Lions Den 8 Week

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All rights reserved.

No part of this manual may be reproduced (by

any means) without the expressed written permission of Joey
Szatmary (Szatstrength)

This manual is being offered for education and information

purposes only. There is inherent risk with any physical activity.
Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise

SZATSTRENGTH, LLC , cannot be held responsible for any injury

that may occur while participating in this program. ** PURCHASE
Copyright 2016 Szatmary Strength, LLC
Before we even get into the program I just wanted to say
THANK YOU. If it wasn’t for you supporting the channel, the
mission, and me… None of this would be possible.
When I started making YouTube videos 6 years ago I never
thought it would grow as much as it has, and the amount of
great feedback I’ve gotten over the years has been amazing.

We are creating a movement, a PRIDE. We are in this

journey of strength training together. That is why I’m so
passionate about this.

I want to help as many people as possible, and share my

ups, and my downs. I want to tell you what has worked, and
what has NOT worked.

I’m learning and growing with you. There are no secrets

with me, I am laying it all on the table in hopes that you can
take away something from what I say, and implement it into
your life and training.

I’m filled with a huge amount of gratefulness and this is me giving back to YOU. I’ve spent
hours making this program and going through different programs of mine finding what I
liked, what I didn’t and coming up with something unique. I’m so stoked for you to try this!

Will it work? Absolutely. All you need to do is put in the work.

Start with the champion’s mindset… Visualize your success. Visualize each training session.
Think about dominating the weight room. You are THE LION.

Now let’s get ready to EAT SOME FACES!

Program details…

Over the last several years I have tried, and wrote tons of programs. After completing many programs I learned about
myself, and others.

What works, and what does not work.

I have also developed my own style, because let’s face it… copying is NOT original.

The program you are about to start is a really fun kick-ass program designed to get you stronger in the main BIG FOUR lifts
(bench, squat, deadlift, overhead press). It will lead into a testing week at the end of the 8th week.

I know everyone will be starting this at different levels in their lifting journey so I made it a linear progression, with a bit of
assistance work, a dash of RPE, and some optional conditioning.

So what I’m saying is, we are doing it all BABY!

The frequency of the lifts is also higher too, because I have found that to benefit more athletes and myself than not.

Basics before beginning…

(1) You will always start with a big compound movement as the main strength movement
There is “Between set” work which may be core work, or an athletic movement to keep you sweating and moving
throughout your session. (I advise you try it out if you haven’t) If it works for you AWESOME, stick with it. If it doesn’t, then
drop it.

(1) After your main strength movement there will be “Assistance Work” which is designed to make the main lift stronger.
This can be either sets or reps or RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)

Don’t understand RPE? Well make sure you watch these videos prior:
Common Terms:
AMRAP: (As Many Reps/Rounds as Possible)

EMOTM: Every Minute on the Minute (do the movement + reps allotted in 60 seconds, remaining time in 60 seconds is
rest time).

Submax: Leave 1-2 reps in the tank NOT a true max effort.

If the assistance work says “Savage session” that means you will be doing one big giant set, your rest for each movement
will be when you are doing another movement. You can take breaks whenever, just get the allotted sets in before moving

**IF not stated as a “Savage Session” then you will do all sets and reps for that movement before moving on to the next

Don’t have the time? If you TRULY don’t have the time and sessions run too long then focus on the main lifts and get in
whatever assistance work you can. When it doubt, main movement first.

You can always break the sessions up to work with your schedule. You make the call, I am not your mother. (At least I

I’ve recommended some basic conditioning routines for you to get a good sweat, and maintain the gains. It’s nothing fancy
but it will work. If you don’t care about the conditioning simply don’t do it. If you want to lose a few pounds, or just feel
more in shape, then DO IT.
Week 1:
Day 1:
Back squat: 5 reps 70% 5 reps 73% 5 reps 75% 5 reps 73%
Between sets: Box jumps for height x 3 (be explosive)

Bench press (touch and go) 4x5 (working up to a top set of 5 with 1-2 more reps in the
Between sets: sub max chin ups

Savage session: 4x through

10 incline db press RPE 8
50 bicycles
1 sled pull 100ft
Farmer carry 100 ft
Overhead walking lunges x 16

Day 2:
Deadlift: 5x65 5x70 5x75 5x75
Between sets 3 explosive med ball tosses (straight up in the air)

Overhead Press (strict): 5x65 5x70 5x75 5x75

Dips: 3x 8-12 submax RPE 7-8

Db side raises: 3x8 each side RPE 7

Conditioning: EMOTM 15
Minute 1: 5 stone or sandbag to shoulder
Minute 2: Row 15 calories
Minute 3: Bear crawl 20 yards
Day 3:
Front squat 4x5 @ 70% across
Between sets: 30 second side plank each side

