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contemporary art & culture magazine / # 9
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Editors: Råzvan Ion & Eugen Rådescu

Advisory Board: Marina Grzinic,

ˇ ´ Zoran Eric,
´ Dan Perjovschi, Lia Perjovschi, Dana Altman, Zsolt Petrányi,
Johan Sjöström, Felix Vogel.

Contributors: Zsolt Petrányi, Jean Baudrillard, Cristina Bucicå, Alexander R. Galloway, Marina Grzinic,
ˇ ´
Råzvan Ion, Alexandra Jivan, Douglas Kellner, Suzana Milevska, Ronald F. King, Cosmin Gabriel Marian,
Tincuta Pârv, Lia Perjovschi, Eugen Rådescu, Raqs Media Collective, Marko Stamencovic, ˇ
´ Sefik ˇ
Seki Tatlic,
Michel Tournier, Felix Vogel.
Proof Read: CodruÆa Pohrib


Curator: Zsolt Petrányi

Co-Directors: Råzvan Ion & Eugen Rådescu
Projects & Communications Director: Alexandra Hagiu-Manda
Assistant Curator: Claudia Martins
Assistant Project Director: Sebastian Negulescu
Interns: Nora Dorogan, Andreea Manolache, Ramona Zemache
Design: Råzvan Ion

Published by: Artphoto Asc.
Chairman: Eugen Rådescu
For advertising and info:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +4 0726 789 426
Postal Address: P.O. Box 26-0390, Bucharest, Romania
Subscriptions: 2 years subscription
64€ [Europe]/ 80$ [outside Europe]
Printed at: Herris Print
Printed and bound in Romania
® PAVILION & BUCHAREST BIENNALE are a registered marks of Artphoto asc.
© 2006 PAVILION & the authors. All rights rezerved in all countries.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form without prior written permission from the editor. The
view expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Cover: Map of Bucharest Biennale 2.

Phototograhy and draw by Tiberiu Bleoancå based on an idea by Zsolt Petrány

Marker, paper printed map.

Courtesy: Bucharest Biennale 2.

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COLUMN 142 Chaos Theory on an Applied Case: Romania

Eugen Radescu
5 Chaos: The Age of Confusion
Zsolt Petrànyi
148 Chaotic Citizenship
AROUND Ronald F. King

13 Abstraction, evacuation of resistance and sensualisation of emptiness 150 Culture & Civilization
ˇ ´
Marina Grzinic Michel Tournier

32 Social Realism in Gaming 152 Diagrams

Alexander R. Galloway Lia Perjovschi
44 Transitional Economics and Art
Marko Stamenković 156 I Would Prefer Not To
Felix Vogel
52 Techno-Politics, New Technologies, and the New Public Spheres
Douglas Kellner EXTENT
70 Strike Of Events
160 Artist Projects in BB2
Jean Baudrillard
162 Erik Binder
CHAOS: THE AGE OF CONFUSION 166 Eduard Constantin
77 Deconstructing the Chaos: Art as Reservoir of Chaos, Iteration and Originality 170 Janos Fodor
Suzana Milevska 174 El Perro
178 Rainer Ganahl
84 Chaos TM and Aesthetics of Active Passivity 182 Kátia Lombardi
Sefik ˇ
Seki Tatlic´
186 Agent MC
94 The Chaos of the World of Art 190 Sebastian Moldovan
Tincuta Pârv 194 Pedro Motta
´ 198 Ioana Nemes,
100 The Street Is the Carrier and the Sign 202 Ilona Németh
Raqs Media Collective 206 Tatsumi Orimoto
210 Dan Perjovschi
112 Sex Workers' Manifesto
˘ ˘ Rulea
214 Catalin
Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee
218 Janek Simon
222 Áttila Stark
120 The Toothbrush
Razvan Ion 226 Aya Tzukioka
230 Wang Qingsong
122 Legitimating Power in Capital Cities
234 Artists Biography
Cristina Bucică
240 Writers Biography
132 How to Understand Chaos
Cosmin Gabriel Marian 244 Venues of BB2

136 Fragmented Memories 245 Parallel Projects of BB2

Alexandra Jivan
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Chaos: The Age of Confusion

- remarks for an exhibition -

by Zsolt Petrányi

The following lines seek to describe the

parallel aspects which exist between our
unsure knowledge of the phenomena of
that part of the civilized world which we
call society, its contemporary history or
economy and the possibilities of artistic
expression. My standpoint regarding this
subject is that the status of
understanding can be reflected in many
forms, but the closest paralellity to the
COLUMN submission of messages about this
knowledge can be found in situations
where the source material is the image
of the world itself, reflected in photo-
graphic, filmed or installed (real) situa-
tions. Moreover, I believe that the exper-
iments of the 2nd Bucharest Biennial can
showcase the metaphors of art forms
which describe the characteristics of our
chaotic world – something which I defi-
nitely think we face with a current period
of history which can perhaps be
described as a world of confusion. The
chaos is defined here as a personal per-
spective of our daily experience and its
scientific approach has no place within
our project.

My approach to the subject is rooted in

the art historical view that social matters
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are in close relation with any kind of intel- politically and ideologically conducted the approach of unique and generic tance to the need to understand eco-
lectual entity. This „mirroring” gives the world in any kind of totalitarian system information. When art works with facts nomics, politics and history, this forces
possibility to historians to describe the could play with the visuals by segregat- revoiced by the artists, the media repre- us to miss the point of seeing parallelities
wider context of the image of the world or ing the ideological from the commercial, sent all kinds of information as determi- and higher coherencies. The personal is
of an age. In this sense this characteris- and moreover by separating the local native matters regarding local and global the root of any beliefs and misunder-
tic of the arts has remained stable use of symbols from their global sources society. The distinction is rooted in the standings which lead to our own world
through the ages, which means that and essential meanings. Democracy as personal comment, the subjective part of view that conducts us in the manage-
even the experiments and methodologi- a system opens up all of the possible the information, which is transparent in ment of our existence. The personal
cal changes gave and still give much uses of visual messages, which leads to the arts, but not in the media. belief can also be the guide for the par-
information about the time and condi- parallel appearances of very different ticipation in chosen communities, reli-
tions of the birth of any piece of art. patterns. The reading of these differ- This whole question we discuss here is gious, political or minor units of society.
ences is open to intellectuals up to the arresting from the point of reality itself. If
Following this point, if we could now take point where the symbols are no longer a the observed world can be described, If in this mechanism the big ideologies
a look at our societies through the pro- part of the self expression of local or then the personal question of the observ- can not give a clear and overall answer
duction of culture, we really would have global - less known - subcultures. The er could be What is it like? and How can to the basic problems and questions,
a hard time to „read back” the facts and long history of the function of this prac- we comment on it's character? Two then personal understanding becomes
characteristics of this particular age. tice of communities creating and using sources can be used for such a purpose, necessarily confusional. This disorder
Direct reactions we witness today to images is without doubt, just as the personal experience which we get reflects the world itself as we can con-
modern social problems are more quantity of the used images increases through the media and the personal struct it from disposable sources. But
reflected in underground and over- with global culture, linked to the possibil- experience that we get beyond and away how can art serve our hunger for knowl-
ground movements than aesthetically ity for greater access to these lan- from the media. The difference is in the edge if the possibilities of cognition are in
defined manifestations. The verbal and guages, something that becomes more direction: learning from the media we such obscurity?
performance-related statements of politi- and more difficult. move from global to local units, and the
cal life lead us towards either conflict or pure personal experience starts from the The classical forms of art focus on their
peace, which seems to be reflected in The media as source for understanding local environment and has a goal to own visual language used to submit aes-
secondary manifestations in the arts. of actual incidents and phenomena is reach the global context. The two are thetical and universal messages. The
The reason behind this is the visual also working with a special iconology, combined in our lives, we can with no techniques used for such goals such as
expression itself, an expression whose one which, as an antithesis to classical doubt state that this mixture leads us to drawing, sculpture or painting are real-
symbolism and metaphorical way of symbols, remains unclear to a wider a confused perception of our times. ized in a wide cultural context where the
thinking gives a sensual surface to all audience. This is related to a methodolo- We could play with the idea of what style, the society, the market and many
these problems which, itself, contrasts gy of submitting messages more related would happen if we were to rely just on other relations plays an important role.
with the direct verbal expression. to the sender and not the viewer. This the images on some selected TV chan- The personal nature of artistic produc-
could be the same in every segment of nels, and what kind of ideology could be tion as a psychological aspect delivers
The icons produced with common mean- visual expression, but the nature of the constructed by the presentation of the much information about the artist
ings and messages in this process are materials which the media is working unity of so called universal values. I have him/herself. For sure, art history reflects
the patterns of art, political life, religion, with is the present status of political life the fear that this can not satisfy any per- precisely how the different ages were
culture and subculture. The common and society, which also raises the ques- sonal need to understand human or related to general ideologies and what
adoption of the meaning of these units tion of responsibility, power, and manipu- social relations. roles these leading manifestations
gives the basis of any visual language. lation, leads to a difference. played in the society of those times.
From the perspective of our approach to On the other hand exposure to experi- From a contemporary point of view the
the question of confusion, the change of If we speak of the arts and media on the ences excluding the media would also art of today with its complex and
the role of icons plays an important part level of how they reflect reality we find miss the wholeness. Even though our renewed role in society has to find other
in the sense of chaos. The signs of a the biggest difference between them in personal careers also lend extra impor- ways to express statements than the
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existing classical methods and technolo- tion with its many facets can be a point To this end, the Museum of Geology
gies. where such details come together to be being used as site for a contemporary art
part of one possible reading of reality. show which speaks of chaos contrasts
The problem is that if the world is frag- clearly with the museum space which
mented, then art can also be fragmented In this sense my curatorial role is strictly has a clear educational agenda to prove
in many ways. The parallel use of differ- to concentrate these manifestations and the facts via the world of science.
ent icons and cultural languages images in one direction and to state that Projected upon this presented knowl-
becomes a metaphor for global cultural my understanding stretches to general edge, as a second layer, we offer the
experience. Painters and sculptors manifestations as well. For this reason idea of the chaotic experience of every-
opening up to the influence of the media we have established three basic direc- day life by video presentations. The
use different techniques at the same tions for the elaboration of the subject: Museum of Literature is the site of a spe-
time to express the multiplicity. But if we Artworks which we may call flat images cial subject, the relationship between
still believe in the idea of reflection, we of the age of confusion, the projects man and society in a space which repre-
can ask of ourselves how the experience related to the selected sites of sents culture as pure verbal expression.
of chaos presents itself in images which Bucharest, and installation works which The Botanical Gardens have become
are constructed out of reality itself, have different approaches and agendas home to three site-specific installations
namely artworks which use reality as it to the non artistic spaces they have been in an environment where a model of
is, without any transcription of classical constructed in. nature is surrounded by a factory. The
artistic techniques? buildings in that location evoke the spe-
These three approaches form the unity cial climate and atmosphere of the 70s
The photographed image, still or moving of the exhibition. What makes it so inter- and 80s. We chose the exhibition hall of
is a good example to examine. An image esting to speak about „chaos” in the Centre for Contemporary Dance in
showing one segment of a view in front Bucharest is the fact that the city`s histo- the building of the National Theater as
of the camera does not show much of ry gives us an urbanistic example of the place to show photographic works.
particular uncertainty. It is as it is, as a what happens if two different ideas of This part of the show is located in the
part of reality, with the accordance of our city structure overlap each other. very heart of the city, doubling as an
own experiences of observed objects, Bucharest, moreover, brings upon itself informational center for the whole
people, landscapes and situations. The the existing parallel styles of three deter- Biennial.
meaning of the photo is connected to the minant ages, the end of the nineteenth
interest of the artists, the direction in century, the 1930s and the 1970s. As As a process the project also gave us
which he/she turns the camera and how these three architectural periods do not the opportunity to express our opinions
he/she uses the tool to fix the scene. identify themselves outright in any partic- about reality. The meetings we held lead
One image is often connected to one ular district, the simultaneity of icons and us step by step to the conclusion that we
phenomenon which immediately opens stylistic symbols can be observed with- hoped to open the eyes of the visitors to
up the full perspective of the part of real- out geographic restrictions. The works of see that the presented problems of our
ity which has been presented. installation shows us an other example confusionary age reflected throughart
of how the physical changes of reality are well represented in our environment
My interest in these images comes from can give us a personal comment on the anywhere. Anyone with a photographic
the question of how an intellectual expe- subject. The situations the artists are eye can find endless parallels suggest-
rience of fragmentation and chaos can working in are by themselves meaning- ing such visual contrasts and contradic-
be represented in images which have ful, focusing our attention upon the polit- tions.This exhibition is just an example.
the possibility always to show just select- ical and historical environmentand Bucharest itself is rich in other examples.
ed parts of reality. I think that an exhibi- atmosphere of these working locations.
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Sketch of the Bucharest Biennale 2.

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Abstraction, evacuation of resistance

and sensualisation of emptiness 1

ˇ ´
by Marina Grzinic

Art institutions and art projects of today,

produced in the capitalist First World,
function on the basis of unbearable
abstraction. This means that an enor-
mous quantity of creativity is being
released, however, it remains cut off
from that which is most important,
namely, resistance. In other words, artis-
tic strategies and tactics that generate
different forms of resistance have been
evacuated. Artistic forms entail a lot of
innovation and creation – but where are
AROUND the forms of resistance? How to engen-
der resistance that opens up the possi-
bilities of change?

