April 2006 Desert Breeze Newsletter, Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society

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TCSS Rescue Cacti for Sale

Lots & lots to choose from…..

Barrels - from 2” to 14” diameter (about $1 per inch)
Hedgehogs – from 1 to 20 heads (about $1 per head)
TCSS Club Members receive a 10% discount
Call Joe or Patsy if interested 575-7126

Photos Barry McCormick and Joe Frannea, Logo Artwork by Vonn Watkins April 2006
Thursday, April 6, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Upcoming Schedule TCSS BOARD Myron Kimnach
Officers Travels through Peru and Bolivia
¾ April 6, 2006, Thursday – General meeting. Myron Kimnich
President: Richard Wiedhopf
¾ April 11, 2006, Tuesday – Board Meeting. 885-6367
Myron has traveled to many cactus and succulent habitats all over
Vice President: Vonn Watkins the world. He has made three trips to Peru and Bolivia and will
¾ April 23, 2006, Sunday – Garden Tour. Secretary: George Virtes share with us his fond experiences with the extraordinary people,
¾ May 5, 2006, Friday - General Meeting and Dinner at Sonoran VI Treasurer: Gail Virtes places and plants. He saw many Sulcorebutia, Lobivia, and
¾ May 5-7, 2006. Friday to Sunday - Sonoran VI. Board of Directors: Weingartia, as well as orchids, Echeverias and other plants.
Dan Birt (2006) Myron was Director of the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San
¾ June 9, Friday – Tucson Botanical Garden Weird Plant Sale Chris Monrad (2006)
Mark Sitter (2006)
Marino, California, for twenty-five
¾ June 30, Friday to Monday – Bus Tour to the Huntington. years. He was editor of the Cactus and
Norm Dennis (2007)
Barry McCormick (2007) Succulent Journal where his ten year
Jack Ramsey (2007) contribution added a touch of class and
Marty Harow (2007) assured the success to the publication.
Joe Frannea (2008)
Joie Giunta (2008)
Myron is a Fellow of the Cactus and
Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society Nancy Reid (2008) Succulent Society of America. He is an
Bill Salisbury (2008) extremely respected individual and has
7510 E. Rio Verde Rd.
combined many years of concentrated
Tucson, AZ 85715-3537 CSSA Affiliate Rep: Helen Barber research and study to the world of cacti
Cactus Rescue: Chris Monrad and other succulent plants. He was a
Educational: Joe Frannea book dealer for eighteen years and is
Free Plants: Norma Beckman currently working on a book about palms.
Librarian: Joie Giunta
Programs: Vonn Watkins Please come visit with Myron and join us for this very special
Refreshments: Patsy Frannea presentation.
Sales: Jack Ramsey
Technology: Kevin Barber
Friday, May 5, 2006
Editor: Barry McCormick InnSuites Hotel
[email protected]
Deadline for copy:18th of each month The special member’s dinner meeting in conjunction with Sonoran
TCSS Web Page:www.tucsoncactus.org VI will include the opening talk by Tom Van Devender on Cacti
and the History of the Sonoran Desert Region.
Next Meeting
Thursday, April 6, 2006.
Junior League of Tucson Parking Junior League of Tucson
Meeting Place Kiva Bldg.
2099 E. River Road, Tucson 2099 E. River Road


Camino Escuela
April Refreshments
Those with family names beginning with
N to S, please bring your choice of
refreshment to the meeting.
River Road
Everyone is Welcome! St. Phillip’s
Bring your friends, join in the fun, Plaza

and meet the cactus and succulent

President’s Message Sonoran Update
SONORAN VI March Rescue Cactus Sales.
This event celebrates the Another fantastic Cactus Sale this
Sonoran Desert and the year at Hacienda del Sol Guest
success of the Tucson Ranch. Twenty-three TCSS
Cactus and Succulent members handled very brisk sales
Society. Our regular May that just about cleaned out our total
meeting moves to Friday, inventory.
May 5, as the kick off for Sales were
Sonoran VI, and includes a $5,976.40, up from about
no-cost Cinco de Mayo dinner. Members with a $4503 last year. Our profit
single membership get one free dinner and family was about $3200. Four
members, two. Additional dinners may be member vendors also had Speakers
purchased. You will receive a mailer with more excellent sales.
information in a week or so. It is important to Tom Van Devender Cacti and the History of the Sonoran Desert Region.
Our second sale of the month Jan Emming Invasive Grass and the Threat to Sonoran Desert Plants.
RSVP. A few tickets may be available for dinner at at the Fiesta de las Flores
the door, if your plans change. Nathan English The Age of the Saguaro.
was a test of stamina. Jack Lasseter History of Tucson.
Our speaker will be Tom Van Devender. After the Saturday rain, wind and cold Thomas Park Designing Spectacular Succulent Gardens.
meeting will open the show and sale will be open weather impeded sales but Kathy Rice Plant Populations: Issues and Solutions.
for a special preview. You won’t want to miss this. not the sales crew. Sales
were medium to slow on Workshops
Sonoran VI has speakers and workshops designed Saturday and very slow on
for you. Everyone from novice to expert will find Sunday even though it was a beautiful sunny but
this conference to be very special. Registration is Miles Anderson Cactus and Succulent Plant Propagation.
cool day. Sales were $1,691, about $500 less than Greg Corman Creating Your Desert Landscape.
limited to 100 attendees, but we will sell individual last year, for a profit of about $700.
workshops on a space available basis. Remember, Mark Dimmitt Adeniums or Related Plants.
this is an event that we put on for our own Our 9 to 3 Sunday sale at the Jane Evans Something on South African Succulents.
enjoyment. Pima County Country Fair Larry Grammer Excellent Potting Techniques and Plant Display.
turned out to be a 9 to 11 sale Mary Irish The Agave.
There will be a silent auction, art exhibit, and due to the rainy weather. Sales Matt Johnson Cactus and Succulents of the Chihuahuan Desert.
books, plants, pots and T-shirt for sale. The display were $1,130 for a profit of Cory Martin Drip Irrigation in the Desert Garden.
and sale events are open to the public. about $730. We sold about Ana Lilia Reina Ethnobotanical Uses of Cacti in Sonora.
We have a new t-shirt and a re-order of our logo half of the plants that we took Mark Sitter The Yucca.
shirt. Full Sonoran VI registrants get a free t-shirt! to the sale. Special thanks to the eighteen members Jon Weeks Acclimation of Cacti and Succulents in Tucson’s Environment.
who endured the rain and helped set-up, sell, and
This is a major undertaking and depends on the take down the sale on Sunday.
efforts of the members. There will be specific sign-
ups at the meeting, in the next mailing and online on
our website. Please set aside a couple of hours that
you would be willing to help in a specific area of
your choice, especially during setup Friday. We
especially need individuals to be trained in the use
of our scanning cash registers.
As you read the rest of this news letter, you can see
that April and May are going to be Fun!.
Dick Wiedhopf, President

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