International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction: Samuel Rufat, Eric Tate, Christopher G. Burton, Abu Sayeed Maroof
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction: Samuel Rufat, Eric Tate, Christopher G. Burton, Abu Sayeed Maroof
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction: Samuel Rufat, Eric Tate, Christopher G. Burton, Abu Sayeed Maroof
ar t ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A leading challenge in measuring social vulnerability to hazards is for output metrics to better reflect the
Received 20 July 2015 context in which vulnerability occurs. Through a meta-analysis of 67 flood disaster case studies (1997–
Received in revised form 2013), this paper profiles the leading drivers of social vulnerability to floods. The results identify de-
29 September 2015
mographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, and health as the leading empirical drivers of social
Accepted 30 September 2015
vulnerability to damaging flood events. However, risk perception and coping capacity also featured
Available online 13 October 2015
prominently in the case studies, yet these factors tend to be poorly reflected in many social vulnerability
Keywords: indicators. The influence of social vulnerability drivers varied considerably by disaster stage and national
Social vulnerability setting, highlighting the importance of context in understanding social vulnerability precursors, pro-
cesses, and outcomes. To help tailor quantitative indicators of social vulnerability to flood contexts, the
Case studies
article concludes with recommendations concerning temporal context, measurability, and indicator in-
& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
2212-4209/& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486 471
and project prioritization [13]. This policy relevance is increasingly on empirical studies describing social vulnerability processes and
transforming the development of indicators from academic ex- outcomes in the context of severe flood events. Using the Web
ercises into political necessities [55]. Given the demand for of Science, the following search terms were applied to identify
quantitative metrics, one response to contextual critiques is to peer-reviewed journal articles published between the years 2000
develop more contextually specific indicators. and 2013:
This study focuses on the intersecting social vulnerability
[“flood” OR “flooding”]
contexts of flood hazard, disaster phase, and national level of de-
velopment. Relative to other natural hazards, floods are nearly
ubiquitous in the environment, manifesting as large regional [“social vulnerability” OR “vulnerability” OR “coping”]
floods, local flash floods, coastal storm surge, and urban drainage The article selection process is illustrated on Fig. 1. We began by
overflow. Floods can occur as both frequent and rare events, as collecting the 125 articles (top arrows). After reading through the
short and long duration, and produce adverse impacts across a abstracts, we selected those with a specific focus on the social
range of magnitudes. Human processes such as urbanization and vulnerabilities of individuals and households (second level ar-
structural defenses (e.g., levees, dams, sea walls) have a large in- rows). Hence, we excluded articles primarily focused on the phy-
fluence on the movement and severity of flooding, ameliorating sical aspects of flooding, built environment exposure, multi-hazard
impacts in some cases, but amplifying them in others. Ongoing vulnerability, or climate change. Others were removed that cen-
changes in population, land use, and climate are widely believed to tered on disaster management, quantitative indicators, or com-
presage an intensification of flood disasters. The unique char- puter simulation. Some articles were later added in a snowball
acteristics of floods and their wide array of manifestations suggest fashion based on citations in the papers reviewed. We then read
that social vulnerabilities to floods could be distinct from other the full papers, retaining those that investigated case studies
hazards. through interviews, surveys, participant observation, focus groups,
The aim of this paper is to identify and profile the leading and literature review (third level arrow). At the conclusion of this
drivers of social vulnerability to floods, with the underlying goal of process, what remained were sixty-seven empirical studies of
strengthening the foundation for indicator development. To do so social vulnerability to flood disasters. We coded them in a matrix
we conducted a meta-analysis of qualitative case studies of flood for in-depth analysis.
disasters. The remainder of the article is organized as follows. The locations of the case studies are shown in Fig. 2. The article
Section 2 details the methods used for the meta-analysis, while count is highest for the United States (dominated by investigations
Section 3 describes the key drivers identified in the case studies. of Hurricane Katrina), Western Europe, and South Asia. Mean-
The discussion in Section 4 includes recommendations for how to while, there were fewer studies situated in East Asia, Africa, and
improve quantitative indices of social vulnerability to floods, and Central and South America, despite the occurrence of floods across
conclusions are provided in Section 5. these regions. Studies in the United States and England comprise
approximately half of the total articles analyzed. The result of our
English keyword selection is a bias favoring English-speaking
2. Methods settings. For countries such as Ghana, Nepal, the Philippines, South
Africa, and Sri Lanka, there were one or two relevant peer-re-
We performed a literature review in November 2013, focused viewed articles.
Table 1 literature (e.g., Birkmann [14], Heinz Center [54], Phillips et al.
Theoretical indicators of social vulnerability. [80]). To pinpoint characteristics that contribute to social vulner-
ability to floods, the thematic indicators were further subdivided
Thematic indicators Specific indicators
into specific indicators. For example, income was included as a
Coping capacity Individual capacity specific indicator of the thematic indicator of socioeconomic sta-
Household capacity tus. As the review progressed, additional specific indicators were
Social capital
added to the matrix as they were encountered. In particular, we
focused on the flooding type, disaster phase, and national setting.
Demographic characteristics Age Whenever a specific indicator was described in an article as in-
Race and ethnicity
fluencing social vulnerability, the article was tallied in the matrix
Family structure
Gender under the context(s) in which it occurred.