It is my argument that the experience of

this void in the First World is different
from the one in the Second or the Third
World, for almost nothing that has been
produced in the Second or the Third
World is reflected consistently in the
First World of capitalism, let alone
included in the genealogy of the latter.
His[s]tory is being written for the First
World of capitalism, things are being
capitalized for the First World, and what-
ever resists this process is left out of this
(his)story. What is more important
though is are we going to articulate a
new space, a space of our own?
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Every history is a struggle. Have we included in other interpretations. Some if the need be such. The matrix it relies institutions and practices.
formed another space? Who or what projects question art as a repressive on is not a utilitarian but a cannibalistic
then is the driving force that rearticulates institution and search for answers to one. The capitalist engine has an inher- Yet here we are not referring merely to
the social and the political space in a questions how this institution is codified, ent need to possess new forms of pro- the necessity of re-establishing a link
given context, and adopts art as its how it is perceived, how it is structured duction and expressions of creativity, between art and life that characterizes
mode of expression and fight, which, at and who holds sway over it. The third because the capitalist logic survives by modernity, since, as Rolnik says, if life
the end of the day, is the gist of radical key aspect I would like to point out is in continually producing a surplus value of and art are still divided the reason is the
art and radical cultural practices. Giorgio the relations of ownership as exhibitions goods, including works of art. deactivation of creation within the broad-
Agamben observes that every living and projects belong to someone, they er sweep of social life and its confine-
being assumes a certain form, which have specific owners, economic (multi- Suely Rolnik, a psychoanalyst and pro- ment to the artistic ghetto. This situation
means that if you do not have a form of national) as well as symbolic. Fathers do fessor at the Catholic University of Sao has already been resolved by capitalism
life you do not have a life either. The exist, and I am talking not only about Paulo, and head of the Centre for and incomparably more effectively than
issue at stake is the question of what patriarchy but also about the so-called Research on Subjectivity, identifies sim- by art.4 To remain in the artistic ghetto
kind of form is still capable of rendering institution of masculinity; the latter is dis- ilar implications. In her essay “The as a separate sphere (so-called “auton-
things visible and politically revolution- seminated by various individuals and Twilight of the Victim: Creation Quits Its omy of art”), which in the previous sys-
ary. Perhaps it is the images, the institutions or groups that present them- Pimp, to Rejoin Resistance”2 she tem served to imprison the power of cre-
method of work or the process; perhaps selves as the owners of contemporary exposes the purpose behind the need ation, means to keep art separate from
it is speech, the so-called performative art, cultural and political terminology. for the continual production of new the power of resistance and restrict it to
politics. This is why we talk about When we touch upon such relations and forms of art and life, which is to ensure a being the source of (surplus) value rep-
processuality, about production of the institutions of power that govern a subjective consistency for structures resenting an easy means of survival for
knowledge, or about theory, which is not specific space, all relations of lightness such as theory, criticism and official insti- the pimp – the capital (machine).
written but rather spoken in a public come to an end. tutions, while in the same breath other
space. artistic and cultural production may be
Donna Haraway stated: it is perfectly swept off the stage of the “world,” along 1. Contamination of creativeness and
It is perfectly clear that in the present clear who the players are, who has a with all other deactivated sectors of the politics
day we are dealing with more than just a voice and who is relevant to every area. economy. Or, in other words, that which
gesture of exchange and production; we There are only a few chosen ones; is happily shared by today’s art, criticism We no longer work, but create. This is
are dealing with a delineation of political everyone else is excluded from this and official institutions is creativity, but the process of subjectivisation through
lines within a certain space, with a codi- story. In these relations, the patriarchal this is creativity without resistance. For production in the time of post-Fordist
fication of this space and with the estab- institution of masculinity and power is modern capitalism, this wellspring of global capitalism. This process tran-
lishment of power relations. Once that still central. This is when things become “free” invention power and inexhaustible scends dualism and focuses on the
line is crossed, once things become complicated for what is at stake is not artistic creativity is a virgin resource, an shaping of subjectivity, but not through
contaminated, the radical and political only the construction of a system but untapped vein of values that should be work – rather it employs creation as an
ideas from those coming from the also the fact that, by constructing a prop- exploited. Rolnik describes this process activity that re-defines work and literally
Second and Third World(s) are put er system, we point out the weak spots of the fresh blood supply for the capital- hides abstract exploitation. Because of
apart, projects and people are removed of the other system, the one that is sup- ist (cannibalistic and blood-sucking) sys- this, the explanation of immaterial labour
or sucked into the system of friendships posedly ideal. Accordingly, things deteri- tem – which coincides with the deactiva- is of key importance for the explanation
and obscure collaborations. orate: the other party feels threatened. tion of entire sectors not trendy enough of the process of subjectivisation in our
and too demanding artistic, cultural and contemporaneity. Understanding these
The second key moment is the econom- Capitalism is a cannibal and in order to social strategies – using the expression processes necessitates the re-connec-
ic moment, the art market, which today, be able to “devour” everything and “kidnapped inventions,” whereby the tion of creation and the power of resist-
more than ever before, exerts influence everyone it is ready to transform itself task of the kidnappers is accomplished ance, and the freeing of both from the
on what acquires visibility and what is into an inventive or even social [capital], by various systems, theories, criticism, grip of the pimp, i.e. the capitalist sys-
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tem. As Suely Rolnik explains in her tutions, theory, criticism, tourism and Ljubljana was kept under harsh political space. An act that compels this space
essay “...[w]e need to place ourselves in educational institutions, from art acade- and economic censorship, a hostage of that has been living happily its own
an area where politics and art are inter- mies to universities. What is, in fact, the communist political party in power, “abstract” story to re-establish itself. As
twined, where the resistant force of poli- happening today in contemporary art is and which was cut off from any kind of Alain Badiou would say, this is indeed an
tics and the creative forces of art mutu- the formation of a specific set of tech- civil-society space. Although this same “event.”
ally affect each other, blurring the fron- nologies for de- and/or re-territorializing underground was of crucial importance
tiers between them.”5 This is an attempt capital, which puts into process the in the formation of the civil society What is more, the alternative practices
to place us in a thoroughly contaminated rearticulating of hierarchised structures towards the end of the 1980s in in Slovenia were not merely evacuated
area, “first on the side of politics contam- that include people as a component and Slovenia, which supported the emer- and abstracted, they were literally “kid-
inated by its proximity to art, then on the which exclude art and cultural practices gence of numerous heavily marginalized napped” – excluded and completely
side of art contaminated by its proximity in accord with institutional models. sexual, political and cultural minorities, it marginalized – at least twice and in very
to politics.”6 The new vocabulary proposed by Rolnik has not yet received a single serious blatant ways. The first time was in 1997,
– which in addition to “kidnapped inven- theoretical or critical review by the offi- when the city of Ljubljana was declared
Rolnik further observes that “[a]t pres- tion” includes such terms as “contamina- cial theoretical and political structures in the “Cultural Capital of Europe” – pre-
ent, certain artistic practices seem to be tion of art and politics,” “contagious art Slovenia. cisely because of its reputation in the
particularly effective in dealing with practices,” “radicalised theory” – has 1980s and early 1990s for its non-insti-
these problems [relating to the dissocia- rarely been used previously in the field Which is that form of struggle that can tutional strategies that were, for the
tion of creation from resistance]. Their of art and culture. But if we consider cer- make things visible and politically revo- most part, conceptualised, produced
strategy consists of precise and subtle tain events in the art, cultural and social- lutionary? It is not sufficient to restrict the and organized within the alternative and,
insertions at certain points where the political arenas of Slovenia, on the local consideration of art to creativity only. later, independent spaces. The event
social structure is unravelling, where level, and more broadly in relation to Ljubljana – “Cultural Capital of Europe”
tension is pulsating due to the pressure Documenta and the various biennials, The 1980s saw the emergence of politi- (for one month) proved to be a disaster
of a new composition of forces seeking Manifestas and big Balkan shows, we cal art in Slovenia – political not by virtue for the independent scene, which was
passage. It is a mode of insertion mobi- can see the importance of using such of its content but owing to the emer- left without any infrastructural invest-
lized by the desire to expose oneself to paradigms to name in precise terms the gence of the political subject within the ments or a substantial program.
the other and to run the risk of such an processes of expropriation and exhaus- field of contemporary art that was pre-
exposure, instead of opting for the guar- tion, abstraction and evacuation that are cisely the underground or the alternative The second “kidnapping” took place in
antee of a politically correct position that taking place in contemporary art and movement. This spelled a great differ- 2000, when Manifesta 3 was held in
confines the other to a representation culture. ence compared to the 1970s or earlier Ljubljana. Although proclaimed as a
and protects subjectivity from any affec- periods, when formal art dominated cul- pure act of transnational and global
tive contagion. The ‘work’ consists in What Rolnik calls “kidnapped inven- ture in Slovenia. The 1980s under- artistic vision, Manifesta 3 was, in fact,
bringing the forces and the tension they tions” is exactly what happened to the ground production cut through and commissioned by the Slovene state,
provoke into existence, which entails the underground or “Ljubljana alternative fought the emptied tradition of formalism government and the Ministry of Culture,
connection of the power of creation to a movement” that developed in the 1980s that prevailed throughout the 1970s and along with the main managerial artistic
piece of the world grasped as energy- in Slovenia. This movement was literally therefore encountered vast resistance and culture institutions in Ljubljana, and
matter by the resonant body of the artist; kidnapped, taken hostage, and released and obstacles also regarding its reinter- not the other way around. Manifesta 3,
and it consists at the same time in acti- when it was already symbolically dead, pretation. Insisting on such genealogy with its outside reinforcements, legit-
vating the power of resistance.” 7 abstracted from interpretations and seg- means disrupting the abstract struggle imised on an international scale the
regated by academic writings and theo- for the old form of expression and coun- power of the major national institutions
I would like to emphasize that we have retical non-writings, at the beginning of teracts it by introducing a rearticulation of art and culture in Ljubljana (led by
to think in a much broader sense about the 1990s and continuing until today. of art, culture and social productions Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Artistic
the pimp, capital, and take into account Throughout the 1980s, the whole under- completely excluded from History. This Center in Ljubljana). Once more, the
its linkages with the art market, art insti- ground, or alternative culture in denotes an act of cutting into specific leading independent (!) institutions, such
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as _KUC Gallery, Metelkova, and independence, in June-July 1991, the which-chooses, life with style, and con- ern biopolitics but modern radical artistic
Kapelica Gallery, which had been crucial Yugoslav army withdrew from Slovenia. sumer life. Bare life is, on the other practices as well.
in constructing the paradigm of contem- The new generation of underground hand, life that serves only as the founda-
porary political and radical art and cul- hard-core punk activists, independent tion of sovereignty. According to
ture and new media productions in artists and activist groups asked the City Agamben, the foundation of sovereignty 2. Performative politics of formalized val-
Slovenia, were not included in the Council of Ljubljana in 1991 to give this is, then, based on a concept of bare life; ues
Manifesta 3 project. Manifesta offered a former military complex of empty build- the sovereign body fulfils its role of being
perfect camouflage for the codification ings to independent artistic and cultural sovereign based on its right to take or We live in a realm of immaterial produc-
and acceptance of fake and abstract organizations. After promising to do this, give/permit life (rights or style) to citi- tion of ideas, images and communica-
internationalism in the so-called the Ljubljana City Council secretly zens.9 This is what happened with tion, connections and emotional relation-
Slovenian national realm. began the demolition of the Metelkova Metelkova when, in the 1990s, the city of ships. These processes do not provide
buildings with the aim of constructing a Ljubljana cut off the electricity and the meaning of life, but life itself. An
Rolnik cites the example of Bilbao with commercial centre on the site. Activists, water supply. The kidnapped Metelkova example of performative politics is pro-
its Guggenheim museum building to intellectuals and artists then occupied citizens were transformed through this vided by everyday advertisements that
illustrate the operation of evacuating the area as a squat in 1993, and to this clear biopolitical action into denizens, or continually instruct us about our intimate
resistance from creativity, which trans- day it remains a site of conflict between ‘denied citizens’, to borrow a term from lives and fears. In such a situation, it is a
forms the object of art into a pure trade- the independent art and cultural scene Tomas Hammar.10 commodity that speaks, and as Antonio
mark. For Slovenes, this is precisely and the Ljubljana City Council. In 1993, Conti says, it does not talk about its con-
what occurred in 1997 and 2000 in municipal authorities cut off the water Sefik Seki Tatlic, a theoretician and tent but about our lives, needs and
Ljubljana. “At issue here is an operation and electricity supply to Metelkova in an media activist from Sarajevo, helps us to social relations.12 Commodities talk
of great complexity that can intervene at attempt to put a stop to the cultural activ- develop this even further: “(…) what dis- about the form of our lives, and about
different stages in the process of cre- ities and force the activists, intellectuals plays sovereignty is a model where how we should think, where we should
ation, and not only at the end. Its effect and artists to leave the squat. By depriv- bare-life is not destroyed, but converted, travel, and about what we should buy
at that point is just more obvious, ing the activists and artists of basic serv- exposed as a cultural practice of life- regularly if we want to live well.
because it coincides with the moment ices, the city essentially took Metelkova with-modality in cases where Western Obsession with communication, talk and
when the dissociation makes itself felt hostage. The city of Ljubljana then “kid- pop and heavy metal music allegedly language is obvious today, since all
on art’s products, reifying them in two napped” the Metelkova invention of have been used to torture prisoners and three are subjected to information and
ways: either transforming them into ‘art organizing the area as a central cultural may serve as a banal example or a dis- communications technologies, and the
objects’ separated from the vital process and artistic space in Ljubljana for the play of the power of sovereignty where time has come, as Conti argues, to re-
whereby the creation was carried out, or new millennium. In fact, the city is now cultural practice is displayed as a conquer their potential. This re-conquest
treating them as sources of a surplus financially supporting the development weapon by exposing differentiation.” 11 is, for example, the “counter-cultural”
glamour-value, attached to the logos of of the Metelkova site by constructing a production of information relying on the
businesses and even of cities, like complex of museums there. In the process of global capitalist pro- theory and practice of an open code and
Bilbao, for instance.”8 duction, bare life is a primary source of on the principle of “creative commons.”
It is necessary to rethink Metelkova with- labour force. Our subjection to the capi-
The case of Metelkova represents an in the context of a biopolitics through talist machine takes place through This is also an act of dematerialization of
intermediary point in this genealogy of which the state produces and adminis- uncertainty, marginality, and permanent the art object; it is a process of destabi-
dissociation of creativity from resistance. ters the life of its citizens. Giorgio fear for one’s life circumstances and lization of meaning through action rather
The situation may be summarized as fol- Agamben argues that global states through the absence of a firm employ- than through the production of objects. It
lows. Metelkova is the name of a street today play with and against two entities ment option, i.e. through precarious- is also an act of destabilizing perception
in Ljubljana on which the barracks of the of life: modal life and bare (non-modal, ness. The uncertainty of life is connect- and meaning through naming. Speech
Yugoslav People’s Army had been locat- naked) life. Modal life exists in Western ed with the uncertainty of work, and this serves not only to convey commands
ed. After Slovenia’s Ten-Day War for democratic states in the form of life- is a topic that is central not only for mod- and instruction for labour operations, but
[18] [19]
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allows denoting processes as well. As what used to be a political act. working toward an emptying of any con- tion of surplus value, taking advantage
Paolo Virno argues, language is not just tent, requires the correction of this sen- of it and thus reiterating its alienation
an artefact of real life that conveys our Using “paradigmatic forms of the tence: An artist who does not speak with respect to the lifeprocess that
relationship with nature, but it is also human,” Agamben establishes the English well is not an artist! This is the engendered it – an alienation that sepa-
part of our biological matrix co-substan- genealogy of the human represented as grand performative and snobbish lecture rates it from he force of resistance. On
tial and specific to human nature.13 The an arrangement of animal-like figures of 2000 within the first capitalist world the one hand, you have a turbo-charged
tongue is a biological organ in an inter- escalating and ending in headless and that we still have (although never good inventive power freed of its relation to
mediary place between thinking and thoughtless snobbish figures. These are enough) to master! As a result of these resistance, and on the other, a tension.
political action. Or, as Franco Berardi not just metaphorical but political figures processes of evacuation, the alternative Easy-to-assimilate ‘ready-to-wear identi-
Bifo maintains, any resistance or dis- of human development within the capi- scene was literally swallowed up and ties’ are accompanied by a powerful
obedience in the communication talist First World’s genealogy adminis- exhausted by the over-institutionalised marketing operation concocted and dis-
process is a process of marking and pro- tered by the capitalist anthropological (official) culture in Slovenia, while theory tributed by the media, so as to make us
ducing various denotations.14 machine that is clearly moving in the was usurped and commercialised by the believe that identifying with these idiotic
Communication also lies at the root of direction of an increasing emptying, capitalist system (a pimp indeed, as images and consuming them is the only
the production process in which it plays abstraction and formalization of what is Rolnik puts it), becoming part of the the- way to succeed in reconfiguring a territo-
a crucial role. The work process today to be perceived as the human. In his ory industry. ry, and even more, that this is the only-
relies on words, transmitting through book The Open. Man and Animal channel by which one can belong to the
language and speech labour commands (2002), Agamben writes about such an If we consider the construction of the sought-after territory of a ‘luxury subjec-
and instructions that is, as Antonio increasing abstracted formalization with- youth hostel Celica (“the prison cell”) in tivity’. And this is no trivial matter, for
Negro argues, something completely dif- in the genealogy of the human, depicting 2003 in Metelkova – whereby the former outside such a territory one runs the risk
ferent from the “Habermasian reconcilia- in such a way the development of the Yugoslav army barracks prison was ren- of social death, by exclusion, humilia-
tion with communication.” 15 human toward a mere form or a snob- ovated, with financial support from the tion, destitution, or even the risk of liter-
bish gesture without content. city of Ljubljana, into a shiny youth-hos- ally dying – the risk of falling into the
Virno noted that in the present day the tel theme park, painted in hues of red, sewer of ‘trash subjectivities’, with their
boundaries separating intellectual activi- How do these relationships appear on yellow and orange – we see just such a horror scenarios made up of war, slums,
ty, political action and work are blurred. the level of art and culture? There is an turnover. This can be understood as the drug trafficking, kidnapping, hospital
The Post-Fordist type of (precarious) almost axiomatic work of art – a sen- city re-establishing subtle control over queues, undernourished children, the
labour itself absorbed much of that tence uttered by Mladen Stilinovic from partially autonomous spaces without the homeless, the landless, the shirtless,
which is understood as political action. Zagreb who in 1997 accurately defined open use of force and in a way that is the paperless, those people who can
And this fusion of politics and work rep- the initial multiculturalism as an ideolog- directly related to the systematic gentrifi- only be less, an ever-expanding territory.
resents a new physiognomy of the mod- ical matrix of global capitalism: An artist cation politics of contemporary cities If trash subjectivity continuously experi-
ern crowd.16 Instead of radical politics, who does not speak English is not an and states.17 ences the distressing humiliation of an
an abstract formalization of labour artist! This sentence, a work of art of the existence without value, luxury subjec-
processes and art activities is what is at 1990s, synthesizes capital’s “social sen- Rolnik theorises such processes in pre- tivity for its part continuously experi-
work. It is possible within such a context sitivity” to all those multicultural identities cise terms: ences the threat of falling outside, into
to state that the political, due to process- that should reveal themselves in the sewer-territory, a fall which may be irre-
es of performativity (that engage only 1990s to the world (to be read: of global In order to extract maximum profitability versible. The prospect terrifies it and
and solely in describing the logic of the capitalism) and begin to talk in that world from this inventive power, capitalism leaves it agitated and anxious, desper-
speech act, being evacuated from any – in English, no matter how broken this pushes it even further than it would go ately seeking recognition.18
content), leads to an abstract formaliza- English would be. However, today’s per- by means of its own internal logic, but
tion of art and cultural activities. What is formative logic which is in perfect har- only to make an ever more perverse use Are not the stories we receive daily
taking part is a transition from the poli- mony with the abstraction and evacua- of it: like a pimp, it exploits the force of through the mass media evidence
tics of memory to the memory of that tion of global capitalism and which is invention at the service of an accumula- enough of the deepening gap between
[20] [21]
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these two subjectivities? In Slovenia, for as a countermeasure to the former, post-modern times. Therefore, we can Second and Third World will never be
example, we witness the horrors of life ‘repressive’, communism. Functioning link the abstraction of money in capital- “capable” of reaching. In this process we
and sheer chaos endured by the Roma as a fictional platform, which if read ism with abstraction procedures in the can again observe Agamben’s genealo-
people, as well as by others such as the through post-modernist practices, works fields of contemporary art, culture and gy of the human from animal to snob.
“erased.” Abroad, in the world at large, as a collective phantasm: the West theory. This comparison between the
we see the horrors of wars supposedly should accept us, because we were money economy on the one hand and Processes of abstraction and evacua-
intended to preserve civilisation, as well oppressed by communism.”21 the visual "economy” on the other brings tion are used as well in the depiction of
as such atrocities as decapitations, and out the alienating effects of image mak- public space. Tom Holert names these
many other kinds of misery.19 The process is completed, first, by tak- ing in a techno-capitalist society. processes that aim at the reduction and
ing advantage of the deepening gap According to Jonathan L. Beller, I can abstraction of differences in a public
Such expressions of dominance over and, then, by strengthening different say that we are today confronted not so space as “visual programming of the
bare (naked) lives allow the political oli- political positions and developing fake much with the abstraction of our senses political space.”24 With such visual pro-
garchy in transitional societies to consti- solutions, which are ultimately (this being a typically modern phenome- gramming, the public space is trans-
tute itself as sovereign, to demonstrate processed through the mass media. non), but with the absolute sensualisa- formed from a political public space of
the practice of sovereignty to the nation. tion of abstraction, i.e. of the contempo- action and confrontation into an apoliti-
rary emptiness of the neo-liberal individ- cal performative spectacle of posing for
As Tatlic explains: 3. The state of emergency and its visual ual within global capitalism. the camera. In order to establish a pre-
codes cise logic of such processes, Holert
Post-socialist and former Eastern This is a new turn in the genealogy of engaged in an analysis of three distinc-
European societies perceive global cap- The abstraction processes (the process- capitalist abstraction that cannot be tive events in Great Britain in the sum-
italism not through future inequalities, es of evacuation, performative formal- treated in an old way, as a matter of mer of 2005: the Live 8 concert, the G8
class divisions, but with a willingness to ization etc.) pointed out earlier in the text alienation of our senses (Adorno).23 The summit and the terrorist attack on the
prepare their states/economies to adopt have gained currency in the very heart current state is just the opposite: it is London tube.
global capitalism. European Union of representation politics. They can be characterized by the full sensualisation
demands from transitional societies are defined as the disintegration of opposi- of the capitalist processes of abstrac- Mass media exploited the Live 8 con-
seen as an implementation of several tions within the image, for example, rep- tion; it is characterized by the full sensu- certs to the utmost. Their manner of
extremes, such as, for example, the resentation of politics that erases differ- alisation of emptiness and of totally for- depiction combined the images of
implementation of an information socie- ences between the subjective and the malized values that are becoming com- anonymous individuals with the crowd
ty, but with the false predisposition that it objective, or between the national, pletely empty of all content in the “histor- behind them and images shot from cam-
is a mere technological structure, fol- nationalistic and the space of resist- ical” sense (Agamben). A good illustra- era cranes or helicopters that alternately
lowed by extreme economic imbal- ance; disintegration taking place at the tion is two art movies that are not ordi- reminded one of a survey camera and of
ances, extreme class divisions, fascistic very centre of the “space” of the image. nary Hollywood blockbusters. One is the visualization employed by casting
nationalistic regimes decoded as mere This is one of the results as well of the Lost in Translation (2003), by Sofia agencies when presenting faces and
figures in endless political games, with current new media technology process- Coppola, and the other Broken Flowers portraits of models to appear in new
the following unequal distribution of ing techniques onto the visual system of (2005), by Jim Jarmusch. In both films, fashion catalogues. A similar approach
knowledge to certain local social struc- images. the image of white capitalist emptiness, was employed even after the terrorist
tures which conduct the whole process. 20 hollowness and a disinterest in any kind attacks: one or two bloodstained
Jonathan L. Beller22 in his attempt to for- of engagement, politics or action reach- Londoners, as two actors in an apoca-
The biopolitical in Slovenia decodes mulate a political economy of vision also es a maximum. The white kind (por- lyptic game, says Holert. The descrip-
itself in a way that, as Tatlic stated, “it explores the processes of abstraction. trayed through Bill Murray, the main tion of such procedures enables us to
firstly patches its own linear progress He connects the growing abstraction of actor in both films) is engaged only in consider the issue of visual program-
toward modal civilizations by accepting the medium of money in capitalism and elevating its own hollowness to a dimen- ming of the political space with greater
a ‘non-repressive’ democracy, but only the evolution of image production in sion of sensuous delight, that the accuracy. What is of great importance
[22] [23]
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as well is the process of isolation and calls for civil rights to be upheld and the detained for several hours in an open
theatralisation of the individual set whole structure of the clash between the space, actually embody the paradigm of There is a certain backdrop of visuality,
against the crowd. It is more and more repressive state apparatus and the civil the (concentration) camp rather than a sorting of bodies, scales, lights and
turned into an actor playing in a movie rights demonstrators is recorded here, that of the open public space of the City gazes, in the mass media, especially in
about the end of the world. edited and voiced from the centre(s) of of Salzburg. This is again something corporate television. And it is trying to
the capitalist Empire and not from some- that Agamben formulated, saying that convince us by means of its purported
Another, perhaps even more telling where else, where basic democratic the bio-political paradigm today in general objectivity of the balance of
example of such “visual programming of rights are under heavy attack anyway. Western civilization is the (concentra- forces in the field of active demarcation.
the political space” is revealed in the tion) camp and not the City. Power is not What is hidden in such (TV) programs is
video by Austrian artist Oliver Ressler In short, from the way the video is struc- simply in the hands of the sovereign, nor the space between the eye and the gaze
entitled “This is what democracy looks tured it is possible to discern some of the in the hands of a single class or group, or the image of vision. The image of
like!”25 “This is what democracy looks key elements of contemporary capital- and cannot therefore be articulated only vision, as is consistently illustrated by
like!” records the first Austrian anti-glob- ism, state repressive forces and how at the level of a consciousness, as a Ressler’s video, is something other than
alisation demonstrations on the occa- these conspire to cause what are sup- case of distorted consciousness. The the eye, it comes from the outside,
sion of the World Economic Forum on posed to be Western liberal democratic materialistic paradigm is not enough emanates from the field of the Other.
July 1, 2001 in Salzburg. The demon- rights to disintegrate – and simultane- here. That is why for Ressler power in The gaze is always something precari-
strations against the World Economic ously to be reconstituted, albeit always the video is not the “obscure camera of ous, contingent, dependent, and unsta-
Forum (a private lobbying organization in a different manner. When processes ideology,” but through an analysis of ble. In general we can say that looking is
of major world capital) in Salzburg were of the inalienable basic right to demon- movements, density of moods, body something contingent. The excess, the
ferociously handled by the Austrian strate, to criticize and to demonstrate approaches in the contexts of the surplus of the gaze that surpasses the
police: 919 demonstrators were encir- publicly ostensibly threaten the fabric of demonstration, Ressler produces a naked eye is something that is struc-
cled and held captive by the police in the the capitalist machine, they are immedi- lucidity that can almost blind us, the tured around a manqué, a lack, and a
open space of the City of Salzburg for ately transformed (in other words, with- viewers. For here power can be identi- disfiguration.
more than seven hours. The video film out delay) into a state of exception, at fied at the level of investment in the
consists of visual material from the the place of intervention. At such a body. According to Foucault, nothing is An objective camera eye simply does
demonstrations, edited and spliced place, liberal democratic rights are sim- more material than the exercise of not exist, which is why the camera angle
together with the additional reflections of ply reduced to paper tigers with no teeth power; Ressler takes precisely this path in Ressler’s video blends with the per-
six demonstrators on the events in at all. The video therefore toward visualization, to quote Foucault, spective of the demonstrators. As view-
Salzburg.26 The video is a precise re- presents/encodes democracy in con- showing “the architecture, anatomy, ers, we are in direct relation to the
articulation of the event that also shows temporary capitalistic states as a point economy and mechanism of how the events by seeing them through the
how mass media and the general public of deadlock between two blocks. And body is disciplined.”27 demonstrators’ viewpoint. The place of
are caught up in a process of falsifica- what is waiting to be put into action? It is the image of vision and its reversal are
tion and the misinterpretation of facts, precisely the “state of exception.” This can be clearly seen in the structure crucial. And as regards the image of
relations and positions. The importance Giorgio Agamben, the Italian philoso- of the video, which shows us the archi- vision, it is more important to include the
of the video work is multi-levelled. pher, stated in the mid-1990s that the tecture of the body-body relationship third element between the body and that
juridical norm of 20th century capitalist (the encircled process of pressure); the image, namely power. The way the visu-
First, the video is an accurate analysis democracy is precisely the law of excep- economy of deprivation (the hours of al materials (visual documentation) and
and representation of the anti-global and tion, and what we witness in the video is immobility) and the mechanism of fear the statements/interviews of the six
anti-capitalist demonstrations in the likewise the complete and terminal and anxiety. And what is more important, demonstrators are spliced together is
heart of what is considered to be fusion of the biological body, but without here we see the structure of power in the not one of illustration. The images do not
Western liberal democracy. The analysis the polis. field of vision – the power of surveillance illustrate the statements or vice versa.
of the media, state repression forces, and the eye of the power, the video The interviews in Ressler’s video are
i.e., the police, the public expression of Indeed, the encircled demonstrators, codes in the most current way. specifically designed to encode what is
[24] [25]
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at stake in the visual field of power. tion. It is a re-articulation of the proper space.
position as an emancipatory act.
What is clearly presented here is that Robert Pfaller writes that today “we see
the relationship between the visual and Despite all qualms about civil society, democracy only as something that we
the discursive is not one of correspon- the stereotypical manner of showing its can be involved in ourselves,” as some-
dence. There is no common territory, as political manifestation is problematic. thing in which we see ourselves included
it were, in which image and word happi- When the mass media re-code these, directly or we cannot think about democ-
ly meet; instead, they meet each other in civil society is, as a rule, shown as racy. Precisely this reduction represents
a “non-space,” but with a relation to uncivilized and its attitude towards the the neoliberal strategy for the elimination
power, as Foucault would say. This is government as uncultivated. Tom Holert of the political public.28 Therefore, what is
exactly Ressler’s video (medium) of emphasizes that the images of the dec- at issue here is whether we are part of
power. Oliver Ressler’s video is a mas- larations of political will are acceptable the direct participation or that we do not
querade about democracy. Under the for the general public only if they come know what democracy is at all. According
mask of democracy in the capitalistic lib- with a flavour of entertainment and if to Holert, this form of direct participation
eral democratic systems of today we they are not too complex. And when the is a process of the voluntary surrendering
encounter the (Scmittian/Agamben) – mass media, with the help of repressive of people to the great mass media gallery
“state of exception.” state apparatuses, re-shape these of faces, and the process of manipulation
images transforming them into a threat and evacuation of the discursive power of
Last but not least, it is necessary to read to the democratic global order, the view the crowd. Instead of ensuring democra-
the apparatus of repression in Ressler’s radically changes: a discursive crowd cy, “direct participation” in fact represents
video as a mere semblance of justice. turns into a group of confused and rag- precisely the opposite: the loss of the
Yet Oliver Ressler’s video is also an act ing elements expedient for portrayal. political power of people and its immer-
of power; it shows the internal power of Ressler’s manner of presentation and sion into a shapeless collectivity.
the demonstrators, as they are capable depiction is precisely the opposite.
of articulating precisely what their own Similar apparent interactivity is offered
position is, rethinking their moves, con- What has to be stressed is the polarity of today by a number of artistic performanc-
templating their present position and the mass media depiction of demonstra- es conceptualised in such a way that they
their possible future defeats. With its tions, which is an integral part of the carefully cultivate the possibility of elimi-
proper exhibitionism the anti-globalisa- neoliberal ceremonial. In his excellent nating the dividing line between the stage
tion movement claims back for itself a analysis Holert defines these two poles and spectators, creating the illusion that
position of power. Because power is as follows: on the one side stand civi- the actors and spectators, as in some
grounded in the spectacle. The video is lized forces of order and politics that are magical trance, can transcend the border
therefore also a process of rendering the prudent and pacifying in their dogma- and exchange places by crossing the
body of the anti-globalisation movement tism, and on the other miserable, rhyth- dividing line. In his critique of such an
spectacular (but without commercialisa- mically swaying souls interested only in approach to interactivity, Jean Baudrillard
tion!). To put it in a nutshell: it is much how to trigger uncivilized disorder. The points out the circularity and conversion
better to exhibit power than to be the ceremonial is expedient for the produc- of both of the sides which lose their roles
instrument of power, such as the police tion of images that make possible the and specific places. This circularity actu-
ally denotes the end of the political sub-
are – the apparatus of repression – in reshaping of the space of political oppo-
the final instance. Through the video sition and democratic representation
Insisting on difference is, therefore, no
analysis, the anti-globalisation move- into the space of direct participation,
less important than the political program
ment completes a short circuit: it exhibits which is in effect the transformation of
power embedded in its spectacular func- the political space into an apolitical public
[26] [27]
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Notes vo,” in: Insorgenze della communicazione, they were born. The policy must especially be 318-330.
Posse, Manifestolibri, Rome, January 2005. condemned because it was a partially success- “This is what democracy looks like!” (38 min,
1.The following essay was published in ful policy, causing over one-third (12,000 out of Austria, 2002, English-German) was awarded
DEMOKINO— Virtual Biopolitical Agora, edited 14.Cf. Franco Berardi Bifo, “Interferenze media- 30,000) of the targeted population to leave by ZKM, Karlsruhe at the International Media
by Ivana Ivkovic and Davide Grassi, Maska and attive,” in: Insorgenze della communicazione, Slovenia. When officials asked an izbrisani for Art Award 2002. In conceptualising the work,
Aksioma, Ljubljana, 2006. Cf. as well Marina Posse, Manifestolibri, Rim, January 2005. his old Yugoslav passport the top right corner Ressler also drew on other anti-globalisation
Grzinic, “On the Repoliticisation of Art through would be cut off, making the document useless demonstrations (in Seattle, Prague, Davos,
Contamination, ” in: IRWIN (ed.) East Art Map: 15.Cf. Toni Negri, “Communicazione ed eser- and marking the bearer for further discrimina- Quebec and Gothenburg) and on his video
Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe, Afterall cizio del comune,” in: Insorgenze della commu- tion. The izbrisani (erased residents) were not about Italian activist groups – Disobbedienti
Book, London (forthcoming). nicazione, Posse, Manifestolibri, Rome, forced out at gunpoint and their homes were not (2002, with Dario Azzellini). In both videos the
January 2005. burned down as in Bosnia, nevertheless they lost main emphasis is placed on the active partici-
2.Suely Rolnik, “The Twilight of the Victim: their jobs, medical benefits and sometimes were pation of protesters and other activists, and on
Creation Quits Its Pimp, to Rejoin Resistance,” deported for minor offenses. Ultranationalist politicians their narratives that are perceived as “unofficial”
Zehar, No. 51, 2003, p. 36. 16.Cf. Paolo Virno, Grammatica dela moltitu- characterized the izbrisani as war criminals, swindlers comments on the events, as opposed to the
dine. Per una analisi delle forme di vita contem- and undesirables.« official comments communicated by the media
3.Ibid, p. 35. poranea, Deriveapprodi, Rome, 2002, p. 41-42. and other “neutral” or “objective” representa-
nia/ tives and public opinion makers.
4.Ibid. 17.Cf. Ralo Mayer, Katharina Lampert and
Moira Hille, “Example Celica, YOUTH HOSTEL, 20.Sefik Seki Tatlic, op. cit. 26.In official comments, protesters and (left-
5.Ibid. p. 36. Metelkova, Ljubljana,” in: Marina Grzinic (ed.), wing) activists are frequently stereotypically
The Future of Computers Arts, Maska and 21.Ibid. depicted as chaotic violent persons, or as
6.Ibid. MKC, Ljubljana, Maribor, 2004. (half)wild mob brandishing slogans, or similar.
22.Jonathan L. Beller, “Numismatics of the This depiction serves, among other things, as a
7.Ibid. Sensual, Calculus of the Image: The Pyrotechnics of justification for (brutal) police intervention, but
18.Suely Rolnik, op. cit., p. 35. Control,” Image [&] Narrative, web magazine on visu- above all it is used to systematically eliminate
8.Ibid. al narration, No. 6, February 2003, the essence of the violence perpetrated by the
19.Erased residents or izbrisani are a serious repressive bodies and of the symbolic violence
9.See Giorgio Agamben, The Open: Man and political issue in contemporary Slovenian histo- ry/jonathanlbeller.htm; this author is mentioned of state and capital powers in general. Ressler
Animal (Stanford, California: Stanford ry and politcs. Jim Fussell reports on line, on by Tom Holert, see next note. hence exposed precisely these relationships of
University Press, 2004), originally published in February 26, 2004, the following accurate subordination in the context of public expres-
Italian as Aperto. L’uomo e l’animale (Turin: description of the case: »On February 26, 1992, 23.Cf. Tom Holert, “Mass-Media Acts: On Visual sion of opinion and with reference to the funda-
Bollati Boringhieri, 2002). the newly independent state of Slovenia delet- Programming of the Political Space: Photo-Op- mental right of free speech, expression and
ed the names of some 30,000 residents from Effects,” four texts published in Camera Austria, association.
10.Cf. Tomas Hammar, Democracy and the the nation's civil registries. The targeted popula- Graz, No. 88-91, 2004-2005. One important fact is that the interviews were
Nation State, Research and Ethnic Relations tion, which came to be known as izbrisani recorded several weeks later in order to ensure
Series, (Aldershot, England: Dartmouth, 1990), (erased residents) were not of Slovenian 24. Ibid. distance and deliberation and avoid momentary
quoted in Sefik Seki Tatlic, “Post-Modal ancestry, but were so-called ‘new minorities’ emotional states and responses.
Reproduction of Power,” in: Marina Grzinic including ethnic Serbs, ethnic Croats and ethnic 25.Cf. Marina Grzinic, “This is what democracy
(ed.), Art-e-Fact: Strategies of Resistance, No. Bosnian Muslims, ethnic Albanian Kosovars looks like!, video by Oliver Ressler, 2002, 27.Michel Foucault, “Body/Power,” in: C.
3, 2004, published on line and ethnic Roma which the government sought Boygirl, video by Aurora Reinhard, 2002, Gordon (ed.), Michel Foucault:
to force out of the country. Twelve years later Hostage: The Bachar Tapes, video by Walid Power/Knowledge, Harvester Press, Brighton,
11.Cf. Sefik Seki Tatlic, “Post-Modal the Slovenian Government has still not yet Ra’ad, 2001 = This is what democracy looks 1980, p. 57.
Reproduction of Power,” in: Marina Grzinic acted to fully redress this massive violation of like!, Video von Oliver Ressler, 2002, Boygirl,
(ed.), Art-e-Fact: Strategies of Resistance, No. human rights. Critics of this radical action by the Video von Aurora Reinhard, 2002, Hostage: 28.See Robert Pfaller, “Die philosophischen
3, 2004, Slovenian government have sometimes charac- The Bachar Tapes, Video von Walid Ra’ad, Irrtümer der Kunst” (an interview with Justin
terized the mass erasure as soft genocide or 2001,” in, Barbara Könches (ed.), Peter Weibel Hoffmann), Kunstforum International, No. 164,
12. Cf. Antonio Conti, “Politiche del linguaggio,” administrative genocide. A more appropriate (ed.) Bilder codes, Karlsruhe: Zentrum für Kunst March - May 2003, p. 386, quoted in Tom
in: Insorgenze della communicazione, Posse, term is probably ‘administrative ethnic cleans- und Medientechnologie, 2002, pp. 54-60. Cf. Holert, op. cit.
Manifestolibri, Rome, January 2005. ing’or ‘civil death.’ In the case of Slovenia, the Marina Grzinic “Oblikovanje in spodbijanje
izbrisani were targeted for elimination solely on (dokumentarnega) pomena v umetniskem
13.Cf. Paolo Virno, “Un movimento performati- account of the non-Slovene groups into which delu,” Borec, No. 621–625, Ljubljana, 2005, pp.
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Inside Botanical Museum, Bucharest.

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quick and responsive, to understand of representation. But in gaming the con-

