Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Refineries Division) Mathura Refinery

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(Refineries Division)
Mathura Refinery
Advt No: MR/HR/RECT/APP/2018 16-10-2018
Notification for Engagement of Apprentices
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as
a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, invites applications from candidates with following qualification
for engagement as Apprentices at its Mathura Refinery, Uttar Pradesh under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 in the
Trades/Disciplines mentioned below.

Educational Qualification, Provisional Number of seats in Apprentice category including likely reservation as per the
prescribed reservation of the state of Uttar Pradesh shall be as under.

For PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disability) category, Govt of India Guidelines shall apply. Candidates belonging
to PwBD categories can apply against few identified seats under Codes 102,105,106 & 107 Only.
Code Discipline /Trade Qualification Period of Total UR SC ST OBC PwBD
101 Trade Apprentice / 3 years B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, 12 42 21 08 01 12 0
Attendant Operator Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry) months
(Chemical Plant)
Discipline - Chemical

102 Trade Apprentice Matric with 2 (two) year ITI (Fitter) 12 16 08 03 0 05 01

(Fitter) Discipline - course months

103 Trade Apprentice 3 years B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, 24 09 05 02 0 02 0

(Boiler) Discipline - Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry) months

104 Technician Apprentice 3 years Diploma in Chemical 12 42 21 10 0 11 0

Discipline - Chemical Engineering/Refinery & Petrochemicals months

105 Technician Apprentice 3 years Diploma in Mechanical 12 16 08 03 0 05 02

Discipline - Engineering months

106 Technician Apprentice 3 years Diploma in Electrical 12 20 10 04 0 06 03

Discipline - Electrical Engineering months

107 Technician Apprentice 3 years Diploma in 12 10 05 02 0 03 01

Discipline - Instrumentation/Instrumentation & months
Instrumentation Electronics/Instrumentation & Control

Total 155 78 32 01 44 07

Upon completion of Apprenticeship Training, Candidates (including belonging to PwBD categories) may avail of job
openings upon further selections conducted by Mathura Refinery.

No. of seats indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute
discretion of the management and in compliance with the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of

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The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 - Section 2(r) defines “person with benchmark disability” as a person
duly certified by the certifying authority with:
 not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms
 a disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms.

The candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as per the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered.
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities must be capable of performing the task assigned to them/take instructions using
suitable aids and appliances. Engagement of apprentices belonging to PwBD category will be from categories below:

1. PV-Low vision P=Physical; V=Vision;

2. PH-Hard of hearing, Deaf H=Hearing; L=Locomotors;
3. PL-Musculoskeletal (OH-OA/OL), Dwarfism, Acid attack O=Orthopaedic;
victim, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured OA=One Arm;
4. Multiple (a combination of above) OL=One Leg

A. Important Notes:
1. The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized University/Institute as a regular full time B.Sc. Course
(Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry)/ Diploma course (including a sandwich diploma course
with industrial training as part of the course; with no break) with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST and PwBD
category candidates) in aggregate. For ITI (Fitter), only a pass shall be eligible.
2. Candidates possessing Diploma under recognized lateral entry scheme (Class–XII (Sc.)/ ITI admitted in 2nd year of
Diploma course) shall also be considered eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis
of aggregate of 4 semesters in the diploma course.
3. Regular full time ITI (Fitter) course recognized by NCVT/SCVT shall be considered eligible.
4. Qualification of M.Sc. (Chemistry) shall not be considered a disqualification for post codes 101 & 103. However,
percentage requirement shall be applied on graduation level exam (B.Sc.–PCM) only.
5. A candidate with B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry) will be allowed to apply for
only one Trade/Discipline (either for code 101 or for post code 103). In case of receipt of more than one
application for more than one Trade/Discipline, all the applications will be rejected. Candidates holding a
qualification acquired through part-time/correspondence/ distance education mode are not eligible.
6. Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as BE/BTech, MBA, CA, LLB, MCA etc. or any such
equivalent qualification shall not be eligible.
7. No Claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to a prescribed qualification shall be entertained.
8. Candidates, who have undergone Apprenticeship Training in the past or have been pursuing Apprenticeship
Training under the Apprentices Act are not eligible.
9. Candidates possessing Diploma in Engineering and have undergone a training or job experience for a period of
one year or more after the attainment of the qualification, shall not be eligible for being engaged as Technician
Apprentice against codes 104, 105, 106 & 107.
10.Candidates who have completed three years after acquiring the prescribed qualification as on Date of reckoning
eligibility criteria shall also not be eligible for engagement as Technician Apprentices against codes 104, 105, 106
& 107.