Functional needs
Language proficiency
3. Results
Health Access
Stress A summary of the results is presented in Table 2. The thematic
indicators are sorted by their frequency of appearance (highest to
Sanitation lowest) in the case studies, and characterized by their percentage
of citations within a given disaster stage and development context.
Land tenure Owners
Because some articles may include findings spanning multiple
Renters disaster stages, or involve cases in multiple countries, the per-
Squatters centage sums may exceed one hundred for some indicators. De-
mographic characteristics were the most frequently appearing
Neighborhood characteristics Transportation indicators of social vulnerability to floods, especially in the disaster
Population density response and recovery stages. Indicators of socioeconomic status
had the second highest frequency of occurrence with the majority
Resource dependency
of instances involving the response phase. Linking demographic
and socio-economic characteristics with social vulnerability to
Risk perception Awareness
floods suggests that processes involving characteristics such as
Prior experience
Knowledge of flood protection measures race, gender, age, and income are principal drivers of a popula-
Risk denial/acceptance tion’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from dama-
Trust in officials ging flood events. Other important drivers include health, coping
capacity, risk perception, land tenure, neighborhood character-
Socioeconomic status Income istics, and governance.
Wealth One way to interpret the frequency of vulnerability drivers and
dimensions in Table 2 is as a measure of importance. However,
frequency might also be dependent on research focus (i.e. the less
frequent might attract fewer studies), previous routine in the field
(i.e. path dependence, demographics were first linked to data
availability and then became commonplace in vulnerability ana-
To analyze the articles we constructed a matrix, with theore-
lysis) and theoretical frameworks (i.e. some dimensions are less
tical indicators of social vulnerability in the rows and disaster
easy to integrate or less often taken into account).
contexts in the columns. The theoretical indicators (Table 1) were
Visualizing the drivers through their interactions provides an-
drawn from themes commonly found in the social vulnerability
other perspective on indicator importance (Fig. 3). The seven
S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486 473
Table 2
Leading empirical indicators of social vulnerability to floods.
Driver Overall frequency (%) Flood type (%) Disaster stage (%) Development context (%)
River Coastal Urban Regional Mitigation Response Recovery Less developed More developed
Demographic characteristics 58 42 29 41 26 32 66 58 32 76
Socioeconomic status 55 44 39 53 26 17 53 42 39 61
Health 47 48 16 54 31 19 52 42 32 68
Coping capacity 39 58 23 53 24 16 48 48 54 46
Risk perception 36 62 33 48 20 46 54 21 33 67
Neighborhood quality of life 30 50 20 60 45 25 45 35 35 65
Land tenure 30 65 45 51 29 15 30 45 35 65
Table 3
Key case studies involving demographic characteristics.
Jonkman et al. Hurricane Katrina, 2005 Dataset for 771 fatalities in the US The majority of victims were elderly, unable/unwilling to evacuate, incapable of
[59] state of Louisiana, surviving the physical flood effect and/or suffered from deterioration of basic public
health services inside and outside flooded areas.
Walker et al. UK severe flooding in June Mixed methods and workshop Children are not only flood ‘victims’, but play a key role in recovery, bringing to-
[100] 2007 with 46 flood-affected children gether community networks through schooling, leisure and friendship networks.
Zahran et al. Flood events in the U.S. Historical data on 112 flood Poor communities of color suffered disproportionately in human death and injury.
[105] (Texas), 1997–2001 casualties
474 S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486
studies suggesting that only the ‘very old’ and the ‘very young’ vulnerability drivers. Other studies considering demographic
tend to be more vulnerable because of their dependency status characteristics and flood damage impacts from Hurricane Katrina
and physical conditions [61]. found that minority neighborhoods did not appear more vulner-
Among the most commonly cited drivers were special needs able than non-minority neighborhoods in terms of damages sus-
populations, which include institutionalized people, those with tained [29,59,60]. In addition, and although debatable, studies
low capacity for self-care, long-term or chronically ill patients showed that it was not only race, but rather the combination of
needing continued care, and nursing home residents. For example, ethnic composition and lack mobility of the most affected neigh-
studies show that evacuation and in situ sheltering were challen- borhoods that explained the disproportionate burden on African-
ging for nursing home and hospital patients [59], and in extreme American communities following Hurricane Katrina [29].
cases, family members might prevent those needing self-care from
evacuating [99]. Limited mobility, dependence of care, and reliance 3.2. Socioeconomic status
on medication and other services are impediments to evacuation.
Conversely, recovery processes are impeded when disruption of Socioeconomic status drivers are among the most prominently
services makes caring for special needs populations difficult [50]. measured characteristics in social vulnerability studies, and man-
In addition to considering age dependent and institutionalized ifest in different ways across levels of geography. Common socio-
populations, flood vulnerability is linked to gender status where economic status indicators include measurements of household
women disproportionately accept family care responsibilities [99]. income, poverty, unemployment, educational status, wealth, in-
Gendered vulnerability was apparent in both developed [90] and equality and home value. At the individual level, lack of resources,
developing national settings [82] due to differential resource ac- power relationships, poverty, and marginalization translate into
cess, opportunities, power, rights, informal sector employment, social vulnerability through access to resources, coping behavior
and income. Women often work in low-wage informal sectors and stress [2]. At the community level, social vulnerability is de-
earning lower wages then men while suffering from a lack op- termined by relative distribution of income, access to resources,
portunity to diversify their economic activities [82]. and diversity of economic assets [45]. Table 4 highlights findings
The effect of gender on social vulnerability to floods is not from key studies involving socioeconomic characteristics; detailed
straightforward, however. This is because women are also ascribed citation frequency data are provided in Table A2.