Social Realism in Gaming interfaces, to be familiar with simulated cept of representation does not account
worlds. This was Ronald Reagan's argu- for the full spectrum of issues at play.
ment in the 1980s when he famously pre- Representation refers to the creation of
by Alexander R. Galloway dicted that action videogames were meaning about the world through
training a new generation of cyber-war- images. So far, debates about represen-
riors ready to fight real foes on the real tation have focused on whether images
battlefield (itself computer-enhanced). (or language, or what have you) are a
Today it is evident that he was right: flight faithful, mimetic mirror of reality thereby
simulators, Doom and now America's offering some unmediated truth about the
On 21 March 2003, a day into the war in Army (2002) are all realistic training tools world, or conversely whether images are
Iraq, Sony filed a trademark application at some level, be they skill-builders in a a separate, constructed medium thereby
for the phrase "shock and awe," appar- utilitarian sense or simply instructive of a standing apart from the world in a sepa-
ently for future use as a PlayStation larger militaristic ideology.[1] rate semantic zone. Games inherit this
game title. The phrase, and the American same debate. But because games are
military strategy it describes, was in fact In scholarship, thus for the discourse on not merely watched, they are played,
not such an unlikely candidate for the realism in gaming has been limited main- they supplement this debate with the
PlayStation. The console system has ly to talk of screen violence and its sup- phenomenon of action. It is no longer suf-
long flirted with game formats based in posed deleterious effects on gamers. ficient to talk about the visual or textual
realistic scenarios, from Sony's own This talk has grown so loud that I can't representation of meaning. Instead the
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals (2002) to help conjure up various equations and game theorist must talk about actions,
Electronic Arts's Madden NFL (2004). A feedback loops tallying doses of violent and the physical or gameworlds in which
month later, responding to criticism, intake measured against the gamer's they transpire. One might call this a prob-
Sony dropped the application, stating future evil-doing. Call this the "Columbine lematic of "correspondences" (rather
they did not intend to use the expression theory" of realism in gaming: games plus than just "representation").Thinking
"shock and awe" in any upcoming gore equals psychotic behaviour, and about "correspondences" lets one con-
games. But they have not dropped their around and around. The Columbine the- sider the kinetic, affective and material
fetish for realistic gaming scenarios. ory is not the only interesting debate dimensions in debates around meaning
Indeed, reality is thriving today in many however, and, granting it due significance and representation. As the theorist of
types of media, particularly gaming to social scientists and the like, I will play Johan Huizinga pointed out many
where the polygon count continues to go politely side-step it here, and return to the years ago, "it is methectic rather than
up and up, or in cinema with the debates around realism as cultural critics mimetic." [2]
Wachowski brothers continuing to rumi- have engaged them to date in other
nate on the nature of "the real" (via Zizek, media. Realisticness versus Social Realism
via Baudrillard, and back to Lacan one
presumes), or in television in the form of One of the most central theoretical issues In this essay I would like to describe how
reality television. in gaming is how and in what way one traditional theories of realism can be
can make connections between the gam- applied to electronic games, and then
The conventional wisdom on realism in ing world and the real world, both from propose an expansion of the concept of
gaming is that, because life today is so the inside outward in the form of affective realism to include new problems that
computer-mediated, gamers actually action, and from the outside inward in games present.
benefit from hours of realistic gameplay. the form of realistic representation. In
The time spent playing games trains the previous theories of visual culture, this is Within the world of gaming it is possible
gamer to be close to the machine, to be generally referred to as the problematic to divide games into two piles: those that
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have as their central conceit the mimetic (1980b) presented a protorealist anxiety at the real Kona skatepark in both these demands or claims are hon-
reconstruction of real life, and those narrative about living under the threat of Jacksonville, Florida. Realistic-ness is oured simultaneously, prolonging and
resigned to fantasy worlds of various nuclear annihilation, yet the game's important, to be sure, but the more realis- preserving rather than 'resolving' this
kinds. So, SOCOM is about the real interface remained highly unrealistic and tic-ness takes hold in gaming the more constitutive tension and incommensura-
Navy Seals, The Sims Hot Date (2003) is abstract. The infamous game NARC removed from gaming it actually bility."
about real dating (one assumes) and (1990) presented a realist window into becomes, relegated instead to simula-
Madden NFL is about the real National urban blight by depicting police violence tion or modelling. This is a contradiction So, when one thinks solely in terms of
Football League, while games like Final and drug dealers, couching its gory articulated well by Fredric Jameson in realistic-ness Jameson's "naïve and
Fantasy X (2001),Grand Theft Auto III imagery in an anti-drug stance. Atari's his 1992 essay "The Existence of Italy": unmediated or reflective conception of
(2001) and Unreal Tournament 2003 BattleZone (1980a), one of the first aesthetic construction" one detracts from
transpire in fictional worlds with fictional games to feature a truly interactive three- "'Realism' is, however, a particularly a larger understanding of realism. Put
characters and fictional narratives. Thus dimensional environment, was deemed unstable concept owing to its simultane- another way: realistic-ness and realism
games are generally either realistic or so realistic by the United States military ous, yet incompatible, aesthetic and epis- are two very different things.
fantastical. Expressing the perspective of that they hired Atari to build a special temological claims, as the two terms of
game designers, Bruce Shelley writes version that could be used to train tank the slogan, 'representation of reality,' André Bazin defined realism in the cine-
that realism is a sort of tool that can be pilots. Yet the game's vector graphics suggest. These two claims then seem ma as a technique to approximate the
leveraged for greater effect in gameplay, are too sparse and abstract to qualify as contradictory: the emphasis on this or basic phenomenological qualities of the
but is ultimately non-crucial: "Realism truly realist. that type of truth content will clearly be real world. And he knew well that "phe-
and historical information are resources undermined by any intensified aware- nomenological qualities" did not simply
or props we use to add interest, story If these games are any indication, it ness of the technical means or represen- mean realistic visual representation. It
and character to the problems we are would seem that gaming is a purely tational artifice of the work itself. also means real life in all its dirty details,
posing for the player. That is not to say expressionistic medium with no ground- Meanwhile, the attempt to reinforce and hopeful desires and abysmal defeats.
that realism and historic fact have no ing in realism no matter how high the to shore up the epistemological vocation Because of this, realism often arrives in
importance, they are just not the highest polygon counts or dots-per-inch, or per- of the work generally involves the sup- the guise of social critique. Realism in the
priority (Shelley ,2001). haps that gaming is one of those media, pression of the formal properties of the cinema, dubbed "neorealism" at the time
like the novel or the animated film, realistic 'text' and promotes an increas- to distinguish it historically from its prede-
But realistic narrative and realistic repre- whereby an immense chasm stands ingly naive and unmediated or reflective cessors in literature and fine art, is
sentation are two different things. So between empirical reality and its repre- conception of aesthetic construction and defined by several formal techniques.
these two piles start to blur. For instance, sentation in art. reception. Thus, where the epistemologi- These include the use of nonprofessional
listening to music, ordering pizza and so cal claim succeeds, it fails; and if realism actors, the absence of histrionics, real
on in The Sims is most probably closer But this is something of a straw man, for validates its claim to being a correct or life scenery, amateur cinematography,
to the narratives of normal life than is realistic-ness and realism are most cer- true representation of the world, it there- grainy filmstock, long takes and minimal
storming an enemy base in tainly not the same thing. If they were the by ceases to be an aesthetic mode of editing. But further, Bazin also associated
SOCOM,despite the fact that the actual same, realism in gaming would just be a representation and falls out of art alto- neorealism with a certain type of narra-
visual imagery in SOCOM is more realis- process of counting the polygons and gether. If, on the other hand, the artistic tive,not simply a certain type of form.
tically rendered than the simplistic tracing the correspondences. Realistic- devices and technological equipment While Bazin acknowledges the formal
avatars, isometric perspective, and non- ness is a yardstick held up to representa- whereby it captures that truth of the tendencies of realism (long takes, ama-
diegetic wall cutaways in The Sims. tion. And so at the level of representation world are explored and stressed and teur actors and so on), and even praises
Likewise Unreal Tournament 2003 has a SOCOM is no different from other games foregrounded, 'realism' will stand the mise-en-scene of filmmakers like
more photo realistic graphics engine based in real life. That is to say, at the unmasked as a mere reality- or realism- Vittorio De Sica, he writes that "we would
than Grand Theft Auto III, but the for- level of representation it is a realistic effect, the reality it purported to decon- define as 'realist,' then, all narrative
mer's narrative is sci-fi fluff at best, leav- game, just as how Tony Hawk's Pro ceal falling at once into the sheerest rep- means tending to bring an added meas-
ing it at a loss for realism. During the Cold Skater 4 (2002) is realistic when it lets resentation and illusion. Yet no viable ure of reality to the screen" (1971). Thus,
War, games like Missile Command the gamer actually skate, albeit virtually, conception of realism is possible unless it is the story of the unemployed father
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that ultimately constitutes the realist core ines how games are able to raise social ism, and I will describe a few of them DAQ market. The toy retailer had recent-
of De Sica's Bicycle Thief, not its degrad- and political issues (2004) [3]. As a game here. (Protorealism, not realism, might ly sent a lawsuit to Etoy for trademark
ed style. Jameson follows this by rein- designer Frasca is also interested in the be a better title for these games.) infringement due to the similarity of the
forcing what Bazin knew to be obvious, genre he calls "news gaming," that is, two organization's names. Many consid-
that neorealism was fundamentally a games based on actual news events. His Forty years of electronic games have ered the lawsuit bogus. But instead of
socialist political practice, and not mere- game September 12th, A Toy World come and gone and only now does one battling their corporate rivals in court,
ly a style of film focused on recreating (2003) deals with the war on terrorism, see the emergence of social realism. Etoy went public and turned the whole
the "real." Jameson writes that "realism is albeit using the somewhat unrealistic State of Emergency (Figure 1), the riot fiasco into a multiplayer game, enlisting
to be conceived as the moment in which visual idiom of a cartoon-drawn, web- game from Rockstar Games, has some the public to fight the lawsuit on their
a 'restricted' code manages to become based bombing game. Other games of these protorealist qualities. The game behalf.[4] The Toywar battlefield, which
elaborated or universal" (1971). The such as 911 Survivor (2003) or Waco co-opts the spirit of violent social was online for only a few months, is a
restricted code is, in this case, the code Resurrection (2003) directly refer to cur- upheaval, seen in events like the complex, self-contained system, with its
of the working class, what Raymond rent geopolitical events. The game com- Rodney King rebellion in Los Angeles, own internal email, its own monetary sys-
Williams would call their "structure of pany Kuma refers to this genre as "reali- California and transposes it into a partic- tem, its own social actors, geography,
feeling." Elsewhere the philosopher ty games" and offers their own ipatory gaming environment. The game hazards, heroes and martyrs. Players
Gilles Deleuze (1986, 1989) also recog- Kuma\War (2004) game with episodes is rife with absurdities and excesses and were able to launch "media bombs" and
nized that neorealism was crucial, situat- ripped directly from recent conflicts in in no way accurately depicts the brutal other public-relations stunts aimed at
ing it at the conceptual turning point from Iraq and Afghanistan. realities of urban violence. So in that increasing public dissatisfaction of
the relatively reified and dominant "move- sense it fails miserably at realism some-'s lawsuit. In the first two
ment image" to the emancipatory "time- The "Congruence Requirement" thing like a NARC for the new millennium. weeks of Toywar,'s stock
image" in his work Cinema 1 & 2. But it also retains a realist core. While price on the NASDAQ plummeted by
The games discussed thus far all strive the game is more or less realistically ren- over 50 percent and continued to nose-
Here's how Bruno Reichlin recently for a high level of realistic-ness. But as I dered, its connection to realism is seen dive. Of course,'s stock price
described neorealism in Italian literature: have tried to show, social realism is an primarily in the representation of margin- was also crashing due to the general
A surgical examination of matters of soci- entirely different matter from mere realis- alized communities (disenfranchised decline of the Internet economic bubble,
ety, an almost documentary attention to tic representation. Thus, how can one youth, hackers, ethnic minorities and so but this economic fact only accentuated
the everyday, an adherence in thought find true realism in gaming? Is social on), but also in the narrative itself, a fan- the excitement of gameplay. Eventually
and language to the social origins and realism even possible in the medium of tasy of unbridled, orgiastic anti-corporate a few billion dollars of the company's
personalities of the characters, a more- the video game where each pixel is arti- rebellion. The game slices easily through stock value disappeared from the NAS-
or-less direct criticism of current society ficially created by the machine? What the apathy found in much mass media DAQ and the toy retailer declared bank-
and morals (2001). would it mean for the concept of "play," a today, instructing players to "smash the ruptcy. Whereas State of Emergency
word that connotes experimentation and corporation" and then giving them the (2003) prodded gamers to smash a hypo-
I suggest that game studies should follow creativity as much as it does infantilizing, weapons to do so. thetical corporate thug, Toywar gave
these same arguments and turn not to a a-political trivialities? them a chance to battle a real one. And
theory of realism in gaming as mere real- The Swiss art group Etoy also achieved this is the crucial detail that makes
istic representation, but define realist To find social realism in gaming one must protorealism in gaming with their online Toywar a realist game. For, similar to a
games as those games that reflect criti- follow the tell-tail traits of social critique multiplayer game Toywar (1999, Figure simulation or training game, Toywar con-
cally on the minutia of everyday life, and through them uncover the begin- 2). Part artwork, part game and part structed a one-to-one relationship
replete as it is with struggle, personal nings of a realist gaming aesthetic. To be political intervention, this primitive between the affective desires of gamers
drama and injustice. sure, there is not a realist game yet like MMORPG was cobbled together in a few and the real social contexts in which they
Bicycle Thief is to film, or Flaubert is to lit- quick weeks of programming. The goal of live. This is not to say that realism in
This theoretical project is already begin- erature or Courbet is to painting. But the game was to fight against the dot- gaming requires an instrumental cause
ning in Gonzalo Frasca's work. His essay there are games that begin to approxi- com toy retailer by negatively and effect between the gamer's thumbs
"Videogames of the Oppressed" exam- mate the core aesthetic values of real- effecting their stock price on the NAS- on the controller and some consequence
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in the so-called real world not at all; that realism requires "a more-or-less direct publisher Dar Al-Fikr. [5] The ideological iconography. The gameplay is based
would return us to the trap of the criticism of current society and morals" opposite of America's Army, these two instead on combat scenarios common in
Columbine theory. Instead I suggest which America's Army does not do, nor new games are first-person shooters first-person shooter games such as tra-
there must be some kind of congruence, does it aspire to do. In fact the game can played from the perspective of a young versing mine fields, killing enemies and
some type of fidelity of context that be viewed in exactly the opposite frame- Palestinian participating in the Islamic so on. So while the action in Special
transliterates itself from the social reality work: as a bold and brutal reinforcement jihad. They are, in a sense, the same mil- Force is quite militaristic, it feels like a
of the gamer, through one's thumbs, into of current American society and its posi- itaristic narrative as American-made simple role reversal, a transplant of its
the game environment and back again. tive moral perspective on military inter- shooters, but seen instead from the American counterparts, with Israelis as
This is what I call the "congruence vention, be it the war on terrorism or Islamic fighter's point of view, just as the the enemies rather than dark-skinned
requirement" and it is necessary for "shock and awe" in Iraq. Further, as the narrative of Opposing Force (1999) liter- Arabs. The realism of the game is simply
achieving realism in gaming. Without it citation from Jameson above shows us, ally reverses the perspective of its prede- its startling premise, that the Palestinian
there is no true realism. realism happens in certain moments cessor Half-Life (1998). (The obvious movement is in fact able to depict its own
when "a 'restricted' code" captured from militaristic fantasy then of course is to "restricted code" in a shooter game.
Are Military Games Realist? out of the subjugated classes "manages network players in Damascus against
to become elaborated or universal." players in the Israel Defence Forces and Under Ash, from Damascus, depicts the
With the "congruence requirement" in Again America's Army does nothing of battle this thing all out in virtual space.) plight of a young Palestinian man during
mind, it is important to make a distinction the sort. If the army has a discursive These Palestinian first-person shooters the intifada. The game turns the tables on
between games that are modelled code it is certainly not restricted, but is have roughly the look and feel of Israeli occupation, letting the gamer fight
around real events and ones that actual- all-powerful, practically universal. It America's Army, albeit without the virtu- back, as it were, first with stones, then
ly claim to be an extension of real life needs no further elaboration. It comes to oso photorealism of detailed texturing, with guns. The game is not fantasy
struggle (via virtual training sessions, or us already elaborated in everything from fog and deep resolution available in the escapism, though, but instead takes on
politically utopian fantasies). This brings television recruitment advertisements to army's commercially licensed Unreal an almost documentary quality, depicting
us to America's Army (Figure 3). What is multi-billion dollar procurement bills. And graphics engine. What differs is narrative current scenarios in the occupied territo-
interesting about America's Army is not as for the congruence requirement, well not representation. If one is to take the ries such as the demolishing of
the debate over whether it is thinly-veiled it fails too if not even a scrap of basic definition of realism given above a docu- Palestinian houses. Combat is central to
propaganda or a legitimate recruitment realism is achieved. But even so, one mentary-like attention to the everyday the narrative but slaying of civilians is
tool, for it is unabashedly and decisively cannot claim there to be a fidelity of con- struggles of the downtrodden, leading to penalized. In addition, the game is dis-
both, but rather that the central conceit of text between an American teenager a direct criticism of current social policy tinctly difficult to play, a sardonic instance
the game is one of mimetic realism. shooting foreign enemies in America's then Special Force and Under Ash are of socio-political realism in a land fraught
America's Army, quite literally, is about Army and the everyday minutia of that among the first truly realist games in exis- with bloodletting on both sides.
the American army. Because it was teenager, the specificities of his or her tence.
developed by the American army and social life in language, culture and tradi- Whereas Special Force is unapologeti-
purports to model the experience of the tion. These are realistic war games, yes, Published by the Central Internet Bureau cally vehement in its depiction of anti-
American army, the game can claim a but they are not realist. of Hizbullah, Special Force is a first per- Israeli violence, Under Ash takes a more
real material referent in ways that other son shooter based on the armed Islamic sober, almost educational tone. The
military games Delta Force (2003), So by itself America's Army is not that movement in South Lebanon. The narra- game's designers describe Under Ash as
SOCOM, and so on simply cannot. So successful as a realist text. However, tive of the game is delivered mostly acting in opposition to what they call
one might think that America's Army is a with the advent of two new games through text-based briefings presented "American style" power and violence.
realist game par excellence. But following America's Army may be seen in a new at the beginning of each level, which initi- Realizing that Palestinian youth will most
the definition of realism stated earlier light as the realist fantasy/illusion it is. ate the player-character as a holy warrior likely want to play shooter games one
and my "congruence requirement" it is These two new games are Special Force fighting against Israeli occupation. The way or another, the designers of Under
clear that America's Army does not (2003, Figure 4) released by the gameplay itself however does not carry a Ash aim to intervene in the gaming mar-
achieve realism on either account. As in Lebanese organization Hizbullah and strong narrative message, except for ket with a homegrown alternative allow-
the Reichlin citation given previously, Under Ash (2001) released by the Syrian sprinklings of pro-intifada and anti-Israeli ing those youth to play from their own
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perspective as Palestinians, not as surro- becomes more clear. It boils down to the context of the gamer. If one is a to perform acts. Any game that depicts
gate Americans (as playing SOCOM affect of the gamer, and whether the Hollywood filmmaker, the challenge is the real world must grapple with this
might surreptitiously force them to do). game is a dreamy, fantastical diversion simply to come up with a realistic repre- question of action. In this way, realism in
Under Ash players, then, have a person- from that affect, or whether it is a one-to- sentation of reality. Or if one is a realist gaming is a process of revisiting the
al investment in the struggle depicted in one extension of it. With Special Force filmmaker, the challenge is to capture the material substrate of the medium and
the game, just as they have a personal and Under Ash and earlier, but in a more social realities of the middle and lower establishing correspondences with spe-
investment in the struggle happening complicated fashion,with America's Army classes. But because of the "congruence cific activities existent in the social reality
each day around them. This is something there emerges a true congruence requirement"in gaming, if one is a realist of the gamer.
rarely seen in the consumer gaming between the real political reality of the game designer, the challenge is not only
market. The game does nothing to cri- gamer and the ability for the game to to capture the social realities of the down-
tique the formal qualities of the genre, mimic and extend that political reality, trodden classes but also to inject the
however. Instead it is a cookie-cutter thereby satisfying the unrequited desires game back into the correct social milieu
repurposing of an American-style shooter contained within it. of available gamers where it rings true.
for the ideological needs of the
Palestinian situation. The engine is the Games are an active medium that Conclusion
same, but the narrative is different. requires constant physical input by the
gamer: action, doing, pressing buttons, From this one may deduce that realism in
Now, contrasted with these Palestinian controlling, and so on (Aarseth,1997). gaming is about a relationship between
games, America's Army does in fact Because of this, a realist game must be the game and the gamer. Not a causal
achieve a sort of sinister realism, for it realist in doing, in action. And because relationship, as the Columbine theory
can't help but foreground its own social the primary phenomenological reality of might suggest, but a relationship
ideology. It is not a subjugated ideology, games is that of action (rather than look- nonetheless. In cinema, realism was
but it is indeed an expression of political ing, as it is with cinema in what Jameson merely a concern of the filmmaker during
realities as they exist today in global mil- once described as "rapt, mindless fasci- the making of the film De Sica's Bicycle
itary power struggles. Statistics on public nation"), it follows in a structural sense Thief is still a neorealist picture no mat-
opinion illustrate that the average that the gamer has a more intimate rela- ter what social class is in the audience.
American teenager playing America's tionship with the apparatus itself, and But for games to be realist, they cannot
Army quite possibly does harbour a therefore with the deployment of realism. be excised from the material realities in
strong nationalistic perspective on world The gamer is significantly more than a which they are played. To put it bluntly, a
events (even though chances are he will mere audience member, but significantly typical American youth playing Special
most likely never fight in America's real less than a diegetic character. It is the Force is most likely not experiencing real-
army). The game articulates this per- act of doing, of manipulating the con- ism, where as realism is indeed possible
spective. Again, this is not true realism, troller,that imbricates the gamer with the for a young Palestinian gamer playing
but, like it or not, it is a real articulation of game. Special Force in the occupied territories.
the political advantage felt by and This fidelity of context is key for realism
desired by the majority of Americans. It So, it is because games are an active in gaming.
takes a game like Special Force, with all medium that realism in gaming requires a
of Hizbullah's terror in the background, special congruence between the social Games signal a third phase for realism.
to see the stark, gruesome reality of reality depicted in the game and the The first two phases were realism in nar-
America's Army in the foreground. social reality known and lived by the rative (literature) and realism in images
gamer. This is something never mandat- (painting, photography, film). Now there
The Affect of the Gamer ed in the history of realist film, and may is also realism in action. Whereas the
happen only occasionally in gaming visual arts compel viewers to engage in
Now my "congruence requirement" depending on the game and the social the act of looking, games compel players
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Notes Volume II. Berkeley, University of California First Person: New Media as Story,
Press. Performance, and Game. Cambridge, The
[1]See Patrick Crogan (2003) for more on the MIT Press.
intersection of gaming and the military infor- C-level. (2003) Endgames: Waco
mation society. Julian Stallabrass's early Resurrection. [PC], Los Angeles, CA: C- Fuller, R. Buckminster. (1999) World Game.
essay "Just Gaming" (1993) is also method- level. Your Private Sky: The Art of Design Science.
ologically instructive for how to think about Baden, Switzerland: Lars Muller Publishers.
games as allegories. Crogan, Patrick. (2003) The Experience of
Information in Computer Games. Melbourne Gearbox Studios. (1999) Half-Life: Opposing
[2]See Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A DAC, the 5th International Digital Arts and Force. [PC], Bellevue, WA: Sierra.
Study of the Play-Element in Culture (1950), Culture Conference. Melbourne, School of
p. 15. Huizinga's early exploration of the con- Applied Communication, RMIT, Melbourne, Geertz, Clifford. (1973) Deep Play: Notes on
cept of play has been supplemented by the- Australia. the Balinese Cockfight. In: Geertz, Clifford
oretical work from, among others, Derrida (Ed.) The Interpretation of Cultures. New
(1978) and Geertz (1973). an.pdf York, Basic Books.

[3]See also Shuen-shing Lee's (2003) "I Dar Al-Fikr. (2001) Under Ash. [PC], Syria: Hizbullah Central Internet Bureau. (2003)
Lose, Therefore I Think" A Search for Dar Al-Fikr. Special Force. [PC], Lebanon: Sunlight.
Contemplation amid Wars of Push-Button
Glare. Game Studies, 3. Deleuze, Gilles. (1986) Cinema 1: Huizinga, Johan. (1950) Homo Ludens: A
Movement-Image. Minneapolis, University of Study of the Play-Element in Culture. Boston,
[4]For more on Toywar see Adam Wishart Minnesota Press. Beacon.
and Regula Bochsler's book Leaving Reality
Behind: etoy vs & other battles to Deleuze, Gilles. (1989) Cinema 2: The Time- Jameson, Fredric. (1992) Signatures of the
control cyberspace(New York: Ecco, 2003). Image. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Visible. New York, Routledge.
The global nature of the Toywar is interesting Press.
to compare to Buckminster Fuller's "World Kinematic Collective. (2003) 911 Survivor.
Game," a very early example of a global Derrida, Jacques. (1978) Structure, Sign and [PC], Los Angeles, CA: Kinematic Collective.
asset management simulation game (1999). Play in the Discourse of the Human
Sciences. In: Derrida, Jacques (Ed.) Writing Kuma Reality Games. (2004) Kuma\War.
[5]I first learned of Special Force through a and Difference. Chicago, University of [PC], New York: Kuma Reality Games.
March 2003 email post to Rhizome Raw from Chicago Press.
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy. Lee, Shuenshing. (2003) "I Lose, Therefore I
Digital Extremes/Epic Games. (2003) Unreal Think" A Search for Contemplation amid
References Tournament 2003. [PC], New York, NY: Atari. Wars of Push-Button Glare. Game Studies, 3.

Aarseth, Espen J. (1997) Cybertext: Etoy. (1999) Toywar. [PC],Switzerland: Etoy. Maxis Studios. (2003) TheSims: Hot Date.
Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. [PC], Redwood City, CA: Electronic Arts.
Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins University Frasca, Gonzalo. (2003) Sept 12th: A Toy
Press. World. [Computer Game],, Neversoft Entertainment. (2002) TonyHawk's
viewed 5 November 2003, Pro Skater 4. [PS2], Santa Monica, CA:
Atari. (1980a) BattleZone. [Arcade], USA: < Activision.
Atari. 2.htm
Reichlin, Bruno. (2001) Figures of
Atari. (1980b) Missile Command. [Arcade], Frasca, Gonzalo. (2004) Videogames of the Neorealism in Italian Architecture (Part 1).
USA: Atari. Oppressed: Critical Thinking, Education,
Tolerance, and Other Trivial Issues. In:
Bazin, André. (1971) What is Cinema? Harrigan, Pat & Wardrip-Fruin, Noah (Eds.)
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profession is emerging are diverse, multi- which political struggle is waged, (i.e.) the
Transitional Economics and Art: ple, and confusing. It makes us think of struggle over the legitimacy of concepts
Re-configuration of Contemporary Art Institution in the Age of the ways that contemporary art is being and ideologies”.3 To be identified as a
Global Production used as a kind of tool to acquire specific “political subject” here precisely implies
goals outside of the curatorial profession the professional configuration of a con-
How does contemporary art intersect institutionalism itself, where different techniques, method- temporary art curator as a political
in the field of curatorial practices, and how the cura- by Marko Stamenkovic´ ologies, principles, and strategies are activist, able to interfere the broad cultur-
tors in post-socialist societies encounter the lack of experimented, exploited and applied with- al sphere through a set of engaged social
institutional infrastructure for group initiatives and
joint work? How to define a model for group activities
out a real system of reference. and political activities, i.e. a being with a
and still to resist the threats of assimilation and con- The curatorial profession in the field of high-level of political awareness and
flict of interest, without losing starting positions and cultural activism today is another point in activity, emerging from a proper profes-
values of concepts? What kind of methodology is to question, and touches upon the tech- sional sector of operational efficiency, and
be implemented into the very process of work without
losing awareness about the context of fragile political In his short but significant essay from niques and mechanisms of artistic and not as a parliamentary- engaged subject
and social realities influencing this process? 1998 entitled ART SYSTEM (S): Curator curatorial interference with social and (acting out of his professional sector or
without a System,1 Viktor Misiano, a political realities of a contemporary global only for the benefit of his/her own profes-
Moscow-based critic, curator, and Editor world. The questions one should pose are sional community). Art’s political potential
in Chief of Moscow Art Magazine, analy- therefore connected to the very (im)possi- is therefore not signaled only in terms of
ses the role of curatorial profession in the bility of curatorial work in the environment its preconceived overlapping with non-
so-called “societies in transition” with lacking a firm institutional infrastructure artistic (side) effects, but in terms of its
regard to the institutional framework that for a stable, long-term, and sustainable ability to coordinate and control the state
constitutes this profession in social and profession. Going back to Misiano’s of art with constant reference to those
cultural terms. Misiano actually gives a essay, an institutional crisis is what deter- non-artistic (side) criteria that are
very clear statement about this relation- mines the Eastern European societies in imposed by political, social, and econom-
ship, arguing that “the Curator as a social transition: “The lack of art institutions and ic decision-makers.
and cultural figure is a product of contem- the System of Contemporary Art
porary institutions, of the Contemporary inevitably presumes the lack of art (in its I depart from a belief that the decision-
Art System.” As I wish to articulate my contemporary sense). But the lack of art making process in contemporary art and
thoughts about the phenomenon of cura- doesn’t mean the lack of artists. Because culture should no longer be treated only
torial practices in the former Eastern of several circumstances – cultural tradi- as reflecting the totality of political reality
European cultural and political space, my tion, influence of the West, etc. – artists in (just as it had been the case in totalitarian
idea is primarily bounded by the institu- the “societies in transition” still exist. And societies of former Eastern Europe), but
tional identity of collective curatorial work, where artists exist, a curator is also pres- as influencing particular segments of
in terms of organizational structures, ent. A very specific kind of curator – let’s such a reality through art’s ability to
associations, networks, and project- name it a “Curator without a System.”2 respond to the demands and criteria con-
based initiatives, that are being prominent trolled by other public sectors. This atti-
today in Eastern Europe. My contribution is here related to the phe- tude toward political identification and
nomenon of contemporary curatorial configuration of a curator as an activist
The lack of a specific curatorial discourse practice, under which I imply the strate- responds to the ways that political power
(both in theoretical and practical sense), gies of action and (alternative) political relations are articulated in the sphere of
and hence the lack of visibility of the pro- engagement in the broad cultural field. art, theory, activism, and culture, and also
fession itself within the post-socialist con- The point of departure is a possibility to – to the ways that this sphere is related to
ditions, is my fundamental starting-point. identify curators of contemporary art as the effects of ideology, hegemony, hierar-
Paradoxically enough, the number of new political subjects, where their political chy, and political legitimacy. The question
curators is increasing and the ways the legitimacy (in Fredric Jameson’s terms) of interest here is: if there is no autonomy
comes from “the fundamental level on of culture from politics and the economy,
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what are the cultural dimensions of glob- global state of economy from a profound while monetary union has also been something that the citizens of former
alization, and how is this specific implica- theoretical and interpretative perspective added to the EU list of accomplishments Yugoslavia have been familiar with long
tion being recognized today in the field of related to contemporary art and art sys- with the approval of EURO as a common ago, within the previous, yet unsuccess-
curatorial practices? tem, art market, and global exhibition currency (with the exception of several ful, ideological construct of ‘brotherhood
making (Grzinic, for example). In order to countries that have rejected such an and unity’) is actually resulting from the
The transition from communism to capi- analyze the issue from this global point of approval, most notably the United lack of consensus about its economic and
talism in the former socialist societies, view, one is therefore obliged to discuss Kingdom).4 The idea of European integra- financial structures. This is to say that the
after the collapse of totalitarian ideologies not only the economy as a discipline, or tion was based exactly upon the overlap- European cultural cooperation does not
in Europe, helps us understand not only a an abstract field of scientific discourse, ping of economic (steel and coal indus- have a clear meaning today if it keeps
shift from one political model to another, but the political economy, that is: an econ- tries) and monetary (EURO) interests, being perceived only from the general
but also - how the transition contributes to omy dependent on political decision-mak- being the fundamental background of a ‘political’ perspective, but rather should be
the dynamics of large-scale institutional ing operations and processes, which collaborative political platform. According perceived from a re-articulated economic
and organizational reforms, thus provid- influence our everyday existence. The to such a logic of strategic and market- and financial perspective (within the gen-
ing necessary conditions for a capitalist first task therefore lies in an attempt to driven enlargement, the European Union eral cultural and political framework), and
expansion worldwide. This is, without any define the fields of (1) economy (political grew during five expansion waves that exactly through the regulations that are
doubt, not only a political issue, but an economy) and cultural economy, and (2) last culminated in 2004 – with the acces- being imposed by the (multinational, cor-
economic one, and affects not only the the way of positioning a new artistic/cul- sion of ten Southern and Eastern porate) economic and financial power
lives of the former Eastern Europeans, tural subject from the East of Europe in European states on 1 May 2004 (includ- centres. The social aspect of this percep-
but the global world as such. The logic of relation (or rather – through) the ideas of ing eight post-communist countries: the tion should also be explicitly approached,
the market is therefore what comes up contemporary global economy and con- Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, and especially with regard to what has
once we are determined to talk about con- temporary global (art) market. These Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and significantly marked the beginnings of a
temporary art. This close relationship issues, however, must always be ana- Slovenia; Bulgaria and Romania, both new civil war in the heart of Europe in
between (Eastern European) art and lyzed from a very clear point of view being part of the post-communist territory, autumn 2005 in France, with the suburb-
(global) economy has been pointed out regarding the most actual and most acute are expected to join in 2007). Therefore, based riots. The ghettoization and con-
and elaborated both in contemporary art political processes taking part in contem- what comes up as a fundamental political stant fragmentation of the European con-
theory (with Fredric Jameson, Hal Foster, porary Europe: (1) the integration of question for each and every protagonist tinent, and consequently – of its social
Slavoj Zizek, Saskia Sassen, Boris European countries into a common EU- of contemporary arts and culture, and structures, through the processes of its
Groys, Brian Holmes and Marina Grzinic, unit and (2) the Eastward expansion of especially the one belonging to the com- systematic right-wing inclination, is no
as some of the most relevant examples), European Union today. Why are these mon European civilization but not belong- good for any, not even, cultural coopera-
and in contemporary art practices (with processes playing such a crucial part in ing to the common EU-territory (just as it tion. But what culture and cooperation in
Oliver Ressler, Reinigungsgesellschaft, our understanding of artistic and cultural is the case with South East Europe today) the cultural field are supposed to perform
Orgacom, Big Hope, Bankleer, Access changes going on in the former European is related to the very concept of “Europe”. in such a problematic condition is actually
Local etc.), all of them problematizing the East? Because we are dealing with the The current political crisis in Europe is, to act as a tool that aims to put openly
very existence of various critical econom- most evident process of transfer/transla- however, no surprise, especially with such a situation into question, visualize it,
ic and social issues within the project- tion/transition (from one condition to regard to what the global political agenda problematize it and, hopefully, help over-
based art discourses dealing with them. another, just as if it was a matter of an has to offer today. If it is all about ‘the NO coming it.
These differently positioned cultural pro- aggregate change of ice into water, if one votes to the referenda and lack of owner-
tagonists have all been trying either to may use this bizarre comparison). ship or sense of belonging amongst If one is supposed to introduce a set of
analyze the process of transition from one Europe’s citizens’, then a proper question new values into the existent curatorial dis-
model of economy (most notably – a It is not to be forgotten that the economic about the reason for such a situation must courses, according to the paradigm shift
socialist, centrally-planed economy) to a and political integration of Europe has be posed. One could presume that the taking place in (what has been politically
capitalist mixed-market economy with evolved into a European Union from its current political instability, especially in termed as) South East Europe, a critical
respect to differing conditions for art and modest beginnings at the proposed inte- the former Western Europe (the one that distance toward classical theoretical pat-
culture in the East and the West (Groys), gration of six Western European coun- is now being recognized as a trans- terns (those that offer a self-enclosed
or to critically posit the contemporary tries’ coal and steel industries in 1950, national entity called European Union, scheme in a well-known and outdated art-
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historical fervor) must be looked for. It is unstable status with regard to the political toward a whole field of new interests that spheres of our common everyday prac-
to be found in an approach that strives for matrix of united heterogeneity (the are emerging on the global cultural scene tices and all aspects of social life the way
an alternative toward its own critical ‘’European Union’’) is actually revealing a alongside the increasing development we are experiencing it. The contents that
framework, i.e. in the approach proposing double-sense process insisting on politi- and extension of global capitalism today. this ‘deviated’ discourse wants to prob-
a ‘third-way’ between the established cal change, while at the same time being For this reason, more ‘non-cultural’ practi- lematize (the issues of labor, networking,
polarizations, be it affirmative or negative entirely supported by the new economic tioners and experts (coming from a broad cyber-political communities (turning into
toward contemporary global matters. A paradigm (the ‘’Global Capitalism’’). interdisciplinary field of action, such as physical action-communities), collective
self-critical dimension, as the main orien- economy, social policy, psychology, tech- cultural and social practices, collaborative
tation for the conceptualization of such a The economic dimensions of contempo- nology and science, marketing research, research and engagement, etc.) princi-
discourse, is also supported by the fact rary cultural development must be per- business etc.) should be consulted, pally attempts to fulfill the problematic
that no theoretical platform regarding the ceived as a tool toward dynamic, active involved in cultural programming and field related to the theoretical and practi-
global capitalism as such could actually and knowledge-based (apart from the decision-making processes, and explicitly cal analysis of artistic and economic pro-
escape the fate of being swallowed by its exclusive sponsorship-based) partner- introduced as new professional ele- duction in the contemporary global world:
own content-reference: every discourse ship between these two systems (eco- ments/entities within the broad cultural while focusing on the fundamental lack
involving the dimension of global capital- nomic and cultural). If culture keeps only realm. Without this, culture will have to (for the South East European cultural and
ist affairs is already the consequence and relying on financial help from the econom- rely on its proper, limited context/system, political space) of a specific and articulat-
the product of its main target. This is to ic and financial sectors, without actually with no possibility for any systematic ed discourse related to the intersection
say that every discourse emerging from performing any interventionist role there, transformation. between art and economy, it aims at intro-
the capitalist condition (and especially the and vice-versa, there is no way to make ducing, re-thinking, re-articulating and
one being born in the age of ‘wild, pre- any essential change in the broad cultur- Opening up the sphere for re-thinking the opening up the possibilities for a new dis-
mature’ capitalism, the way one encoun- al field today. It is exactly the ECONOMIC state of contemporary art today does not course to this space. In order to stimulate
ters it now in Serbia, for example) is an aspect that must be highlighted and prob- come up as a ‘non-political’, or ‘anti-politi- an interdisciplinary, multi-leveled and
offspring of its own political, economic lematized. The cultural operators must cal’ act, though: it rather establishes transnational approach, it also fosters the
and social matrix. This should be under- openly, clearly and explicitly produce var- another theoretical axis around which a need to encourage a broad range of
stood as an open call for all those ious creative ways of cooperation not only new approach of politically and socially approaches, from social and economic
aspects, positions, and values that insist among themselves (which would still relevant questions could be posed today, sciences and humanities, to law and pub-
on broadening the existent sphere of keep them in an isolated, ‘autonomus’ but always from the aspect of those pro- lic policy, as well as a diverse set of top-
political actions through art toward its and hermetic state of mind), but rather tagonists in the field of cultural action that ics to be explored in accordance with the
organizational and economic possibilities: with all those economic and business-ori- are willing to encounter the contemporary artistic and cultural scope of the new dis-
a proposal for creative yet critical cooper- ented entities that are willing to start com- political reality in a different way. The way course.
ation based upon principles of self-struc- munication, exchange and circulation with to radicalize such a perspective is con-
turing, self-organization, and re-articula- cultural entities. This is a MUST for the sciously established in the field of global Notes
tion of issues related to the aesthetic upcoming period, and this will provide the economic transformation, in the very fact
dimension of economic and social prob- space for positive ‘hybrid structures’ that that along the changes that marked the 1.Viktor Misiano, “Art System(s): Curator with-
lems nowadays. In the situation of new support each other and both contribute to out a System”, in AFTER THE WALL: Art and
period after the fall of communism in the
Culture in post-Communist Europe, Bojana
developments of previously non-capitalist the global shift as we are experiencing it largest part of Europe, there must have Pejic and David Eliott (eds.), Moderna Museet,
societies, the question of an economic today. The new curatorial discourse been a translation from one way of think- Stockholm, 1998, p. 137.
shift taking place in South East Europe should therefore propose a clear pro- ing into another, from one political reality 2.V. Misiano, “Art System(s): Curator without a
nowadays addresses the significance and gramme-based intervention into support- into another, and from one economic sys- System”, Ibid., p. 137.
definition of contemporary art as subject ing the economically, rather than political- tem into another. This translation from 3.Fredric Jameson, ‘Postmodernism and the
to the current economic changes. A polit- ly, oriented cultural projects, and especial- communism into capitalism, from state- Market’, in Postmodernism, or The Cultural
ically less-favored area of South East ly those that problematize the geo-eco- Logic of Late Capitalism, Verso: London 1991,
ownership into market-based logic, has
p. 263.
Europe (in comparison to the nomic, socially-traumatic (invisible), and not only been reflected in the theoretical 4.See the official presentation of the European
omnipresent significance of its big neigh- community-related issues. This is all in or parliamentary debates, but rather in a Union at
bor, the European Union itself), and its order to provide a radical ‘step beyond’
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Factory and house behind Botanical Garden, Bucharest.

