From The Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison

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(From the Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
(Received for publication, March 14, 1955)

The rates of photosynthesis and respiration of most plants are readily

affected by the presence of added chemicals. The action of some substances
that have strong affinities for certain components of the photosynthetic and
respiratory apparatus is specific and effective. The skillful use of such sub-
stances m a y help to differentiate the component reactions of photosynthesis.
Warburg initiated the work by using potassium cyanide on the green algae,
Chlordla pyrenoidosa (1). Gaffron has used many inhibitory effects to explain
the complex chemistry of photosynthesis (2--4). Greenfield has made a de-
tailed study of the inhibitory effects of inorganic compounds on photosyn-
thesis in Chlorella (5). Except for a few specific cases, little is known con-
cerning the various ways in which the different inhibitors affect the separate
processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The present work was intended
as a qualitative exploration of the effects of some common inhibitors on the
rates of photosynthesis and respiration in ChloreUa pyrenoidosa. Some less
studied inhibitors were included in the study while taking the common in-
hibitor, K C N , as a comparative measure. No attempt will be made to offer
theoretical explanations of the results. The inhibitors used in this study in-
clude potassium cyanide, sodium azide, hydroxylamine hydrogen chloride,
and dinitrophenol.


The apparatus used in this study was essentially the same as that described in a
previous report (6). A carbon dioxide infrared gas analyzer was used to follow the
exchange of carbon dioxide gas. The magnetic, oxygen meter was not used because
the addition of liquid solutions of the inhibitor caused unstable readings. The rate of
change of carbon dioxide gas was recorded on an automatic Brown recorder.
The reaction vessel had a liquid volume of 70 ml. The volume of the circulating
system was 125 ml. The solution containing the inhibitor was added to the Chlordla
suspension by means of a burette fitted to the reaction vessel. Equilibrium between
gas and liquid was usually established within 3 minutes after each addition of the
inhibitor solution. All experiments were carried out at room temperature, 20--23°C.
The light source was a mercury AH-6 lamp. Monochromatic beams of light at
5460 A and 4360 A, were obtained by means of interference filters supplied by the
J. GIr2¢.PmtsloL., 1956, Vol. 39, No. 4

The Journal of General Physiology


Baird Associates, and Co. The light intensity varied from 1.0 X 10- s einstein per
cm3 per minute to 5.0 X 10-8 einstein per cm3 per minute (I einstein = 6.02 X 10t*
The culture used was a strain of algae, Chlordla pyrenoidosa, maintained in pure
culture by the Botany Department of the University of Wisconsin. The culturing of
algae has been described in a previous paper (6). About 300 to 700 microliters of the
freshly cultured cells were suspended in 20 ml. of culture medium, at pH about 5.0.
The suspension was saturated with 2 per cent carbon dioxide in air. The absorption
of incident light by the algal cells was generally more than 70 per cent.
The addition of the inhibitor solution was carried out by means of a 10 ml. burette.
During each experiment, the normal rates of respiration in the dark and photosynthe-
sis in the light were measured. A small measured amount of the inhibitor solution was
then introduced through the burette, and rates of respiration and photosynthesis were

Effects of KCN on Respiration
Respiration (changes in
Experiment No. KCNconcentration micromoles COt per 10 rain.) Percentage chsnge in
Normal With KCN

4.4 X 10-5 2.38 2.40 +1.3
5.5 X 10-6 1.11 1.14 +2.9
7.7 X 10-5 2.38 2.44 +2.7
11.0 X 10-5 1.35 1.91 +41.2
16.5 X 10-5 1.11 1.37 +22.9
22.0 × 10- 5 1.35 1.59 +17.7
27.5 X 10-5 1.11 1.03 --7.2
31.8 X 10-5 2.34 2.39 +2.0
45.0 X 10-5 2.34 2.04 --12.5
63.6 X 10-5 2.34 1.91 --19.7

again recorded at the same light intensity. Calculations were made directly from the
readings on the recording chart.

