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Laboratory Procedure Manual: Fasting Glucose Plasma Hexokinase-Mediated Reaction Roche/Hitachi Cobas C Chemistry Analyzer

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Laboratory Procedure Manual

Analyte: Fasting Glucose

Matrix: Plasma

Method: Hexokinase-mediated reaction

Roche/Hitachi Cobas C Chemistry Analyzer
As performed by: University of Missouri-Columbia

Contact: Dr. Randie Little

Important Information for Users

The University of Missouri periodically refines these laboratory methods. It is the
responsibility of the user to contact the person listed on the title page of each write-up
before using the analytical method to find out whether any changes have been made
and what revisions, if any, have been incorporated.
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Public Release Data Set Information

This document details the Lab Protocol for testing the items listed in the following table:

File Name SAS Label (and SI units)

LBXGLU Fasting glucose(mg/dL)

LBDGLUSI Fasting Glucose (mmol/L)
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Glucose is the major carbohydrate present in the peripheral blood. Oxidation of

glucose is the major source of cellular energy in the body. Glucose derived from
dietary sources is converted to glycogen for storage in the liver or to fatty acids
for storage in adipose tissue. The concentration of glucose in blood is controlled
within narrow limits by many hormones, the most important of which are
produced by the pancreas.
The most frequent cause of hyperglycemia is diabetes mellitus resulting from a
deficiency in insulin secretion or action. A number of secondary factors also
contribute to elevated blood glucose levels. These include pancreatitis, thyroid
dysfunction, renal failure and liver disease.

Hypoglycemia is less frequently observed. A variety of conditions may cause

low blood glucose levels such as insulinoma, hypopituitarism or insulin induced
hypoglycemia. Glucose measurement in urine is used as a diabetes screening
procedure and to aid in the evaluation of glycosuria, to detect renal tubular
defects, and in the management of diabetes mellitus. Glucose measurement in
cerebrospinal fluid is used for evaluation of meningitis, neoplastic involvement of
meninges and other neurological disorders.

Test principle

UV test
Enzymatic reference method with hexokinase4,5
Hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate by

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase oxidizes glucose-6-phosphate in the

presence of NADP to gluconate-6-phosphate. No other carbohydrate is oxidized.
The rate of NADPH formation during the reaction is directly proportional to the
glucose concentration and is measured photometrically.

Reagents - working solutions

R1 MES buffer: 5.0 mmol/L, pH 6.0; Mg2+: 24 mmol/L; ATP:  4.5 mmol/L; NADP: 
7.0 mmol/L; preservative
R2 HEPES buffer: 200 mmol/L, pH 8.0; Mg2+: 4 mmol/L; HK (yeast):  300 µkat/L; G-
6-PDH (E. coli):  300 µkat/L; preservative

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Follow all procedures and policies listed the University of Missouri Hospital &
Clinics Safety Manual. Consider all specimens, control materials, and calibrator
materials as potentially infectious.

For in vitro diagnostic use.

Exercise the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory reagents.
Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.
Disposal of all waste material should be in accordance with local guidelines.

Wear gloves, lab coat, and safety glasses when handling human blood
specimens. Place all plastic tips, sample cups, and gloves that contact blood in a
biohazard waste container. Discard all disposable glassware into sharps waste
containers. These containers are collected and disposed of twice weekly by
University of Missouri waste management personnel.

Protect all work surfaces with disposable absorbent bench top paper, which is
discarded into biohazard waste containers weekly, or whenever blood
contamination occurs. Wipe all work surfaces weekly.


The NHANES glucose results are entered onto a spreadsheet provided

electronically by Westat, Inc for NHANES.

A. Choose the files named with the corresponding box number.

B. Enter the analysis date, run number, the technologist’s initials, glucose
results, and comment code.

C. The results will be sent electronically by the contact person.



For specimen collection and preparation, only use suitable tubes or collection
Only the specimens listed below were tested and found acceptable.

Plasma: Li-heparin, K2-EDTA and fluoride plasma.

