Hydrological Model Vidra
Hydrological Model Vidra
Hydrological Model Vidra
Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Romania
World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
The 1970s and 1980s have seen a great increase in the world's population and in
the level of expectation of both individuals and nations. This has led to greatly
increased demands on the world's limited resources of fresh water; demands not
only for consumption, energy production and waste disposal, but also for the
maintenance of a balanced and healthy aquatic environment. One response has
been the refinement of a range of techniques for use in the development of water
resources and the management of river basins (e.g. Yeh, 1985).
P. Serban &A. J. Askew 358
directed to the collection and processing of the geophysical data required. There
is in fact ample evidence of a world-wide downward trend in such work, invol-
ving both developed and developing countries (WMO, 1990a).
Past geophysical, more specifically hydrological, data are essential in
assessing not only the magnitude of a body of fresh water and its extent in space,
but also its variability with time. The frequency of past floods and droughts can
be assessed with a fair degree of accuracy, but estimates of the future frequency
of such events is clouded with considerable uncertainty. Yet it is for the future
that water-resource systems are to be designed. Between the known past and the
uncertain future, lies the present when existing systems must be operated as
efficiently as possible. It is here that hydrological forecasting has a vital role to
Hydraulic structures are usually operated in accordance with a set of rules which
take account of the current state of the system, the demands being made upon it,
and some estimates of future rainfall, streamflow, evaporation and the like.
Sometimes these estimates are not explicitly required as input because the rules
have been devised on the assumption that, for the current period in time, the
various hydrological variables will take on their average values for the relevant
month or season of the year. However, whether they are explicit or implicit,
these estimates of future conditions are forecasts: Often very poor forecasts. It is
well to recognize this fact and avoid the pit-fall of viewing them as characteristics
of the natural system. The average daily discharge for November is a character-
istic of the natural system; the assumption at 00 hrs on 1 November that the
actual discharge for the coming 24 hours will equal this value is human judge-
ment. Given some on-line information about the state of the natural system, in
other words, some relevant hydrological data, it should be possible to improve
the level of judgement and hence improve the operation of the structure concer-
ned. At the very least, the wise operator will take note of the current level of
flow and its rate of change and act accordingly. At the least, all important water-
resource systems should incorporate the real-time collection of hydrological data
and their use in developing forecasts of future conditions relevant to the operation
of the systems. The costs of collecting the data and preparing the forecasts are a
fraction of the cost of constructing and operating the system itself and will
usually be far outweighed by their potential benefit in improved safety and
operational efficiency. There is therefore a strong case to be made for the use of
hydrological forecasts in the operation of water-resource systems. However, if
they are to be used to their full potential, it is important that both the systems
themselves and their operating rules be designed to take account of the availabili-
ty of hydrological forecasts and of the anticipated precision of the forecasts.
Whether explicitly or implicitly, the design of a water-resource system makes
some assumption as to die manner in which it will be operated. Whether explicit-
ly or implicitly, the design of operating rules makes some assumption as to the
nature and precision of forecasts of future hydrological conditions. It is preferable
for both sets of assumptions to be made explicitly and to be well founded.
359 Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures
Fig. 1. Definition of types of error between measured (-) and simulated (...)
hydrographs (a) amplitude errors; (b) phase errors; (c) shape
J JW Time
Certain models make use of updating procedures for both input and output
variables, whereas others use the updating of both the state and output variables.
Among the models taking part in the WMO intercomparison project three updated
only the model inputs, three only the state variables and four only the outputs,
whereas one of them updated bodi the inputs and outputs and three of them
updated the state variables and the model outputs as well.
It is noted that a few models also update the model parameters. In general,
this procedure is not to be recommended because in most models the parameters
363 Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures
are not independent and the modification of one parameter would require the
modification of other parameters. The parameters are usually determined by
calibrating the model and any adjustment of them amounts to a re-calibration. It
is useful to study the interaction between parameters when calibrating the model,
but such a study is not part of the model's operational application.
