Course 1 Laboratory: Second Semester Experiment: The Shear Modulus of Steel
Course 1 Laboratory: Second Semester Experiment: The Shear Modulus of Steel
Course 1 Laboratory: Second Semester Experiment: The Shear Modulus of Steel
Second Semester
The shear modulus of steel
Elasticity: The Shear Modulus of Steel
2 Skills Checklist
At the end of the experiment, check that you have mastered and understood the
following main features:
3 Introduction
The shear or rigidity modulus of a material may
be measured by forming it into a wire and l
studying the torsional (twisting) oscillations of a
suspended load. Concentrate on the experimental
set-up, measurements and error estimates, rather
than on the detailed theory of the experiment. In
this experiment, precise length and timing R1 R2
measurements are needed. tube
4 Apparatus d d
A steel wire is suspended from a tripod, and Figure 1. Diagram of the apparatus.
supports a horizontal tube bearing two sliding
rings R1 and R2 each of mass M (fig. 1). You are also supplied with a stop-watch for
timing measurements. The shear modulus n is given by
n= (1)
ma 4
where a is the radius of the wire, l is the length of the wire (Figure 1), M is the mass if
a sliding ring, and m is the slope of the graph of T2 against d2, with T being the period
of oscillation, and d the distance of the centre of the rings from the axis of rotation as
in Figure (1).
Take measurements of the period T for several values of d by finding the time taken
for about 10 oscillations. You may find it convenient to use clamped vernier callipers,
as shown in Figure 2, to set the position of each ring. Once the thickness of the
moveable rings and the centre suspension ring are known, the value of d can be
R1 R2
∑ (x − x )
i =1
n −1
NOT the standard error of the mean, which is
i=n _ 2
∑ xi − x
i =1
= .
n n(n − 1)
This figure should be the error of each point on your graph.
• Put error bars equal to ± the standard deviation on each point of your graph.
About 2/3 of the error bars should intersect the best fit line; is this true for
your results?
• Compare the standard deviation with the residuals (y-ycalc) given in the
computer fit (you will have to extract them); are they comparable?
• What are the main sources of error in T? Will timing for longer reduce the
percentage of error?
The computer will give a figure for the error in m. To see if this is consistent with
the accuracy of the points on your graph, use the following (very rough) means of
estimating the error in m. Assuming that the error in d is negligible, and that there
are p points on the graph, the fractional error of m will be roughly 1 / p times
the fractional error of T2, which in turn is twice the fractional error in T. Using
your value for the error in one point, estimate the percent error in m, and compare
with the computor prediction. The two results should agree to within a factor of 2
or so.
2 2 2 2 2
σ n 4σ a σ l σ M σ m
= + + + ( 2)
n a l M m
For maximum efficiency the percent errors in m, a4, l, and M should be equal, i.e.
each term in this equation should be equal. Firstly make estimates of the errors in a, l
and M. Knowing the error in m, use equation (2) to estimate the errors σa, σl, σM that
you can tolerate in a, l, and M. What error in n would you expect to get at the end of
the experiment? Also investigate how the error in n depends on the errors in m, etc.
numerically using Excel.
Given that the resolution of a wood rule is 1 mm, that of a good steel rule is 0.1 mm,
that of a Vernier gauge is 0.02mm and that of a micrometer screw-gauge is 0.001mm
(1µm), select the appropriate instrument to make accurate measurements of a and l.
(See Squires sections 6.1 to 6.5.).
1. Make repeated measurements. The errors you want are the standard errors of the
means, NOT the standard deviation (see equations in section 4.1). The errors you
have estimated are target errors, and you may not be able to match the target with
the instruments available. Do not try to better the target unless to do so involves
no more effort!
2. When measuring the radius of the wire check it for uniformity (Squires, section
8.6). Take at least twelve measurements at different positions and for different
orientations. Do your measurements suggest the wire has a uniform cross-section?
Is there any evidence that it is not circular? Is the accuracy of your final value of
a4 limited by the non-uniformity of the wire or by the precision of your measuring
3. When you use a micrometer, use the ratchet mechanism to tighten the jaws; do not
twist the main barrel. Unless you are a skilled operator, using the barrel will give
erratic results, and you may damage the object being measured if it is squashed
too fiercely. Remember it is possible to read a micrometer to 0.1 of the smallest
graduation on its barrel.
5. To find l, tie a short length of thread to the wire if there isn’t one there already.
Measure the distance between the top and bottom jaws holding the wire and the
marker thread. Why is this preferable to trying to measure the distance between
the jaws directly? Obtain several values, (should you move the marker thread
between each reading?), and consider whether the error in is comparable with that
in a4. Would more observations of l produce a useful reduction in this error?
6. A balance is available for determining the masses of the two rings. In the
formulae, M is the average mass of the two.
Use equation (1) to calculate the shear modulus of the steel. Use equation (2) to find
the error in your value of n, using your best values for σa, etc.
1. The wire provided is made of steel. Compare your results with values of n for
steel given in books of tables. Take the experimental uncertainty in your value of
n into account.
2. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method compared with the
direct twisting of the wire by applying a known couple. Can you think of any
other way of finding the rigidity modulus?
3. When finding the error bars for the graph, why are you told to use the standard
deviations of the readings of T, and not the standard error of the mean?
4. From your results, what are the main sources of error in n? Is it feasible, bearing
in mind the time and equipment, to reduce these errors? Is it really essential to
reduce the errors?
Spracking M.T., Liquids and Solids, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1985.
Newman F.H., Searle V.H.L., The General Principles of Matter, 5th Edition, Edward
Arnold, London, 1957.
stresses, expressed as a force per unit area, and the resulting deformation is described
as a strain which is the ratio of the change in some dimension to an original
dimension. If the strain returns to zero when the stress is removed, the deformation is
said to be elastic. In many materials for small elastic strains, the deformation obeys
Hooke’s law which states that the stress is proportional to the strain. The constant of
proportionality is the elastic modulus, so that
Sheer Modulus =
At the same time, there is also a contraction or expansion at right angles to the tensile
or compressive stress. The ratio of the magnitude of this transverse strain to the
principal strain is called the Poisson ratio, σ.
K= n=
3(1 − σ ) 2(1 + σ )
All types of elastic deformation of isotropic media can be described in terms of any
two of these moduli. Note however that an elastic modulus only has meaning if
Hooke’s law is obeyed; the ratio stress/strains not constant for a non-linear material,
even if it is perfectly elastic.
In the apparatus used here (known as Maxwell’s needle), the body consists of the
horizontal tube carrying the rings R1 and R2 of equal mass M. When the rings are a
distance d from the mid point, then
ℑ = ℑ0 + 2 Md 2 ( A3)
where ℑ0 is the moment of inertia of the tube and central suspension plus the moment
of inertia of the rings about axes through their centres parallel to the wires.
Combining equations (A2) and (A3),
2 8π 2 Md 2 4π 2 ℑ0
T = + ( A4 )
τ τ
8π 2 M
Thus a graph of T2 against d2 will be a straight line, with gradient m= and
4π 2 ℑ0
intercept . Since m may be measured, τ and hence n may be calculated using
the formula
n= ( A5)
ma 4