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The document discusses revision techniques for sentences and emphasizes playing with sentence structure through combining, rearranging words, and deleting unnecessary words or phrases.

The document is organized into pages that discuss different lesson sets for teaching students to revise sentences. It also includes references to other works and provides an index at the end.

Some of the lesson sets discussed include modifying sentences, using lists, pairing sentences together, interrupting sentences, using participles and verbals, and using commas properly.

Stenhouse Publishers

Portland, Maine

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Stenhouse Publishers

Copyright © 2014 by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Anderson, Jeff, 1966–
Revision decisions : talking through sentences and beyond / Jeff Anderson,
Deborah Dean.
pages cm
ISBN 978-1-62531-006-4 (paperback)—ISBN 978-1-62531-028-6 (ebook)
1. English language—Sentences—Study and teaching (Elementary) 2. English
language—Composition and exercises—Study and teaching (Elementary) 3.
English language—Sentences—Study and teaching (Secondary) 4. English
language—Composition and exercises—Study and teaching (Secondary) I.
Dean, Deborah, 1952– II. Title.
LB1576.A544 2014

Cover design, interior design, and typesetting by Martha Drury

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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For Terry and David

Your encouragement and willingness to share time

with “the writing” make us happy writers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1 Revision Decisions Are Possible: Actively Processing
to Develop Options for Revision 3
Chapter 2 The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions: Introducing DRAFT
with a Five-Day Lesson Plan 17
Chapter 3 The Process: The Anatomy of a Revision-Decision Lesson 41


Lesson Set 1 Modifying in the Right Direction:
Right-Branching Sentences 59
Lesson Set 2 Can’t Resist a List: The Compacting Power
of the Serial Comma 67
Lesson Set 3 The Pair Necessities: Balancing Pairs and
Deleting Repetition 75
Lesson Set 4 Asides Are Extra: Adding Flavor with Extra Information 83
Lesson Set 5 Sentences Interrupted: The Power of Putting Ideas
in the Way 90
Lesson Set 6 The Participle Principle: The Verbal That Tracks Action 99
Lesson Set 7 A Verbal Remedy: Invigorating Writing with Gerunds
and Participles 105
Lesson Set 8 Keep Your Reader Oriented: Using Prepositions
to Connect and Navigate 112
Lesson Set 9 The Comma-Drama Dilemma: Use It . . . or Lose It? 118
Lesson Set 10 What’s Left? Branching Out in New Ways 124

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Appendixes A–G 131

(Appendixes A–E relate to Chapter 3: The Process Lesson.)
A The Context 132
B The Demonstration 133
C The Practice 134
D The Collaboration 135
E Excerpt from Flesh and Blood So Cheap 136
F Charting Connections 137
G Decisions Writers Make 138

Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1–10 139

Lesson Set 1 (Right-Branching Sentences)
1.1 The Context 140
1.2 The Practice 141
1.3 The Collaboration 142
1.4 Excerpt from Unbroken 143

Lesson Set 2 (Serial Commas)

2.1 The Context 144
2.2 The Practice 145
2.3 The Collaboration 146
2.4 Excerpt from Most Fun Book Ever About Lizards 146
Lesson Set 3 (Pairs and Compounds)
3.1 The Collaboration 148
3.2 The Practice 149
3.3 The Collaboration 150
3.4 Excerpt from Blizzard of Glass 151

Lesson Set 4 (Asides)

4.1 The Context 152
4.2 The Practice 153
4.3 The Collaboration 154
4.4 Excerpt from Gulp! 155
Lesson Set 5 (Interrupters)
5.1 The Context 156
5.2 The Practice 157
5.3 The Collaboration 158
5.4 Excerpt from On a Beam of Light 159

Lesson Set 6 (Participial Phrases)

6.1 The Context 160
6.2 The Practice 161
6.3 The Collaboration 162
6.4 Excerpt from Wild Tracks! 163

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Contents vii

Lesson Set 7 (Verbals)

7.1 The Context 164
7.2 The Practice 165
7.3 The Collaboration 166
7.4 Excerpt from Charles and Emma 167

Lesson Set 8 (Prepositions)

8.1 The Context 168
8.2 The Practice 169
8.3 The Collaboration 170
8.4 Excerpt from Liar & Spy 171
Lesson Set 9 (Commas)
9.1 The Context 172
9.2 The Practice 173
9.3 The Collaboration 174
9.4 Excerpt from Hand in Hand 175

Lesson Set 10 (Left-Branching Sentences)

10.1 The Context 176
10.2 The Practice 177
10.3 The Collaboration 178
10.4 Excerpt from Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas 179
References 181

Index 185

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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First we want to thank all the educators whose shoulders we stand on.
Neither of us would know about sentence combining if it weren’t for the
pioneering work of William “Bill” Strong. We are also both indebted to Harry
Noden for his fresh look at grammar as a vehicle to support writer’s craft in
accessible ways. In addition, we are given pause by the talent, enthusiasm,
and dedication we see in classrooms across the nation. We especially thank
Joseph Wiederhold (Provo High School, Provo, Utah) for trying out lessons
in his classroom and literacy coach Alexa Camacho Spahr and teacher Ondria
Gadd (Ereckson Middle School, Allen, Texas) for their experimentation with
early drafts.
We thank Stenhouse Publishers for all the hard work they put into
supporting this project from infancy to now. Three years passes very quickly.
Thanks, Bill, Chandra, Chris, Jay, Erin, and our beloved designer, Martha.
Debbie thanks Chris Crowe, Karen Brown, and 2011 summer fellows
from the Central Utah Writing Project for their invaluable feedback on and
interest in early drafts.
Jeff thanks Terry Thompson for constantly reading and giving feedback
and ideas along the way. Thank you for sharing your editing gift and life with


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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We know that grammar instruction that works includes teaching students strategies for
revising and editing, providing targeted lessons on problems that students immediately
apply to their own writing, and having students play with sentences like Legos,
combining basic sentences into more complex ones.
—Michelle Navarre Cleary

For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The
shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t
understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.
—Cynthia Occelli

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Actively Processing
to Develop Options
for Revision
To achieve an effective style, [a] writer needs . . . three . . . things: enough
mastery of sentence structure to imagine a range of options for expressing an
idea, enough understanding of the rhetorical context to predict a sentence’s
impact on readers, and enough commitment to the idea itself to keep testing
options until the sentence says just what it should.
—Nora Bacon

hen students talk about their ideas for writing, they often exhibit

W spark, personality, and pizzazz, expressing interesting ideas fear-

lessly and creatively. Yet the writing they submit lacks this same
enthusiasm and originality. They have the ideas, but what happens between
that talk and the written draft?
The space between ideas and words making it to paper is part of the
problem. Worrying about how to structure and organize ideas—What comes

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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first? What’s the best way to say this?—can stifle students. They sit at the
edge of writing, pens hanging over paper, waiting for the perfect words to
come before they commit anything—at all—to print.
But once they do commit, they commit. This is another part of the
problem: the likelihood of students revising at the sentence level—even
once—is right up there with the frequency with which men put down the
toilet seat. It isn’t happening.
What can we as teachers do to smooth the space between ideas and
And once words are down on paper, what can teachers do to address this
overcommitment to first words as the only words? How do we quell the fear
of revision? How do we support writers in making decisions about their first
Great writing doesn’t always happen on our first attempt—nor should we
expect it to—if we truly believe in the writing process. Students need options
for how to say what they want to say. They need options for revising at the
sentence level. Lots of options. They need to feel free to scratch their ideas
down on paper. They need to trust that within the writing process they will
revise and edit sentences, eventually creating the writing they see in their
minds on the pages in front of them. And yes, by this very act of revising,
they grow as writers, creating stronger first drafts.
But to become fluent writers brimming with possible decisions, students
need to take on writing behaviors—especially the flexibility and creativity of
revision, recasting and reordering, deleting and expanding, deciding and
evaluating. As teachers, we orchestrate situations that cause talk and problem
solving. We create an environment where tussling and playing with words is
routine rather than rare. Through interaction and conversation, we create
flexible writers who can easily deal with today’s changing writing landscape
and can also be imprinted with the unchangeable truths about writing and
how we compose. To this end, in this book we build upon a teaching method
that creates an environment for talk and for making decisions about revision.
It’s in this messy decision making, in these multiple attempts at meaning, that
revisers are born.
True writers revise.


Sentence combining, at its simplest, is just what it says: combining sentences.
But the point of combining is not simply to put two sentences together (one
sentence . . . and . . . another sentence) to make a long sentence. The
point of sentence combining is for young writers to see relationships among
ideas and to discover more effective ways to show these relationships. So,

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 5

although at first glance it may look like an exercise in creating long sentences
from short ones, sentence combining is really about building relationships
among ideas and showing them in clear and interesting ways. Sentence
combining shows young writers options for creating effective writing that
sings while they gain experience and stamina for relentless revision.
Sentence combining isn’t about saying long sentences are better than
short sentences, and it isn’t about trying to make sentences convoluted.
Sentence combining is about playing with ideas and shaping them into effec-
tive syntactical patterns that make sense for individual writing situations:
sometimes long, sometimes short. Syntax is the flow of language—the order
and the way in which we combine words. Sentence combining gives students
the flexibility of options, revision fluency, and confidence.


Sentence combining’s past is a bit complex, but we’ll nail down the big ideas.
In the 1970s and early 1980s, sentence combining was in its heyday. Research
showed that the practice of combining sentences improved student writing
(Braddock, Lloyd-Jones, and Schoer 1963). Period. But in the late 1980s and
1990s, sentence combining was swept out rather quickly with the chalk dust,
considered a practice gone by, even though the research continued to support
it (Graham and Perin 2007; Myhill 2005).
The demise of sentence combining happened so fast that many believed
its passing must have been caused by its ineffectiveness. But research into
effective writing instruction, then and now, shows that it does improve
student writing. So what happened? According to Connors (2000), sentence
combining failed for many reasons. The focus of research changed when,
despite the results, no one could explain why sentence combining improved
students’ writing abilities. In addition, there was an emphasis on writing
process, and resistance to anything that focused on the sentence level was
seen as anathema to the process movement. So why do we bring it up again
in this book, decades later? Why do we, as writing-process believers, hope to
reignite the conversation?
Because sentence combining works.
Looking back at sentence combining’s past, we can identify teaching
practices that happened or didn’t happen that contributed to ineffective use:
misinterpretations caused by lack of teacher scaffolding, questionable imple-
mentation with missing connections, even overscaffolding. All this can be
avoided in current instruction with a solid foundation in the writing process
and by keeping a few principles in mind.
In its former practice, some teachers tried the examples they were shown
in a workshop in their own classrooms. The practice ended there. Sentence

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

combining bore no connection to the actual writing and revision students

were doing. Other teachers used sentence-combining workbooks, asking
students to combine random sentences that had no context, no process, no
inquiry, and no connections beyond the activity. The sentences students
created were “corrected” in terms of how close they came to the original.
There was little evaluative talk about how the structures students created
worked or didn’t work, little reflection on the effectiveness of sentences, little
practical application to students’ writing. In many classes, writing was still
about being right or wrong, not about the deep thinking involved in the
many attempts and approximations. We want to enhance the research-proven
strategy of sentence combining and all the thinking and flexibility that come
along with it.


We include scaffolding in this book with the appropriate emphasis on the key
principles that will enhance success, including context and conversation that
centers on revision. First, semantics matter. Note that in this book we’ve
shifted the focus from the idea of simply combining sentences to the deci-
sions we make about revision. The shift more appropriately addresses what
twenty-first-century writers need: to be flexible in their thinking and resilient
in considering options. A revision decision is actually more descriptive of the
strategy’s twenty-first-century value and allure. Revision is where writers get
their wings, their flexibility, their effectiveness.
Revision of sentences is today’s solution to a first-draft society that is
obsessed with brief communication and information. Everything is done
instantly and without much revision. Write. Hit “send” or “post” or “tweet.”
Revising early and revising often is one way to put the brakes on the runaway
speed of writing that compels young writers to skip reflection and rereading,
treating these activities as obsolete as last year’s gadget. Revision decisions
slow writers down to consider meaning and their options for shaping and
connecting ideas.
Writing Next (Graham and Perin 2007) clearly points us toward sentence
combining as one of the eleven research-proven methods highlighted to effec-
tively develop writers in grades four through twelve. That recommendation
matches with what we know about brain and fluency research (Eagleman
2011; Gladwell 2011): students learn best when actively processing informa-
tion and when practicing what we actually want them to be able to do. This
book will show you how to activate revision with your students while devel-
oping patterns and practices that will benefit them in other stages of the
writing process, including later initial drafts and larger revision decisions.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 7


Before we share some of the principles that help a revision-decision lesson
work, let’s look at them at play in a seventh-grade classroom working with an
excerpt from Albert Marrin’s Black Gold: The Story of Oil in Our Lives (2012).
We love using published sentences from interesting, effective writing. First,
we unrevise, undoing the revision work of crafting, combining, and
connecting ideas, so young writers can follow in the footsteps of a profes-
sional author’s revision decisions.
I display the following sentences, which are derived by uncombining one
of Marrin’s sentences and separating its content into four simple sentences.

You need to understand oil.

We must begin with the key rule.
This is a key rule of science.
Change alone is changeless.

“Every time we see sentences chunked together like this,” I say, pointing
to the chunk or cluster of sentences, “they are primed for revision. Our goal
is to take these four sentences and see if we can say the same thing with fewer
words—maybe even in just one sentence. I’ll show you how to begin with the
first two sentences. That’s how the sentence-revision process starts.”

To understand oil we must begin with the key rule.

“When I look at the new sentence we’ve combined,” I say, “I think we

need a comma. Where would y’all put a comma?”
“Well, when you said it, you paused after oil,” a student offers.
“That makes sense. A chunk of the sentence is to understand oil. To set
this introductory information—or infinitive phrase—off, I use a comma.”

To understand oil, we must begin with the key rule.

“Okay, now let’s see if we can pull the third sentence into this sentence.”
I reread it. “Any ideas? One of our options when combining is to delete words
or phrases. Is there a place where we can delete some repeated words or
words that aren’t doing any work?”
“This sentence is just saying that the key rule is of science,” Marissa says.
“It doesn’t really say anything else new.”
“So,” I say, “what if we just take what we already have and say, To under-
stand oil, we must begin with the science key rule or a key rule for science? Or
is there another way to say it? How about this?”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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I revise on the board:

To understand oil, we must begin with the key rule of science.

“I wonder if we can make one sentence with all these sentences. But how
can I put the sentence Change alone is changeless into our sentence? We’ve
already taken it from four sentences down to two. And that would be accept-
able, but because the four sentences were clustered together, we know there
could be a way to make it into one sentence. We are going to challenge
ourselves as writers to find a way. Talk it out with your group and see if you
can meet the revision challenge. We always talk out our sentences first, trying
to make the best sense we can.”
Turning it over to the students won’t necessarily produce a workable
sentence, but it initiates the conversation, the active processing, the flexing
and shaping, the revising and deciding. More than likely, they will come up
with a few ways as this class of seventh graders did.
“Make it a compound sentence,” one group suggests:

To understand oil, we must begin with the key rule of science, and the key
rule is change alone is changeless.

This response shows that students see the connection between the
sentences—they understand the meaning. At this point, I am broadly evalu-
ating. I don’t want to rain on their sentence parade by saying “Repetitive.” I
celebrate the fact that they see the connection and use a grammatical struc-
ture that makes sense. Options. Flexibility.
Another group offers something different:

To understand oil, we must begin with a key rule of science, change alone
is changeless.

“We are doing that ‘a position’ thing,” Brad says.

“Oh, the appositive or apposition,” I say. I facilitate the students’
connecting to prior learning on appositives. Last week, we’d discussed how
useful appositives were. A grammatical structure that packs information into
one sentence. I celebrate the application of what we notice in our reading and
writing. We rename and/or expand on a noun—in this case, science.
“Yeah, the rule of science is the same thing, so it’s renaming the rule as
the rule,” Charmayne says.
“One thing we will do this year is compare and contrast how an author
put together the same cluster of sentences,” I say. “Do you want to see how
Albert Marrin revised these sentences?” I display Marrin’s sentence from
Black Gold:

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 9

To understand oil, we must begin with the key rule of science: change
alone is changeless.

I hear a gasp when students see the unthought-of colon. Another option
is presented, noted, and perhaps used later. Students talk with their table-
mates about what they notice about how Marrin combined the sentences:

• What did the author do that was similar to our revision?

• What was different?
• Why do you think the author made similar/different choices?

And now we have a new option: the colon. This is a perfect time to add
some instruction to students’ noticings. So much natural learning and deci-
sion making is possible while revising sentences. We talked through just one
sentence, and already we are becoming more deft and flexible at sentence
When we start slow and small, we actually accelerate learning, stumbling
on possibilities. It’s not about learning another rule such as how to use
colons; it’s about writers discovering another option to make their writing
strong. Possibilities.


A major drawback of sentence combining in the past was that it was seen as
more of a grammar activity than a revision activity. It’s actually grammar
through revision. The following principles mark effective use of revision at the
sentence level to improve writing overall, at both drafting and revising stages.
The revision process gives us another chance to resee, reformulate, redesign.
We integrate revision decisions within effective practice of the writing process,
the study of models, inquiry, and collaboration—all research-based, best-
composition practices identified in Writing Next (Graham and Perin 2007).
We know from experience that when we implement these practices effectively,
students are better writers, readers, and thinkers.
Throughout this book, these key principles of revision will enhance its
integration into writing-process classrooms. Having these principles in place
is the backbone of an environment where revision decisions happen—a space
where risk and skill are supported and sustained:

• Create a Context for Revising Sentences.

• Invite Collaboration That Becomes The Conversation in Writers’ Heads.
• Allow Choice, Risk-Taking, and Error.
• Make Meaning by Reflecting and Evaluating.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Principle 1: Create a Context for Revising Sentences

Students need to be writing all the time, constantly generating ideas for
drafting, revising, or polishing. They should experience writing at all stages
of the writing process, and even, as writers at all levels of development do,
have some pieces of writing that don’t go anywhere, that stay drafts forever,
beginnings without endings. When writers compose and revise writing regu-
larly and often, they come to see the writing process as inherent to their
work, not simply something they “do” (or fake) for English class.
Research—and our own experiences as teachers—shows us that sepa-
rating grammar and revision instruction from writing isn’t effective (Anderson
2005, 2007, 2011; Dean 2010; and Myhill 2005). Instead, students need to
have supportive instruction that they can apply to their ongoing writing.
In these lessons, we give students experience with doing this revision—
practice with rethinking and reseeing. The writing process often breaks down
at the revision stage because students haven’t tussled with recasting sentences
enough, and haven’t had multiple opportunities to see phrases and clauses
added or moved.
Until students have practiced rethinking and revising their writing, they
can’t reach that point skilled writers achieve where thought is revised and
structures are unconsciously called upon and used. After we work with
students and sentences in this way, we find our own initial drafts richer for
the possibilities we’ve learned through revising sentences. Yagoda says it this
way: “[Style] emerges when writers are comfortable with their tools” (2004,
How do writers get comfortable with the tools of words and sentences?
How do we get our students started in doing what writers do to revise on a
more automatic and regular basis? How do we help them see the options and
get the practice that fluency requires (Gladwell 2011)? By playing with ideas
and sentences. Here’s a short example of what that looks like in a classroom.
In a fifth-grade classroom, I display a compound sentence:

Many large animals are dangerous, but smaller animals can be dangerous

We read the sentence aloud. “The writing strategy writers use more than
any other is revising,” I say. “What are some ways we could resee this
“We could add more detail,” Destiny says.
“Let’s do that. What are some large animals we know are dangerous?”
“Yeah, those are big, and tigers; they rip people to shreds!” Adam says.
“Let’s put that in a sentence,” I say. I write the following:

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 11

It’s easy to see that elephants and tigers are dangerous because they are
so big.

“What I am noticing,” I say, standing back and looking at the students’

sentence, displayed beneath the original, “is that there are endless ways
writers can say something. They have many options. Writers keep rereading
and trying things out until they find what works the best. First, we always
talk the new ideas through, making sense. You discovered that adding detail
could help. Once we added detail, there was another way to say what we
wanted to say. Let’s look at how Steve Jenkins [2009a] writes a similar idea
about animals in Never Smile at a Monkey”:

Everyone knows that tigers, crocodiles, sharks, and other large preda-
tors are dangerous. Many smaller animals are also well-known threats.
People do their best to avoid rattlesnakes, black widow spiders, and
piranhas, to name just a few.

“He added different details,” Carlos says.

“Yep,” I say. “He added details like you, yet he said it in another way.” I
look out at the students. “The point is that we pause after we’ve written
something. We evaluate it. Writers aren’t always satisfied with how every-
thing comes out the first time. They try to rework or revise sentences. That’s
one of the most important writing strategies we will learn this year. When we
play with sentences and try new things, it makes our rhetorical muscles grow,
meaning we can say stuff more clearly, and our writing gets better and better.
“Now let’s go back to what we wrote in our notebooks yesterday. We’ve
already paused. We know it’s good to look at our writing after a time. Now
let’s reread your writing a couple of times and see if you can play with any of
your sentences. Consider adding details like Jenkins did. We’ll share some
revisions in a bit.” We are creating a need for options of multiple ways to say
whatever we have to say. That is a context in and of itself.
A final point about classroom context: the thinking that occurs within
sentence play should find its way, eventually, to students’ writing. When
students write, particularly polished pieces of writing, they apply the
concepts they have learned during sentence revision. Young writers develop
an ability to explain why they applied the concept as they did. The explana-
tion doesn’t need to be exhaustive, but it’s important that this kind of
thinking happens consistently.
Another aspect of context has to do with the sentences themselves.
Sentences don’t usually exist alone in many places, though that’s changing.
(Think, for example, about advertisements, Twitter, or Facebook status
updates.) Much of the time, what makes a sentence effective is how it fits
with the sentences around it. It may be a short sentence next to a long one,

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

or an element of a sentence that is repeated. It may even be a surprising twist

from what readers expected. Whatever the specifics, sentences connect
meaningfully to the sentences that come before and after them. It’s important
for students to see a context and how it matters to sentence construction and
overall sentence flow. In fact, Schuster (2005) says it’s dangerous to ignore
context when we study sentences for style. We encourage students ultimately
to work with paragraphs, not only single sentences, as paragraphs provide
another, more extensive context.
Ideally, teachers create sentence sets from the texts their students are
reading. That provides the best context. If the sentences we decombine don’t
come from a text students are reading, we contextualize the revising of
sentences with a short book talk about how the passage we are working with
fits into it. In this way, we interest students in reading the text, too. Again,
context matters so that students have a sense of sentences existing as part of
a larger unit.

Principle 2: Invite Collaboration That Becomes

The Conversation in Writers’ Heads
When students have four short sentences, they begin talking out how to put
the ideas together—deleting a repeated word here, starting and restarting.
Then, perhaps they form new verb endings, using collaboration and conversa-
tion to see if the meaning and sense are effective. Another student piggybacks
on one student’s attempt, improving it or not. Each talked-out attempt is
evaluated, validated, and revised, kept or rejected.
James Britton is known for saying, “Reading and writing float on a sea of
talk” (1993), and the research about talk and active processing continue
through Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock (2007); Graham and Perin (2007);
and Langer et al. (2000). Revision of sentences most certainly sinks without
talk. It is in the essential conversation, in the starts and restarts, in the tenta-
tiveness of speech, in the richness of syntactic background already imprinted
in students’ minds, in the risk-free possibilities that talk allows for that we
find the true benefits of revision decisions. This is where the transformation
happens. It is in talking out sentences and our innate desire for things to
make sense that students find their style, their voice, their flexibility.
One way we can help students use this talk so it will transfer to their
writing is through the discussion of choices. When students, either alone
or in groups, revise a cluster of sentences in more than one way, they select
one as their “favorite.” It’s important that they attempt to articulate why
they selected one sentence over another. Considering the rationale behind
the choice is an essential element contributing to growth from revision;
without it, the revision learning stays at the exercise. The talk in class helps
writers begin to develop a rationale or purpose behind their writing

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.
Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 13

choices, which bolsters understanding of author’s purpose, an important

step in their development.
One aspect that might contribute to the difficulty in articulating effects
is that students don’t have a vocabulary for those effects. To support student
talk, teachers can model by explaining their choices, including these Three
Es of Effective Sentences, which help writers evaluate a specific construction:

• Economy: Like being careful with money, being efficient with language
can be a good reason for choosing a particular sentence over another
version. Writers delete for economy.
• Emphasis: Writers create a variety of structures that result in a variety of
effects through rearranging. Words in certain places can get more atten-
tion than words in other places—so choosing certain words to go in
those attention-getting (or attention-losing) spots can make a different
idea stand out.
• Effect: Some syntactical choices help to create a tone, fitting somewhere
on a range from simplicity to sophistication. For example, syntactical
construction might seem so common that it creates a pedestrian tone, as
in this example from Schuster (2005): My dog and I hunt, fish, walk, eat,
and sleep together. Or this more sophisticated construction: My dog and I
do everything together. Hunt, fish, walk, eat, and sleep together.

Once modeled, the Three Es of Effective Sentences can continue as part

of collaborative talk that works its way into student thought—even at the
drafting stage.

Principle 3: Allow Choice, Risk-Taking, and Error

When students have open choice in how to revise sentences, you never know
what they might do. This choice is essential to play and to learning. It is also
essential to their developing as writers. However, being flexible in our
instruction makes some teachers nervous about embracing uncertainty:

• There isn’t an answer key?

• Who knows what students will do when they have options?
• What if they come up with a structure I can’t name?
• What if they can’t combine in any other way besides adding and?
• What if they make run-on sentences and open up new problems?
• What if . . . ?

And it’s all A-OK. The point is flexibility. We are trying things out, exper-
imenting and discovering. Learning—for students and for us—isn’t usually a
straight road without bumps. Instead, it’s often a bumpy, winding road with
some potholes. We don’t speed along it, but it gets us where we need to be.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

If students do compose something and teachers don’t know how, in that

moment, to respond, there’s nothing wrong with saying, “That’s an inter-
esting construction. Can you write the sentence on another piece of paper
and leave it with me to study?” Students won’t be bothered at all. Although
in this book we provide some direction for how we have done this revision
work with our students, we hope you will adapt our general ideas to what-
ever your students do and to whatever they need in the moment.
Another aspect of flexibility occurs when students apply their learning to
their writing. Consistent engagement with revising sentences will produce
effects, but what individual students learn may vary and will depend on
readiness as well as other factors. We can and should expect students to apply
what they learn in their polished writing, but we also need to remember that
this learning won’t happen overnight. Students’ experimentation may lead to
some less effective sentence choices before it leads to more effective ones—
much like learning something new usually does.
And students need to be flexible—as thinkers and writers. When we give
them sentences to consider, we ask them to revise each cluster of sentences
in at least two ways. By doing that, we encourage them to stretch, to move
past their first choice and attempt something they might not otherwise
consider. This risk taking gives them a chance to truly play and perhaps to
fail, but perhaps to discover something even better and freer. After they revise
in multiple ways, they select the best combination of words and prepare to
explain why it is the best. Evaluation. This practice not only develops flex-
ible thinking about writing but also prepares students to be able to analyze
and reflect on the choices they make as writers—all key elements in their
development as readers and writers.

Principle 4: Make Meaning by Reflecting

and Evaluating
The brain seeks to make meaning. It can’t help itself. Revision is all about
meaning making and making sense. It’s about looking closely at words,
attempting to create clear and concise and connected meaning. Making revi-
sion decisions requires writers to pay attention—close attention. And part of
paying attention is talk. David Eagleman (2011), a neurologist and author,
argues that the way we bring ideas to our conscious level of attention is to
have a conversation about them. This active processing is the very thing
revisers need to make their writing effective.
Reflective conversations and evaluative talk increase the possibilities for
transfer of that thinking. In Because Writing Matters, Carl Nagin (2006)
addresses this important aspect of learning to write: “To develop as writers,
students also need the opportunity to articulate their own awareness and
understanding of their processes in learning to write. Research has shown the
importance of such metacognitive thinking in becoming a better writer” (82).

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 1: Revision Decisions Are Possible 15

Getting students to think reflectively is not easy. It’s some of the hardest
work we do. In some ways, students become almost trained to think of each
activity, exercise, writing task, and strategy practice as an entity unto itself. They
forget that learning lasts. Initial attempts at reflection can be discouraging.
To counter this, we ask students to do hard thinking about sentences and
meaning and style. Now we want them to move that thinking toward some
kind of future action where it might be useful. This kind of thinking isn’t
easy, but it’s essential for their development as writers and thinkers. We can
help in this development by modeling the ways in which reflection guides
our development as writers. Begin with oral reflection in class. Model reflec-
tive thought, and then invite students who understand this reflective
thinking to share. As students develop the ability to reflect, the potential for
transfer increases, and we are more likely to see students applying the
thinking in a variety of situations.


Overall, revision decisions require an element of play. Yes, play—freedom,
exploration, discovery. Play is an integral part of what helps revision discus-
sions develop writers and foster the critical thinking and flexibility essential
to learning about language. In play, we take risks—and we are comfortable
taking them. We are free to make mistakes and discover what works best
through trial and error. We try something to see how it works, and if need be,
we change it to suit our needs better. Think of putting a puzzle together. Even
when there is a spot for every piece, we still try the pieces in multiple places,
in places where they clearly don’t fit and in places where they could. We
laugh when a piece doesn’t fit—and then we try it somewhere else. No one
slaps our hands or questions our ability to meet puzzle-putting-together stan-
dards. The same is true of play with language.
Play with language involves trying and imagining and then trying again.
In the lessons that follow, we revise sentences and paragraphs, and in so
doing, encourage students to find what makes the writing process work:
thinking, rethinking, analyzing, and asking questions.
What follows is not, of course, a one-size-fits-all process. We encourage
teachers and students to think about revision in a new way with the
sentences and paragraphs we read and write. It’s sentence, paragraph, and
style play that’s engaging, enlightening, and energizing.
But revision decisions are more than grammar and writing and reading.
They’re more than writing process.
They’re more than grammar and style.
And they’re more—definitely more—than combining sentences.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Introducing DRAFT with
a Five-Day Lesson Plan
Let’s say it’s a mess. But you have a chance to fix it. You try to be clearer. Or
deeper. Or more eloquent.
—Susan Sontag

riting is a series of attempts that is often messy—drafting, revising.

