02 AER Richardson
02 AER Richardson
02 AER Richardson
Concept inventories are receiving increased interest from Hestenes and his graduate students administered a
STEM faculty. What are concept inventories, why the Mechanics Diagnostic Test to students in Introductory
interest, and what do I need to know about concept inven- Physics courses (4,5). Initial versions were not multiple
tories? This chapter answers these questions in the following choice, but required students to write out the answers.
order. In the first section, you will read a brief history of Common but wrong answers were used to construct the
STEM concept inventory development, which should answer multiple-choice wrong answers (termed “distractors” by
the question, “Why the interest in concept inventories?” In Hestenes) for later versions of the Mechanics Diagnostic Test
the next two sections, you will read first a short discussion and eventually the FCI.
on the theory of assessment as it applies to concept inven- While some may argue with the validity of the FCI (Does
tories and then a description of how to construct a concept it really measure what it purports to measure?), everyone
inventory. Together, these two sections should answer the agrees that the FCI was the impetus for substantial innova-
question, “What is a concept inventory?” And finally, you will tion in physics instruction. Key in this process was the “con-
read how others have used concept inventories and related version experience” of a highly regarded physicist at Harvard,
tools to improve their teaching effectiveness. Eric Mazur. The story is best told in his own words (6).
“For the past 8 years, I have been teaching an
Introductory Physics course for engineering and sci-
An Abridged History of STEM Concept ence concentrations at Harvard University. I used to
Inventories teach a fairly traditional course in an equally
The story of STEM concept inventories begins with the Force traditional lecture-type of presentation, enlivened by
Concept Inventory (FCI) (1,2), which was developed in the classroom demonstrations. I was generally satisfied
late 1980s and early 1990s by David Hestenes and several of with my teaching during these years—my students
his graduate students at Arizona State University. Hestenes did well on what I considered pretty difficult
gave the following account about the origin of the FCI (3). problems, and the feedback I received from them was
“One of my graduate students approached me with a positive.
set of questions related to Newtonian mechanics and About a year ago, however, I came across a series
asked me to give these questions to my Physics I stu- of articles by David Hestenes of Arizona State
dents. I looked at the questions and told him, ‘These University, which completely and permanently
questions are trivial. This is a waste of time.’ He finally changed my views on teaching. In these articles,
succeeded in convincing me to give the questions to Hestenes shows that students enter their first physics
my students. When I looked at the student responses, course possessing strong beliefs and intuitions about
I was astonished. Large numbers of my students had common physical phenomena. These notions are
failed to answer the questions correctly.” derived from personal experiences and color stu-
Concept Description
Internal versus external force Internal rather than external forces determine stress and strain.
Displacement versus deformation Relative rather than absolute displacements determine deformation and strain.
8. Hake, R. R. 1998. Interactive-engagement vs traditional 21. Evans, D., G. Gray, S. Krause, J. Martin, C. Midkiff,
methods: a six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test B. Notaros, M. Pavelich, D. Rancour, T. Reed-Rhoads, P. Steif,
data for introductory physics courses. Am J Phys 66: 64–74. R. Streveler, and K. Wage. 2003. Progress on concept inven-
tory assessment tools. In Proceedings of the 2003 FIE
9. Roedel, R., S. El-Ghazaly, T. Rhoads, and E. El-Sharawy. 1998. Conference. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing L.L.C.
The Wave Concepts Inventory: An Assessment Tool for
Courses in Electromagnetic Engineering. In Proceedings of 22. Streveler, R., B. Olds, R. Miller, and M. Nelson. 2003.
the 1998 FIE Conference. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing Using a Delphi study to identify the most difficult concepts
L.L.C. for students to master in thermal and transport science.
Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Conference. Washington, DC:
10. Rhoads, T., and R. Roedel. 1999. The wave concept inven- ASEE.
tory: a cognitive instrument based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
In Proceedings of the 1999 FIE Conference. Champaign, IL: 23. Olds, B., R. Streveler, R. Miller, and M. Nelson. 2004.
Stipes Publishing L.L.C. Preliminary results from the development of a concept
inventory in thermal and transport science. In Proceedings
11. Wage, K., and J. Buck. 2001. Development of the signals and of the 2004 ASEE Conference. Washington, DC: ASEE.
systems concept inventory (SSCI) Assessment Instrument.
In Proceedings of the 2001 FIE Conference. Champaign, IL: 24. Michelene Chi’s website: http://www.pitt.edu/~chi
Stipes Publishing L.L.C.
25. National Research Council. 2001. Knowing What Students
12. Richardson, J., J. Morgan, and D. Evans. 2001. Development Know. Washington, DC: Board on Testing and Assessment,
of an engineering strength of materials concept inventory National Academies Press.
assessment instrument. In Proceedings of the 2001 FIE
Conference. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing L.L.C.