1) A naval battle occurred between Swedish and Danish ships in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm island, lasting from noon until 3pm, during which some Swedish vessels were damaged and forced to retreat ashore while others were captured.
2) The Russian Czar inspected coastal defenses near Schoenberg but some cannon shots were fired at his ship without effect. Troops preparing for an invasion of Sweden continue to arrive.
3) News arrived of a decisive victory by Prince Eugene over the Turks on the 26th of July.
1) A naval battle occurred between Swedish and Danish ships in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm island, lasting from noon until 3pm, during which some Swedish vessels were damaged and forced to retreat ashore while others were captured.
2) The Russian Czar inspected coastal defenses near Schoenberg but some cannon shots were fired at his ship without effect. Troops preparing for an invasion of Sweden continue to arrive.
3) News arrived of a decisive victory by Prince Eugene over the Turks on the 26th of July.
1) A naval battle occurred between Swedish and Danish ships in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm island, lasting from noon until 3pm, during which some Swedish vessels were damaged and forced to retreat ashore while others were captured.
2) The Russian Czar inspected coastal defenses near Schoenberg but some cannon shots were fired at his ship without effect. Troops preparing for an invasion of Sweden continue to arrive.
3) News arrived of a decisive victory by Prince Eugene over the Turks on the 26th of July.
1) A naval battle occurred between Swedish and Danish ships in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm island, lasting from noon until 3pm, during which some Swedish vessels were damaged and forced to retreat ashore while others were captured.
2) The Russian Czar inspected coastal defenses near Schoenberg but some cannon shots were fired at his ship without effect. Troops preparing for an invasion of Sweden continue to arrive.
3) News arrived of a decisive victory by Prince Eugene over the Turks on the 26th of July.
X large Gallies, all which came 'failing about •/ a* Clock with a fair Wind into the Harbour where f rfE several Mantm-S os' Branheli and Trefhdse, tonsisu-r-g*- ot leveral Demesnes and Leasehold l-states, and the per- petual Ad 1/0 er Ions of the Churches of St. Stephen's, Sr- Michael, Cafryhais and St. Dennis in the* County of Corn- cur Squadron lay'; whereupon a lharp' Engagement wall *, and the several Mannors of Thornbury and Portleraoutu', Ensued, which lasted till 3 a- Clock in the After- cunlilting of leveral Demesnes and Leslehold Ellates, and the noon, when our Vessels were much disabled, fo that perpitua) Advowson of the Church of Thornbury in the Coun- ** the Steenbock Prahme and' the Wrede Galley be- ty of Devod, are to be sold by Vertae of an Act' of Parlia- gan to sink; oui- Men were therefore forced to ment, and a Decree ol the High Court of Chancery, betore William Rr gers, Elq; one of the Mailers of tbe said Court; ee* ashore with their Boats as well as they could, Particulars whereof may be had at thc (aid Mailer's Cham- having firll blown up onc-61' thc Transport Ships bers in Lincolns-Inn, or of Mr. Philip Hawkins at Penzance,* laden with Powder, the rest were taken by the near Gtaihp und in Cornwall. D nes. Rear-Admiral StrOmstierna, who command- ed our Squadron, got ashore, but much wounded- HIS Majesty is now drawing all his Army to this T HE,Creditors ot Francis Platt,of Downehatti, in theCoiin- ly of Ellex, Elq)- deceased, are, purluant to a Decree of the High Court uf Chancery, to prove their Debts betore fide of S vmesund. Sir Thomas' Gery, one of the Masters of the said Cuurt, Within Cofenbag nt Aug. 8- W e have Advice that the Three Months,- or