more coping-capacities, greater commitment to knowledge of risk, It is within this context that income and poverty are key drivers
and social relations [90]. The case studies reveal that it is difficult of social vulnerability. This is primarily because income is closely
to make generalizations about women’s social vulnerability and coupled with other forms of capital that may be used as proxy
that women's dependency and needs within the context of vul- indicators for social vulnerability to floods. These indicators in-
nerable populations might have been overemphasized. Even in clude educational access, wealth, and employment type, over-
developing countries with the most inequitable societies, gender crowding in households, non-home or non-car ownership, and
alone is not predictive of social vulnerability because women’s unemployment [91]. Education provides an example of the cou-
everyday living conditions vary across socio-economic status, pling of income with other forms of capital where higher levels of
household structures, and geographic locations [5]. Within this education may lead to better paying jobs and higher incomes [19].
context, some studies found that gender had no impact on social This, in turn, may result in increased asset ownership where da-
vulnerability in the face of floods at all [61]. mage costs from flood events are higher for wealthier households
Race, class, ethnicity and immigration status are additional in absolute costs, but flood damage costs represent a lower pro-
drivers of flood-related social vulnerability since these may im- portion of the total income and capital of wealthier households. As
pose cultural and language barriers that affect residential locations a result, the coping capacity of wealthier households remains
in high hazard areas, pre-disaster mitigation, and access to post- greater than poorer households [20].
disaster resources for recovery [31]. As with gender, these drivers Conversely, lower education coincides with poverty, over-
have spurred debate over ambiguities [28,39]. For Vietnamese crowding, unemployment, income inequality, and marginalization.
migrants adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina, studies con- Even if the poor and marginalized face fewer economic damage
firmed that the group's lack of acculturation and English profi- costs, the relative impact of damaging flood events are generally
ciency were strong factors aggravating their social vulnerability greater for low- income groups. It may take years for those who
[25]. However, the lack of acculturation was also associated with cannot afford the costs of repair, reconstruction, or relocation to
close social ties and shared resources that allowed them to recover recover from even a moderately damaging event [67]. Not only do
quickly following the event with little outside assistance [98]. The poorer and marginalized populations often live in highly exposed
case of the Vietnamese immigrants is one of the most clear-cut zones with less employment and housing opportunities, they are
examples of the importance of context when identifying also less protected by formal institutions, such as those that
Table 4
Key case studies involving socioeconomic characteristics.
Ajibade et al. [5] Nigeria, 2011 Interviews (n ¼36), survey Gendered vulnerability varied with income—no differences in wealthy and middle-
(n ¼453), focus groups (n¼ 6) income areas, great differences in poor areas. Gender alone is not predictive of social
vulnerability, but it is when intersecting with income, occupation, and health care
Brouwer et al. [20] Bangladesh, 2005 Survey (n¼ 672) and semi-struc- Higher flood exposure was associated with the poor (in relative terms, not absolute),
tured interviews (n ¼45) lack of land ownership, and income inequality. Income diversification was found to
be an effective adaptation strategy.
Steinführer and Kuhlicke Germany, 2002 Survey (n¼ 404) and interviews No single variable (e.g. age, income etc.) explained vulnerability of specific groups. No
[90] (n ¼30) single social group (very poor, without social networks, etc.) proved to be vulnerable
in all dimensions.
S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486 475
Table 5
Key case studies involving health characteristics.
Alderman et al. [6] Literature review Analysis of papers (2004–2011) on the re- Casualties in low-income countries, dominated by ethnic minorities who are poor,
lationship between floods and health live on floodplains and in unstable dwellings, females, the very young, and the
elderly. In medium to high-income countries, the elderly, males, and poor com-
munities of color experience more flood-related health casualties.
Lowe et al. [65] Literature review of 38 studies of floods in
Literature review Target populations differ for morbidity and mortality effects, and differ pre-,
the OECD during, and post-flood time periods.
Mason et al. [66] UK 2007 flooding Cross-sectional survey (n ¼444) 6 months Females, children, people in poor health and evacuees had higher mean scores on
following the flood PTSD, anxiety and depression after the flood.
476 S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486
Table 6
Key case studies involving coping capacity.
Chatterjee [24] India, 2005 Household surveys (n¼ 50) in two urban Mitigation at city and household levels was not protective; assistance for
slum settlements long-term recovery and adaptation occurred mostly at local scales via
bonding social capital.
Paul and Routray [77] Bangladesh, 2007 Household survey (n¼ 331) and secondary Adoption of coping strategies can substantially reduce flood vulnerability,
data collection in 3 coastal and inland but their effectiveness varies temporally, spatially, and across socio-demo-
villages graphic settings.
Steinführer and Kuh- Germany, 2002 Survey (n¼404) and 30 interviews in 5 vil- Major differences in the importance of social capital across demographic
licke [90] lages heavily affected by river floods characteristics and disaster phases.
