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IS 458: 2003

Table 6 Design and Strength Teat Requirements of Concrete Pipes of Class NP4 - Reinforced
Concrete, Heavy Duty, Non-pressure Pipes
(Clauses\. and 8.\; and Table20)
Interna. OarrrlWall Relnforcemrnl. SInnllh Tr.' Rrqulremen'. for
Dlamelrrof Thlekne.. Thrrr Edge Br.rlng Tr.I
'Longiludinal Mild Steel or Hard Spirals. Hard' , Load to Ultimal'?
DrawnSteel Drawn Steel Produce Load
025 mmCrae\.
mm 10m Minimum kg/linear' kg/hnear kN/linear kN/linear
number metre metre metre metre
(I) (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
80 25 6 059 024 22 I 3315
100 25 6 0.59 036 22 I 33 15
110 25 6 059 074 233 3495
200 30 6 059 130 246 3690
221 30 6 059 164 252 3780
250 30 6 059 198 255 3825
300 40 078 271 264 3960
110 75 078 3 14 298 4470
400 7\ 078 352 339 5090
450 75 078 388 369 5530
500 7\ 078 596 400 6120
600 85 80r6+6 234 963 463 6940
700 8\ 80r6+6 344 1433 522 7830
800 9\ 80r6+6 344 2120 \93 8910
900 100 6+6 344 2713 663 99 40
I 1100 II' 8.8 604 3548 726 10890
I 100 115 8+8 604 43.76 804 12060
I 200 120 8+8 604 5307 883 13240
1400 13\ 8+8 936 77 62 1042 15640
1600 140 12 + 12 9.36 10897 1196 17950
1800 110 12 + 12 1488 15022 1353 20300
2000 170 12 + 12 1488 151 79 1353 20300
2200 185 12+ 12 1488 16090 1422 213 30
2400 200 12. 12 1488 21696 1550 23250
2600 215 12. 12 14.88 25893 1667 25000

I Ifnuld " eeI "used lor 'plTal reintorcemenr, the weight specified under col 5 shall be mcreased to 14011 25
2 Ihe longuudinel rerntorcement given in this table is valid for pipes up 10 25m eflecnve length lor mternal diameter of pipe
up to 250 mm and 3 10eftecuve length for hIgher diameter pipes
3 fotal mass of longlludinal remtorcement shall be ealculaled by multiplying the values given in col 4 by the length of the pIpe and then
deducting for the cover lenglh provided althe Iwo cnds
4 Concrete for pipes .hall have a minimum compressive strength of 35 N/mm' al28 days


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