Suhaila Observation 3
Suhaila Observation 3
Suhaila Observation 3
The MST (Mentor School Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on the
selected teaching competencies.
Managing Learning
- Suhaila regularly praises students.
- She asks Aya to sit during instructions – good!! It’s important to send the message that, during
instructions, all students should be listening.
- Suhaila uses points to encourage students (“if the info you collected is correct, you will receive 5
- She gives 7 points for a group that provides particularly good information, and she praises them in
front of the class!
- Suhaila says “I will not accept your answer, because you answered without permission”
- Suhaila continues to use her tone of voice as well as her body language to help manage behaviour
effectively. Great!
- Suhaila effectively uses management techniques in order to get students’ attention. E.g “Class-class;
Yes; yes!”
- Classroom management is indeed very sound during this lesson.
Implementing Learning
- Suhaila clearly presents the learning outcome as well as the success criteria. All is very clear: super!
- Opening: Suhaila has students breathing in and out, and then jumping up and down. She solicits
answers from students in order to begin unpacking the learning outcome (re the respiratory system).
- Instructions re the opening are explained. Because instructions are rather complex, Suhaila asks
students to repeat/explain these instructions to the class. Super! This was necessary – after the
students’ explanations, all misconceptions about the upcoming listening task have been addressed😊
See back
- The video is played twice and key (difficult) words are given to students. Excellent: students are WELL
supported in order to be able to complete the task.
- Suhaila encourages students to work together and to share their ideas. She ‘pushes’ individual
students to join their friends. High quality collaborative work is witnessed here! Fantastic!
- Group representatives present some of their findings in front of the class.
- To close the lesson, Suhaila gives students a TIL (“Today I learned”) slip to fill out.
- Suhaila then has students selecting questions from a container. Students answer the questions.
Students are highly engaged in this task, just as they have been for all previous tasks 😊😊
- Closing: why not have students tell the entire class, in order for them to learn from each other? Why
tell only the teacher ‘what they learned today’?
Students have already performed a similar exercise (presenting in front of the class) ….. and you will
read their ideas on the exit slip they will submit …. Hence, why not use these 4-5 minutes to do
another type of summary/review activity… one which will prepare them for the next lesson (e.g
match 3 definitions).
- Suhaila’s interactions with her students are of very high quality. She does a great job of supporting
students who need encouragement; and she does this in a very caring manner 😊😊
- Suhaila has developed excellent relationships with her students. It is so obvious that they love and
respect her; and that they appreciate all the work she does to support them 😊😊
- Suhaila was able to adequately assess her students during today’s lesson (there were multiple forums for her
to do this).
- She was able to discuss precisely how today’s achievements would play into the next lesson about the
respiratory system.
Reflection on Practice
- Suhaila was capable of reflecting on the strengths of this lesson, and on any adjustments that could
be made (although there were very few!).
Action Plan:
(1) The following grammar errors were heard:
- “What you have to do?” (should say “What do you have to do?”)
- “What you will do?” (should say “What will you do?”)
- “Can you read for me loud?” (should say “Can you read for me loudly!”)
- “Show me how you are sit quietly!” (should say “Show me how you sit quietly!”)
- “Good boy. You will get a five points” (should say “Good boy. You will get five points.”)