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37 6 219 PDF
Kimika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, P.K. 1072, 20080 San Sebastián-Donostia, Spain
Jesus Vela
Grupo de Espectroscopía Analítica y Sensores, Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Zaragoza,
Avenida Miguel Servet 177, 50013 Zaragoza, Spain
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Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
ples, analysis of the whole sample without previous fractiona ferent proportions were analyzed. Saturates and aromatic frac
tion or deasphalting, and the possibility of physically storing tions were obtained from CEPSA from the raw lubricant by the
the developed plates. strict application of a liquid chromatography-based ASTM
Conventional TLC silicagel and alumina plates (with devel D2007 standard method (21).
opments using solvents of increasing polarity) have been In the case of the vis-breaking fuel, compound class com
mostly used for either qualitative and semiquantitative hydro position was also provided by CEPSA using TLC-flame ioniza
carbon-type analysis or the preparative isolation of hydro tion detection (FID). Detailed descriptions of the technology,
carbon families in heavy distillates in order to carry out either method, and quantitative conditions can be found elsewhere
further analysis or the gravimetric determination of collected (19).
fractions (7-12). In general, nonquantitative analyses have
involved the visual detection of colorless substances using
Analytical TLC separation
inspection under UV illumination or the use of chromogenic
Silicagel plates (aluminium sheets, 20 × 20 cm, 5- to 25-μm
or fluorogenic spray reagents (13). At present, only few works
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
Figure 1. TLC chromatograms corresponding to saturate fractions determined using fluorescence scanning densitometry on berberine-coated silicagel plates
(1) and aromatic fractions determined using UV scanning densitometry on the same plates (2): heavy oil (A), vis-breaking fuel (B), lubricant (C), gasoil (D).
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
possibility of performing a complete analysis of petrochemicals The addition of each new - C H - group results in an increase
using TLC-fluorescence scanning densitometry, as will be in the fluorescent response. The curves of response corre
explained later. sponding to the fractions of the saturates from the analyzed
Variables that influence fluorescence, chromatographic petrochemicals show coherence with regard to the results
response, precision, and sensitivity of determinations are obtained from the n-alkanes (Figure 2). The lubricant-satu
sample load, length of paraffinic chain, application volume, rate fraction that consists, on average, of long alkanes (> C ) 2 4
development length, beam size, and impregnation condi provided higher response than C . In turn, the response of the
2 4
For a given wavelength and concentration of berberine in the the map of the fluorescence responses of n-alkanes may be
plate, the fluorescent response is proportional to the mass of used to obtain some clues about their nature, an interesting
the alkane applied and also depends on the alkane structure. possibility for unknown environmental samples in order to
identify types of pollutants.
The scanning beam size and the impreg
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
sample to be scanned) provides adequate area-mass linear cent relative standard deviation (for 5 measurements) was
regressions and precisions. (Tables I and II). lower than 5.
The direct determination of saturates is possible with this Under the impregnation conditions employed, fluorescence
method on other samples as well. Table I shows results con responses were linear with adequate precision at least in the
cerning the quantitative determination of saturates for a lubri range of 1-20 μg for saturates and 1-13 μg for aromatics.
cant, a heavy oil, and a vis-breaking fuel. In each case, the Table III also shows that the saturate and aromatic contents
application of different sample loads of the corresponding from the fluorescence chromatograms agree quite well with
preparative fraction of saturates was used to
perform the calibration curve.
Quantitative results agree quite well with
those using TLC-FID for the studied prod
ucts. Under the impregnation conditions
used (6 mg/100 mL methanol), sensitivity is
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
those found using other reference techniques. In the particular Alternative determination of aromatics in middle and heavy
case of gasoil, reference values are obtained using HPLC-RI, distillates using TLC-UV scanning densitometry
according to the IP391 standard (20). This standard allows the The complete analysis of the sample using only fluorescence
calculation of the saturate content by difference, whereas the scanning has clear, practical advantages, but it obviously
present method, using detection based on the fluorescence depends on the nature and abundance of the aromatic fraction.
response, provides a direct determination of this value. It It cannot be assumed that the aromatic fraction will always be
should be noted that quantitative analysis of compound classes detectable, although impregnation conditions allow the mag
of gasoils using TLC have not previously been reported in the nitude of response to be tailored to a certain degree, and the
literature, as far as the authors of this work know. aromatic fraction might also have an intrinsic fluorescence
According to the previously proposed explanation, the ob response. In any case, the alternative determination of aro
served higher response of aromatics from the lubricant, when matics using UV detection remains available because it is
compared with those from gasoil, will show the contribution clearly suitable for this kind of detection, and there is no need
of the presence of longer alkylic chains. The particular char to perform a second analysis using a nonimpregnated plate
Figure 5. TLC chromatograms corresponding to saturates and aromatics, both determined using fluorescence scanning densitometry on berberine-coated silicagel
plates: lubricant (A) and gasoil (B).
Table III. Quantitative (Weight %) Determination of Compound Classes for the Studied Lubricant and Gasoil
Using TLC-Scanning Fluorescence Densitometry on Berberine-Coated Silicagel Plates*
Sample Reference values TLC-flourescence Linear interval
compound classes (weight %) (weight %) (μg) m r
saturates 56.8 56.2 4-16 306.8 2464 0.993
aromatics 43.2 43.8 3-16 432.5 4754 0.992
saturates 70.8 69.8 5-20 357.6 4818 0.990
aromatics 29.2 30.2 1-13 242.7 212 0.98
* Conditions: development, 9 min with n-hexane and 4.5 min with dichloromethane-methanol (95:5, v/v); impregnation, 6 mg berberine/100 mL methanol; volume of
application, 0.4μL;beam size, 1 × 1 mm.
Area = m mass + b. Regression coefficient = r.
Determined using HPLC-RI according to standard IP391; aromatics are directly determined by this technique, but saturates are obtained by difference.
journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1999
Table IV. Comparison Between Aromatics Determination
(Weight %) Using Either Fluorescence or UV Scanning
Densitometry This work was supported by the Plan Nacional de I+D
(Spanish CICYT, project QUI98-0852 and the Gobierno
Sample TLC-fluorescence* TLC-UV †
Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza (project GV 170.215-EX97/11).
P. Henrion gratefully acknowledges a grant from the Agence
Lubricant 43.8 42.1 Française pour la Maitrise de l'Energie (ADEME, France) and
Gasoil 30.2 27.0 the Rotary Club (Hagondange, France). Dr. J. Lázaro, Dr. J.
Mazón, and CEPSA are acknowledged for the gift of petro
* On berberine plates (6 mg/100 mL methanol).
On berberine plates (6 mg/100 mL methanol); UV zigzag scanning (beam size, chemical samples and the saturate and aromatic fraction from
0.4×0.4 mm)
the lubricant. V.L. Cebolla would like to thank Dr. B.N. Barman
for the fruitful discussions on petrochemical analysis.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 37, June 1998
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