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their skills to increase technical knowl- order (i.e. participatory democracy,

Techno-Politics, New Technologies and edge in various specialized domains socialism, genuine equality for women
(medicine, physics, history, etc.) without and blacks, ecological restoration, etc.).
the New Public Spheres questioning the ends, goals, or values Critical intellectuals utilized their skills of
that they are serving, or the social utility speaking and writing to denounce injus-
or disutility of their activities, while func- tices and abuses of power, and to fight for
by Douglas Kellner tional ideologues construct discourses to truth, justice, progress, and other univer-
legitimate existing social relations, institu- sal values. In the words of Jean-Paul
tions, and practices. Sartre (1974: 285), "the duty of the intel-
lectual is to denounce injustice wherever
Today, in an expanding global information it occurs."[1] For Sartre, the domain of
economy, intellectuals are more impor- the critical intellectual is to write and
The category of the intellectual, like tant than ever in every aspect of human speak within the public sphere, denounc-
everything else these days, is highly con- life. The concept of the intellectual tradi- ing oppression and fighting for human
tested and up for grabs. Zygmunt tionally involved workers in the sphere of freedom and emancipation. On this
Bauman contrasts intellectuals as legisla- mental labor, who produced ideas, wrote model, a critical intellectual's task is to
tors who wish to legislate universal val- texts, and developed and transmitted bear witness, to analyze, to expose, and
ues, usually in the service of state institu- intellectual abilities, as opposed to manu- to criticize a wide range of social evils.
tions, with intellectuals as interpreters, al workers who produced goods and
who merely interpret texts, public events, worked with their hands in the realms of The sphere and arena of the
and other artifacts, deploying their spe- manufacture, heavy industry, agriculture, critical/oppositional intellectual has been
cialized knowledge to explain or interpret and other fields that primarily depended "the word", and his or her function is to
things for publics (1987; 1992). He claims on manual labor. The distinction between describe and denounce injustice wherev-
that there is a shift from modern intellec- intellectual and manual labor was always er it may occur. The modern critical intel-
tuals as legislators of universal values an ideal type, was never absolute, and lectual's field of action was what
who legitimated the new modern social was itself subject to change and historical Habermas (1989) called the public
order to postmodern intellectuals as inter- mutation. It is my argument that today the sphere of democratic debate, political
preters of social meanings, and thus the- concept of the intellectual is undergoing dialogue, and the writing and discussion
orizes a depoliticalization of the role of significant mutations and must be of newspapers, journals, pamphlets, and
intellectuals in social life. rethought in relationship to new technolo- books. Of course, not all intellectuals
gies and the new global economy and were critical or by any means progressive
In contrast, I want to distinguish between culture. and, as noted, intellectuals were split into
"functional intellectuals", who serve to those critical and oppositional individuals
reproduce and legitimate the values of While functional intellectuals are servants who opposed injustice and oppression,
existing societies, contrasted to "critical- of existing societies who specialize in as contrasted to functional intellectuals
oppositional public intellectuals" who legitimation and technical knowledge, who produced ideological discourse and
oppose the existing order and militate for critical-oppositional intellectuals struggle technical knowledge that legitimated and
progressive social change. Functional to create a better society. They tradition- served the existing society. In the next
intellectuals were earlier the classical ide- ally voiced their criticisms in the name of section, I want to discuss some chal-
ologues, whereas today they tend to be existing values which they claim were lenges from postmodern theory to the
functionaries of parties or interest groups, being violated (i.e. truth, rights, rule by classical conceptions of the critical-oppo-
or mere technicians who devise more law, justice, etc.) and sometimes in the sitional intellectual and some of the ways
efficient means to obtain certain ends. name of values or ideas which were said that new technologies and their emerging
Technical-functional intellectuals apply to be higher potentialities of the existing public spheres offer exciting possibilities
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for democratic discussion and interven- Wollstonecraft fighting for women's As modern societies developed, they spheres like the university, the prison, the
tion, which call for a redefinition of the rights, to leaders of oppressed groups of depended more on intellectual labor, so hospital, or for the rights of specific
critical intellectual. Consequently, I will color, ethnicity, sexual preference, and so intellectuals were increasingly integrated oppressed groups like sexual or ethnic
discuss some changes in the concept of on. Insurgent intellectuals attacked into the existing society, performing cru- minorities. Global and national politics
the public sphere and how new technolo- oppression and promoted action that cial social functions, and thus loss to a and theories are rejected in favor of more
gies and spheres of public debate and would address the causes of subjugation, large extent, the critical-oppositional sta- local micropolitics, and the discourse and
conflict suggest some novel possibilities linking thought to action, theory to prac- tus that they enjoyed in early modern function of the intellectuals is seen as
for redefining intellectuals in the present tice. Thus, during the 19th century, the societies. With the postmodern turn in more specific, provisional, and modest
era. working class developed its own opposi- theory (Best and Kellner 1997), critiques than in modern theory and politics, subor-
tional public spheres in union halls, party began emerging of the ideal of the mod- dinate to local struggles rather than more
cells and meeting places, saloons, and ern critical intellectual. Against the ambitious projects of emancipation and
The Public Sphere and the Intellectual institutions of working class culture. With Enlightenment and Sartre's model of the social transformation.
the rise of Social Democracy and other committed intellectual who is engaged for
Democracy involves a separation of pow- working class movements in Europe and freedom (engag_), Michel Foucault com- Such a binary distinction between macro
ers and popular participation in govern- the United States, an alternative press, plained that Sartre represented an ideal and micro theory and politics, however, is
mental affairs. During the era of the radical cultural organizations, and the of the classical intellectual who fought for problematical, as are absolutist commit-
Enlightenment and 18th century demo- spaces of the strike, sit-in, and political universal values such as truth and free- ments to either modern or postmodern
cratic revolutions, public spheres insurrection emerged as sites of an oppo- dom, and assumed the task of speaking theory tout court (Best and Kellner 1991
emerged where individuals could discuss sitional public sphere. for humanity (1977). Against such an and 1997). It is clear from the events of
and debate issues of common concern exalted, and in his view exaggerated, 1989 surrounding the collapse of Soviet-
(see Habermas 1989). Public spheres At the same time, intellectuals in modern conception, Foucault militated for a con- style communism that the popular offen-
were also a site where criticism of the societies were conflicted beings with con- ception of the "specific intellectual" who sives against oppressive state-commu-
state and existing society could circulate. tradictory social functions. The classical intervened on the side of the oppressed nist power combined micro and macrop-
The institutions and spaces of the 18th critical intellectual -- represented by fig- in specific issues, not claiming to speak olitics. These struggles moved from local
century democratic public sphere includ- ures like the French Enlightenment ideo- for the oppressed, but intervening as an and specific sites in union halls, universi-
ed newspapers, journals, and a press logues, Thomas Paine, Mary intellectual in specific issues and ties, churches, and small groups to mass
independent from state ownership and Wollstonecraft, and later figures like debates. demonstrations forcing democratic
control, coffee houses where individuals Heine, Marx, Hugo, Dreyfus, DuBois, reforms and even classical mass insur-
read newspapers and engaged in politi- Sartre, and Marcuse -- was to speak out Foucault's conception of the specific rection aiming at an overthrow of the
cal discussion, literary salons where against injustice and oppression and to intellectual has been accompanied by a existing order, as in Romania. In these
ideas and criticism were produced, and fight for justice, equality, and the other val- turn in postmodern politics toward new struggles, intellectuals played a variety of
public assemblies which were the sites of ues of the Enlightenment, as well as tran- social movements and the hope that they roles and deployed a diversity of dis-
public oratory and debate. scendent goals such as socialism or can replace the state and party as the ful- courses, ranging from the local and spe-
women's liberation. Indeed, the crum for contemporary politics. For writ- cific to the national and universal.
Bourgeois societies split, of course, Enlightenment itself represents one of the ers like Laclau and Mouffe (1985), power
across class lines and disparate class most successful products of the critical is diffuse and local and not merely to be Whereas postmodern theory contains
factions produced different political par- individual, a discourse and movement found in macroinstitutions like the work- important criticism of some of the illu-
ties, organizations, public spaces, and which assigns intellectuals key social place, the state, or patriarchy.[2] For a sions and ideologies of the traditional
ideologies with each class attracting spe- functions. And yet conservative intellectu- number of postmodern theorists -- modern intellectual, it goes too far in
cialists in words and writing known as als attacked the Enlightenment and its Foucault, Rorty, Lyotard, Laclau and some of its versions in rejecting the clas-
intellectuals. Oppressed groups devel- prodigy the French Revolution and pro- Mouffe, etc. -- macropolitics that goes sical role of the critical intellectual.
oped their own insurgent intellectuals, duced discourses that legitimated every after big institutions like the state or capi- Moreover, some of the modern concep-
ranging from representatives of working conceivable form of oppression from class tal is to be replaced by micropolitics, with tion of the critical and oppositional intel-
class organizations, to women like Mary to race, gender, and ethnic domination. specific intellectuals intervening in lectual remains useful. I would, in fact,
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reject the particular/universal intellectual ing societies, as when the Frankfurt is an intellectual in the sense that they probably used a typewriter, though I per-
dichotomy in favor of developing a nor- School used the norms of the learn and use language, can assimilate sonally know of no major studies of the
mative concept of the "critical public intel- Enlightenment to criticize their violation and produce culture, and gain intellectual relationship between the typewriter and
lectual." The public intellectual -- on this and suppression under fascism (Kellner skills that enable them to speak and par- intellectuals. Yet a classical intellectual
conception -- intervenes in the public 1989). ticipate in their culture and society. did not have to be a specialist to deploy
sphere, fights against lies, oppression, During an era in which information and any specific technology and there was
and injustice and fights for rights, free- Consequently, one does not need all of intellectual labor are becoming more and thus no intimate connection between
dom, and democracy ala Sartre's com- the baggage of the universal intellectual more a part of the economy and every- intellectuals and technology.
mitted intellectual. But a democratic pub- to maintain a conception of a public or day life, the notion of the intellectual and
lic intellectual on my conception does not democratic intellectual in the present era. intellectual labor is expanding rapidly to However, I want to argue that in the con-
speak for others, does not abrogate or Intellectuals may well seek to occupy a the entirety of society, creating new con- temporary high-tech societies there is
monopolize the function of speaking the higher ground than particularistic inter- ceptions and challenges for the critical emerging a significant expansion and
truth, but simply participates in discus- ests, a common ground seeking public intellectual. redefinition of the public sphere and that
sion and debate, defending specific interests and goods. But intellectuals these developments, connected primarily
ideas, values, or norms or principle that should not abrogate the right to speak for In the following discussion, I will argue with media and computer technologies,
may be particular or universal. But if the all and should be aware that they are that although the critical and democratic require a reformulation and expansion of
values and discourse is universal, like speaking from a determinate position intellectual should assume new functions the concept of critical or committed intel-
human rights, they are contextual, provi- with its own biases and limitations. and activities today, the critical capacities lectual, as well as a redefinition of the
sional, normative and general and not Moreover, intellectuals should learn to and vision of the classical oppositional public intellectual. Earlier in the century,
valid for all time. Indeed, rights are prod- get out of their particular frame of refer- intellectual are still relevant, thus I sug- John Dewey envisaged developing a
ucts of social struggles and are thus ence for more general ones, as well as to gest building on models of the past, newspaper that would convey "thought
social constructs and not innate or natu- be able to take the position of the other, rather than simply throwing them over, as news," bringing all the latest ideas in sci-
ral entities -- as the classical natural to empathize with more marginal and in some types of postmodern theory. I ence, technology, and the intellectual
rights theorists would have it. But rights oppressed groups, to learn from them, want to suggest that rethinking the intel- world to a general public, which would
can be generalized, extended, and can and to support their struggles. To perpet- lectual and the public sphere today also promote democracy (see the discus-
take universal forms -- as with, for ually criticize oneself, to develop the requires rethinking the relationship sion of this project in Czitrom 1982:
instance, a UN charter of human rights capacity for self-reflection and critique -- between intellectuals and technology, 104ff). In addition, Bertolt Brecht and
that holds that certain rights are valid for as well as self-expression -- is thus part and rethinking the concept of the public Walter Benjamin (1969) saw the revolu-
all individuals -- at least in this world at of the duty of the democratic intellectual. intellectual in relation to the vicissitudes tionary potential of new technologies like
this point in time. of new computer and media technology. film and radio and urged radical intellec-
tuals to seize these new forces of produc-
Thus, a critical intellectual can claim that New Technologies, New Public In a certain sense, there was no impor- tion, to "refunction" them, and to turn
they are not merely speaking for them- Spheres, and New Intellectuals tant connection between the classical them into instruments to democratize and
selves, as in some of the more relativist intellectual and technology. To be sure, revolutionize society. Sartre too worked
postmodern conceptions, but are appeal- To some extent, within the current divi- intellectuals (especially scientific schol- on radio and television series and insist-
ing to values and norms that are them- sion of labor and eruption of new tech- ars like Leonardo de Vinci, Galileo, or ed that "committed writers must get into
selves the product of political struggle, nologies, everyone is becoming an intel- Darwin) deployed technologies and these relay station arts of the movies and
that are recognized as social goods, and lectual, forced to gain practical skills of lit- entire groups like the British Royal radio" (1974: 177; for discussion of his
whose abrogation or curtailment can be eracy and the ability to use new technolo- Society were concerned with technolo- _Les temps modernes_ radio series, see
seen as oppressive and worthy of being gies to succeed in school, to perform in gies and were indeed often inventors 177-180).
overturned. Critical intellectuals can prac- the labor system, and to engage in the themselves. Some intellectuals used
tice immanent critique whereby they take new forms of culture and society being printing presses and were themselves Previously, radio, television, and the
the existing normative values as stan- developed in the contemporary era. As printers and many, though not all, of the other electronic media of communication
dards to criticize their abrogation in exist- Gramsci argued earlier (1971), everyone major intellectuals of the 20th century tended to be closed to critical and oppo-
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sitional voices both in systems controlled I am thus suggesting that public intellec- tices as writing letters or opinion pieces networks, and oppositional cultural poli-
by the state and in private corporations. tuals in the present moment must master for newspapers or other print publica- tics within every sphere of culture, rang-
Public access and low power television, new technologies and that there is thus a tions, calling into talk radio or television, ing from music to visual to print culture.
and community and guerilla radio, and more intimate relationship between intel- or criticizing the failures of the main-
now the Internet and computer technolo- lectuals and technology than in previous stream media within their own institutions Of course, many will claim that democrat-
gy open these technologies to interven- social configurations. To be an intellectu- involves other examples of a democrati- ic politics involves face-to-face conversa-
tion and use by critical-oppositional intel- al today involves use of the most zation-from-within approach that tion, discussion, and producing consen-
lectuals.[3] Thus, radio, television, the advanced forces of production to develop attempts to democratize existing media sus. But for intelligent debate and con-
Internet, and other electronic modes of and circulate ideas, to do research and institutions. sensus to be reached, individuals must
communication have created new public involve oneself in political debate and be informed and radio, television, and
spheres of debate, discussion, and infor- discussion, and to intervene in the new Another and different strategy involves computers are important sources of infor-
mation so that intellectuals who want to public spheres produced by broadcasting the development of oppositional media, mation in the present age. Thus, I am not
engage the public, to be where the peo- and computing technologies. New public alternatives to the mainstream, devel- proposing that media politics supplement
ple are at, and who thus want to inter- intellectuals should attempt to develop oped outside of the established media all political activity and organizing, but am
vene in the public affairs of their society strategies that will use these technolo- system. On this approach, it is a suggesting that a media politics should
should make use of these new communi- gies to attack domination and to promote pipedream to reform existing media that be developed to help activist groups and
cation technologies and develop new empowerment, education, democracy, are capitalist machines out for profit and individuals obtain and disseminate infor-
technopolitics. and political struggle -- or whatever goals which primarily serve the interests of rul- mation. One needs to distinguish
are normatively posited as desirable to ing elites. Thus, the development of alter- between politics that use the Internet and
Consequently, I would argue that effective attain. There is thus an intrinsic connec- native institutions within print, broadcast- new technologies to promote specific
use of technology is essential in contem- tion in this argument between the fate of ing, and other forms becomes the focus political goals and struggles, thus articu-
porary politics and that intellectuals who intellectuals and the forces of production of this strategy which works outside of lating a relation between the cybersphere
wish to intervene in the new public which, as always, can be used for con- established institutions to develop alter- and social life, contrasted to those that
spheres need to deploy new communica- servative or progressive ends. native structures. limit their politics to the cybersphere
tions technologies to participate in demo- itself, either focusing narrowing on the
cratic debate and to shape the future of Although I have myself largely worked politics of technology and the Internet, or
contemporary societies and culture. My Toward a Radical Democratic Techno- with alternative media over the past making Internet discussion an end in
argument is that first broadcast media like Politics decades, I would argue that both strate- itself, cut off from real-life political move-
radio and television, and now computers, gies are necessary for the development ments.
have produced new public spheres and A revitalization of democracy in capitalist of a democratic media politics and that it
spaces for information, debate, and partic- societies will therefore require a demo- is a mistake to pursue one at the neglect Many activist groups are coming to see
ipation that contain both the potential to cratic media politics. Such a politics could of the other. Developing a radical demo- that media politics is a key element of
invigorate democracy and to increase the involve a two-fold strategy of, first, cratic media politics thus involves contin- political organization and struggle and
dissemination of critical and progressive attempting to democratize existing media ued relentless criticism of the existing are developing forms of technopolitics in
ideas -- as well as new possibilities for to make them more responsive to the media system, attempts to democratize which they use the Internet and new
manipulation, social control, and the pro- "public interest, convenience, and neces- and reform it, and the production of alter- technologies as arms of political struggle.
motion of conservative positions. But par- sity." In the United States, the media native progressive media. On this Indeed, if progressive groups and move-
ticipation in these new public spheres - watchdog group F.A.I.R. (Fairness and account, democratizing our media sys- ments are to produce a genuine alterna-
computer bulletin boards and discussion Accuracy in Media) has developed this tem will require expansion of the alterna- tive to the Right, they must increase their
groups, talk radio and television, and the alternative, criticizing mainstream media tive press, a revitalization of public televi- mass base and circulate their struggles
emerging sphere of what I call cyberspace for failing to assume their democratic and sion, an increased role for public access to more segments of the population. After
democracy requires public intellectuals to journalistic responsibilities and calling for television, the eventual development of a all, most people get their news and infor-
gain new technical skills and to master an expansion of voices and ideas within public satellite system, community and mation from radio, television, and now
new technologies. the media system. Such standard prac- low-power radio, democratized computer computer-based sources, so that the
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broadcast media and new technologies to send email to communicate with other replace political struggle in the real world U.S. government in the war were thor-
arguably play a decisive role in defining individuals, or can directly communicate and the danger exists that Internet oughly exposed by a variety of sources,
political realities, shaping public opinion, via modems which use the telephone to democracy will become a closed in space accessible to computer data base
and determining what is or what is not to link individuals with each other in interac- and world in itself in which individuals searches. Corporations, government
be taken seriously. If intellectuals want to tive networks. Modems can tap into com- delude themselves that they are active institutions, the major political parties,
play a role in local and national political munity bulletin boards, web sites, com- politically merely through exchanging and other groups are taking advantage of
life, they must come to terms with the puter conference sites, or chat rooms, messages or circulating information. Yet these computer data bases and progres-
realities of electronic communication and that make possible a new type of interac- computer data bases and web sites pro- sive must learn to access and use them
computer technologies in order to devel- tive public communication. Democracy vide essential sources of information and to produce the information necessary to
op strategies to make use of new tech- involves democratic participation and new technologies tremendously facilitate prevail in the public debates of the future.
nologies and possibilities for intervention. debate as well as voting. In the Big Media information-searching and research.
Age, most people were kept out of dem- Mainstream data bases include The politics of information in the future
ocratic discussion and were rendered by Lexis/Nexis and Dialogue which contain must struggle to see that alternative infor-
The Democratization of Computers broadcast technologies passive con- an enormous array of newspapers, mag- mation is accessible in mainstream com-
and Information sumers of infotainment. Access to media azines, journals, transcripts of TV pro- puter data bases, as well as alternative
was controlled by big corporations and a grams, news conferences, congressional ones.[5] Indeed, the proliferation of the
Given the growing importance of comput- limited range of voices and views were hearings, and newsletters, reproduced in World Wide Web enables independent
ers and information in the new techno- allowed to circulate (see Kellner 1992). full. Alternative data bases include and alternative groups and individuals to
capitalist society, producing alternative PeaceNet which has over 600 confer- create their own web sites, to make their
information networks and systems must In the Internet Age, everyone with access ences on topics of ecology, war and information available to people through
therefore be an essential ingredient of a to a computer, modem, and Internet serv- peace, feminism, and hundreds of other the globe, often free of charge. In the
progressive media and information poli- ice can participate in discussion and topics, as well as countless websites that next section, I will give some examples of
tics. The computerization of the world is debate, empowering large numbers of provide free information and literature how computer techno-politics have
well underway and possibilities are grow- individuals and groups kept out of the which individuals can access, read, and if deployed web sites, bulletin-boards, mail-
ing for new information networks and democratic dialogue during the Big they wish download and printout. In these ing lists, and email campaigns to promote
computer communication systems. To Media Age. Consequently, a technopoli- sites, progressives put in alternative a variety of political struggles. First, how-
avoid corporate and government monop- tics can unfold in the new public spheres information and some of the conferences ever, I want to conclude this section by
olization and control of information, new of cyberspace and provide a supplement, have lively debates. Between the main- noting that a synergy is emerging
public information networks and centers though not a replacement, for intervening stream and alternative computer data between the new sources of information,
are also necessary so that citizens of the in face-to-face public debate and discus- bases, individuals and groups can new media and technologies, and politi-
future can have access to the information sion. For instance, many computer bul- access an impressive amount of informa- cal organization and struggle.
needed to intelligently participate in a letin boards and web sites have a political tion in a relatively short time. Progressive print and broadcast media
democratic society. For computers, like debate conference where individuals can organs can obtain information from com-
broadcasting, can be used for or against type in their opinions and other individu- I was able to research my book on the puter sources and disseminate it to the
democracy. als can read them and if they wish media and the Gulf war, for instance, public. Oppositional political groups can
respond. Other sites have live real-time because I could access information on obtain information from these sources
Indeed, computers are a potentially dem- chat rooms where people can meet and various topics from a variety of sources and disseminate it back through print,
ocratic technology. While broadcast com- interact. These forms of cyberdemocracy simply by punching in code words which broadcast, and computer technologies.
munication tends to be one-way and uni- constitute a new form of public dialogue enabled me to discern the conflicting Information critical of, say, transnational
directional,[4] computer communication and interaction, and take place in new media versions of the Gulf war and to put corporate policies can be disseminated
is bi- or omni-directional. Where TV- public spheres, thus expanding our con- in question the version being promoted through a multiplicity of sites, so individu-
watching is often passive, computer ception of democracy. by the Bush administration and Pentagon als and political groups need to be aware
involvement can be interactive and par- (Kellner 1992). Eventually, many of the of the potential for the transmission of
ticipatory. Individuals can use computers Obviously, such involvement should not lies and disinformation promoted by the information through a variety of media in
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the contemporary era. ples of the use of new technologies by beginning of the next century, and cer- cyberdemocracy and the Internet should
oppositional social movements struggling tainly more important for work, social life, be seen as a site of conflict, as a contest-
Moreover, the Internet may be a vehicle for progressive social change. and education than the TV set. Moreover, ed terrain, and progressives should look
for new forms of alternative radio, televi- there are plans afoot to wire the entire to its possibilities for resistance and cir-
sion, film, art, and every form of culture Given the extent to which capital and its world with satellites that would make the culation of struggle. Dominant corporate
as well as information and print material. logic of commodification have colonized Internet and communication revolution and state powers, as well as conserva-
New multimedia technologies are already ever more areas of everyday life in recent accessible to people who do not now tive and rightist groups, have been mak-
visible on web sites and Internet radio years, it is somewhat astonishing that even have telephones, televisions, or ing serious use of new technologies to
and television is now in its infancy. This cyberspace is by and large decommodi- even electricity.[6] advance their agendas and if public intel-
would truly make possible Brecht's fied for large numbers of people -- at lectuals want to become players in the
dream of a communications system least in the overdeveloped countries like However widespread and common -- or cultural and political battles of the future,
where everyone was a sender and the United States. In the U.S., govern- not - computers and new technologies they must devise ways to use new tech-
receiver and would greatly proliferate the ment and educational institutions, and become, it is clear that they are of essen- nologies to advance a progressive agen-
range and diversity of voices and texts some businesses, provide free Internet tial importance already for labor, politics, da and the interests of the oppressed and
and would also no doubt give a new access and in some cases free comput- education, and social life, and that people forces of resistance and contestation.
dimension to the concept of ers, or at least workplace access. With who want to participate in the public and
information/cultural overload. Indeed, we flat-rate monthly phone bills (which I cultural life of the future will need to have There are by now copious examples of
must obviously gain a whole set of new know do not exist in much of the world), computer access and literacy. Moreover, how the Internet and cyberdemocracy
literacies to use and deploy the new tech- one can thus have access to a cornu- although there is the threat and real dan- have been used in oppositional political
nologies (see Kellner 1998). But in con- copia of information and entertainment ger that the computerization of society movements. A large number of insurgent
clusion, I want to limit my focus on new on the Internet for free, one of the few will increase the current inequalities and intellectuals are already making use of
technologies and techno-politics within decommodified spaces in the ultracom- inequities in relations of class, race, and these new technologies and public
the dynamics of political struggle in the modified world of technocapitalism. gender power, there is the possibility that spheres in their political projects. The
present day. a democratized and computerized public peasants and guerilla armies struggling
Obviously, much of the world does not sphere might provide opportunities to in Chiapas, Mexico from the beginning
TechnoPolitics and Political Struggle even have telephone service, much less overcome these injustices. I will accord- used computer data bases, guerrilla
computers, and there are vast discrepan- ingly address below some of the ways radio, and other forms of media to circu-
Since new technologies are dramatically cies in terms of who has access to com- that oppressed and disempowered late their struggles and ideas. Every
transforming every sphere of life, the key puters and who participates in the tech- groups are using the new technologies to manifesto, text, and bulletin produced by
challenge is how to theorize this great nological revolution and cyberdemocracy advance their interests and progressive the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
transformation and how to devise strate- today. Critics of new technologies and political agendas. But first I want to who occupied land in the southern
gies to make productive use of the new cyberspace repeat incessantly that it is address another frequent criticism of the Mexican state of Chiapas in 1994 was
technologies. Obviously, radical critique by and large young, white, middle or Internet and computer activism and tech- immediately circulated through the world
of dehumanizing, exploitative, and upper class males who are the dominant nopolitics. via computer networks.[7] In January
oppressive uses of new technologies in players in the cyberspaces of the pres- 1995, the Mexican government moved
the workplace, schooling, public sphere, ent, and while this is true, statistics and Critics of the Internet and cyberdemocra- against the movement and computer net-
and everyday life are more necessary surveys indicate that many more women, cy frequently point to the military origins works were used to inform and mobilize
than ever, but so are strategies that use people of color, seniors, and other minor- of the technology and its central role in individuals and groups throughout the
new technologies to rebuild our cities, ity categories are becoming increasingly the processes of dominant corporate and world to support the Zapatistas struggles
schools, economy, and society. I want to active. Moreover, it appears that comput- state power. Yet it is amazing that the against repressive Mexican government
focus, therefore, in the remainder of this ers are becoming part of the standard Internet for large numbers is decommod- action. There were many demonstrations
section on how new technologies can be household consumer package in the ified and is becoming more and more in support of the rebels throughout the
used for increasing democratization and overdeveloped world and will perhaps be decentralized, becoming open to more world, prominent journalists, human
empowering individuals with some exam- as common as television sets by the and more voices and groups. Thus, rights observers, and delegations trav-
[62] [63]
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elled to Chiapas in solidarity and to report while mobilizing a depth of opposition "claimed to be the most comprehensive have indeed intersected with real strug-
on the uprising, and the Mexican and entirely unexpected by capital, failed in source of information on a multinational gles encompassing campaigns to free
U.S. governments were bombarded with their immediate objectives. But the corporation ever assembled" and was political prisoners, boycotts of corporate
messages arguing for negotiations rather transcontinental dialogues which indeed one of the more successful anti- projects, and actual labor and even revo-
than repression; the Mexican govern- emerged checked -- though by no means corporate campaigns (February 22, lutionary struggles, as noted above.
ment accordingly backed off their repres- eliminated - the chauvinist element in 1996; see
sion of the insurgents and as of this writ- North American opposition to free trade. Hence, to capital's globalization from
ing in Summer 1998, they have contin- The movement created a powerful peda- Many labor organizations are also begin- above, cyberactivists have been attempt-
ued to negotiate with them, although gogical crucible for cross-sectoral and ning to make use of the new technologies. ing to carry out globalization from below,
there was an assassination of perceived cross-border organizing. And it opened Mike Cooley (1987) has written of how developing networks of solidarity and cir-
Zapatista forces by local death squads in pathways for future connections, includ- computer systems can reskill rather than culating struggle throughout the planet.
early 1998 -- which once again triggered ing electronic ones, which were later deskill workers, while Shoshana Zuboff To the capitalist international of transna-
significant Internet-generated pressures effectively mobilized by the Zapatista (1988) has discussed the ways in which tional corporate globalization, a Fifth
of the Mexican government to prosecute uprising and in continuing initiatives high-tech can be used to "informate" work- International of computer-mediated
the perpetrators. against maquilladora exploitation." places rather than automate them, activism is emerging, to use Waterman's
expanding workers knowledge and control phrase (1992), that is qualitatively differ-
Seeing the progressive potential of Thus, using new technologies to link over operations rather than reducing and ent from the party-based socialist and
advanced communication technologies, information and practice, to circulate eliminating it. The Clean Clothes communist Internationals. Such network-
Frantz Fanon (1967) described the cen- struggles, is neither extraneous to politi- Campaign, a movement started by Dutch ing links labor, feminist, ecological,
tral role of the radio in the Algerian cal battles nor merely utopian. Even if women in 1990 in support of Filipino gar- peace, and other progressive groups pro-
Revolution, and Lenin highlighted the material gains are not won, often the ment workers has supported strikes viding the basis for a new politics of
importance of film in promoting commu- information circulated or alliances formed throughout the world, exposing exploita- alliance and solidarity to overcome the
nist ideology after the revolution. In addi- can be of use. For example, two British tive working conditions (see their website limitations of postmodern identity politics
tion, audiotapes were used to promote activists were sued by the fastfood chain at In (on the latter, see Best and Kellner 1991,
the revolution in Iran and to promote McDonald's for distributing leaflets 1997, activists involved in Korean work- 1997, and forthcoming).
alternative information by political move- denouncing the corporation's low wages, ers strikes and Merseyside dock strike in
ments throughout the world (see advertising practices, involvement in England used websites to gain interna- Moreover, a series of struggles around
Downing 1984). The Tianenaman Square deforestization, harvesting of animals, tional solidarity (for the latter see gender, sex, and race are also mediated
democracy movement in China and vari- and promotion of junk food and an[8] by new communications technologies.
ous groups struggling against the rema- unhealthy diet. The activists counterat- After the 1991 Clarence Thomas
nents of Stalinism in the former commu- tacked, organized a McLibel campaign, On the whole, labor organizations, such Hearings in the United States on his fit-
nist bloc and Soviet Union used comput- assembled a McSpotlight website with a as the North South Dignity of Labor ness to be Supreme Court Justice,
er bulletin boards and networks, as well tremendous amount of information criti- group, note that computer networks are Thomas's assault on claims of sexual
as a variety of forms of communications, cizing the corporation, and assembled useful for coordinating and distributing harassment by Anita Hill and others, and
to circulate their struggles. Moreover, experts to testify and confirm their criti- information, but cannot replace print the failure of the almost all male US
opponents involved in anti-NAFTA strug- cisms. The five-year civil trial, which media that is more accessible to many of Senate to disqualify the obviously
gles made extensive use of the new com- ended ambiguously in July 1997, created its members, face-to-face meetings, and unqualified Thomas, prompted women to
munications technology (see Brenner unprecedented bad publicity for traditional forms of political struggle. use computer and other technologies to
1994 and Fredericks 1994). Such multi- McDonald's and was circulated through- Thus, the challenge is to articulate one's attack male privilege in the political sys-
national networking and circulation of out the world via Internet websites, mail- communications politics with actual polit- tem in the United States and to rally
information failed to stop NAFTA, but cre- ing lists, and discussion groups. The ical movements and struggles so that women to support women candidates.
ated alliances useful for the struggles of McLibel group claims that their website cyberstruggle is an arm of political battle The result in the 1992 election was the
the future. As Nick Witheford (forthcom- was accessed over twelve million times rather than its replacement or substitute. election of more women candidates than
ing) notes: "The anti-NAFTA coalitions, and the _Guardian_ reported that the site The most efficacious Internet struggles in any previous election and a general
[64] [65]
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rejection of conservative rule. Indeed, a variety of local activists have tated by the developments of global cap- critically engage these new technologies,
been using the Internet to criticize local italism which have resulted in wide- as well as to critically analyze the diverse
Many feminists have now established government, to oppose corporate poli- spread unemployment for traditional developments of the cyberculture. This
websites, mailing lists, and other forms of cies, and to organize people around spe- forms of industrial, agricultural, and requires dialectical thinking that discrimi-
cybercommunication to circulate their cific issues. These efforts range from unskilled labor. nates between costs and benefits,
struggles. Younger women, sometimes developing websites to oppose local poli- upsides and downsides, of new technolo-
deploying the concept of "riotgrrrls," have cies, such as an attempt to transform a gies and devising ways that new tech-
created electronically-mediated 'zines, military airport into a civilian one in El Concluding Remarks nologies can be used to promote positive
web sites, and discussion groups to pro- Toro, California to gadflies who expose values like education, democracy, and
mote their ideas and to discuss their corruption in local government, to citizen The Internet is thus a contested terrain, Enlightenment. Public intellectuals thus
problems and struggles. African- groups who use the Internet to inform, used by Left, Right, and Center to pro- face new challenges and the future of
American women, Latinas, and other recruit, and organize individuals to mote their own agendas and interests. democracy depends in part as to whether
groups of women as well have been become active in various political move- The political battles of the future may well new technologies will be used for domi-
developing web sites and discussion lists ments and struggles.[9] Thus, new com- be fought in the streets, factories, parlia- nation or democratization, and whether
to advance their interests. And AIDS munications technologies enable ordi- ments, and other sites of past struggle, intellectuals sit on the sidelines or partic-
activists are employing new technologies nary citizens and activists to themselves but all political struggle is already mediat- ipate in the development of new demo-
to disseminate and discuss medical infor- become intellectuals, to produce and dis- ed by media, computer, and information cratic public sphere.
mation and to activate their constituen- seminate information, and to participate technologies and will increasingly be so
cies for courses of political action and in debates and struggles, thus helping to in the future. Those interested in the pol-
struggle. realize Gramsci's dicta that anyone could itics and culture of the future should
be an intellectual. therefore be clear on the important role of
Likewise, African-American insurgent the new public spheres and intervene
intellectuals have made use of broadcast Obviously, rightwing and reactionary accordingly.
and computer technologies to promote groups can and have used the Internet to
their struggles. John Fiske (1994) has promote their political agendas as well. In Public intellectuals thus need to acquire
described some African-American radio a short time, one can easily access an new forms of technological literacy to
projects in the "technostruggles" of the exotic witch's brew of ultraright websites intervene in the new public spheres of the
present age and the central role of the maintained by the Ku Klux Klan, myriad media and information society. In addition
media in recent struggles around race neo-Nazi groups including Aryan Nations to traditional literacy skills centered upon
and gender. African-American "knowl- and various Patriot militia groups. reading, writing, and speaking, intellectu-
edge warriors" are using radio, computer Internet discussion lists also promote als need to learn to use the new tech-
networks, and other media to circulate these views and the ultraright is extreme- nologies to engage the public.[10] The
their ideas and "counter-knowledge" on a ly active on many computer forums, as new technologies thus expand the field
variety of issues, contesting the main- well as their radio programs and stations, and capacities of the intellectual as well
stream and offering alternative views and public access television programs, fax as the possibilities for public intervention.
politics. Likewise, activists in communi- campaigns, video and even rock music During the Age of the Big Media, critical-
ties of color -- like Oakland, Harlem, and productions. These groups are hardly oppositional intellectuals were by and
Los Angeles -- are setting up community harmless, having promoted terrorism of large marginalized, unable to gain
computer and media centers to teach the various sorts extending from church access to the major media of information
skills necessary to survive the onslaught burnings to the bombings of public build- and communication. With the decentral-
of the mediaization of culture and com- ings. Adopting quasi-Leninist discourse ization of the Internet, however, new pos-
puterization of society to people in their and tactics for ultraright causes, these sibilities for the public intellectual exist to
communities. extremist groups have been successful in reach broad publics. It is therefore the
recruiting working class members devas- responsibility of the public intellectual to
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Notes of lively electronic salons and interactive sites.

