Keller Easterling: Professor, Ysoa, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Keller Easterling: Professor, Ysoa, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Keller Easterling: Professor, Ysoa, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Keller easterling
Professor, Ysoa,
Yale University, new Haven, USA
© MANY Team
© MANY Team
Equipo de proyecto / Project Team: Nilas Andersen, Matthew John Erlendson, Matthew Gordon, Megan Kearns,
Jacob Bendicksen, Heather Bizon, Santiago Del Hierro, Nikita Klimenko, Jeffrey Zhenhua Liu, Mariana Riobom,
Neil Donnelly, Keller Easterling, Adam Feldman, Paul J. Lorenz, Michael Rooney, Kellen Silver, Dina Taha, Lissette Valenzuela,
Radhika Singh, Maggie Tsang, Julie Turgeon Matthew Ward, Paul Wu, Shuyi Yin
Asesores / Advisors: Ayham Ghraowi, Bernd Kasparek, Apoyo institucional / Institutional Support: Yale School of
David Kim, Kim Rygiel, Pelin Tan Architecture, Dean Deborah Berke, Tsai Center for Innovation
Colaboradores / Contributors: Azza Abou Alam, Kate Altman, at Yale, Yale Center for Engineering, Innovation and Design
Michelle Badr, Davis Butner, Brian Cash, Deo Deiparine, Año de Proyecto / Project year: 2018
A R Q 9 8 — S A N T I AG O , C H I L E
housing, stipends or visa assistance. Initially many
is populated with entries from thousands of existing
exchange networks to offer a more palpable that
cartography of these organizations.
Countering the repertoires of prevailing
matchmaking and sharing sites, the images and
sounds contribute to a multi-glyph expression that is
used in displaying possible matches in the exchange.
Slightly cryptic, the multi-glyph is a language between
individuals that is stronger than the official languages
of nations. The graphic conceit nods to the work of
Fluxus member George Maciunas (Spell your name
with these objects), Paul Elliman’s typographies,
ransom notes, hobo code and cuneiform. The more
heterogeneous the multi-glyph, the more it expresses
a robust, secure spatial network.
The platform is designed to prompt activity in
spatial as well as digital information systems. Criteria
can be tightened or loosened to search in different ways
or to adapt a network to offerings on the other side of
the exchange. As designers forge new connections and
add more spatial variables to the situations shaping an
offer on the network is already an alteration and an
urban design. ARQ
Keller Easterling
<[email protected]>