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11.In case the date of declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate shall be required to
submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the Polytechnic/College
from where the candidate pursued his Diploma course, along with his application form.
12.The disciplines/trades notified above involve undertaking training in operations & maintenance activities in plant
area. Petroleum Refining is considered as complex and hazardous process and as such Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities with a prescribed qualification, may be engaged only against the identified posts/numbers in select
disciplines, as indicated above. PwBDs are required to submit a certificate issued by an authority prescribed
under Section 2(e) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 read with Rule 18 of Rules made thereunder,
failing which their candidature as PwBD candidate, will not be considered.
13.No woman is permitted to work in or allowed to enter any building in which generation of gas from ‘Dangerous
Petroleum’ as defined in the Petroleum Act 1934, is carried on. No woman is allowed to work in LPG storage and
handling area. Women candidates are also not considered against the cadres/work areas that require shift
operations 365 days in a year or necessitates undertaking work beyond 07.00 pm (& upto 06.00 am), like
Production, P&U Operations (Boiler & Electrical), Quality Control and Fire & Safety or maintenance services
normally performed in shifts.
14.However, subject to limitations above, exemptions if any, work & work performance requirements and
availability of identified positions, women may be engaged.
15.The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of
certificates/testimonials, medical fitness, etc.
16.At any stage of the selection process, if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information,
the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. Candidate may also render himself liable to criminal

B. Obligation for employment:

1. The Corporation will have no obligation to offer regular employment to ex-Apprentices.
2. However, after successful completion of Apprenticeship period, upon further selection, candidates may be
considered for appointment/given due preference against vacancies in a regular post in respective disciplines, in
terms of applicable guidelines/provisions.

C. Reservation for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC (NCL) & PwBD :
1. Reservation for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC (NCL) & PwBD categories will be in terms of numbers
indicated above.
2. For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a latest caste certificate in the proforma
prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others specifically mention that the candidate does not belong
to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel
& Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08.09.1993 and OM No. 36033/2/2013-
Estt.(Res.) dated 13.09.2017.
3. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits.
Accordingly, such candidates may choose to apply for the positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable
to UR candidates and indicate their category as “UR”. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. being a Central Public Sector
Undertaking, only those communities that are mentioned in the common list of OBC approved by Central
Government shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation.
4. In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the reserved seats in a notified trade /
discipline, the vacant seat may be offered to candidates belonging to reserved categories in any other discipline

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on the basis of a combined merit list of reserved candidates in all trades/disciplines, except for seats that are
identified to be filled by candidates belonging to PwBD categories.
5. Reservation for PwBD categories to be engaged as Apprentices shall be in consistence with Section 34(1) of the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
6. Reservation in PwBD category will be extended on horizontal basis, against notified numbers of vacancies in
identified cadres.
7. A person with a specified disability listed in the Schedule appended to the Act but not covered under Section
34(1), if certified by a certifying officer as a person with disability of 40% or above, shall be allowed
concessions/relaxations available to PwBDs. One shall be declared successful, if selected on merit against
unreserved vacancies. His candidature will not be considered /adjusted against reservation provided to PwBDs
under Section 34(1) of the Act of 2016.
D. Concessions / Relaxation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD:
1. The minimum qualifying marks will be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories
considered against reserved positions at each stage of selection process.
2. SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for written test/interview will be reimbursed single second class railway fare
from the nearest railway station of the mailing address to the place of test/interview and back by the shortest
route on production of ticket, provided the distance is not less than 30 KMs.
E. Age Limit & relaxations to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD
1. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation/Higher Secondary is the only
acceptable document in support of proof of age.
2. Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 31-10-2018.
3. Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (NCL), for the posts reserved for them.
4. Relaxable by 10 years for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) belonging to Unreserved Category, 13 years
for PwBD belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy layer) and 15 years for PwBD belonging to SC/ST.
5. A PwBD candidate availing of only age relaxation (no relaxation in eligibility qualification marks/in written test
qualifying marks/ in Interview qualifying marks) shall be considered against unreserved vacancy in order of merit
in the select list before being considered against a reserved post.
F. Date of reckoning eligibility criteria:
1. The date for the purposes of possession of qualification and meeting age criteria shall be 31-10-2018.
G. Selection Methodology:
1. Selection shall be on the basis of performance in Written Test of two hours duration & Personal Interview.
2. The ratio of marks for Written Test and interview shall be 85:15 and a candidate will have to secure minimum 40%
marks at each stage for qualifying the selection process. The minimum qualifying marks will be relaxed by 5% for
candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories considered against reserved positions at each stage of the
selection process.
3. Candidates belonging to PwBD categories, who have availed of concession in eligibility qualification marks or in
Written Test qualifying marks or Interview, will be considered against reserved vacancies, irrespective of their
position in select list (in order of merit within the category).
4. Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for
being shortlisted for Personal Interview or the final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, ratio
applied and relative performance in respective categories.