Moreover, in recent years, email lists, bulletin
1. It has not been generally noted that the prob- boards and web sites run by radical economic,
lematic of defining the nature and function of the sociological, and political groups download arti-
intellectual was a major theme of Sartre's philos- cles from mainstream and alternative media into
ophy, or that he reformulated his concept of the their computer networks, allowing people to
committed intellectual in the 1970s, during his access material, often free of charge.
last decade of political and intellectual activity.
For some examples of his discourse on intellec- 6. It was announced in April 1997 that Boeing
tuals, see Sartre 1962, 1970, 1974, and 1975, Aircraft joined Bill Gates in investing in a satellite
and the discussion in Kellner 1974/5 and 1995b. communications company, Teledesic, which
plans to send up 288 small low-orbit satellites to
2. On the variety of, often conflicting, postmod- cover most of the Americas and then the world
ern politics, see the survey in Best and Kellner in 2002 that could give up to 20 million people
1991, 1997, and forthcoming and Bertens 1995. satellite Internet access at a given moment. See
_USA Today_, April 30, 1997; in May 1998,
3. For some years now, I have been urging pro- Motorola joined the "Internet in the Sky" Project,
gressives to make use of new communications scrapping its own $12.9 billion plan to build a
broadcast media (Kellner 1979; 1985; 1990; satellite network capable of delivering high-
1992) and was involved in a public access tele- speed data communications anywhere on the
vision program in Austin, Texas from 1979 to the planet and instead joined the Teledesic project,
mid-1990s which produced over 600 programs pushing aside Boeing to become Teledesic's
and won the George Stoney Award for public prime contractor (_New York Times_, May 22,
affairs television. I now am arguing that the 1998). An "Internet-in-the-Sky" would make pos-
Internet and new computer technologies not sible access to new technologies for groups and
only provide a venue for an expansion of alter- regions that did not even have telephones, thus
native television and radio, but also provide a expanding the potential for democratic and pro-
new interactive public sphere of communication gressive uses of new technologies.
and political dialogue that itself redefines
democracy and the public sphere. 7. See Cleaver 1994, the documents collected
in Zapatistas 1994, and Castells 1997.
4. But does not need to be. Call-in and talk radio
and television, as well as electronic town meet- 8. For an overview of the use of electronic com-
ings, can involve two-way communication and munication technology by labor, see the studies
participatory democratic discussions. Theorists by Moody 1988; Waterman 1990 and 1992; and
like Baudrillard who argue against television and Brecher and Costello 1994. Labor projects using
the media on the grounds that they promote only the new technologies include the U.S. based
one-way, top-down communication essentialize Labornet, the European Geonet, the Canadian
the media and freeze the current forms of the LaborL, the South African WorkNet, the Asia
media into fixed configurations, covering over Labour Monitor Resource Centre, Mujer a Mujer,
the fact that media can be reconstructed, refunc- representing Latina women's groups, and the
tioned, and constantly changed. Third World Network, while PeaceNet in the
United States is devoted to a variety of progres-
5. Dialogue, Lexis/Nexis, and the other main- sive peace and justice issues.
stream computer data bases with which I am
familiar exclude such publications as _Mother 9. See "Invasion of the Gadflies in Cyberspace,"
Jones_, _The Utne Reader_, _The _Los Angeles Times_, May 18, 1998, and
Progressive_, _Z Magazine_, and other pro- Castells 1997, Chapters 2-4.
gressive periodicals -- though they are always
incorporating more sources. Alternative publica- 10. For the new forms of multiliteracy needed to
tions like _The Utne Reader_ and _Z use the new technologies for education, com- Zsolt Petrány on News at Romanian National Television.
Magazine_, however, have produced a variety munication, and politics, see Kellner 1998.
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effects and, more recently, into the field sexes, dreams, art and the uncon-
Strike Of Events of its present, into its effects measured scious — briefly, of all the constituents
in "real time". Events will not go any of the orgy of our times) under the sign
further than what their anticipated of a premonition with respect to an
sense, their programming, and their apocalyptic end to it all.
diffusion will allow. This strike of events
in itself constitutes a true historical As if in an advance escape we pre-
by Jean Baudrillard manifestation, this refusal to signify ferred a retrospective apocalypse and
whatever there may be, or even the the revisioning of everything — all our
capacity to signify whatever comes our societies have become revisionist,
way. This is the true end of history, the they sweetly rethink everything, they
end of the Reason or Logic of history. whitewash their political crimes, their
scandals, they lick their wounds, they
What has been lost is the glory of the Then again, it would be too nice if we nourish their end. Celebration and
event, its aura, as Benjamin would say. could be finished with history. For it is commemoration themselves are noth-
Over the centuries, history lived under possible that not only has history dis- ing but the soft forms of necrophagous
the sign of glory, under the sign of a appeared (no more negative labour, no cannibalism, the homeopathic form of
quite strong illusion that had played on more political reasoning, no more killing us softly. This is the work of the
the durability of time which one inherit- prestige of the event) but that we have heirs whose resentment of death is
ed from the ancestors and then passed now succeeded in nourishing its end. unending. The museums, the jubilees,
onto descendants. This passion today Things go on as if we were still con- the festivals, the complete works, the
would seem rather pathetic. What we structing history, and in the process of lesser unedited fragments — all these
are after is no longer glory but identity, amassing signs of the social, signs of testify to the fact that we are entering
no longer an illusion but, on the con- the political, signs of progress and upon a vital era of resentment and
trary, an accumulation of evidence — change, we are doing none other than repentance.
anything that can serve as a testimony feeding the end of history. Cannibalism
to a historical existence, whereas the and necrophagous, whichever you pre- Exuberant and commemorative atti-
task once was to lose oneself in a fer, always demand newer victims, tudes will no doubt become part of this
prodigious dimension, in an "immortali- newer events to finish them off just a lit- collective flagellation. We are particu-
ty" Hannah Arendt speaks about, and tle bit more. Socialism is a nice exam- larly spoiled in France, where actual
the transcendence of which would ple where, after the failure of historical rituals of mourning and condolences
equal God (glory and salvation have reason which it sought or pretended to weigh down on our public life. All our
long been the topic of discussion embody, the buck was passed into its monuments are mausoleums: the
among people, like passion and com- hands to make-do whatever it could Pyramid, the Arc, the Orsay Museum,
passion, rivals in the face of the with this gestation of the end of histo- the chamber of the pharaoh, the Grand
Eternal). ry, with this diet of the end. Bibliotheque — the cenotaph of culture.
And this is not to mention the
The prodigious or phenomenal event We have been asking ourselves ever Revolution, a monument in and of itself,
which cannot be measured either in since, 'what could possibly come after whose bicentennial created the great-
terms of its causes or its consequences the orgy — mourning or melancholy'? est factual simulation of the end of the
and which creates its own scene, its Plainly, neither this nor that, instead an century.
own dramaturgy — no longer exists. incessant face-lifting of all the
Little by little, history has shrunk back episodes of modern history, of its There are two types of forgetting: either
into the probability of its causes, of its processes of liberation (of peoples, through slow or violent eradication of
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memory or via the advancement of bloody heads of our modern ministers them and who were the living exam- ized, the more it secretly negates its
spectacle, the passing of historical of culture at the tip of their pikes? ples of their denunciation: Celine, will to govern or rule and this premoni-
space into the space of advertising, the Artaud, Bataille, Nietzsche. Taking the tion about itself is the source of all cor-
site where the media have acquired But the fact is that we no longer make form of an instinctual fault or failure ruption), and also in the numerous
and, themselves have become, a tem- history, we have been reconciled with which Nietzsche had already diag- strategies aimed at the re-enchantment
poral strategy of prestige. This is the it and protect it as if it were a master- nosed a hundred years ago, this suici- of values, cultures, difference[s]. We
way in which we have constructed our- piece in danger. Times have changed. dal attitude provides the characteris- expend all its energy in the resistance
selves in countlessly reinforced adver- Today we have a "vision" of a tics of a species that is eventually to our own end, in which we have nei-
tising images, in a memory of synthe- Revolution perfectly pious in the way it doomed due to its inability to judge ther jouissance nor vertigo. It would
sis that serves as our primitive point of alludes to human Rights — not even a what is good for it. If the left were a probably be better to have a gigantic
reference, as our founding myth and, nostalgic vision, instead, one that is species and if culture obeyed the laws eve of August 4th, a big night of human
above all, distances us from the real recycled in postmodern intellectual of natural selection, it should have dis- rights where all humankind would sur-
event of the Revolution. comfort(ing) terms. A vision that allows appeared a long time ago. Instead, the render itself just like the aristocrats for-
the elimination of Saint-Just from The left flirts with that which negates it, merly renounced their rights — a relin-
"The Revolution is not on the agenda in Dictionary of the Revolution dying of the total contradiction between quishing act in excess. What could
France today because the great [Dictionnaire de la Revolution]. its critical faculty and its presence in possibly befall us in this pull towards a
Revolution had already taken place "Overrated rhetoric" says Francois power as it made culture into a mode harkening back to our culture?
and has served as an example for all Furet, the perfect historian of the of government. All this already com-
others over the last two centuries. In all repentance of Terror and glory. prises the forms of repentance. It seems that we are summoned to con-
our dealings in France today, we pro- duct an infinite retrospective of all that
ceed as if there were no revolution" There are those who let the dead bury Only terrorists have yet to repent. The has gone before. What is true of politics
(Louis Mermaz). It happened, it's over the dead, and then there are those intellectuals have paved the way for and morals, also seems to apply to art
and will therefore never again take who will never grow weary digging them — the Sartrians and others, since as well. All movement in painting has
place. Our complete system rests on them up in order to fix them. the fifties, have supplied us with the withdrawn from the future and is now
this negative anticipation. Not only are Unsuccessful both at the level of sym- avant-garde of repentance. Today, the displaced towards the past. Art today
we unable to produce new history any- bolic murder and mourning, death can- whole century repents, the repentance is engaged in reappropriating works of
more, we can no longer even ensure not be the end of the line as they have of class (or of race) everywhere rises either recent or of the more distant
its symbolic reproduction. We fashion to unearth the dead in order to impale above the pride and conscience of past, even contemporary works. This is
our opera in the style of the Bastille — them — this is the Carpentras complex class. This is the sign under which the what Russell Connor calls the kidnap-
a pathetic attempt at reinstatement (after Timisoara [Roumania]: the rigged century has been intellectualized, an ping or rapture of modern art. Similar
where royal music is played to the peo- televising of dead bodies), the com- intellectualization today as if it had to loose threads that come undone
ple. On the other hand, no other music plex of profanation. already embourgeois-d [s'est embour- from threadbare weft [woof], this is a
would be played at a scene that the geoise] a century. Furthermore, the kind of irony that could only result from
cultivated visit and where, through art Nothing is more favourable for this term "intellectual" will disappear one the disillusionment of things, a fos-
and other forms of pleasure, the princi- operation than the one hundredth day just like "bourgeois" did, and no silized irony. The twinkling of any eye
ple is reinforced that it is the lot of the anniversary of their death — Rimbaud, longer is any ridicule in store for it, save that places the nude of Manet's
privileged to voluntarily consecrate van Gogh, Nietzsche, the year 91 for the person who actually uses the Dejeuner sur l'herbe [Dining on the
places that others had paid for with would have been exceptionally quali- term. grass] in front of Cezanne's Joueurs
their lives. fied for cheap profanatory works. aux cartes [Cardplayers], much like the
This self-dissolving, typical of the West head-dressing of a monkey in an admi-
Could one suggest that people storm There is a kind of suicidal attitude in as it is of the East, can be seen in the ral's hat, is none other than the irony of
the opera and dismantle it on the sym- this compulsive effort on the part of the degradation of the structures of power advertising that swamps the world of
bolic date of July 14? Could one insin- cultural and intellectual elite to exalt and representation (in other words, the art today. This is the irony of repen-
uate that they march around with the thinkers who had only contempt for more the political sphere is intellectual- tance and of resentment vis-a-vis one's
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own culture. Repentance and resent- ideas that continue to pollute our men- the attributes required for the recycling
ment, no doubt, comprise the final tal space. These historical and intellec- of paper.
state of the history of art since they tual waste products give rise to more
encompass, according to Nietzsche, serious concern than industrial waste. In reality, there is no insolvable prob-
the ultimate state in the genealogy of Who will do us the favour of cleaning lem for waste. The problem is resolved
morals. This is a parody, or rather a out all the sedimentation of secular via the postmodern invention of recy-
palinode [recantation] of art and the idiocy? According to history, this live cling and the incinerator. From the
history of art (an episode that reflects waste, this languishing monster keeps ashes of the Great Incinerators of his-
on a very brief history) — a parody of dilating even after its death, like the tory, one resurrects the Phoenix of
culture performed on itself in a bodies of Iliescu [Romanian president postmodernity! One has to take into
vengeance typical of radical disillusion- after Ceausescu] — and how can one account that all that was non-degrad-
ment. It's as if history constructed its escape from that? able, non-extinguishable is recycled
own bins and began seeking its today. And why? Because there is no
redemption foraging among the debris. The environmental imperative states final solution. We cannot escape the
that all waste must be recycled other- worst, to comprehend that History will
Alas! The end of history is also the end wise it will just circulate indefinitely like not have an end because all of its com-
of the bins of history. Or perhaps the satellites revolving around the Earth as ponents — the Church, communism,
creation of even more bins to bury old they themselves turn into cosmic democracy, ethnic groups, conflicts,
ideologies, old regimes, old values. waste. History in a way prefigures this ideologies — continue on an indefinite
Where are we going to toss Marxism dilemma: either burst open the course of recycling. What is truly
which actually invented the bins of his- undegradable waste of great empires, incredible is that as much as we had
tory? (By the way, there seems to be a of great narratives, of great systems thought to have gone beyond history,
justice here since those who had given to decay under their gigantic pro- none of it has really been surpassed,
invented the bins were the ones who portions or simply recycle all waste in none of it has disappeared — they are
fell into them.) Conclusion: if there are a synthetic form of sundry history, sim- all there ready to resurface, all the
no more bins of history, it is because ilarly to what we are producing today archaic, anachronic forms quite intact
History itself has become a bin. It has under the sign of Democracy and and atemporal like the virus in the fur-
become its own bin, similar to the plan- Human Rights which always amounted thest recesses of the body. In an
et which is currently in the process of to a full-scale muddled reprocessing of attempt to rescue itself from cyclic
becoming one big bin. all the residues of history — residues of time, all that history has managed to
brutal grinding over which ethnic, lin- accomplish was to relapse into the
Once ice freezes, all excrement moves guistic, federal and ideological phan- order of recyclables.
to the surface. Once the dialectic toms of bygone societies still hover.
freezes, all the sacred excrement of the Amnesia, anamnesis, anachronic
dialectic is made visible. When the revival of all kinds of characters of the
future thaws out, and even the present past — royalty, feudality — have these
by now, one can observe the resurfac- ever really disappeared? Even democ-
ing of all the excrement of the past. racy, this proliferating form, this small-
est common denominator of all our lib-
The problem is that of diminution. This eral societies, this planetary democra- Originally published in French as part
does not only apply to physical sub- cy of Human Rights is to freedom what of Jean Baudrillard, L'Illusion de la fin:
stances, including atomic particles, but Disneyland is to the imaginary [fancy]. ou La greve des evenements, Galilee:
also to defunct ideologies, completed What it offers with regard to the mod- Paris, 1992. Translated by Charles
utopias, dead concepts, fossilized ern need for freedom is very similar to Dudas, York University, Canada.
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Deconstructing the Chaos: Art as Reservoir

of Chaos, Iteration and Originality

by Suzana Milevska

One of the most relevant assumptions

of chaos theory is that the universal
elements of chaotic systems are gener-
ated from iterative functions. In certain
functions, the individual differences
within the equations become over-
whelmed as iteration proceeds but
when the analysed systems become
chaotic, they become so in a pre-
dictable and regulated way. Therefore,
CHAOS: THE AGE OF CONFUSION chaos theory is most of all about
revealing the invisible order in appar-
ently random data. (1)

Because iterative formulae and algo-

rithms are deterministic, the most
important issue at stake here is related
to the origin of the complexity of chaos.
In other words, because it is not very
obvious where from chaos appears as
such the question here is how is it pos-
sible that iteration produces chaos at
all, instead of indefinitely reproducing
its own functions?

The answer to this question is at the

same time the most important point
where chaos theory and art meet.
Namely, the unpredictability in both
chaos and art could have appeared
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only from the precarious differences Deconstruction and chaos By the end of his famous text Signature duced with the printing of the last page
already contained in the initial condi- Event Context, Jacques Derrida chal- of his text and that was to be delivered
tions. This phenomenon, also known as There have been many dazzling philo- lenges Austin’s definition of signature as an uttered lecture. The question
“sensitive dependence on initial condi- sophical interpretations of the connec- as written utterance. The main aim of whether the author can forge his/her
tions,” can help us understand the tions between dynamical systems, their Derrida is to question the signature’s own work emphasise the paradoxical
importance of small differences in the mathematical models, and the fractal relation with the present and the structure of the original.
initial conditions and how can they properties of those models. Chaos source. The signature implies at the
drastically change the long-term alter- Theory is often referred to as a “post- same time the empirical nonpresence
ation of a system. Chaos theory may modern science” or theory. (3) of the signer and his having-been there Originality, iteration, and reproduc-
also provide models for interpreting However, Jacques Derrida’s poststruc- in the past, which will remain a future. tion
creativity and personality of the artist. turalist take on deconstruction and his “The absolute singularity of an event of
Certain authors examine the connec- early concepts of “trace,” “origin,” “iter- the signature and of the signature must In her book on modernist myths,
tion between art and nonlinear dynam- ation” and “iterability” is most closely be retained: the pure reproducibility of Rosalind Krauss especially focuses on
ics, as well as some of its aspects as related to non-linear systems that are a pure event.” (6) the issue of the relation between the
iteration, entropy, autocatalysis, sub- analysed and explained by chaos theo- copy and the original based on the
systems, bifurcations, randomness, ry. (4), According to Derrida, similarly to The question “does the absolute singu- myth of originality. (7) Her example is
unpredictability, irreversibility, increas- the initial conditions in chaos theory, larity of an event of the signature ever the casting of Rodin’s The Gates of Hell
ing levels of organisation, strange trace is indefinable because it falls out- occur” is redundant since the effects of in 1978 for the mega exhibition on
attractors, period doubling, intermitten- side of the discourse. signature are “the most ordinary thing Roden’s work sixty years after his
cy and self-similar fractal organisation. in the world.” The condition of possibil- death. Casting of the bronze copy from
(2) Derrida’s conception of iteration states ity for these effects is simultaneously, the plaster mold is a perfect example to
that any element of a discursive system once again, the condition of their open up the discussion on the impact
Paradoxically, throughout certain acquires different meaning each time it impossibility, of the impossibility of their that the existence of a copy (or copies)
processes iteration produces chaos by appears in different context and he rigorous purity. Namely according to has on the original and how the ques-
bringing into view and rapidly magnify- uses this as an important argument in Derrida in order to function – to be leg- tion of authenticity gets complicated.
ing the initial little differences and his questioning of J. L. Austin’s perfor- ible, a signature must have a repeat-
uncertainties. The internal tension mative theory and his distinction able, iterable, imitable form; it must be The facts that even the first bronze cast
between the tendency towards iteration between constative and performative able to detach itself from the present of The Gates of Hell was made in 1921
and towards deviation from it prevents statements. (5) Different contexts con- and singular intention of its production. (three years after the death of Rodin),
the eternal return of the same, com- taminate and permeate the origin This is exactly the main question that that the whole composition was unfin-
plete recurrence and repetition. regardless of initial conditions and relates the phenomenon of signature to ished at the time of the death of the
Simultaneously, our inability to identify chronological sequence of events. the issue of authenticity, authorship artist and the existence of all too many
and specify the initial conditions with Even the singularity of the signature, so etc. If the structure of signature is in copies add to the problem with estab-
definite accuracy makes the perfect relevant for art and authorship, accord- itself repeatable in order to be able to lishing where authenticity starts and
iteration conceptually impossible. This ing to Derrida’s understanding of itera- fulfil its function can’t we possibly where it can end, Krauss goes even
fundamental impossibility that always tion, is questionable exactly because of extend this on the phenomenon of the further stating that the casts them-
already determines iteration as incom- the uncontrollability of the initial condi- work of art as well? And if this is the selves were already copies and that
plete and aporetic is especially impor- tions and context of repetition. The par- case, what is the relevance of the “The Gates of Hell” are examples of
tant for art and art production. It defines adox that the uniqueness of signature notion of authorship for the distinction multiple copies that substitute the
its originality even when the art works is based on the very condition of repe- between original and copy / fake? absence of an original.
looks déjà vu or moreover, the same as tition recalls the chaos theory relation
some of its antecedents. between the initial condition and chaot- When Derrida signs his text, he claims If the notion of the avant-garde can be
ic deviations as self-determinable and that at the same time, he counterfeits seen as a function of the discourse of
mutually inter-related. his own signature that was to be repro- originality, the actual practice of van-
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guard art tends to reveal that “originali- That is where the artist’s singularity is tem" may be mitigated by "strange
ty” is only a working assumption that emphasised and is still important, attractors," which exist in dynamical
itself emerges from a ground of repeti- despite all announcements of the systems and are related to scaling
tion and recurrence. “death of the author.” effects. This allows to recurring events
to produce unpredictable pockets of
The question of copy is tightly related It is necessary to underline that this order or meaning and thus the new Notes:
to the technical possibilities for repro- text should not be read as a call for occurred meanings may conflate order
duction. It is also worth to mention that building a new pedestal for the author and disorder, giving "a challenging twist 1. James Gleick. Chaos. The Making of a
not only that photography and digital and for yet another reiteration of the to the question of measuring a sys- New Science. New York: Viking Penguin,
printing as media made a new entry to myth of originality of the work of art. On tem's entropy." (11) Strange attractors
2. Tobi Zausner. “The Creative Chaos:
the chapter of copy but also the art the contrary, it is an attempt to present create unpredictability and create infor- Speculation on the connection between non-
phenomena such as ready-made and the originality as an initial condition mation where it does not exist, similar- linear dynamics and the creative process.” in
appropriation and appropriationists contained in each artist and art work ly as artists and writers proliferate Nonlinear Dynamics in Human Behavior:
affected our understanding of what instead of something that is privilege of meanings with ambiguity and ambiva- Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life
makes an original. I will not repeat the few chosen genius “authors”: an initial lence intentionally left in their works. Science. Vol. 5. W. Sulis & A. Combs (Eds.).
arguments of the famous article of condition that prevents art to be cliché (12) Singapore: World Scientific, 1996, 10 March
2006 <
Walter Benjamin since it has been dis- and repetitive even when it uses repeti->.
cussed many times before in different tion, reproduction and other iterative Many theorists linking art and science 3. J. Linn Mackey. “Is Chaos Theory
contexts and classes. However, I want methods. In that very sense the fear (e.g. K. Hayles, I Prigogine and I. Postmodern Science?” 2 March 2006
to emphasise the fact that besides the from the threat to the “aura” of work of Stengers) noted that entropy is envi- <
relevance of most of his arguments the art defined in the famous Walter sioned "as an engine driving the world ey.htm>.
often neglected fact that fakes still exist Benjamin’s essay today sounds naïve toward increasing complexity rather 4. Jacques Derrida. Of Grammatology. Trans.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. London: The
makes the notion of copy and fake still and unnecessary. (8) than toward death" so that chaotic sys-
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976, 44-
fundamental to the conception of the tems are characterised by “increasing 65.
original although what makes them dif- Some of the criticism addressed to levels of organisation” that creates a 5. Jacques Derrida. “Signature Event
ferent from each other is exactly the often overrated diversity of chaos theo- higher organisation than that of the Context” in Margins of Philosophy. Trans. By
impossibility to control and repeat the ry applications is that chaos theory has parts by themselves. (11) Thus, the Alan Bass. London, New York, Toronto,
initial conditions. little to do with human embodiment and new scientific images of invisible natu- Sidney, Tokyo, Singapore: Prentice Hall,
contextual historical situation. (9) Such ral processes and patterns and can 1982, pp. 309-330
6. Derrida, Margins 329-330.
Apparently, in the era of electronic criticism does not take into account the “objectify” knowledge that influences 7. N. Rosalind Krauss. The Originality of
reproduction, the ultimate iterability has concept of entropy related to the our interpretation of visible form. At the Avant-garde and Other Modernist Myths.
been made easily accessible, at least Second Law of Thermodynamics that is same time by “situating” this knowledge Cambridge, Massachusetts, London,
technically, but there is more to it. Even often embedded in art as acknowledg- it influences the interpretation of new England: The MIT Press, 1985,
though the technical and electronic ing the "universal tendency toward dis- fragmented subjectivity, often implied 151-172.
reproduction has made possible the sipation" and successful attempts to by the artistic takes on chaos theory. 8. Walter Benjamin. “Work of Art in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction.” in Illuminations.
complete repetition of the same pattern overcome it. (10) Closed systems and
London: Fontana Press, 1992.
(in contrast to the natural processes of entropy as a model for the behavior of 7. Sobchack, Vivian "A Theory of Everything:
iteration) through copy or use of ready- closed systems, may suggest that art Meditations on Total Chaos", Artforum,
made, the conceptual nature of art even though often deals with phenome- November, 1990.
makes the iteration questionable. non of entropy it has developed a self- 8.Katherine Hayles. Chaos Bound, Ithaca:
Although in many cases in arts iteration organised systems of rule that can sub- Cornell University Press, 1990, 13.
looks and is complete, it cannot be late the Second Law and entropy. 9.Gleick Chaos, 258.
10.Gleick Chaos, 258.
defined as perfect exactly because of 11.Zausner. The Creative Chaos.
the differences in the initial conditions. For chaos theorists, "any isolated sys-
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Poster support downtown Bucharest.

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nication protocols of power negotiation. Death Inc.

Chaos TM Some of dominant paradigms of this,
networked society are the paradigms of In context of relation of chaos with
and Aesthetics of Active Passivity inclusion and exclusion. power spread, it is necessary to use
paradigms of inclusion - exclusion,
One of most visible results of this para- where we find them as operational
digms rule is of course, widely known, modes which allows chaos, not only to
by Sefik ˇ
Seki Tatlic´ concept of state of emergency, which is be created, but suspended. In this pur-
, by suspension of constitution, neces- pose, we might mention three, maybe
sary for formal-legalistic justification of most exposed destructive lines that
surveillance, repression in first world of illustrate creation of chaos, it's suspen-
capital and generally objectivization of sion and objectivisation with the wel-
consequences of capital spread to coming help of info-communicational
mentioned new territories. technologies and cultural codes.