W Many things are tried; some will be fixed, some discarded, and
others memorialized in print, making it the best it can be—for
now. It isn’t permanent—at least not until the writer says so. And it isn’t often
that we stop after the first try. It’s like shooting hoops: a series of throws until
the ball swooshes through the net. That is the very heart of revision. Yet it’s
far too common for young writers to see revision like they see editing. In
editing, we correct a few things, and then we’re good. Revision needs to have
a sense that a window of possibility is still open to allow another draft in.
Students need to know that it is in the reshaping and retweaking—in the
redrafting—that we find what’s clearer, deeper, and more eloquent. In revi-
sion, we find, to paraphrase Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “the best words and
the best order” and turn mere words into poetry.
Sentences are a writer’s tool, and their positioning demonstrates rela-
tionships in the way that best fits our mood and message. We want students


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

to know that writers revise sentences. And it’s in this revising that the ever-
onward-and-upward spiral of a writer’s growth commences.
To get writers started in the process, we break down the essential actions
for revising and combining and recasting our ideas. Mnemonics are a starting
point, not an end point, but often the concreteness, the anchor, and the ease
that mnemonics provide give us basic confidence and competence when
attacking a new endeavor. Our mnemonic anchor for revision decisions is D-
R-A-F-T: not only does DRAFT signal writers about the actions they can take,
but the word draft itself reminds them of the freedom of revision:

Delete unnecessary and repeated words.

Rearrange sentence parts/chunks.
Add connectors.
Form new verb endings.
Talk it out.

Since a common language aids in making revision-decision conversations

work, we begin with a set of lessons to teach the DRAFT strategies, which
will launch language and action for all the revision lessons that follow. This
vocabulary will expand as we return to these important shaping actions again
and again. Young authors need concrete actions to take, not endless edicts to
“revise.” They can’t revise when they don’t know what to do.
Here is a five-day lesson plan to introduce writers to the DRAFT
mnemonic and the actions revisers do. And, as we always try to do in this
book, there are a few pointers along the way.


The first act is to delete, to rid our writing of the extraneous. We start here
with replicable actions revisers can do.

Day One: Delete
It’s important to scrutinize every word, phrase, and clause—to see whether you
can cut it to give you a sentence that conveys the same meaning more swiftly.
—Bruce Larson, Stunning Sentences

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 19

When we first write, getting our ideas down is paramount. As we look again
at our writing, we look for ways to hone our message. Sometimes we add to
what we’ve written, but we also have a friend in the delete key. Deleting is key
to revising sentences.
Repetition. Words that don’t do any work. These are what deleters hunt
for and scrub from their writing. We love our first words, but the only way
to keep our love of them pure is to make sure we use only the ones that are
needed and best get our message across.
To introduce the idea to young writers, I tell them the story of my ever-
messy room as a kid. “My mom was always telling me to clean up my room,”
I say.
Students smile and nod.
“She’d want me to pick up my clothes off the floor and get rid of the
things that didn’t fit or didn’t belong in my room. Writing is like a room.”
When appropriate, I make the following points throughout the lesson.
When we start the writing process, our goal is to get our ideas down on
paper, all of them. Sometimes we start in one direction and then discover
another. Once we know what we want to say, we look back at our writing and
make sure there isn’t anything that doesn’t fit anymore. Is there anything that
can be thrown away? Writing that is clear and orderly is easier for our
readers. If we have a lot of extra words that are repetitive or empty, it’s harder
for our readers to make meaning.
I explain that one of the most useful revision decisions a writer makes is
choosing what stays in the writing and what doesn’t. Because what’s left
becomes more important after we’ve cleared the “clothes off the floor,” we
help our readers navigate through our writing without tripping.
I read an effective passage from the opening page of Steve Sheinkin’s
(2012) award-winning Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most
Dangerous Weapon:

He had a few more minutes to destroy seventeen years of evidence.

Still in pajamas, Harry Gold raced around his cluttered bedroom,
pulling out desk drawers, tossing boxes out of the closet, and yanking
books from the shelves. Everywhere he looked were incriminating
papers—a plane ticket stub, a secret report, a letter from a fellow spy.
Gold ripped the papers into shreds, carried two fistfuls to the bath-
room, shoved them into the toilet, and flushed. Then he ran back to his
bedroom, grabbed the rest of the pile, and stumbled on slippers down
the stairs to the cellar, where he pushed the stuff to the bottom of an
overflowing garbage can.
The doorbell rang.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

“What do you notice?”

The class responds that it’s exciting, and they want to know more.
“Do you think this is his first draft?” I ask.
Of course they don’t, but it’s worth it to have them say it.
“Writers actually draft even after they draft,” I say. “They try some
passages, some sentences, over and over again to get them just right.”
I show students a first draft the writer could have written.

He had only a few more precious minutes to quickly get rid of seventeen
years of incriminating evidence.

“To keep writing moving, it can be as simple as getting rid of words that
aren’t really doing any work.” I strike through only and precious. “I can also
delete four words when one will do.” I strike through quickly get rid of and
replace it with destroy. “That’s part of revision, deleting words that aren’t
doing any work or that could be more precise.”
He had only a few more precious minutes to quickly get rid of seventeen
years of incriminating evidence.

“Writers also look for unnecessary repetition,” I continue, displaying the

next passage:

Harry Gold raced around his cluttered bedroom. He pulled out desk
drawers. He tossed boxes out of the closet. He yanked books from the

“Does anybody see a problem?”

“Repeating,” students answer.
“I know we aren’t supposed to start a bunch of sentences with the same
word,” Dwayne says.
“Right. Lists can be a deleter’s friend,” I say. I draw a line through three
uses of the word he.

Harry Gold raced around his cluttered bedroom. He pulled out desk
drawers. He tossed boxes out of the closet. He yanked books from the

“At first glance, it’s easy to see that we can make a list by adding some
commas and an and.” I rewrite the sentence:

Harry Gold pulled out the desk drawers, tossed boxes out of the closet,
and yanked books from the shelves.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 21

“Look at how Steve Sheinkin kept the sense of hurry and desperation by
cutting all three he’s and changing things to help it all make sense,” I say.

Harry Gold raced around his cluttered bedroom, pulling out desk
drawers, tossing boxes out of the closet, and yanking books from the

“What did he change?” Ruben asks.

“Good question, Ruben,” I say. “Does anyone see the changes?”
“The verbs,” Melissa says, squinting. “He changed them.”
“Indeed.” I point to the verbs pulling, tossing, and yanking. “He formed
new verb endings, adding -ing to each, making participles. And to show panic
even more, Sheinkin added the words still in pajamas. How does that show
more panic?”

Still in pajamas, Harry Gold raced around his cluttered bedroom,

pulling out desk drawers, tossing boxes out of the closet, and yanking
books from the shelves.

After that discussion, we note how the -ing form of these verbs (partici-
ples) shows the flurry of movement. Though our focus is emphasizing the act
of deleting, we also frontload the other strategies clandestinely, such as
talking it out. If young writers aren’t reading their sentences aloud, then they
should be, so we practice talking it out long before we get to the Talk It Out
lesson. In addition, Sheinkin also formed new verb endings to delete unneeded
words. It can’t hurt to use the forthcoming language as we move through the
process, as more often than not it’s a combination of several actions denoted
by the letters of the DRAFT mnemonic that we use to revise.
“One thing writers do is delete,” I continue. “Now you try deleting like
Sheinkin with a partner.” Pointing to some chart paper, I say, “His first draft
might have looked like this”:

Everywhere he looked there were incriminating papers. There was a plane

ticket. There was a secret report. In addition, there was a letter from a
fellow spy.

Now students try their hand at deleting. We share our newly crafted
sentences and see what we deleted, making sure to talk about why we made
the decisions we did. Then Sheinkin’s version is revealed, not to test for
correctness, but to show possibility.

Everywhere he looked were incriminating papers—a plane ticket stub,

a secret report, a letter from a fellow spy.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Day Two: Rearrange Words and Chunks
To shift the structure of a sentence alters the meaning of that sentence, as defi-
nitely and inflexibly as the position of a camera alters the meaning of the object
—Joan Didion

“Yesterday we learned that writers revise by deleting unneeded words,” I say.

“Another nifty tool revisers have is the ability to rearrange words and groups
of words, like phrases and clauses. I learned as an adult that it’s easier to keep
my home neat if I put everything in its place: for example, all the T-shirts in
one drawer, jeans in another. Some things belong together. Others belong
apart. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error, testing and tweaking.”
In general, there are ideal places for phrases and clauses to dwell, too;
however, only through trying several different ways can we be sure we have
them in the optimal order.
Watching a comedy the other night I heard a character say, “I really like
Mindy’s haircut, despite what everyone else says.” That cracked me up. But
the character could have quipped, “Despite what everyone else says, I really
like Mindy’s haircut.” Actually both are funny. But which is best, and why? In
the end, it’s funnier to make Mindy think she’s getting a compliment and then
hear the opposite, despite what everyone else says.
We want kids to see how phrases and clauses and words in different
order and placement create different effects.
In class, we return to the Sheinkin passage from Bomb to discover the
power of rearranging words, phrases, and clauses.
“Let’s look at these sentences.” I display the passage. “First, are there
other ways to say the same thing?”

Trying to slow his heartbeat, he took a few deep breaths, then opened the
door and saw the men he expected: Scott Miller and Richard Brennan,
who worked as agents for the FBI.

“I can transpose the opening phrase and clause, or switch places,” I say.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to slow his heartbeat . . .

“Which do you like better?” I ask.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 23

“I like that it’s saying what he did first, then why, instead of why before
what he did,” Lisa says.
“So it makes better sense in that order?”
A few eyes squint to see what Lisa means, so I restate it, pointing out how
the action preceded the why.
“Wait,” I say. “There’s one more thing I can change. Yes, we can move
phrases to the front or the back or all around, but sometimes we can do
double duty by reordering words in such a way as to delete some. Look here
after the colon.”

Scott Miller and Richard Brennan, who worked as agents for the FBI.

“What if I move the information in the who clause up front, like this?”

FBI agents Scott Miller and Richard Brennan

“Is this better?” I ask.

“Why?” I ask.
The students sigh, disappointed that I am just going to keep asking
Eventually, we articulate how moving FBI in front of agents (FBI agents)
means we can lose the words who worked as and for the and still say the same
thing more economically and thus more effectively.
“So watch,” I say. “Is there a word that can be changed into an adjective
like FBI? Are there words that can be cut?” I display another sentence based
on the text of Bomb.

The scenes speed around the world, from labs that were secret to raids by
commandos to spy meetings on street corners.

“See if you and a partner can find anything to reorder. Talk your options
through. Let your ears help you judge which is better. Try more than one
thing: something else, anything else.” The point is trial and error. Discovery.
Flexibility. Evaluation. I emphasize that the secret to revision lies in persis-
tence, trying again and again and again, honing your craft.
After students revise and share, we compare our versions with Sheinkin’s
published version. Again, it isn’t about matching it, but if no one saw this
possibility, here it is, and if someone did, they feel as if they’ve won a prize.

The scenes speed around the world, from secret labs to commando raids
to street-corner spy meetings.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

“Here’s another one to try.”

The FBI agents were unconvinced, so they had come to search his house.

“Remember how we just talked about reordering and deleting at the same
time?” I ask. “What word here could we put in a different place that would
also allow us to delete other words?”
Students give me a long pause, looking at the sentence intently, trying to
uncover its secrets. After fifteen seconds of wait time, I help a bit. “If we were
using this sentence to describe the FBI agents, is there a word we could use?”
“Unconvinced!” shouts Ethan.
“Sure. So we can move unconvinced around and take out were. What
other changes would that make to our sentence?”
“We could say, The unconvinced FBI agents had come to search his house,”
Ethan continues.
“Yes, we could. By moving that one word, we can eliminate other words,
so we get a twofer: deleting and rearranging! Good work. Here’s the sentence
in Sheinkin’s book:”

Unconvinced, the FBI agents had come to search his house.

“What do you notice about the different order he chose?”

We want to make sure students understand that rearranging is not
without hazards, so we show them one more example. “Let’s look at this
example sentence from the book”:

Overwhelmed by exhaustion, he turned to the FBI agents.

“Here we can see that an original idea might have been that Harry was
overwhelmed by exhaustion, so he turned to the agents,” I say. “The writer,
deleting words and rearranging words, might create a different sentence,
putting the action ahead of the description. What is the different effect of this

He turned to the FBI agents, overwhelmed by exhaustion.

“We still know that it’s this guy, Harry, who is exhausted,” Mark says,
“but someone else might think it’s the FBI guys.”
“Sure,” I say. “So what do we learn from that?”
Students wait for me to answer my own question, but I wait longer.
Finally someone breaks the uncomfortable silence.
“Be careful?” Tristan mumbles.
“Tell me more about what you mean, Tristan.”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 25

“Well,” Tristan sighs, “be careful, because you could be trying to make it
better and instead you make it worse.”
“We always have to pay attention to what we mean, don’t we? Moving
phrases and clauses gives different effects and creates different relationships
among our ideas; by combining or moving words, changing parts of speech
and deleting, we can revise our writing to its trimmest. And there is often an
optimal choice. We always have to think about what we are actually saying.”
This is the first of many questions we will have about descriptive phrases
and clauses being close to what they modify. The closer they are, the better
chance we have of being clear.

Day Three: Add Connectors
The writer . . . connects words that slide easily together or ignites the civil
war of the phrase.
—Don Murray

Connector words and punctuation are endlessly useful to show relationships

among and between words. From prepositions like among and between to
words that show addition like which or even ubiquitous conjunctions like
and or but, we all rely on connector words. (Not to mention how useful like
was in that sentence.) And it’s not only words. Punctuation helps us connect
our thoughts as well. We can use it in the following ways:

• Call on a colon to introduce a list (as I just did);

• Situate a semicolon between items in a list that contain commas or other
punctuation (as I do here);
• Position parentheses (see above) to clarify—or divide with dashes;
• Connect, separate, and list using commas.

Overall, connectors create cohesion in our prose. Our focus is to tease

out the ways we can show relationships within a sentence, clarifying meaning
and compressing ideas to their essential core. This can’t be done in one
lesson, but needs to be shown in many. Here we’ll give a broad overview of
things that could be addressed. We could spend a week on connectors alone.
But what do all these relationships that the connectors show have to do with
revising sentences for clarity and concision? Look at the following chart
(Figure 2.1) and excerpt to see how Neil Gaiman (2013) uses connector
words and punctuation in Fortunately, the Milk:

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Use Connectors Like Gaiman Does

Model from Fortunately, the Milk Function of Connector Words

There was only orange juice in the fridge. The preposition in shows where.

Nothing else that you could . . . That is a relative pronoun that connects.

put on cereal, The preposition on shows where.

unless you think that . . . Unless is a subordinating conjunction that contrasts.

ketchup or mayonnaise or pickle juice Or is a coordinating conjunction that indicates choices.

would be nice on your Toastios,

which I do not, Which is a relative pronoun that relates ideas to each other.

and And is a coordinating conjunction, which connects equal ideas.

neither did my little sister, Neither is a conjunction that shows agreement between two
negative statements.

although she has eaten some pretty weird The subordinating conjunction although contrasts.
things in her day,

like mushrooms in chocolate. Like is a preposition linking an example.

Figure 2.1
If the connector word appeared There was only orange juice in the fridge. Nothing else that you could
more than once, we defined only
the first occurrence. put on cereal, unless you think that ketchup or mayonnaise or pickle
(Grammarians, please forgive the juice would be nice on your Toastios, which I do not, and neither did
use of like in the title of this figure.
We know it should be as, but it’s
my little sister, although she has eaten some pretty weird things in her
so often used, we thought it day, like mushrooms in chocolate.
excusable here.)

Prepositions are a basic way to show meaningful relationships among

and between words. We’ll start our exploration with them.

Prepositions as Connectors
The most basic of connectors, prepositions, help orient a reader in time and
space, and introduce examples, contrasts, and comparisons. Where are you
supposed to put something, or when do you need to be there? (And where is
there for that matter?) Many remember prepositions as everywhere a squirrel
can go (up a tree, across the fence, in the potted plants, under the birdbath).
And that’s an excellent start, but prepositions are used to indicate more than
mere location. Notice how April Pulley Sayre shows prepositions’ potential
by precisely placing these connectors in her book Here Come the Humpbacks!
(2013). (See Figure 2.2.)

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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 27


Prepositions show time and place, and introduce examples, contrasts, and comparisons.

Models from Here Come the

Humpbacks! by April Pulley
Purpose Examples Sayre (2013; bold added)

One Point in Time on at in In every ocean on Earth, humpback

whales swim.

Extended Time since from during Their skin is scarred from past
for to with(in) competitions.
by until

Direction to on in A boat coasts toward the sleepy

toward onto into whales.

Location above behind off Through this cord, her body has
across below out of fed him for eleven and a half
against beside over months.
ahead of beneath near
along between through
among from toward
around in under
at inside within
by on

Introduce Examples like as for Her blue-gray head, bumpy as a

or Comparisons with pickle, lifts and looks.

Figure 2.2
In this chart, the model sentences
come from April Pulley Sayre’s Conjunctions as Connectors
Here Come the Humpbacks!
Like the Schoolhouse Rock cartoon asks, “Conjunction junction, what’s your
function?” It’s true that conjunctions are used to hook up phrases, clauses,
and words, but there are actually two types of conjunctions (see Figure 2.3).
Like all other connectors, conjunctions are basically joiners. They are
described here, not so much so you can use these exact words when
explaining to students, but to help you discern which parts your students will
need clarified so they can apply them well. Our goal is not for students to
memorize the labels, but to understand their function in showing the kinds
of connections between ideas. See the main points in Figure 2.3.

Relative Pronouns as Connectors

Relative pronouns are a rather useful set of words that show relationships
between ideas, just as that does in the first part of this sentence. (See Figure
2.4 for a list of relative pronouns.) We often use these words without much

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Conjunctions hook up words, phrases, and clauses, and define the relationship between and among them.

Models from Bomb by Steve Sheinkin

Connector and Function Example (2012; bold added)

Subordinating conjunctions as Oppenheimer shouldn’t be allowed anywhere

show relationships of condition, concession, although near the most dangerous secret in the world,
comparison, results, or time, and usually after argued the FBI, because he might leak the
make one idea more important than another. while information to his Communist friends, and
when from there, to the Soviet Union.
because While other boys played in the street, Robert
before sat alone in his room studying languages,
if devouring books of literature and science,
since and filling notebooks with poetry.

Coordinating conjunctions for He was constantly getting sick, so his

organize ideas to show their equality; items and nervous parents tried to protect him by
joined by coordinating conjunctions are nor keeping him inside.
weighted equally. They join compound but
sentences and link pairs: I don’t like gum or or The government was spending hundreds of
candy. yet millions of dollars—-yet the project was so
so secret, President Roosevelt chose not to tell
Congress where all the money was going.

Figure 2.3
How Conjunctions Function

thought. Most of us don’t know them by name, but that’s not required to use
relative pronouns. They are the header—or first words—of what grammar-
ians call relative clauses. Notice that relative has the same root as relation-
ships. Here is an example of how Sheinkin uses relative pronouns to show
relationships between his ideas:

The map could easily be explained—he’d just say he loved Western

stories, which was true, and that, out of curiosity, he’d sent to a Santa
Fe museum for the map.

The word which, which should always be proceeded by a comma in this

usage, is unlike the word that, which does not require the comma. Here,
which heads the clause that clarifies how his lie could actually be true. The
word that connects his possession of the map to the excuse for how he
obtained it. Other relative pronouns also create relationships between people
and ideas (who, whoever, whose, whom); more examples follow in Figure 2.4.

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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 29


Relative Pronouns introduce additional information about the nouns before them.

Models from Bugged by Sarah Albee

Function Example (2014; bold added)

Links ideas and things to more detail that . . . [W]e’ll talk about bugs that have been
what good for us, like silkworms and honeybees,
which and bugs that have been very bad for us,
like the ones that spread infectious diseases.

Links people to more detail who No matter how traumatizing it may be for the
whoever person who gets bitten or stung or pinched,
whose or who finds half a worm waving hello from
whom his apple, these types of bugs don’t usually
spread infectious diseases.

Figure 2.4
What Do Relative Pronouns Do?
Punctuation as Connectors
Punctuation choreographs and orchestrates thought.
—Jennifer DeVere Brody, Punctuation: Art, Politics, and Play

Connector punctuation combines, introduces, and encloses—and in so

doing, often ellipts unneeded words. As all connectors do, punctuation
creates cohesive relationships between ideas and signals how we should
relate ideas to one another.
See how Neal Thompson (2013) uses connectors galore in this excerpt
from A Curious Man, his biography of the creator of Ripley’s Believe It or Not:

H. L. Mencken once said about liars: “The men that American people
admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they
detest the most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

Thompson uses a colon to introduce the readers to H. L. Mencken’s

quote. Then a semicolon is used to combine his two ideas. The quotation
marks enclose the quote from Mencken, clarifying that these are his exact
words. The three basic connective functions of punctuation are shown in the
What Does Connector Punctuation Do? chart (see Figure 2.5).

“There are a lot of ways for writers to show relationships among ideas,” I say.
Handing out copies of the opening page of Steve Sheinkin’s book about the
Civil War, Two Miserable Presidents: The Amazing, Terrible, and Totally True
Story of the Civil War (2009), I say, “Let’s work in groups and read this passage
by Steve Sheinkin. As you read, highlight how he connects ideas or shows
relationships among them.”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Figure 2.5
Connector punctuation has three
basic functions: to combine, to
introduce, and to enclose. Combines Introduces Encloses
Remember, when you enclose,
you often need opening and Comma , Comma ,
closing marks.
Dash — Dash — Dash —

Colon :

Semicolon ;
Parentheses ( )
Quotation Marks “ ”

On May 22, 1856, a congressman from South Carolina walked into the
Senate chamber, looking for trouble. With a cane in his hand, Preston
Brooks scanned the nearly empty room and spotted the man he wanted:
Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts. Sumner was sitting at a
desk, writing letters, unaware he had a visitor. He became aware a
moment later, when he looked up from his papers just in time to see
Preston Brooks’s metal-tipped cane rising above his head.

After we read the passage, I offer, “Let’s talk about the first sentence
together.” We reread the first sentence. “First, let’s list all the ideas we see in
this sentence.”

On May 22, 1856, a congressman from South Carolina walked into the
Senate chamber, looking for trouble.

Students note the ideas: the date, a person, where he’s from, what he did,
and why.
“How does Sheinkin show the relations among these ideas?” I ask.
Blank stares.
“What word introduces the date?” I ask.
“On?” says Aidan.
“Yes, that’s a preposition,” I say. “Prepositions show relationships to time,
space, and examples. Are there any other places where Sheinkin uses a prepo-
sition to connect ideas?”
Students notice there is a place connected to a person with from
(congressman from South Carolina), quickly noticing another preposition of
place (into the Senate chamber).
“That’s why you can see the word position in preposition,” I say.

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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 31

“What about the commas?” Desirée says, squinting. “Don’t those show
“Indeed they do,” I say. “These commas connect. What do the commas
Blank stares.
“Look at the list of what the sentence is about,” I prompt.
“Like the why to the what he did?” Sean asks.
“Yep,” I say. “The comma is different from a period, which separates and
ends. A comma groups and connects.”
“This is hard,” Mirella complains.
“Would you like a chart that will help you figure all this stuff out?”
“Yes,” sneers Mercedes.
I give a copy of the complete Sheinkin paragraph and a Charting
Connections handout to the groups. (See Figure 2.6 or Appendix F.) They use
Charting Connections like no list that has come before.
Figure 2.6
Prepositions Subordinating Conjunctions
The Charting Connections
Handout What do they do? Show time and place as well as
introduce examples, contrasts, or comparisons. Although
Function Example While
Time at, in, on When
Extended Time since, for, by, from, to,
until, during, with(in)
Direction to, toward, on, onto, in, into If
Location above, across, against, Since
ahead of, along, among, What do they do? Show relationships, sometimes
around, at, by, behind, below, making one idea more or less important.
beside, beneath, between,
from, in, inside, on, off, out Function Example
of, over, near, through, Time after, before, during, since,
toward, under, within until, when, whenever, while
Introduce Examples as, despite, except, for, like, Cause-Effect as, because, since, so
and Comparisons or of, per, than, with, without
Opposition although, even though,
though, while, whatever
Condition as long as, if, in order to,
Relative Pronouns
unless, until, whatever
What do they do? Introduce and link additional
information to the noun before it. Coordinating Conjunctions
Function Example (FANBOYS)

Link ideas and that, what, which For

things to more detail And
Link people to more who, whoever, whose, whom But
Connector Punctuation So
What do they do? Combine, introduce, and What do they do? Make connections that are equal to
enclose information. each other. They join sentences (compound) and they
can also show a relationship between a pair or a list.
Combines Introduces Encloses
Comma , Comma , Function Example

Dash — Dash — Dash — Combine and

Semicolon ; Colon : Parentheses () Opposition but, yet, nor
Cause-Effect so, for
Quotation Marks
Choice or
“ ”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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In groups of three, students reread Sheinkin’s paragraph and highlight

the ideas in one color and the connectors in another. After about ten minutes,
we talk through the passage sentence by sentence, describing the connections
we see, and adding names and functions as appropriate.
It may be worth extending the lesson to help students apply this idea. If
you choose to do so, we found giving them some sentences like the ones in
the excerpt that follows and using the Charting Connections handout to
build connections is a crucial step. If you don’t extend it at this point, know
that this is not a one-time lesson.
Later, to create a context, I read aloud from the beginning of another
Sheinkin book, Which Way to the Wild West? Everything Your Schoolbooks
Didn’t Tell You About Westward Expansion (2010):

Have you ever tried to negotiate a treaty for your country? Maybe not.
Well, if you ever do, play it cool. You know—don’t act too eager to
make a deal.
This would have been good advice for Robert Livingston, the
American ambassador to France.

I stop reading the passage aloud after the first five sentences of the book.
To model adding connector words among and between ideas, I display the
sentence that follows what I read aloud from the book, except I have decom-
bined it from one sentence to four:

It was afternoon.
The date was April 11, 1803.
Livingston was sitting in an office.
The French foreign minister had the office.

I model thinking aloud as I revise, adding connector words to combine

the ideas. “We have to think about what the relationship is between the first
two ideas. I could combine the two sentences by rearranging a bit and adding
a preposition. Those show time.”

On the afternoon of April 11, 1803 . . .

“Hey, look at all the words I could delete by rearranging and adding
prepositions or connector words. Plus we need to use connecting punctua-
tion after the introductory phrase. We use a comma to set off the introduc-
tion from the base clause or main idea.
“Now let’s think about what was happening on the date.” I think aloud.
“Livingston does something. What?”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 33

As I read through the last two sentences, I explain how he was sitting in
an office, and then we see how we can rearrange the fourth sentence to
describe the kind of office. We can use the preposition of to relate the office
where Livingston sat to the occupant of that office.

On the afternoon of April 11, 1803, Livingston was sitting in the office
of the French foreign minister.

Now, in groups, students revise the following sentences, using connectors:

The two men were chatting politely.

Suddenly, the Frenchman cut in.
He made an offer.
The offer nearly knocked Livingston off his chair.

Students use the Charting Connections handout (Figure 2.6 and

Appendix F) to add connectors. Groups compare their versions first, and
then we look at Sheinkin’s final sentence.

The two men were chatting politely, until the Frenchman cut in with an
offer that nearly knocked Livingston out of his chair.

We discuss how off and out of are both prepositions. In their versions,
some students liked off better than out of. In addition, we discuss how the
word that connects ideas too. I explain that they don’t have to use the term
relative pronouns, but that they do have to use relative pronouns like the
words that or which or who to connect ideas when they talk or write or revise.

Day Four: Form New Verb Endings
The first key to exploiting verbs is to recast sentences.
—Constance Hale

Verbs move writing along, and sometimes a different form of a verb can create
an opportunity for revision. Writers use participial phrases all the time. In A
Curious Man (2013), Neal Thompson does too. He could’ve written two
sentences about Ripley playing tennis:

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Sometimes the two teamed up for doubles matches.

They won so often, they began entering citywide tournaments.

But instead he wrote one, changing the verb ending (or the irregular
verb) to its participial form. Look how it helps the ideas cohere, or connect
(bold added):

Sometimes the two teamed up for doubles matches, winning so often

they began entering citywide tournaments.

Not a huge difference, but the two related ideas are connected rather than
separated. Changing the form of the verb from won to winning, we slice off
an additional they, get rid of a comma, and revise the sentence to its flowy
goodness. We find quite often, as we go back to trim our ideas to their essen-
tial core, that this trick of shifting verb endings gives us a path to change and
How do we open the door of this option to our students? We orchestrate
an experience.
“I’ve been noticing there are lots of ways to say or write the same thing,”
I say. “Writers need options.” I scan the classroom. “Let’s figure out what
some of the options are. I’ll give you a hint: verbs. Watch me rework these
sentences about Ripley’s experience with sports.”

Over the next few years Ripley would play in dozens of tournaments.
These tournaments included the annual national championship
They also traveled regularly to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland.

“Everything you learn about the DRAFT mnemonic will help you revise
sentences,” I say, pointing toward the chart paper where we track our DRAFT
mnemonic and record our learning. “Though we are focusing on the power
of forming new verb endings, we’ll call on the power of deletion, and in a way,
as we change the verb endings, we are adding new connectors.
“Let’s underline the verbs,” I say.