Collect blood by venipuncture from fasting individuals using an evacuated tube

system. The stability of glucose in specimens is affected by storage temperature,
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bacterial contamination, and glycolysis. Plasma or serum samples without

preservative should be separated from the cells or clot within half an hour of
being drawn. When blood is drawn and permitted to clot and to stand not
centrifuged at room temperature, the average decrease in serum glucose is ~7 %
in 1 hour (0.28 to 0.56 mmol/L or 5 to 10 mg/dL). This decrease is the result of
glycolysis. Glycolysis can be inhibited by collecting the specimen in fluoride

The sample types listed were tested with a selection of sample collection tubes
that were commercially available at the time of testing, i.e. not all available tubes
of all manufacturers were tested. Sample collection systems from various
manufacturers may contain differing materials which could affect the test results
in some cases. When processing samples in primary tubes (sample collection
systems), follow the instructions of the tube manufacturer.

Stability (no hemolysis)5 8 hours at 15-25 °C

72 hours at 2-8 °C
Stability in fluoride plasma:5 24 hours at 15-25 °C

Collect urine in a dark bottle. For 24-hour urine collections, glucose may be
preserved by adding 5 mL of glacial acetic acid to the container before collection.
Unpreserved urine samples may lose up to 40 % of their glucose after 24-hour
storage at room temperature.3 Therefore, keep samples on ice during collection.5

Cerebrospinal fluid may be contaminated with bacteria and often contains other
cellular constituents. CSF samples should therefore be analyzed for glucose
immediately or stored at 4 °C or -20 °C.3, 5
Centrifuge samples containing precipitates before performing the assay.

5. Procedures for Microscopic Examinations; Criteria for Rejection of

Inadequately Prepared Slides

Not applicable for this procedure



A. Equipment and Instrumentation

(1) Instrumentation Cobas C Chemistry System.
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(2) General purpose centrifuge.

(3) Refrigerated centrifuge. Temperature range: –8 to 60°C, temperature
accuracy: < 2°C, maximum RPM: 8,000 maximum, timer range: 0–99 min in
1-min increments.
(4) Milli-Q Plus ultra-pure water system (Millipore, Bedford, MA).
(5) Pipetman adjustable pipette, 200- to 1000 μL.
(6) Thermolyne Varimix mixer.

B. Reagent handling

Ready for use.

C. Storage and stability

Shelf life at 2-8 °C: See expiration date on Cobas c pack
On-board in use and refrigerated on the 8 weeks

Diluent NaCl 9 %
Shelf life at 2-8 °C: See expiration date on Cobas c pack
On-board in use and refrigerated on the 12 weeks

D. Other Materials
(1) Pipette tips, 200- to 1000-μL sizes.
(2) Pipette-Aid.
(3) Pyrex 20-mL disposable pipette.
(4) 5-mL class "A" volumetric pipette.
(5) The following items are all supplied by Roche Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
(Indianapolis, IN): sample cups, thermal paper, reagent probe, and 1000-μL
reagent syringe, replacement plunger tip for both reagent and sample
syringes, sample needles, reagent containers, cuvette segments, sample
racks, calibration rack, reagent rack, and thermal printer paper.
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(7) Disposable gloves.

(8) Biohazardous waste storage bags and boxes.
(9) Absorbent bench top paper.
(10) Bleach (10% sodium hypochlorite solution)
(11)1.8 mL Nalgene cryogenic Vials.
(12) Lyophilized serum controls).
(13) NIST SRM lyophilized serum reference material (National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD).


Calibrators S1: H2O
S2: C.f.a.s.
Calibration mode Linear
Calibration frequency 2-point calibration
 after reagent lot change
 as required following quality control procedures
Traceability: This method has been standardized against ID/MS

Calibration Curve
(1) The Cobas glucose assay uses two calibration point, which is usually
analyzed in each run as a sample. The glucose value for the calibrator
should be set within manufacturers limits. The instrument requires
recalibration if the value of the calibrator is outside the specified limits.
(2) To calibrate the instrument, place a well-mixed glucose standard in
Calibrator Cup Position 1 on the Calibration Rack and work under the
ROUTINE work list. Choose "CA" for the sample position. The screen will
respond with "CAL." The cursor/highlighter will move to accept the test
(3) Select GLUCOSE for the test key, and press ENTER.
(4) The calibration entry will disappear, but the procedure is programmed and
the calibration will be performed automatically.
(5) Recalibration of the instrument is also performed when QC results fail to
meet the acceptable criteria and/or a new lot of reagent is used.