Individuals can boost coping capacity by using social networks frequently identified as a social vulnerability driver during the
to connect to the emotional, social, and economic resources of mitigation and response phases of flood disasters, and in more
others. Such social capital is a function of social norms, mutual developed national settings (Table 2). Flood awareness and prior
trust, and social networks [3,71], and is often described as sets of experience were the primary perceptual aspects explored in the
bonding, bridging, and linking ties. Bonding ties link people that articles, and to a lesser extent, trust, estimation of flood risk, and
occupy similar socio-demographic levels and are geographically demographic characteristics. But in general, the findings regarding
proximal, such as families, neighbors, close friends, and work perception and vulnerability were often contradictory. Table 7
colleagues. These horizontal networks tend to be the strongest, highlights some key case studies and findings regarding risk per-
most common, and most durable of network ties. Manifestations ception; detailed citation frequency is in Table A5.
of bonding ties included remittances and sharing of seeds among Flood awareness and knowledge often served as the focus of
farmers [9], and small loans to flood-affected families for tem- investigation, predicated on the notion that awareness is a ne-
porary needs such as food, clothing, and medicine [20]. Bonding cessary precursor to preparedness [45]. Feelings of fear, un-
ties also increase knowledge capacities, in particular strengthening certainty, and worry were found to be important intermediary
memory of past disasters and exchange of information about fu- between awareness and protective action [102,88]. Indeed, several
ture risks in Poland [38], and in Ghana influencing out migration studies reported an association between low flood awareness and
by providing information about economic opportunities elsewhere limited adoption of flood protection and preparedness measures
[9]. The effectiveness of bonding ties varies with other social [17,22]. Such measures generally include elevating homes, pur-
vulnerability drivers. In Hurricane Katrina, bonding capital was chasing flood insurance, stockpiling supplies, moving building
particularly useful for low-income affected residents [53]. Mean- contents to higher floors, and evacuation. The provision of official
while, Chen et al. [25] found that strong bonding ties were asso- flood information by governments can increase awareness, but it is
ciated with improved physical and mental health outcomes in the insufficient by itself to result in reduced social vulnerability.
Vietnamese community. Prior experience with flooding [45,52,88], longer duration of
Despite the benefits of social capital, it has its limits in reducing residence [102,17,61], and shorter length of time since the pre-
social vulnerability. In a study of flooding in Germany, Steinführer vious flood event [22,38] were associated with greater awareness,
and Kuhlicke [90] found formal networks to be more important understanding, and personal action. However, greater experience
than informal networks for pre-event information gathering. So- also led to people to underestimate risks associated with large
cial capital also cannot be assumed to always operate as a positive flood events, particularly if previous flooding was less severe
force: bonding ties in Hurricane Katrina were the most important [26,38,61,81]. In particular, automobile drivers who lacked ex-
factor influencing evacuation behavior [1], but also led some perience with flash floods, took longer routes, and lived in urban
people not to evacuate who possessed the resources and ability to areas, were more likely to underestimate risk [84].
do so [53]. In both India and the United States, strong social capital Some of the strongest associations between perception and
widened divisions between dominant and marginalized groups vulnerability-reducing behavior were associated with social net-
[7], with disparities expanding over the course of the disaster [40]. works. Networks were widely found to be key information sources
for warnings and evacuation, and more important than commu-
3.5. Risk perception nication from mass media and official sources [1,52]. Housing te-
nure was associated with strong links between risk perception and
The analysis for risk perception focused assessing the state of behavior [102,90]. However, other population characteristics such
knowledge of the influence of perception on vulnerability-redu- as socioeconomic status, age, and gender had inconsistent re-
cing behavior. Across the case studies, risk perception was most lationships with the perception of risk [45,52].
Table 7
Key case studies involving risk perception.
Carroll et al. [22] England, 2005 Focus groups and interviews Low flood awareness and expectation of flooding led homeowners to eschew in-
(n¼ 46) stalling flood defenses.
De Marchi and Scolobig Italy, 2000 and 2002 Interviews (n¼ 400) Strong structural and institutional flood defenses associated with reduced flood
[34] awareness and self-protective behavior.
Siegrist and Gutscher [88] Switzerland, 2005 Surveys (n¼ 200) Negative emotions from previous flood experience are an important motivating
factor for implementation of mitigation measures.
S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486 477
Table 8
Key case studies involving neighborhood characteristics.
Chomsri and Sherer 2011 Mega Flood in Narrative interviews, participant People in slums and in the rural areas felt inferior, and criticized the information
[26] Thailand observation (n=10), focus group presented.
Elliott et al. [39] Hurricane Katrina Survey 6 months after Hurricane Lack of adequate transportation explains the failure of evacuation plans: immobility
Katrina (n¼ 418) is a key factor in decisions to stay or for challenges returning home.
Whittle et al. [101] June 2007 flood in the Interviews (n=18), 18-month diaries Paradoxically, the efficiency of insurers and builders may explain evacuation beha-
UK (n=44), stakeholder participation vior and length to recover. Insurance tends to monopolize all available rental ac-
commodation after the flood, the resulting lack of affordable housing available for
rent hinders reconstruction in the moderate income neighborhoods.
