Green Glue vs. Mass Loaded Vinyl

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The document compares the sound insulation performance of Green Glue, a viscoelastic damping material, to different applications of mass loaded vinyl (MLV). Green Glue significantly outperforms MLV in reducing sound transmission, especially at lower frequencies, while also having a lower overall cost.

Testing showed that Green Glue provided 10-15dB better sound insulation than MLV applications over most vocal frequencies, and as much as 9dB better insulation around the primary resonance point of the wall (around 80Hz). Green Glue also had better standard ratings like STC and OITC.

The key advantages of a limp mass material are that it avoids resonance problems due to flexibility, is well damped which reduces resonance severity, and does not conduct vibration well due to flexibility and damping.




The Green Glue Company is pleased to present data for Green Glue (a viscoelastic damping material), and mass-loaded vinyl, commonly known as
MLV (a limp-mass sound barrier). The data was collected at Orfield Laboratories, an independent NVLAP accredited lab in Minneapolis, MN, in 2005,
and compares Green Glue to two different common applications of MLV. In one case the MLV is hung limply, in another case it is sandwiched between
drywall layers.


To address this question, The Green Glue Company ran a series of tests at Orfield Laboratories, a NVLAP certified independent lab in Minneapolis, MN.
Below are the wall configurations, from source room to receive room. All details of the walls were identical, including insulation, screw length and spac-
ing, stud configurations, and so forth.

MLV Assembly I MLV Assembly II GG Assembly I GG Assembly II

Limp Mass Test Constrained Test 1 layer on source side 1 layer on both sides
5/8” drywall + MLV (1 lb per 1/2” drywall+ MLV (1lb per 5/8” drywall + Green Glue 1/2” drywall + Green Glue
square foot, limply hung) square foot, bonded with car- @ 58 fluid ounces per 4’ x 8’ @ 58 fluid ounces per 4’ x 8’
pet adhesive) + 1/2” drywall sheet + 5/8” drywall sheet+ 1/2” drywall
2x4 single wood studs, 24” 2x4 single wood studs, 24” 2x4 single wood studs, 24” 2x4 single wood studs, 24”
on center on center on center on center
R8 fiberglass insulation* R13 fiberglass insulation R13 fiberglass insulation R13 fiberglass insulation
5/8” drywall 1/2” drywall 5/8” drywall 5/8” drywall + Green Glue
@ 58 fluid ounces per 4’ x 8’
sheet + 5/8” drywall
OL 05-0822 OL 05-1054 OL 05-0416 OL 05-1035
* - Sellers of Mass Loaded Vinyl recommended slightly thinner insulation to avoid interfering with the limpness of the MLV. Official lab reports are avail-
able, report numbers given in the accompanying graph.

Of particular interest is the exceptional improvement around the reso-

nance points of the wall.

At the primary low frequency resonance (around 80Hz or so), the Green
Glue wall outperforms the MLV assemblies by as much as 9dB – the
equivalent of tripling the mass of the wall.

Over most of the vocal/speech frequency range, the Green Glue assembly
outperforms the MLV assemblies by 10-15 dB.

While the performance of the limp mass material is not poor, Green Glue –
a damping material – notably outperforms.

Official lab reports are available. The relevant reports are listed on the
graph to the right.

Reference 5/8” on MLV Assembly I MLV Assembly II Green Glue I Green Glue II
both sides Limp Mass Test Constrained Test 1 layer on source side 1 layer on either side
STC 40 45 44 52 56
OITC 29 31 33 36 39
Flat Noise
Reduction, 38 42 42 47 51
- 42 42 48 53
- 6.2 lbs/sq ft 7.4 lbs/sq ft 7.7 lbs/sq ft 9.2 lbs/sq ft
- $2.20 $2.54 $1.12 $2.24
Materials &
An assessment of wall performance that is not an official standard, but is utilized by The Green Glue Company as a superior method to STC or OITC
for music and theater applications where low-frequency content is high. It calculates using the ISO 226 equal loudness standard, and using a bandwidth
of 31.5-5000Hz. Equal Loudness attempts to correlate to how people actually hear.

The A-weighted sound reduction for a noise source having flat response from 31.5 to 5000Hz. For additional information about how these ratings are
calculated, and for spreadsheets that will allow you to calculate them, visit our website at

Based on MLV sale price of $2.20 per square foot including shipping/delivery. Green Glue costs consider additional drywall that has to be utilized plus
cost of GG. Sandwich MLV configuration considers extra drywall as well.