Inhibition by Potassium Cyanide.-

T h e poisoning effect of potassium cyanide on p l a n t s has been studied
quite thoroughly. Our experimental results are presented here first in order
t h a t a comparison can be m a d e with the literature. Generally our results
agreed with those of other workers in this field.
T h e poisoning effect of potassium cyanide on photosynthesis is due to the
formation of a complex with metal atoms contained in the prosthetic groups
of m a n y enzymes. T h e molecular species of the poisoning agent penetrates the
cells as the non-dissociated acid, H C N . A t p H values below 8.5, the concen-
tration of H C N molecules in a solution is approximately equal to t h e concen-
tration of the cyanide ion. Tables I and I I show the general results of the el-

fect of cyanide. The light intensities used in these experiments were about 1.0 X
l0 s einstein per cm3 per minute.
The effects of potassium cyanide on respiration and photosynthesis by
Chlordla come immediately after its addition. Respiration is stimulated at
small concentrations of KCN (10 X 10-5 moles per liter), and is only slightly
inhibited at high concentrations of KCN. The rate of photosynthesis is strongly
inhibited by the addition of KCN.
The inhibition of photosynthesis by cyanide is only effective above the
compensation point--the intensity of light at which photosynthesis is enough
to just balance respiration. In weak light where measurements are made under
the compensation point, and respiration is greater than photosynthesis, no
inhibition of photosynthesis is observed.

Effects of KCN on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis (changes in
micromoles COJ per 10 rain.) Percentage change~lln
Experiment No. KCN concentration photosynthesis
Normal With KCN
4.4 X 100 s 6.25 5.70 --9.0
5.5 × 10°5 4.64 3.49 --24.6
7.7 X 100 6 6.25 5.58 -10.7
11.0 X 100 s 5.79 4.34 --30.0
16.5 X 10- s 4.64 2.20 --52.5
22.0 X 100 s 5.79 3.28 --43.3
27.5 X 100 s 4.64 1.59 --65.7
31.8 × 10 -6 6.83 2.96 --56.5
45.0 X i0-~ 6.83 1.96 -71.0
63.6 X i0-s 6.83 1.91 -72.0

This residual photosynthesis, the amount of photosynthesis under the

compensation point, was observed first by Warburg (1).

Inhibition by Sodium Azide.--

The results are summarized in Tables I I I and IV. The light intensities
were about 1.0 X 10--s einstein per cm3 per minute.
The most interesting feature of this inhibitor is its remarkable effectiveness
in the poisoning of photosynthesis. Complete inhibition of photosynthesis can
be achieved with the addition of only 40 X 10-6 moles per liter of sodium
azide. It is more than ten times as effective as potassium cyanide. The inhibi-
tion of photosynthesis is also effective under the compensation point, and
there is no residual photosynthesis.
The response after the addition of sodium azide is fast. Usually a steady
rate is observed in less than 5 minutes.

T h e rate of respiration is stimulated at very low concentrations of sodium

azide. The inhibition of respiration at higher concentrations of sodium azide
does not seem to exceed 20 per cent.

Effects of Sodium Azlde on Respiration

Respirstion (changesin
ExperimentNo. NaNI concentration micromoles CO=per 10 mln.) Percentage change in
Normal With NaN,
1 . 6 X 10-s 2.07 2.75 +33.0
3.6 X 10- 6 2.07 2.96 +43.O
5.9 X 10- e 2.07 2.83 +36.0
6.6 X 10- 0 2.54 3.43 +35.0
7.9 X 10- s 3.02 3.74 +23.7
10.5 X 10-* 3.02 3.15 +4.2
19.6 X 10-* 2.54 2.45 --4.0
35.0 X 10-* 2.54 2.04 --20.0
45.9 X 10-* 2.54 2.00 --21.3

Effects of Sodium Anide on Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis (chaaigesin
Experiment No. NaNs concentration mieromolesC02 per 10 rain.) Percentage clmnge in
Normal With NaN,
1.6 X 10-6 5.20 4.83 --7.0
3.6 X 10-6 5.20 3.67 -29.4
5.9 X 10- e 5.20 2.88 -41.5
6.6 X 10-6 6.28 3.13 -50.0
7.9 X 10-6 5.96 3.02 --49.4
10.5 X 10.6 5.96 2.10 -64.9
19.6 X 10-6 6.28 1.54 --75.6
35.0 X 10- s 6.28 0.19 -97.0
45.9 X 10- e 6.28 0.00 -100.0

Inhibition by Hydroxylamine Hydrogen Chloride.--

S h i b a t a a n d Y a k u s h i j i (7), a n d N a k a m u r a (8) r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e h y d r o x y l -
a m i n e - s e n s i t i v e e n z y m e p a r t i c i p a t e s o n l y i n t h e o x y g e n - l i b e r a t i n g s t a g e of t h e
p h o t o s y n t h e t i c process. T h e r e s u l t s a r e s u m m a r i z e d in T a b l e s V a n d V I . T h e
l i g h t i n t e n s i t i e s u s e d i n t h e s e e x p e r i m e n t s w e r e a b o u t 1.0 X l 0 s e i n s t e i n p e r
cm3 per minute.
H y d r o x y l a m i n e causes n o s t i m u l a t i o n of r e s p i r a t i o n . T h e r e is also n o large

i n h i b i t i o n of r e s p i r a t i o n a t h i g h e r c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of h y d r o x y l a m i n e . T h e
e2tect o n p h o t o s y n t h e s i s is of t h e s a m e m a g n i t u d e a s t h a t of p o t a s s i u m c y -

Effects of Hydroxylamine on Respiration
Respiration (changes in
micromoles COs per l0 rain.) Percentag[e change in
Experiment No. NH=OH concentration resptration
Normal With NH=OH
1 3.0 X 10-s 3.25 3.12 --3.9
1 5.9 X 10-5 3.25 2.78 --14.2
1 8 . 9 X 10 -6 3.25 2.07 --36.2
2 11.8 X 10-6 2.37 2.04 --14.1
3 14.8 X 10- 5 1.81 1.49 --17.5
2 17.7 X 10- 6 2.37 2.00 --15.4
3 20.7 X 10-s 1.81 1.53 --15.8
2 23.6 X 10- 6 2.37 2.15 --9.4
3 26.6 X 10- 5 1.81 1.40 --22.8
4 29.6 X 10- 5 2.23 2.15 --3.6
4 35.5 X 10- ~ 2.23 2.11 --5.0
4 41.5 X 10- ~ 2.23 1.64 --25.7

Effevts of Hydroxylamine on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis (changesin
NH20H concentration micromoles CO= per I0 min.) Percentage chan~e in
F~perlment No. photosynthems
Normal With NHs0H
3.0 X 10-5 5.87 6.04 +3.3
5.9 X 10-5 5.87 5.84 0.0
8.9 X 10-6 5.87 4.77 --18.5
11.8 X 10- ~ 5.20 4.88 --6.4
14.8 X 10-6 4.99 3.95 --20.8
17.7 X 10-6 5.20 3.65 --30.0
20.7 X 10- b 4.99 2.84 --43.0
23.6 X 10- 6 5.20 2.99 --45.6
26.6 × 10- s 4.99 2.59 --48.0
29.6 X 10-5 4.49 2.57 --42.5
35.5 X 10-6 4.49 2.04 --56.7
41.5 X 10-s 4.49 1.70 --62.1

a n i d e . T h e r e s i d u a l p h o t o s y n t h e s i s b e l o w t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n p o i n t is n o t in-
h i b i t e d , u n l e s s v e r y h i g h l i g h t i n t e n s i t y is used.
A d e l a y i n t h e a c t i o n of i n h i b i t i o n is o b s e r v e d o n t h e a d d i t i o n of h y d r o x y l -
a m i n e h y d r o g e n chloride. A s m u c h as 20 m i n u t e s w a s r e q u i r e d i n s o m e cases
before the steady rate was reached.

Inhibition by Dinitrophenol.--
D i n i t r o p h e n 0 1 is k n o w n t o a f f e c t b o t h p h o t o s y n t h e s i s a n d r e s p i r a t i o n . I t i s
thought to act on enzymatically active proteins. Catalytically active protein

Effects of Dinitrophenol on Respiration
Respiration (clmnges in
micromoles COs per 10 rain.) Percentage change in
Experiment No. DNP concentration respiration
Normal With DNP
1 1.9 X 10- 6 4.85 5.41 +11.8
2 3.8 X 10- s 3.56 4.40 +23.2
3 5.7 X 10- 5 4.17 5.05 +21.4
1 7.6 X 10-6 4.85 6.20 +27.9
3 9.5 X 10- 5 4.17 5.00 +20.2
1 17.1 X 10-6 4.85 5.10 +5.3
4 19.0 X 10-6 9.65 8.10 --15.8
5 28.5 X 10-6 9.25 5.96 --35.5
4 38.0 X 10-6 9.65 4.55 --53.0
4 57.0 X 10-6 9.65 3.81 --60.5
6 66.5 X 10-5 9.89 3.78 --62.1

Effect of Dinitrophenot on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis (changes in
micromoles COt per 10 rain.) Percentage clmn~e in
Experiment No. DNP concentration photosynthesis
Normal With DNP
1.9 X 10-6 8.79 8.34 --4.9
3.8 X 10-5 6.61 6.37 --4.1
5.7 X 10-5 7.55 7.38 --2.3
7.6 X 10-6 8.79 8.21 --6.4
9.5 X 10-5 7.55 7.31 --3.0
17.1 X 10-6 8.79 7.62 --13.1
19.0 X 10-6 20.30 6.90 --66.0
28.5 X 10- 5 19.75 4.42 --77.0
38.0 X 10-6 20.30 3.01 --85.5
57.0 X 10-6 20.30 2.63 --87.1
66.5 X 10- 5 19.00 3.78 --81.0

m a y b e u s e d t o t r a n s f e r h y d r o g e n a t o m s ; t h e r e f o r e , t h e i n h i b i t i o n effect of
d i n i t r o p h e n o l o n p h o t o s y n t h e s i s p r o b a b l y arises f r o m i n h i b i t i o n of t h e t r a n s -
fer of h y d r o g e n a t o m s f r o m a n i n t e r m e d i a r y r e d u c t i o n p r o d u c t to c a r b o n
T h e r e s u l t s a r e s u m m a r i z e d in T a b l e s V I I a n d V I I I . T h e l i g h t i n t e n s i t i e s

used in Experiments 1 to 3 were about 1.0 X 10-8 einstein per cm3 per min-
ute, and in Experiments 4 to 6, about 5.0 X 10-s einstein per cm.~ per min-
The effects of dinitrophenol on the rates of respiration and photosynthesis
in CM~rell~ are quite different from those of the previous inhibitors. The rate
of respiration is stimulated at low concentrations, but decreases sharply when
the concentration of dinitrophenol reaches 10 X 10- 5 moles per liter. The
inhibition of respiration seems to level off near --60 per cent. The rate of
photosynthesis, on the other hand, is not affected until dinitrophenol concen-
tration reaches about 10 X 10- 5 moles per liter. Then, with increasing dinitro-
phenol concentration, the rate of photosynthesis decreases rapidly. Although
the curve seems to level off near 90 per cent inhibition, complete inhibition of
photosynthesis, even below the compensation point, can undoubtedly be
obtained at high concentrations of dinitrophenol.
A delay of about 10 minutes in the rates of respiration and photosynthesis
was also observed in the action of dinitrophenol.
It has been suggested that dinitrophenol affects the rates of respiration and
photosynthesis b y reversibly inhibiting the coupling of phosphorylation. In
the process, it apparently replaces inorganic phosphate, which is a necessary
component of the system. Our results, however, do not fully agree with this
suggestion. Although respiration is stimulated considerably at low concen-
trations of dinitrophenol, the rate of photosynthesis does not seem to be af-
fected at this low concentration. When the rate of photosynthesis is decreasing
sharply at a dinitrophenol concentration of about 10 X 10-5 moles per liter,
the rate of respiration is decreasing sharply, too. Should the reversible inhi-
bition of the coupling of phosphorylation be true, the maximum decrease in the
rate of photosynthesis should occur at maximum stimulation of respiration.