Over the next few years Ripley would play in dozens of tournaments.
These tournaments included the annual national championship
They also traveled regularly to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland.

“I’m going to leave the first verb alone because it’s the main sentence. I
see that the second and third verb both end in -ed.” I stand back and look
again. “Now, if I change the verb ending to the -ing form, I can add the ideas

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 35

to the first sentence and delete some words in the process.” I mark through
the words I want to delete and form the new verb endings.

These tournaments including the annual national championship

They also traveling regularly to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland.

“So now, I will use my main sentence first as it is and add the two
participial phrases, setting them off with commas.”
“And you used an and in a list of ideas and commas,” Patricia blurts out.
“And of,” Esmerelda says.
Here’s what we ended up with, which is exactly what Thompson did.
Coincidence? What do you think? Sometimes students will revise and end up
matching the published text. That’s not the point, but students can learn from
the decisions that other writers make.

Over the next few years Ripley would play in dozens of tournaments,
including the annual national championship tournament, traveling regularly
to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland.

“Now you get a chance to revise sentences, by forming new verb

endings,” I say. I display the following pair of decombined sentences from
Neil Gaiman’s Fortunately, the Milk:

Bats flew across the sky in huge flocks.

They crowded out the waning moon.

“Remember, we’re going to leave the first sentence as it is. We’ll revise by
merging the second sentence into the first, making one sentence. What’s the
first thing we do? We . . .” I wait.
“Underline the verb in the second sentence,” Joseph says.

Bats flew across the sky in huge flocks.

They crowded out the waning moon.

“And now we form a new verb ending for the verb in the second
sentence,” I say, “changing the -ed to -ing.” They compare their construction
to see how it matches Gaiman’s, and it does:

Bats flew across the sky in huge flocks, crowding out the waning moon.

The next week my students came down with a fever—a fever for finding
-ing verbs tumbling off the ends of sentences in their reading. A few almost
squealed when they connected grammar to the real writing they read.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Day Five: Talk It Out
Nonfiction writers . . . often speak of the important role the ear plays in the
writing and revision process. When our writing is going well, we don’t worry
about sentences. Guided by natural rhythms, one sentence appears, then
another and another, and before we know it, we’ve reached the end of a para-
graph. If we’re lucky, the sentences will hold, the paragraph will retain its
beauty and poise, and the essay will snap into place.
Then there are those other times.
—Rebecca McClanahan, “The Music of Sentences”
in Now Write! Nonfiction

When those other times occur, we don’t want kids to fret over sentences, but
we do want them to think them over, to consider their betterment, to make
sentences that aren’t working work. In short, by talking out sentences,
students will make sense of their words and please their readers’ ears.
One thing we’ve been doing all along is talking through sentences. The
first part of talking it out is simply testing how sentences sound out loud,
ringing true or wrecking the train. The second part is evaluative talk: the talk
that analyzes, compares, and thinks through the effects of choices made and
not made. So really, this is a place where all the other letters of the mnemonic
come to perch, where the whole writing process, from early attempts at
making sense of the words to the latter evaluation of what works and what
doesn’t, culminates. Though we’ve been doing it all along, we highlight and
model this constructive collaboration and conversation in this lesson.
“Let’s look back at this week,” I say. “When you were given a list of
simple sentences, how did you talk out what to do?”
“Huh?” José asks.
“Instead of paying attention to deleting, rearranging, adding connectors,
and forming new verb endings, think about the talk that helped us achieve
those goals.”
I display an example cluster of sentences to model my thinking for
students. “As I work this revision through, note the kind of talk I use.”
Figure 2.7 is a T-chart. In the left-hand column, the text of the sentences
is in italics. In the right-hand column, my actions are in parentheses and
what I say aloud is in quotation marks. Figure 2.8 is the chart we end up with
at the end of the lesson.

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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 37

What Do I Say? Talk-It-Out Demonstration

Sentences and Written Revisions Things I Say (and Do)

It is biodiversity. “First, I read all the sentences aloud.”

Biodiversity is the presence of species. (I read the cluster of sentences aloud.)
The species are a wide variety.

“What did you notice as I read them aloud?” (I allow response.)

“So, we read it aloud to hear the repetition, the big ideas, and the
potential connections or things that could go together differently.”
(I write read and notice on the Talk-It-Out chart. [See Figure 2.8.] I
add and bullet big ideas, repetitions, and possible connections
beneath it.)

There is a key. “Okay, I notice the word key is here in all three of the first
It is a key to success. sentences. How can we put this idea together? I can delete some
The key is for all life on earth. words because I don’t need to say key more than once. I could
say, There is a key to success for all life on earth. Does that make
There is a key to success for all life on sense?”
earth. (Allow for discussion.)
“Since it works, I am going to write it down. (I write out the
sentence we talked out.)
(After writing the sentence, I stand by the Talk-It-Out chart.) “What
did we just do? We revised by . . . ”
(Students help name what just happened: we used strategies from
DRAFT and read aloud the new sentence to see if it made sense.)
“Let’s add this to the chart.” (I write Revise, bulleting use DRAFT
strategies, say possibilities aloud, write out best revisions, and
rinse and repeat.) (Figure 2.8)

“Now I can see that the key to all success for life is biodiversity, so
let’s talk out how to say the rest. You could say, There is a key to
success for all life on Earth, and it is biodiversity or we could say,
There is a key to success: biodiversity. Or maybe I could rearrange
and move biodiversity to the front of the sentence and say,
Biodiversity is a key to success for all life on earth. Ooh. I like
that.” (I write it down.) “It makes sense.”

Biodiversity is a key to success for all life “Then I look at the last two sentences and look for repeated ideas
on earth. and connections. One of the things I notice is that the sentence
Biodiversity is the presence of species explains a word I already
Biodiversity is the presence of species. have, so I can delete biodiversity. The last sentence—Species are
Species are a wide variety. a wide variety—connects with the word species, which I already
have. I can delete the repetitions and rearrange. So, talking it out:
Biodiversity, a key to success for all life on earth, is the presence
of a wide variety of species. It makes sense and I like this, so I’m
going to write it.”
Figure 2.7 In this chart, the text of the sentences is in italics in the left-hand column (except for Kurlansky’s original sentence). In
the right-hand column, my actions are in parentheses, and the text in quotation marks is what I said aloud.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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What Do I Say? Talk-It-Out Demonstration (continued)

Biodiversity, a key to success for all life “Now I am happy with this, but I have to see if there is another way
on earth, is the presence of a wide I can say it. It’s in this pushing that I start to open my mind as a
variety of species. writer, opening to more possibility.”

“I can rearrange the key to success so that it starts the sentence.

Then I’d say, A key to success for all life on earth is biodiversity,
the presence of a wide variety of species. Or I could say it this
way: Biodiversity, the presence of a wide variety of species, is a
key to success for all life on earth. Or I realize that I have two key
points and can move them all over the place! I could say, A key to
success for all life on earth is biodiversity: the presence of a wide
variety of species. In this case, I use a different connector and can
start thinking about the effects of my choices.”

• Biodiversity, a key to success for all “I write all my best revisions down and say them aloud so that I
life on earth, is the presence of a can hear how they sound. I then go back and put a star next to the
wide variety of species. one I like the best.”
• A key to success for all life on earth (I write on the chart [Figure 2.8]: Evaluate revisions, bulleting
is biodiversity, the presence of a reread, check meaning, star best revision, and discuss reasons for
wide variety of species. choice.)
• Biodiversity, the presence of a wide “You don’t have to come up with four, but you do need to try with at
variety of species, is a key to success least two. Now I have to think about which one I like the best.”
for all life on earth. (I read them aloud again.)
* A key to success for all life on earth “I pick the last one because I like that it puts the key to success
is biodiversity: the presence of a wide first, emphasizing it, and I like the colon. I think it makes the defini-
variety of species. tion of biodiversity stand out. Do you want to see the original?”
(I show it.)

The key to success for all life on earth is “So how is this different? What are the different effects of a comma
biodiversity, the presence of a wide introducing the definition versus a colon?”
variety of species.
—Mark Kurlansky, World Without Fish

Figure 2.7
(continued) The chart is designed to identify where and when talk is modeled with
sentences and revisions throughout the demonstration. We will be modeling
our actions and thinking as we talk through this cluster of sentences decom-
bined from Mark Kurlansky’s World Without Fish (2011):

It is biodiversity.
Biodiversity is the presence of species.
The species are a wide variety.

The power of talk in the language arts classroom can’t be overstated.

Revising sentences is one more place where we need to talk it out, ensuring
our writing makes sense, ensuring it’s economical and pleasing to the ear.

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Chapter 2: The Vocabulary of Revision Decisions 39

Figure 2.8
The chart is generated by Talk-It-Out Chart
students with your help. It remains
up for students to refer to for their Talk It Out!
revision decisions. The easier it is
for writers to refer to a chart, the 1. Read and notice
more likely they are to use it. • big ideas
• repetitions
• possible connections

2. Revise
• use DRAFT strategies
• say possibilities aloud
• write out best revisions
• rinse and repeat

3. Evaluate revisions
• reread
• check meaning
• star best revision
• discuss reasons for choice


The strategies provided in DRAFT give students concrete things they can do
to make their writing the best it can be by teaching options and flexibility
through doable actions: deleting, rearranging, adding connectors, forming
new verb endings, and talking it out.
If you reinforce or review the DRAFT strategies for revision decisions,
assign groups one of the letters and its corresponding revision strategy. Once the
strategies are assigned, groups create defining posters with their letter promi-
nently featured. Remind students to be sure that the letter and the strategy
words are the stars of the poster. All posters should be the same size with a
consistent page layout (portrait or landscape), so that they can be hung together
to spell out DRAFT. In this way, you can refer to this strategies mnemonic
frequently as you continue your students’ exploration of revision decisions.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The Anatomy of a
Revision-Decision Lesson
Great writing happens not through some dark art, but when method meets craft.
The secret—if there is one—is to take one manageable step at a time . . . And
then another.
And then another.
—Jack Hart

n this chapter we offer an in-depth look at the nuts and bolts of the possi-

I bilities surrounding revision decisions as the grammar, style, and clarity

unfold. Refer to this chapter both before and after you attempt the lesson
sets that follow. Each lesson’s structure is patterned for student success.
We break down the elements that work together in the revising process,
answering the what, how, and why. First, in the Revision-Decision Lesson
Structure chart (Figure 3.1), we name each element of the revision process
we use in the lesson sets, explaining what it is and why it’s necessary.
Following the chart is an elaborated narrative with vignettes containing
teacher and student talk to give a feel for each element’s application and to
support its implementation. (Appendixes A through E support the sample
lesson described in Chapter 3. Appendixes F and G are charts referred to in
various lesson sets in Part 2.)


To begin, we set a context by giving writers a reason or need for the struc-
tures they may encounter in revising and combining sentences in the lesson.


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Revision-Decision Lesson Structure

Section What Is It? Why?

The Context • Provides a reason or need for skill. Students engage when they can easily
• Offers a writing issue that needs to be see the need for a skill and understand
solved. how it fits into the larger picture of
• Demonstrates where and how the skill writing and communication.
fits within the process of making

The Points of • Names and highlights grammar struc- Information about curricular grammar
Emphasis tures likely to be encountered while goals possible in the lesson helps
revising sentences. teachers know which concepts they
• Eases cross-referencing with school, can, if needed, emphasize or brush up
district, state, or national standards or on before the lesson.

The Demonstration • Models the revising of sentences and Students need to see the target to
more. reach it successfully. The same is true
• Models the possible decisions writers for writing behaviors. If they haven’t
make and how they generate them. seen writing behaviors patterned before
• Reveals concrete ways to improve their eyes, they can’t always pull them
writing and solve a writer’s problems. out of the sky. Modeling shows rather
• Models talk-it-out process. than tells.

The Practice • Provides a structured opportunity for Since everyone works on the same
writers to get their feet wet, playing sentence, this practice gives more
and experimenting with the work of opportunities for shared discussion
revision. and—once again—demonstrates that
• Engages students at a deeper level, there are many possible outcomes or
since revising through grammar is one decisions.

The Collaboration • Seeks a group solution to construct Cooperative groups create new conver-
clear and concise sentences and para- sations and learning. Creating writing
graphs. together and comparing and contrasting
• Engages students in collaborative versions causes generative and
meaning making. analytic talk. Reflection cements and
• Encourages talk and reflective clarifies concepts.

The Application • Provides concrete ways to nudge Revision becomes an integrated part of
students into using the skills discussed the writing program when students are
and discovered to solve their own nudged to practically apply it to their
writing problems. own composition process.
• Sends students back to their own
writing to apply the skill.

Figure 3.1 This chapter elaborates on this model used in the ten lesson sets that follow.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 3: The Process 43

Often the power of comparison and contrast is used, making the need for a
skill clear to students. Research-based instruction (Marzano, Pickering, and
Pollock 2007) reminds us that comparison-contrast is the most effective
teaching strategy across all curriculum areas. We can also use other strategies
to highlight tools and structures of language to raise students’ awareness of
why we bother with learning about grammar and style. Most often, we take
a target sentence and then rewrite it or find a contrasting example as a way
to establish the context for students or to introduce them to a grammar
concept through revision.
The context section focuses on one or two of the points of emphasis—
not all of them. We never want to give students a sip of water from a fire hose
(Anderson 2005).
For instance, you know you have to deal with participles because your
curriculum says so—but more than that, writers need to know participles are
a nifty tool we use. Participles and participial phrases solve problems for us
as writers almost every day, helping us combine sentences, adding clarity and
variety, keeping our writing moving. Useful. So how do we create a need for
participles? That’s the purpose of the context section, seeing where the skill
fits into the process of writing or meaning making as a whole. A need plus
the proper place or setting for the skill is initiated.
Here is an example of what you’ll find in the lesson sets.

The Context
“I’ve been reading this book about a horrible, history-making fire in a clothing
or garment factory back in 1911,” I say. “The book builds to the climax when
the factory catches fire, leaving many employees trapped. As I’ve read, I’ve
noticed a couple of things Albert Marrin does to keep the action moving.”
I step forward, book in hand. “It’s called Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The
Triangle Fire and Its Legacy [2011]. When the book is getting tense as the fire
starts, you want to see what’s happening. You want action. How can you put
more action in a sentence? Let’s look at these two versions. What do you

Flames shot up, igniting the line of hanging paper patterns.

Flames shot up into the air.

The flames ignited paper patterns that were hanging.
The patterns were on a line that hung across the room.

“I think the second one is better because it gives you more information,”
Jon says.
“What is the added information?” I ask.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

The class pauses, then squints, then some tilt their heads to the side. I
wait this out.
“Well, when I start looking for something new, I don’t really see that
much,” Jon says. “It’s just more words.”
“I know,” I say. “Sometimes we think more is better. It can be, but it
certainly isn’t always. The point is we want whatever words we end up using
to do some work. And, if we can say the same thing in fewer words, that’s
often better, especially in informational writing.”
I move toward the screen where the sentences are projected. “Let’s focus
on parts of the sentences.”
“Flames shot up,” I say, pointing to the first sentence, “versus Flames shot
up into the air.” I move my hand to the second sentence. “Why is one better
than the other? Let’s take a vote. Which one is better, the first or second?
Raise one finger for the first one and two fingers for the second version.”
Most students vote for the first.
“Okay. Why do you think most of us voted for the first version?” I look
around the room.
“Well, flames shot up really already tells you they went up in the air. I mean,
where else would they go? You don’t need in the air. That’s dumb,” Anya says.
“So, if I am trying to be concise, or to the point, or keep the action
moving, less is better?”
“Sure,” Nicole says, shrugging.
Here is one of those times I need to remember the adage “The one who
is talking is doing the work.” The most important part of these activities is
letting the students discover as much as they can. It’s like being schooled in
wait time—ten seconds minimum, oftentimes more. Revision decisions are a
great training ground, because after ten, even twenty seconds, well-thought-
out answers flow, if only at a trickle sometimes. Remember the Grand
Canyon started with a trickle. Trickles deepen. Eventually.
We continue our discussion.
I do jump in with some direct instruction, explaining how Albert Marrin
uses igniting versus ignited and how he can change the structure of his
sentence and add multiple actions to it without making a list. Participles love
to tumble off the ends of sentences (see Tip Box).

Flames shot up, igniting the line of hanging paper patterns.

Francis Christensen (2007) said sentences with participial phrases

tumbling off the end are one of the most used patterns in modern writing and
one of the easiest for novice writers to navigate.
The context sections of the lesson sets that follow show one approach to
beginning the lesson. Depending on the focus the teacher chooses, the
context may change from one class to another. The point is to prepare

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 3: The Process 45

students for the learning that will follow by providing background or exam-
ples or situations, so that students see a reason for the learning and how this
skill fits into the big picture of making meaning.

Tip Verbal or -ing Verb?

Technically a participle is a verbal, not a verb, but we, under the
guidance of our mentor, Harry Noden, have found much success by
referring to it as an -ing verb (present participles). Yes, the participle can
also end in -en or -ed (past participles), but as Noden describes in Image
Throughout the lessons, tip boxes Grammar (2011), it is best to wait and let students discover that fact
like this offer background naturally, rather than overload them with a grammar-information dump
information to enhance talk about
issues that might emerge in that makes grammar skills seem unattainable.
revision-decision discussions.


How do teachers select text passages? We continually keep our eyes (and
ears) open for passages with sentences that are interesting and that model a
useful syntactical structure. (See Figure 3.2. Words and phrases in bold indi-
cate targeted structures.)
Figure 3.2

Interesting Sentences That Model Targeted Structures

Appositives The electric caterpillar, a type of stinging caterpillar, is the larva of a moth that
lives in southern Brazil.
—Steve Jenkins, Never Smile at a Monkey (2009a)

The jail smelled of concrete—a cold, damp scent like the inside of a cave.
—Silas House, The Coal Tattoo (2005)

Commas in a series It’s composed of dead plankton, fish scales, animal waste, and bits of larger
creatures that have died in the waters above.
—Steve Jenkins, Down, Down, Down (2009b)

His hands smelled of suitcase, metal, Mein Kampf, and survival.

—-Markus Zusak, The Book Thief (2007)

Participial Phrases He turned over, tugging at his sheet.

—-Sheila Turnage, Three Times Lucky (2012)

Flames shot up, igniting the line of hanging paper patterns.

–Albert Marrin, Flesh and Blood So Cheap (2011)

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

There Is No Right Way to Decombine

Marrin’s Sentence: A rat can collapse its skeleton, allowing it to wriggle through a hole as narrow as three-
quarters of an inch.

Debbie’s Decombining Jeff’s Decombining

A rat can do something. A rat can make itself smaller.

It can collapse its skeleton. A rat gets smaller by collapsing its skeleton.
Doing that allows it to wriggle. Getting smaller allows the rat to wriggle through holes.
It wriggles through small holes. The holes can be narrow.
Holes can be as narrow as three-quarters of an inch. The holes can be as narrow as three-quarters of an

Jeff’s combination of Debbie’s sentence cluster: Debbie’s combination of Jeff’s sentence cluster:
A rat can collapse its skeleton and wriggle through A rat can make itself smaller by collapsing its skeleton,
small holes as narrow as three-quarters of an inch. allowing it to get through holes as narrow as three-
quarters of an inch.

Figure 3.3
Note that although we After we find passages, we transform them into sentence sets, dividing the
decombined the sentences in
different ways, the sentences we content into a cluster of short, complete sentences. (See Figure 3.3.) The cluster
created for revision weren’t of sentences we create can be revised into one sentence. We want students to
incorrect; they were just complete
sentences that could be
spend their time with correct sentences, but we try to isolate bits of information
combined. in each one, showing how multiple ideas are embedded in each sentence.
Some teachers worry that they won’t do the decombining “correctly,” but
there isn’t a single “right way” to do this. To demonstrate, we each created a
cluster of sentences from the same published sentence in Oh, Rats! The Story
of Rats and People by Albert Marrin (2006). It’s clear that we decombined the
same sentence differently. And that’s okay. Really.
In our revisions, neither of us matched the original sentence exactly, and
that’s fine, too. Exact matching is not the point. From this example, we can see
how the way we decombine might cue students in certain directions. That’s
something to consider but not to worry about. If you are hoping students will
learn to combine to create a specific grammatical structure (appositives,
participial phrases, adjectives in a series), realize that the point is flexibility in
reformulation. They don’t need to all match one answer. That’s not composi-
tion. That’s a worksheet. In general, whatever helps students consider a variety
of ways to revise ideas to make meaning is beneficial, inviting them to discover
that different syntactical choices create different effects.


To anchor us in what might likely arise during a lesson, we identify many of
the types of structures for the sample lesson that follows (see Figure 3.4).

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 3: The Process 47

Pick one or two only. As with all revision-decision endeavors, you can teach
a variety of concepts. Of course, students won’t identify every element listed
in the points of emphasis. Some of what they identify might have to do with
the context teachers establish or the students’ readiness for other concepts.
It’s about natural meaning making, about meeting students’ needs with one
or more of the possibilities listed here. If everything is emphasized, then
nothing is.
Teachers make decisions about which points are appropriate to focus on
or emphasize and which may be left for later. You can always revisit
sentences and patterns. In fact, it’s necessary to do so. We don’t want to
drown students in abstract terms and memorization; instead, we want to
help students understand these concepts as a way to make meaning as much
as to navigate their use to make meaning. Multiple possibilities for discus-
sion exist in texts.
Figure 3.4 shows how we built the points of emphasis for the sample
lessons so that teachers can build their own lessons beyond those in this
book. First, find an interesting passage in a text students are reading, will
read, or might want to read. Then identify possibilities of language they could
learn from the passage, sentence by sentence.

Figure 3.4
This merely shows the possibility Elaborated Points of Emphasis with Links to Text
of what could be discussed when
studying these sentences from First, the invention of the sprinkler made it possible to drown a fire in seconds.
Albert Marrin’s Flesh and Blood
So Cheap (2011). We shouldn’t
• Introductory word set off with a comma (First,)
crowd our discussion with too • Independent clause (The invention of the sprinkler made it possible to
much abstract lingo or terms or drown a fire in seconds.)
points. Select a point and
emphasize, one or two things at • Prepositional phrases (of the sprinkler, in seconds)
the most. • Infinitive phrases (to drown a fire)

Sprinklers, attached to ceilings, had sensitive fuses.

• Independent clause (Sprinklers had sensitive fuses.)
• Past participial phrase (attached to ceilings)

Heat rising from a fire triggered the fuses, which automatically released a
deluge of water stored in overhead sprinkler pipes.
• Independent clause (Heat triggered the fuses.)
• Participial phrases (Present participle: rising from a fire. Past participle:
stored in overhead sprinkler pipes)
• Relative clause (which automatically released a deluge of water)
• Prepositional phrases (from a fire; in overhead sprinkler pipes)

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

The Points of Emphasis

In the ten lesson sets that follow Chapter 3, rather than parroting all the goals
each time, we cut them to the quick so you can easily identify what’s possible.
The material in Figure 3.4 is condensed to this:

• Participle
• Infinitive
• Prepositional phrase
• Subordinate clause

Teachers can use the same process we modeled in Figure 3.4, choosing
from all the possibilities those that would be most appropriate for their
students and that should receive the most emphasis.


The demonstration gives teachers a chance to model thinking and decision
making at the point of revision. Recasting sentences, using replicable strate-
gies students can also use, is the goal of the demonstration. As Cris Tovani
(2000) says, we make the invisible visible.

The Demonstration
“Do you remember our revision-decision mnemonic for some options writers
have when combining sentences?” I ask.
“DRAFT,” several students say.
We review what strategy each letter represents:

Delete unnecessary and repeated words.

Rearrange sentence parts/chunks.
Add connectors.
Form new verb endings.
Talk it out.

We consistently remind students that we use the word DRAFT because it

connotes the impermanence of what we are doing. We are drafting—deleting
when we need to, rearranging for effect, adding connector words to cohere,
forming new verb endings when we delete repetition or change positions,
and, most important, using the wide resources of syntax we have in our own
speech. We talk it out again and again, reformulating and redrafting until we
arrive at our intended meaning. We are in the act of creation, in the process
of discovery—not looking for one right or correct answer.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Chapter 3: The Process 49

“What are some possibilities for combining this first set?” I ask.

The invention of the sprinkler created possibilities.

It was possible to drown a fire.
It would take only seconds.

Students talk out a few answers, we listen, and we think about what
makes sense. We discuss the troublesome overused it. One group wonders if
we should move the prepositional phrase in seconds to the front of the
sentence. We celebrate this attempt. Phrases and clauses can be rearranged,
and we want writers to see possibilities and to analyze what works better.

In only seconds, the invention of the sprinkler created possibilities to

drown a fire.

“Let’s reread this and think about what it means,” I say. “This is always
part of the process. We try sentences several ways: we talk them out and we
reflect on them to make sure they say what we intend.”
“Well,” Shaundra says, “it kind of sounds like the invention only took
seconds, and I know that isn’t true, because inventions take a long time to
come out right, and they usually don’t get it the first time.”
“Yeah, plus it’s saying it takes the sprinklers seconds to put out the fire,”
Troy says. “The invention didn’t happen in two seconds.”
“Two great things just happened here,” I say. “One, you realized the flex-
ibility of rearranging phrases and clauses, and two, you see how we can
change the meaning in unintended ways—sometimes—when we do that.”
After a discussion on placement and meaning and a few other options, the
class decides on this version:

The invention of the sprinkler created possibilities to drown a fire in only


Unless students need more modeling, let them work in small groups to
revise the next cluster or pair of sentences. These are fairly simple, and it’s
ideal to put students in the driver’s seat.

Sprinklers were attached to ceilings.

Sprinklers had sensitive fuses.

I overhear some students noting that both sentences start with sprinklers.
One student argues that writers often repeat words for emphasis. Eventually,
they decide that emphasis is not really appropriate here, so they delete one

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

In this kind of sentence play, it’s easy to misplace modifiers. One group
writes, Sprinklers were attached to ceilings, which had sensitive fuses.
“Let’s talk about this revision,” I say. “It’s a really strong effort to use the
which clause. I think we could just leave it, but something in me says to
reread it and make sure it says what we mean. Does anybody see where
someone might be confused by this version?”
When they all say no, I point out that in actuality, modifiers are all about
location, what they are near. When we put the phrase which had sensitive fuses
next to ceilings, it can sound like the ceilings have the fuses, because that’s
what’s closest to the phrase.
Now they see it. I don’t do this to correct the students. It is another
opportunity to see that while drafting sentences, we constantly check and
recheck meaning to ensure it isn’t lost or changed in translation. Revision is
a problem-solving process.
We continue this discussion. “Now that we know we can move phrases
and clauses, is there another place we can move attached to ceilings and still
have it make sense?” I ask.
“If it needs to be by the word it’s describing,” Ryan comments, “then it
can really only be before or after sprinklers, right?”
“Good point. So . . . ?” I wait.
“You could say attached to ceilings, sprinklers had sensitive fuses,” says Joseph.
“Way to talk it out, Joseph. Anything else?” After my painful thirty
seconds of wait time, I share one other possibility that they aren’t seeing yet:
Sprinklers, attached to ceilings, had sensitive fuses. I write it on the board so
they can see the comma rule in action. I will come back tomorrow and name
this and put it on our chart of sentence options.
“We can say, Attached to ceilings, sprinklers had sensitive fuses or
Sprinklers, attached to ceilings, had sensitive fuses. What is the difference?”
“They both make sense,” Patrice says, “but I think the one where sprin-
klers starts the sentence and stands by itself makes it look more important.”
“It gives it more emphasis,” I say.
We finally agree on this version: Sprinklers, attached to ceilings, had sensi-
tive fuses.


The practice provides students with a hands-on, minds-on opportunity to
attempt skills with peers, exploring what works and sometimes what doesn’t.
Learning happens at the point of use, and this practice is ripe for teachable
moments. The act of reformulating, with all its false starts and aha moments,
tells students two things: what problems need to be solved and what strate-
gies they can use. Fluent revising comes with doing the work of revising. It’s

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.
Chapter 3: The Process 51

messy. It’s active processing. Mistakes will be made. But the concrete actions
demonstrated now become a part of students’ repertoires as writers to lean on
again and again as they make decisions, refining and polishing their words to
a high sheen.

Tip Emphasis on Meaning, Not Correctness

Discussion about sentence elements in these lessons relates more to
meaning than correctness. In each grammatical example, we analyze
why the author chose to include the information in a phrase or clause
instead of in a separate sentence, and how its placement would
contribute to meaning in the particular sentence. This flexible discussion
of choice and possibility is essential.
As we discuss phrases and clauses the students study, we
discover that they serve a variety of purposes: to add information is most
common, but they can also be used to create rhythm and clarity. Here
are some questions we can use in these discussions:

• Why don’t we just combine the two sentences with and or another
coordinating conjunction?
• Why do we take out repeated words?
• Why do we take out words, phrases, or clauses?
• Why do we rearrange them or put them in different spots?
• Why do we change the endings of verbs when we put them in new
spots or delete words?
• How does this (arrangement, choice, placement, etc.) change the
• Why would we, as authors, at times choose not to make any of these

The Practice
Not all sentence-revision sets are created equal. After the experience with the
last sentence and because of the next sentence’s complexity, I adjust, and lead
students through another revision of the next set of sentences as a group.
“What are some ways we could revise the following cluster of
sentences?” I ask. “What are some things to think about as we do so?”

Heat rose from the fire.