On a level of self-legitimization of the As first, subtle colonization and aimed

Globalized society, born out of spread
State-that-is-working-with multination- reconstruction of areas which are
of contingent borders of capital to new
al-corporations, as a tool of extension already, or will be hit by natural catas-
geographic territories is not the result
of state of exception, exclusion is part trophe or armed conflict.
of continuation of conductement of pol-
of binary paradigm holy man - dead
itics lead over certain geo-political lines
man (Homo Sacer) which, as explained According to Naomi Klein It is not wide-
of division but the result of disappear-
by Giorgio Agamben, illustrate how ly known fact that current US presi-
ance of same division lines, birth of
State, as executive bureau of global dent's administration created an Office
new logic of power reproduction. New
capital, realizes it self by practicing the of Coordinators for Reconstruction and
territory for power spread is not any
monopoly over bare life or it's termina- Stabilization, which aim is to "Develop
more physical territory at all, but exact-
tion (in third world) or suspension (in wide plans for periods after conflicts
ly the fields of science, communication
first world). which also include twenty five coun-
technologies, cyberspace, art and cul-
tries, which are currently not experienc-
ture and human body, overall, hybrid
Logic of flexible power, by spreading ing any kind of conflict" (Klein: 2005,
territory of conductement of relativisa-
over whole social field, being at the As her article further
tion of effect of capital to social in its
same time local and global, simultane- instigates by quoting Tsunami catastro-
primal sense.
ous, allows that mechanism of crisis phe witness, where witness claims that
creation simultaneously gets uncov- "It seems that more and more parts of
This situation, although clear, known
ered as a mechanism of "solution" of Earth are becoming sites of active
and pretty simple to comprehend, and
crisis. It is exactly this bipolar mecha- reconstruction, by which, reconstruc-
yet passionately undermined by impo-
nism that is "creative" potential which, tion of countries are parallely led by
sition of concepts like civilization clash,
by logic of flexible power, results in well known players, profit consultancy
"axis of evil" and similar, not only that
nothing else by mere reproduction of firms, building consortiums, big non-
inaugurates completely decentralized
the same power. This claim brings us government organizations, govern-
shape of global rule, but reproduces
closer to a notion of chaos, which, as ments, UN's offices and international
concepts of power embodiment which
suggested by it's own definition, financial institutions. " (Klein, 2005;
are no longer tied only to manifesta-
opposed to law and order and at the And, as an appendix,
tions of State in forms of Constitution,
same time creative but also destruc- as Klien notices, USA's secretary of
law and order and centralized repres-
tive. Simultaneous. state Condoleezza Rice in January
sive apparatus, but it is tied to commu-
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2005., only after Tsunami, stated that it technological surveillance of population not see neither one image of a dead Us style of Public Relation services (where
was "a great opportunity" that "paid off of the first world. soldier in Iraq is parallel enough why among specialized PR services goes
pretty well." (Klein, 2005; wider audience did not see people the whole mainstream media machin- As Hardt and Negri emphasize, "When closed up in pier 57. ery of CNN, Fox and similar where we
state of exception becomes the rule can remember representative case
This kind of disgusting statements and when war becomes permanent As a contribution to a thesis of mobi- from 1997 of Fox bowing to biotechnol-
should not be seen only as controver- state with no end in sight, then, tradi- lization of science, we have two main ogy company Monsanto's pressure to
sial, but simply as a part of methodolo- tional distinction between politics and aspects. Militaristic projects, like one of suppress an investigative report
gy of functioning of whole industry of war gets blurred…… Where, through those created by Pentagon agency regarding growth hormone Posilac and
humanity which, on one side, with it's it's extended definition, war it self DARPA (Defense Advanced Research it's cancerous effect to humans…).
oversized propagation of "help" (seen becomes permanent social relation." Projects Agency, whose project
even in form of cancerous food from (Hardt/Negri, 2005: 12) Arpanet, eventually resulted in internet This apparatus of conflict coverage,
humanitarian help, as it has been a as we know it today…), and a project image transmission in real time, fast
case in Bosnian war) to lower classes This permanent social relation is relat- under name "Battle Zones that See" as processing and adjustment of raw
of endangered areas, in fact masks ed to deterritorialized effect of war, system of mass surveillance of move- image from the field, momentous desig-
investment of first world establishments meaning, to it's reflection over whole ment in urban environment of first world nation of breaking news, embedded
into devices for production of high class social field of globalized society, which, cities, that implies that sector of opera- journalism, covering anti-globalist
of endangered area. And, on the other among other practices, results in men- tions in not exclusively reserved for demonstrations from police side of the
side, simultaneously allowing to help tioned surveillance of first world popu- third world countries. wall, is in fact an apparatus of steriliza-
providers sterile distance from some lation. tion of garbage left over by first and
"savages" far away, which, at the end From other, far more sophisticated second echelon of self confirmation of
received some help. We had an opportunity to see many side, we see science mobilized into power of global capital.
examples of these "treatments" of law, economic and culture sectors that
Industry of humanity, of course, does potentially renegade social flux like rely to right to access to information i.e. This third echelon not only that in real
not serve to help any one, but serves known examples of demonstrators in suspension of this right, over initiatives time objectivizes methods of direct
as a empathic buffer zone which should anti-globalist demonstrations or in case that vary from all right reserved copy exclusion of social practices which are
increase the significance of help when New York police, during rights, software patent initiative in found on a way of capital spread, but it,
among population which is sending Republican convention 2004. In European Union to future patents on over it's biopoliticaly conditioned, "post
help, and on the other side will serve Madison Square Garden, put more parts of human genome it self i.e. tech- production" practice illustrated in
the global telepresence of degree of then three thousand demonstrators into nology over which function of certain numerous police/detective/spy/crime
involvement of mentioned international wired space in abondoned, asbestos part of DNA code will be discovered. scene investigation/forensic TV shows,
institutions of humanity industry in sup- infected building on pier 57 on New This does mean that in the future we objectivezes its self. The same way the
port to local institutions of power which York docks, held them for three days will not only be forced to buy licenses boom of number of secret service style
are supposed to without question with no explanation of arrest what so for software operation systems but also TV shows is a compensation for real
accept all the exploitation demands ever. Don't to mention the case of find our selves in situation where cor- incompetence or lack of will to prevent
which will come after physical conse- Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib concen- porations will sell us licenses to use 9/11, the same way the "humane" faces
quences are "recovered". tration camps which would require ourselves!!! This highly dangerous of actors are compensation for more
much more space here… Numerous menace to human kind as species of and more repressive laws for and
As second, suspension of a cases of police repression are not only course does not exist in public sphere, extreme raise in police and same
Constitution (as seen in an example of the result of delegation of enormous mostly because of next line of action. secret service authorities.
infamous American Patriot Act - which powers to repressive apparatus, but
practically suspends Bill of Rights) and are systematic practice of suspension This, third general line is a component Objectivisation of exclusion (in brutal
the mobilization of science in purpose of right to ANY protest, how ever naive of machine of media negotiation of sense of separation, repression and
of creation and justification of growing it could be. Of course, the fact we did meaning, adjustment and processing in destruction) is in fact, as Baudrillard
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said, objectivisation of a fact that "The CNN we had an opportunity to hear a need acceptance, secured through out where surveillance in biopolitical con-
West, in role of the God, divine capabil- comment that "plain" French support the mechanism of voting and mass text becomes "bioveillance" where pop-
ity and moral legitimacy has in fact the protests, but condemn the "van- media, but even more they need frag- ulation itself becomes a conductor of
became suicidal and declared war to dals" who use mass gatherings to pres- mented "protest" which, by pointing out global capital objectivisation.
itself". ent their own agenda and use to open- short circuits in the system will in fact
ly attack the institutions of power. calibrate, reconfirm flexible power of Metaverse
But, it is another Baudrillard's sentence "Vandals" as elements excluded from capital itself and not some
important for this texts progression, "democratic" meaning of demonstra- DeVillepine's government, US adminis- When Marina Grzinic suggests, "That
when he says that "The horror of dying tions, are found on the opposite side to tration or any other capital-parliamen- reality should not be read over fiction,
in Twin Towers is inseparable of the masses of students (as in most recent tary groupation because they will, if but fiction over reality ", then in context
horror of living in them”. (Baudrillard, case of protest against corporate laws) needed, suspend the law itself, simulta- of glorified influence of technology to
2003: 10) a mass which is worried only for their neously demanding of "vandals" to potential of "freedom" gaining we see a
own private positioning with free mar- obey the same law. clear parallelogram in which flexible
Or, as jean Luc Nancy claims "The ket system of labor exploitation. power (from physical world) is being
claim that world is being destroyed is "Vandals" which in fact generate the Key question is of course, WHO has transformed over communication tech-
not a hypothesis: it is in a certain way a effect of demonstrations, designated as the monopoly to produce chaos i.e. to nologies to create an illusion of involve-
factual state by with every thought of "distributive" element of otherwise profit on it's resolvement? ment in participation in "democratic"
the world is being fed. To a level, how- "peaceful, civilized" are in fact an process. This illusion of participation
ever, where we don't know any more obstacle to partial solution of a prob- By referring to above mentioned claim heavily conducted through cyberspace
what it means to destroy, and we don't lems, a demand set up by "cilivilized" by Hardt/Negri when they claim war is simply a mirror of happening i.e. lack
know what world is being destroyed" protestors where "civilized" do not real- has become permanent social relation, of happenings in physical world. Or, as
(Nancy, 2004: 20) ize that nature of a mechanism of then, in context of chaos contextualiza- Gr_ini_ further elaborates the role of
"resolvement" that by default creates tion, war has become one of manifesta- museum in context of contemporary
So, what do we get? We get chaos as million other, much worse problems. tions of institutionalization of chaos i.e. art, she suggests another kind of ques-
institutionalized potential, as a threat Meaning, they do not realize they "con- monopoly to reduce it and successively tion "Instead of asking do art needs
which will justify not only wars, front" a mechanism that functions in a a permanent social relation. museums, maybe we should ask do
exploitation, repression and similar, but way that it is turning every partial critic museums need art?" (Grzinic, 2005:
production of life itself, population as in general sense as it's own reconfir- But indirectly, which is far more danger- 110)
mere conductor of power. mation. ous, chaos (as current situation in Iraq
When we agree that any relevant posi- and horror of West passivity towards it) Fact that art has become a commodity,
tioning today, especially in culture, HAS Suspension of destructiveness of "van- as permanent social relation is in fact a result of work of complex codification
to be against the Empire, we come dals" in this, or last year's case of riots radical illustration on manifested flexi- machinery consisted of corporate
across the second part of etymological in poor suburbs and whether "resolve- ble power of global capital to establish branding and culture hijacked by capi-
meaning of chaos, where it's creativity ment" came by fulfilling the demands or monopoly over the definition of a threat tal is already known, but the dynamics
uncovers not only as a toll for objectivi- by repressive means, shows that very (terrorism) and successively monopo- of production of concepts like "creativi-
sation of effects of capital but as a tool partial demand in start becomes cre- lizes a model of relativisation of chaos ty", "cultural production" and so on is
which function is to suspend the very ative only to a system which by it's own created by capital it self. That does not important because we don't only wit-
potential for positioning against the actions created the crisis in a first place only imply technical and very real sur- ness to strategy of (non)positioning of
Empire… and destructive only to a demand which veillance of population with help of "creative cultural scenes" (for instance
would radicalize the position which information and communication tech- in South East Europe) into elite of rul-
Definition Monopoly confronts exploitation in general. nologies, mobilization of science into ing class but we witness to subtle strat-
corporate needs or depolitization of egy of imposition of interactive passivi-
In case of recent protests in France, To make it more clear, democratic culture, but primarily a monopoly over ty as name for that position which by
from corporate propagandist media like regimes of an Empire not only that meaning of communication codes reducing political in culture contributes
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to overall fragmentation of social. And, These claims make imagined function- ative and gives birth to values: resenti- the world, which is likely not to change
by that to further reproduction of flexi- ing of Metaverse not tied only to tech- ment of beings to whom a right to prop- after biometric passports system gets
ble biopolitical power of hyper capital nological improvement of info-comm. erly react, by acting, has been denied, installed, this flagrant announcement of
where everything we get as a result of technologies and/or internet but tied to this beings then find compensation only privacy breach (that will be paid by citi-
that process is the aesthetisation of a communicational protocol or coding in imaginary revenge... This turning of zens of course, because tax money
inclusion and exclusion, on's and off's protocols that form potential of a cer- a gaze which determines values - this goes in support of huge administrative
of chaos deterritorialized by new infor- tain social reality to be evacuated into need to look outside instead of inside to apparatus and imbecil spectacles) is
mation technologies. cyberspace. it self - belongs exactly to resentiment: reflected by wide public as "moderniza-
to be created slave morality always tion" (that should speed up integration
Therefore, in context of projection of Stephenson in his novels sees these need one other, outside world: it needs, of the country into Euro - Atlantic insti-
future design of "network of networks", protocols as software which is used to speaking in physiological terms, exter- tutions)". It is exactly the flexibility of
there is an example of concept of control the masses, but when we know nal stimulation to generally act - it's population that accepts these kind of
Metaverse, term coined by Neal that masses are not simply passive and action is basically reaction ". explications for future exploitations of
Stephenson in his cyber-punk novel not controlled by some excluded entity, (Nietzsche, 1990: 32) private space and data a reflection of
Snow Crash (1992). Metaverse is virtu- an interesting parallel to Nietzsche's Stephenson's dystopian Metaverse and both lack of capability to read fiction
al reality, meta network or a degree of claim that we are not talking about today's cyberspace are these external over reality as well as confirmation of
development of internet located in and occurs, where we see it is not a case worlds, components that institutionalize inclusion of technologically underdevel-
around the dystopian vision of USA in about "Something passive not-be-able- ressentiment, reaction produced by oped society into communication codes
near future. Metaverse, populated by to-release as one engraved impression active process of chaos creation and imposed by capital. As a result, transi-
members of middle and high class, is on non-digestibility of a certain, once propagation of it's suspension. tional societies will, when and if they
accessible to lower classes by public given word… but it is a case of one wake up from ethnic based conflicts,
terminals but in this case social stigma active not-wanting-to-release, constant Counter argument might be that great illusions of having an independent state
is created because of the low resolu- wanting for something sometimes majority of world population does not and technologies that will ease up their
tion of rendered avatar, virtual repre- craved, real remembrance of will; so, even have an access to running water, pathetic consumer lives, will find it self
sentation of a user from physical world. between primordial "I want", "I will do it" don’t to mention internet access and so into situation where reality will be
and actual releasing of a will, it's act, it it cannot be included into hi-tech sur- excluded in such a measure that lower
In order to, as Stephenson writes, posi- is now allowed to a world of new and veillance network. But, communication- classes will literally be forced to live in
tion "well" in social structure of strange things, occasions, to appear al code under which surveillance the underground or as a cannon fodder
Metaverse it is needed to have an while not interrupting that long chain of (whether for military or corporation in third world battlefields, fighting for
access over privately owned terminal in will" (Nietzsche, 1990: 54). needs - it's hard to distinguish anyway) those who created the chaos in the first
a world where powers of centralized gets reflected as something "positive" place.
rule (governmental one) is reduced to Parallel between passive population is an illustration of role of communica-
minimum while mega powerful corpora- stand seen as not-be-able-to-release tion itself as generator of aesthetisation While, whole time living in an illusion of
tions fragmented geo-political horizon. and active not-wanting-to-be-released of chaos in depoliticized culture. contribution to communication within
Although a parallel to types of these in this case is very important when we dominant socio - cultural paradigm
kind of network already exists in cases witness to evacuation of reality into For instance, in Bosnia Herzegovina, in emptied from any reference or mean-
of virtual worlds like, cyberspace, Stephenson's Metaverse, which only 6-8 % of population has an ing.
Second Life or in case of Active Worlds in which nothing is happening actually internet access, media recently
project in which you might enter for free (museums with no art?) , but, to which announced that biometric passports As Jodi Dean analyze " Fantasy of
but you have to pay to be a citizen, bet- lower classes actively want to be and ID cards, technology that contains prosperity hides the way facts and
ter parallel between virtual reality and included… Why? an amount of administrative and bio opinions, images and reactions circu-
objectivisation of reality is nothing else data of a bearer, will start to be issued. late in mass stream of content by losing
but life it self. "Rebellion of slaves in morality starts Aside the fact that Bosnian citizens all it's specificums and appearing from
when ressentiment itself becomes cre- need visa for almost every country in surface and from inside the data
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stream in a way where every message

becomes nothing else but a contribu-
tion to eternal streaming of content"
(Dean: 2005, 14-15)

This codification of message into con-

tribution is what Dean regards as basic
characteristic of communication capi-
talism. However, I might add, it is not
only conversion of message to contri-
bution basic characteristic of net-
worked rule of hyper capital , but it is a
conversion of life itself to contribution
an issue which makes the stream of
content running.

Chaos, aesthetised in culture and art

field and fragmented to extreme limits
in totality of social interaction and
simultaneously institutionalized by References:
excluding unwanted resistance and/or
included as Nietzsche's slave morality 1. Klein, Naomi, The Rise of Disaster
Capitalism (The Nation,
into reproduction of power, can not be, 2005.)
freely released in it's creative sense to
produce destruction of slave morality, 2. Hardt, Michael/ Negri, Antonio "Multitude,
but chaos it self is mobilized in purpose War and Democracy in the Age of Empire"
of constant re-affirmation of slavery in (UK, Hamish and Hamilton - Penguin Group,
machine of hyper capital. 2005)

3. Baudrillard, Jean, Power Inferno (Zagreb,

Meandar, 2003)

4. Nancy, Jean - Luc, Stvaranje svijeta ili

mondijalizacija (Zagreb, Jesenski i turk,

5. Grzinic, Marina, Estetika kibersvijeta i ucin-

ci derealizacije (Zagreb, Multimedijalni insti-
tut mi2, Sarajevo Centar za kulturu i komu-
nikaciju Kosnica, 2005)

6. Nietzsche, Friedrich, Genealogija morala

(Beograd, Grafos, 1990)

7. Dean, Jodi "Komunikacijski kapitalizam i

tehnofetisizam" (Zagreb, 04 - megazin za
hakiranje stvarnosti, 2005) Ride with a car downtown Bucharest.
[92] [93]
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conceptualisation by the large public and spectator or even as collector. Art’s sin-
The Chaos of the World of Art may make the assessment of what it is gularity had become part of the everyday
generally called the mass culture. Toward life, while the today society is a “society
this one, the theoretical positions are of the spectacle”6.
most of the time radical. We can have a
systematic critique as that formulated by Little by little it becomes obvious that we
by Tincuta
, Pârv Theodor Adorno2 and the Frankfurt are dealing here with a difficult task that
School, or we can find a more recent and of fixing once more the notion of art.
adjusted position as that advocated by
Richard Shusterman3. Generally it is accepted that there are two
modalities to state definitions. One is the
And what makes this situation even more essentialist approach, which tries to iden-
confusing are not only the divergent posi- tify a set of properties that each and
tions adopted by one or another of the every object x has and that only belongs
analysts, but also the growing number of to the objects x. The second way is that
In the eyes of the large public the art con- art contemporary manifestations that of the so called real definitions, which
temporary world is one of difficult appre- leave perplex any non-interested observ- tries to specify a group of conditions
hension. The distance that has been er. In the same time, critics point out that which are necessary and in the same
established between the public (in its the multiplicity of the art manifestations time sufficient in order to recognize
large sense) and the “Art” is not a new does not mean also diversification, and something as art. In fact there are two dif-
one. Due to this uncomprehension many that the globalization of the economic ferent questions, which have to be con-
observers tend perceive the art world as market impose its rules equally in the sidered: what is art? and what is of art?
a chaotic one. Even more, its disorders field of art.
are used as arguments to describe a Throughout the history various positions
general state of the present society. In front of such an uneasy situation some have been taken on these two kinds of
analysts felt faint and declare that the art definition. May be one of the most known
Once with the modern age the idea of art had lost its consistency and start to example is the so called Aristotle
has been deeply revised. A core of gen- vaporize4 while realizing that the critique «answer» to Plato. In its «Poetics»
eral assumptions started since to make of art had lost its instruments5. Somehow, Aristotle7 tries to find out the criteria that
their ways and to articulate what we the metaphor of chaos seems to illustrate could characterize the necessary condi-
could call a doxa1. Concepts like that of this general perception. Confronted with tions to ensure the success of a tragedy
temporal continuity of the innovative this general view, one may feel the urge according to his conception of the the-
aspects, or that of art progressiveness to question: what's going on? atre. One of his central arguments is that
and art advanced positions (the avant- the unity of the tragedy is done by the
garde), or even that of artists' break with By trying to delimitate some elements curve of the events (the “mythos”), a
the established institutions, or the idea of inside this disorder, we are struck by the curve that must built itself in the perspec-
internal value of art works are some of recurrence of three concepts: the art tive of an end that provoke fear and pity,
the elements that compose this doxa. object, its reception and the delimitation the necessary feelings in order to com-
The discrepancy between these assump- of a system that could encompass both of plete the «catharsis». In this sense, the
tions and what it is really happening in them. If the status of the art object had curve of the events must be clearly pre-
the contemporary art world are certainly completely changed with Marcel sented and it must be considered a cer-
annoying a part of the art’s audience. Duchamps' «Fountain», the same had tain degree of probability (or plausibility).
happened with the status of artist. We The poet does not only have to possess
One could go even forward with the art's can find artists as producer, artists as psychological knowledge, but he also
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has to understand the human nature. The also identified in the aesthetic experi- art. The world of art is then the totality of works and the nature of our interaction to
catharsis relates to the city's release of ence. all art systems. An art system is the art.
bad feelings by draining off the senti- frame of presentation of an art work cre-
ments that could poison the citizens. One example of a functionalistic ated by an artist and designed to a public Concerned also with the relation between
Aristotle does not only propose a defini- approach is the definition done by of this art system. the works of the past and those of the
tion of « poesies » which is not essential, Monroe Beardsley: «An art work is either present, Noel Carroll16 claims that what
but he also defends a different valorisa- an arrangement of conditions intended to The deficiency of this definition is its cir- relates the already stated works with the
tion of the arts in the city. be capable of affording an aesthetic cularity. In the same time this theory had ones that candidate to this status is a nar-
experience valuable for its marked aes- difficulties to justify the existence of artis- ration which could unify both of them.
On contrary, we can find such an essen- thetic character, or (incidentally) an tic practices which have no ambition to This narrative must be clearly presented,
tial definition in Plato's writings. Plato arrangement belonging to a class or type integrate an institutionalized art system. must explain the later events as generat-
approaches the arts (the «techné») from of arrangement that is typically intended Thus, we don't know very well if the ed out of earlier ones, and must give an
the perspective of its dialectic and con- to have this capacity.».10 accent of this definition is on the art work intelligible assessment of the art histori-
ceptualizes their essence in ideal forms8. and artists abilities, or on some social cal context. We here are dealing with a
In the way an object finds its function and In other terms the function of art consists practices of art, practices which don't new lecture of the Aristotle concept of
its ideal form, it is a good representation in the capacity of an object to produce an have to be similar to some other cultural myth, but this time reverse and applied to
(«mimesis») of an ideal, or, on the con- aesthetical experience in the audience. activities. the art world. In this perspective, the con-
trary, by failing to find its function and its In a similar direction, Nelson cept even of world of art proves itself,
ideal form, the object is just a poor Goodman's11 definition points out the Apart of the two approaches presented once more after Greenberg17,
resemblance. But to realize a good repre- cognitive experiences. Still we can notice ahead, there is a third type of art appro- autonomous in relation to other elements
sentation, the poets must consider philo- that the functionalistic approaches of art priation: there are the so called historical of life. Probably it is just pure hazard that
sophical concerns. Without it, artists’ lead toward the empiricist aesthetical reflexive definitions. Their general formu- this definition is formulated by a film and
works will be just objects that try to aspects: the art object and its perception. la declares that something is of art if and post-modernism theoretician.
please and to flatter their beneficiary by only if it is in relation with a certain prece-
spreading ignorance and doxa. And it is The second approach highlights a certain dent cultural context. A good example of As the above attempts to define art tried
for this reason that the position of the procedure or formula that has to be such a definition is the one put forward by to point out, the wholeness of the object’s
artists is sometimes marginal in the ideal accomplished in order to have art. In this Arthur Danto14. A work becomes an art production and reception, as well its
city's hierarchy. category one may include George work only if a place had been reserved social and cultural anchors are to be con-
Dickies' institutional theory. In a first for it in the world of art. This place is val- sidered. The difficulty to theorized a sys-
In current analytical philosophy it is gen- essay to define art (1974), Dickie ana- idated by an art history, history which at tematic issue is sometimes interpreted as
erally accepted that the relational cate- lyzed the art work as artefact, but also as its turn is validated by a public or by the an impossibility. And this impossibility of
gories are essential elements for an art a set of aspects that help to fix a status to artist itself. In other words, the difference constructing a relevant approach con-
definition. In his text on the “Definitions of this artefact. These aspects are concep- between a simple object and an art object ducts ones to renounce to find solutions.
Art”9, Stephen Davies delimitates tualized on behalf of a certain social insti- is made on the basis of its validation by
between three different approaches on tution (the artworld)12. Later, Dickie an artworld, validation that supposed the At her turn, looking to fix the art notion,
the notion of art comprehension. revised his theory and underlined the possibility of making a value judgement Anne Cauquelin18 speaks of the regime of
social character of the art13. He delimi- by means of the art theory. Besides, one art. A regime is the frame that governs
The first one puts the emphasis on art's tates between the artist, which is the per- of Danto’s merits is to have succeeded to the way of functioning of the art system
functions. From this functionalist per- son who realize an art work, and the pub- make the link between artistic practices, (or art world, if it is to use Dickie’s term).
spective, art serves to achieve an aim lic, which is an entity constituted by a which in the context of the theory’s publi- It is related to the general regime of the
and according to the way in which this group of persons prepared for the recep- cation were in break, with the empiricist society and to its conditions of existence.
aim is achieved, we deal with an art work. tion of the work. The artwork is an arte- approaches of the time15. A major prob- In this way, the regime of art it is not cut
Of course, this aim it is not only a matter fact of a certain type especially created to lem of this theory lies the confusion that it down from the other aspects of the life,
of the artist’s intention, but it could be be presented to a public of the world of induces between the nature of the art but, on the contrary, it is an articulated
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part. If the modern regime was under the Notes in the classificatory sense is (1) an artifact (2) a
auspicious of the consume industrial pro- set of the aspects of which has had conferred
duction, the contemporary one is under Anne Cauquelin – « Les théories de l’art », upon it the status of a candidate for apprecia-
PUF, Paris, 1998. p. 123 « Or, en qualifiant la tion by some person or persons acting on
that of the communication one. If the doxa de rumeur théorique, sur ce terrain de behalf of a certain social institution (the art-
object had lost of its importance, it is l’art, nous avons voulu montrer qu’il n’en est world). »
because what matters today is who and rien, que la doxa est ce gendre de discours alo- 13
George Dickie, « The New Institutional Theory
how communicates. gos, non pas absurde, mais à côté et en dehors of Art » in « Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology », 2
de la logique, de l’érudition et de la connais- edition, edited by G. Dickie, R. Sclafani, and R.
Referring to the chaos of the world of art, sance précise, que ce discours est porté par un Roblin, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1989, p.
amalgame de théories et porte lui-même des 204: « A work of art is an artifact of a kind cre-
one have to notice that the notion of
éléments théoriques nombreux tout à fait ated to be presented to an artworld public. »
chaotic states related to an originally bal- repérables sous leurs déguisements et qui con- 14
Arthur Danto - « The Artworld », Journal of
anced state. It is further assumed that tribuent à former autour de l’art ce nuage de Philosophy, no. 61, 1964, p.19.
some disturbing elements may exist sens qui nous maintient en suspension… ». 15
It is about the pop art and the conceptual art.
2 16
which have appeared from inside or out- Theodor Adorno – « Théorie esthétique », Noel Carroll – « Art, Practice and Narrative »,
side of the system. Chaos arises when Klincksieck, Paris, 1995. “American Journal of Art Criticism and
the components of a system do not coor- Richard Shusterman – « L’Art à l’état vif. La Aesthetics”, 1988, p. 140-56.
pensée pragmatiste et l’esthétique populaire », Clement Greenberg – « Art et Culture. Essais
dinate but fight one another. If it is about Minuit, Paris, 1992. critiques », Macula, Paris 1961.
using Anne Cauquelin’s term of regime, 4
Yves Michaux – « L'art à l'état gazeuse. Essai 18
Anne Cauquelin – « Petit traité d’art contem-
what one faces in such chaotic situations sur le triomphe de l’esthétique », Stock, Paris, porain », Seuil, Paris, 1997.
is a changing of the regime. 2003.
See Paul Virilio’s and Jean Baudrillard’s writ-
But chaos is not only a state of facts, but ings.
See the Situationist manifest and Guy
could also be a way of perception. In the
Debord’s writings.
chaos’ panic, the constitutive elements 7
Aristotle – “La poétique”, Seuil, Paris, 1980.
are not discernable. The content dissi- 8
See Plato – “Republic”, “Laws”, “Ion” and
pates and what becomes evident is the “Phaedrus”, in “The Dialogues of Plato”, 4 edi-
fight itself. tion, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1953.
Stephen Davies – « Definitions of Art », in “The
In the Greek mythology the chaos of the Routledge Companion to Aesthetics”, 2 edition,
edited par Berys Gant and Dominic McIver
beginning is the stage when the world Lopes, Routledge, London, New York, 2005. p.
starts to organize. Probably, the present 227-237.
state is about such a reorganization and 10
Monroe C. Beardsley - "Redefining Art," in «
rearticulating of a regime. And what this The Aesthetic Point of View »; edited by M. J.
new regime will bring, is subject of the Wreen et D. M. Callen, Ithaca: Cornell
present quarrellers and actions. University Press, 1982, p. 299: «..I can hasten
to add at the moment is that it is to be under-
stood from the start that the arrangements I
speak of often are created with more than one
intention, but what makes them art, on this def-
inition, is that the aesthetic intention described
above is present and operative. »
Nelson Goodman – « Langages de l’art »,
Chambon, Nîmes, 1990.
George Dickie, « Art and the Aesthetic: An
Institutional Analysis », Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1974, p. 34. : « A work of art
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complete persons with a range of emotion- resent an unnecessary impediment in his