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5. Shortlisted candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one position/seat, with due cognizance to number of
reserved positions) subject to securing minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will be required to attend a
Personal Interview. The Personal Interview for each discipline shall be conducted by a duly constituted committee.
6. In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the reserved seats in a notified trade/discipline,
the vacant seat shall be offered to candidates belonging to reserved categories in any other discipline on the basis
of a combined merit list of reserved candidates in all trades/disciplines, except for seats that are identified to be
filled by candidates belonging to PwBD categories.
7. Filling up of seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will
arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.
8. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility,
acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection and cancellation of the selection process etc. No
correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
H. Medical Fitness:
1. The medical and physical fitness standards/parameters (as per H.2 below) are required to be met by the
candidates for selection as Apprentice, as upon completion of Apprenticeship Training, candidates may avail of
further job opportunity in a refinery/IOCL, in further selection process conducted by a refinery.
2. Candidates are advised to go through the ‘Guidelines and Criteria for physical fitness for pre-employment medical
examinations’ and satisfy themselves of meeting the fitness criteria before starting the application submission
process. The guidelines in this regard are placed in IOCL website at the following address:
3. Medical examination of PwBD candidates shall be with due consideration to the provisions of Rights of Persons
with Disabilities Act, 2016.
I. Liability to Declare:
1. Candidates with reported ailments, deficiencies or abnormalities shall make a declaration to this effect while
submitting their application.
2. A candidate found UNFIT during medical examination conducted by any refinery unit or any other PSU while
seeking engagement as an apprentice or while seeking a regular employment in the past, is also required to
declare the same with reasons for being declared UNFIT.
3. Candidates have to necessarily declare in case he has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined,
convicted by a Court of Law or for any offence debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission from
appearing in its examination.
J. Other Conditions:
1. Stipend: As prescribed under the Apprentices Act, the Apprentices shall be paid consolidated stipend of an
amount equivalent to a prescribed percentage of the minimum wages applicable in the State of Uttar Pradesh. In
addition, the Refinery pays Rs. 2500/- per month to an apprentice towards stationery, conveyance and
miscellaneous expenses etc., wherever applicable.
2. Personal Protective Equipment: The Apprentices shall be provided with safety shoes & a Helmet (returnable
upon completion of training).
3. Medical Facility: Medical facilities will be allowed for self from the Refinery Hospital during the period of
Apprenticeship training.

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4. Company Accommodation/HRA: No HRA or Company’s accommodation shall be provided to Apprentices.
However, apprentices belonging to PwBD category may be allowed shared hostel accommodation at normal
charges, subject to availability.
5. Leave & Holidays: Apprentices will be allowed 8 days General Leave in a quarter. They will also be allowed to
avail of Casual Leave & Holidays as per rules framed by the Corporation.
6. Insurance Coverage: An Insurance coverage under Employee’s Compensation Act towards accident
compensation on monthly wage limited to Rs 8000/- shall be available to the apprentices.
7. Apprentices shall be covered under the Certified Standing Orders applicable to workmen at the Refinery where
they are undergoing Apprenticeship training and shall be placed under the administrative control of authorities as
prescribed from time to time.
8. Period of Apprenticeship Training: may be extended under certain circumstances as provided under Rule 7 of the
Apprentices Rules 1992.
9. The Corporation will have no obligation to offer regular employment to Apprentices.
10. Rules/guidelines, as may be prescribed by the Govt/framed by the Corporation from time to time, shall apply.
K. General Instructions:
1. Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other
eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application.
2. The Apprenticeship agreement shall be registered on-line with respective authorities.
L. How to apply:
1. Indian Oil has Refineries at Guwahati, Digboi, Bongaigaon (all 3 in Assam) Barauni (Bihar), Vadodara (Gujarat),
Haldia (West Bengal), Mathura (UP), Panipat (Haryana) and Paradip (Odisha).
2. A candidate can apply for apprenticeship in any one of the Refinery unit of his choice.
3. A candidate desirous of applying for Mathura Refinery should exercise the choice of Mathura Refinery which
has been provided in the application menu (on-line application portal) which shall open at 10.00 hours on 16-
10-2018 and close at 17.00 hours on 09-11-2018.
4. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a post, may visit the website go to
‘What’s New’ > go to Latest Job Openings > go to Engagement of Apprentices under Refineries Division > Select
the link of Mathura Refinery. The candidate must have an active email ID and mobile phone number which must
remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with candidate will take place only through
website application / email / mobile phone. Applications submitted through on-line mode will only be accepted.
5. The candidate should have scanned copy of colour photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 50
KB) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form will be required to be uploaded.
6. After successfully applying / registering on-line application, the candidates are advised to send the print out of
on-line application form, duly signed by him/her, to Mathura Refinery, as mentioned in the table below,
alongwith photographs and all supporting documents (as per checklist annexed to application form) under self
attestation, by ordinary post so as to reach us latest by 17-11-2018.
7. If Printout of online application is not received by Mathura Refinery by 17-11-2018 candidature of the applicant
shall be summarily rejected.
8. The candidates should ensure that the printout of the online applications are sent to Mathura Refinery.
Application of candidate submitting online application for Mathura Refinery and sending the printout of the
online application to another Refinery unit/location shall be summarily rejected.