Updating procedures can be classified as "automated" or "manual-interacti-
ve", depending on the way they are applied. Automated procedures are complete-
ly reproducible and objective. In most instances, they are preferred to manual
procedures (Table 1). Manual-interactive procedures are based on the practical
experience of the forecaster and therefore include a certain amount of subjectiv-
ity. The application of manual procedures, such as was done in the WMO
project, can involve the use of interactive programmes which are based on a real
"man-machine" dialogue.
Some models use both automated and manual procedures. In these cases
the automated adjustment schemes are used only as instruments for assisting the
user in adjusting the model to the observed conditions. After applying the
automated procedures, the forecaster reviews the state of the system and compa-
res it with the data measured over the basin. If any unanticipated errors or
unusual circumstances have arisen, the user changes certain variables on a
subjective basis and runs the automated procedure once again.
The primary input variables that may be updated are precipitation and air
temperature. In some cases snowmelt is updated as an intermediate parameter,
being snowmelt model output and rainfall-runoff model input.
Most procedures which update input variables are interactive and of the
"trial-error" type because with most models it is difficult to solve the reverse
problem, that is, to determine the model input when the model output and
parameters are given, while taking into account the errors which influence
computation quantities and the non-linearity of the hydrological system itself. A
block-diagram for a "trial-error" updating procedure is given in Fig. 4.
The most important stages in these types of procedure, to be carried out at
each forecasting moment j , are:
(a) computation of the error "e" between the measured and simulated hydro-
(b) comparison of the error with a pre-defined acceptable level of error;
(c) selection of the input variables to be adjusted, plus the adjustment incre-
ment for each variable and the maximum number of increments of change
allowed in any computation period;
(d) rerun of the model using the adjusted input variables.
P. Serban & A. J. Askew 364
Time of forecastj
Model run
ML 3
Error e;r
imputed tiydrqgraph
'Inin the admittea
error //'mitt
yss A/O
'<«W NO
T/ie made/ /j rerun aver
the interval j-k -f-J
State variables that may be adjusted include: areal extent of snow cover, snow
depth, snow water equivalent, the amount of water contained in model reservoirs
simulating water storage at the surface and in the unsaturated and saturated zones
and in water courses.
One justification for state variable updating is that errors in model inputs
are accumulated and appear as errors in the water content of the stores of the
conceptual rainfall-runoff model which, if not corrected, will in turn lead to
erroneous output variables. The water equivalent of the snow cover is generally
365 Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures
updated using snow course data. The amount of water stored in the conceptual
reservoirs of the model is often updated by means of a Kalman filter. This can be
applied to linear models or, with the aid of an extended version of the Kalman
filter, to nonlinear models.
The Kalman filter may be integrated with transfer models of the ARMA
type (Wood & Szôllôsi-Nagy, 1980), or with conceptual hydrological models,
such as: the HFS model (Georgakakos et al, 1988) and the NAMKAL model
(Refsgaard et al., 1983). The application of the linear Kalman filter to the study
of a physical system (Fig. 5) requires (Gelb, 1974):
(a) a description of the system dynamics as a system of linear equations of the
Zj = HXj + Vj (2)
X is the vector of the variables of state, describing the system evolution;
U a control vector containing the input variables;
# the transition matrix;
T the input adjustment matrix;
W the modelling error vector;
Z the measurement vector;
H the measurement selection matrix;
V the measurement error vector.
The matrixes # , V and H defining the characteristics of the modelled
system can be time-constant or variable in time.
The V and W errors are considered independent and normally distributed.
Variables of state Xj
XM ^ Unit
As the X state quantities at any time step are only estimates of the "true"
X values, the covariance matrix for the estimation errors is defined as:
Pj^E^Xj-Xj^MVXjij-.n (3)
Once the initial values for X,, and P c are pre-established, the equations of
the linear Kalman filter for the forecasting and the updating stages are the
Forecast at moment i
P j + 1 | J = # P j l J # T + Q1 (5)
Kj + 1 = P j + 1|jH [ H P j + 1 | j H r + P j + 1]-" (6)
Xj + i | j + i = Xj + 1 | j + Kj + 1 [ Z j + 1 - HXj + 11 j] (7)
The algorithm is repeated by substituting into eqs. (4) and (5) the estima-
ted values of the state vector Xj + , | j + , and of the matrix of errors Pj + , | s + x
obtained through equations (7) and (8).