Sex Workers' Manifesto al and material needs, living within a con- way to 'total' pleasure?
crete and specific social, political and ideo-
logical context which determine the quality In most case this male client himself may
of our lives and our health, and not see us be a poor, displaced man. Is he in a posi-
merely in terms of our sexual behaviour. tion to value his own life or protect his
by Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, Kolkata health?
To give an example, while promoting the
use of condoms, we soon realised that in Then again why does not a sex worker who
order to change the sexual behaviour of is ready to use condom with her client,
sex workers it was not enough to enlighten would never have protected sex with her
them about the risks of unprotected sex or lover or husband? What fine balance
to improve their communication and negoti- between commercial transaction and love,
ation skills. How will a sex worker who does caution and trust, safety and intimacy
not value herself at all think of taking steps engender such behaviour? How do ideolo-
A new spectre seems to be haunting the to protect her health and her life? Even gies of love, family, motherhood influence
society. Or maybe those phantom crea- when fully aware of the necessity of using our every sexual gesture?
tures who have been pushed into the condoms to prevent disease transmission,
shades for ages are taking on human form may not an individual sex worker feel com- Thus, thinking about such an apparently
- and that is why there is so much fear. The pelled to jeopardise her health in fear of uncomplicated question - whether a sex
sex workers' movement for last few years losing her clients to other sex workers in worker can insist on having safe sex, made
have made us confront many fundamental the area unless it was ensured that all sex us realise that the issue is not at all simple.
questions about social structures, life, sex- workers were able to persuade their clients Sexuality and the lives and the movement
uality, moral rights and wrongs. We think an to use condoms for every sexual act? of sex workers are intrinsically enmeshed in
intrinsic component of our movement is to Some sex workers may not even be in a the social structure we live within and dom-
go on searching for the answers to these position to try negotiate safer sex with a inant ideology which shapes our values.
questions and raise newer ones. client as they may be too closely controlled
by exploitative madams or pimps. If a sex Like many other occupations, sex work is
What is the sex workers' movement all worker is starving, either because she does also an occupation, and it is probably one
about? not have enough custom or because most of the'oldest' profession' in the world
of her income goes towards maintaining a because it meets an important social
We came together as a collective commu- room or meeting the demands of madams, demand. But theterm 'prostitute' is rarely
nity through our active involvement as local power-brokers or the police, can she used to refer to an occupational group who
health workers, the Peer Educators, in a be really in a position to refuse a client who earn their livelihood through providing sex-
HIV/STD Control Project which has been can not be persuaded to use condoms? ual services, rather it is deployed as a
running in Sonagachhi since 1992. The descriptive term denoting a homogenised
Project provided the initial space for build- And what about the client? Is a man likely category, usually of women, who poses
ing mutual support, facilitating reflection to be amenable to learn anything from a threats to public health, sexual morality,
and initiating collective action among us, woman, particularly an uneducated 'fallen' social stability and civic order. Within this
sex workers. Very early in the life of the woman? For him does not coming to a discursive boundary we systematically find
Sonagachhi Project, we, with the empathet- prostitute necessarily involve an inherent ourselves to be targets of moralising
ic support of those who had started the element of taking risk and behaving irre- impulses of dominant social groups,
Project, clearly recognised that even to sponsibly? In which case are not notions of through missions of cleansing and sanitis-
realise the very basic Project objectives of responsibility and safety completely contra- ing, both materially and symbolically. If and
controlling transmission of HIV and STD it dict his attitude towards his relationship when we figure in political or developmen-
was crucial to view us in our totality - as with a prostitute? Does not a condom rep- tal agenda, we are enmeshed in discursive
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practices and practical projects which aim or even desirable? over women's reproduction. Since property beyond procreation, it is only for men. Even
to rescue, rehabilitate, improve, discipline, lines are maintained through legitimate if there are minor variations from communi-
control or police us. Charity organisations In a country where unemployment is in heirs, and sexual intercourse between men ty to community and if in the name of
are prone to rescue us and put us in 'safe' such gigantic proportions, where does the and women alone carry the potential for modernity certain mores have changed in
homes, developmental organisations are compulsion of displacing millions of women procreation, capitalist patriarchy sanctions some place, it is largely men who have had
likely to 'rehabilitate' us through meagre and men who are already engaged in an only such couplings. Sex is seen primarily, enjoyed the right to be polygamous or seek
income generation activities, and the police income earning occupation which supports and almost exclusively, as an instrument for multiple sexual partners. Women have
seem bent upon to regularly raid our quar- themselves and their extended families, reproduction, negating all aspects of pleas- always been expected to be faithful to a
ters in the name of controlling 'immoral' traf- come from? If other workers in similarly ure and desire intrinsic to it. Privileging het- single man. Beyond scriptural prohibitions
ficking. Even when we are inscribed less exploitative occupations can work within erosexuality, homosexuality is not only too, social practices severely restricts the
negatively or even sympathetically within the structures of their profession to improve denied legitimacy, it is considered to be expression of female sexuality. As soon as
dominant discourses we are not exempt their working conditions, why can not sex undesirable, unnatural, and deviant. Thus a girl reaches her puberty her behaviour is
from stigmatisation or social exclusion. As workers remain in the sex industry and sex and sexuality are given no social sanc- strictly controlled and monitored so as not
powerless, abused victims with no demand a better deal in their life and work? tion beyond their reproductive purpose. to provoke the lust of men. In the name of
resources, we are seen as objects of pity. 'decency' and 'tradition' a woman teacher is
Otherwise we appear as self-sacrificing What is the history of sexual morality? Do we then not value motherhood? Just prohibited from wearing the clothes of her
and nurturing supporting cast of characters because our profession or our social situa- choice to the University. While selecting a
in popular literature and cinema, cease- Like other human propensities and desires, tion does not allow for legitimate parent- bride for the son, the men of the family
lessly ready to give up our hard earned sexuality and sexual need are fundamental hood, are we trying to claim motherhood scrutinise the physical attributes of a poten-
income, our clients, our 'sinful' ways and and necessary to the human condition. and bearing children is unworthy and unim- tial bride. Pornographic representations of
finally our lives to ensure the well-being of Ethical and political ideas about sexuality portant for women? That is not the case. women satisfy the voyeuristic pleasures of
the hero or the society he represents. In and sexual practices are socially condi- We feel that every woman has the right to millions of men. From shaving cream to
either case we are refused enfranchise- tioned and historically and contexually spe- bear children with if she so wishes. But we bathroom fittings are sold through attracting
ment as legitimate citizens or workers, and cific. In the society as we know it now, ide- also think that through trying to establish men by advertisements depicting women
are banished to the margins of society and ologies about sexuality are deeply motherhood as the only and primary goal as sex objects.
history. entrenched within structures of patriarchy for a woman the patriarchal structures try to
and largely misogynist mores. The state control women's reproductive functions and In this political economy of sexuality there
The kind of oppression that can be meted and social structures only acknowledges a curb their social and sexual autonomy. is no space for expression of women's own
out to a sex worker can never be perpetrat- limited and narrow aspect of our sexuality. Many of us sex workers are mothers - our sexuality and desires. Women have to
ed against a regular worker. The justifica- Pleasure, happiness, comfort and intimacy children are very precious to us. By social cover up their bodies from men and at the
tion given is that sex work is not real work - find expression through sexuality. On one standards these children are illegitimate - same time bare themselves for male gratifi-
it is morally sinful. As prostitution is kept hand we weave narratives around these in bastards. But at least they are ours and not cation. Even when women are granted
hidden behind the facade of sexual morali- our literature and art. But on the other hand mere instruments for maintaining some some amount of subjecthood by being rep-
ty and social order, unlike other professions our societal norms and regulations allow for man's property or continuing his genealogy. resented as consumers in commercial
there is no legitimacy or scope for any dis- sexual expression only between men and However, we too are not exempt from the media, that role is defined by their ability to
cussion about the demands and needs of women within the strict boundaries of mari- ideologies of the society we live in. For buy and normed by capitalist and patriar-
the workers of the sex industry. tal relations within the institution of the fam- many of us the impossible desire for family, chal strictures.
ily. home and togetherness is a permanent
People who are interested in our welfare, source of pain. Is our movement anti-men?
and many are genuinely concerned, often Why have we circumscribed sexuality with-
can not think beyond rehabilitating us or in such a narrow confine, ignoring its many Do men and women have equal claims Our movement is definitely against patri-
abolishing prostitution altogether. However, other expressions, experiences and mani- to sexuality? archy, but not against all individual men. As
we know that in reality it is perhaps impos- festations? it so happens, apart from the madams and
sible to 'rehabilitate' a sex worker because Societal norms about sex and sexuality do landladies almost all people who profit from
the society never allows to erase our iden- Ownership of private property and mainte- not apply similarly to men and women. If the sex trade are men. But what is more
tity as prostitutes. Is rehabilitation feasible nance of patriarchy necessitates a control sexual needs are at all acknowledged important is that their attitudes towards
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women and prostitution are biased with Next to any factory, truckers check points, Like other social institutions the family too domesticity. At the other end of the spec-
strong patriarchal values. They generally market there has always been red light is situated within the material and ideologi- trum is the 'fallen' woman - a sex machine,
think of women as weak, dependent, areas. The same system of productive rela- cal structures of the state and society. The unfettered by any domestic inclination or
immoral or irrational - who need to be tions and logic of profit maximisation, which basis of a normative ideal family is inheri- 'feminine' emotion. A woman's goodness is
directed and disciplined. Conditioned by drivesmen from their homes in villages to tance through legitimate heirs and there- judged on the basis of her desire and abili-
patriarchal gender ideologies, both men towns and cities, make women into sex fore sexual fidelity. Historically, the struc- ty to control and disguise her sexuality. The
and women in general approve of the con- workers for these men. tures of families in reality have gone neighbourhood girl who dresses up can not
trol of sex trade and oppression of sex through many changes. In our country, by be good, models and actresses are moral-
workers as necessary for maintaining What is deplorable is that this patriarchal and large joint families are being replaced ly corrupt. In all cases female sexuality is
social order. The power of this moral dis- ideology is so deeply entrenched, and the by nuclear ones as a norm. In fact, in all controlled and shaped by patriarchy to
course is so strong that we prostitutes too interest of men as a group is so solidly vest- societies people actually live their lives in reproduce the existing political economy of
tend to think of ourselves as morally corrupt ed in it, that women's question hardly ever many different ways, through various social sexuality and safeguard the interest of
and shameless. The men who come to us find a place in mainstream political or social and cultural relations - which deviate from men. A man has access to his docile home-
as clients are victims of the same ideology l movements. The male workers who this norm, but are still not recognised as the maker wife, the mother of his children and
too. Sometimes the sense of sin adds to organise themselves against exploitation ideal by the dominant discourses. the prostitute who sustain his wildest sexu-
their thrill, sometimes it leads to perversion rarely address the issues of gender oppres- al fantasies. Women's sexual needs are not
and almost always it creates a feeling of sion, let alone the oppression of sex work- If two persons love each other, want to be only considered to be important enough, in
self loathing among them. Never does it ers. Against the interest of women these together, want to raise children together, most cases its autonomy is denied or even
allow for confident, honest sexual inter- radical men too defend the ideology of the relateto the social world it can be a happy, its existence is erased.
change. family and patriarchy. egalitarian, democratic arrangement. But
does it really happen like that within fami- Probably no one other than a prostitute
It is important to remember that there is no Are we against the institution of family? lies we see, between couple we know? Do really realises the extent of loneliness,
uniform category as 'men'. Men, like not we know 0f many, many families where alienation, desire and yearning for intimacy
women are differentiated by their class, In the perception of society we sex workers there is no love, but relations are based on that brings men to us. The sexual need we
caste, race and other social relations. For and in fact all women outside the relation of inequality and oppression. Do not many meet for these men is not just about
many men adherence to the dominant sex- conjugality are seen as threats to the insti- legal wives virtually live the life of sex mechanical sexual act, not an momentary
ual norm is not only impracticable but also tution of family. It is said that enticed by us, slaves in exchange for food and shelter? In gratification of 'base' instincts. Beyond the
unreal. The young men who look for sexual men stray from the straight and narrow, most cases women do not have the power sex act, we provide a much wider range of
initiation, the married men who seek the destroy the family. All institutions from reli- or the resources to opt out of such mar- sexual pleasure which is to with intimacy,
company of 'other' women, the migrant gion to formal education reiterate and per- riages and families. Sometimes men and touch and companiability - a service which
labourers separated from their wives who petuate this fear about us. Women and women both remain trapped in empty rela- we render without any social recognition of
try to find warmth and companionship in the men too, are the victims of this all pervasive tions by social pressure. Is this situation its significance. At least men can come to
red light area can not all be dismissed as misogyny. desirable? Is it healthy? us for their sexual needs - however prurient
wicked and perverted. To do that will or shameful the system of prostitution may
amount to dismissing a whole history of We would like to stress strongly that the sex The whore and the Madonna - divide and be seen as. Women hardly have such
human search for desire, intimacy and workers movement is not against the insti- rule recourse. The autonomy of women's sexu-
need. Such dismissal creates an unfulfilled tution of family. What we challenge is the ality is completely denied. The only option
demand for sexual pleasure, the burden of inequity and oppression within the domi- Within the oppressive family ideology it is they have is to be prostitutes in the sex
which though shared by men and women nant notions of an 'ideal' family which sup- women's sexuality that is identified as the industry.
alike, ultimately weighs more heavily on port and justify unequal distribution of main threat to conjugal relationship of a
women. Sexuality - which can be a basis of power and resources within the structures couple. Women are pitted against each Why do women come to prostitution?
an equal, healthy relationship between men of the family. What our movement aims at is other as wife against the prostitute, against
and women, between people, becomes the working towards a really humanitarian, just the chaste and the immoral - both repre- Women take up prostitution for the same
source of further inequality and stringent and equitable structure of the family which sented as fighting over the attention and reason as they may take up any other liveli-
control. This is what we oppose. is perhaps yet to exist. lust of men. A chaste wife is granted no hood option available to them. Our stories
sexuality, only a de-sexed motherhood and are not fundamentally different from the
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labourer from Bihar who pulls a rickshaw in pleasurable and safe sex. Somehow 'free will be met equitably and with pleasure and Male prostitutes are with us too
Calcutta, or the worker from Calcutta who sex' seems to imply irresponsibility and lack happiness. We do not know. All we can do
works part time in a factory in Bombay. of concern for other's well-being, which is now is to explore the current inequalities The Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee
Some of us get sold into the industry. After not what we are working towards. Freedom and injustices, question their basis and was originally formed by women sex work-
being bonded to the madam who has of speech, expression or politics all come confront, challenge and change them. ers of Sonagachhi and neighbouring red
bough us for some years we gain a degree with obligations and need to acknowledge light areas, and initially for women prosti-
of independence within the sex industry. A and accommodate other's freedom too. Which way is our movement going? tutes. However, within two years of our
whole of us end up in the sex trade after Freedom of sexuality should also come coming into existence male sex workers
going through many experiences in life, - with responsibility and respect for other's The process of struggle that we, the mem- have come and joined as at their own initia-
often unwillingly, without understanding all needs and desires. We do want the free- bers of Mahila Samanwaya Committee are tive. These male sex workers provide sex-
the implications of being a prostitute fully. dom to explore and shape a healthy and currently engaged in has only just begun. ual services to homosexual men primarily.
mature attitude and practice about sex and We think our movement has two principal As our society is strongly homophobic, and
But when do most of us women have sexuality - free from obscenity and vulgari- aspects. The first one is to debate, define in fact, penetrative sexual act even
access to choice within or outside the fam- ty. We do not yet know what this and re-define the whole host of issues between consenting adult men can still be
ily? Do we become casual domestic labour- autonomous sexuality will be like in practice about gender, poverty, sexuality that are legally penalised, the material and ideolog-
er willingly? Do we have a choice about - we do not have the complete picture as being thrown up within the process of the ical status of male sex workers is even
who we want to marry and when? The yet. We are working people not soothsay- struggle itself . Our experience of Mahila more precarious. We therefore had wel-
choice' is rarely real for most women, par- ers or prophets. When for the first time in Samanwaya Committee shows that for a comed them in our midst as comrades in
ticularly poor women. history when workers agitated for class marginalised group to achieve the smallest arms and strongly believe that their partici-
equity and freedom from capitalist exploita- of gains, it becomes imperative to chal- pation will make the sex workers' move-
Why do we end up staying in prostitution? tion, when the blacks protested against lenge an all encompassing material and ment truly representative and robust.
It is after all a very tough occupation. The white hegemony, when feminist rejected symbolic order that not only shapes the
physical labour involved in providing sexu- the subordination of women they too did dominant discourses outside but, and per- Sex workers movement is going on - it has
al services to multiple clients in a working not know fully what the new system they haps more importantly, historically condi- to go on. We believe the questions about
day is no less intense or rigorous than were striving for would exactly be like. tions the way we negotiate our own loca- sexuality that we are raising are relevant
ploughing or working in a factory. It is defi- There is no exact picture of the 'ideal' future tions as workers within the sex industry. not only to us sex workers but to every men
nitely not fun and frolic. Then there are - it can only emerge and be shaped through This long term and complex process will and women who question subordination of
occupational hazards like unwanted preg- the process of the movement. have to continue. all kinds - within the society at large and
nancy, painful abortions, risk of sexually also within themselves. This movement is
transmitted diseases. In almost all red light All we can say in our imagination of Secondly, the daily oppression that is prac- for everyone who strives for an equal, just,
areas housing and sanitation facilities are autonomous sexuality men and women will tised on us with the support of the dominant equitable, oppression free and above all a
abysmal, the localities are crowded, most have equal access, will participate equally, ideologies, have to be urgently and consis- happy social world. Sexuality, like class and
sex workers quite poor, and on top of it will have the right to say 'yes' or 'no', and tently confronted and resisted. We have to gender after all makes us what we are. To
there is police harassment and violence there will be no space for guilt or oppres- struggle to improve the conditions of our deny its importance is to accept an incom-
from local thugs. Moreover, to add to the sion. work and material quality of our lives, and plete existence as human beings. Sexual
material condition of deprivation and dis- that can happen through our efforts inequality and control of sexuality engender
tress, we have to take on stigmatisation We do not live in an ideal social world towards us, sex workers, gaining control and perpetuate many other inequalities and
and marginalisation, - the social indignity of today. We do not know when and if ever an over the sex industry itself. We have start- exploitation too. We're faced with situation
being 'sinful', being mothers of illegitimate idea social order will come into place. In our ed the process - today in many red light to shake the roots of all such injustice
children, being the target of those children's less than ideal world if we can accept the areas in cities, towns and villages, we sex through our movement. We have to win this
frustrations and anger. immorality of commercial transaction over workers have come to organise our own battle and the war too - for a gender just,
food, or health why is sex for money so forums to create solidarity and collective socially equitable, emotionally fulfilling,
Do we advocate 'free sex'? unethical and unacceptable. Maybe in an strength among a larger community of intellectually stimulating and exhilarating
ideal world there will be no need for any prostitutes, forge a positive identity for our- future for men, women and children.
What we advocate and desire is independ- such transactions - where material, emo- selves as prostitutes and mark out a space
ent, democratic, non-coercive, mutually tional, intellectual and sexual needs of all for acting on our own behalf.
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My toothbrush simply seemed to have them in the morning.

The Toothbrush disappeared without a trace. I’ll put one under my pillow for fear my
Unsatisfied habits generate long term mistresses might steal it from me.
frustrations. They are crazy and have no sense of
Where the hell did I read that? right and wrong. One of them stole my
This reminds me that I had not looked condom.
in the book case. How the heck didn’t I feel a thing?
But neither Baudrillard nor Nietzsche I remember the toothbrush and it’s
was washing his teeth. nowhere to be seen.
by Razvan Ion At least, not at that moment. I wonder I run out to my neighbors to ask them
how were these geniuses washing if they saw my toothbrush by chance.
their teeth? The old hag next door screams I am
See, for me, God died today. I mean, raping her; the young guy with a hang-
not philosophically, but for real. over, from the second floor burps
For along with my toothbrush I lost a pleasantly and shouts four letter
part of me. words to me.
An important part of my habits and of For the rest, there is no answer.
what I am. And I lost my faith. What a stupid world with stupid habits.
I no longer believe in anything as long They go to work, they come back from
as I can’t brush my dental decay. work.
Nothing could determine me to forget. They drink manioc, they beat their
It feels as if my mouth is a dental mix- wives.
I always wash my teeth in the morn- ture of fillings and saliva. Such serious business.
ing. Desperate, I run to the bathroom and A siren howls in front of the apartment
If I don’t do it, I don’t wake up com- decide to wash it using water and my block.
pletely and feel frustrated all day long. finger. I hurry on to the terrace, not only to
Today I conformed to the habit of Now the toothpaste is no longer in its see what is going on, but it crosses my
washing my teeth while peeing and place either. mind that the toothbrush might be in
while the coffee filter sends out a I feel I’m going mad. the area.
promising grumble. Where the hell can that damn tooth- I hear fists thundering on my door and
Only, my toothbrush was no longer in brush be? before I open it a couple of huge guys
its place. Again I start madly looking under the dressed in white put the door down
I started desperately looking for it, as pillows, in closets and back to the and jump over me.
if I had lost the love of my life. book case. One is trying to hold me and the other
I look under the water basin, where It seems to be fated. All roads take me is tying me as good as he knows.
the pipes merge appallingly... maybe it there. What am I going to do? Everybody out in the hall is shouting
fell... All those stupid writers, poets and and making comments.
Nothing. philosophers smile at me with their Meanwhile the two guys are brutally
I start looking in the tub, the basin, the white, immaculate teeth. dragging me and hitting my head onto
toilet bowl. What could they be washing their the walls.
Nothing. teeth with? My eyes focus on the door rug.
Despair urges me to look even in the I promise to buy two dozen tooth- My cat, smiling with white teeth is
most ridiculous places. brushes to make sure I don’t miss chewing on a toothbrush.
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get rid of it seemed to be the only way to da, they would be recognized as such,
exorcise the evil, since, for the majority of and they would soon be politically inef-
Legitimating Power in Capital Cities. the Romanian people, this building rep- fective”. One could still object that in the
Bucharest - continuity through radical change? resented the embodiment of the dictatori- communist systems art was indeed high-
al power itself and of all the suffering and ly politicized, being considered an explic-
the privations that this regime had under- it mean of the propaganda. What I
gone1. attempt to show in this paper is that even
if that is correct, the effectiveness of this
by Cristina Bucică Hence, the superposition of the two practice is based on the art’s capacity to
images, that of the dictator and of his evoke issues other than the pure political
architectural creation seemed like a ones. Which is to mean, on the theoreti-
given.. Even later, when an international cal level, that before asking what build-
competition of urbanism, “Bucharest ings mean, one would have to ask how
2000”, looked at solutions to reintegrate do they convey that meaning.
this central area within the existing urban
fabric, the proposals mostly tried to blur Following this type of reasoning, this
the massive visual presence of the paper is trying to identify, beyond the
“House of the People”, literally hiding it apparent and unquestionable discontinu-
behind other buildings or vegetation. ity of the practices of power in Bucharest,
the persistence of some constitutive ele-
Demolish it, sell it, or simply hide it, why ments of the city’s past identity, even
all this rage against a building? Is it only under an altered form: the “otherness” in
for esthetical reasons or is it more? opposition with which the new communist
A simple glance of Bucharest is enough Speaking about the nazi architecture, power builds its legitimacy. The identity
for one to notice the significant restructur- Leon Krier (1986 : 31) notes that nowa- building process of the communist
ing and transformation of the townscape days people seem more embarrassed by regime will be at the center of my reflec-
which affected the Romanian capital in Speer’s architectural drafts than by the tion, with a special focus on the reference
the late decades. Almost 500 ha of the images of Aushwitz. The memory is to the “otherness” and the evolution of
old Bucharest had been razed to enable ephemeral, while the stones, the archi- this reference, either on a discursive level
the construction of a new Civic Center in tecture remain. or on a practical one.
the very heart of the city, whose central This type of questioning guided my
piece were to be the now famous “The reflection on Bucharest, which led to a Here, I will insist mostly on my case study
House of the People”. Using the more general problem, that of the use of research on Bucharest. First, let me sum-
resources of an entire country to break the built environment for the purpose of marize my theoretical reflection by saying
the backbone of the capital city in order to the representation of political power. But that the notion of representation evokes a
rebuild it according to a new view relates what sort of representation and by what double metaphor : that of theatre and that
to a particular vision concerning the means? of diplomacy. The former insists on the
capacity of the city to represent a figure visual effect and can be summed up by
of power. I would like to introduce my reflection the idea of the performance ; the latter,
here by a paradox uttered by Balfe and with a more specific political and juridical
Besides, some of the first reactions after Wizomirsky in their collective work, “Art, use, contains the idea of delegation, of
the political collapse in 1989 were for the Ideology and Politics”(1985). I quote : “If transfer of attributions, of mandate.
desertion, the sale or even the demolition the arts, the architecture was purely polit- Although distinct in the utilization, these
of the “House of the People ” building. To ical, they would become pure propagan- two metaphors have in common the idea
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of the superposition of two types of pres- preservation and the renovation of histor- nist regime was based on the people and the installation of the new institutions
ence (Pitkin, 1967 : 8-9) : an effective, ical monuments a priority of the regime. the working class, on the ideas of equali- either in their old location (the Parliament,
substantial one of a person, an object or In Romania, the interest for the preserva- ty and equity, in evident opposition to the the Government), or in valued places of
an action and an indirect, mediated one. tion of the monuments is less evident bourgeois values. Besides, one of the the city (the Central Committee of the
The first presence is instrumental and is than in other socialist countries, but can first objectives of the communists little Party in front of the Royal Palace, one of
used to support the second one, which still be noticed, at least in the first period after taking power was the physical elim- Bucharest’s historical sites). In 1948, little
does not belong to the field of direct of the communist regime (1945-1977). ination of the ancient political and intel- after the setting up of the Republic in
apprehension. Whether it resulted from a real recogni- lectual elite. December 1947, the Royal Palace itself
tion of the monument’s value (in the receives a new function, that of the
Now, the power is precisely this sort of name of tradition or of modernity) or sim- More revealing yet was the destruction of National Gallery of Art, while the
presence which is not directly observ- ply from the appropriation, by the new the symbols of this very class, judged Communist Party head-office building
able, and therefore needs to be “repre- power, of the old “hauts lieux ” of the city, incompatible with the new established faces this very palace. Thus, the symbol-
sented” to become visible (Foucault, this practice shows a certain fragility of regime. The nationalization law from the ic charge of this place is recycled and
1980; Ball, 1988), and architecture is one the regime, always in need to refer to the 11th of June 1948 attacked one of the reappropriated; instead of being stigma-
of its most visible means of representa- past to legitimize itself. basic values of the capitalist society tized and excluded, this place became a
tion. The city can thus be read as a which had evolved in Romania between part of this new process of legitimization.
palimpsest, as it witnesses successive The Commission for Historic Monuments, the two world wars –i.e., the private prop- The royal residence in Bucharest, the
representations which coexist, are rein- founded in 1892, was closed down in erty. Palace, was yielded to the National
terpreted and recycled. Trying to under- 1948. Still, a Scientific Commission for Within this context, the concern for the Council of the Pioneers (the communist
stand and deconstruct this palimpsest, Museums, Historic and Art Monuments preservation of the heritage receives a youth organization) and served as the
the present analysis distinguishes two was created three years later by a deci- particular signification, which is part of Palace of the Pioneers until 1976, while
parts, which also correspond to a chrono- sion of the Grand National Assembly. the negative strategy mentioned earlier. the summer residence in Sinaia, the
logical evolution : the reappropriation of (15th of March 1951). An important num- The offensive against the symbols of this Peles Castle, was also opened to the
the past and the building for the future. ber of monuments had been classified, past period was much more subtle than public as a museum in 1953. Other build-
inventoried and conserved during this the one against its representatives. ings belonging to the former aristocratic
The reappropriation of the past period, which determined Dinu Giurescu, Instead of physical destruction and elimi- and bourgeois families were assigned to
a well-known Romanian historian, to nation, we preferred a more effective public or administrative institutions or
Most cities had to face the heritage of assert that “if maintained and continued, practice : the appropriation. Nothing eas- divided among several families. Thus, all
past problems in their modern evolution. such trends would have saved significant ier than adding a red star on the old these buildings, symbols of a defeated
The Eastern European cities made no parts of the country’s architectural and Kremlin or on the impressive neo- social and political class, were symboli-
exception, having been confronted with a artistic heritage ” (Giurescu, 1989 : 31). baroque building of the Parliament in cally restored to the people, and the ref-
common problem, which received differ- Budapest. Formerly occupied by those erence to the otherness, which is to
ent answers. This common problem was However, behind this evidence of recog- who were “exploiting” the people (or, to mean, in this case, a social class and a
“how to revolutionize the feudal or capi- nition of the heritage of the past one use a specific formula of the communist whole period of time with which one no
talist society fossilized in the stones while could still notice the strategy of legitimiza- propaganda, those who “drunk the peo- longer identifies, paradoxically con-
continuing to be proud of the national tion of the new political regime. A strate- ple’s blood”), from now on the buildings tributes to the identity building process of
heritage and, at the same time, allocate gy we could qualify as “negative ”, as it would belong to the people and its “dem- the new political class.
all of the resources for economic plan- was constructed in opposition to the for- ocratic” government.
ning and the socialist transformation” mer regime’s symbolic centers. In other On the other hand, this populist attitude is
(Hamilton, French, 1979, 195-199). words, the apparent recognition of the In the city of Bucharest, a series of acts illustrated not only by the recycling of the
architectural heritage’s value hardly witness this new spatial occupation, “lieux du pouvoir” but by the urban poli-
Countries like Poland, or Tchekoslovakia means an equal recognition of the former more “democratic”, more “fair”. On one cies as a whole. Social homogenization
(more affected by the war) and even the regime’s values on the whole. On the hand we notice a reinvestiture of the was one of the key points of the commu-
Soviet Union, later on, have made the contrary, the new identity of the commu- “hauts lieux” of the old regime through nist ideology, and the urban landscape
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offers an accurate translation of this attempting to address here this concep- in several cases in the Soviet Union) but addition, this law stipulates that the open-
social ideal into the material terms of the tual problem, I would only mention that, the result of a new reading and a reap- ing, the enlarging or the closing of streets
urban form. like all generic terms, it operates a simpli- propriation of an already existing city, the in the old part of the towns were subject
fication in the name of a common experi- past’s heritage having undergone a more to prior presidential approval. This point
Responding to a real deficiency in hous- ence; in doing this, the different countries or less effective socialization process (in is extremely important to our analysis.
ing capacity due to the rapid urbanization are plunged in a sort of historical vacu- the sense proposed by Hamilton, 1979). Beyond the declared interest for the
of the country, the construction of new um, as if the communist experience could The reference to the past, to this other- preservation of the monuments and of
residential districts in the outskirts was have erased all heritage or neutralized all ness at the same time banished and the particular features of the city, this
also seen as a form of social justice. The other influence (Ronnas 1984:4). valuable, even coveted, maybe (as we decision contains, in embryo, two trends
city center, a “bourgeois monopoly”, is saw in the example of the city center), that will become characteristic for the
rendered commonplace, trivialized by Speaking about urban transformations, it had a central role in the assertion of the communist regime under Ceausescu’s
multiplication. For the political propagan- would thus be more appropriate to use new values and ideals promoted by the ruling : the centralization and personal-
da, the resemblance of these new built the terms proposed by Hamilton, and regime in function. ization of the decision making (to the
outskirts with the center was a declared speak in terms of influence ; of socialized prejudice of the professional authority)
goal and a real title of fame : “the out- cities (cities that have undergone a This ambivalence in the reading of the and, closely linked to this, a decree gov-
skirts look just like the center : the same socialist influence) rather than merely past becomes even more evident in ernment practice, accentuated in the
architecture, the same comfort, the same calling them socialist cities (Hamilton, another example, drawn from an analysis 80’s. The personalized monopoly on the
urbanism, one could believe he really is French, 1979). This nuance makes pos- of certain cultural heritage protection poli- political power has thus been construct-
in the center”. In other words, the access sible, in my opinion, a legitimate analysis cies. ed, slowly but surely, behind some wide-
to the center had to be open to every- of the socialist aspect of the city without ly approved acts, like the preservation of
body, and one way of making this possi- automatically crediting it with a heuristic Hamilton and French (1979:4) had the cultural heritage.
ble was to extend the center itself. In fact, value. Furthermore, this epistemological already stressed that the difference
it was its convenience, its look, its way of choice enables us to grasp, besides the between the socialist and the capitalist The reference to the past ceased to be a
life that were exported. This atrophying of effective urban transformations, some city was mainly due to the larger role lever for the present legitimization of
the spatial dimension of the very idea of less prominent, but still utterly significant played by the Socialist State in the deter- power, it became a screen for new ideas
center is significant in itself, for the elimi- phenomena, , like functional changes mination of both the form and the location that emerged and developed behind it,
nation of the spatial hierarchy in the city (which were mentioned earlier) or modifi- of urban development. The example that ideas of the future this time.
was an echo of principles of uniformity cations within the nomenclature. Namely, will be discussed here illustrates the
and equality. I refer to street names (communist process of monopolization of the urban What about Building for the future
heroes’ names replacing those of the intervention by the central power. An offi- now, the second part of my analysis.
What I attempted to stress here is that monarchical family or other preceding cial statement from February 1975
the transformations that affected the political personalities), the names of stresses the need to maintain the archi- A future really built on ruins, because a
socialist cities, Bucharest in our case, do restaurants, cinemas, factories, subway tectural and urban fabric, to preserve the serious earthquake had marked the
not always have a unique and coherent stations and so forth (impersonal names specific character of the city and to con- recent history of the Romanian capital
signification. And this is due to the fact like “The Peace”, “The Pioneer”, “The red serve the ancient buildings and the exis- city. The tremor that occurred on the
that the complex phenomenon which banner”, “The brotherhood between the tent urban texture, therefore to avoid, as evening of the 4th of March 1977 had
marked the East European countries nations”, “The Work”, “The Light”, “The far as possible, the demolition - nothing obviously caused a lot of damage, sever-
could not be explained by the action of a Motherland” could be found in every city), more encouraging for the architects and al buildings collapsed and many people
single factor, the communist system, in but also the names of different stores historians who pleaded for the preserva- died under their debris ; the whole city
spite of its significant and incontestable (which erased their personality by simply tion of the heritage. The same provisions was in ruins and still, this was only the tip
influence. Designating a bloc with certain naming them according to their function, can be found in the law of systematiza- of the iceberg, the most visible part of the
common traits, the very term of Eastern “Coiffeur”, “Food store”, “Morocco goods” tion, planning, and road construction in destructive consequences this earth-
Europe is not always a pertinent designa- or “Small-ware shop”. In other words, the urban and rural centers voted by the quake could have had on Bucharest.
tion for all types of analyses. Without socialist city is not a creation ex nihilo (as National Assembly in November 1975. In Cause it seems that this tragic phenome-
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non had produced a sort of “revelation” heritage was not a goal in itself. about the succeeding homogenization Hence, the negative strategy of the iden-
for the Romanian communist leader, sim- Nevertheless, 1977 can be seen as a process and the creation of the new man. tity building process (based on the refer-
ilar to the “ruins theory” of Hitler : the rev- turning point in the urban policies, whose On the other hand, becoming aware of ence to the past) was replaced by a more
elation of the perishable and ephemeral new trend shows less anxiety about the the impossibility to rebuilt the entire city, assertive one. Even then, the figure of
character of the built architecture, which past and more concern for the posterity. the solution of the facade districts the otherness reappears under the form
until then, seemed to be one of the most Preoccupied by the creation of its own (quartiers facade) built at the edge of the of a recycled nationalist discourse. The
lasting aspects of the human culture. success symbols, the regime seems to grand boulevards for adorning them with Romanian nation was constructed,
abandon the crutches of the past and opt a “modern” look witnesses an important Mihailescu noted, not as a subject of the
The gate was thus opened to demolition for an autonomous discourse, thinking of change in the power’s strategy which no liberty (of the citizens) but as a subject of
and to the remodeling of the city accord- its own heritage for the future. longer attempts to find methods of the independence (of the people)
ing to the social aspirations of the regime. homogenization, as in the former period, (Mihailescu, 1999:27-28). The commu-
The city had become like a chess table The discourse became more radical, the but, instead, tries to create success sym- nist power will reproduce the same logic
whose chessmen, far from being immov- key term to designate the rapid urbaniza- bols of this very project. For these corri- of the construction of the nation: “ a (new)
able, have a certain freedom of move- tion of the country was “systematization”. dor districts only put a mask on the tradi- nation, as a subject of independence
ment. And it is hardly a far-fetched com- Briefly, this program had three main tional fabric of the city, they dissimulate it (from other enemies), drawing from the
parison ; being aware of the dictator’s objectives : to erase the difference without really changing it. Therefore, the tradition the source of its own (different)
tendency to rearrange the buildings on between the cities, to erase the disparity individual homes surrounded by large modernity”. The attitude of autonomy
the scale models presented for his between urban and rural settlements gardens remained almost intact behind from Moscow maintained by the commu-
approval, the architects were nailing and, last but not least, to construct the the new blocs of flats. nist ruler Ceausescu or, more recently,
down the most important buildings, so new man. Let me quote a fragment of an the external debt repaying strategy con-
the ruler could not move them by mis- official statement which proves the extent Finally, the urban intervention affected firm a certain continuity in the very depths
take, for every presidential indication had to which these three objectives were the center of the city, which brought of the identity construction. Besides, the
to be followed to the letter. linked together and the architecture was about serious demolition : 500 ha of the obsession of “by ourselves ” is evident in
meant to serve a precise social goal : old Bucharest were razed to make room the urban practice. The construction of
The buildings had lost their durability in “The transformation of the settlement will for some far-reaching projects like the the subway or of the House of the
time, but also their fixedness in space, give rise to a transformation of the con- reshaping of the Dambovita river course People, with an exclusive Romanian con-
features which could have passed for science, the habits, the customs, the tra- or the construction of a new Civic Center ception and realization (recalled more
intrinsic to architecture. They were no ditions in the peasant’s everyday life. (...) for Bucharest centralizing the state’s than once by the propaganda) translates
longer bound to the ground (linked to Which is to mean, in a precise and con- institutions once scattered throughout the the power’s will to prove, by all means,
their initial location), they could be crete sense, a certain degree of con- city (and whose central piece were to be the extraordinary features and capacities
moved, which demonstrates a will to con- science which is proper to the new man. the House of the People). The axis facing of the Romanian people and its rulers.
trol space. It would be difficult to explain Or, this very formation of the new man is this building, implanted in the core of the The scale of the urban interventions is
otherwise the excessive efforts undertak- our goal, but can we restrict this goal city on a perfect East-West orientation in another significant element. Bigger auto-
en in order to move several churches uniquely to the cities ? The systematiza- the 80’s, contradicts the natural north- matically means more beautiful and
which happened to be in the way of some tion of the villages - matrix of civilization - bound expansion of the city. The name of remarkable, for the House of the People
urban projects, while other monuments is a privileged way to mold, to stimulate this axis is highly significant, proclaiming is the second biggest construction in the
were demolished without any scruple, and to realise the features of the new neither more nor less than “The Victory of world after the Pentagon, while the
even when other solutions were avail- man.” the Socialism over the entire nation”. boulevard facing it, 1 500 m long, sur-
able. These far-reaching projects were part of passes the Champs Élysées by 6 cm.
Within those ambitious social projects, a performance of the centralized power, The monumental performance is nothing
Once again a lack of a rational, coherent important urban interventions were no asserting its indivisible and incontestable but a transformed discourse of legitimiza-
and consistent attitude towards the built longer limited to the outskirts, they began character to the Romanian people and to tion now grounded on an external refer-
environment can be noticed, which sug- to approach the very heart of the city of the world. ence : the superiority relation to “others ”
gests that the preservation of the cultural Bucharest, in order to speak out openly (the other socialist or capitalist countries).
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In summary, what I attempted to show in

this paper through the Romanian case
analysis was that the representation of
power in the city is a particularly complex
phenomenon, which consists not only in
the creation of new “lieux de pouvoir”, as
a first glance of Bucharest seems to sug-
gest, but mostly in the reappropriation
and the reinvestment of the heritage of
the past.

