Vs Aqowi
Vs Aqowi
Vs Aqowi
Loving Father, giver of all that is, help me to remember that every
gift I have comes from you. Expand my vision so that I can appreciate your
goodness in the world around me.
Jesus, our Redeemer, you are the path to the treasures of my heart
and soul. Strengthen my commitment to be a catechist and deepen my
capacity to share your truth with those in my care.
Holy Spirit, Love Divine, all life and energy flows from you.
Illuminate my thoughts and intensify my desire to grow ever deeper in my
I lift up my prayer to you, God—Father, Son, and Spirit—in humility
and hope. Amen.
1) The incarnation of Christ. If the Holy Spirit were not God, Mary would
have conceived Jesus on her own, but this is impossible.
2) The Baptism of Jesus. If the Holy Spirit were not God, to say that he
came down like a dove would be senseless.
3) The Pentecost. Fifty days after the resurrection The Holy Spirit
appeared as tongues of fire.
Why is the Holy Spirit “proceeding” from the Father and the Son?
To say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son
means to profess that he is of their same divine substance.
Since the Holy Spirit is eternal, without beginning or end, he was not
created but proceeded from the Father and the Son
What are the heresies against the Holy Spirit?
1) Macedonianism: This heresy denies the divinity of the Holy Spirit,
who is considered as a creation of the Son, and a servant of the Father
and of the Son.
2) Unitarianism: This heresy claims that only the Father is God; that
Jesus Christ was prophet created by God; and that the Holy Spirit is
simply an abstract idea of the love of God
What are the major manifestations of the Holy Spirit?
1. The inspiration of the Bible. The Holy Spirit inspired the sacred
writers of the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:20-21).
2. The virginal conception. The Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy
Spirit (Luke 1:35).
3. The baptism of Jesus. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at the
Jordan River (Matthew 3:16).
4. The Pentecost. The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles on
Pentecost day (Acts 2:1-4).
What are the four symbols of the Holy Spirit?
1. Water: The Holy Spirit is represented by water because it represents
the new life we receive in Baptism.
2. Oil: The Holy Spirit is represented by oil because it signifies
3. Fire: The Holy Spirit is represented by fire because the love of God is
like a fire.
4. Dove: The Holy Spirit is represented by a dove because it signifies
purity and holiness.
It is the predisposition to judge and order all things
according to God’s will; and its contrary is foolishness.
The model of wisdom is King Solomon (970-931 BC). The Lord
told him to ask for any gift whatsoever – such as riches, power,
and glory; but instead Solomon requested for wisdom to be able
to guide his people. (cf. 2 Chronicles 1:7-12).
It is the predisposition to comprehend the truths of our
faith in an easy and profound way; its contrary is
The model of understanding is St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-
1274), who was given the finest intellect to be able to
understand and explain the truths of the Christian faith.
It is the predisposition to discern correctly and
immediately the will of God in the different circumstances of
our life. It is also called discernment or right judgment, and its
contrary is stubbornness.
The model of counsel is St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-
1968), who was bestowed with the gift of reading the people’s
mind and of foreseeing the future
It is the predisposition to persevere in fulfilling God’s will
in moments of trials. It is also called fortitude, and its contrary
is weakness.
The model of strength is the Blessed Virgin Mary, because she
persevered in her faith against all odds.
It is the predisposition to discover the truths of the
spiritual and material world, and to relate them to the
Creator; its contrary is ignorance.
The model of knowledge is St. Francis of Assisi (111-1226),
because he was able to see in every creature the manifestation of
the love of God.
It is the predisposition to worship God with all our heart,
and to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is also called
reverence, and its contrary is wickedness.
The model of piety is St. Maximillian Kolbe (1894-1941),
because he spent all of his life praying to God; and he died
offering his life for the salvation of a fellow prisoner in