Ferrovia 2017
Ferrovia 2017
Ferrovia 2017
ver. 2017
by CGS plus
Design features
Digital Terrain Modeling
The Surface Creation Tool is included in CGS plus software
to produce detailed Digital Terrain Models (DTM) based on
various surveys or other input data: total station data files,
points, break lines, blocks, etc. This offers the possibility to
Fields of use use Ferrovia on plain AutoCAD or BricsCAD.
By creating complex slopes with multiple conditions in cut
or fill users can cover various design scenarios and geometry
requirements for all kinds of rail track projects, from simple
single track design to complex double or multitrack geometry
design. Furthermore creating platforms, ponds, parking
areas, roads, river channels, and other objects is easier and
faster with CGS plus grading.
Transition Curves
Ferrovia supports a number of linear and nonlinear transition
curves: Clothoid and a range of cubic parabolas, including;
cubic parabola, modified cubic parabola, Czech parabola
and Romanian parabola Imbonatatita. Supported nonlinear
parabolas include sinusoidal, Cosines, Bloss and S–curve
parabola. Transition curves apply uniformly to horizontal
transition curves and to cant gradients areas.
In turnout design you can take advantage of automatic
turnout insertion, turnout parameter editing, and automatic
turnout repositioning when alignment geometry changes
apply. Included are various turnout types: straight-line
turnouts (non-transformable), curve turnouts, symmetrical,
and turnout crossings. Alongside predefined turnout
geometry, a turnout catalogue provides users with the ability
to edit or add custom geometry turnouts. Turnout reports
provide the user with the tools to list turnout parameters
and values in turnout tables, either in drawing or in external
table files.
Rail Connections
Create rail connections interactively between parallel or non-
parallel rail tracks in tangent or in curve with the geometry
preview option. Having the advantage of using the same
or different turnout types for rail connection gives users a
wide range of geometry options to fit rail connections within
constraint areas and limited design possibilities. Detailed
design and editing of vertical connections in profile view add
value to the comprehensive yet comfortable use of Ferrovia
rail connection tools.
CGS plus software licensing and purchase options
CGS software can be purchased as perpetual license, with or without subscription
or it can be rented for various time periods. Single and network licenses are
available. CGS plus also offers a very attractive CGS plus financing option (PAY1/
USE5) which allows instant use of sufficient number of licenses, payment in
monthly rates at a longer time-period, thus significantly increasing the value of
your investment.
Road Design
Road design tools are included in the Ferrovia Ultimate 4D
software suite to provide users the tools they need to design
roadways and rail tracks within the same project: Road–
railway intersections for example, underpasses/overpasses,
rail track construction access roads, side by side road/railway
design, urban roads with tram lines, and more.
Select Ferrovia
package that
meets your needs!
3D Grading + + +
Alignment design + + +
Profile design + + +
Turnouts design + + +
3D Railway modeling + + +
Export to Plasser&Theurer + + X
zz English (International)
zz Austria
zz Czech Republic
zz Germany
zz Hungary
zz Poland
zz Serbia
zz Slovenia
Supported platforms
Ferrovia 2017 runs on top of 2017-2013
versions of AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD
or AutoCAD Map 3D as well as BricsCAD
V16-V13. Only 64-bit versions are supported!
About CGS plus and its software solutions
Founded in 1990, CGS plus is an innovative IT company, focused on civil engineering, transportation
and environmental technologies. With its products Plateia (roadway design), Ferrovia (railway design),
Aquaterra (river engineering works design), Autopath (vehicle swept path analysis) etc. CGS plus is among
worldwide leading civil engineering software developers. CGS plus is also developing customized OEM
CAD and BIM solutions for renowned software vendors. With its offices in Slovenia, Germany, and USA and
with its wide reseller´s network, it serves more than 8,000 customers in 33 countries.