Pangasinan State University: San Carlos Campus
Pangasinan State University: San Carlos Campus
Pangasinan State University: San Carlos Campus
Submitted by:
Agapito, Jericson C.
Caragay, John Paul A.
Heteroza, Allan John M.
Zapanta, Ivee Amor U.
Submitted to:
Gelil David S. Galang
Chapter I-Introduction
Computer based information has change the world a great deal , both
large and small system have adopted a new methodology by use of personal
computer , to fullfil the several roles in the production of information and
The patients record in Calasiao Municipal Birthing Clinic have over time
been run down due to large number of patients, this lead to the loss of patient
and staff records. This is basically because of the weakness of the manual
process over reliance on paper based work. Paper files consume a lot of the
office space, slow recording, processing and retrieval of patient details, un
neccesary duplication of the data especially for inpatient and outpatient.
Accessing and sharing information by different departments is difficult due to
poor information and management system.
Objectives of the Project
The main objective of the project Patient Information and Billing System were
to minimize the work and at the same time increase the speed of the work
This project is basically design for Calasiao Municipal Birthing Clinic. This
provides a lot of services to patients includes the Records of patients that will
be access and be updated easily making it more manageable for the record
staff. Patient billing that will automatically compute the entire bill of a certain
patient providing a more accurate computation of patient’s bill. Hospital
Reports that will only cover the patient’s history report, doctors and
technicians’ schedule, in-patient list, out-patient list, medical records,
discharge summary reports and the billing reports. Patient discharge that will
have an automated solution provide transparency and visual for each patient
discharge plan. PhilHealth Dependants will automatically deduct some of the
bills for the PhilHealth dependants. The PhilHealth members will enjoy the
hospitalization benefits given by the government. Patient Registration will
have application form to the patient who will confine in the clinic. And to
gather important data of patient’s that will automatically registered in the
Financial Accounting will not cover the computation of the clinic finances like
budgeting and clinic expenditures such as the medical supplies and
etc.Medical Equipment will not also cover the monitoring of the medical
equipment needed in the clinic.
Significance of the Project
Current of the clinic operates a manual records system. With the introduction
of automated billing system the following will be achieved.
The benefit of the patients for the system is to generate patient information
reports and providing them an efficient way of storing and getting information.
Iterative Methodology
An iterative life cycle model does not start with a full specification of
requirements. In this model, the development begins by specifying and
implementing just part of the software, which is then reviewed in order to
identify further requirements. Moreover, in iterative model, the iterative
process starts with a simple implementation of a small set of the software
requirements, which iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the
complete system is implemented and ready to be deployed. Each release of
Iterative Model is developed in a specific and fixed time period, which is called
Requirements Phase
1.1 Observation
We went to the clinic and observed their daily as regard their current system
and they were manually recording the patient record as specified by the
receptionist, doctors, pharmacist, and cashier. Ba follow up was made to
determine the time it took to carry out the patient information management.
We observe the weaknessess of the system like it was vulnerable to error.
1.2 Interviewing
In this method there was interaction between us, the researchers and the staff.
Interviews were conducted with the medical supridendant and some
employees to find out what are the difficulties they encountered on the
existing system. These were held to verify the information collected using the
questionnaires since there was room to search for further information during
the interview
1.3 Questionnaire
The iterative design process may be applied throughout the new product
development process. However, changes are easiest and less expensive to
implement in the earliest stages of development. The first step in the iterative
design process is to develop a prototype. The prototype should be evaluated by
a focus group or a group not associated with the product in order to deliver
non-biased opinions. Information from the focus group should be synthesized
and incorporated into the next iteration of the design. The process should be
repeated until user issues have been reduced to an acceptable level.
Testing was done after the system was put in place. This was done in two
Implementation and unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the
system to ensure that they are fully functional units. We did this by
examining each unit which we checked to ensure that its function as required
and that it adds to the client’s data and other details and also ensured that this
data is sent to the data base. The success of each individual unit gave us to go
ahead to carryout integration testing.
The maintenance phase includes handling the residual errors that may
exist in the software even after the testing phase. The develop system
will be deploy in client site, the developers of Calasiao Municipal
Birthing Clinic train how to maintain the system especially on how to
update the data and more buck up of documents or the data that will
keep the system more safe and prepare if there’s a circumtances that all
data are loose and corrupt.
Chapter III:
This software automates and manages the working of clinic. The database
system keeps track of data required for various Brgys in the municipal clinic.
The whole project is divided into following modules:
This module keeps record of the indoor patients admitted, new outdoor
patients, old outdoor patients revisiting the clinic for check-up, patients
discharged, employees working in the clinic, details of the rooms issued to the
patients, charges of various rooms, room transfers of the patients within the
clinic, receipts for advance and bill payments.
This module is used for managing the billing of patients including all kinds of
charges such as room charges, midwifes charges and other miscellaneous
charges deducting the net advance paid, if any and discount provided, if any.
This module deals with the security matters, user logons and authentications.
It is used to create new users, who can login to the software of clinic and
change password, if a user finds some security problems. Proper authorization
will be done to take care of who is accessing the database.
System Model
To understand the flow of the system the developers use a process model and
data mode. This tools and techniques help the developers to demonstrate the
process that involve in the project.
Brgy Midwifery
Patient Filling up forms Get a Brgy. Midwife
Figure 3.2 Shows the Top – Level Data Flow Diagram of the
Existing system
forms Proceed to
Billing data
Patient Filling up forms Midwifery Get a Brgy. Midwife
Figure 3.3 Shows the context Data Flow Diagram of the
Proposed system
Brgy Clinic
Birthing Details
Midwife Info
Patient Info
Find Midwife
Details Billing Details
Appointment Papers
Figure 3.4 Shows the Top – Level Data Flow Diagram of the
Proposed System
Top Level DFD for the Proposed System
Generate Report
User info Manage User
User details
Admin User Data
Patient info Patient Patient details
Patient Data
Midwife info
Appointment Papers
Patient info
Billing info
Billing Biling details Billing
Birthing info
Brgy Clinic
Find Midwife
Generate Receipt
Billing Data
Figure 3.5 Is the explosion of the first Process of the Top Level
Data Flow Diagram
Explosion Diagram of Manage User
User info
Generate report
Generate report
Patient details
Generate report
Data Model
Data model is representation of different entities that shows the specific
relationship among entities that involved in the project.
PK clnc_id
PK brgy_clnc_id
address address
tel# tel#
email email
has has
PK pnt_id PK trscn_id
has has
PK ppr_no_id PK mwf_id
PK doc_id
FK1 clnc_id
Data dictionary
Data dictionary is an inventory of data elements in a database or data model
with detailed description of its size, relationships, example, data type and fields.
This term is a little ambiguous and can mean slightly different things.
Table 1
Birthing Clinic
Table 2
Brgy Clinic
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Appointment Papers
Table 7