Green Glue outperforms MLV. The discrepancy is even more notable when you consider cost / performance. The low cost of Green Glue plus the fact
that a sheet of drywall weighs far more than the same area of MLV allows the GG assemblies to be heavier, widening the performance gap.


Limp mass has long been considered, in a way, the “holy grail” of sound isolation. A quick look at the properties of a limp mass material -vs- the proper-
ties of a rigid material such as common drywall show us why.

Limp materials have three enormous advantages. First, their flexibility causes resonance problems to be so low or so high in frequency that they don’t
matter. Second, ideally a limp mass material would be well damped, which would make the resonances much less severe. And last but not least, the
combination of flexibility and damping would make a material that didn’t conduct vibration very well at all. So whatever vibration gets into the limp mass
is quickly dissipated.

This graph may help illustrate the advantages of

Limp Mass -vs- Rigid Mass

When a partition has no air cavity, its performance can never be better
than the potential defined by its weight. A limp mass will reach the full po-
tential of its weight. A rigid mass, on the other hand, will exhibit resonance
problems that make its performance much lower. On a partition such as
the common wood-stud wall, the benefits of limp mass would be even


Well the reason is that simply putting limp mass into an assembly cannot make the entire assembly limp. MLV cannot make drywall less rigid, and it can-
not cause the drywall to not conduct vibration, and it cannot damp the resonances in the drywall as it’s hardly in contact with the drywall at all. The wall
remains stiff and prone to resonance, but with added weight of the limp mass material and some other benefits.

Similarly, adding Green Glue to a wall doesn’t make the wall limp either. Green Glue can’t make drywall or studs less rigid, but the damping behavior of
Green Glue can greatly impair the ability of the drywall to conduct vibration – one of the marvelous properties of a limp mass. And the damping behavior
of Green Glue can notably reduce the resonant behavior of the drywall – the second of the great attributes of limp mass materials. Thus, it could reason-
ably be said that Green Glue goes much farther towards reaching that holy grail of “limp mass” than does the addition of something floppy into a wall

The MLV assembly in which MLV was used as a sandwich damping material didn’t meet the performance of Green Glue for the simple reason that MLV
is not nearly as effective of a damping material as Green Glue.


Here we will take a look at the cost of each of the assemblies that feature product on both sides.

Reference 1 Reference 1
MLV Assembly MLV Assembly Green Glue
Single 5/8” on Single 5/8” on Green Glue I
I Limp Mass II Constrained II
Both Sides Both Sides
Drywall, materials $0.68 $1.36 $0.64 $0.90 $1.02 $1.28
Drywall, labor $1.20 $2.40 $1.14 $1.62 $1.80 $2.28
MLV, materials 0 0 $2.20 $2.20 0 0
MLV, labor 0 0 $1.30 $1.30 0 0
Green Glue, materials 0 0 0 0 $0.78 $1.56
Green Glue, labor 0 0 0 0 $0.18 $0.36
Framework, materials $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40
Framework, labor $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60
Insulation, materials $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33
Insulation, labor $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40
Sealant, materials & labor $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.65
Mudding/taping, materials & labor $0.56 $0.56 $0.56 $0.56 $0.56 $0.56
Total Cost, materials $1.61 $2.29 $3.77 $4.03 $2.73 $3.77
Total Cost, materials + labor $4.82 $6.70 $8.22 $8.96 $6.72 $8.42
STC 40 44 45 44 52 56
$$$/improvement in STC Reference $0.47 $0.68 $1.04 $0.16 $0.23
OITC 28 33 31 33 36 39
$$$/improvement in OITC Reference $0.38 $1.13 $0.83 $0.24 $0.33
Test Number OL 05-1003 OL 05-1059 OL 05-0822 OL 05-1054 OL 05-0416 OL 05-1035


All costs based on national average material and labor rates taken from the National Construction Estimator, a Craftsman product. Rates will vary con-
siderably depending on location, time of year, and other factors. Labor will vary the most.

These MLV assemblies are similar in cost to the assembly with Green Glue on both sides of the wall. As the table and the chart above shows, the return
on investment for Green Glue assemblies is superior to simply adding mass, and particularly better than the limp mass products. OL 05-1035 was nomi-
nally identical to OL 05-0416, and STC was 56 for both walls, but OITC was 40 for OL 05-1035. Calculations reflect the lower OITC value.

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