Close grip bench press: 4x5 @ 70%

Between sets: 12 leg raises

Assistance work: NOT GIANT SET

Incline db press 4 x 8 RPE 7
Skull crushers 3 x 8 RPE 7
Farmer walks 4 x 100f t

Conditioning: 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest 4x each movement

Battle ropes
Short sprint + back pedal
Mountain climbers

Day 4:
Block pulls from mid shin 5xRPE 6 5xRPE 7 5xRPE8 -10% 2x5
Push press 4x5@70%

Assistance work:
Pendlay rows 3x7 RPE 8
Sandbag carry 4x50ft
GHD back extensions 3x12

Conditioning: 20 minutes of sled work (light should be working heavy enough to talk but
NOT sing)
1 push down
1 pull back
1 pull + face pull
Week 2:

Day 1:
Back squat: 5x70% 5x73% 5x75% 5x75%
Between sets: 12 leg raises 3 broad jumps

Bench (touch and go): 5x70% 5x73% 5x75% 5x75%

Between sets: 6 ball slams + submax pull ups

Db flat bench tempo (3-0-0) 4x7 RPE 7

Tricep push downs 4x10 rpe 8

Conditioning: EMOTM 15
Minute 1: 5 clean and press
Minute 2: 10 burpees over bar
Minute 3: 15 KB swings (Russian)

Day 2:
Deadlift: 4x75 4x80 4x85 4x80
*no between set work

Overhead press: 4x75 4x80 4x85 4x80

Between sets: 30-50 bicycles for abs

Savage Session: 3-4 rounds

8 barbell rows RPE 7
Keg carry down and back 50ft (or just a heavy carry of something)
1 sled push 100ft
Submax chin-ups
Floor press x 8 RPE 7
Day 3:
Front squat 4x5 @ 70% across
Between sets: 30 second side plank each side

Close grip bench press: 4x5 @ 70%

Between sets: 12 leg raises

Assistance work: NOT GIANT SET

Incline db press 4 x 8 RPE 7
Skull crushers 3 x 8 RPE 7
Farmer walks 4 x 100f t

Conditioning: 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest 4x each movement

Battle ropes
Short sprint + back pedal
Mountain climbers

Day 4:
Block pulls from mid shin 5xRPE 6 5xRPE 7 5xRPE8 -10% 2x5
Push press 4x5@70%

Assistance work:
Pendlay rows 3x7 RPE 8
Sandbag carry 4x50ft
GHD back extensions 3x12

Conditioning: 20 minutes of sled work (light should be working heavy enough to talk but
NOT sing)
1 push down
1 pull back
1 pull + face pull
Week 3:

Day 1:
Back squat 5x70% 5x73% 5x75% 5x75% 5x73%
Between sets: 3 box jumps

Close grip bench press 5x70% 5x73% 5x75% 5x75% 5x73%

Between sets: 8 db rows each arm

Assistance: DB push press 3x8 RPE 7

Conditioning: EMOTM 12
Even: 10 burpees
Odd: 6 clean and press

Day 2:
Deadlift: 5x70 5x73 5x75 5x75 5x73

Overhead strict press: 5x70% 5x73% 5x75% 5x75% 5x73%

Between sets: 12 “V” ups

Barbell rows 3x8 RPE 8
Barbell RDLS 3x8 RPE 8
Sled pull 50ft 4x

Conditioning: NONE
Day 3:
Pause squat: 4 RPE 7 4 RPE 8 4 RPE 9
Between sets: 30-50 bicycles

Bench press (1 second pause on chest) 5x4 @ 70%

Between sets: Submax chin-ups

8 DB floor presses 3x RPE 8

6 BB push press 4x6 RPE 7

Conditioning: 30 minute jog/walk interval 2 minute walk 1 minute jog x 10 rounds

Day 4:
Deadlift Block pull mid shin 4@ RPE 6 4 RPE 7 4 RPE 8 -10% 2x4
Between sets: 3 explosive broad jumps

Banded overhead press (medium-light tension) 5 sets 6 reps RPE 7

Weighted chin-ups 4x sub max

DB rows 4x8 each arm RPE 7

Conditioning: Tabata (.20 sec work .10 sec rest x 8 rounds)

Battle rope variation
Sprint + back pedal (short distance 10 yards)
Weighted step ups (alternating legs)
2 pushups + 5 mountain climbers (repeat for 20 seconds)
Week 4:

Day 1:
Back squat: 4x75% 4x80 4x85% 4x80%
Between sets: 10 leg raises

Bench press (1 sec pause): 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%