3.6. Neighborhood quality of life drivers settlements. They may introduce evacuation difficulties prior to an
event [43], increase the risk of disease transmission during and
Scale emerged as an important social vulnerability factor with after a flood event, and hamper post-event relief and recovery
several quality of life drivers operating at the neighborhood level processes [35].
during all disaster stages. The most common neighborhood or Other drivers of flood-related social vulnerability include po-
quality of life drivers found within the literature are linked to the pulation growth and urban sprawl, the number of schools per
prevalence of transportation access, illegal and/or uncontrolled resident, and neighborhood intersectionality considering race,
urbanization, housing quality, schools, and neighborhood inter- gender, and class. Especially in the developing burgeoning me-
sectionality. Transportation dependence is the foremost-cited tropolises, rapid urbanization and population growth are asso-
driver affecting quality of life at the neighborhood level. Hurricane ciated with the unregulated sprawl, often with informal settle-
Katrina demonstrated how a lack transportation access inhibits ments and weak infrastructural and economic bases [81]. In the
large-scale mobility and increases social vulnerability [29]. Here, it developing world, the number of schools per resident has been
is not strictly an issue of individual car ownership [91] that affects used as a proxy for educational background, access to damage
social vulnerability. Rather, unequal access to transportation al- compensation, and satisfaction with damage regulation [43].
ternatives [40] and collective dependence on public transportation Neighborhood intersectionality is a concept constructed to
[101] explained the failure of evacuation plans since immobility is foster recognition that perceived group membership can make
a key factor guiding decisions to stay prior to an event, or to return people socially vulnerable to various natural hazards. Inter-
home following an event [41]. Table 8 highlights some key case sectionality, particularly between race, gender, and class, means
studies and findings regarding neighborhood characteristics, with that no single dimensions can be reduced to the other when
detailed citation results included in Table A6. seeking to understand the wide array of populations’ abilities to
A neighborhood’s population density, urbanicity, and legiti- prepare for, respond, and recover from floods [41]. The latter
macy of settlements also impact social vulnerability to floods. suggests that the neighborhood’s context has to be grasped as a
Some authors question the historic bias towards positioning and whole to assess social vulnerability.
permitting lower income housing in floodplain areas [99], and it
may be impossible for populations occupying lower income 3.7. Land tenure
housing in floodplain areas to return following a damaging flood
event. This is partially because affordable housing that is often Property ownership can strongly influence the level of control a
rented can undergo serious inflation as rents are being paid by resident has over the adoption of protective measures and access to
insurance companies, allowing rental prices to skyrocket over- post-disaster assistance, leading to differences in flood susceptibility
night [101]. Informal or uncontrolled neighborhoods and illegal among owners, renters, squatters, and the homeless. Compared to
settlements generate mental suffering, especially in flood prone property owners, renters were associated with higher inundation le-
areas, with populations having a general feeling of being neglected vels [20], more adverse health impacts [101,95], lower economic loss
[26]. In these neighborhoods, residents were also faced with poor [1], and higher rates of displacement and job loss [41]. Although such
drainage and infrastructure [92], as well as exclusion from parti- disproportionate impacts are often associated with the lower social
cipatory processes and political leverage, leaving them unable to status of renters, the causal relationship between tenure and social
access mechanisms to reduce their social vulnerability [79]. Po- vulnerability is culturally fluid [90]. For example, in Germany, renters
pulation and built environment density are key drivers of social were well represented among the middle class [61], while in Bangla-
vulnerability that often correspond with lower income desh, landlords were found to be major contributors to post-flood
Table 9
Key case studies involving land tenure.
Land tenure
Kamel [60] Hurricane Katrina, Analysis of two government disaster Post-disaster housing and individual assistance programs favored prop-
2005 assistance programs erty owners over renters.
Steinführer and Kuhlicke Germany, 2002 Survey (n¼ 404) and 30 interviews in Local attachment, use of precautionary measures, and structural mitiga-
[90] 5 villages tion were higher among homeowners than renters.
Whittle et al. [101] England, 2007 Diaries, interviews, group discussions Post-disaster housing shortages and rent inflation led to adverse health,
(n¼ 44) financial and family life impacts
478 S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486
building repairs and social support [11,19]. Table 9 highlights some key Table 10
case studies and findings regarding neighborhood characteristics, de- Phase-oriented approach to indicator selection.
tailed citation results are in Table A7.
Potential Pre-flood/ During flood/ Post flood/
The social vulnerabilities among land tenure classes also varied indicators mitigation response recovery
by disaster stage, meaning that a member of particular tenure
class may be vulnerable in one disaster phase, but not another Children 7 þ
[61]. In advance of flooding, homeowners have shown a greater Young adults þ þ
Elderly þ þ
awareness of flood risks [61], deeper understanding of warnings ……
[77], taken more immediate action to reduce damage [76], and
were less likely to seek emergency shelter [42]. However, the re-
lationship between tenure and flood insurance is not clear-cut. For
instance, homeowners had higher rates of insurance purchases in importance of temporal characteristics was succinctly captured by
England [95], while Steinführer and Kuhlicke [90] concluded that ([61], p. 803)
insurance adoption rates were instead tied to age and income.