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9. Candidates should super scribe the Name of Refinery applied for, Name of Trade/ Discipline Applied for and
Trade/ Discipline Code on the top of the envelope.

General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, P.O. Mathura Refinery, Mathura -281 005
(Uttar Pradesh)

10.A copy of on-line application shall be retained by the candidate and produced for verification at the time of
Personal Interview.
11.In the event of incomplete applications, applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or failure to produce the
printout with attachments prescribed at the time of personal interview, candidature shall be treated as
12.All Original certificates are compulsorily required to be brought at the time of Personal Interview for verification.
Further information regarding written examination, call letters, results, etc. shall be made available through this
website / through email. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep visiting the website regularly.
13.Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the
following e-mail ids & Contact Nos. given below.
For Queries / Clarification(s)

Unit Contact No. e-mail ID

Mathura 0565 -2418153/7163/7160/7137 [email protected] / [email protected]

Important Dates for Candidates:



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(To be attached with Application Form)

S No: Document Type No: of

1 On line Application Form
2 Proof of Date of Birth : Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for
passing Matriculation/Higher Secondary shall be the only acceptable document
in support of proof of age.

3 Passport size photograph

4 Xth Pass & XIIth Pass Certificate and Mark Sheet issued by the respective

5 Diploma/BSc(PCM) /ITI (Fitter) : Certificate issued by the respective


6 All the Mark Sheet (Semesters/Year) of Diploma/BSc (PCM)/ITI (Fitter) issued by

the respective Board/University.

7 Certificate from the Institute where the candidate has pursued his
Degree/Diploma etc. is a regular full time course and the date of publication of
result of the final year/ final semester of the Degree / Diploma course in case
the date of Declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the
candidate must submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result
from the Principal of the Polytechnic/College from where the candidate
pursued his Diploma course, along with his application form

8 Copy of SC/ST/OBC (NCL) certificate in the prescribed format (mentioning

applying for appointment to post under the Government of India)
9 PwBD certificate (as per prescribed format)
10 Copy of documents pursuing higher qualification (suppression of information
regarding possession of or pursuing higher qualification shall render a
candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and termination
at any time during employment, if recruited).
11 Aadhaar Card
12 Any other relevant documents in support of qualifications, experience,
category, medical, age etc. as mentioned in our Advertisement No.

Name: ________________________Reg No: ______________ Signature of candidate: ______________

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Place : Date :

Name : Post applied for :

Address :

Journey Mode of Journey Class of Journey :

From To Ticket (s) No :

Rail Bus (Please attach journey tickets)

Fare (One Way )_______________________________________ in Rs.(in words) Rupees

Bank A/c No:

Bank Name & Address:

Bank IFSC Code:

I certify that
1. I have not claimed the amount from the government or my present employer.
2. I have not utilized Rail /Bus pass for the journey.
3. I will return by the same class.
Signature of Candidate

For use in HR Dept.

Verified the above particulars

Rs.______________________verified for payment to the applicant

Signature of HR Officer
For use in Finance Dept.

Rs.______________________approved for payment to the applicant

Signature of Acct/Sr.Acct Signature of Finance Officer

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