The heat triggered the fuses.
The fuses automatically released a deluge of water.
The water had been stored in overhead sprinkler pipes.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

“I think they sound just fine the way they are,” Aidan says, yawning.
“Some authors might. Because they are all correct sentences, aren’t they?”
I say. “But let’s listen to them when we read them aloud. What do you hear?”
Students notice that the flow is singsong-y, choppy, repetitious. Actually,
I share those words to help them as they search for ways to name what’s “off.”
“What’s something we can delete from the first two sentences?”
“Take out heat,” Santiago says.
“Okay. Somebody talk that out for me.” I want to nudge students to talk
out sentences in class because that is my expectation of them when they
work in small groups. If I don’t model that now, while I am there to support
them, they won’t do it when they work in groups or independently.
“Heat rose from the fire and triggered the fuses,” Ariel says.
“Is there another way we can revise? What about form new verb endings?”
I point to the DRAFT poster. “Are there any verbs we can change the form of?”
When no one else mentions it, I suggest, Heat rising from the fire triggered
the fuses, but students like the first combination. “We’ve got a start; let’s look
at the other sentences. How can we add them or combine them?”
“Well, it repeats fuses,” Ralph offers.
“Then we can probably delete that, right?
“Write this on the board,” Janie says. “Heat rose from the fire, triggering
the fuses to release a deluge of water.”
“You are making this sentence really interesting. What about the last
sentence? What should we do with that?”
“It’s repeating again. Repeating means deleting,” Aidan says.
“You’re a poet and didn’t know it,” I say, smiling. “If we take out water,
how do we connect this last sentence to some of the revisions we have so far?
“I want to add it to your sentence. The one we already added to.” Pearl
points to Heat rose from the fire, triggering the fuses to release a deluge of water.
“Add that was stored in overhead pipes.”
We stand back and look at the sentence.

Heat rose from the fire, triggering the fuses to release a deluge of water
that was stored in overhead pipes.

“Could we use which instead of that?” Marvin asks.

“Talk it out.”
After some discussion (and a switch from that to which), we take all three
sentences and look at them.
Part of our collaboration is to compare and contrast. This gets talk
flowing and reflections growing. We compare our version with what Albert
Marrin wrote in Flesh and Blood So Cheap—not for the right answer, but for
a discussion of the effects of the options he chose. Comparisons help us see
that other writers make revision decisions.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.
Chapter 3: The Process 53

First, the invention of the sprinkler made it possible to drown a fire in

seconds. Sprinklers, attached to ceilings, had sensitive fuses. Heat
rising from a fire triggered the fuses, which automatically released a
deluge of water stored in overhead sprinkler pipes.

We talk about the differences and similarities and the effects of authors’
choices, and as usual, many students like their own combinations better.


The goal of this process is not only to revise, but also to practice the skills of
sentence variety and flexibility. What follows are directions along with
sample sentence sets teachers can use as a model to guide their own students’
collaboration and conversation around revision decisions.

The Collaboration
Groups of three or four students each get one cluster of sentences. Some
groups will get the same sentence cluster. This will help emphasize that this
work is about combining to make meaning rather than about a search for one
right answer.

Cluster 1
It took minutes.
146 workers died.
They ended up broken on the sidewalk.
Others were suffocated by smoke.
Many were burnt in the flames.

Cluster 2
Most were young women.
They were ages fourteen to twenty-three.
Nearly all were recent immigrants.
They were mostly Italians and Russian Jews.

Cluster 3
It was dubbed the “Triangle Fire.”
It held the record for New York’s deadliest workplace fire.
It held the record for ninety years.

Cluster 4
Only the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks took more lives.
Those attacks were on the World Trade Center.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Students revise their assigned cluster into one or two sentences, using
the DRAFT strategies that have been previously modeled. Remember to have
an anchor chart on the wall that you can point to and remind students of
their options for revising. When students have finished creating at least two
different revisions of their sentences, they star one and read them in the order
of the numbered clusters. Each sentence may be written on chart paper or
displayed using any technology.
Students share their revisions, and the class compares the sentences that
were combined in different ways, noting different choices and effects. Here is
Albert Marrin’s original paragraph as it appears in Flesh and Blood So Cheap:

Within minutes, 146 workers died, broken on the sidewalk, suffocated

by smoke, or burnt in the flames. Most were young women ages four-
teen to twenty-three, nearly all recent immigrants, Italians and Russian
Jews. Dubbed the “Triangle Fire,” for ninety years it held the record as
New York’s deadliest workplace fire. Only the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center took more lives.


Writers often need a nudge to apply new things they learn. To help them
stretch, we push them back into their reading and writing, scouring for
opportunities to apply the skills discovered through sentence revision:

• Find a part of your writing you want to revise and apply something we’ve
studied to your own writing.
• Note a particular structure in your reading. Next time you revise
sentences, see if you can use it.
• Use DRAFT actions to make any piece of writing strong and clear.
• Write a reflection about using DRAFT or any skill we have addressed to
make your writing better.

The Application
First, we want students to notice in their reading the structures we’ve studied
and worked with as a class. For example, if students read the following
passage from The Hunger Games (Collins 2010), we hope they might notice
the underlined words after this lesson.

When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch
out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of
the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our
mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping.

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Chapter 3: The Process 55

We suggest that students write some of these sentences and their effects
in their notebooks. A student made this entry in her writer’s notebook:

I like the second sentence of the Hunger Games because it has three
actions that aren’t really in a list. The other –ing words act like adjectives,
I think, describing what her fingers did. I could use –ing verbs in my own
writing when I want to squeeze a lot of actions in one sentence.

We also want to remind students, as they return to their writing in

progress, to use some of the structures we’ve noticed and talked about for the
effects we’ve discussed. We could show them an example of what that might
look like:

Earlier draft: Escaping from the zombie, the girl ran to the door and
banged on it hard. She hoped someone would answer quickly, and she
glanced behind her as she waited to see if her followers were too close.

Revised draft: The girl ran to the door and banged on it, hoping someone
would answer quickly, glancing behind her to see if her followers were too


The ten lessons that follow all reflect the process described in this chapter
and explore a variety of craft principles and grammatical structures.
Although the lessons follow the pattern of the context through the application
as elaborated on in this chapter, the lessons in Part 2 are streamlined for ease
of use. Be flexible. Don’t forget that your students’ reactions and questions
should guide the speed at which you travel and the depth to which you
plunge. What we offer is a scaffold for you to use as you need it.

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This journey helped me to understand the need to teach grammar in an artist’s studio.
This means allowing for studio time when students can practice their art, writing with
models . . . It means discussing the art of the masters, posting their passages, and
sharing insights from reading in small-group discussions and individual conferences.
—Harry Noden, Image Grammar

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Right-Branching Sentences

THE CONTEXT Writers grow sentences. They start with a sentence that is direct and clear like
this one from Creep and Flutter: The Secret World of Insects and Spiders by Jim
Arnosky (2012):

Honeybees create hives.

Then they grow the sentence by adding more words. But not just to make
a sentence longer. What they add (shown here in bold) enhances meaning
and information.

Honeybees create hives, labyrinths of wax honeycomb in which they

store honey and raise their young.

In this case, Arnosky’s modification comes after the main sentence or

base clause. The modifiers give us a visual of what hives are made of, what
they look like, and what they are used for. When modifying or describing
details are added at the end of a sentence, we call this a right-branching
sentence, because the information branches out to the right. In Mechanically
Inclined (Anderson 2005), a right-branching sentence is referred to as a
closer. That term refers to the modification’s location and the way in which it
finishes or closes the sentence.
As writers, we learn from Jim Arnosky to be careful not to overload our
main sentence with too much information, but rather to branch out steps to
the right that tell us more information, not in complete sentences but in
clauses and phrases, nouns and adjectives, all of which deepen readers’
understanding of the initial main sentence. In Arnosky’s sentence, the new
right-branching information is an appositive, but other grammatical struc-
tures, such as prepositions and participles, can do the same work in modi-
fying the base clause. Remember the sentence we studied from Oh, Rats! The
Story of Rats and People (2006) by Albert Marrin?

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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A rat can collapse its skeleton, allowing it to wriggle through a hole

as narrow as three-quarters of an inch.

Discuss how the bold right branch or closer adds to the base sentence in
this example. Notice that the Marrin example is a participial phrase (or -ing
phrase) that tells about the rats’ specific actions to modify the broader point
that rats collapse their skeletons.
Consider this example, also from Arnosky:

Bees, wasps, and ants belong to an order of insects called

Hymenoptera, which means “membranous wings.”

The familiar serial comma is in the first part of the sentence, allowing
Arnosky to pack more examples in, but what’s interesting is the way he uses
another grammatical structure, a relative clause because it’s headed with the
relative pronoun which. The relative clause explains and renames, somewhat
like an appositive, but with a which or who to kick it off. It doesn’t matter so
much what writers name it. What matters is that they know these “which or
who additions” are another option they can use to modify and clarify a
sentence with relevant detail.
What can writers learn from these examples about right-branching
sentences? They can articulate understanding that different right-branching
structures, in the end, do the same thing: modify the main sentence without
crowding it with adjectives and adverbs.

Tip Relative Pronouns and What They Clause

Relative pronouns—such as who, whoever, whose, whom, which, and
that—are used to head relative clauses. A relative clause links the noun
that proceeds it to the additional information or modification. Relative
clauses act as adjectives, explaining more about the noun they follow
like in these right-branching examples (in bold) from Nicola Davies’s
What’s Eating You? Parasites—The Inside Story (2009):

Human tapeworms have an even more complicated method of getting

into a human body, which relies on their changing body shape three
times on their journey!

Inside a pig or cow, they hatch into little hooked blobs, which wiggle
into the blood and ride around until they get to a muscle.

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Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction 61

THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Participles (Verbal)

• Absolutes
• Relative pronouns and clauses
• Nonessential parenthetical elements
• Commas separating items and actions in a series

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate how to create right-branching sentences, display the

following simple sentence clusters, derived from sentences in the Newbery
Honor book Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage (2012):

He turned over.
He tugged.
He was tugging at his sheet.

Dale sat bolt upright.

His blue eyes were round.
His hair was blond.
His hair was spiking in all directions.

We practice revising these sentences by starting with a clear sentence or

base clause, and then adding modification or information to the right. The
additions should tell the reader more about the main sentence or base clause.
As we read these first three sentences, we leave the first sentence as the
main sentence or action.

He turned over.

Now we look at the other two sentences. We see we can use the F from
the DRAFT mnemonic to form new verb endings and use either tugged or
tugging. We try to head the phrase with the participle tugging. Now we can
delete He tugged and He was. We need a comma after the main sentence or
base clause to show we’re adding to it.

He turned over, tugging at his sheet.

Does that capture the meaning in the three sentences? Does that make
the image of him turning over clearer? Tugging at his sheet is a participial
phrase that modifies or tells us more about the main sentence He turned over.
Let’s try the other one. We can leave the first short sentence again as the
main sentence or action, then add all the modification to the right.

Dale sat bolt upright.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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There’s a great writing trick you can do if you’re adding phrases that don’t
need to be a whole sentence. And we don’t need these other three sentences
to be whole sentences because we already have one (Dale sat bolt upright).
Again, we are adding the information from these three sentences to an
already complete sentence.

His blue eyes were round.

His hair was blond.
His hair was spiking in all directions.

Let’s take the first sentence about his eyes. If you delete the verb of being
from this sentence, we can start the phrase with the pronoun his that refers
to the sentence before it and create a new construction: the absolute.

his blue eyes round

We can pair up the other two sentences about his hair with this one,
starting the phrase in a parallel way, with the pronoun his.

Dale sat bolt upright, his blue eyes round and his blond hair spiking in all

Tip Absolute Modification:

A Right-Branching Option
When we deleted the verb of being, were, from his blue eyes were
round, it was no longer a complete sentence. Instead, we created an
absolute: his blue eyes round. We can add an absolute to the end of a
sentence to modify the sentence that precedes it. In this case, the
sentence ended in two absolutes because his blond hair spiking in all
directions is also an absolute phrase. Harry Noden (2011) simplifies the
definition of an absolute to a noun + an -ing verb, which works for the
second one: his blond hair spiking in all directions. But the first absolute
is a noun + adjectives. An absolute can be a noun + prepositions as
well: Sentences using absolutes can be powerful, noun phrases
clarifying images at the end of a sentence.

THE PRACTICE Students tussle with the following simple sentence clusters with a partner,
making revision decisions. They use DRAFT strategies to delete unnecessary
repetition, rearrange sentence chunks, add connectors, or form new verb
endings. Though they write two revisions and star the one they like best, they
should always talk the sentences out to make sure they make sense.

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Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction 63

He looked around the café.

It was deserted.
The 7UP clock ticked.
It was loud and lonely.
It was on the far wall.

Students share revisions, comparing and contrasting different responses,

then finally compare their writing with Turnage’s original, remembering we
look only to see other options, not for a correct answer.

He looked around the deserted café as the 7UP clock ticked loud and
lonely on the far wall.

Students may be surprised that Turnage didn’t use any of the forms we
talked about to add modification. Some may be particularly disturbed that
there is no comma in the sentence. Again. Different. Options. And we cele-
brate the differences and relish the different effects we have the options to
create in our writing.
Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions
and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We discuss
their process, considering the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences? What did you learn about
• Why doesn’t it matter if your sentence doesn’t match the original? What
differences do various constructions create?
• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?

Tip Essential and Nonessential

I think Strunk and White finally got through to me on whether a clause or
phrase is essential (not set off by a comma or commas if it interrupts a
sentence) or nonessential, which is set off by a comma or commas.
Think about this common truism: People who live in glass houses
shouldn’t throw stones. The clause who live in glass houses is essential
to the meaning of the sentence, because if we take it out, what we’re left
with (People shouldn’t throw stones) doesn’t communicate the
sentence’s point. If, on the other hand, the clause is not necessary, it is
set off with a comma or commas. Here are two examples of

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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nonessential phrases from April Pulley Sayre’s Here Come the

Humpbacks! (2013):

Whales, like people, are mammals.

Toothed whales, such as orcas, use their sharp teeth to catch fish and
other prey.

THE COLLABORATION Distribute the following sentence sets based on text in a book about World
War II, Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival,
Resilience, and Redemption (2010). Sentences are grouped into clusters that
can be revised into one sentence. For example, all the sentences in 1.1 could
make one sentence. The second number indicates the order in which the
sentences will form a paragraph.
Groups revise their assigned sentence in at least two ways and then select
their favorite.

1.1 It was before dawn and still dark.

It was August 26, 1929.
A boy was in the back of a small house.
It was in Torrance, California.
The boy was twelve years old.
He sat up in bed.
He listened.

1.2 There was a sound.

It was coming from outside.
The sound was growing.
It grew ever louder.

1.3 It was huge.

It was a rush.
The rush was heavy.
It suggested immensity.
It suggested a great parting of air.

1.4 It was coming from directly above the house.

The boy swung his legs.
He swung them off his bed.
He raced down the stairs.
He slapped open the back door.
He loped onto the grass.

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Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction 65

1.5 The yard was otherworldly.

The yard was smothered in darkness.
The darkness was unnatural.
The yard was shivering with sound.

1.6 The boy stood on the lawn.

He was beside his brother.
His brother was older.
His head was thrown back.
He was spellbound.

Groups share their sentences, displaying them so that everyone can see
them and putting them in order as a paragraph, revising for flow as needed.
Compare the class’s constructions to Hillenbrand’s original text from
Unbroken. What effects are created by each choice?

In the predawn darkness of August 26, 1929, in the back of a small

house in Torrance, California, a twelve-year-old boy sat up in bed,
listening. There was a sound coming from outside, growing ever louder.
It was a huge, heavy rush, suggesting immensity, a great parting of air.
It was coming from directly above the house. The boy swung his legs
off his bed, raced down the stairs, slapped open the back door, and
loped onto the grass. The yard was otherworldly, smothered in unnat-
ural darkness, shivering with sound. The boy stood on the lawn beside
his older brother, head thrown back, spellbound.

THE APPLICATION Go Sentence Shopping

Students collect three right-branching sentences to share with a group.
Writers shop textbooks or independent reading for sentences that start with
a base clause or main idea, and then have modifications or additions that
branch out to the right. If the class has a blog or a Twitter account, sentences
can also be posted there.
Here are examples of right-branching sentences from Jonah Lehrer’s How
We Decide (2010; bold added):

This division of mind is one of Plato’s most enduring themes, an idea

enshrined in Western culture.

On the one hand, humans are part animal, primitive beasts stuffed full
of primitive desires.

And yet, humans are also capable of reason and foresight, blessed with
the divine gift of rationality.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Right-branching participial phrases gracefully tumble off the end of

Charles C. Mann’s sentences in Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 (2009;
bold added):

More than 50 rivers plunge down from the Andes, cutting through the
coastal desert on their way to the Pacific.

She uncovered 150 structures, including big stone buildings with


[Fertilizer runoff] causes an excess growth of the tiny plants known as

algae, unbalancing the ecosystem.

I’ll Show You My Sentences . . .

Once students have collected their three right-branching sentences, they
share them in small groups. Groups categorize types of sentences they
collected, naming, comparing, and contrasting. The class discusses and clar-
ifies discoveries, attempting to use grammatical terms if helpful (appositive,
participial, relative clause, and so on).

Sentence Play and Exploration

Students create or revise a few right-branching sentences in a current piece
of writing. They can hand them in separately or highlight them when they
submit the larger work. Coaching, of course, will be necessary, and students
reflect on how the structures they created or revised strengthen the writing.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The Compacting Power
of the Serial Comma

THE CONTEXT In both fiction and nonfiction, writing is improved with concrete detail.
Writers, in turn, need many strategies to pack examples or specific details
into writing. Students compare two versions of the same information from
George C. McGavin’s Smithsonian Handbooks: Insects (2002). Both versions
start with the same sentence because it sets a focus or context.

Many people overlook the benefits that insects bring. Useful products are
derived from insects. Honey and silk are derived from insects. Waxes are
too. Oils are also derived from insects. In addition, natural medicines are
derived from insects. Dyes are made from insects, too.

Many people overlook the benefits that insects bring. Useful products
derived from insects range from honey and silk to waxes, oils, natural
medicines, and dyes.

Students react, sharing noticings, deciding which is most effective and

why. Ask questions to deepen the conversation:

• Why do you think that?

• Show me where in the text you see that.
• How is this different/the same?

Discussion includes noticing the efficiency and economy of the second

group of sentences. The elimination of repeated words and phrases is one
way we make revision decisions. In revising this way, we create a series, and
series of three or more items or actions are separated (and connected) with
Lists are a fiction writer’s friend as well. In A Crooked Kind of Perfect,
author Linda Urban (2007) uses a list to emphasize the sheer number of
“courses” Zoe’s quirky father has taken in his Living Room University:


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Already my dad has learned to Make Friends and Profit While

Scrapbooking, Earn Bucks Driving Trucks, and Party Smarty: Turn
Social Events into Cash Money.

THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Commas and semicolons to separate items in a series

• Coordinating conjunctions
• Adjective order
• Prepositional phrases

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate the use of the serial comma as a strategy or option to revise,
display the following simple sentences derived from Steve Jenkins’s The Beetle
Book (2012):

Beetles are found in many shapes.

Beetles are found in many sizes.
Beetles are also found in many colors.
There is an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Beetles all share the same basic design.

When writers draft sentences, they later reread them to see if they need
to revise them for clarity and flow. In the sentences that follow, we see a lot
of repetition. Repetition can indicate that some words may be cut and the
sentence revised. The repetition is underlined.

Beetles are found in many shapes.

Beetles are found in many sizes.
Beetles are also found in many colors.

Repetition can be wasteful. List lovers know a serial comma could help
us revise these sentences. As a class, talk it out, then write it down.

Beetles are found in many shapes, sizes, and colors.

We don’t need all of the information in the next sentence. We underline

what we don’t need.

There is an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Now we delete the word many and replace it with the phrase an amazing
range of.

Beetles are found in many shapes, sizes, and colors.

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Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List 69

Beetles are found in an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors.

The next sentence seems to be saying something slightly different: Beetles

all share the same basic design. The first sentence is about the amazing range
of shapes, sizes, and colors. It focuses on the differences among beetles. This
one is about how they are similar.
When we have two ideas opposing each other and we want to join them
in one sentence, we can form a compound sentence. But in choosing which
coordinating conjunction or FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to use,
we need to show that the second part is different from the first part. We could
use words such as but or yet to show that difference.

Beetles are found in an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors, but
beetles all share the same basic design.

Do we need to repeat the word beetle in the part of the sentence after the
word but? We could say, Beetles are found in an amazing range of shapes, sizes,
and colors, but all share the same basic design. Or we could use one of those
stand-in words—or pronouns—for beetles. Beetles is plural, so we’d use they.
We talk out the sentence in a couple of different versions and pick the one
we like the best, selecting the word all to stand in for beetles rather than they.

Beetles are found in an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors, but
all share the same basic design.

Now let’s compare it with the author’s original sentence—not because it’s
right, but because we want to see what revision decisions the author made.

Beetles are found in an amazing range of shapes, sizes, and colors, but
they all share the same basic design.

Jenkins decided to refer to beetles by using the plural pronoun they. Both
all and they work.

THE PRACTICE Students combine the following simple sentences with a partner. They are
now trying on the role of revisers. We look at another sentence from Steve
Jenkins’s book on beetles.

Beetles are found in grasslands.

Beetles are found in forests.
Beetles are found in jungles.
Beetles are found in lakes and rivers.
Beetles are even found in deserts.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Beetles are not found in oceans.

Beetles are not found in polar regions.

Students use the Decisions Writers Make handout (see Appendix G) to

revise the simple sentences in more than one way. Students share revisions,
compare and contrast different responses, and then compare them with
Jenkins’s original, remembering we look only to see other options.

Except for the oceans and polar regions, beetles are found in almost every
habitat: grasslands, forests, jungles, lakes and rivers—even deserts.

Tip Colons and Dashes:—Oh, My!

Writers use colons and dashes in places that we often think of as slots
for commas. If students are interested, teach them how to use a colon to
introduce a list; it is fun for them, because it gives them an option in their
writing they might not otherwise have. The use of a colon is shifting a bit
now; students might see it used in published writing in a way that
counters the traditional rule, which was to have a complete sentence
before the colon and the list, as in Jenkins’s example above. That is
probably the safest use, but it is often used without a complete sentence
in published writing. The rule is this: Does it work?
With the dash, it might be interesting to ask students about the
difference in effect. Why use a dash when a comma would work? The
dash connects like a comma, but with a different effect: the dash is less
formal and also indicates a sudden break.

Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We discuss
their process, considering the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?

THE COLLABORATION Let’s move on up the food chain and apply what we’ve learned to another
living creature: lizards. Sneed B. Collard III (2012) says, “Lizards have some
of the most robust appetites of any reptiles.”

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Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List 71

Groups of three to four revise their assigned cluster in at least two ways
and then select and star their favorite.

2.1 The lizard menu stretches.

The menu stretches longer than a roll of toilet paper.
The roll of toilet paper is unraveled.

2.2 They dine on a variety of dishes.

The variety of dishes is wide.
The variety includes plant dishes and animal dishes.

2.3 Other lizards are vegetarian.

Vegetarians eat vegetation.
The vegetation they eat is mainly leaves.
The vegetation they eat is mainly flowers.
The vegetation they eat is mainly fruit.

2.4 However, it is a fact that is true that most other lizard species have a diet.
The diet is something they stick to.
The diet is lively.

2.5 Anoles are an example or instance.

Anoles provide pest-control services.
Their pest control services are top-notch.
They devour insects.

2.6 Other lizards eat almost anything that runs, crawls, flies, or breathes.
They eat birds.
They eat rodents.
They eat worms.
They eat deer.
They eat other reptiles.

Groups share their revised sentences, in order, one at a time, displaying

them so that everyone can see them. Looking at the paragraph, students
consider the sentences as part of a unit. Does the flow make sense? Do we
need to add or rearrange anything?
Next, students compare their versions with the original paragraph from
Sneed B. Collard III’s Most Fun Book Ever About Lizards, not to correct their
sentences or combinations, but to see the choices another author made. The
class discusses how their sentences are like the author’s. How are they
different? What effects do the differences create?

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The lizard menu stretches longer than an unraveled roll of toilet paper.
Some lizards, such as the bearded dragon, are omnivores. They dine on
a wide variety of plant and animal dishes. Other lizards, such as the
common iguana, are vegetarian and eat mainly leaves, flowers, and
fruit. However, most other lizard species stick to a lively diet. Anoles,
for instance, provide top-notch pest-control services by devouring
insects. Other lizards eat birds, rodents, worms, deer, other reptiles—
almost anything that runs, crawls, flies, or breathes.

Tip Oxford Comma Drama

Whether it’s in the irreverent rock anthem by Vampire Weekend (“Oxford
Comma”) or a gristly grammar cop, people do care about that comma
before the conjunction and last item in a series. It’s called the Oxford
comma because the Oxford University Press style guide advises using it
for clarity. Otherwise you end up with a sentence like this: For the
special, BBC interviewed country singer George Jones’s ex-wives,
Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson. Suddenly the sentence’s intended
meaning changes to one that is not intended. Because of the lack of the
Oxford comma, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson appear to be an
appositive, renaming George Jones’s ex-wives. Because of lack of clarity
without the Oxford comma, The Chicago Manual of Style, The
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and the
beloved Elements of Style by Strunk and White all recommend its use.
On the other hand, the Associated Press Stylebook, used for journalistic
writing, chooses not to use it unless a sentence contains a series of
complex phrases because journalists make many decisions based on
saving space. But writers also need to know that authors sometimes
make a decision not to use our friend, the Oxford comma. For example,
Laurel Snyder doesn’t use it in Bigger Than a Bread Box (2011), to list
some actions describing the main character’s father (bold added):

As far as I could tell, he was just sitting on the couch, drinking a beer
and watching TV, like he usually does after dinner.

In the end: You can be wrong without it, but you usually can’t be
wrong with it.

THE APPLICATION Summarize and Serialize

After a lesson, read-aloud, or experience, partners write a sentence that
includes a list to summarize or retell and that separates items with commas.
For example, after reading the first section of A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
(2013), two students in a literature circle write the following:

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Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List 73

The monster came in a dream, tried to threaten Conor, and didn’t scare

Are You Serial?

Students return to previous writing and find a spot in which they used a
general noun—words such as stuff, things, stores, or places. They circle it and
replace it with a list of concrete nouns, being sure to use the serial comma

Original: Marina had a lot of stuff on the floor of her room.

Revised: Marina’s bedroom floor was covered with socks, dishes, and
every item of clothing she’d worn in the last two weeks.

Serially Prepared: List Maker

Students, using either one of the following situations or one like it, jot down
a list of what they would need to prepare. Have them write their list of items
as a sentence for someone who is going to help them, or as a wish list of

• Stranded on a desert island

• Seeing zombies attacking
• Getting lost on a mountain hike
• Cut off from town by a flood or landslide

Two eighth graders came up with this:

If zombies are going to attack, you need running shoes (to run away from
the slow moving threat), a shovel (to hit them over the head with), and an
ax (to remove their heads to stop the zombie from regenerating).

Tip Deleting Our Way to a Series

When we explain things, we don’t want to repeat a sentence’s subject
over and over. Compare these two versions:

The wind created a lot of destruction.

The wind tore roofs off houses.
The wind blew rocks into windows, breaking them.
The wind knocked down power lines.

The wind created a lot of destruction. It tore roofs off houses, knocked
down power lines, and blew rocks into windows, breaking them.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Instead of repeating the subject, we use pronouns and list multiple

verb phrases, separating those with commas. These constructions work
well in informational writing and also aid writers in efficiently explaining a
series of actions in a story or multiple causes or effects for an argument.
Writers lean on the same principles of revising to avoid repetition of any
element of a sentence: subjects, objects, or adjectives. Deleting extra
words creates efficient and interesting writing.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Balancing Pairs and
Deleting Repetition

THE CONTEXT Head two columns with well-known pairs on a T-chart: Bonnie and Clyde,
Right or Wrong. (See Figure L3.1.) Ask students what they notice, and discuss
their responses. Beneath Bonnie and Clyde, add Bert and Ernie and spaghetti
and meatballs. Ask students to help you add another item to the Right-or-
Wrong column, such as black or white. Then partners add as many items to
the columns as they can in two minutes, continuing the pattern.

Figure L3.1
Bonnie and Clyde Right or Wrong
Spaghetti and meatballs Black or white
Bert and Ernie Day or night

After students share their lists, lead a discussion about the pattern: pairs,
partnerships, and duos, with a coordinating conjunction (and, or) defining
the relationship between the pairs. We consider the fact that pairs are as
important as three-part lists and how—unlike lists—joining the two parts
often doesn’t require a comma (such as plain and simple). Instead, some sort
of connector defines the relationship: conjunctions (subordinate or coordi-
nate) or prepositions.
Display an excerpt from one of Mark Kurlansky’s propositions in World
Without Fish (2011):

It is important to understand that there are not two worlds: the world
of humans and a separate world of plants and animals. There isn’t a
“natural world” and a “man-made world.” We all live on the same
planet and live in the same natural order.

Students consider what they think Kurlansky is saying. If the word argu-
ment doesn’t work its way into the discussion, explain that this entire expos-
itory book is a series of related arguments about saving the environment.


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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We study the excerpt, line by line:

It is important to understand that there are not two worlds.

Students reflect on how Kurlansky supports his claim in the sentences

that follow it. Students begin to notice—eventually—that he uses pairs to
argue that the world isn’t a dichotomy of pairs: natural versus man-made.
Bring the words dichotomy, dual, and duet into the discussion; it’s the perfect
time to review the prefixes di- and du- (meaning “two”):

There isn’t a “natural world” and a “man-made world.”

Students note the author’s use of quotation marks to demonstrate the

equalness or, in this case, the non-equalness of the terms, grouping and
enclosing both with the marks.
Study the next line:

We all live on the same planet and live in the same natural order.