B. Verification
(1) In order to verify the calibrator, use glucose (D-glucose) standards. The
standards were calibrated against NIST standard reference material SRM,
and are stable until expiration date.
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(2) Analyzed these standards in a routine assay. Agreement with certified

values should be 5%. Frequency of verification is quarterly or whenever it is
necessary for troubleshooting the system.



A. Preliminaries
(1) For information regarding the range of linearity and how to handle results
outside this range, refer to the Calculations section below.
(2) Allow frozen plasma samples, quality control specimens, and the glucose
calibration material to reach
(3) 20–25°C and mix on a Varimix mixer 8–10 times.
(4) While specimens are thawing, allow the glucose reagent to reach 20–25°C.
(5) Use a fine-point permanent marker to label the sample cups in each sample
rack with the UMC ID numbers corresponding to the specimens to be
(6) Check the reservoir and waste bottle level. Fill or empty the bottles as
needed. Only Type II reagent grade water is used in the reservoir bottle.
(7) Fill the analyzer with clean cuvette segments. Press down the segments and
be sure that they are seated properly.
B. Sample preparation
(1) To prevent fibrinogen from clogging in the sample pipetting system,
centrifuge specimens at 1500 × g for 10 min prior to analysis.
(2) Using a Gilson Pipetman, transfer 300 μL of controls and samples into the
corresponding sample cups. Close the caps tightly and load them into the
sample racks following the sample positions in the order set-up in the work

C. Instrument setup

(1) Under PROG, set up system parameters and instrument configuration as shown
in Table 1.
(2) Press the ON switch on the Cobas C analyzer.
(3) Under INFO and SYSTEM CHECKS, prime the tubing and syringe with water.
(4) Streams from both sample and reagent probes should be straight and
continuous. The syringes should be free of air bubbles.
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(5) Observe the sample needle and reagent probe. They should not appear
damaged. Replace them if necessary. Check that the sample tubing is seated
(6) The in-house control pools are placed in cup positions 1 and 2, the calibrator is
placed in cup position 3 and the two commercial control pools are placed in cup
positions 4 and 5 on the first sample rack. One of the four controls will be placed
in the first cup position for each of the subsequent sample racks. There will
always be one normal and one elevated control at the end of each run.
(7) Program the sample work list under ROUTINE menu. Enter the first and the last
numbers of the specimens to be analyzed, and press the test GLUC. The work list
will appear on the screen.
(8) A sample rack always has at least two controls, alternating between high- and
low-level levels.
(9) A run always ends with the two in house controls.
(10) All sample cups are labeled with their corresponding UMC accession numbers.
(11) Verify the specimen identification numbers on the vial against the work list.
(12) Place the reagent into the appropriate positions on the reagent rack.
(13 Place the calibration rack, the reagent, and the sample racks on the rack
(14) Lift the analyzer cover. Insert the empty cuvette segments into position. Press
the segments down firmly. Close the analyzer cover.
(15) Start the analysis by pressing START.
(16) Press the STATUS screen to display TRANSFER and ANALYZER operation
status. The status screen will indicate the appropriate times when rack and
segment handling are allowed during analysis.

(17) When the analysis is complete, glucose results are printed automatically on the
printer tape.
(18) Discard the used cuvette segments, reagent, and sample cups in the
appropriate waste container.
(19) Turn off the instrument.