The term HXj + 1 | i of relation (7) represents the estimation Zj + t | j of the
observed value, Zj + l, using the equation:
Zj + 1 | J = HXJ + I | J (9)
The use of a Kalman filter helps by considering the most significant error
sources (input and output variables, non-optimal parameter values) and because of
this the discharges can be computed within given confidence limits.
367 Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures
Output variables that may be updated include: discharge, flood volume, hydro-
graph shape and lateral inflow.
The discharge updating procedures most widely used in practice (e.g.
UBC, CEQUEAU, SMAR and NAMS models) are those based on autoregressive
models, AR, that were fitted to the errors "e" between the computed and
measured hydrographs:
where a„ % ... a,, are coefficients of the autoregressive model and the bj are
residual (uncorrelated) errors.
The order and coefficients of the autoregressive model are determined by
means of the "e" error series over a relatively short period of time before the
time of forecast. The forecast error («j + k | j) at time j + k using the AR model is
given by:
The freshwater resources of the world are limited and under pressure, but there
need be no limitation on mankind's ingenuity in finding ways of maximizing the
use of these resources. Essential to any such efforts are hydrological data:
historical data on which to design new water-resource systems and real-time data
for use in operating the systems to maximum efficiency.
Operational efficiency can be greatly aided by the accurate forecasting of
future hydrological conditions, essential to which is the application of a hydrolo-
gical model in conjunction with an effective updating procedure. The choice and
correct application of an updating procedure can be as important as the choice of
model. The WMO project completed in 1989 went a long way in describing and
evaluating the various updating procedures in current use, but there is more that
can be done in refining these techniques in the years ahead.
Askew, A.J. (1989) Real-time intercomparison of hydrological models. In: Symposium on Surface
Water Modelling (Proc. Baltimore Symp., May 1989), 125-132. IAHS Publ. 181.
Becker, A. & Serban, P. (1990) Hydrological Models for Water-resource System Design and Operati-
on. Operational Hydrology Report No. 35, WMO-No. 740, WMO, Geneva, Switserland.
Gelb, A. (1974) Applied Optimal Estimation. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
Georgakakos, K.P., Rajaram, H. & Li, S.G. (1988) On Improved Operational Hydrologie Forecas-
ting of Stream/low. EHR. Report No. 325.
Refsgaard, J.C., Rugbjerg, M.& Markussen, L.M. (1983) Application of the Kalman Filter to Real-
Time Operation and to Uncertainty Analyses in Hydrological Modelling. In: Symposium on
Scientific Procedures Applied to the Planning, Design and Management of Water Resources
Systems (Pros. Hamburg Symp., August 1983), 273-282. IAHS Publ. 147.
Rungo, M., Refsgaard, J.C. & Havno, K. (1989) Improvement of the Updating Routine in the MIKE
11 Modelling System for Real-Time Flood Forecasting. Proceedings of the HYDROCOMP'89
Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.
Serban, P. & Plesa, V. (1986) A Conversational System Man-machine for Flood Forecasting in
Basins with Hydraulic Structures. Proceedings of XIII Conference of the Danube Countries
on Hydrological Forecasts. Belgrade. Yugoslavia
Sittner, W.Y. & Krouse, K.M. (1979) Improvement of Hydrologie Simulation by Utilizing Observed
Discharge as on Indirect Input. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS HYDRO-38, USA.
Wood, E.F. & Szôllôsi-Nagy, A, eds (1980) Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resource Sys-
tems. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.
WMO (1975) Intercomparison of Conceptual Models used in Operational Hydrological Forecasting.
Operational Hydrology Report No. 7, WMO-Publ. No. 429, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.
WMO (1986) Intercomparison of Models of Snowmelt Runoff. Operational Hydrology Report No. 23,
WMO-No. 646, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.
WMO (1987) Real-Time Intercomparison of Hydrological Models. Technical Report to CHy No. 23,
WMO/TD-No. 255, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.
WMO (1990a) Water Resource Assessment: Progress in Implementation of the Mar del Plata Action
Plan and a Strategy for the 1990s. WMO/Unesco report - in press, WMO, Geneva, Switzer-
369 Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures