Advanced Technique For Partial Discharge Detection PDF
Advanced Technique For Partial Discharge Detection PDF
Advanced Technique For Partial Discharge Detection PDF
Classification Map Voltage
correlated noise
High frequency
PD in a Joint
Figure 3: Sub pattern representation of classification map single classes
The acquisition of pulse waveforms allows a
more effective approach to condition-based
maintenance to be performed, not only through
Figure 4: PD source identification relevant to the
identification of the PD source, but also by
subpattern D of Fig. 3 localization of insulation flaws. Generally, in
extended HV systems (e.g. HV cable systems),
The corrective action following the discovery the same PD phenomenon may be detected
of such PD was joint replacement. PD from different measurement locations. The T-W
measurements were then carried out again on map separation allows to obtain homogeneous
the newly installed joint, in this case with no (i.e. relative to the same PD phenomenon) data
indication of PD phenomena. The defective to be compared. Generally, the location
joint was analyzed in the laboratory, and showing, on average, larger magnitudes and W
forensic observations showed evidence of values, and lower T values is the one where the
incorrect assembly, with the edge of the HV defect can be found. Moreover, propagation
cable electrode just outside the shielded zone. models can be used to fit the measurement
This finding agrees with the indication of results and to obtain more accurate indications.
interface discharges provided by the In case of short cable systems, TDR can be
identification system. used to assess the exact location of a PD source.
The system described in this paper is able to A
record the pulse waveforms with various time
length (1 to 50 µs), so both the PD pulse and its
reflections, generated in correspondence of the
propagation impedance discontinuities, can be
recorded in the same oscillograph. The analysis
of the time lag between the PD pulse and its
reflections provides the distance between the
PD source and the measurement point.
Eventually, in long cable lines, the arrival time B
technique can be used to localize PD sources. It
consists of the simultaneous detection of PD
pulses from different measurement locations;
the analysis of the time lag among the recorded
pulses allows to estimate the defect position.
The T-W mapping technique can be used, also
in this case, to separate noise from PD and PD
pulses due to different sources, allowing for a
more comprehensive analysis of cable system C
t1 t2 t3
Figure 6: Results of the PD localization by the TDR technique, performed on a homogeneous cluster of
waveform. A) Average pulse waveform; B) Localization of the PD source.
The analysis of the time lag among the PD frequency analysis prove to be effective for the
pulse and the reflections, as shown in Fig. 6.B, separation of different sources of PD, but also
indicate that the PD source is located at about for PD location. The latter can be strengthen by
200 m from the terminal 1 (detection point), the Time Domain approach, which, however,
corresponding to the exact location of transition can be strengthened significantly using the
joint. It is noteworthy that almost one month time-frequency separation of PD pulses. In such
after these measurements, the cable failed a way, in fact, only pulses coming for a certain
exactly in the joint indicated as affected by PD, source, which is evaluated as internal to the
after having shown a growing amplitude trend. cable system, can be processed.
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