they will be eicluded the Benefit of the laid Decree. Swedish Fleet continues at Bornholm, with 18 Ships Of the Line, and some Frigates. The Czar has been •with 3 light Frigates to view the Coasts ot Scho- * W Hereas the invention for raising Water by the imjiel- lant tbree ut Hre, authorized by f-au-liament, it lately bronghr to the greatclt Perfection ** and all forts ot" Tien, ants stood in so near that some Cannon-fliot Mines, &c. may be thereby drained, and Water raised ro an/ were fired at his Ship, but without Execution. The Height with more Bale and lesi Charge than by the other Troops designed for the Descent continue to ar- Methods hitherto used, as is liiffidentlf demonstrated by di- rive daily, and the Preparations for that Expedi- verse Engines ot this Invention now ac Work in the several Counties us Stafford, Warwick, Cornyrall and t-linr. These tion are carried on without Intermission.- Last Night are therefore to give Notice, that if any Peribn lhall be de- Vice-Admiral Gabel, with 6 Men of War having on sirous to treat with the Proprietors for such Engines, Atten- board a Battalion of Land-Forces, arrived in our dance will be given for that Purpole every Wednelday at the R o i d trom Norway ; a good Number of Merchant Sword- Blade Coffee-bouse in Birch in-lane,- London, Irom 3 td Ships from that Kingdom, took the Opportunity 5 of the Clock; and it any Letters be directed thither to be so come und*-r his Convoy, z Frigacesand i Prahraes left fer Mr. Elliot, the Parties lhall receive all sitting Satis* ire left in Norway, but are shortly to come hither faction and Dispatch. •' frith the Gallies and other Veflels taken from the QTolendutof AQnort Fields near Bvertharo, Woreellerlhire, Swedes. The British and Dutch Squadrons, with Thursda-y July 19, adark bay Mare 14 Haflds 3 Inches high, a sprig Tail, with a large Star and a Snip, with a little the Merchants Ships under their Convoy, have not white on the off Foot behind, and a little white on the inside yet proceeded up the Baltkk. of the near Foot before, some gray Hairs in the Flank, hve Hai.o'ier, Aug. 14. This Morning an Express ar- Years old; file has been used to draw, but is fit for the Sad- rived from Vienna, with an Account of a compleat dle » Wholbtvcr will give Notice of the laid Mare, that/she may be had again, to William Nind, Ironmonger, agamlt the Victory over the Turks gained on the «jth Instant, Mew-Exchange, London, of at the Poll-houle in' Eversham, by the Imperialists under the Conimand of Printe Worcelterttrire, (hall have a Guinea Reward, add all Charges. Eugene. His Britannick Majesty will stay a't Pyr- mont till the 18th Instant, and then return to He- renhausen, there to pass someTime. S Tolen orstrayedout of the Grounds of the Widow* Howard in Rotherhith, near London, or Thursday Night the 2d uf Auguil, a light gray longilh Gelding, with a dark gra/ Br iff Is, Aug-17. t h e Count de Vooght and the Mane and Tail, a little Goose runrpt, with Warn in hi* Ears, Chevalier Heems, two of the Commissioners tor the ahout 14. Hands and an Inch higb, alllhis Paces,sixYears old : Separation of Limits between the Austrian aud French And a dark gray Gelding with a Cloud in his Face, something lighter of each fide of his Head, and sous Nicks nnder his Tail, Netherlands, are returned to this Place; from Lifle ; with a dry Knot of hi* near hind Leg, ahout 14 Hands and a ind the Conferences will not be renewed till Count half high,sixYears old this Grafs: Whosoever brings Notice, Kinigsegg has .received new Instructions from the so rhat the Geldings tnay be had again, to Mr. Chrillopher Emperour, concerning the Pretensions which the Tbwaits, at the Unite Horfe and Dolphin in Welt-Smithfield/ "French Commiflioners make to Mortagne, and some Qiall bave two Guineas Keward fbr each, and reasonable other Villages thereabout. M.