Students notice the word and phrase repetitions (live on/in the same)
balancing the pair in this case.
Writers use pairs in the same way they use three-part lists—to pack more
information into sentences—but in addition, pairs balance and pairs juxta-
pose, and the way we connect pairs defines the relationship between them.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word balance means “to esti-
mate the two aspects or sides of anything, to ponder.” I love the idea that the
way we structure our sentences might cause our readers—or even the
writer—to ponder. Writing is discovery, after all, and why wouldn’t the struc-
ture of sentences continue to follow the path of our thinking, enhancing and
clarifying, balancing and provoking thought?
Later, students analyze this excerpt from Malcolm Gladwell’s David and
Goliath (2013):

Wyatt Walker was a Baptist minister from Massachusetts. He joined up

with Martin Luther King in 1960. He was King’s “nuts and bolts” man,
his organizer and fixer.

Students discuss how there are three simple sentences contained in the
first sentence, and all the ways in which pairing pared them down to one.

Wyatt Walker was a minister.

Wyatt Walker was a Baptist.
Wyatt Walker was from Massachusetts.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities 77

Students build confidence as they become more conscious of how writers

combine and pair ideas for efficient and clear sentences. When they see how
we can avoid repetition by using pairs of subjects, objects, phrases, or adjec-
tives, they understand a whole lot about how one revises sentences.


• Balance of pairs and parallelism
• Pairs versus lists
• Participial phrases
• Compound direct objects and verb phrases

THE DEMONSTRATION These sentences from the book Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of
1917 by Sally Walker (2011) use multiple direct objects as a strategy to create
efficiency in writing. The book tells the story of two ships colliding in the
early 1900s, creating the largest man-made explosion in history until the
nuclear bombs of World War II. The explosion nearly destroyed two cities.
Display the following cluster of sentences:

The shock wave snapped things.

It snapped telegraph poles.
It snapped trees in two.
The snapping was easy.
The snapping was as if the trees had been twigs.

Students reflect on what these sentences are communicating. After they

identify the subject as the shock wave, they consider what the shock wave did,
creating a basic sentence: The shock wave snapped. Our revision work helps
us see how to add details to the main clause, expanding a basic sentence. We
also discover that every time writers use a coordinating conjunction, they
aren’t necessarily creating a list. And when writers compose balanced pairs
instead of lists, the pairs aren’t separated by commas—still, a coordinating
conjunction (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) often defines the rela-
tionship of the pair.
Work with students to demonstrate the DRAFT strategies to combine the
sentences (Appendix G).

The shock wave easily snapped telegraph poles and trees in two.
The shock wave snapped telegraph poles and trees in two easily.

We try a variety of constructions—a minimum of two. This requirement

pushes flexibility and option shopping, which stretches writers to try new
structures and allows for effective discussion. When students have more than

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

one option, we discuss the differences in their effect. For example, students
articulate the effect of the adverb placement in the sentence. In the first
sentence, placing the adverb easily close to the verb seems to emphasize how
easily the trees and telegraph poles snapped. Even though the second
example seems to put the word easily in a spot of emphasis (the end of the
sentence), it makes the snapping seem some how less significant.

Tip Put Adverbs in Their Place

Generally, single-word adverbs work either before or after the verbs they
modify. Proximity is a general rule of thumb. However, adverbs can be
moved to places of emphasis (such as the end of the sentence), but only
if they don’t cause confusion there. Limiting modifiers (such as only, just,
or hardly) should go only just before the word they modify.

Students grapple with how to include the last sentence of this cluster
(The snapping was as if the trees had been twigs). The new idea makes a
comparison: something is like something else. A couple of options exist for
adding the comparison—using the clause to open or close the sentence:
students like it after the base clause.

The shock wave snapped telegraph poles and trees in two as easily as if
they had been twigs.

Compare the class version to the original, not to match it, but to see what
options Sally Walker chose:

The shock wave snapped telegraph poles and trees in two as easily as if
they’d been twigs.

There is only one small difference—the contraction of they had—and it

probably resulted from the simple sentences we revised. This provides us
with a chance to address formality in written language. See the Tip Box titled
“Contraction Reaction.”
One more thing students should notice about this sentence before
moving on is how the compound objects were joined. Many students are
confused about comma use, so use this sentence as a short refresher. Students
identify the conjunction and what it is doing in the sentence, and then note
the absence of a comma in this usage. Noticing that pairs of only two items
don’t require a comma prepares the groups for The Practice.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities 79

Tip Contraction Reaction

Using contractions in speech is more common than using them in written
texts. Because of that, contractions are often associated with informality,
and the use of noncontracted verbs with more formal language. Some of
that is true, but the level of formality is also a function of genre,
audience, and purpose. Learning when it is appropriate to use
contractions can be a helpful way for student writers to consider these
important issues.

THE PRACTICE Partners revise the following simple sentences, playing with language, talking
out options. They may want to use the Decisions Writers Make handout
(Appendix G).

Electric wires were torn free.

They were broken.
They sizzled.
They sparked.
They were on the ground.

Partners revise the sentences in the cluster above in at least two different
ways, starring their favorite. Students share starred revisions, comparing and
contrasting different choices, discussing the different effects those choices
create. Finally, they compare their creations with the author’s original,
remembering that the point is to consider the possible purposes for her
choices—not to “correct” our constructions. We revisit the lack of commas
in pairs. With so many verbs, the author chose to use them in sets of two—
without commas—but two of them are in a slightly different form (as past
participles) set off by commas. The depth of conversation depends on
students’ knowledge and preparation.

Electric wires, torn free and broken, sizzled and sparked on the ground.
Electric wires broke free, sizzling and sparking on the ground.

THE COLLABORATION Each group receives one of the following sets of sentences. Groups revise
them in at least two different ways, using the DRAFT strategies. Through
students’ messy talk, they revise, combining and deleting and making

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

3.1 Train cars toppled.

They toppled off the rails.
Wagons overturned.
The horses that had pulled them lay dead.
They were still in their harnesses.

3.2 The wave cracked things.

It cracked the hulls of ships.

3.3 It smashed things.

It smashed decks.
The smashing came from flying debris.

3.4 Some things happened in Dartmouth.

The rope factory was little more than a pile.
The beer brewery was little more than a pile.
The piles were of brick.

3.5 Some things happened throughout both cities.

Windows were shattered.
The windows were in homes.
The windows were in stores.
The windows were in offices.
The windows were in schools.
All of the shattered windows made a blizzard.
The blizzard was of glass.
The blizzard was deadly.

Once the class discusses their sentences, they combine them into a para-
graph. When they are finished, they evaluate whether we need to add words
or phrases, or rearrange ideas, to make the order seem smoother.
Compare and discuss Walker’s original paragraph, not to correct but to
explore the effects of choices:

The shock wave snapped telegraph poles and trees in two as easily as if
they’d been twigs. Electric wires, torn free and broken, sizzled and
sparked on the ground. Train cars toppled off the rails, wagons over-
turned, and the horses that had pulled them lay dead in their
harnesses. The wave cracked the hulls of ships and smashed the decks
with flying debris. In Dartmouth, the rope factory and beer brewery
were little more than piles of brick. Throughout both cities, the
windows in homes and stores and offices and schools shattered in a
deadly blizzard of glass.

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Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities 81

Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We discuss
their process, considering the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?

THE APPLICATION A Pair of Friends, A Pair of Books

Partners turn to their independent reading and find at least two examples of
sentences that use pairs (nouns, verbs, prepositions, participles, or any part
of speech that is paired up to pare down). Show students an example from
your own reading, such as this from Steve Sheinkin’s Bomb: The Race to
Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon (2012; bold and italics
added), which demonstrates a pair of prepositional phrases and participial

They starved through winter and into spring, dodging German

patrols, waiting for their next job.

This discussion expands the many ways in which writers can pair, as in
this case, with prepositional and participial phrases. Both through and into
head prepositional phrases joined by and. With both dodging and waiting in
the -ing form, they are parallel. Balanced pairs put the pare into parallelism.

Revision Pairs: Pairing Up to Pare Down

Partners skim their writer’s notebook for sentences that could be revised into
one of the patterns of pairs we’ve observed. They find at least two places,
revise the sentences, and then share them with a writing partner. Allison
found these four sentences in her writer’s notebook.

I really like chatting with my friends on my cell phone. I also chat on my

computer. We talk about what’s going on in school. We also talk about

She and her partner revised them in these two combinations. (Their
favorite is starred.)

* I really like chatting with my friends on my cell phone and computer,

talking about what’s going on at school and homework.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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I really like chatting about school and homework with my friends—either

on the computer or cell phone.

Writers share and discuss the different effects of their choices. After
discussion, students write a quick note to themselves and answer this ques-
tion: Do you like the original better or the revised one? Why?

Weather or Not: Observing Action

Watch a YouTube or other educational video of a natural disaster or event—
something short with a lot of action. After viewing, partners each write five
sentences about what they viewed. Partners revise two summaries into one,
using parts of each person’s writing and trying out a pattern of balance with
pairs studied. Share the writing. (You may select the video or a choice of
videos beforehand.)
One pair of students searched “cars sliding on ice video” and had many
videos to choose from. This was the sentence they ended up with after going
through the process:

An SUV started spinning and racing down the hill, out of control and
unable to stop, slamming into a parked car, finally coming to a stop.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Adding Flavor with
Extra Information

THE CONTEXT When writing informational or explanatory texts, we often want to pack a lot
into our sentences. What are our options?
Asides—or added bits of information—in sentences give readers the
extra shot of clarification they need. Look at this paragraph from Nicola
Davies’s book What’s Eating You? Parasites—The Inside Story (2009):

Human hair mites get all they need from their hosts—us. They are tiny
relatives of spiders, about one-tenth of a millimeter long (smaller than
a grain of salt), with bodies like miniature salamis and four pairs of
stumpy legs. They live in the roots of hair (usually eyelashes or
eyebrows), where they munch on dead skin and sebum (the oily stuff
that keeps hair shiny). The only time they wander is when young mites
search for a hair of their own, when they may find their way onto
another body.

As we study the paragraph, we note how Davies captures and communi-

cates these asides of added information by using parentheses, commas, and
dashes. These punctuation marks help writers communicate asides, or
defining or clarifying information. We take apart each usage of those punc-
tuation marks and discuss how they are used for asides. For example, the
word sebum is defined in the parentheses that follow it: sebum (the oily stuff
that keeps hair shiny).


• Nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements
• Transitional phrases
• Parentheses
• Adjective stacking (including hyphenated adjectives)
• Simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate the use of the interrupter pattern, compound sentences, and
subordinate clauses as a strategy or option for revision, display the following
cluster of simple sentences, based on Mary Roach’s book Gulp: Adventures on
the Alimentary Canal (2013):

Cats can’t taste sweetness.

Dogs can taste sweetness.
Other omnivores can taste sweetness.

After writers draft sentences, they reread them at some point later.
Revising sentences makes them clearer, smoother, or more direct. These three
sentences convey a lot of information. Since we want to find a way to revise
these three sentences into one sentence that communicates the same ideas
more efficiently, we reread and think. After reading the sentences, we get an
idea: Cats can’t taste sweetness, but dogs and other omnivores can. We talk it out.

Cats can’t taste sweetness, while dogs and other omnivores can.

We are able to revise the second two sentences into a subordinate clause
to show the contrast to dogs and other omnivores. One student suggests we
invert the sentences with the subordinate clause up front: While cats can’t
taste sweetness, dogs and other omnivores can. We decide it doesn’t work as
well because the main point of the sentence is about how cats differ from
other omnivores; when we subordinate the cat side of the facts, the cats lose
But we don’t stop here. We try a few more ways. What about the inter-
rupter pattern?

Cats, unlike dogs and other omnivores, can’t taste sweetness.

We keep talking sentences out, making revision decisions. Partners talk

out the two options and decide which one they like better.
Is there another way? A compound sentence, maybe. Let’s try.

Cats can’t taste sweetness, but dogs and other omnivores can.
Cats can’t taste sweetness; dogs and omnivores can.

Each group selects which sentence they like best and explains why; then
they compare it with Mary Roach’s original sentence to see how the author
wrote it.

Cats, unlike dogs and other omnivores, can’t taste sweetness.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra 85

In this particular case, Mary Roach chose the interrupter pattern.

Keeping the subject of the sentence up front helps retain its importance, but
the idea of the contrast is emphasized by the interrupter prepositional phrase
(beginning with unlike), showing contrast: Cats, unlike dogs and other omni-
vores, can’t taste sweetness.
Here are more interrupter-pattern sentences, with the interrupters in
bold, from Steve Jenkins’s Biggest, Strongest, Fastest (1997):

The strongest animal, for its size, is the ant.

The Etruscan shrew, the world’s smallest mammal, could sleep in a


Fortunately the snail, with its hard shell, does not need to run away
from danger.

Tip Compound or Complex?

When students choose between complex and compound sentences,
between subordinating ideas or joining whole sentences with and or but,
they are really choosing how they want ideas to relate to each other.
Compound sentences suggest an equal relationship between ideas,
while subordination suggests a prioritizing one, the subordinate clause
being less important than the main clause.

THE PRACTICE With a partner, students combine the following sentence cluster based on
ideas found in Gulp! To revise the sentences in more than one way,
students may still benefit from using the sheet titled Decisions Writers Make
(Appendix G).

Dry pet foods caught on during World War II.

The dry pet foods were cereal-based.
Tin-rationing put a stop to canning.
Tin-rationing included the canning of dog food.
The dog food was made from horse meat.
There was an abundance around the time Americans embraced the
They began selling their mounts to the knackers.

After they create at least two revisions, students star the combination
they like best and share their favorites. We compare and contrast different

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

responses, and finally compare their work with Mary Roach’s original,
reminding ourselves that we look only to see other options. If students need
to make two sentences to make the writing clear, that’s okay; the point is that
they are honing, talking out, changing, removing, and replacing to get it as
trim as they can.

Dry, cereal-based pet foods caught on during World War II, when tin-
rationing put a stop to canning, including the canning of dog food
made from horse meat (of which there was an abundance around the
time Americans embraced the automobile and began selling their
mounts to the knackers).

Tip Informational Text

Do you feel like your students lack experience with how to craft the
syntax or flow of informational and explanatory writing? One way to help
develop students’ ear for sentence revising and style in informational
writing is to read aloud nonfiction texts every day. Take a passage like
this one from Salt, Sugar, and Fat by Michael Moss (2013) that has a
subject similar to what you’re currently discussing but that can be read
aloud on its own.

The first thing you need to know about sugar is this: Our bodies are
hard-wired for sweets.
Forget what we learned in school from that old diagram called the
tongue map, the one that says our five main tastes are detected by five
distinct parts of the tongue. That the back has a big zone for blasts of
bitter and the sides grab the sour and salty, and the tip of the tongue has
one single spot for sweet. The tongue map is wrong. As researchers
would discover in the 1970s, its creators misinterpreted the work of a
German graduate student that was published in 1901; his experiments
showed only that we might taste a little more sweetness on the tip of the
tongue. In truth, the entire mouth goes crazy for sugar, including the
upper reaches known as the palate. There are special receptors for
sweetness in every one of the mouth’s ten thousand taste buds, and they
are all hooked up, one way or another, to the parts of the brain known as
the pleasure zones, where we get rewarded for stoking our body’s energy.
But our zeal doesn’t stop there. Scientists are now finding taste receptors
that light up for sugar all the way down our esophagus to our stomach
and pancreas, and they appear to be intricately tied to our appetites.
The second thing to know about sugar: Food manufacturers are well
aware of the food map folly, along with a whole lot more about why we
crave sweets.

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Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra 87

On another day, give students a copy of the text. To reinforce

learning, students highlight one or more items from the list below to

• a convention or style choice that we’ve discussed before

• a convention or style choice that we haven’t discussed
• any convention or style choice of interest

THE COLLABORATION Groups of three or four revise sentence sets based on Gulp!, using the DRAFT
strategies. Writers develop at least two different revisions, star the one they
like best, and share their sentence and their rationale for selecting it.

4.1 Rodents are not like cats.

Rodents are controlled by sweetness.
Cats are not controlled by sweetness.
One could say that rodents are slaves to sweetness.

4.2 Rats have been known to die.

They die from not getting enough nutrition.
A lack of nutrition is called malnutrition.
Rather than step away from a drip of sugar water, rats die of malnutrition.

4.3 This was shown in a study.

The study was about obesity.
The study was from the 1970s.
Rats were fed a supermarket diet.
The diet was all you can eat.
The diet included marshmallows.
It also included milk chocolate and chocolate-chip cookies.
The rats gained 269 percent more weight than rats fed standard laboratory

(Option: As groups finish, give them this cluster as a challenge.)

4.4 There are strains of mice.

Some strains will consume their own body weight.
They will consume their body weight in diet soda.
They will do this over the course of a day.
You do not want the job of changing their bedding.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Groups share their favorite sentence one at a time, displaying them so

everyone can see them. They combine them into a paragraph and then
discuss, considering the following questions:

• Does the flow make sense?

• Do we need to reorder any sentences?
• Do we need to add or rearrange any parts of sentences to enhance flow
or clarify meaning?

In this discussion, students begin to see that sentences relate to one

another, that they carry meaning among and between them. Flow and variety
matter, not simply individual sentence effectiveness.

Tip Hyphenated Adjectives

Because Mary Roach’s original paragraph contains three hyphenated
adjectives, it may be a good idea to have students think about them
ahead of time as a revising strategy. Generally, the rules for hyphenated
adjectives are these:

• When two words join together to modify the same noun AND they
come before the noun, they should be hyphenated, as in best-selling
novel or big-hearted moose (Thidwick, from the book by Dr. Seuss).
• When a phrase works as a modifier, hyphenate it, as in all-you-can-
eat buffet or do-it-yourself book.
• Do not hyphenate compound modifiers if the first word of the
compound is very or an -ly word, as in very big heart or freshly
minted coin.
• As a general rule of thumb, if the conjunction and could appear
between adjectives, don’t use a hyphen between them.

We compare the class paragraph with Mary Roach’s, not to correct the
students’ revisions but to discuss the different effects created by Roach’s decisions.

Rodents, on the other hand, are slaves to sweetness. They have been
known to die of malnutrition rather than step away from a sugar-water
drip. In an obesity study from the 1970s, rats fed an all-you-can-eat
“supermarket” diet that included marshmallows, milk chocolate, and
chocolate-chip cookies gained 269 percent more weight than rats fed
standard laboratory fare. There are strains of mice that will, over the
course of a day, consume their own body weight in diet soda, and you
do not want the job of changing their bedding.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra 89


Based on Hemingway’s idea that a writer need only write “one true sentence”
(Hemingway 1964), students write one food truth. With a partner, students
write a true sentence about food or eating that demonstrates something they
learned about sentences in these lessons. They may try an interrupter or
hyphenated adjective in the sentence.

Deleting Eats the Unnecessary

Students return to a writer’s notebook entry or draft and see what they can
do about deleting words that don’t do any work: unnecessarily repeated
words, but also the trove of words that do nothing. If you can’t stand the
delete, get out of the kitchen. Will using parenthetical text or an aside help
you eat some unnecessary verbiage?

In the Delete of the Night

Have a contest to see who can produce the best before-and-after sentence.
The “after” sentence will have had words deleted and will be snappier and
better. Using interrupters or asides can compact information and give readers
sentence variety. Perhaps they revised a few sentences to make them better.
Perhaps they rearranged a few chunks or added connector words such as
subordinating conjunctions (after, as, although, while, when, until, because,
before, if, since) or coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
Perhaps they formed new verb endings. And we will know if they talked it
out, because when we speak our sentences aloud, we make them stronger,
tighter, and clearer.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The Power of Putting Ideas
in the Way

THE CONTEXT When we speak, we often take little detours, adding commentary or addi-
tional information right in the middle of our sentences. Writers also provide
these same detours to create interest, rhythm, emphasis, and variety.
Compare these approaches to the same information:

Fats Domino was another singer.

He sang rock and roll.
He put the sound of New Orleans in his music.

Fats Domino, another early rock & roll singer, put the sound of New
Orleans in his music.

Notice how the second sentence, from Holly George-Warren’s Shake,

Rattle & Roll (2001), has all the same ideas but arranges them in a way to
show relationships and create interest. Writers also need to know that a
common error is leaving off the second comma. The interrupter needs to be
enclosed in commas or dashes.
We can do the same thing when we write, even if it’s not a story we are
writing. We can use these additions—ideas that interrupt the regular flow of
the sentence—when we write information or argument. In all cases, the flow
can add ideas that enhance the communication of our topic.
Teachers should keep a few facts in their back pockets. They may or may
not surface in our discussions. Interrupters can be a word, a transition, a
phrase, or a clause. This particular interrupter (another early rock & roll
singer) is a noun phrase. This noun phrase, or appositive, is acting like a
noun by renaming Fats Domino.

POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Clauses, adverbial and relative

• Appositives and noun phrases
• Commas

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Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted 91

Tip Be Clause Minded

Clauses are groups of words that have both subjects and verbs in them,
whereas phrases are groups of words without both subjects and verbs.
Two types of clauses—or modifiers—are relative and adverbial clauses.
Relative clauses act like adjectives, and adverbial clauses act like
adverbs. Students may find it easier to think of these clauses as
functioning like single-word modifiers.
Single-word adverbs answer the questions of how, where, when, and
to what extent: loudly, outside, yesterday, extremely. So do adverbial
clauses: as though they were invisible (how), where the air is clear
(where), after the bus had left (when), as fast as the others run (to what
Relative (or adjective) clauses do what single-word adjectives do.
Adjectives answer what kind or how many or which one. Often they add
details about nouns: short or happy or blue. Examples of relative clauses
could include that is made of chocolate, who rode the fastest, which
they bought at the sale.

THE DEMONSTRATION The sentences for this lesson are derived from On a Beam of Light, a biog-
raphy of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne (2013). Although the book is a
biography, it focuses on the way Einstein noticed things and the way his
noticings changed our world. Let’s look at some sentences that are derived
from that book. Display the following cluster of sentences:

Something happened over 100 years ago.

It happened as the stars swirled.
The stars swirled in the sky.
It happened as the Earth circled the sun.
It happened as the March winds blew.
The winds blew through a little town.
The little town was by a river.
The happening was that a baby boy was born.

After reading the complete cluster of sentences, students discuss what

they notice about them. Among other observations, students note that
readers don’t find out what is actually happening until the last sentence in the
Sentence fluency is enhanced when writers vary the length of sentences.
A short sentence after a long one can provide a nice “punch” to a sequence.
In fact, Peter Roy Clark (2013) attributes this advice to Thomas Wolfe: “If

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

you ever have a preposterous statement to make . . . say it in five words or

less, because we’re always used to five-word sentences as being the gospel
truth.” Because of that effect—drawing readers’ attention—writers need to be
careful to put the right kind of information in those short sentences. What do
they want readers to pay attention to? What is the key information? That
information might be perfect for a short sentence—but try it in a variety of
ways to be sure.
Students decide to revise that cluster into three sentences. Here is what
they settle on:

Something happened over 100 years ago as the stars swirled in the sky. It
happened as the Earth circled the sun and as the March winds blew
through a little town by a river. A baby boy was born.

That sounds fine. But what do we notice? Repetition of the word

happened. Is this effective or not?

Tip The Truth About Repetition

There is no such thing as repetition. Only insistence.
—Gertrude Stein

Young writers often hear the advice to avoid repetitions. It’s true that
using repeated filler words isn’t effective. It’s true that mindlessly
repeating isn’t effective, either. But sometimes choosing important words
and repeating them in key places can be effective. Look at this passage
from Rosa by Nikki Giovanni (2005; bold added):

She sighed as she realized she was tired. Not tired from work but
tired of putting white people first. Tired of stepping off sidewalks to
let white people pass, tired of eating at separate lunch counters and
learning at separate schools. She was tired of “Colored” entrances,
“Colored” balconies, “Colored” drinking fountains, and “Colored” taxis.
She was tired of getting somewhere first and being waited on last.
Tired of “separate,” and definitely tired of “not equal.”

How many times does Giovanni use the word tired? What other
words are repeated? (White, separate, colored.) Is the repetition
effective? Writers may use repetition as a default, failing to seek a
precise word. But effective repetition, as we can see in the Rosa
paragraph, helps create rhythm and balance, emphasis and effect, unity
and order.

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Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted 93

Thinking of our DRAFT strategies, what might we delete in these

sentences? We decide to delete one of the two uses of happened.

Something happened over 100 years ago as the stars swirled in the sky,
as the Earth circled the sun, and as the March winds blew through a little
town by a river. A baby boy was born.

Let’s not forget that the adverbial clauses—beginning with as and telling
a series of things that are happening—need to be separated by commas since
there are more than two of them. Let’s look at Berne’s version and see what
choices she made:

Over 100 years ago, as the stars swirled in the sky, as the Earth circled
the sun, and as the March winds blew through a little town by the river,
a baby boy was born.

Some students mourn the loss of the short sentence they had selected in
their revision. Interestingly, the next sentence in the book IS short: “His
parents named him Albert.” When students consider this, they see the effect
of the short sentence following a long one. In the class’s version, the focus on
the event of the birth is clear. In the book, the short sentence focuses our
attention on the name of the baby.

THE PRACTICE Students grapple with the following sentence cluster with a partner, making
revision decisions about how to combine them:

One day something happened.

It happened when Albert was sick.
He was sick in bed.
The happening was that his father brought him something.
It was a compass.
A compass was a small case.
It was a round case.
Inside was a magnetic needle.

Student partnerships revise the sentences in the cluster above in at least

two different ways, starring their favorite. Then they share revisions,
comparing and contrasting their different choices and discussing the
different effects those choices create. For support in making revision deci-
sions, students may use Appendix G.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Tip Appositives: Interrupter Classic

Appositives, nouns or noun phrases that go right next to nouns or ideas
they modify, are quite useful to writers. Appositives give explanatory
information efficiently. They add additional—although not necessarily
essential—information and are usually set off by a comma or commas,
although they can be set off by a dash or dashes. It is also important to
note that not all appositives are interrupters. This example from Jennifer
Berne does not interrupt the sentence, but it is an appositive, or noun
phrase, renaming the noun before it (bold added):

One day, when Albert was sick in bed, his father brought him a
compass—a small round case with a magnetic needle inside.

Next, students compare their responses to the author’s original, with a

focus on considering possible purposes for choices—not to “correct” our

One day, when Albert was sick in bed, his father brought him a
compass—a small round case with a magnetic needle inside.

Unless students have already discussed the use of dashes as a way to

punctuate interrupters, this would be a good time to have a short lesson on
the choice of punctuation for interrupters: commas, dashes, or parentheses.
Each one has a slightly different effect—and some writing situations are more
likely to use one over another. This might also be a good time to mention the
placement of interrupters. If it’s appropriate, teachers could pause for a short
lesson on misplaced modifiers, just to help students understand how place-
ment of phrases and clauses matters in terms of clear communication of
meaning. For instance, in The Port Chicago 50 (2014), Steve Sheinkin decided
on this final sentence (bold added):

A six-foot-three, 225-pound Texan, Miller was the ship’s heavyweight

boxing champ.

Look at the effects that moving words around has on the clarity or

Miller was the ship’s heavyweight boxing champ, a six-foot-three,

225-pound Texan.

Miller, a six-foot-three, 225-pound Texan, was the ship’s heavyweight

boxing champ.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted 95

THE COLLABORATION In small groups or pairs, students revise one of the following sets of sentences
from Berne’s On a Beam of Light (2013). Revising the sentences in at least two
different ways, groups choose one to share.

5.1 Something didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter which way Albert turned the compass.
The needle always pointed north.
It was as if it were held.
The holding was by an invisible hand.

5.2 Albert was so amazed.

His amazement made his body tremble.

5.3 Suddenly he knew something.

He knew there were mysteries.
The mysteries were in the world.
The mysteries were hidden.
The mysteries were silent.
The mysteries were unknown.
The mysteries were unseen.

5.4 He wanted something.

He wanted it more than anything.
He wanted to understand those mysteries.

Once the class discusses their sentence creations, they arrange them into
a paragraph. In this sequence, it’s possible that some sentences do not have
interrupters. Even though this lesson focuses on them, it’s important for
students to understand that not every sentence will (or should) have them.
What would it sound like if they all did?
Students compare the class draft with Berne’s version, not for correc-
tion but for exposure to other options and their effects. Here is the original

One day, when Albert was sick in bed, his father brought him a
compass—a small round case with a magnetic needle inside. No matter
which way Albert turned the compass, the needle always pointed north,
as if held by an invisible hand. Albert was so amazed his body trem-
bled. Suddenly he knew there were mysteries in the world—hidden and
silent, unknown and unseen. He wanted, more than anything, to under-
stand those mysteries.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and Berne’s, discussing the effects created by the different options. We discuss
their revision decisions and reflect on the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?


Students turn to their individual reading and find at least two sentences that
use interrupters to add detail and variety to the sentence structures. In small
groups, students share examples and categorize them. Students draw some
conclusions about interrupters (placement, purpose, punctuation) and create
a chart about them to share with the class. Here is an example:
Figure L5.1

What We Discovered About Interrupters in Loree Griffin Burns’s Tracking Trash (2007)

Examples from the Text to Think About (bold added)

Ships sailing from Europe to America, on the other Modern ocean scientists, or oceanographers, call
hand, could be delayed for weeks if they tried to sail these streams “currents,” and we know that they affect
against the stream’s flow. our world in ways that go far beyond the sailing of
Scientists believe the warm waters of the Gulf Stream
heat the winds that, in turn, carry a pleasant climate These changes, which can include depleted fish
to Northern Europe. populations and increased rainfall, have a large
impact on the lives and livelihoods of people who live
in the area.

Our Thinking—if you interrupt, you’re going to need two commas.

Sometimes interrupters are transitions. Interrupters can rename or give more information.
They aren’t all the same, except they interrupt.

May I Interrupt Here?

Students scour drafts in their writer’s notebooks to find places in their writing
that could be enhanced by an interrupter or that could benefit from more
detail. They should consider the punctuation as an effect along with the
interrupter: commas, dashes, or parentheses? After they write at least two
different sentences with interrupters, they should work with a partner to see

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted 97

if the revised sentences are effective and to explain the choice of punctuation.
Here are some examples:

Original: My sister is an irritation magician. She can magically invent new

ways to irritate me with the swish of a wand, which in her case is a large
pink pencil Meemaw got her at the flea market.