4x 7 barbell rows RPE 8
3x 8 DB lunges each leg RPE 8
4x Farmer walks 50ft (heavy-ish)

Conditioning: 100 burpees for time

Day 2:

Deadlift: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%

Between sets: 3 broad jumps or 5 ball slams (if you have slam ball)

Strict Press: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%

3x 8 barbell RDL’s RPE 7
3x dips submax (weighted if possible)
3xs submax chin-ups (weighted if possible)

Conditioning: 5 rounds of 20 minute AMRAP

1 sled push down and back 50 ft
10 sledge hammers each arm
.30 battle ropes
1 sled pull
Day 3:
Bench press touch and go: 5@RPE 6 5RPE 7 5RPE 8
2ct pause back squat 5x55% 5x65% 5x70% 5x75%

Assistance work:
Incline DB press 3x8 RPE 7
DB goblet squats 3x8 RPE 8
Db shoulder press 3x8 RPE 7

Conditioning: 12 minute AMRAP

12 cal row
10 burpees
15 sit ups

Day 4:
Deficit deadlift (2.5 inches): 5x60 5x65 5x70 5x75 5x75
Between sets: 2-3 each arm DB snatches

Tempo squats 3-0-3: 3x6 RPE 7

Between sets: .30 side plank each side

Conditioning: NONE
Week 5:

Day 1:
Back squat: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%x2

Bench press: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%x2

Assistance work:

Close grip bench press: 4@RPE6 4@RPE 7 4@RPE8 -5%x4

Barbell Lunges 3x12 lunges RPE 7
Skull crushers 3x8 RPE 8

Conditioning: 20 minutes of steady state rowing interval or jogging

Day 2:
Deadlift: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%x2

Between sets: 3 each arm DB snatches

Shoulder press: 4x75% 4x80% 4x85% 4x80%x2

Assistance work:

Pendlay rows 3x7 RPE 8

Seated DB press 3x8 RPE 8
Tricep Push down 3x13
Back extensions 3-4x 10-12 reps

Conditioning: Conditioning: EMOTM 15

Minute 1: 5 stone or sandbag to shoulder
Minute 2: Row 15 calories
Minute 3: Bear crawl 20 yards
Day 3:
Incline bench press: 5@RPE 6 5@RPE 7 5@RPE8 -10% 2x4
Between sets: 50 bicycles for abs

Pin squat (just below parallel): 4@RPE 7 4 @RPE 8 4@RPE 9 -5%x 4

Assistance work:
DB flat press 4x6 RPE 8
Banded Shoulder press 4x6 RPE 7

Conditioning: EMOTM 15
Minute 1: 5 stone or sandbag to shoulder
Minute 2: Row 15 calories
Minute 3: Bear crawl 20 yards

Day 4:
2 inch deficit deadlift: 5@RPE 6 5@RPE 7 5@RPE 8 -10% 2x5
Pin press at chin level: 5@RPE 6 5@RPE 7 5@RPE 8 -10% 2x5

3xsubmaximal chin ups (weighted if possible)
3x7 RDL’s RPE 8
3x8 each arm DB rows RPE 8

Conditioning: 6x 100ft sled pulls

Week 6:

Day 1:
Bench Press: 3x80% 3x83% 3x85% 3x83%

Back Squat: 3x80% 3x83% 3x85% 3x83%


3x 8 RPE 7 DB neutral grip bench

Goblet squats 3x8 RPE 7

Conditioning: EMOTM 15
Minute 1: 5 clean and press
Minute 2: 10 burpees over bar
Minute 3: 15 KB swings (Russian)

Day 2:
Deadlift: 3x80% 3x83% 3x85% 3x83%

Overhead press: 3x80% 3x83% 3x85% 3x83%

Between sets: 10-12 leg raises

Barbell rows 4x7 RPE 7
Skull crushers 4x7 RPE 7

Conditioning: 20 minutes of sled work (light should be working heavy enough to talk but
NOT sing)
1 push down
1 pull back
1 pull + face pull
Day 3:
Pin squat: 3@RPE 7 3@RPE8 3@RPE 9 -5%x3

Incline Bench press: 3@RPE 7 3RPE 8 3RPE 9 -5%x3

Banded shoulder press 4x5 RPE 6
Db curls 3x12 each arm

Conditioning: 12 minute AMRAP

12 cal row
10 burpees
15 sit ups

Day 4:
Block Pull Mid shin: 4@RPE 6 4@RPE 7 4@RPE 8 -10% 2x4
Between sets: 3 burpee broad jumps max distance

Pin press at forehead: 4@RPE 6 4@RPE 7 4@RPE 8 -10% 2x4

12 sit ups

Assistance work:
Farmer walks 4x50ft
Dips 4x10 (weighted if possible)