Flood insurance was a mitigative factor primarily in studies in “The same group may be vulnerable in certain event phases and
more developed nations. not vulnerable in others. This means that the same indicator may
In the aftermath of flooding, renters had lower rates of return have explanatory power in more than one phase of the event but
than homeowners [39]. This reflects a combination of greater at- with opposite meanings in terms of social vulnerability.”
tachment to place among homeowners [41,90], higher prices and
Findings from the review of demographic and health-related
availability constraints for rental properties [101], and greater
studies are particularly instructive. Children and non-whites ap-
control by homeowners over the pace and quality of repairs
peared to be the more vulnerable before the flood due to lack of
[101,39,95]. In response to flooding, property owners were also
awareness and preparedness [39,66]. During the flood, men and
more likely to make structural improvements to reduce future
flood losses [78,90]. Disparities in access to post-disaster resources middle-age populations were more vulnerable due to risk-taking
in the United States were related to the design of government behavior [58] and involvement in rescue and emergency opera-
programs for disaster assistance, which privilege homeowners tions [101]; as well as children and the elderly due to their diffi-
[60]. Renters experienced more health effects and stress than culty to swim and reach shelter or safety [10]. After the flood,
owners at the time of the flood, and remained dependent on women, single-parent families, and the elderly were found to be
owners during the recovering/rebuilding process [95]. more vulnerable due to resource availability and difficulties coping
with disruptions to long-term care and services [50].
Incorporating the phase of the flood disaster is a key to im-
4. Discussion proving the contextual validity of social vulnerability indicators
and maps. To account for temporal context, one approach is to
Academic research on social vulnerability to hazards is largely differentiate indicator development according to preparedness,
bifurcated. In one group are post-disaster case studies that collect response and recovery phases of a flood disaster. Borrowing from
empirical data to provide rich, detailed, place-specific, and hazard- Steinführer and Kuhlicke [90], Table 10 provides a demonstration
specific understandings of vulnerability processes, interactions, of this approach, with particular indicators evaluated based on
and outcomes. However, using the findings from a few individual their directional effect on vulnerability (e.g., þ increases, de-
case studies to make broad generalizations may yield unreliable creases) for each disaster phase.
conclusions [48]. In a second group are geospatial modeling stu- Such a phase-oriented approach could inform variable selection
dies, which tend to focus on the construction, mapping, and ana- (e.g., what are the key vulnerability drivers for flood recovery?),
lysis of quantitative indicators. The metrics are used to rank and weighting (what is the relative importance of indicators for flood
compare the social vulnerability of different places, yet the studies preparedness?), and aggregation (what is the individual and
often lack context and rarely attempt to validate findings. combined effect of individual indicators of flood response?). It
For social vulnerability to floods, a few studies have integrated could also make social vulnerability analysis more salient for
case study and indicator development approaches [42,46,74,91]. emergency managers, whose responsibilities are likely to be or-
But overall, connections between case study knowledge and ganized around the emergency management cycle. Currently, the
choices made in the modeling process are largely tenuous. Typi- most common internal structure for social vulnerability modeling
cally, the rationale for decisions regarding variable selection, and mapping is the thematic organization of indicators into sub-
analysis scale, weighting, and aggregation is either unstated or indices [47,70] or statistical factors [31,42,83] derived from themes
justified based on simplicity or choices made in previous studies. such as those shown in Table 1. Based on the findings of this re-
In many cases, no justification is provided at all. Better integration search, an alternative thematic structure based on disaster phase
of context can improve the ability of social vulnerability indices to should also be considered.
represent observed conditions. The results of this study highlight
several gaps in knowledge regarding the construction of social 4.2. Measurability
vulnerability indicators. Among the leading research needs for
social vulnerability indicators are accounting for temporal context, Although indicators are increasingly recognized as useful tools
improving the measurability of influential drivers, and under- for policy formulation and public communication, they are subject
standing interactions between indicators. to measurability limitations [14]. The use of social vulnerability
indicators may mislead decision-making if practical considerations
4.1. Temporal context of cost, data availability, and measurability are prioritized over
validity: does the indicator faithfully represent vulnerability pro-
A leading conclusion of the meta-analysis is that social vul- cesses? As one article put it, “understanding vulnerability and flood
nerability drivers can vary considerably with the stage of disaster. recovery is not as straightforward as mapping socio-economic char-
This reinforces the understanding of social vulnerability as a dy- acteristics ([101], p. 17).”
namic situation of which people can move in and out [79,99]. The Improving measurability is particularly important for social
S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486 479
capital, risk perception, and psychosocial dimensions of health, of new geospatial indicators of social capital is also key research
which stymie standardized measurement because they are often need [8], and should be augmented by continued search for sui-
situationally dependent and may require quantification at scales table existing proxy measures.
(e.g., individual, network) different from other indicators. In- Overall, measurability challenges are important to consider
dicators for these aspects typically cannot be computed from when interpreting the rankings and spatial distributions of output
publicly available databases (e.g., national censuses) and require indicators. In contexts where social vulnerability drivers that are
the use of qualitative methods, targeted surveys, and participatory difficult to measure are particularly important, what is the
approaches. To address this caveat, scorecards have become a meaning of the index when they are not included? To what extent
popular survey mechanism, especially for researchers interested in are assertions valid that the resultant indicators measure social
understanding urban resilience (see [94], [75], [96]). Research is vulnerability? An important step in social vulnerability indicator
needed, however, to better integrate the findings of studies em- development is to consider the meaning of gaps in the input
ploying such methods. In particular, the potential of participatory information.
