat and the
likelihood that they support a diverse assemblage of species. Cores
are ranked for their ability to support native species.
Ecological resources

wide, which are largely undisturbed. The following key factors are included:
Data was added to include a diverse
assortment of hydrology, species, Size:
landform, elevation, soils, and More areas to roam, more opportunities for different habitat types.
ecosystem-related information. The
process identified more than 570,000 Types and extent of water:
core areas across the contiguous More water-dependent species; attracts wildlife.
United States.
Intactness/lack of fragmentation: Cultural and visual resources
The Green Infrastructure site (esri.
Less disturbance and less edge effect from roads, pipelines, or
com/greeninfrastructure) provides
power lines. When there is more edge, there is less interior habitat
a basemap of intact habitat areas,
to support native species, and more invasive or non-native species
or cores, from nationally available
can enter and overtake the natural habitat.
30-meter datasets to create a common
national framework from which to start Shape:
defining green infrastructure at other
A core that is long and skinny may have less protection from
invasive plants and animals than one that is thicker and deeper.
Plans for local and regional green Core thickness is one way to evaluate the resistance to disturbance.
infrastructure can use this basemap Hazard areas
as a starting point from which to Soil diversity:
add relevant data to consider local The greater the diversity of soil types, the more types of plants,
opportunities, needs, and goals. All insects, and animals may be supported.
landscapes that are critical to preserve
healthy communities for the future can Known Species Diversity:
be recorded on the green infrastructure The types and diversity of species monitored or predicted to be
map. This enables participants to find present provide another measure of the core's likelihood to be a
opportunities for collaboration on the good-quality habitat.
priorities for conservation.

Methodology based on Evaluation and Conserving Green Infrastructure Across the Landscape:
A Practitioner's Guide, Karen Firehock, The Green Infrastructure Center, Inc., 2015

28  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  29
Tools and apps for everyone Apps to make the connection

Visit to model and map green infrastructure in your View Existing Intact Habitat Cores The planning and design of a corridor Prioritize and connect to define green infrastructure
area. The website contains the latest ArcGIS apps, maps, and other resources is a function of the conservation and/
for use with your data to identify critical landscapes, assess risks, explore or recreation goals. At the national
connections, and create landscape strategies for your area. Browse the growing and regional scales, main connections
should be identified, although the
list of maps and apps available in the Green Infrastructure atlas. Type in your ZIP
ultimate design and adjustment need
code to see green infrastructure around you.
to be done at the local scale and with
local data.
Once you have created a map in any of these apps you may take it
to the following Apps to deliver your plan. Corridors may be designed for a single
species or for several species, as well
ArcGIS Online as to maintain ecological processes
like water movement. They may also
The ArcGIS Online Map Viewer can be used to view and explore all the green
be designed to link communities to
infrastructure layers organized on the green infrastructure website and stored their surrounding landscapes. They
in the Green Infrastructure atlas. It can be used to add new data, publish are also a function of land availability,
new maps, and perform simple spatial analysis. A green infrastructure data landowner interest, and land
download app will permit the extraction of both Esri's derived habitat core Filter Habitats Cores management.
areas and source data used to create the cores for local desktop analysis.
For larger regional areas containing
thousands of cores, a new tool
For planners, Geoplanner allows you to measure proposed changes to our introduced with ArcGIS 10.4—Cost
natural assets directly. It allows you to assess the quantity, quality, and location Connectivity—produces a vector
of our natural capital. It helps you determine how the state of our natural capital solution using cost surfaces which are
assets affects the benefits they can provide to people. raster-based data. The benefit of this
is a fast processing at large scales of
ArcGIS Pro
This tool allows groups to perform their own analysis, perhaps incorporating
more detailed information, such as individual buildings, as fragmenting features
The expense of traveling from any
or a higher-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) or refining and updating
given core to neighboring cores can
the model on your desktop by adding data, such as locally rare species, or
be assigned to a core as an attribute,
subtracting areas that have been developed. The green infrastructure center's
and the network of the least expensive
green infrastructure model includes the configuration files and toolbox that Esri
connections uniting the more valuable
used to create the national intact habitat cores dataset and is available on Esri's Score Habitat Cores cores across a landscape can be
green infrastructure website.

30  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  31
Envisioning Priorities
and Opportunities
The intact habitats cores model generates Where are the lands along river corridors
a map depicting the highest quality, most that should be preserved?
intact habitats. It can be applied or modified You can identify river corridors and design future regional
using ArcGIS to create local and regional parks to connect them with cities. River corridors have
exceptional significance in a landscape providing a
green infrastructure plans for conservation hydrologic sponge, trapping sediments during floods,
or restoration priorities. and serving as habitats for floodplain species. Intersect
the map of intact habitats cores with other layers such as
vegetation, type of soil, slope, land use, etc. The resultant
map helps you better connect your landscapes.

Intact natural cores  Connections Intact natural cores

Where can existing protected areas be Where are the opportunities for land
enlarged? Which areas should be protected acquisition? Which areas should be
or restored to avoid hazards or to protect connected?
water quality? Find opportunities for land acquisition. Where are areas
You can visualize a holistic approach for new opportunities of high value resources that are not under federal, state,
for protected areas. or local protection? Where should budgets for habitat
restoration be allocated to be more efficient? Overlay the
Take the basemap. Add existing Protected Areas. parcel map on the Green Infrastructure map and find which
And begin to explore, learn, and propose new ideas. parcels of land connect different intact habitat cores.

Existing protected areas Intact natural cores Large parcels Intact natural cores

Where is there a strong interest in How can we connect our community

conservation at the national or the with the surrounding landscapes?
community level? Connecting urban areas with the surrounding
Create an overlay map to show which priority areas are already landscapes has many benefits:
protected and how, for example: • Increases property values
• US Fish and Wildlife Service reserves or national parks • Promotes social cohesiveness
• Sanctuaries managed by land trusts such as The Nature • Improves the quality of life
Conservancy (TNC), National Audubon Society, or local
• Allows access to nature
land conservancies
• Promotes climate adaptation
• National or state scenic rivers
• Other known and locally relevant priorities.

Existing protected area Rivers Intact natural cores Surrounding green infrastructure Urban open spaces  Connections

32  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  33
U.S. Green Infrastructure
Trails connect historic Rivers, wetlands and All towns and cities have Connected large intact
and cultural features streams are preserved direct access to nature forests and prairies
provide habitat for wildlife

Economic activities High quality agriculture We preserve the views Communities and towns
benefit from outstanding soils support farms and to the most beautiful are surrounded by their
surroundings national security landscapes own landscapes

34  Green Infrastructure for the U.S. Green Infrastructure for the U.S.  35
Green Infrastructure for the U.S. is a large-scale, ambitious initiative for the
twenty-first century. Its objective is to transform communities into sustainable
centers by identifying an interconnected system of landscapes to preserve
natural habitats, protect biodiversity, and promote healthier lifestyles, thus
improving the quality of our lives while supporting intelligent and balanced
economic growth across our communities.

Esri has compiled a unique resource for green infrastructure planning. For the
first time, a national green infrastructure framework is available to help connect
landscapes, support native species and ecological processes, protect cultural
resources, and promote cooperation among landowners.


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