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The Get-Real Theory

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The Get-Real Theory again but was denied for Art.

26 of the civil
This theory as mentioned by Atty. Bernardo code on its face does not apply to his
looks to the law and law practitioners to “get circumstance, for his wife first got naturalized
real” or to consider the often overlooked and then married a foreigner thus initially his
human realities present in the practice of law1. petition was denied. He was delared to be still
This theory wants the practice of law to be married to her. The court finally decided that he
more realistic, to look into the human was eligible for marriage for if the law was to be
experience as a bridge between the gaps that applied in such a way our citizens would suffer
the law contains and to apply such connection from injustice.
in determining what justice is with each case. People v. Verzosa G.R. No. 183093
Appellant was given the opportunity to show
Source of the Get-Real Theory the court that AAA was driven by some ill
The get real theory stems from legal realism motive to falsely testify against him. Evidently,
that states that judges, in deciding cases, are there was none that he could validly impute
not simply deducing legal conclusions with against her. As it turned out, his allegation that
unchangeable, machine-like logic, but are he saw AAA being kissed by the alleged lover in
influenced by ideas of fairness, public policy, the morning of the rape incident, which, he
and other personal values. claimed, would give AAA reason to file the case
Realists held two things to be true. First, they against him, is not true. He himself admitted on
believed that law is not a scientific enterprise in cross examination that he witnessed the kissing
which deductive reasoning can be applied to incident in April 2004 long after the rape was
reach a determinate outcome in every case. committed in March of the same year. No
Instead, most litigation presents hard questions woman would want to go through the process,
that judges must resolve by balancing the the trouble and the humiliation of trial for such
interests of the parties and ultimately drawing a debasing offense unless she actually has been
an ARBITRARY line on one side of the dispute. a victim of abuse and her motive is but a
Second, realists believed that because judges response to the compelling need to seek and
decide cases based on their political affiliation, obtain justice.
the law tends always to lag behind social Macquiling v.Comelec G.R. No. 195649
change2. An election case where the one who garnered
the most votes in the election is a natural born
Proponent Filipino who had himself naturalized and prior
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. “The life of to running for mayor re-acquired his Filipino
the law has not been logic, it has been citizenship but a few days after such acquisition
experience” he used his U.S. passport 6 times. Such use was
prior to him filling his COC. Initially the court
Application of the theory in the field of law rules in his favor “The use of a US passport
Civil law, Criminal law, Elections does not operate to “un-renounce” what he
has earlier on renounced.” But finally the court
Cases decided that “The use of foreign passport
Republic v. Orbecido G.r. no 154380 after renouncing one’s foreign citizenship is
A case where the wife of the respondent left for a positive and voluntary act of
the U.S. where she had herself be naturalized representation as to one’s nationality and
as a citizen and divorced Orbecido. She married citizenship; it does not divest Filipino
a foreigner and now Obrecido seeks to marry citizenship regained by repatriation but it
recants the Oath of Renunciation required to
qualify one to run for an elective position.”
Bernardo. (2014). PHILAWSOPHIA: Philosophy and
Theory of Law. Rex bookstore. 37-38.
(NA).The free dictionary. http://legal-
Date of Access, July 6 2016.

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