Conditioning: None
Week 7:

Day 1:
Back squat: 3x80% 3x85% 3x87% 1x90%

Bench Press (1 sec pause on chest): 3x80% 3x85% 3x87% 1x90%

Assistance work:
DB overhead press 3x6 RPE 7

Day 2:
Deadlift: 3x80% 3x85% 3x87% 1x90%

Strict Press: 3x80% 3x85% 3x87% 1x90%

Assistance work:
DB push press 4x6 RPE 7

Conditioning: NONE
Day 3:
Squat with bands (medium): 3@RPE 7 3@RPE8 3@RPE9 -10% x 3
Floor bench: 3@RPE 7 3@RPE 8 3@RPE 9 -10%x3

Assistance work:
Incline DB bench 4x 6 RPE 7
DB side raises 4x8 (each side) RPE 7
Ab roll outs 4x10

Conditioning: 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest 4x each movement

Battle ropes
Short sprint + back pedal
Mountain climbers

Day 4:
Block pulls (below knee): 3x@RPE 7 3x@RPE 8 3x@RPE 9 -10%x3
Pin Press at forehead: 3x@RPE 7 3x@RPE 8 3x@RPE 9 -10%x3

Assistance work:
Pendlay Rows 3x7 RPE 7
Tricep push downs 3x12 reps

Conditioning: 5-6 rounds

Arm over arm sled pull x 50 ft
Push sled back out
Week 8

Day 1:
Bench Press: Work up to a heavy single for the day (if PR is there, go for it duh)

Back Squat: Work up to a heavy single for the day (if PR is there, go for it)

Assistance work:
Close grip bench 3x4 @ 70%

Conditioning: NONE


Deadlift: Work up to a heavy single for the day (PR if there)

Strict press or OHP Variation: Go for heavy single (PR if there)

Barbell RDL’s 3x8 RPE 7
Db curls 3x10 each arm
4x25 sit ups

Conditioning: Tabata
Battle ropes
Mountain climbers
Sledge hammers
Bear crawl 5 yards back and forth
Day 3:
SSB squat: 3@ RPE 7 3@RPE 8 3@RPE 9 -5%x 3
Incline Bench: 3@RPE 7 3@RPE 8 3@RPE 9 -5%x 3

DB flat bench 3x6 RPE 7
Dips 3x submaximal
3x1 min plank variation

Conditioning: 1 mile run + 1 mile row + 10 cool down walk

Day 4:
Block pull mid shin: 3 @ RPE 7 3@RPE 8 3RPE9 -5% x 3
Banded Shoulder press: 4x6 RPE6

Barbell rows 3x8 RPE 7
DB side raises 3x10 RPE 7

Conditioning: 4 rounds
100ft sled push
15 burpees (steady pace)
20 box step ups (10 each leg)
100 ft sled pull
Thank you for completing the program! Now you’re probably wondering…

What do I do now?

Well… If it worked, you need to E-mail me ASAP and let me know your progress, numbers
before and after so I can share you on my social media.

If you did NOT get results… Burn this program in a bonfire cursing me out. (Please send a
video of that as well to me)

On a serious note…

If the program worked, then you can run it again with your new numbers. If you want you
can change out any assistance work or movements to better suit your needs. I offer custom
programming and only take a select few clients, but if you want me to help you please
reach out.

The main point being, KEEP TRAINING!

Thank you so much again for supporting me, the pride, and the channel. You are my oxygen
and without you I would be nothing. I really hoped you enjoyed this program and I do
appreciate your feedback. I do my best to always read my youtube comment, Instagram
DM’s and emails. Please always feel free to reach out and I will get back to you.
If you are willing to make the investment the custom programming is the best option. It is a
premium though, because premium cost for premium quality.

With that said...

Here is what you get:

1. Me as your coach on call at all hours (usually always same day response within the
2. Custom tailored program specifically to you (goals, equipment, adjustments etc)
3. Form Checks / weekly check-ins
4. Custom nutrition macros (optional)
5. Monthly personal training session and meeting (scheduled)
6. I go above and beyond for you attain your goals

Last tid bit… I’ve made videos about this before but training and life is filled with ups and
downs. It will not always be linear, so be prepared to take some kicks to face (in and out of
weight room) it’s all about how we come back swinging and NEVER giving up on our
dreams and goals.
Be relentless in this world. Attack your life, and attack the barbell.

Take responsibility for your success and failures. Be accountable. Treat people with
kindness. Be a leader. Protect those you care about. Stay true to yourself. Dominate

Love and gratefulness, Coach Joe

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