Control System PDF
Control System PDF
Control System PDF
EC / EE / IN
2015 9.66 9.5 8.00
2014 8.00 8.00 6.00
2013 11.00 10.00 10.00
2012 9.00 9.00 13.00
2011 8.00 8.00 12.00
2010 11.00 9.00 7.00
2009 10.00 14.00 17.00
2008 12.67 17.00 14.00
2007 12.67 15.00 19.00
2006 13.34 7.00 13.00
Over All Percentage 10.534% 10.65% 11.9%
rather try to become a man of value.”
….Albert Einstein
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you will know:
1. Classification of Control Systems
2. Effect of Feedback
3. Block Diagram Reduction Techniques
4. Signal Flow Graphs
It is a system by means of which any quantity of interest in a machine or mechanism is controlled
(maintained or altered) in accordance with the desired manner. Following diagram depicts the
block diagram representation of a control system.
Figure shown above depicts the block diagram of an open loop control system. Also following are
salient points as referred to as open-loop control system.
The reference input controls the output through a control action process. Here output has no
effect on the control action, as the output is not fed-back for comparison with the input.
Accuracy of an open-loop control system depends on the accuracy of input calibration.
The open –loop system is simple and cheap to construct.
Due to the absence of feedback path, the systems are generally stable.
Examples of open loop control systems include Traffic lights, Fans, Washing machines etc,
which do not have a sensor.
If R(s) is LT of input and C(s) is LT of output of a control system of transfer function G(s), then
= G(s) ⇒ C(s) = G(s) R(s)
Feedback Network
Block Diagram of Closed Loop Control System
r(t) + e(t)
G(s) c(t)
± f(t)
Generally, the purpose of feedback is to reduce the error between the reference input and the
system output.
Let G(s) be the forward path transfer function, H(s) be the feedback path transfer function and
T(s) be the overall transfer function of the closed-loop control system, then
T(s) =
(1 ∓ G(s)H(s))
Here negative sign in denominator is considered for positive feedback and vice versa.
Effects of Feedback
The feedback has effects on system performance characteristics such as stability, bandwidth, overall
gain, impedance and sensitivity.
1. Effect of Feedback on Stability
Stability is a notion that describes whether the system will be able to follow the input
A system is said to be unstable, if its output is out of control or increases without bound.
For a bounded input.
If the input itself is not bounded, then the output would definitely increase without bound,
even if the system is inherently stable.
Negative feedback in a control system introduces a possibility of instability, if not properly
2. Effect of Feedback on Overall Gain
Negative feedback decreases the gain of the system and Positive feedback increases the
gain of the system.
α = T(s)[open loop control system] = = G(s)
β = G(s)
T(s) G(s) 2T(s)
SG(s) = × = 1 × 1 = 1 [∴ α = β]
T(s) 2G(s)