approaches to generate salient quantitative data is still under-
estimated [68]. 4.3. Indicator interrelationships
Measurability is also constrained by limited understanding of
“Some of these categories intersect in complex ways (for instance
underlying social vulnerability processes. For example, being a
disabled people are disproportionately likely to be poor, as are
child [100,61], an elder [77,95], a woman [36,90] and a member of
members of minority ethnic groups, women and older people); not
a minority [28,98] were protective factors in some studies. Am-
all within them are equally vulnerable and vulnerability is a dy-
biguity and nuance in the effect on social vulnerability were par-
namic rather than a static quality (people can move in and out of
ticularly pronounced for risk perception. Fielding [45] found scale
vulnerability)” ([99], p.223).
effects to risk perception, with variation between, but not within
neighborhoods, regardless of socioeconomic status and flood risk. More research is needed to further explore how social vulner-
Although structural flood protection and institutional manage- ability drivers interact, particularly across geographic and tem-
ment can reduce flood exposure, higher levels of trust in these poral scales. Examples from the case studies include examination
elements may lead to erosion of awareness and self-protective of connections between demographic characteristics, wealth, land
skills [34,61]. The belief that flood protection is an institutional as tenure, and social capital [90], race and class [41], and age, income,
opposed to a private responsibility was associated with reduced and social isolation [61,81]. The issue of flood insurance highlights
individual agency [76,90]. Collectively, many results regarding risk the interrelationships of social vulnerability drivers and effects. At
perception are too contradictory to make generalizations for in- an individual level, the purchasing of an insurance policy is
dicator selection in the flood context. The development and testing strongly correlated with income, home ownership, and mitigation
480 S. Rufat et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14 (2015) 470–486
behavior [38]. Lack of insurance magnified flood impacts [65] and perception are more likely to associate coping capacity with social
slowed house rehabilitation due to delays in public or federal vulnerability rather than any other underlying cause. The heatmap
payments [50]. Meanwhile, being uninsured or having problems in Fig. 4 is based on a Pearson linear correlation of drivers' cited in
with insurers were among the leading precursors to psychological each of our respective studies. The latter takes the interaction
impacts, inducing stress or PTSD [95]. between drivers one step further by revealing precisely which
A finer understanding of the relationships between social vul- drivers are positively (red) or negatively (dark blue) correlated.
nerability drivers could benefit the weighting and aggregation This does not necessarily mean that there is some causal relation
stages of composite indicator development. The weighting of in- between the drivers, they just tend to emerge together from the
dicators should ideally reflect their relative importance in affecting empirical fieldwork, and in most cases the empirical studies dis-
social vulnerability. In practice, however, equal weighting has be- cuss the more prominent interactions.
come the norm for modelers, with typical justification similar to
the following:
5. Conclusions
“… each factor was viewed as having an equal contribution to the
county’s overall vulnerability. In the absence of a defensible
This paper has profiled the leading drivers of social vulner-
method for assigning weights, we felt this was the best option.
ability to floods, with the underlying goal of shedding light on the
([30], p. 254).”
development of social vulnerability indicators. In our view, the
However, it is more likely than not, that individual indicators field of social vulnerability measurement has entered somewhat of
differ in their degree of influence on social vulnerability. Previous a transitional period. Debates regarding definitions of social vul-
research has demonstrated that hierarchical and inductive indices nerability have been largely settled, and the need for reliable
of social vulnerability are highly sensitive to the weighting ap- metrics is well established. However, the results of this meta-
proach employed [93]. The development and testing of additional analysis demonstrate that much more work needs to be done to
defensible methodologies for indicator weighting represents a key reflect the contextual characteristics of social vulnerability pro-
research need. For indicators applied to resource allocation and cesses in measurement and mapping. The findings highlight the
planning processes, the use of context-specific weights developed situational variability of social vulnerability drivers. Not all drivers
using participatory and survey methods [74] is one path toward have a consistent influence on social vulnerability, even for the
better weighting schemes. However, for applications focused on most widely agreed upon characteristics such as age and class.
first-pass identification of vulnerable populations, comparing Some factors contribute to vulnerability in one context, yet detract
places, and advocacy, the time and resource investment required from it in another. And there can be considerable variation in the
for such an approach might be too high. identity and effect of vulnerability drivers throughout the tem-
Perhaps it is possible to generate weighting schemes applicable poral progression of a flood disaster.
to broad categories of flood contexts, for instance, leading to one set Improved incorporation of context will help produce indicators
of weights for mitigation of coastal flooding in Bangladesh, and that not only reflect vulnerability as a state, but also as a situation.
another for recovery from river flooding in England. If shown to be Empirical case studies are a rich source of situational under-
moderately valid, such an approach could represent a reasonable standing of the root causes of social vulnerability, their relative
intermediary between the default assumption of equal weights and importance, interactions between drivers, and scales (geographic,
methods involving primary data collection and analysis. Using par- administrative, and temporal) of operation. This understanding
ticipatory methods that incorporate the opinion of experts within can be of great value for decisions during quantitative indicator
the respective regions could foster such actions while assuring local construction, involving variable selection, scale of analysis, inter-
context and insight is considered. This local contextualization can be nal structure, weighting, and aggregation. Moreover, greater con-
fulfilled using web-surveys or workshops in which community lea- sideration of context, measurability, and interaction between dri-
ders, local governments, and other relevant stakeholders work to- vers can help highlight not only what is reflected in resultant
gether to guide the indicator weighting process. For an in-depth vulnerability indices, but also what is absent.