^hisquens x who was Charges. One of Cofiimissioners for regulating this Affair, is to set out from hence in a few Days for Vienna: S Tolen Auguft 9, out of the Stables of Mr. John Edridge * ' of Bnntingford, Herefordlhire, a Mouse Dun Gelding, 7 Years old, 15 Hands and a half high, a little black Lilt And 'tis said Count Kinigsegg has ordered the Coun- down his Back, and has all his Paces. Whoever will dilcovor cil of Finances to pay him 500 Pistoles, for defray- the said Gelding, so as he may be had again, to Mr. Edridge a- ing the Expences of his Journey thither. Palioti's f resaid, ar to Mra JohnToovey, in Alderseate-ftreet, London, Regiment ot Dragoons is arrived here frora Ant- lhall haye 3 Guineas Reward* and reasonable Charges* werp, and is to march to Morrow for Mons. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners ap- O S Thursday the ith of Siptember next, a Plate of 20 1„ Value, to be run for in Port-Meadow, near tbe City ot Oxford, by any Horle, Mare, or Gelding carrying 10 pointed for Building -so new Churches, will receive Stone Weight, with Bridle atid Saddle; the winning Horlc.Mare Carpenters Proposals for doing the Carpenters Wark in or Gelaing to he fold tor la Guineas ; every Horle, Mare, or the Three Churches ereBing in tbe Parisii sf Stepney, on Gelding to be entred witb the Steward the Friday before the Friday next, being tbe vjtb Instant, at Five in the After, Race, to be fhew'd at the fame Time at the Place of Entring, and to be kept in the Liberties of the said City (at the House noon, at tbeir Office in Old Palace-Yard, Westminster. of a Person contributing 10 s. at the lealt) till tlie Day of Run**- Advertisements. Bing.
T HB Tenement, and Lands thereto belonging, called Cor-
oilh, latt the Ellate of Robert Woolcott, deceased, situ- ate and being in the Parish of Pittmilter in the Connty W Hereas Dr. Stoughton'* Elitir is become Famous, atid in great Reputation throughout both Parts pf Great Bri*. tain, Iteland, all our Plantations Abroad, in the chief of Someriit, being Copyhold, held, and part of the Mannor of Courts nf Europe, and, indeed, now throughout moll Pasts of Tanhtoo-Dean, ot the yearly Value of 221. are to be fold, the World, and large Quantities are often lent Abroad by Mer- porsuant to a Decree of the High Cuurt of Chancery, before chants, &c. the said Dr. Stoughton, willing to encourage tht -William Rogers, Esq; dne of the Matters tif the said Court: Exportation qf it lor the good ot Mankind, {« hich hitherto haa Particulars whereol may be had at the. said Miller's Office jn incunteslably appeared to be so, hy Letters and Certificates from Lincolns-lnn. several Parts, and the general Consent of all who take it, ef. T O be fold near Tunbridge in Kent, ID Estate of about So 1. both Setts; promises to allo* all the Cnttora himself, ft sells per Ann. lying in the Parishes of Speldhurlt and fenlburff, at a good PTice in moll Places beyond Sea, and room is given for on * Very gocxJ Sail foi Irtrhber, there being thereon large Profit. The Directions how to take it, describing allb its looo Treci of Oak, besides 100 larger Tries marked out fit certain Vertues and Effects, every Bottle it wrapt-up with, and* tr be fellfcd. Inquire of Mr.Trancis Taylor of Biddendonj'or * may be bad in English, French, Dutch and Spanish, as delired J of Mr. Calverly, near Tunbridge-'Welb, in Kent' dr Mr. Fowler, and will shortly be in High German and*Politia.Languages,it be- Stationer,io Cliffords-Inn, Loodon ; Wbere any one lhall be fur- ginning to obtain great Reputation in those Q-Witti-j*, Read's ther Informed (hereof. > Money n expected of all.
A Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse of Sir Frances Drakes VVest Indian Voyage
Wherein were taken, the townes of Saint Iago, Sancto
Domingo, Cartagena & Saint Augustine.