The data presented in the previous sections are the results of at least three
experiments on each inhibitor. During the measurements for each inhibitor,
the concentration and age of the Chlorell~ cells were kept approximately the
same in order to obtain nearly constant respiration rates. In the study of
photosynthesis, about the same amount of light intensity was used in all the
experiments. High light intensity was introduced only when needed to reveal
the maximum amount of inhibition, as in the experiments with dinltrophenol.
Usually, the light intensity was one to three times that required for respira-
tion compensation.
Quantitative measurements of the effects of different inhibitors on photo-
synthesis and respiration are difficult. Furthermore, it is not possible to deter-
mine normal respiration rates for the correction of photosynthesis rates, after
the inhibitor has been added. The accuracy is not limited by instrumentation,
but mainly by the condition and concentration of the algal suspension. It is

difficult tO have algal suspensions in different experiments with the same con-
centrations of cells and the same respiration rates. The results presented here,
however, are self-consistent and give definite information concerning the
effects of each inhibitor.
The intermediate steps in photosynthesis and in respiration are complicated
and they include several enzymatic reactions. The amounts of inhibiting and
accelerating materials added are so small that the effects which they produce
must involve catalytic agents such as enzymes. These effects are shown to be
quite specific and since they often are not the same for photosynthesis and
respiration, it is hoped that it may be possible eventually to contribute to our
understanding of these phenomena and to distinguish between the mecha-
nisms which are common to both and the steps which involve photosynthesis
alone or respiration alone.


The effects of several inhibitors on the rates of photosynthesis and of respira-

tion by Chlordla pyrenoidosa have been studied. The inhibitors used in this
study include potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine hydrogen chloride, dinitro-
phenol, :and sodium azide. Each inhibitor seems to have its own characteristic
action in photosynthesis and in respiration, With the exception of hydroxyl-
amine, all the inhibitors show a stimulation of respiration at low concentra-
tions of the inhibitors. Only dinitrophenol inhibits respiration to a marked
extent. Potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine, and dinitrophenol are about
equally effective in inhibiting photosynthesis, but sodium azide is nearly ten
times as effective.

The authors are grateful to the Research Committee of the Graduate School of the
University of Wisconsin for the support of this research, with funds from the Wisconsin
Alumni Research Foundation.
1. Warburg, 0., Biochem. Z., 1920, 103, 188.
2. Gaffron, H., Biol. Zentr., 1939, 59, 302.
3. Gaffron, H., J. Gen. -Physiol., 1942, 9.6, 195, 241.
4. Gaffron, H., J. Gen. Physiol., 1945, 9.8, 259, 269.
5. Greenfield, S. S., Am. J. Bot., 1942, 29, 121.
6. Yuan, E. L., Evans, R. W., and Daniels, F., Biochim. et Biophysic. Acta, 1955, 17,
7. Shibata, K., and Yakushiji, E., Naturwissensckaflen, 1933, 21, 267.
8. Nakamura, H., Acta Phytochim., Japan, 1939, 10, 271, 343.

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