Revised: My sister, the irritation magician, is constantly performing new

tricks . . . to irritate me. With the swish of a wand—in her case an
enormous pink pencil from the flea market—she abracadabras new
ways to torture me.

Do You Mind If I Say Something?

Students find a passage of about 100 words in a book or article they enjoy.
They rewrite a few lines of their passage by adding two or three interrupters
to reflect a character thinking or the personality of the author, to add inter-
esting information, or to address the audience. Revisers share both versions
with a partner. Then partners discuss the differences and the effects: Is the
revision better? Worse? Why?
Here is an example of a few sentences a pair of seventh graders revised
from The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks (2003).

Although their vocal cords are capable of speech, their brain—what there
is of it—is not.

This moan—MMMMMM—is released when zombies identify prey.

It will then shift in tone—more frantic—and volume—louder—as the

zombie commences its attack.

The Long and the Short of It

To reinforce our initial look at sentence-length variety, students look in the
texts they read for long and short sentences in proximity—sentences that are
neighbors, if you will, but not necessarily next-door neighbors. The longer
sentences can be with or without commas.
Here are two long-and-short pairs found in Laurie Halse Anderson’s
Chains (2008):

Long: We couldn’t take Momma’s shells, nor Ruth’s baby doll made of
flannel bits and calico, nor the wooden bowl Poppa made for me.
Short: Nothing belonged to us.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Long: I looked around our small room, searching for a tiny piece of
home I could hide in my pocket.

Two short: What to take?

(The two short sentences are even two separate paragraphs.)

Students reread the long and short sentences they found. They consider
the effects of the closeness of the long and the short sentences. Why do
writers craft these different sentences? What are the effects of short and long
sentences? What do they do together?
Students write a few sentences of reflection on these questions below
their collected sentences, making sure to show a connection to the sentences

The Long (or Short) Shot

In their writer’s notebook entry or an essay they’re working on or have
completed, students experiment with something they’ve discovered about
long and short sentences. They should highlight and label the work “The
Long and the Short of It.” Then they describe what they did and why in a
sentence or two. (The changing and adding may be done on a sticky note and
attached to the work if students want to preserve their original.)

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The Verbal That Tracks Action

THE CONTEXT Writers sometimes need to add detail or explanation to make their points
clear. They can do so in a variety of ways. Let’s look at one, with sentences
based on Adina Rishe Gerwitz’s Zebra Forest (2013):

The man stood very still.

The man was looking at us.
The man tried to focus his eyes in the sudden light.

Often we think of lists as ways to compact writing, but there is another

easy-to-use tool to layer ideas economically: the participle.

The man stood very still.

The man was looking at us.
The man tried to focus his eyes in the sudden light.

We could easily revise the first two sentences using the participle to head
a participial phrase:

The man stood very still, looking at us.

Looking at us is a participial phrase. The -ing verb, for short, at the begin-
ning is a participle.
What about adding the third sentence to our new one? If we change the
verb tried to trying, we could attach that as well. That’s what Gerwitz did in
Zebra Forest:

The man stood there very still, looking at us, trying to focus his eyes in
the sudden light. (bold added)


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Writers contrast this with the three sentences we started with. Beyond
lists, participial phrases are compact ways to add information and action or
motion to the end, middle, or beginning of sentences.

THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Participial phrases

• Introductory prepositional phrases
• Relative pronouns and clauses
• Introductory adverbial clauses (adjectives)

THE DEMONSTRATION Students work with sentences from Jim Arnosky’s book Wild Tracks! (2008).
The book explores animal tracks and how people learn about animals from
Display the following cluster of sentences:

Bears walk.
They walk flat-footed.
Flat footed means placing the foot on the ground.
It is the entire foot.
This happens with each step.

We consider what we notice about these sentences. Students observe that

the sentences seem very straightforward: something happens (bears walk
flat-footed), and this is what flat-footed means. Together, we use the DRAFT
strategies (Appendix G) to analyze the sentence cluster to see what might be
deleted or rearranged. Do we need to add connectors or form new verb
endings? To make our revision decisions, we talk it out.
If we combine the first two sentences in this cluster, we can delete they
as a repetition of bears.

Bears walk flat-footed.

Students notice that the last three sentences define what flat-footed
means. They create a new sentence with the last three sentences of the
cluster. Students consider how to add the new information to the sentence.
They could use a which means phrase or even add a participle like
placing—the action the foot takes. After looking at both options, students
pick this:

Bears walk flat-footed, placing the entire foot fully on the ground with
each step.

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Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle 101

Compare students’ revisions with Arnosky’s to see what options the

author chose:

Bears walk flat-footed, placing the entire foot on the ground with each

THE PRACTICE Student partners revise the following cluster of sentences in two different
ways and choose their favorite. Students may use the handout Decisions
Writers Make (Appendix G).

The front feet are wide.

They show in bear tracks.
They show completely.
The hind feet are large.
They show in bear tracks.
They show completely.

After students share their favorites and discuss the differences and the
effects of those differences, compare their revisions with Arnosky’s, again just
to see the effects of different choices:

The wide front feet and the large hind feet show completely in bear tracks.

Tip Adjectives In and Out of Place

Adjectives in English sentences are usually placed just before the nouns
they modify. However, your students may be familiar with the stylistic
device of putting adjectives out of their expected place, either from their
own reading or from having worked with Harry Noden’s Image Grammar
(2012). If they are, they may have revised with the focus on the
adjectives by putting them in places of emphasis or out of their “normal”
positions. Their sentences may look something like this: The bear’s front
feet, wide, and the hind feet, large, show completely in tracks. Or this:
The bear’s feet—large and wide—show completely in tracks. Although
both of these could work and reflect interesting literary style, teachers
might want students to consider why, in this instance, the author chose
to use the adjectives in the expected positions. Part of that choice may
have to do with context.

THE COLLABORATION In partners or small groups, students revise an assigned set of sentences in at
least two different ways and select one to share with the class.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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6.1 The front feet show up.

They show up in the tracks.
The front portion of the hind feet show up.
They show up in the tracks.
They show up when the bear is running.

6.2 A bear is a heavy animal.

The heaviness makes something happen.
Its tracks are pressed.
They are pressed deeply.
They are pressed often.
They create defined footprints.
The definition is perfect.

6.3 An experienced tracker can estimate.

A tracker uses a set of footprints.
A perfect set of footprints is two front and two hind.
A tracker can estimate the size of the bear.
The size is the size of the one that made the tracks.
A tracker can estimate the weight of the bear.

6.4 A bear’s toes spread apart.

They do this on slippery surfaces.
They do it for better traction.
The spreading presses footprints.
The footprints are large.
They are larger than the bear’s actual feet.

After sharing, students combine each group’s sentence into a paragraph;

following the order of the second number will put the paragraph in the order
of the author. Then they can compare their paragraph with the passage from
Wild Tracks! (2008), highlighting different choices and discussing their

Bears walk flat-footed, placing the entire foot on the ground with each
step. The wide front feet and the large hind feet show completely in bear
tracks. When running, the front feet and the front portion of the hind
feet show up in the tracks. Because a bear is a heavy animal, its tracks
are often pressed deeply, creating perfectly defined footprints. With a
perfect set of four bear footprints (two front and two hind), an experi-
enced animal tracker is able to accurately estimate the size and weight
of the bear that made them. On slippery surfaces, a bear’s toes spread
apart for better traction, pressing in footprints that are much larger
than the bear’s feet. Such splayed footprints can fool a tracker into
imagining the bear that left them is much larger than its actual size.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle 103

Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We discuss
their process, considering the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?

THE APPLICATION Tracking the Action

Harry Noden explains that “participles evoke action,” and that “using single
participles creates rapid movement, while expanded phrases add details at a
slower, but equally intense pace” (2011, 4–5). To see this effect, students read
the following passage from the first chapter of Where the Red Fern Grows
(Rawls 1961), without the participles and participial phrases:

I was trying to make up my mind to help when I got a surprise. Up out

of that mass reared an old redbone hound. For a second I saw him. I
caught my breath. I couldn’t believe what I had seen.
He fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low
branches of a hedge. They formed a halfmoon circle around him. A big
bird dog, bolder than the others, darted in. The hedge shook as he
tangled with the hound. He came out so fast he fell over backwards. I
saw that his right ear was split wide open. It was too much for him
and he took off down the street.
A big ugly cur tried his luck. He didn’t get off so easy. He came out
with his left shoulder laid open to the bone. He sat down on his rear
and let the world know that he had been hurt.
By this time, my blood was boiling. It’s hard for a man to stand
and watch an old hound fight against such odds, especially if that man
has memories in his heart like I had in mine. I had seen the time when
an old hound like that had given his life so that I might live.
I waded in.

Students share what they can see and hear in the passage. Most of the
time, they have some answers, but they don’t have as many as they do when
they read the original passage, which follows. The participles and participial
phrases are in bold for ease in identification.

I was trying to make up my mind to help when I got a surprise. Up out

of that snarling, growling, slashing mass reared an old redbone hound.
For a second I saw him. I caught my breath. I couldn’t believe what I
had seen.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and
backed up under the low branches of a hedge. Growling and snarling,
they formed a halfmoon circle around him. A big bird dog, bolder than
the others, darted in. The hedge shook as he tangled with the hound.
He came out so fast he fell over backwards. I saw that his right ear was
split wide open. It was too much for him and he took off down the
street, squalling like a scalded cat.
A big ugly cur tried his luck. He didn’t get off so easy. He came out
with his left shoulder laid open to the bone. He sat down on his rear
and let the world know that he had been hurt.
By this time, my fighting blood was boiling. It’s hard for a man to
stand and watch an old hound fight against such odds, especially if
that man has memories in his heart like I had in mine. I had seen the
time when an old hound like that had given his life so that I might live.
Taking off my coat, I waded in.

With the participles added, students consider what they see and hear.
They note that in addition to adding sensory details, the participles—those
-ing words that we deleted in the first version—actually add to the intensity
and ferocity of the fight. The words themselves, their meanings and their
sounds, help to create the action and movement of the fight: twisting and
slashing, growling and snarling.

Making Tracks
Students look for examples of long and short participial phrases (or single-
word participles) in their reading. They collect three or four of them and
share them in small groups where they can make a list of noticings about the
placement and effects of participial phrases. Their lists can be compiled to
create a class chart of Dos and Don’ts About Participial Phrases, like these
three initial items they may develop:

1. Do use participial phrases to create more action in a passage.

2. Do make sure the phrases are close to the word they are describing to
avoid confusion.
3. Don’t think that EVERY word that ends in –ing is a participle.

Hunting, Tracking, and Identifying Participles

Students look in their writer’s notebook for a passage they have drafted that
could use more detail or action. They highlight any existing participial
phrases and then find places to add a few more. With a writing partner, they
compare each before-and-after version to get feedback on the effectiveness of
their revisions.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Invigorating Writing with
Gerunds and Participles

THE CONTEXT The truth about gerunds and participles is this: How you use them is more
important than what you call them. Writers use verbs in different ways as one
means of creating lively, concise writing. We can use verbs like nouns
(gerunds) or adjectives (participles). For example, in the sentences I love
revising and Revising is fun, the verb revising functions as a noun (an
activity). That’s a gerund.
On the other hand, if I say, I talk out my sentences, revising as I go, the
word revising is a participle, heading a participial phrase, which functions as
an adjective. Grammarians would say it’s adjectival. Does that matter?
Perhaps it feels more like verbal abuse. But at least you know a bit more about
verbs that end in -ing.*
Students compare the following, which summarize the setting of the
book Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon
by Steve Sheinkin (2012):

Scientists in the late 1930s engaged in a frantic race. They were breaking
atoms and working in secret facilities because they were trying to gain
world dominance.

Scientists in the late 1930s engaged in a frantic race, breaking atoms,

working in secret facilities, trying to gain world dominance.

Ask follow-up questions to deepen the conversation:

• Why do you think that?

• Where in the text do you see that?
• What construction creates that effect?

*Whereas present participles do end in -ing, past participles end in -ed or -en.


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Discussion includes noticing that the first brief summary of Bomb gets at
the main idea behind the book—spies and secrets—but doesn’t capture the
mood very well. The use of verbals in the second draft increases the pace and
intensity—just like the mood of the time.

THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Gerunds (verbals)

• Prepositional phrases
• Participial phrases (verbals)
• Noun clauses
• Adverbial clauses
• Commas in series
• Dashes
• Transitions

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate the way in which participial phrases add interest and infor-
mation, display the following cluster of sentences derived from Deborah
Heiligman’s award-winning book, Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of
Faith (2009).

Charles could do something.

He could entertain himself.
He could do it for hours.
He did it just by thinking.
He did it just by observing birds.
He did it just by watching sticks.
He did it just by watching leaves.
He watched sticks and leaves float.
They floated down a stream.

DRAFT reminds us to delete words that are repeated, unless the repeti-
tion serves a purpose of emphasis or rhythm. Ask students what could be
deleted in the first sentences.

Charles could entertain himself.

He could do it for hours.

Deleting the second could revises the sentence like this:

Charles could entertain himself for hours.

The next four sentences also have unnecessary repetition:

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Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy 107

He did it just by thinking.

He did it just by observing birds.
He did it just by watching sticks.
He did it just by watching leaves.

How do these ideas relate to the idea we already have? Since they are
ways in which he entertained himself, how can we add them to our sentence?
Students remember that lists use commas to separate individual items.

Charles could entertain himself for hours just by thinking, by observing

birds, by watching sticks, and by watching leaves.

Students might note that they could also delete the word by from some
of the phrases. Actually, they could eliminate the word entirely by using a
series of gerunds instead of the bulkier prepositional phrases that start with

Charles could entertain himself for hours, just thinking, observing birds,
and watching sticks and leaves.

Tip Is It a Gerund? Or Something Else?

Gerunds are words that look like -ing verbs but act like nouns. Since
gerunds function as nouns, they can be the subjects of sentences as
well as objects of verbs or prepositions. A way to think about the
difference is to consider this question: What are your hobbies? Reading?
Skiing? Scuba diving? Running? Writing? These are things we do
(verbs); however, they are also names of activities (nouns) when used in
this way. I love running. Running is a gerund (in this sentence too).

Students discuss options for the last two sentences. How do they relate
to what we have already? Writers notice that these sentences add details to
the last items on our list—what Charles is watching.

Charles could entertain himself for hours, just thinking, observing birds,
and watching sticks and leaves float down a stream.

Let’s look at the original to see what options the author chose:

Charles could entertain himself for hours just by thinking, or by

observing birds, or watching sticks and leaves float down a stream.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Students will note, in comparing their revisions with the original, that
the author chooses to keep some of the prepositions and uses the conjunc-
tion or instead of and. Address the different effects each of those have on the

THE PRACTICE Students tangle with the following cluster of sentences with a partner,
revising them in at least two different ways and starring the one they like
best. Evaluation is a big part of revision decisions. For supporting their revi-
sion decisions, students may use the DRAFT handout (Appendix G).

He made notes.
He did this as he watched.
He watched the birds.
He wrote.
He wrote what the birds did.
He wrote how they behaved.

When students finish revising the sentences, they share their favorite
revisions. After sharing, they compare their creations to the original, not to
correct their work but to see how different revision decisions create different
effects. Out of all the possibilities, why did the author choose the one she
did? Ask the students, “Do you agree or disagree? Why?”

He made notes as he watched the birds, writing down what they did,
how they behaved.

Tip Participles . . . Whuh?

If students have worked with participles before, this cluster of sentences
provides a good time to review and extend. He made notes as he
watched the birds, writing down what they did, how they behaved. In this
case, the subject (Charles) has a main action of making notes. Students
could see the second verb, writing, as separate. In actuality, writing is a
description of his note making, modifying the kind of notes he made,
spiraling back to the base clause. By the way, when we refer to a
participle, we use the word participle. On the other hand, when we refer
to a phrase in which the first word is a participle, we can call it a
participial phrase or a participle phrase.

THE COLLABORATION Assign small groups different sentence sets. Groups revise their assigned
sentences in at least two ways and then select their best one.

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Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy 109

7.1 And he was like many.

He was like young boys.
He was a collector.

7.2 He collected things.

He collected shells.
He collected seals.
He collected coins.
He collected minerals.

7.3 He studied what he collected.

He organized them by kind.
His organization was in a tradition.
The tradition was of natural historians.

7.4 His great love was hunting.

Another great love was shooting.
These loves came as he got older.

7.5 He shuddered.
He shuddered later in life.
He shuddered at something.
The something was how many animals he had killed.

7.6 He quivered.
He quivered with joy.
He quivered with excitement.
His quivering was before picking up a gun.
His quivering was at the time of his youth.

Groups share their favorite revisions, recording them so other students

can see them. As students compile the sentences into a paragraph, they might
want to talk about connectors. How can they make the flow of sentences
Helping students work through the process, with the specific considera-
tion of transitions, should be helpful to them. After they have resolved the
challenge, have them consider Heiligman’s original paragraph from Charles
and Emma, here with some transitions underlined. What differences do they
notice? How can what they observe help them in their own writing when
they need to move back and forth through time?

Charles could entertain himself for hours just by thinking, or by

observing birds, or watching sticks and leaves float down a stream. He

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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made notes as he watched the birds, writing down what they did, how
they behaved. And like many young boys, he was a collector. He
collected shells, seals, coins, and minerals. He studied them and orga-
nized them by kind—in the tradition of natural historians. As he got
older, his great love was hunting and shooting. Later in life he shud-
dered at how many animals he had killed. But at the time he quivered
with joy and excitement before picking up a gun.

Tip Connectors
Connectors are words or phrases that help readers see the relationships
among and between sentences. Sometimes they are straightforward and
fairly simple (first, on the other hand, yet, after), but other times they are
more sophisticated and subtle. Notice the bold words in the following
passage as examples of ways in which Laura Hillenbrand (2001) uses
connectors to link ideas in this paragraph from Seabiscuit: An American
Legend. She uses pronouns and synonyms to show relationships
between one example and another.

The only thing more dangerous than being on the back of a

racehorse was being thrown from one. Some jockeys took two
hundred or more falls in their careers. Some were shot into the air
when horses would “prop,” or plant their front hooves and slow
abruptly. Others went down when their mounts would bolt, crashing
into the rails or even the grandstand. A common accident was
“clipping heels,” in which trailing horses tripped over leading horses’
hind hooves, usually sending the trailing horse and rider into a
somersault. Finally, horses could break down, racing’s euphemism
for incurring leg injuries.

Obvious Connectors Subtle Connectors

Transition Words: or, when, and, Synonyms: being thrown, falls,

finally, which shot in the air, went down,
crashing into the rails, somersault

Prepositions: on, of, from, in, Pronouns: some, their, others

over, into

THE APPLICATION Observation Station

Pull several powerful paragraphs, plump with transitions, from texts, and
make copies of them. Set up a station where students can stop by and high-
light those phrases and words that help connect ideas in the paragraphs.

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Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy 111

Perhaps put a copy of Charting Connections (Appendix F) at the table to

help in this endeavor. Students contribute to a chart about how transitions
could work. Here is a contribution one student made:

A pronoun can connect because it stands in for a noun we’ve already used.

Be a Sentence Scientist
Students find a few sentences that use gerunds or participles. In pairs,
students rewrite the sentences without the verbals. The following sentences
are from The Tin Forest by Helen Ward (2001):

Small creatures appeared, creeping among the forest of trees.


Small creatures appeared; they seemed to creep among the forest of trees.

Soon the song of birds mingled with the buzzing of insects and the
rustle of leaves.


Soon the song of birds mingled with the sounds of insects and leaves.

Writer’s Advice Column

After collecting and rewriting sentences with participles and gerunds,
students discuss the different effects with a partner. Then they each write a
few advice statements for others, like this example:

Dear Trying Writing in Detroit,

Participles or gerunds can help you say what you want to say faster.
Gerunding is fun, but participles, taking a bit longer, are the most fun.

Crushing Grammar

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Using Prepositions to
Connect and Navigate

THE CONTEXT Readers need to see the settings writers describe, the places where characters
or people dwell. One essential tool for locating your reader in time and space
is the preposition. Students compare these two versions of the same idea,
based on L. D. Harkrader’s Airball: My Life in Briefs (2008):

I just stood there, clutching the basketball tightly. A wild October wind
whipped, rattling the windows.

I just stood there on the free-throw line, in the shadow of that big
orange sign above the scoreboard, clutching the basketball tight to my
Prepositions clarify the
relationships between and among chest. Outside, a wild October wind whipped through town, rattling the
words, defining location or position windows high above the bleachers in the gym.
as well as other kinds of

Alphabetical List of Common Prepositions

about before except near than with

above behind excluding through within
across below of throughout without
after beneath following off to
against beside for on toward
along between from onto
among beyond out under
around by in outside underneath
at inside over unlike
atop down into until
during past up
per upon


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Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented 113

As students respond with comparisons and differences, they underline

the prepositional phrases and highlight the prepositions (in bold) that begin
the phrases in the original, more descriptive passage from Harkrader’s book
and discuss the relationships reflected by the prepositions.

I just stood there on the free-throw line, in the shadow of that big
orange sign above the scoreboard, clutching the basketball tight to my
chest. Outside, a wild October wind whipped through town, rattling
the windows high above the bleachers in the gym.

Discuss how writers use prepositional phrases to ground readers in time

and space.

THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Prepositional phrases

• Participles
• Conjunctions

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate that prepositions are often about location, display the
following complete sentences about a specific place in Liar & Spy, by Rebecca
Stead (2013):

It’s a tiny little room.

It’s almost a closet.
The room has walls that are dingy.
The room has a floor that is concrete.
The room has one lightbulb.
The lightbulb dangles from the ceiling.
The lightbulb dangles in a way that’s slightly creepy.

The DRAFT mnemonic (Appendix G) reminds us of some strategies we

might use to revise these sentences into one sentence. First, delete informa-
tion that’s redundant or repetitive.

It’s a tiny little room.

It’s almost a closet.

Repetition of this type is wasteful. Here a punctuation connector can

help us revise. Talk it out and write down some options.

It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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The next three sentences start with the room has, so there are some more
words to delete.

The room has walls that are dingy.

The room has a floor that is concrete.
The room has one lightbulb.

We already have the word room, so we could delete these repetitions and
add to what we have.

It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet, with walls that are dingy.

With is a great choice for a preposition to add additional information. Is

there a shorter way we could say walls that are dingy? What about floor that
is concrete?

It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet, with dingy walls and a concrete floor.

Tip Thatery and Whichery

Ken Macrorie (1988) considers the use of that a sin against a sentence.
In these cases, walls that are dingy and floor that is concrete can be
economized by shifting the adjective up front and close to what’s being
modified or described: dingy walls, a concrete floor. But that is not
always a bad word. It’s a word that can be useful, though we do agree with
Macrorie in this case: It’s a useful word is a more economical sentence.

The last three sentences talk about the lightbulb in the room.

The room has one lightbulb.

The lightbulb dangles from the ceiling.
The lightbulb dangles in a way that’s slightly creepy.

It looks like the lightbulb is part of a list, and before the third item in a
list we can use a coordinating conjunction. Here and would work. How can
we revise the other ideas for our revision? Talk it out with students.

It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet, with dingy walls, a concrete floor,
and a lightbulb that dangles from the ceiling.

From the ceiling is a prepositional phrase, and we can add in a slightly

creepy way to give detail about the way it dangles.

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Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented 115

It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet, with dingy walls, a concrete floor,
and a lightbulb that dangles from the ceiling in a slightly creepy way.

Let’s compare it to Stead’s sentence to see the effects of our choices—and


It’s a tiny little room, almost a closet, with dingy walls, a concrete floor,
and one lightbulb that dangles from the ceiling in a way that’s slightly

Discuss the differences.

THE PRACTICE Students grapple with the following cluster of sentences with a partner, using
DRAFTing questions to revise in more than one way and then selecting their
favorite (see Appendix G). They are now trying on the role of revisers. We
look at another sentence based on Liar & Spy.

The only thing in the room is a table.

It’s a folding table.
The table has metal legs.
The legs are spindly.

Students share revisions. Compare and contrast different responses, and

then finally compare them with the original, reminding them that we look
only to see other options.

The only thing in the room is a folding table with spindly metal legs.

Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We reflect on
their revision decisions by asking the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you still have?

THE COLLABORATION We look at more sentences from Stead’s book. Groups revise their assigned
sentence in at least two ways and then select their favorite. In this case, read
the first two sentences of the paragraph aloud before students revise the
remaining clusters of complete sentences.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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When I think of all the work Dad put into our house it’s pretty sad. But
mostly I feel sorry for myself, because the coolest thing about it was my

8.1 Dad took apart a fire escape a long time ago.

The fire escape was real.
The fire escape was from a building that his office was demolishing.
He rebuilt the bottom level of it.
He rebuilt it inside my bedroom.

8.2 He bolted it to a wall.

He attached a ladder to it.
The ladder was the original ladder.

8.3 I had a bed up there.

He made me cubbies.
These cubbies were built in.
The cubbies were for all of my stuff.

8.4 I had the most excellent room.

It was the best room of any kid I know.
We had to leave it behind.

Groups share their sentences in order, one at a time, displaying them so

everyone can see them. As a class, consider them as a paragraph, making any
revisions necessary for flow. Then compare the class paragraph to the original,
not to correct but to consider the choices and the effects of those choices.
What can we learn about our own writing from this comparison? What is our
takeaway to write in our writer’s notebook to remember for the future?

When I think of all the work Dad put into our house it’s pretty sad. But
mostly I feel sorry for myself, because the coolest thing about it was my
room. A long time ago, Dad took apart a fire escape—a real fire
escape, from a building that his office was demolishing—and he rebuilt
the bottom level of it inside my bedroom. He bolted it to the wall, and
even attached the original ladder. I had a bed up there, and he made me
these built-in cubbies for all my stuff. I had the most excellent room of
any kid I know, and we had to leave it behind.

THE APPLICATION Looking for a Place

Students look through their writer’s notebooks for a story seed. Writers
consider the place (setting) of the story for a few moments, jotting down

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Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented 117

details they imagine in their mind’s eye about the place. Then, students write
a description of the place, using constructions similar to those studied in this
lesson. Students share their writing with a partner and talk about what works
in the description and what’s missing.

In the Books
Students look through books or stories they’ve enjoyed reading for passages
that set the scene. Tell them to consider the kind of language and structures
authors use. They make a list of some good examples to bring to their writing
groups, and then share the lists and note some patterns to share with the class.
Here are some examples from The Tin Forest by Helen Ward (2001), with
prepositional phrases about location underlined:

Right in the middle was a small house, with small windows, that
looked out on other people’s garbage and bad weather.
In the house lived an old man.
He dreamed he lived in a forest full of wild animals.
The old man spilled crumbs from his sandwich onto the ground.
The bird ate the crumbs and perched to sing in the branches of a
tin tree.

1. Often the details in prepositional phrases come at the end of a sentence,
after the main idea.
2. But sometimes the prepositional phrase is at the beginning of the sentence.
3. Lots of prepositional phrases answer the question “where?” and some
answer “what kind?”

Titles FROM Prepositional Phrases

Students search through their writer’s notebooks or writing folders for a piece
they are currently working on. Writers generate titles for a few pieces of
writing, using prepositions as starter words to create prepositional phrase
titles. Here are some students’ titles.

“In Trouble”
“After Eighth Grade”
“Before The Bell Rang”
“With Fries and a Coke”

Next time they are looking for a title, look into prepositional phrases.
Discuss what other grammatical constructions we’ve learned about that could
make good titles.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Use It . . . or Lose It?

THE CONTEXT Once students start revising, they get a little comma happy, attempting to add
the common comma everywhere. It is, in fact, the most used punctuation
mark. But although commas are quite helpful in corralling information this
way or that, this lesson reminds us that we don’t always need them—
although in a few cases, we still really do.
In this lesson, we work against the grain and do something we rarely do.
We show writers errors, so they can identify how using too many commas
creates comma-tose writing.
Display the passages below and ask, “What’s the difference, writers?”

I heard the story of the Pilgrims, many times from my grandparents and
teachers, before I realized that the Pilgrims had shown up, in New
England, without food or shelter six weeks, before winter.

I heard the story of the Pilgrims many times from my grandparents and
teachers before I realized that the Pilgrims had shown up in New
England without food or shelter six weeks before winter.

Students respond to reflective questions:

• Why do you think that?

• What is the effect created?

We notice that commas break up the first passage; we conclude that

everything doesn’t need to be separated by commas, and that commas can be
real jerks . . . to our readers, literally jerking them out of the meaning. The
second, correctly comma-less sentence is the one that made it into Charles C.
Mann’s Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 (2009).


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Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma 119


• Effects of punctuation
• Sentence variety
• Apostrophes
• Syntax
• Repetition

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate the effective use of commas, we read another excerpt from
Mann’s Before Columbus aloud twice. Students pay attention to how the
author closes the chapter by summing up. He uses the organizational strategy
of classification, grouping or categorizing advantages and disadvantages.

The lack of livestock was one of the major differences between the
Indians and the Europeans who came to the Americas. Unlike the
Europeans, the Indians did not live in constant contact with many
animals. This had disadvantages—without horses, for example, Indians
could not travel as fast or communicate as efficiently as Europeans.
Life without livestock also had advantages. It let Indians escape
many diseases. Scientists use the term zoonotic disease to mean an
illness that can travel from animals to humans, and there are a lot of
them. Influenza is one well-known zoonotic disease. It can start in
birds and migrate to people, becoming an epidemic of “bird flu.” A
cattle disease becomes measles in humans. When a condition called
horsepox jumps to humans, it is known as smallpox. The Americas
were free from these and many more zoonotic diseases. That was a
blessing for Indians who lived in isolation from the rest of the world.
When the Europeans arrived, though, it became a deadly curse.

Students share observations about the categories (or groupings of advan-

tages and disadvantages) they notice.
Display the following cluster of sentences to revise as a class:

One major difference was a lack of livestock.

The difference was between the Indians and Europeans.
The Indians and Europeans who came to the Americas were different.

Students refer to the DRAFT mnemonic posted on the wall or on a

handout (see Appendix G) to help us make our revision decisions. We begin
by rearranging:

The lack of livestock was one major difference.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Now we delete the repeating three words of the second sentence: the
difference was. And we can add between the Indians and Europeans. We talk
this out.

The lack of livestock was one major difference between the Indians and

Yep, we don’t need a comma to set off this prepositional phrase. We note
that the third sentence sounds the same. Is there anything new here? Oh, our
sentence doesn’t refer to the Americas yet. We delete the repetition of The
Indians and Europeans and add the information about the Americas to the end.

The lack of livestock was one of the major differences between the
Indians and the Europeans who came to the Americas.

And the “who clause”—the relative clause headed by the relative

pronoun who—doesn’t need a comma here either, because the clause’s infor-
mation is essential to the meaning of the sentence. We aren’t talking about
any Europeans, just those who came to the Americas.

THE PRACTICE Student partners revise the three sentence clusters from Mann’s Before Columbus:

Cluster 1
Scientists use the term zoonotic disease.
Zoonotic disease means an illness.
The illness can travel from animals to humans.
A lot of diseases travel from animals to humans.

Cluster 2
Influenza is one zoonotic disease.
Influenza is well known.

Cluster 3
It can start in birds.
Then it can migrate to people.
It can become an epidemic.
The epidemic can be “bird flu.”

Writers use the DRAFT mnemonic to revise the sentences, combining for
more than one variation. They star their favorite sentences and share their
revisions, comparing and contrasting the different responses. Last, writers
compare their versions with the author’s original to acquire other options.

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Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma 121

Scientists use the term zoonotic disease to mean an illness that can
travel from animals to humans, and there are a lot of them. Influenza is
one well-known zoonotic disease. It can start in birds and migrate to
people, becoming an epidemic of “bird flu.”

Students evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We reflect on
their revision decisions by asking the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What questions do you have now?

THE COLLABORATION Benjamin Bennaker is a famous inventor. We read to find out what he
invented in our sentences from Andrea Pinkney’s book Hand in Hand: Ten
Black Men Who Changed America (2012). Groups revise their assigned
sentences in at least two ways and then select their favorite. One of their
choices is whether to use commas. Here they must face the comma-drama
dilemma. Sometimes they’re needed, sometimes not. This lesson gives us a
chance to understand when commas are needed and when they’re not.
Groups think carefully about each comma they use—or lose.
After they have revised their sentences, have them write a quick expla-
nation for each comma’s use. Then ask these questions:

• Why did you choose to use it?

• What would be the effect if you did not?
• Does this use of a comma connect to any rule you know?

If groups choose not to use a comma, they should be prepared to explain

that choice as well.

9.1 Things occurred to Benjamin.

His farm could function even more efficiently.
Putting things on a schedule would be efficient.
He could use the schedule of a clock.
He could schedule the day’s waking, hauling, rinsing, rolling, and baking
on this schedule.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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9.2 Clocks weren’t common.

Not everybody had one in the 1700s.
This was especially true for regular folks.
Folks such as farmers were regular folks.
But Benjamin’s way of approaching the world was far from regular.

9.3 (Try starting with Though.)

He had never seen a timepiece.
He didn’t know how a clock worked.
He set out to build one.
He would be using wood pieces.
The pieces were from Stout’s timber shed.

9.4 He borrowed a watch.

The watch was a pocket watch.
He studied its innards.
He got to work.

9.5 The man was math-happy.

He drew plans for clocks.
He carved cogs.
He fashioned the clock’s face.
He fashioned the hands of the clock.
He added a bell.

Groups share their sentences, displaying them so that everyone can see
them. Discuss how the sentences flow together, and make adjustments as neces-
sary. Compare the students’ constructions with Pinkney’s original text. How are
they alike and how are they different? What are the effects of the differences?

It occurred to Benjamin that his farm could function even more effi-
ciently by putting the day’s waking, hauling, rinsing, rolling, and
baking on a clock’s schedule. Clocks weren’t common in the 1700s,
especially for regular folk such as farmers. But Benjamin’s way of
approaching the world was far from regular. Though he had never seen
a timepiece and didn’t know how a clock worked, he set out to build
one using wood pieces from Stout’s timber shed. He borrowed a pocket
watch, studied its innards, and got to work. The math-happy man drew
clock plans, carved cogs, fashioned the clock’s face and hands, and
added a bell.

In this passage, commas serve mostly two purposes: separating items in

a series and separating an introductory clause from the rest of the sentence.

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Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma 123

One comma is used for a right-branching element. With a light touch, use
this as a time to review or clarify grammatical understandings.

THE APPLICATION Developing Comma-n Sense

Students look in their reading for sentences that use commas. They find
sentences that look like they need a comma or don’t. Students bring them to
class and in small groups come up with explanations for why the authors
made the choices they did. Students consider these questions:

• How did the use of commas help the authors communicate their message?
• Why might an author choose not to use a comma?

For example, in James Joyce’s Dubliners (2012), why did he choose to

forgo the comma in this lovely compound sentence? How would it change if
it had a comma?”

The cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed.

Un-Comma-n Writing
Students look in their writer’s notebooks for sentences they have written that
use commas or that might use them. They highlight at least three of these
sentences. Students then talk to a writing partner about their sentences and
decide with that person if the use of commas (or lack of use) is the best
choice for their purposes. They write in their notebooks their reasons for
using or not using commas in those three sentences.

Inventing with Commas

In this lesson, we read about Benjamin Bennaker and one of his inventions.
Another Benjamin was also an inventor as well as a founding father.
Benjamin Franklin is known for inventing bifocals, lightning rods, the
Franklin stove, the odometer, and swim fins; he also came up with the idea
of daylight saving time and street lighting. Students write a sentence about
Benjamin Franklin and his inventions, and then discuss, “Did you use a
comma? Did you need to? Why?”

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Branching Out in New Ways

THE CONTEXT Sentences grow in a variety of ways. Most often they branch to the right,
with added information or details following the base clause, or main idea,
of the sentence, as in Sarah Albee’s Bugged (2014, bold added): “Bugs have
affected the outcome of nearly every war ever fought, because bugs carry
diseases, including typhus, plague, cholera, yellow fever, malaria, typhoid,
and dysentery.”
In contrast, a left-branching sentence puts new material, details, and
descriptions ahead of the base clause. The delay in getting to the base clause
creates suspense. What if Sarah Albee had delayed the base clause? (Because
bugs carry diseases, including typhus, plague, cholera, yellow fever, malaria,
typhoid, and dysentery, bugs have affected the outcome of nearly every war
ever fought.)
To consider the effects created by both right- and left-branching
sentences, students compare Sarah Albee’s original from Bugged (2014) to the
left-branching alternative:

Bugs have affected the outcome of nearly every war ever fought,
because bugs carry diseases, including typhus, plague, cholera, yellow
fever, malaria, typhoid, and dysentery.

Because bugs carry diseases, including typhus, plague, cholera, yellow

fever, malaria, typhoid, and dysentery, bugs have affected the outcome of
nearly every war ever fought.

Students react to the effects created by the two structures. Ask follow-up
questions to deepen the conversation:

• Why do you think that?

• How does the structure create that effect?

The second version is probably the most common kind of left-branching

sentence, in which a subordinate clause or a series of clauses and phrases come
before the base clause. By putting the clauses and phrases first, we see that the
124 emphasis in the sentence is not on diseases but on their impact on history.

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Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 125

But left-branching (LB) can occur with a variety of structures. Here’s a

different example from Guess What? by Mem Fox (1998) where the subject
and verb are delayed and inverted (the subject is toward the end of the
sentence, with the verb before it). Students compare the different versions
and discuss their effects.

Far away from here lives a crazy lady called Daisy O’Grady.

Daisy O’Grady, a crazy lady, lives far away from here.

A crazy lady called Daisy O’Grady lives far away from here.

When students compare sentences with different structures, they see

how their choices about arrangement affect tone and emphasis. Alternative
sentence patterns give us—and all writers—a chance to consider what is
important and what we want to emphasize through our syntactical choice.
Mid-branching sentences (a.k.a. interrupters) insert an aside in the
middle of the sentence to delay the conclusion of a thought as a way to create
suspense. In this lesson, we are looking at sentences that branch in specific
places—between subject and verb or between a verb and its object. Students
compare this set of sentences, one the original from and one derived from
Heather Lynn Miller’s This Is Your Life Cycle (2008), and discuss their effects:

Then one day, your egg casing split, and you—a white wiggling
nymph—slipped into the open water of the pond.

You are a white wiggling nymph and one day your egg casing split and
you slipped into the open water of the pond.

Tip Challenges of Left-Branching

and Mid-Branching Sentences
For writers, the challenge of using left-branching or mid-branching
sentences is the possibility of losing track of the sentence’s point.
Sometimes left branches or mid-branches (interrupters) get so long that
the base clause is forgotten. Or sometimes the information in the left
branch isn’t appropriate for the opening of the sentence. Virginia Tufte
(2006) finds that the best uses of left- branching sentences are when
“there is a temporal or logical development that invites the delayed
disclosure” inherent in this structure (174). Readers can get lost if writers
don’t draw a clear path through the clauses and phrases that introduce
or interrupt the main part—or base clause—of the sentence.

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THE POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Prepositional phrases

• Participial phrases
• Commas after introductory elements and in a series
• Appositives
• Subordinate clauses

THE DEMONSTRATION To demonstrate the way sentences can branch in the middle or to the left,
display the following cluster of sentences derived from Gail Gibbons’s Pirates:
Robbers of the High Seas (1993):

Something happened around 1300.

Pirates set up settlements.
The pirates were in bands.
The pirates were ruthless.
The settlements were along the coast.
The coast was in North Africa.

Reading the whole cluster of sentences helps us get an idea of the

sentence we could be creating. It allows us to sort a lot of information and
gives us possibilities for structuring our ideas into a sentence others will
understand. Which elements of our DRAFTing strategies can help us start
that revising? With the first two ideas, if we keep them in order, we get some-
thing like this:

Around 1300, pirates set up settlements.

That looks like what we are used to, right? Now what do we do with the
next few sentences that describe the pirates? If we do what we usually do in
English, those describing words—adjectives—come before the noun.

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements.

Good. Now the revision with the next one seems logical. It’s about the
settlements and where they were, so we can add to the right—the most
common kind of adding (or branching).

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements along the coast.

We could delete some words by changing our prepositional phrase into

a modifier. Then our sentence would be more economical.

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up coastal settlements.

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Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 127

That would keep the meaning of the sentence. It’s good to think about
different ways of seeing the revisions. But if we choose to eliminate that
prepositional phrase, how do we add the next sentence’s information? We
could say this, perhaps:

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up North African coastal


However, we might want to return to the original and keep the prepositional
Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements along the North
African coast.

Or even keep two prepositional phrases:

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements along the coast
of North Africa.

We ask students, “What is the difference? Which do you like better? Why?”
Before we leave this sentence and go to our groups for revising, we look
once more at what we have and compare it with Gail Gibbon’s original (bold

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements along the

North African coast.

“We (and Gibbons) have several words before we get to the actual subject
of this sentence, don’t we?” we say. “Sometimes we will have adjectives with
our subject, but in this sentence we have more than that: a left-branching
sentence. We are familiar with right-branching sentences, where the main
idea comes at the beginning of the sentence and then details are added after.
Left-branching sentences grow on the left side, with details before the base
clause. What effect do you think the author wanted to create by beginning
this sentence with more information? Why didn’t she write around 1300 at
the end of the sentence? It could work there, so why do you think she chose
to put it at the beginning?”

Tip Commas with Introductory Elements

The general rule of thumb is that writers don’t need commas with short
introductory elements of four or fewer words. However, often the comma
is needed for clarity, as in this example: Around 1300, pirates pillaged vs.
Around 1300 pirates pillaged.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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THE PRACTICE Students tussle with the following simple sentences with a partner, trying on
the role of revisers, revising for more than one construction and starring the
one they like best. They continue using the DRAFT strategies as needed (see
Appendix G).
Something happened for many years.
They attacked ships.
They looted ships.
The ships sailed off the coast.
The coast was by their settlement.
The settlement was called the Barbary States.

Students share revisions. The class compares and contrasts different

responses, and then finally they compare their revisions with Gail Gibbons’s
original, remembering that we’re looking to see other options.

For many years they attacked and looted ships that sailed off the coast
of their settlement, the Barbary States.

Writers evaluate similarities and differences between their own versions

and the author’s and the effects created by the different options. We reflect on
their revision decisions by asking the following questions:

• What helped you most to revise the sentences?

• What are some patterns you noticed?
• Where would you use these patterns in your own writing? How would
they help you as a writer?
• What did we learn about left-branching sentences? Why might a writer
choose that construction?
• What questions do you still have?

THE COLLABORATION Groups revise their assigned sentence in at least two ways and then select
their favorite.

10.1 These people were known.

They were known as the Barbary pirates.
The Barbary pirates were famous.

10.2 Something happened five hundred years ago.

Spain discovered fine goods and treasures.
The fine goods and treasures were of the New World.
Pirates became a danger.
They became a special danger.

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Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 129

10.3 The news spread among the pirates.

The news was of Spanish treasure ships.
The ships were carrying emeralds.
The ships were carrying gold.
The ships were carrying silver.
The ships were carrying pearls.
The ships were carrying other cargo.
The ships were carrying these treasures back to Europe.

10.4 The Spanish traders sailed ships.

The ships were large.
The ships were armed.
The ships were called galleons.

10.5 The pirates watched for the galleons.

They watched for returning galleons.
They especially watched for ships coming from major trading ports.
The major trading ports were Havana, Cartagena, and Porto Bello.

Groups share their sentences, displaying them so everyone can see them.
The class puts the sentences in a paragraph, revising to improve flow as
necessary. Compare the class construction to the original text, with the goal
of being able to discuss the effects of the choices, not to correct. How are they
alike and how are they different? What are the different effects created by the
different choices writers made?

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates set up settlements along the

North African coast. For many years they attacked and looted ships
that sailed off the coast of their settlement, the Barbary States. These
people were known as the famous Barbary pirates. About five hundred
years ago, when Spain discovered the fine goods and treasures of the
New World, pirates became a special danger. The news of Spanish trea-
sure ships carrying emeralds, gold, silver, pearls, and other cargo back
to Europe spread among the pirates. The Spanish traders sailed large
armed ships called galleons. The pirates watched for the returning
galleons, especially those coming from the major trading ports of
Havana, Cartagena, and Porto Bello.

THE APPLICATION Pirating Others’ Sentences

Students collect one or two left-branching and mid-branching sentences from
a book they are reading or from texts in the classroom to share with a group.
An example of a left-branching sentence is this one (bold added) from Loreen
Leedy’s Tracks in the Sand (1993):

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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During the quiet night, while the air is cool, the turtles escape from
their chambers.

Two examples of mid-branching sentences where the interruption comes

between the verb and its object are these from Robert Burleigh’s picture-book
biography of artist Georges Seurat, Seurat and La Grande Jatte (2004). In
these sentences (bold added), Burleigh is describing the post-impressionist
style Seurat created, pointillism:

The French word point means—that’s right—point or dot.

He was—as a friend put it—“haunted by night’s magnificence.”

Remind students that right-, left-, or mid-branches can be set off with
commas or dashes.
In groups of three, students compile examples and place them in cate-
gories. They should name the categories and be ready to share some of their

Pirating Your Own Sentences

Students find two or three sentences in their writer’s notebook that are either
right-branching or that have only a base clause. Students will rewrite each
one as a left-branching and mid-branching sentence. Here’s an example I
pulled from my writer’s notebook and my rewritings of it:

I found the candy in the dirt on the side of the road.

Left: On the side of the road, in the dirt, I found the candy.
Mid-: I found—in the dirt on the side of the road—the candy.

Then students work with a partner to talk out the effect of each sentence
structure. Tell them, “If you like the pirated sentence better, use it; if it isn’t
doing the work you need, explain why in the margin next to the sentence in
your notebook.” (By the way, I decided I liked the LB sentence best. This is
the first sentence in a memoir essay, and waiting to put what I found at the
end creates the suspense I want for the first sentence of my piece.)

Pillaging Your Paper

Students select a piece of their own writing. Each student rereads the selected
piece, identifying right-branching, left-branching, and mid-branching
sentences they have used. Writers use a reviser’s shorthand to identify branch
types (RB, LB, MB). If they don’t have any, they scour for spots to add one or
two. Then they share the results with a writing partner, talking about the
choices they made and why they made them.

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(The appendix pages may be printed from

Appendixes A through E support the sample lesson described in Chapter 3.

Appendixes F and G are charts referred to in various lesson sets.

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132 Appendixes A Through G

A Chapter 3: The Context

Flames shot up, igniting the

line of hanging paper patterns.

Flames shot up into the air.

The flames ignited paper

patterns that were hanging.

The patterns were on a line

that hung across the room.

Excerpt from Albert Marrin’s Flesh and Blood So Cheap (2011).

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Appendixes A Through G 133

B Chapter 3: The Demonstration

The invention of the sprinkler

created possibilities.

It was possible to drown a fire.

It would take only seconds.

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134 Appendixes A Through G

C Chapter 3: The Practice

Heat rose from the fire.

The heat triggered the fuses.

The fuses automatically

released a deluge of water.

The water had been stored in

overhead sprinkler pipes.

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Appendixes A Through G 135

D Chapter 3: The Collaboration

Cluster 1
It took minutes.
146 workers died.
They ended up broken on the sidewalk.
Others were suffocated by smoke.
Many were burnt in the flames.

Cluster 2
Most were young women.
They were ages fourteen to twenty-three.
Nearly all were recent immigrants.
They were mostly Italians and Russian

Cluster 3
It was dubbed the “Triangle Fire.”
It held the record for New York’s
deadliest workplace fire.
It held the record for ninety years.

Cluster 4
Only the September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks took more lives.
Those attacks were on the World Trade
Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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136 Appendixes A Through G

E Chapter 3: Excerpt from Flesh and Blood So
Cheap by Albert Marrin (2011).

Within minutes, 146 workers died, broken

on the sidewalk, suffocated by smoke, or
burnt in the flames. Most were young
women ages fourteen to twenty-three,
nearly all recent immigrants, Italians and
Russian Jews. Dubbed the “Triangle
Fire,” for ninety years it held the record
as New York’s deadliest workplace fire.
Only the September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center took
more lives.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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Appendixes A Through G 137

F Charting Connections

Prepositions Subordinating Conjunctions

What do they do? Show time and place as well as (AAWWUBBIS)
introduce examples, contrasts, or comparisons. Although
Function Example While
Time at, in, on When
Extended Time since, for, by, from, to,
until, during, with(in)
Direction to, toward, on, onto, in, into If
Location above, across, against, Since
ahead of, along, among, What do they do? Show relationships, sometimes
around, at, by, behind, below, making one idea more or less important.
beside, beneath, between,
from, in, inside, on, off, out Function Example
of, over, near, through, Time after, before, during, since,
toward, under, within until, when, whenever, while
Introduce Examples as, despite, except, for, like, Cause-Effect as, because, since, so
and Comparisons or of, per, than, with, without
Opposition although, even though,
though, while, whatever
Condition as long as, if, in order to,
Relative Pronouns
unless, until, whatever
What do they do? Introduce and link additional
information to the noun before it.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Function Example (FANBOYS)

Link ideas and that, what, which For

things to more detail And
Link people to more who, whoever, whose, whom But
detail Or
Connector Punctuation So
What do they do? Combine, introduce, and What do they do? Make connections that are equal to
enclose information. each other. They join sentences (compound) and they
can also show a relationship between a pair or a list.
Combines Introduces Encloses
Comma , Comma , Function Example
Dash — Dash — Dash — Combine and
Semicolon ; Colon : Parentheses () Opposition but, yet, nor

Cause-Effect so, for

Quotation Marks
Choice or
“ ”
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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138 Appendixes A Through G

G Decisions Writers Make

Revision Decisions

DRAFT Revision Decision

D Delete
unnecessary and
repeated words
Is there any needless
repetition or words that
don’t add anything?

R Rearrange
words, phrases,
or clauses
Should anything be moved
around or rearranged?

Can I communicate more

directly or economically if

A Add
I add a new word(s) or
punctuation to show

Could I change the form of

F Form
new verb endings
any verbs to make my
sentence smoother and
more compact?

How do various versions

T Talk
it out
and changes sound when I
talk them out? Does it
sound right? Is it smooth?

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(The appendix pages may be printed from

Appendixes 1.1 through 10.4 provide four print or display resources
(context, practice, collaboration, and the relevant literature excerpt)
for each of the ten lesson sets.

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140 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 1.1 Lesson Set 1: The Context

Honeybees create hives, labyrinths of

wax honeycomb in which they store
honey and raise their young.

A rat can collapse its skeleton, allowing

it to wriggle through a hole as narrow
as three-quarters of an inch.

Bees, wasps, and ants belong to an

order of insects called Hymenoptera,
which means “membranous wings.”

Excerpts from Jim Arnosky’s Creep and Flutter: The Secret World of Insects and
Spiders (2012) and from Albert Marrin’s Oh, Rats! The Story of Rats and People

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 141

APPENDIX 1.2 Lesson Set 1: The Practice

He looked around the café.

It was deserted.

The 7UP clock ticked.

It was loud and lonely.

It was on the far wall.

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142 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 1.3 Lesson Set 1: The Collaboration

1.1 It was before dawn and still dark.

It was August 26, 1929.
A boy was in the back of a small house.
It was in Torrance, California.
The boy was twelve years old.
He sat up in bed.
He listened.

1.2 There was a sound.

It was coming from outside.
The sound was growing.
It grew ever louder.
1.3 It was huge.
It was a rush.
The rush was heavy.
It suggested immensity.
It suggested a great parting of air.
1.4 It was coming from directly above the house.
The boy swung his legs.
He swung them off his bed.
He raced down the stairs.
He slapped open the back door.
He loped onto the grass.

1.5 The yard was otherworldly.

The yard was smothered in darkness.
The darkness was unnatural.
The yard was shivering with sound.

1.6 The boy stood on the lawn.

He was beside his brother.
His brother was older.
His head was thrown back.
He was spellbound.
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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 143

APPENDIX 1.4 Lesson Set 1: Excerpt from Laura Hillenbrand’s

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival,
Resilience, and Redemption (2010).

In the predawn darkness of August 26,

1929, in the back of a small house in
Torrance, California, a twelve-year-old
boy sat up in bed, listening. There was a
sound coming from outside, growing ever
louder. It was a huge, heavy rush,
suggesting immensity, a great parting of
air. It was coming from directly above the
house. The boy swung his legs off his
bed, raced down the stairs, slapped open
the back door, and loped onto the grass.
The yard was otherworldly, smothered in
unnatural darkness, shivering with sound.
The boy stood on the lawn beside his
older brother, head thrown back,

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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144 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 2.1 Lesson Set 2: The Context

Many people overlook the benefits that

insects bring. Useful products are derived
from insects. Honey and silk are derived
from insects. Waxes are too. Oils are
also derived from insects. In addition,
natural medicines are derived from
insects. Dyes are made from insects too.

Many people overlook the benefits that

insects bring. Useful products derived
from insects range from honey and silk to
waxes, oils, natural medicines, and dyes.

Excerpt from George C. McGavin’s Smithsonian Handbooks: Insects (2002).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 145

APPENDIX 2.2 Lesson Set 2: The Practice

Beetles are found in many


Beetles are found in many


Beetles are also found in many


There is an amazing range of

shapes, sizes, and colors.

Beetles all share the same

basic design.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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146 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 2.3 Lesson Set 2: The Collaboration

2.1 The lizard menu stretches.

The menu stretches longer than a roll of toilet paper.
The roll of toilet paper is unraveled.

2.2 They dine on a variety of dishes.

The variety of dishes is wide.
The variety includes plant dishes and animal dishes.

2.3 Other lizards are vegetarian.

Vegetarians eat vegetation.
The vegetation they eat is mainly leaves.
The vegetation they eat is mainly flowers.
The vegetation they eat is mainly fruit.

2.4 However, it is a fact that is true that most other lizard

species have a diet.
The diet is something they stick to.
The diet is lively.

2.5 Anoles are an example or instance.

Anoles provide pest-control services.
Their pest control services are top-notch.
They devour insects.

2.6 Other lizards eat almost anything that runs, crawls,

flies, or breathes.
They eat birds.
They eat rodents.
They eat worms.
They eat deer.
They eat other reptiles.
Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 147

APPENDIX 2.4 Lesson Set 2: Excerpt from Sneed B. Collard III’s

Most Fun Book Ever About Lizards (2012).

The lizard menu stretches longer than an

unraveled roll of toilet paper. Some
lizards, such as the bearded dragon, are
omnivores. They dine on a wide variety
of plant and animal dishes. Other lizards,
such as the common iguana, are
vegetarian and eat mainly leaves,
flowers, and fruit. However, most other
lizard species stick to a lively diet.
Anoles, for instance, provide top-notch
pest-control services by devouring
insects. Other lizards eat birds, rodents,
worms, deer, other reptiles—almost
anything that runs, crawls, flies, or

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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148 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 3.1 Lesson Set 3: The Context

It is important to understand
that there are not two worlds:
the world of humans and a
separate world of plants and
animals. There isn’t a “natural
world” and a “man-made
world.” We all live on the same
planet and live in the same
natural order.
Excerpt from Mark Kurlansky’s World Without Fish (2011).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 149

APPENDIX 3.2 Lesson Set 3: The Practice

Electric wires were torn free.

They were broken.

They sizzled.

They sparked.

They were on the ground.

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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150 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 3.3 Lesson Set 3: The Collaboration

3.1 Train cars toppled.

They toppled off the rails.
Wagons overturned.
The horses that had pulled them lay dead.
They were still in their harnesses.

3.2 The wave cracked things.

It cracked the hulls of ships.

3.3 It smashed things.

It smashed decks.
The smashing came from flying debris.

3.4 Some things happened in Dartmouth.

The rope factory was little more than a pile.
The beer brewery was little more than a pile.
The piles were of brick.

3.5 Some things happened throughout both cities.

Windows were shattered.
The windows were in homes.
The windows were in stores.
The windows were in offices.
The windows were in schools.
All of the shattered windows made a blizzard.
The blizzard was of glass.
The blizzard was deadly.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 151

APPENDIX 3.4 Lesson Set 3: Excerpt from Sally Walker’s

Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917

The shock wave snapped telegraph

poles and trees in two as easily as if
they’d been twigs. Electric wires, torn
free and broken, sizzled and sparked on
the ground. Train cars toppled off the
rails, wagons overturned, and the horses
that had pulled them lay dead in their
harnesses. The wave cracked the hulls of
ships and smashed the decks with flying
debris. In Dartmouth, the rope factory
and beer brewery were little more than
piles of brick. Throughout both cities, the
windows in homes and stores and offices
and schools shattered in a deadly
blizzard of glass.

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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152 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 4.1 Lesson Set 4: The Context

Human hair mites get all they need from

their hosts—us. They are tiny relatives of
spiders, about one-tenth of a millimeter
long (smaller than a grain of salt), with
bodies like miniature salamis and four
pairs of stumpy legs. They live in the
roots of hair (usually eyelashes or
eyebrows), where they munch on dead
skin and sebum (the oily stuff that keeps
hair shiny). The only time they wander is
when young mites search for a hair of
their own, when they may find their way
onto another body.

Excerpt from Nicola Davies’s What’s Eating You? (2009).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 153

APPENDIX 4.2 Lesson Set 4: The Practice

Dry pet foods caught on during World

War II.

The dry pet foods were cereal-based.

Tin-rationing put a stop to canning.

Tin-rationing included the canning of dog


The dog food was made from horse


There was an abundance around the

time Americans embraced the

They began selling their mounts to the


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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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154 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 4.3 Lesson Set 4: The Collaboration

4.1 Rodents are not like cats.

Rodents are controlled by sweetness.
Cats are not controlled by sweetness.
One could say that rodents are slaves to sweetness.

4.2 Rats have been known to die.

They die from not getting enough nutrition.
A lack of nutrition is called malnutrition.
Rather than step away from a drip of sugar water,
rats die of malnutrition.

4.3 This was shown in a study.

The study was about obesity.
The study was from the 1970s.
Rats were fed a supermarket diet.
The diet was all you can eat.
The diet included marshmallows.
It also included milk chocolate and chocolate-chip
The rats gained 269 percent more weight than rats
fed standard laboratory fare.

4.4 There are strains of mice.

Some strains will consume their own body weight.
They will consume their body weight in diet soda.
They will do this over the course of a day.
You do not want the job of changing their bedding.

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 155

APPENDIX 4.4 Lesson Set 4: Excerpt from Mary Roach’s

Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal

Rodents, on the other hand, are slaves to

sweetness. They have been known to die
of malnutrition rather than step away
from a sugar-water drip. In an obesity
study from the 1970s, rats fed an
all-you-can-eat “supermarket” diet that
included marshmallows, milk chocolate,
and chocolate-chip cookies gained
269 percent more weight than rats fed
standard laboratory fare. There are
strains of mice that will, over the course
of a day, consume their own body weight
in diet soda, and you do not want the job
of changing their bedding.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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156 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 5.1 Lesson Set 5: The Context

Fats Domino was another


He sang rock and roll.

He put the sound of New

Orleans in his music.

Fats Domino, another early

rock & roll singer, put the
sound of New Orleans in his
Excerpt from Holly George-Warren’s Shake, Rattle & Roll: The Founders of Rock
and Roll (2001).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 157

APPENDIX 5.2 Lesson Set 5: The Practice

One day something happened.

It happened when Albert was


He was sick in bed.

The happening was that his

father brought him something.

It was a compass.

A compass was a small case.

It was a round case.

Inside was a magnetic needle.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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158 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 5.3 Lesson Set 5: The Collaboration

5.1 Something didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter which way Albert turned the
The needle always pointed north.
It was as if it were held.
The holding was by an invisible hand.

5.2 Albert was so amazed.

His amazement made his body tremble.

5.3 Suddenly he knew something.

He knew there were mysteries.
The mysteries were in the world.
The mysteries were hidden.
The mysteries were silent.
The mysteries were unknown.
The mysteries were unseen.

5.4 He wanted something.

He wanted it more than anything.
He wanted to understand those mysteries.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 159

APPENDIX 5.4 Lesson Set 5: Excerpt from Jennifer Berne’s

On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein

One day, when Albert was sick in bed,

his father brought him a compass—a
small round case with a magnetic needle
inside. No matter which way Albert
turned the compass, the needle always
pointed north, as if held by an invisible
hand. Albert was so amazed his body
trembled. Suddenly he knew there were
mysteries in the world—hidden and
silent, unknown and unseen. He wanted,
more than anything, to understand those

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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160 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 6.1 Lesson Set 6: The Context

The man stood very still.

The man was looking at us.

The man tried to focus his

eyes in the sudden light.

The man stood there very still,

looking at us, trying to focus
his eyes in the sudden light.
Excerpt from Adina Rishe Gerwitz’s Zebra Forest (2013).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 161

APPENDIX 6.2 Lesson Set 6: The Practice

The front feet are wide.

They show in bear tracks.

They show completely.

The hind feet are large.

They show in bear tracks.

They show completely.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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162 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 6.3 Lesson Set 6: The Collaboration

6.1 The front feet show up.

They show up in the tracks.
The front portion of the hind feet show up.
They show up in the tracks.
They show up when the bear is running.

6.2 A bear is a heavy animal.

The heaviness makes something happen.
Its tracks are pressed.
They are pressed deeply.
They are pressed often.
They create defined footprints.
The definition is perfect.

6.3 An experienced tracker can estimate.

A tracker uses a set of footprints.
A perfect set of footprints is two front and two hind.
A tracker can estimate the size of the bear.
The size is the size of the one that made the tracks.
A tracker can estimate the weight of the bear.

6.4 A bear’s toes spread apart.

They do this on slippery surfaces.
They do it for better traction.
The spreading presses footprints.
The footprints are large.
They are larger than the bear’s actual feet.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 163

APPENDIX 6.4 Lesson Set 6: Excerpt from Jim Arnosky’s

Wild Tracks! (2008)

Bears walk flat footed, placing the entire

foot on the ground with each step. The
wide front feet and the large hind feet
show completely in bear tracks. When
running, the front feet and the front
portion of the hind feet show up in the
tracks. Because a bear is a heavy
animal, its tracks are often pressed
deeply, creating perfectly defined
footprints. With a perfect set of four bear
footprints (two front and two hind), an
experienced animal tracker is able to
accurately estimate the size and weight
of the bear that made them. On slippery
surfaces, a bear’s toes spread apart for
better traction, pressing in footprints that
are much larger than the bear’s feet.
Such splayed footprints can fool a tracker
into imagining the bear that left them is
much larger than its actual size.

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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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164 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 7.1 Lesson Set 7: The Context

Scientists in the late 1930s engaged in a

frantic race. They were breaking atoms
and working in secret facilities because
they were trying to gain world

Scientists in the late 1930s engaged in a

frantic race, breaking atoms, working in
secret facilities, trying to gain world

Excerpt from Steve Sheinkin’s Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the

World’s Most Dangerous Weapon (2012).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 165

APPENDIX 7.2 Lesson Set 7: The Practice

He made notes.

He did this as he watched.

He watched the birds.

He wrote.

He wrote what the birds did.

He wrote how they behaved.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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166 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 7.3 Lesson Set 7: The Collaboration

7.1 And he was like many.

He was like young boys.
He was a collector.

7.2 He collected things.

He collected shells.
He collected seals.
He collected coins.
He collected minerals.

7.3 He studied what he collected.

He organized them by kind.
His organization was in a tradition.
The tradition was of natural historians.

7.4 His great love was hunting.

Another great love was shooting.
These loves came as he got older.

7.5 He shuddered.
He shuddered later in life.
He shuddered at something.
The something was how many animals he had killed.

7.6 He quivered.
He quivered with joy.
He quivered with excitement.
His quivering was before picking up a gun.
His quivering was at the time of his youth.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 167

APPENDIX 7.4 Lesson Set 7: Excerpt from Deborah Heiligman’s

Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith

Charles could entertain himself for hours

just by thinking, or by observing birds, or
watching sticks and leave float down a
stream. He made notes as he watched
the birds, writing down what they did,
how they behaved. And like many young
boys, he was a collector. He collected
shells, seals, coins, and minerals. He
studied them and organized them by
kind—in the tradition of natural historians.
As he got older, his great love was
hunting and shooting. Later in life he
shuddered at how many animals he had
killed. But at the time he quivered with
joy and excitement before picking up a

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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168 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 8.1 Lesson Set 8: The Context

I just stood there, clutching the basketball

tightly. A wild October wind whipped,
rattling the windows.

I just stood there on the free-throw line,

in the shadow of that big orange sign
above the scoreboard, clutching the
basketball tight to my chest. Outside, a
wild October wind whipped through town,
rattling the windows high above the
bleachers in the gym.

Excerpt from L.D. Harkrader’a Airball: My Life in Briefs (2008).

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 169

APPENDIX 8.2 Lesson Set 8: The Practice

The only thing in the room is a


It’s a folding table.

The table has metal legs.

The legs are spindly.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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170 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 8.3 Lesson Set 8: The Collaboration

When I think of all the work Dad put into our

house it’s pretty sad. But mostly I feel sorry for
myself, because the coolest thing about it was
my room.

8.1 Dad took apart a fire escape a long time ago.

The fire escape was real.
The fire escape was from a building that his
office was demolishing.
He rebuilt the bottom level of it.
He rebuilt it inside my bedroom.

8.2 He bolted it to a wall.

He attached a ladder to it.
The ladder was the original ladder.

8.3 I had a bed up there.

He made me cubbies.
These cubbies were built in.
The cubbies were for all of my stuff.

8.4 I had the most excellent room.

It was the best room of any kid I know.
We had to leave it behind.

Excerpt based on Rebecca Stead’s Liar & Spy (2013)

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 171

APPENDIX 8.4 Lesson Set 8: Excerpt from Rebecca Stead’s

Liar & Spy (2013).

When I think of all the work Dad put into

our house it’s pretty sad. But mostly I feel
sorry for myself, because the coolest
thing about it was my room. A long time
ago, Dad took apart a fire escape—a real
fire escape, from a building that his office
was demolishing—and he rebuilt the
bottom level of it inside my bedroom. He
bolted it to the wall, and even attached
the original ladder. I had a bed up there,
and he made me these built-in cubbies
for all my stuff. I had the most excellent
room of any kid I know, and we had to
leave it behind.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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172 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 9.1 Lesson Set 9: The Context

I heard the story of the Pilgrims, many

times from my grandparents and
teachers, before I realized that the
Pilgrims had shown up, in New England,
without food or shelter six weeks, before

I heard the story of the Pilgrims many

times from my grandparents and
teachers before I realized that the
Pilgrims had shown up in New England
without food or shelter six weeks before

Excerpt from Charles C. Mann’s Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 (2009).

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 173

APPENDIX 9.2 Lesson Set 9: The Practice

Cluster 1
Scientists use the term zoonotic disease.
Zoonotic disease means an illness.
The illness can travel from animals to
A lot of diseases travel from animals to

Cluster 2
Influenza is one zoonotic disease.
Influenza is well known.

Cluster 3
It can start in birds.
Then it can migrate to people.
It can become an epidemic.
The epidemic can be “bird flu.”

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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174 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 9.3 Lesson Set 9: The Collaboration

9.1 Things occurred to Benjamin.

His farm could function even more efficiently.
Putting things on a schedule would be efficient.
He could use the schedule of a clock.
He could schedule the day’s waking, hauling, rinsing,
rolling, and baking on this schedule.

9.2 Clocks weren’t common.

Not everybody had one in the 1700s.
This was especially true for regular folks.
Folks such as farmers were regular folks.
But Benjamin’s way of approaching the world was far
from regular.

9.3 (Try starting with Though.)

He had never seen a timepiece.
He didn’t know how a clock worked.
He set out to build one.
He would be using wood pieces
The pieces were from Stout’s timber shed.

9.4 He borrowed a watch.

The watch was a pocket watch.
He studied its innards.
He got to work.

9.5 The man was math-happy.

He drew plans for clocks.
He carved cogs.
He fashioned the clock’s face.
He fashioned the hands of the clock.
He added a bell.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 175

APPENDIX 9.4 Lesson Set 9: Excerpt from Andrea Pinkney’s

Hand in Hand: Ten Black Men Who Changed
America (2012).

It occurred to Benjamin that his farm

could function even more efficiently by
putting the day’s waking, hauling, rinsing,
rolling, and baking on a clock’s schedule.
Clocks weren’t common in the 1700s,
especially for regular folk such as
farmers. But Benjamin’s way of
approaching the world was far from
regular. Though he had never seen a
timepiece and didn’t know how a clock
worked, he set out to build one using
wood pieces from Stout’s timber shed.
He borrowed a pocket watch, studied its
innards, and got to work. The math-
happy man drew clock plans, carved
cogs, fashioned the clock’s face and
hands, and added a bell.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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176 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 10.1 Lesson Set 10: The Context

Bugs have affected the outcome of

nearly every war ever fought, because
bugs carry diseases, including typhus,
plague, cholera, yellow fever, malaria,
typhoid, and dysentery.

Because bugs carry diseases, including

typhus, plague, cholera, yellow fever,
malaria, typhoid, and dysentery, bugs
have affected the outcome of nearly
every war ever fought.

Excerpt from Sarah Albee’s Bugged: How Insects Changed History (2014).

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 177

APPENDIX 10.2 Lesson Set 10: The Practice

Something happened for many years.

They attacked ships.

They looted ships.

The ships sailed off the coast.

The coast was by their settlement.

The settlement was called the Barbary


Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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178 Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10

APPENDIX 10.3 Lesson Set 10: The Collaboration

10.1 These people were known.
They were known as the Barbary Pirates.
The Barbary Pirates were famous.

10.2 Something happened five hundred years ago.

Spain discovered fine goods and treasures.
The fine goods and treasures were of the New World.
Pirates became a danger.
They became a special danger.

10.3 The news spread among the pirates.

The news was of Spanish treasure ships.
The ships were carrying emeralds.
The ships were carrying gold.
The ships were carrying silver.
The ships were carrying pearls.
The ships were carrying other cargo.
The ships were carrying these treasures back to

10.4 The Spanish traders sailed ships.

The ships were large.
The ships were armed.
The ships were called galleons.

10.5 The pirates watched for the galleons.

They watched for returning galleons.
They especially watched for ships coming from major
trading ports.
The major trading ports were Havana, Cartagena,
and Porto Bello.
Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

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Appendixes for Lesson Sets 1 Through 10 179

APPENDIX 10.4 Lesson Set 10: Excerpt from Gail Gibbons’s

Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas (1993).

Around 1300, bands of ruthless pirates

set up settlements along the North
African coast. For many years they
attacked and looted ships that sailed off
the coast of their settlement, the Barbary
States. These people were known as the
famous Barbary pirates. About five
hundred years ago, when Spain
discovered the fine goods and treasures
of the New World, pirates became a
special danger. The news of Spanish
treasure ships carrying emeralds, gold,
silver, pearls, and other cargo back to
Europe spread among the pirates. The
Spanish traders sailed large armed ships
called galleons. The pirates watched for
the returning galleons, especially those
coming from the major trading ports of
Havana, Cartagena, and Porto Bello.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deborah Dean. Copyright © 2014. Stenhouse Publishers.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Professional Resources
Anderson, Jeff. 2005. Mechanically Inclined: Building Grammar, Usage, and
Style into Writer’s Workshop. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
———. 2007. Everyday Editing: Inviting Students to Use Craft and Skill in
Writer’s Workshop. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
———. 2011. 10 Things Every Writer Needs to Know. Portland, ME:
Braddock, Richard Reed, Richard Lloyd-Jones, and Lowell A. Schoer. 1963.
Research in Written Composition. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
Britton, James. 1993. Language and Learning: The Importance of Speech in
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Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Albee, Sarah. 2014. Bugged: How Insects Changed History. New York:
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Fox, Mem. 1988. Guess What? Orlando, FL: Omnibus.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.
References 183

Gaiman, Neil. 2013. Fortunately, the Milk. New York: Harper Collins.
George-Warren, Holly. 2001. Shake, Rattle & Roll: The Founders of Rock and
Roll. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
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———. 2010. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and
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Jenkins, Steve. 1997. Biggest, Strongest, Fastest. New York: HMH.
———. 2009a. Never Smile at a Monkey. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
———. 2009b. Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea. New
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———. 2012. The Beetle Book. New York: HMH.
Joyce, James. 2012. Dubliners. New York: Urban Romantics.
Kurlansky, Mark. 2011. World Without Fish. Workman Publishing: New York.
Leedy, Loreen. 1993. Tracks in the Sand. New York: Doubleday.
Mann, Charles C. 2009. Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491. New York:
Holt McDougal.
Marrin, Albert. 2006. Oh, Rats! The Story of Rats and People. New York:
———. 2011. Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy.
New York: Knopf for Young Readers.
———. 2012. Black Gold: The Story of Oil in Our Lives. New York: Knopf
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Moss, Michael. 2013. Salt, Sugar, and Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.
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Ness, Patrick. 2013. A Monster Calls. Somerville, MA. Candlewick.
Pinkney, Andrea. 2012. Hand in Hand: Ten Black Men Who Changed America.
New York: Disney Hyperion.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

Rawls, Wilson. 1961. Where the Red Fern Grows. New York: Bantam.
Roach, Mary. 2013. Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal. New York: W.
W. Norton.
Sayre, April Pulley. 2013. Here Come the Humpbacks! Watertown, MA:
Seuss, Dr. 1948. Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose. New York: Random
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———. 2010. Which Way to the Wild West? Everything Your Schoolbooks
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———. 2014. The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and The Fight for Civil
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Snyder, Laurel. 2011. Bigger Than a Bread Box. New York: Yearling.
Stead, Rebecca. 2013. Liar & Spy. New York: Yearling.
Thompson, Neal. 2013. A Curious Man: The Strange and Brilliant Life of
Robert “Believe It or Not!” Ripley. New York: Crown Archetype.
Turnage, Sheila. 2012. Three Times Lucky. New York: Dial.
Urban, Linda. 2007. A Crooked Kind of Perfect. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Walker, Sally M. 2011. Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917. New
York: Scholastic.
Ward, Helen. 2001. The Tin Forest. New York: Puffin.
Zusak, Markus. 2007. The Book Thief. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Page numbers followed by an f indicate figures. Arnosky, Jim, 59–60, 100–101, 140, 163
asides, 83–89
AAWWUBBIS acronym, 31f, 137 B
absolute modification, 62 base clause, 124–125
adjectives Because Writing Matters (Nagin 2006), 14
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 68 The Beetle Book (Jenkins 2012), 68–70
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 88 Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 (Mann 2009), 66,
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 91 118, 119–121, 172
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100, 101 Bennaker, Benjamin, 121–123, 123
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 105 Berne, Jennifer, 91, 95–96, 159
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 127 Bigger Than a Bread Box (Snyder 2011), 72
adjective stacking, 83 Biggest, Strongest, Fastest (Jenkins 1997), 85
adverbial clauses Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917 (Walker
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91 2011), 77–78, 80, 151
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100 Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106 Dangerous Weapon (Sheinkin 2012), 29–31, 81,
adverbs, 78 105–106, 164
Airball: My Life in Briefs (Harkrader 2008), 112–113, 168 Brooks, Max, 97
Albee, Sarah, 124, 176 Bugged (Albee 2014), 124, 176
Anderson, Laurie Halse, 97–98 Burleigh, Robert, 130
apostrophes, 119 Burn, Loree Griffin, 96f
application. See also revision-decision lesson structure
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 65–66 C
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 72–74 Chains (Anderson 2008), 97–98
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 81–82 Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith (Heiligman
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 89 2009), 106–107, 109–110, 167
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 96–98, 96f Charting Connections handout
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 103–104 complete, 137
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 110–111 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 111
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 116–117 overview, 31–32, 31f
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 123 choice, 9, 13–14
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 129–130 chunks
overview, 54–55 discovering sentences to revise and, 46f
revision-decision lesson structure and, 42f DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 22–25
appositives clarity, 43
discovering sentences to revise and, 45f Clark, Peter Roy, 91–92
example of, 8 clauses
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 66 Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 63–64
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91, 94 Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126 Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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coaching, 66 example of, 8

collaboration. See also revision-decision lesson structure Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 110
Appendix D, 135 Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 112–117
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 64–65, context. See also revision-decision lesson structure
142 Appendix A, 132
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 70–72, 146 Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 59–60,
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 79–81, 150 140
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 87–88, 154 Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 67–68, 144
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 95–96, 158 Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 75–77, 75f, 148
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 101–103, 162 Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 83, 152
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 108–110, 166 Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90, 156
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 115–116, 170 Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 99–100, 160
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 121–123, 174 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 105–106, 164
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 128–129, 178 Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 112–113, 168
overview, 9, 12–13, 53–54 Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 118, 172
revision-decision lesson structure and, 42f Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 124–125, 176
Collard III, Sneed B., 70–72, 147 overview, 9, 10–12
colons revision-decision lesson structure and, 41, 42f, 43–45
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 contractions, 78, 79
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 70 coordinating conjunctions, 31f, 137. See also conjunctions
commas. See also commas in a series; punctuation correctness, 51
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 creativity of revision, 4
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91, 96–98, 96f Creep and Flutter: The Secret World of Insects and Spiders
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 118–123 (Arnosky 2012), 59–60, 140
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126, 127 A Crooked Kind of Perfect (Urban 2007), 67–68
commas, Oxford, 72 A Curious Man (Thompson 2013), 29, 33–34
commas in a series. See also commas; punctuation
discovering sentences to revise and, 45f D
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 60 dashes
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 67–74, 72, 73–74 Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 78, 79 Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 70
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106
commitment to writing, 4 David and Goliath (Gladwell 2013), 76–77
compare and contrast, 8–9, 43 Davies, Nicola, 60, 83, 152
complex sentences, 83, 85 decisions. See also revision-decision lesson structure
compound-complex sentences, 83 example of, 7–9
compound direct objects and verb phrases, 77, 78 overview, 4
compound sentences, 8, 83, 84, 85 principles for making, 9–15
confidence, 5 Decisions Writers Make handout
conjunctions complete, 138
Charting Connections handout, 31f Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 70
as connectors, 27, 28f Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 79
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 68 Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 85–86
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77 Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 101
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 88, 89 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 108
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 113 decombining sentences, 46, 46f
connectors deleting
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 Decisions Writers Make handout, 138
Decisions Writers Make handout, 138 DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 18–21
DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 25–33, 26f, 27f, 28f, Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 73
29f, 30f, 31f Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 89

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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Index 187

Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 92–93 Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 68
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100–101 Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106–107 Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 83
overview, 4 Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91
demonstration. See also revision-decision lesson structure Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100
Appendix B, 133 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 61–62 Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 113
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 68–69 Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77–79 Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 84–85 revision-decision lesson structure and, 42f, 46–48, 47f
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 91–93 Three Es of Effective Sentences, 13
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100–101 error, allowing for, 9, 13–14, 51
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106–108 essential clause or phrase, 63–64
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 113–115 evaluating, 4, 9, 14–15
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119–120 expanding, 4
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126–127
overview, 48–50 F
revision-decision lesson structure and, 42f FANBOYS acronym, 31f, 137
direct objects, 77 Flesh and Blood So Cheap (Marrin 2011), 136
Dos and Don’ts About Participial Phrases chart, 104 flexibility of revision
DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan collaboration and, 53
application and, 54–55 overview, 4, 14
collaboration, 53–54 sentence combining and, 5
Day One: Delete, 18–21 fluency, 5
Day Two: Rearrange Words and Chunks, 22–25 Fortunately, the Milk (Gaiman 2013), 25–26, 26f, 35
Day Three: Add Connectors, 25–33, 26f, 27f, 28f, 29f, Fox, Mem, 125
30f, 31f Franklin, Benjamin, 123
Day Four: Form New Verb Endings, 33–35
Day Five: Talk It Out, 36–39, 37f–38f, 40f G
Decisions Writers Make handout, 138 Gaiman, Neil, 25
demonstration, 48–50 George-Warren, Holly, 90–91, 156
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 61, 62–63 gerunds, 105, 107
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 70 Gerwitz, Adina Rishe, 99–100, 160
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77–78, 79–80 Gibbons, Gail, 126–127, 128, 129, 179
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 87–88 Giovanni, Nikki, 92
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 93 Gladwell, Malcolm, 76–77
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100–101 grammar. See also individual grammar constructs
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106–107 context for revising sentences and, 10
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 113–114, 115 Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 66
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119–120, sentence combining and, 9
120–121 Guess What? (Fox 1998), 125
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 128 Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal (Roach 2013),
overview, 18, 39 84–88, 155
points of emphasis and, 46–48, 47f
Dubliners (Joyce 2012), 123 H
Hand in Hand: Ten Black Men Who Changed America
E (Pinkney 2012), 121–123, 175
economy, 13 Harkrader, L. D., 112–113, 168
effect, 13 Heiligman, Deborah, 106–107, 109–110, 167
emphasis. See also revision-decision lesson structure Here Come the Humpbacks! (Sayre 2013), 26, 27f, 64
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 61 Hillenbrand, Laura, 64–65, 110, 143

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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How We Decide (Lehrer 2010), 65 Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 112–117, 168,
hyphenated adjectives, 83, 88, 89 169, 170, 171
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 118–123,
I 172, 173, 174, 175
Image Grammar (Noden 2012), 45, 101 Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 124–130, 176, 177, 178, 179
independent clauses, 47f Liar & Spy (Stead 2013), 113–114, 115, 171
infinitive phrases, 47f long sentences, 97–98
infinitives, 48
informational text, 86–87 M
interrupter Macrorie, Ken, 114
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 83, 84, 85, 89 main idea, 124–125
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 94, 96–98, 96f Mann, Charles C., 66, 118, 119–121, 172
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 125, 130 Marrin, Albert, 136, 140
introductory elements, 127 McGavin, George C., 67, 144
meaning, 9, 14–15, 51
mid-branching sentences, 125, 130. See also interrupter
Miller, Heather Lynn, 125
Jenkins, Steve, 68–70, 85
A Monster Calls (Ness 2013), 72–73
Joyce, James, 123
Moss, Michael, 86–87
Most Fun Book Ever About Lizards (Collard III 2012), 71,
K 147
Kurlansky, Mark, 75–76, 148
L Nagin, Carl, 14
Leedy, Loreen, 129–130 Ness, Patrick, 72–73
left-branching sentences, 124–125, 130 Noden, Harry, 45, 62, 101, 103
Lehrer, Johan, 65 nonessential clause or phrase, 63–64
lessons. See also revision-decision lesson structure; nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements, 83
individual lessons noun, 94
application, 54–55 noun clauses, 106
collaboration, 53–54 noun phrase, 90–91, 94
context of, 41, 43–45
demonstration, 48–50 O
discovering sentences to revise, 45–46, 45f, 46f Oh, Rats! The Story of Rats and People (Marrin 2006), 59–60,
points of emphasis and, 46–48, 47f 140
practice, 50–53 On a Beam of Light (Berne 2013), 91, 95–96, 159
process of, 41, 42f Oxford comma, 72
lesson sets
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 59–66, P
140, 141, 142, 143 pairs, 77, 78
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 67–74, 144, 146, 147 parallelism, 77
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 75–82, 148, 149, 150, parentheses
151 Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 83–89, 152, 153, 154, Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 83
155 participial phrases
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–98, 156, 157, discovering sentences to revise and, 45f
158, 159 DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 33–35
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 99–104, 160, 161, Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 66
162, 163 Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 105–111, 164, 165, 166, Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 99–104
167 Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126

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Index 189

overview, 43 as connectors, 29–33, 30f, 31f, 32–33

points of emphasis and, 47f dashes, 31f, 70, 106, 137
participles discovering sentences to revise and, 45f
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 66 DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 25–33
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 99–104 example of, 7–9
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 105, 108 Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 113 parentheses, 31f, 83, 137
overview, 43, 44–45 points of emphasis and, 47f
points of emphasis and, 48 quotation marks, 31f, 137
Pinkney, Andrea, 121–123, 175 semicolons, 31f, 137
Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas (Gibbons 1993), 126–127,
129, 179 Q
play, 15 quotation marks, 31f, 137
playing with sentences, 66
The Port Chicago 50 (Sheinkin), 94 R
practice. See also revision-decision lesson structure rearranging words
Appendix C, 134 Decisions Writers Make handout, 138
Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 62–64, DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 22–25
141 recasting, 4
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 69–70, 145 reflection, 6, 9, 14–15
Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 79, 149 relationships, 4–5
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 85–87, 153 relative clause
Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 93–94, 157 Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 66
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 101, 161 Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 90–91
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 108, 165 Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 115, 169 points of emphasis and, 47f
Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 120–121, 173 relative pronouns. See also pronouns
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 128, 177 Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137
overview, 50–53 as connectors, 27–29, 29f
revision-decision lesson structure and, 42f Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 60
prepositional phrases. See also prepositions Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 68 reordering, 4
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100 repetitiveness
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106 deleting and, 19
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 112–117 example of, 8
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126, 126–127 Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 73–74
points of emphasis and, 47f, 48 Lesson Set 5: Sentences Interrupted, 92
prepositions. See also prepositional phrases Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100–101
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 106–107
as connectors, 26, 27f, 32–33 Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119
Lesson Set 8: Keep Your Reader Oriented, 112–117 rereading, 6, 10–11
list of, 112 rethinking, 10–11
pronouns revision
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 example of, 7–9
as connectors, 27–29, 29f playing with sentences, 15
Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 74 revision-decision lesson structure. See also application;
Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 100 collaboration; context; demonstration; emphasis;
Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 111 lessons; practice
punctuation. See also commas; commas in a series discovering sentences to revise, 45–46, 45f, 46f
Charting Connections handout, 31f, 137 overview, 41, 42f
colons, 31f, 70, 137 rhythm, 106–107

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
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right-branching sentences transitional phrases, 83

Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 59–66 transitions, 106, 109–110
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 124, 130 Turnage, Sheila, 61, 63
risk-taking, 9, 13–14 Two Miserable Presidents: The Amazing, Terrible, and Totally
Roach, Mary, 84–85, 85–87, 87–88, 155 True Story of the Civil War (Sheinkin 2009), 29–31
Rosa (Giovanni 2005), 92
S Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and
Salt, Sugar, and Fat (Moss 2013), 86–87 Redemption (Hillenbrand 2010), 64–65, 143
Sayre, April Pulley, 64 Urban, Linda, 67–68
scaffolding, 5–6
Seabiscuit: An American Legend (Hillenbrand 2001), 110 V
semicolons, 31f, 137 variety
sentence combining collaboration and, 53
example of, 7–9 Lesson Set 9: The Comma-Drama Dilemma, 119
future of, 6 overview, 43
overview, 4–5, 43 verb endings. See also verb phrases; verbs
in the past, 5–6 Decisions Writers Make handout, 138
playing with sentences, 15 DRAFT mnemonic lesson plan and, 33–35
principles for, 9–15 Lesson Set 1: Modifying in the Right Direction, 62
sentence shopping activity, 65–66 Lesson Set 6: The Participle Principle, 99–100, 104
sentence variety. See variety Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 107
serial comma. See commas in a series overview, 45
series, 72–74. See also commas in a series verb phrases. See also verb endings; verbs
Seurat and La Grande Jatte (Burleigh 2004), 130 Lesson Set 2: Can’t Resist a List, 74
Shake, Rattle & Roll (George-Warren 2001), 90–91, 156 Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 77
Sheinkin, Steve, 29–31, 81, 94, 105–106, 164 verbs. See also verb endings; verb phrases
short sentences, 97–98 Lesson Set 3: The Pair Necessities, 79
simple sentences, 83 Lesson Set 7: A Verbal Remedy, 105, 105–111
Smithsonian Handbooks: Insects (McGavin 2002), 67, 144 overview, 45
Snyder, Laurel, 72
Stead, Rebecca, 113–114, 115, 171 W
Stein, Gertrude, 92 Walker, Sally, 77–78, 80, 151
subordinate clauses Ward, Helen, 111, 117
Lesson Set 4: Asides Are Extra, 84, 85 What’s Eating You? Parasites-The Inside Story (Davies 2009),
Lesson Set 10: What’s Left? 126 60, 83, 152
points of emphasis and, 48 Where the Red Fern Grows (Rawls 1961), 103
subordinating conjunctions, 31f, 137. See also conjunctions Wild Tracks! (Arnosky 2008), 100–101, 163
summarize, 72–73 Wolfe, Thomas, 91–92
syntax, 5, 119 World Without Fish (Kurlansky 2011), 75–76, 148
writing behaviors, 4
T Writing Next (Graham and Perin 2007), 6
Talk It Out Chart, 36, 38, 39f
This Is Your Life Cycle (Miller 2008), 125 Z
Thompson, Neal, 29 Zebra Forest (Gerwitz 2013), 99–100, 160
Three Es of Effective Sentences, 13 The Zombie Survival Guide (Brooks 2003), 97
Three Times Lucky (Turnage 2012), 61, 63
The Tin Forest (Ward 2001), 111, 117
Tracking Trash (Burn 2007), 96f
Tracks in the Sand (Leedy 1993), 129–130

Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond by Jeff Anderson and Deboray Dean. (c) 2014 Stenhouse Publishers.
No reproduction without written permission from publisher.

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