E. Recording of Data
(1) Quality Control Data
All replicate values of QC data plus all pertinent assay information (date of analysis,
reagent lot number, technician ID, samples ID etc.) are recorded on the Microsoft
Access Glucose Daily Diary Log database located on the network drive. The
calibrator value is also recorded.
(2) Enter the data under the form “Diary Sheet Entry Form”. The Microsoft Access
program will automatically calculate the daily mean and range for each control and
determine if a run is accepted or rejected. The current above or below the mean
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trend is also calculated. The program will print out a diary sheet for each run and
the information is checked and signed by a supervisor.
(3) Analytical Results
Record the glucose results in mg/dL onto the "Data Check List", matching the UMC
accession numbers on the instrument print-out tape with corresponding numbers on
the data check list.
(4) Glucose results are entered in Hanes4.mdb database. During the data entry
process, check the lab accession number.
NHANES IV has established a list of comment codes for reporting results. If a result
is below the assay detection limit, or a sample is missing, or if the sample volume is
less than 200 μL, or the sample is grossly lipemic or grossly hemolyzed, leave the
result field blank and record an appropriate comment code in the assay comment
(5) A second Data Check List with test results is printed. Test results are verified
against the instrument print out. A copy of the data check sheet is kept in the
NHANES IV Glucose Data Book at the Diabetes Diagnostic Laboratory at the
University of Missouri.
(6) A comma delimited text file (container id.txt) is generated in Hanes4.mdb with
an export query. The file follows the format specified by NHANES IV. A copy of the
text file is printed and the information is validated against data check sheet.
(7) The data files are exported by batch within three weeks of receipt of the
specimens. The text file is sent via electronic mail to Westat.
(8) The quality control information and the assay information is entered into the
Microsoft Access Glucose Diary Log Sheet database located on the network drive.
A QC file (FGLmmyy.txt) is generated from the Glucose Diary Log Sheet database
following the format specified by NHANES IV. The file is sent monthly to Westat via
electronic mail.

F. Replacement and Periodic Maintenance of Key Components

(1) Perform tube cleaning and syringe priming procedure on the day of assay.
Use 10% bleach for cleaning solution. Select the TC test file for the
procedure. After tube cleaning, prime the syringes for 5 min with Type I or II
reagent grade water.
(2) Perform precision tests monthly and after any maintenance on the sample or
reagent pipetting pathway. Two different concentrations of potassium
dichromate are used for the precision testing. The P150 and P250 precision
tests check the pipetting precision at two different sample volumes and two
different reagent volumes. The expected coefficient of variation for the P150
precision test is 1.5%. The expected coefficient of variation for the P250
precision test is 2.5%. (See instrumentation manual.)
(3) Replace both the 100-µL sample syringe and the 1000-μL reagent syringe
plunger tips as needed to ensure good pipetting precision.
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(4) Replace the reagent probe, sample needle, and sample tubing loop as
(5) Performance verification inspections are performed by the Roche Service
Engineer yearly as part of the routine preventive maintenance

G. Application for serum, plasma, urine and CSF

Cobas c 311 test definition
Assay type 2 Point End
Reaction time / Assay points 10/6-32 (STAT 7/6-32)
Wavelength (sub/main) 700/340 nm
Reaction direction Increase
Units mmol/L (mg/dL, g/L)
Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
R1 28 µL 141 µL
R2 10 µL 20 µL
Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution
Sample Diluent
Normal 2 µL – –
Decreased 10 µL 15 µL 135 µL
Increased 4 µL – –

H. Measuring Range

Serum, plasma, and CSF

2-750 mg/dL

Determine samples having higher concentrations via the rerun function. Dilution
of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2 dilution. Results from samples diluted
by the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a factor of 2. This is the
maximum dilution for glucose.

Lower detection limit

2 mg/dL
The lower detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level that can
be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value lying three standard
deviations above that of the lowest standard (standard
1 + 3 SD, within-run precision, n = 21).

I. Quality Control
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r quality control, use control materials as listed this laboratory‘s Quality Control
procedure. The control intervals and limits is adjusted to this laboratory’s
requirements. Values obtained should fall within the defined limits. Follow this
laboratory’s established corrective measures if values fall outside the limits.