discussion on participatory methods see [72] and [73]. The measurability and simplicity features of indicators mean
Regarding indicator aggregation, additive methods are still that they will never be able to fully represent the complexity of
applied by a large proportion of social vulnerability indicators. vulnerability processes. However, strengthening linkages between
While such an approach has the advantage of simplicity, it is based empirical studies and quantitative/geospatial modeling has the
on the mathematical assumption that each vulnerability driver potential to result in more valid metrics that are suitable for de-
operates independently and that a deficit in one dimension of cision-making. The state of knowledge and research needs profiled
social vulnerability can be offset (or compensated) by a surplus in in this review represent one step in that direction.
another. However, the numerous indicator interactions profiled in
the meta-analysis (Figs. 3 and 4) make clear that such an as-
sumption is untenable in the context of social vulnerability to Acknowledgment
floods, strengthening the argument in favor of social vulnerability
modeling and mapping approaches that focus on interactions be- This research was partially supported by funds from the U.S.
tween drivers [83]. Fig. 3, for instance, illustrates the interactions National Science Foundation (1333190), Infrastructure Manage-
between social vulnerability drivers emerging from the qualita- ment and Extreme Events.
tive studies: when a paper mentions a demographic driver
(e.g. age) it is far more likely to be subsequently associated with Appendix A
socioeconomic driving factors (e.g. income) rather than factors
such as risk perception. Conversely, case studies focused on risk See Tables A1–A7
Table A1
Frequency of demographic vulnerability drivers.
Driver Article Impact on vulnerability Main disaster stage Flood type Development context
Elderly 27 81 15 30 48 37 48 41 19 48 30 70 41
Children 21 81 10 14 52 33 33 43 19 33 24 52 57
Female 15 70 15 15 55 25 55 50 20 45 15 50 55
Black 9 56 0 33 56 78 22 0 0 11 56 100 0
Single parent families 8 100 0 25 38 50 38 38 13 38 0 88 13
Female headed households 7 86 0 29 43 71 29 57 14 29 0 71 43
with children
Recent immigrants 7 57 43 29 43 71 57 14 14 57 14 100 14
Handicapped/disabled 7 100 0 29 57 43 29 29 0 43 14 71 29
Dependency 6 100 0 0 17 33 17 17 0 33 33 67 33
Low capacity for self-care 6 100 0 17 83 50 50 33 0 50 33 67 33
Non white 6 67 17 33 83 67 33 17 0 33 17 100 0
Middle age 6 67 17 33 50 33 50 17 17 17 17 100 0
Male 5 100 0 20 100 20 60 40 40 20 40 100 0
Twenties 4 100 0 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 0
Institutionalized 4 100 0 25 25 25 25 25 0 50 25 100 25
Non-native speakers/lan- 4 75 0 0 0 75 50 50 25 75 25 100 0
guage barriers
Hispanic 4 50 50 0 25 100 0 0 0 50 50 100 0
Acculturation 3 67 33 0 33 67 33 33 0 100 67 100 0
Nursing home residents 2 100 0 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 100 50
People per housing unit 2 100 0 50 50 0 100 50 50 100 50 100 0
Social security beneficiaries 2 100 0 50 100 100 0 0% 0 50 50 100 0
Households with small 1 100 0 100 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 100 0
Living space per person 1 0 100 100 0 0 100 100 0 100 0 100 0
Rooms per housing unit 1 0 100 100 0 0 100 0 0 0 100 100 0
Total 38 79 12 20 41 35 42 30 14 41 26 53 29
Table A2
Frequency of socioeconomic vulnerability drivers.
Increasing (%) Decreasing (%) Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash Urban flood Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
flood (%) (%)
Driver Frequency Impact on vulnerability Main disaster stage Flood type Development context
Increasing (%) Decreasing (%) Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash Urban flood Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
flood (%) (%)
Table A4
Frequency of coping capacity vulnerability drivers.
Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash flood (%) Urban flood (%) Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
Social Networks 21 14 33 33 24 5 5 52 24 38 62
Social Capital 18 11 22 22 22 0 0 44 28 67 33
Individual/ household action 3 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 100
Reliance on emotional support 3 33 100 67 0 0 0 67 33 100 0
Total 26 20 31 29 58 2 2 53 24 51 49
Table A5
Frequency of risk perception vulnerability drivers.
Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash flood (%) Urban flood (%) Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
Table A6
Frequency of neighborhood quality of life vulnerability drivers.
Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash flood (%) Urban flood (%) Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
Table A7
Frequency of land tenure vulnerability drivers.
Mitigation (%) Response (%) Recovery (%) River (%) Coastal (%) Flash Urban Regional (%) Developed (%) Developing (%)
flood flood
(%) (%)
Renters 14 14 21 64 50 43 21 43 36 93 7
insurance 8 13 0 88 25 13 25 63 38 100 0
Public 8 0 38 63 63 50 38 63 38 100 0
Squatters/ 8 13 25 25 38 38 0 75 13 0 100
Homeowners 5 40 40 20 60 20 0 20 20 60 40
Total 20 14 23 56 47 35 19 53 30 74 26
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