J. Calculation
Roche/Hitachi Cobas C systems automatically calculate the analyte
concentration of each sample.

Conversion factors: mmol/L x 18.02 = mg/dL

mmol/L x 0.1802 = g/L
mg/dL x 0.0555 = mmol/L


A. Expected Values:
Fasting 74-109
acc. to Tietz:5
Serum, plasma
Adults 74-106
60-90 years 82-115
> 90 years 75-121
Children 60-100
Neonates (1 day) 40-60
Neonates (> 1 day) 50-80

Children 60-80 mg/dL
Adults 40-70 mg/dL
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Two types of quality control (QC) systems are used in this analytical method: 1)
"sample QC" and 2) "batch QC." For sample QC, 2% of specimens are randomly
selected and analyzed either within-assay or between-assay for quality
assurance purposes. If the coefficient of variation (CV) between duplicates is
greater than 5%, the specimen is reanalyzed. Batch QC specimens are placed in
the calibration rack at the end of each sample rack the entire run.
The batch QC pools consist of four levels of control pools, which cover the full
range of plasma glucose concentrations for normal and diabetic populations. Two
are commercial lyophilized serum controls purchased from Bio-Rad Laboratories
(Irvine, CA).
Two other controls are prepared in-house and stored at –70°C. One vial of each
is thawed and used in each assay. Reconstitution is not required for the in-house
controls. All four levels of controls are assayed at the beginning and end of each
analytical run. One of the in-house controls is assayed at least once in each
sample rack.
If the stock of these controls becomes low, another batch is ordered or prepared
in time to analyze it concurrently with the current QC materials. The new controls
are used only after their means and the ranges have been established by
performing 20 characterization runs.
Daily means and ranges of the controls are calculated from 20 interassay
determinations. The bias ranges of the daily means are set at ±1 SD or the 67%
confidence interval (CI); the warning limits (WL) are the ±2 SD or the 95% CI and
the control limits (CL) are the ±3 SD or the 99% CI. For the daily ranges, the bias
limit is the mean + 1 SD with warning and control limits set at the mean +2 SD
and the mean + 3 SD, respectively

The NHANES guideline declares a system as "out-of-control" if any of the

following events occur:
The mean for one control from a single run falls outside the 99%
confidence limits.
The means for two controls from a single run fall outside the 95%
confidence limits.
The daily means for one control from eight successive runs (excluding
the runs in which the mean is within ±1 SD or the bias range) fall either
all above or all below the center line.

The second type of QC chart plots the range of the replicates (the difference
between the highest and the lowest value of a single control within a run) and
compares it with the established target range, which is the overall mean of daily
ranges established by the 20 characteristic runs.
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The NHANES guideline declares a system as "out-of-control" if any of the

following events occur:
The daily range for one control exceeds the 99% confidence limit.
The daily ranges for two controls exceed the 95% confidence limits.
The daily ranges for one control from eight successive runs (excluding
the runs in which the mean is within1 SD or bias range) are all above
the mean line (trend rule).

If a run is declared out of control, investigate the system (instrument, standards,

controls etc.) to determine the cause of the problem. Do not perform any
analysis until the problem has been resolved.
The Diabetes Diagnostic Laboratory participates in an external QC program
conducted by the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Two levels of survey
materials are analyzed 3 times a year for glucose in a routine run, and results
are submitted to CAP for inter-laboratory comparison.



If control values are out of the acceptable range, recalibration is required.

Reanalyze any patient samples after recalibration.



Criterion: Recovery within ± 10 % of initial value at a glucose concentration of

70.3 mg/dL.
Icterus: No significant interference up to an I index of 60 (approximate
conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin concentration: 60 mg/dL.
Hemolysis: No significant interference up to an H index of 1000 (approximate
hemoglobin concentration: 1000 mg/dL.
Lipemia (Intralipid): No significant interference up to an L index of 1000. There is
poor correlation between the L index (corresponds to turbidity) and triglycerides
Drugs: No interference was found at therapeutic concentrations using common
drug panels.7, 8
In very rare cases gammopathy, in particular type IgM (Waldenström's
macroglobulinemia), may cause unreliable results.
Drugs: No interference was found at therapeutic concentrations using common
drug panels.7, 8
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For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction

with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings.
NOTE: Glucose values achieved on some proficiency testing materials, when
evaluated against a glucose oxidase-oxygen electrode comparison method,
demonstrate an approximate 3 % positive bias on average.

Special Wash Programming: The use of special wash steps is mandatory
when certain test combinations are run together on Roche/Hitachi Cobas c
systems. Refer to the latest version of the Carry over evasion list found with the
NaOHD/SMS/Multiclean/SCCS Method Sheet and the operator manual for
further instructions.

Where required, special wash/carry over evasion programming must be

implemented prior to reporting results with this test.


Adults: 74-109 mg/dL


Critical Value: < 40mg/dL or > 400mg/dL

Infants < 1 month: < 40mg/dL or > 300 mg/dL

Critical results must be repeated and verified.

Early reporting for NHANES: >125 mg/dl for fasting glucose or 140 mg/dl for
non-fasting glucose. Notify the NHANES Medical Officer. The contact person
will electronically send these results as soon as possible.


Specimens are stored at -70C until analyzed. On the day of analysis, thaw the
specimens. Mix thoroughly. Upon completion of analysis, refreeze at -70C.
Specimens are discarded after one year.


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If the instrument is unable is perform the test, the specimens are stored at -70C
until testing is available.



The NHANES glucose results are entered onto a spreadsheet provided

electronically by Westat, Inc for NHANES.

A. To access the spreadsheet click on My Computer -> Z drive -> User -> Dep
Labs -> Collab Studies -> NHANES -> Glucose 009 or Glucose 098.

B. Choose the files named with the corresponding box number.

C. Enter the analysis date, run number, the technologist’s initials, glucose
results, and comment code.

D. The results will be sent electronically by the contact person.



All shipments are recorded on the NHANES Shipping Log upon receipt. Actions
taken during the course of analysis, result reporting, and specimen retention are
also recorded on the log.


Please see the following page.

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2013-2014 Summary Statistics and QC Chart for Plasma Glucose (mg/dL)

Start End Standard Coefficient of

Lot N Mean
Date Date Deviation Variation

16621 14 17JAN13 28MAR13 83.6 1.4 1.6

16622 14 17JAN13 28MAR13 279.6 3.5 1.3
16681 49 03APR13 30APR14 83.5 1.1 1.4
16682 49 03APR13 30APR14 278.7 2.7 1.0
16681 27 30OCT13 09APR14 83.3 1.1 1.3
16682 27 30OCT13 09APR14 276.9 2.4 0.9
16681 28 07MAY14 29OCT14 83.3 1.1 1.3
16682 28 07MAY14 29OCT14 276.9 2.9 1.1
16741 12 06NOV14 29JAN15 85.5 0.8 0.9
16742 12 06NOV14 29JAN15 296.1 3.6 1.2
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1. Sacks DB. Carbohydrates. In: Tietz NW, ed. Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry.
4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1996:351-374.
2. Knudson PE, Weinstock RS. Carbohydrates. In: Henry JB, ed. Clinical Diagnosis
and Management by Laboratory Methods. 20th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders
3. Sacks DB. Carbohydrates. In: Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, eds. Tietz Textbook of
Clinical Chemistry. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1999:750-785.
4. Kunst A, Draeger B, Ziegenhorn J. In: Bergmeyer. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis,
3rd ed. Volume VI, Metabolites 1: Carbohydrates. 1984:163-172.
5. Tietz NW, ed. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, 4th ed. Philadelphia. WB Saunders
Company, 2006:444-451.
6. Glick MR, Ryder KW, Jackson SA. Graphical Comparisons of Interferences in
Clinical Chemistry Instrumentation. Clin Chem 1986;32:470-474.
7. Breuer J. Report on the Symposium “Drug effects in clinical chemistry methods”, Eur
J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1996;34:385-386.
8. Sonntag O, Scholer A. Drug interference in clinical chemistry: Recommendation of
drugs and their concentrations to be used in drug interference studies. Ann Clin
Biochem 2001: 38:376–385.
9. Thomas L. Blutglucose. In: Thomas L, ed. Labor und Diagnose, 6th ed.
Frankfurt/Main: TH-Books, 2005;193–199.
10. Krieg M et al. Vergleichende quantitative Analytik klinisch-chemischer Kenngrößen
im 24-Stunden-Urin und Morgenurin. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1986;24:863-869.
11. Passing H, Bablok W et al. A General Regression Procedure for Method
Transformation. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1988;26:783-790.

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