A very stimulating conclusion in my opin-

ion not only for the understanding of the
Romanian capital evolution, too long con-
sidered as an unaccountable historical
accident, but also for the understanding
of the socialist societies themselves. If it
remains true that this tragic historical
experience represented a clear and
regrettable discontinuance in the natural
evolution of these societies, the under-
standing and the explanation of its very
nature and its long lasting character have
to take into account the way in which the
communist system was grounded in the
deepest resorts of the identity and the Notes
traditions of these nations.
This last assertion is hardly metaphori-
cal, for the huge investments in its con-
struction had not been made within a
context of a spectacular economic
growth but rather of high penury and to
the prejudice of the population’s living
standard; not only the infrastructure
investments were deficient, but a severe
policy of shortage and rationalization of
the most basic commodities harmfully
affected the population all of these came
on top of the political choice to repay the
entire external debt before 1990. No
wonder that the building was highly Phone booth with abandoned teddy bear in Bucharest.
invested emotionally (and symbolically).
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Therefore, the second and more frontier was the mountains in the east-
How to Understand Chaos? appealing way of debating about ern part of Persia. But he needed a
chaos is to refer to the dynamic of base from where to protect that fron-
non-linear systems, sensibility to the tier and to start incursions in the
initial conditions, stochastic changes enemy territories, and that suitable
in a deterministic environment, butter- base proved to be India, which he had
by Cosmin Gabriel Marian fly effect and so on. A mathematician to conquer. As a result of these suc-
or a physicist would surely go this cessive conquests he ended up being
way. However these terms are not an oriental monarch. And like any ori-
easier to understand for most readers ental monarch he had to proclaim him-
who come across “chaos”, at least not self god. Being a god he thought he
easier than “disorder”. The third way could reasonably claim to conquer the
to go is to think a little bit about and Chinese shores in order to protect the
old English saying which goes like oriental frontier of Macedonia. Of
this: a nail was lost to the shoe of the course this story is not true, it was just
horse of a king who went to battle to imagined by Karel Capek in “The Book
protect his kingdom; “for want a nail, of Apocryphs”. Continuing in the same
the shoe was lost / for want of a shoe, line, let us remember the dialectic
the horse was lost / for want of a which says that work is the only way of
horse, the rider was lost / for want of a creating plus-value; capitalist entre-
rider, the battle was lost / for want of a preneurs pay the workers a subsis-
battle; the kingdom was lost!” To go a tence wage, and the difference
When debating on a theoretical level little bit further, let us think about the between what is paid to the workers
about chaos, one can go in three dif- intention of Alexander the Great of and the real value of the their work
ferent ways. The first and more usual protecting the Macedonian border in goes in the entrepreneurs pockets and
one is to associate the word chaos front of the Greeks. In order to do that eventually is invested in acquiring
with disorder. Most dictionaries do he had to conquer Thracia, a province machinery that will boost the produc-
that. My grandma does the same. But, situated in the northern and north- tivity of the workers and will bring
if the chaos would be only about disor- eastern part of Macedonia. Once this more profits. But some of the workers
der, for most people there would prob- region conquered Alexander was in will be replaced by machinery; these
ably be no point in paying much atten- position of controlling the Western people will become unemployed. Even
tion to the phenomenon. What would shore of the Aegean Sea, but the new more, plants that modernize quicker
there be to pay attention to? And, border of Macedonia was threatened and become more efficient will push
what would there be to understand? by Persia. So he had to go to war off the market plants that are slower to
Yet, in the technical literature of empir- against King Darius of Persia, and modernize; these plants will eventual-
ical-analytic sciences, the term eventually defeated him. In the new ly close, and their workers also will
“chaos” refers to situations and envi- geo-political situation Macedonia was end up being unemployed. The out-
ronments that look as if they are threatened by Egypt and Phenicia. come of these processes is summa-
messily and unapprehendably The solution at hand was once again rized as follows: the financial capital is
arranged but which are in fact deter- the conquest. But this was not suffi- concentrated in the hands of a few
ministic sets, which is equal to say cient. To protect his conquests who control companies that produce
that they are controlled and hence Alexander thought he needed a natu- goods in a very effective and cheap
explained by the laws of physics. ral frontier that is easy to protect. That manner. But since a large number of
[132] [133]
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people are unemployed these goods into account its antecedents. When
are hard to sell, therefore profits you look up a word in a electronic dic-
diminish. When profits diminish, the tionary, like the one that is provided by
production slows down. As a result, Microsoft Word you deal with iteration.
profit and private ownership over prof- For example, look up “antecedent” in
it rise as obstacles in the way of pro- this dictionary and you’ll see it is
ducing goods; or simply put, profit and defined with words such as “forerun-
private property end up being in con- ner”, “precursor”, “ancestor”, “prede-
flict with the means of production. The cessor”. Now, if you look up in the
only way to get out of this deadlock is same dictionary one of these four
for the workers to rebel against profit words you will eventually go back to
and private property. So the proletari- “antecedent”. The mixture of mathe-
at revolution is inevitable. This was matics, physics and logics that takes a
also an imagined story, imagined by deterministic situation and shows how
Marx, and eventually became a true it changes through itineration in an
one. In all these situations it is Chaos unpredictable way was called Chaos
we are talking about. Chaos on a the- Theory. Chaos Theory is, in order
oretical level. Or simply put, we are words, just another way of modeling
talking about small differences or and representing the world. Just that,
changes in the initial conditions of the this way of representing the world
evolution of a system of complex incorporates the possibility that a
events that imply interdependence small puff of wind caused by the wings
among multiple elements, changes of a butterfly in Patagonia can gener-
that eventually end up in some unpre- ate a tornado in New Orleans.
dictable outcomes. For example, the
lost of a nail to the king’s horse shoe
ends up in the lost of the kingdom.
The need for Alexander the Great to
protect the border of Macedonia in
front of the Greeks ends up with pro-
claiming himself god and conquering
the shore of China. The decision of
capitalist entrepreneurs to invest in
modernizing their plants in order to
produce more efficiently ends up with
the revolution of the proletariat. The
story of the nail at the horse shoe, the
conquests of Alexander and the
dialectics of Marx have one more point
in common: they all depend on itera-
tion. Iteration is a very common
process of changes produced by stim-
Former “Securitate” (political police) building, Bucharest.
uli and feedback that continually takes
[134] [135]
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varying amounts of experimentation analysis – that we feel as being, day by

Fragmented memories and instability in a cultural system.
Specifically, chaos theory results in a
day, more and more chaotic – is its
strict methodological application. After
non-linear model of culture change reading two works on the application of
which states that small perturbations to the chaos theory in art and linguistic, I
certain parts of the system can result in quickly noted some connections with
by Alexandra Jivan the disruption of the structure of the my doctoral fieldwork research, where I
entire system, resulting in instability” realized some black-holes in the life
(1999: 111). stories that I had been recording.

Since September 11, the Madrid and The memory, as well as the identity,
London attacks, and the recent rebel- can be chaotic; it includes memories as
lions in France, we are discussing more well as forgetfulness; sometimes it is
and more in terms of order and disor- an abused memory, a confused memo-
der. It is obvious, in my opinion to say ry, a disorganized memory (Ricoeur
“If I can remember, I can talk.” the least, that the chaos theory could 2000, Terdiman 1993). There is nothing
Perjovschi 2006: 114. find here its utility to enlarge the analyt- spectacular in this, especially if we note
ical frame of all these questions. with Candau (1998) that a society that
Esfandi (2006: 7) notes, moreover, is uncomfortable with its time, like the
that: “without a macro-structural guar- modern age, will also be this way with
antee, the complexity of the significa- the sense of its relation with the others,
tion of the local networks becomes before and after. This will generate
dangerous to the cohesion of the repre- centrifugal memories. Therefore the
Order and disorder are very known cat- sentation. It must therefore […] metamemorial discourse admits the
egories and have been often dis- approach the complexity” [1]. Finally, idea of the disappearance of big collec-
cussed, in pure sciences, as well as in the chaos theory could help analyze tive memories to the benefit of some
literature, linguistic, and social science the complex, dynamic, but non-linear sort of “memory balkanisation”. The
fields. All the transition theories – start- systems, including those of identity contemporary memories would be
ing with Rustow (1970) and up to some which are, in our days, multiple, fluctu- mosaics without unity, formed by com-
more recent works signed by Carothers ant, in crisis, built, negotiated, ethnic, posite bits, incoherent relics.
(2002) and O’Donnell (2002) – discuss, cultural, social, and especially
in one way or another, the incontrol- omnipresent. Concentrating on the In this particular case, we might be
lable, chaotic, and hybrid aspect of a relations between the parts of the glob- interested in using the chaos theory in
society in transition to democracy. al matrix, the one of the system, this order to better interpret and analyse
Stone analyzes, for example, the col- theory demonstrates that “chaos and the non-linearity of the memory. The
lapse of organizational systems in the order, chaos and mathematics, chaos usefulness of such a methodological
Zuni region of the American Southwest, and pattern, pattern and randomness approach, aiming to use this theory in
and invites, besides, the anthropolo- are not necessarily mutually exclusive other contexts than pure science, is
gists to have a look at the chaos and categories, but, rather, each is often admirably sustained by the works of
complexity theory: “[d]ue to the open inscribed in the other” (Taylor 2004: Dewaele (2001), which analyzes the
and dynamic nature of dissipative 413). contribution of the chaos and complex-
structures, anthropological applications ity theory to the linguistic, and of
of these ideas can be used to under- What interests me, besides the use of Esfandi (2006), that created an original
stand differing rates of change, and this theory in the contemporary world analysis grid for two of Jean Echenoz’s
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novels. Finally, Wilcox (1996) estab- gularity” which, by not having a face or could not be subverted. One must surprised lately, when leafing through
lishes a link between Gleick’s theory a history, cannot witness his own explore and experience anything – several life stories, by the almost gen-
and David Lynch’s video productions. absence [4]. Thus, the “whatever including the demonic, the artificial, eralized presence, in every story, of
being” represents the unsaidable, the and the fugitive – that would spur imag- one or more moments that we can iden-
It is not the time, nor the place to total loss, the naked experience. In my ination, quicken sensibilities, and deep- tify as presenting a loss: be it one of
demonstrate here, in a more rigorous opinion, the unwitnessable signifies not en feelings” (2001: 2-3). This could humanity, of a physical or psychical
way, the applicability of this approach only the exclusive impossibility of wit- also apply in the field of arts, where the part of oneself, of a beloved one, of an
with some concrete examples of oral nessing, but also the forbidden, the question of representation is central. object, of a chance. At the limit, there
histories. So I will only suggest a few censorship, the fear that are related to But we cannot deny the limits of such are even the losses suffered by the
theoretical aspects, opening some it. Finally, it can represent a hidden an approach, especially if we take a researcher when doing his interviews;
ways for further possible analysis. thing, a state or a sensation that risks, look at the work of Nichanian (2003) on he loses something essential from the
in the presence of a certain stimulus to the Armenian pogroms. The author story when he misses a question or an
A memory without forgetting, a memory wake up, to come out, and to transform finds that everything can be expressed answer, or when he’s not having a visu-
without loss, is a dead memory the unwitnessable into witnessable. We through human language, everything al contact with his interviewee at the
(Pontalis 2000). Augé (2001: 20) are not far from the Proustian perspec- can be understood, accepted, excused, proper moment [5]. It is what I would
remarks as well this connection, tive on memory, and even closer to the and even loved, with only one excep- call the missed acts of the story. Given
assuming that it is a similar relation to Freudian missed act. Furthermore, I tion: “[t]his thing is not death, it is not the unconscious character of the
the one characterising life and death: think there is a connection with the way murder or burned houses, it is not even missed act (Freud 1904) we can con-
memory needs forgetting as “some that chaos works: perturbations (even extermination. It is the will to extermi- sider it as synonym to unwitnessable.
people’s lives need the death of others” minor) can change the global structure nation” (ibid: 115). On the other side, even if sometimes
[2]. Nevertheless, forgetting remains an of the memory and the remembering conscientized, the unspeakable is most
ambiguous category: on one part mem- process. Those moments organize or, To narrate this pure, total, naked expe- often rejected in an abyss (in Proustian
ory erosion, on the other, memory on the contrary, disorganize the story; rience, the language has to transform terms), and it resurfaces only when
come-back; on one side the experi- they are the most dramatic moments, itself into non-language to be able to some stimuli awaken it, making the
ences that give a sense to the common moments without rule or words, atypi- present the unspeakable (Agamben remembrance unpredictable, even
life (habits, habitus), on the other the cal and atemporal time, a time without 2003). The language of witnessing is to chaotic.
immemorial aspect [3]. Nonetheless, saying. become a language that signifies no
forgetting is not easy, especially when more, but which goes into without-lan- The chaos and complexity theory would
it’s implicating death, and remem- How would the witnessing of unwit- guage (the sub- or supra-language). thus find its whole justification, permit-
brance is often painful: “[i]t is not nec- nessable question be methodologically The witnessing becomes then a system ting us to concentrate on the links
essarily good […] to recall the past. It is translated? What is the language of the of relations between the inside and the between different parts – present or
not wrong to forget, it is not necessari- “whatever singularity”? By Agamben outside of the language, between the absent – of the memory matrix. It would
ly sad to forget, and we should not, (2003), the figure of the unwitnessable speakable and the unspeakable. Zarka leave us to understand that the whole
cannot, strive strenuously to remember is occupying an exception status, the (1993) speaks of “language cracks” of the story could be undone at any
everything we ever knew” (Douglas nomos, the camp, the secret matrix. when the storytellers talked about moment or, on the contrary, that a frag-
1995: 15). This explains the “memory Nevertheless, inside the matrix exist things they did not seemed to hear. mented story forms, in reality, a com-
holes“, which are bringing to the fore- some breaches: the “whatever singu- They were “enclaves” in a coherent dis- plex system, where the silences, the
front the matter of unwitnessable, larity’s” limbs. Thus, the intelligible is course, flashes, and short phrases pre- forgetfulness, the black holes have in
unsaidable, with its implications when not universal, nor particular, but it is senting sometimes atrocious scenes. fact legitimate explanations. To the
remembering takes the form of witness- singularity, a “whatever singularity”. limit, it would even facilitate the trans-
ing. Is this a missed act? Are we speaking mission from subject to interviewer
On his side, Gaonkar highlights: “there here about a psychoanalytical loss? I and, through him, to the lecturers.
In Agambenian terms, the unwitness- were no aesthetic limits that could not would be tempted to answer affirma-
able matter defines the “whatever sin- be transgressed, no moral norms that tively to these questions. I was actually The question of remembering, of wit-
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nessing would hence impose a perma- Notes nelle. Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS.
nent runaway between the outside and ESFANDI E., 2006, “La théorie du chaos, mod-
[1] Original text in French: “sans garantie èle critique et modèle représentationnel: prolé-
the inside, between the language and
macro structurelle, la complexité des réseaux gomènes à la lecture de Jean Echenoz”,
the non-language, between the speak- locaux de signification devient dangereuse Pazhuhesh, 26: 11 pages. Consulted online
able and unspeakable, between imma- pour la cohésion de la représentation. Il s’agit Avril 20, 2006:
nence and transcendence. The narra- dès lors […] d’aborder la complexité”. nal26/c261_fr.pdf
tor and the researcher have to be ready [2] Original text in French: “la vie des uns a FREUD S., 1904, Cinq leçons de psych-
besoin de la mort des autres”. analyse. Consulted online April 20, 2006:
to occupy at any time the “whatever
[3] The division between “remembering” and
singularity” place, have to accept see- “forgetting” is admirably described by Caruth es_des_sciences_sociales/index.html
ing and feeling the limbs of the naked (1996), as a dialogue between knowledge, GAONKAR D. P., 2001, “On Alternative
life. It is a game – the term belongs to seeing and listening. Modernities”: 1-23, in D. P. Gaonkar (ed.),
Dulong (1998) – between a time and a [4] It is the sense given in this work to the Alternative Modernities. Durham & London,
space full of breaches. But as long as “whatever singularity” concept. Consequently, I Duke University Press.
am not referring only to the individual, to the LANSING J. S., 2003, “Complex Adaptive
we are ready to understand and to paradigmatic figure of the camp man, who is Systems”, Annual Review of Anthropology, 32:
accept these breaches, something that about to die, therefore in a survival phase, but 183-204.
chaos theory can undoubtedly help us to the concept in its wide meaning, of a total NICHANIAN M., 2003, “Catastrophic
do, the space between, as central and category. Mourning”: 99-124, in D. L. Eng & D. Kazanjian
ideal space for this kind of incursions, [5] In this document the masculine gender is (eds.), Loss: The Politics of Mourning.
used without discrimination, only to make the Berkeley, University of California Press.
can “open this way of nomadism and of text easier to read. O’DONNELL G., 2002, “Debating the
flexibility” and thus “intensify the [6] Original text in French: “ouvrir ce chemin du Transition Paradigm. In Partial Defense of an
becoming” (Pandolfi 1999: 168) [6]. nomadisme et de la flexibilité” and “intensifier Evanescent `Paradigm`”, Journal of
le devenir”. Democracy, 13, 3: 6-12.
Finally, to conclude, the contemporary PANDOLFI M., 1999, “D’une double pratique:
Bibliography Perte. Manque. Nudité”, Trans, 10: 153-169.
stake would be to put in correlation PERJOVSCHI D., 2006, “Repertoire”, Pavilion,
memory and forgetfulness, to handle AGAMBEN G., 2003, Ce qui reste d’Auschwitz. 8: 114-121.
the question of memory abuse, of held Paris, Rivages. PONTALIS J.-B., 2000, Fenêtres. Paris,
and manipulated memory, of fragment- AUGÉ M., 2001, Les formes de l’oubli. Paris, Gallimard.
ed memory. The chaos theory will Rivages. RICŒUR P., 2000, La mémoire, l’histoire et
CANDAU J., 1998, Mémoire et identité. Paris, l’oubli. Paris, Seuil.
maybe help us understand that all
PUF. RUSTOW D. A., 1970, “Transitions to
memory crises can be solved by CAROTHERS T., 2002, “The End of the Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model”,
deconstructing and demystifying the Transition Paradigm”, Journal of Democracy, Comparative Politics, 2, 3: 337-363.
memory, which means, at least in my 13, 1: 5-21. STONE T., 1999, “The chaos of collapse: disin-
terms: forgetting in order to be able to CARUTH C., 1996, Unclaimed Experience: tegration and reintegration of inter-regional
Trauma, Narrative, and History. Baltimore, systems”, Antiquity, 73: 110-118.
Johns Hopkins University Press. TAYLOR J., 2004, “On History, Chaos, and
DEWAELE J.-M., 2001, “L’apport de la théorie Carlyle”, Clio, 33, 4: 397-414.
du chaos et de la complexité à la linguistique”, TERDIMAN R., 1993, Present Past. Modernity
La Chouette, 32: 77-86. Consulted online Avril and the Memory Crisis. Ithaca & London,
20, 2006: Cornell University Press. WILCOX D., 1996, “What does Chaos Theory
el32.PDF have to do with Art?”, Modern Drama, 39, 4:
DOUGLAS M., 1995, “Forgotten Knowledge”: 698-711.
13-29, in M. Strathern (ed.), Shifting Contexts. ZARKA J., 1993, “Récit de vie et témoignage”:
Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Iman Transformations in Anthropological 119-127, in J. Gillibert & P. Wilgowicz (eds.),
Hassan and Sebastian Jivan, for their help- Knowledge. New York, Routledge. L’ange exterminateur. Bruxelles, E_ditions de
ful comments. DULONG R., 1998, Le témoin oculaire: les l’Universite_ de Bruxelles.
conditions sociales de l’attestation person-
[140] [141]
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to see it as a linear, fathomable one. The former communist societies in

Chaos Theory on an Applied Case: History in itself is a science of chaos. Central and Eastern Europe seek justifi-
Mathematically unfathomable, but made cation for their conflictual relationship
Romania predictable by the stories told by its mar- with the New State.
tyrs. Thus, we end up believing what we
read and hear about history. However, Once the conflict has been identified, the
by Eugen Radescu some stories tend to become devastating crowd seems to voluptuously prey on it.
and make you want to erase them from Still paying tribute to a system where the
your memory. The breach made in the proletariat imposes itself on the rest of
20th century history by Lenin, Stalin(in society, and still used to that, post-com-
the name of dialectical materialism) ren- munist people try to attribute their neurot-
dered a certain “straightening out” of his- ic acts to their leaders. The post-commu-
tory possible, contrary to the chaotically nist world has become the stage for col-
laws that govern it. lective passions, fears and illusions, and
the death of old ideologies has made way
Since childhood, involvement is associat- for new ones, which perfectly answer the
ed with a type of fairy-tale heroism: hero- new dilemmas of those nurtured by total-
ism as a show. More recently, a virtual itarism. These new ideologies, invented
show. How powerful can this show be if it and put into practice in former communist
lacks its very leitmotif: the opponent. Is it countries seem to encourage self-pity”
heroism devoid of heroes? We the Croatians, Lithuanians,
To measure our strength we always need Romanians, Magyars and Serbs, etc.,
I had initially started out to write a some- an opponent. were the victims of communism, or, to be
what philosophical essay about the theo- more precise, of the betrayal of the
ry of chaos, its mathematics and its struc- Post-communist societies are confronted West”-that is to say, no other nation has
ture. Writing about the dynamics of a with a strange phenomenon: post com- suffered more than those indulging in
chaotic system, about how much the munist people take the new state for their self-pity. The post communist man can-
inputs and outputs count and if they alter Adversary. Involved in the rebuilding of not understand why the Occident and the
it in any way was an appealing subject to society, the New State, postmodern and whole world are so insensitive to the
me at that time. I then decided to leave pro-occidental, becomes the most handy “unique” ordeal of its people or…
metaphysical dissertations, the theory, opponent for the discontented crowd.
and the logical maneuvers aside and Communism was forced to obliterate Only these self-pitying nations have
write an essay on Romania. The country itself, but before self-destruction it had to known notions so generous as The
where I was born and that I grew to know wipe out all that made up the state, soci- Golden Age (lost innocence, the glorious
better after 1990. I was 12 in 1990, I was ety, the economy, justice and civilization. patriarchal beginnings, accepting moder-
finding it difficult back then to understand The only effective communist institution, nity through class struggle), the condition
a reality I did not fully perceive. Now it is the Party (The State-Party) worked of victim, betrayal and conspiracy, charis-
easier to talk about it. Memories, books, entirely towards its perpetuation and matic saviors(be they individual heroes,
friends, parents, martyrs, heroes…histo- development and towards creating a social layers or superior races), supreme
ry…help me. complicity network outside its bound- bliss(when the leader, the movement, the
aries. So as to be able to disappear, the nation and the whole of human kind
The theory of chaos says that any system Party had to destroy everything, be left become One in life and death). After ’89
is governed by a chaotic, unforeseeable with nothing else to kill, it destroyed its a whole system based on the duplicitary,
way of functioning, however much we try very change and rejuvenation solutions. schizoid relationships between the indi-
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vidual and the world disappeared, togeth- cruel a feeling is having to make a choice their own because the Occident is not lowed by a feeling of frustration, collec-
er with the dictatorship over human for an individual who has lived in a sys- willing to make them full partners of the tive anxiety, confusion and, more recently
needs, memories and hopes, the total tem that forbade him to. But now he has “club”. And political corruption, economic disillusion.
control of the state-party ceased. All of a to make a personal , not a collective frustrations, cultural despair are the The mass man is Zizek’s “living dead” the
sudden. Too sudden. Now these people choice. He has to choose between these ingredients that amount to the develop- individual resigned to a state of total indif-
no longer have the patience to listen to two directions. Most of the times, he ment of mass phenomena such as panic, ference to the system. Post-communists
the rational explanations about the radi- chooses the former. It is easier to do so. faith in miracles, militarist expectations. took part in the systematic reproduction:
cal changes that have and still are taking For it emerges from the recent history, When people started to understand that some were active supporters of the sta-
place in their lives. that has already been experienced and political emancipation does not bring tus quo, others were passive participants
acknowledged. along economic welfare they turned to to the totalitarian system-some were trai-
They desperately turn to the old myths nostalgic feelings about the long-forgot- tors, others were betrayed. But they were
that had justified the Gulag in the past The freedom conquered after the fall of ten days of authoritarian certitude. all “innocent”.
years (the pathology of the class struggle the communism has generated all over
which was transformed into a destroyal the Central and Eastern Europe a feeling Who is to blame? By chaotically resorting to history, one
recipe of any source of private property of invigoration, joy, force and strong emo- can find the key to the door out of inno-
and individuality) as well as the tion. However the individuals felt discon- There has to be an adversary. There cence. The totalitarian regimes failed
Holocaust(caused by the blinding force of certed, lost in the new chaos for nobody must be someone to blame for all this- because they did not know innocence.
the Arian myth that cauterized the Nazi’s was taking care of them now, nobody seem to cry out the mass people. At his balcony, Ceausescu seems inno-
moral sense and allowed them to organ- was planning how and hoe much to work, For there must be a scapegoat. cent. Every man insists on being inno-
ize the mass killings of Jews in the name nobody was planning their future. cent and to do this they are capable of
of the “superior race”). In its innocence, Women no longer know how may chil- For now liberal individualism is seen as accusing the whole world and the heav-
the mass man goes over the proletarian dren they are supposed to give birth to, sheer hypocrisy, and the existence of ens.
political myth and perceives it as a lost men do not know how much they have to parliament as a stage for corrupt politi-
paradise-thus finding the historic justifica- work. The oxygen is gone… cians. This is a time for calling on the What are we left with now? A disfigured
tion fot the feeling of loss that the end of agrarian, idyllic visions of ethnic purity.: country.
communism left them with-for the mass The disappearance of the Soviet Union, for the people in the former communist
man, even if he abhorred the bars, loved the Great Other, the absolute Adversary, countries, Western Europeans are root-
the advantage of stability offered by the left the West with no precise symbol of less citizens of the world who are unable
cage and now, when the bars are gone, the “Enemy”. What is more, the Occident to feel the call of ethnic identity. These
he finds himself exposed to the terrible now has to welcome the post communist sovieties seem to be suffering from a nar-
freedom, he is willing to adhere to the man to the great occidental joy and teach cissist syndrome and the more they
rhetoric of the tribe and particularly to him the new rules. Which is not at all admire themselves(by resorting to their
group identity. easy. The long-awaited apparition of ethnic roots/the lost history and the hero-
democratic societies in the former com- ic past which is almost incomprehensible
Two variants of the same utopia munist world proved to be a problematic to occidentals), the happier they are
element. If in the beginning(straight after about their virtues, and the more tempted
The neurosis of the transition (that seems ’90) there was an extraordinary civic they are to put an anathema on their
to be never-ending inevitably lead to the enthusiasm , there were trusting and opti- neighbours, the Other, the Adversary.
process of making a choice: either adopt mistical slogans voicing their confidence Getting rid of communism (as in the case
the values of personal autonomy, thus in the new occidental order and all these of Nazism) entails a huge effort. An effort
accepting an order based on tensions, former communist societies were ready of dismantling and rebuilding, a mental,
contradictions(the anti-utopian option) or to embrace them, now, after 16 years cultural and psychological, political, eco- (Extras from „How innocent is that?”, an
reject modernity in the name of collec- Central and Eastern European countries nomic and legal one. Giving up the role of editorial & curatorial project Eugen
tivist ideals(the neo-utopian option).What understood that they are left to cope on “passive” actor in the system was fol- Rådescu is currently working on.)
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Erased graffiti on an advertising bilboard, Bucharest.

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is my personal predisposition, although I of a good society. Unfortunately, according

Chaotic Citizenship recognize that any valid findings must be
tentative, incomplete and partial, thus failing
to chaos theory, this can never be certain. It
might even prove false. There are too many
as satisfying explanation. It is like reading a unknowns and too many interacting vari-
murder mystery for the second time. On the ables, thus deterring any prediction of
first reading, amidst a tangle of confusing steady-state equilibrium realized at some
signals, there is only surprise when Hercule high-level of accomplishment. Since the full
by Ronald F. King
Poirot announces that he has definitely range of consequences from one’s actions
solved the case. On the second reading, are impossible to measure, moral behavior
however, when one knows the full story in must instead stem from internal rather than
advance, it is possible – sometimes – to dis- external motivations. We construct our
cern the essential threads that gave struc- social persona, given limited objective
The core premise of modern chaos theory is ture to the events and made the outcome resources, based upon the scope of our
easy to grasp. Slight differences in initial ineluctable. vision and the depth of our character. In this
conditions can produce dramatic differences sense, it resembles an aesthetic choice
in eventual outcomes. Even in the con- My purpose in this essay, nevertheless, is more than a pragmatic one. Like art, virtue
trolled laboratory environment, there will not empirical but moral. The question is how stands inherently in opposition to the sordid,
always be some small degree of measure- to live in a world afflicted by inherent and the mundane, the ugly, and the corrupt in
ment error and some unintended variation in inescapable chaos. The false temptation life. Like art, it demands active participation
the background factors that are assumed to always is toward an attitude of elitist superi- and refuses resignation.
be held constant. In the uncontrolled world ority and passivity. Those who acknowledge
of real life, there are the additional complica- and accept chaotic necessity might look Participation, however, is not assured.
tions of multiple interacting causal influ- down upon efforts of others, intolerant of Among the main findings of modern social
ences and human intentions. Life is a com- their flawed designs and skeptical of their science is the proposition that cooperative
plex multivariate probability distribution. alleged achievements. Since totality and citizenship is individually irrational. If every-
Simplification and predictability, once the perfection are beyond attainment, there is one else acts cooperatively, then I can be
dream of technocratic management, are far ample opportunity to play the disengaged narrowly self-interested with impunity. If
beyond our grasp. critic. All will appear inferior and incompe- everyone else is self-interested, then my
tent to our eyes. Heroism is too easily per- voluntary efforts at cooperation will be inef-
There are those who seek to escape from verted and the ordinary is perverse. Human fective. The offsetting norms affirming mutu-
uncertainty by the dominant imposition of folly abounds, a ready subject for laughter ality and community are hard to establish
coercive power. The American escapade in and disdain. Given the probability of failed and easy to erode. Moreover, decision-mak-
Iraq, if nothing else, demonstrates yet again intensions and unanticipated conse- ing has moved ever further from the domain
the falsity of such arrogance, unleashing quences, there could never be justification of average individual. Globalizing forces
civil war and religious hatred toward those for action, connection, and commitment. assert our insignificance, requiring in
who planned naively to be welcomed as lib- The problem with this perspective, of response the development of new forms of
erators. There are those who seek to course, is that we do not walk merely democratic institutions when we have bare-
escape from uncertainty by the assertion through the chaotic world – we walk within it. ly begun to comprehend the older forms.
that there must be some ultimate intelligent There is no way to separate ourselves from The modern citizen stands trapped between
design or benevolent watchfulness guiding our objects of ridicule. Those prone to the the tedious and the terrifying. Yet the chaos
our steps. This is visible in the growth of reli- ironic temperament are equally ironic sub- concept also prohibits any firm prediction of
gious fundamentalism and in fervent atten- jects. Wit is entirely a second-class disease. collapse. It is this inherent uncertainty that
dance at churches, mosques, and syna- Lucidity is not an excuse. establishes the space for expression,
gogues. There are those who seek escape engagement and creativity, whether artistic
from uncertainty by a renewed interest in Yet the alternative cannot be simple conse- or societal. Knowledge that the world is
science, hoping to discover new regularities quentialism. The sum of many good individ- chaotic thus does not absolve us of person-
among the intricacies of observed data. This ual acts, we are often told, is the production al obligation and responsibility.
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ment to the war dead are. No one Above all, the first lesson of culture is
Culture & Civilization escapes this shaping that makes each that the world is vast, the past unfath-
one of us a civilized human being hic et omable, and that billions of men think
nunc. and have thought differently then we,
our neighbors, and our countrymen.
But the child goes to school, and the Culture leads to the universal and
by Michel Tournier knowledge he acquires there can have engenders skepticism. Striving to widen
two diametrically opposed functions. his ideas to a universal dimension, the
This knowledge can flow within the ele- cultivated man treats his own civilization
ments of civilization that surround the like a particular case. He comes to think
child, doing them no harm and even that “the” civilization, outside of which all
enriching them. For example, the is barbarism or savagery, does not exist,
schoolchild learns the history of war and but there exist a multitude of civiliza-
understands better the meaning the tions, all of which deserve respect. He
monument of the dead. Or religious condemns at the same time colonizers
instruction helps him decipher the vari- and missionaries, finding both guilty of
ous symbols found in the church. ethnocide.

But the gifted high-school student is not He quickly becomes an object of scan-
content with the traditional textbooks dal for the civilized man. Renan, back in
As soon as a child is born into the word, that have been imposed upon him and Tréguier on vacation, his head crammed
he is assaulted with a multitude of per- that prolong his lessons about civiliza- full of all the knowledge he had accumu-
ceptions, then trained to performed a tion. He reads other books, goes to see lated in Paris, horrified the good priest
number of movements and behaviors films and plays, associates with those who had been in charge of his religious
that depend on the place and time of his more knowledgeable than he. In this education. Indubitably, he had been per-
birth. He thus learns to eat, play, work way he builds himself a culture. And this verted by the big city. Paris was the
and so forth as it is done in his native culture is freely selected. It will be scien- kingdom of the Devil.
environment, first in his family, then at tific, political, or philosophical, as the
school. But it is, of course, the language student chooses. In this way, the young Civilizations can fight among them-
he hears and learns that plays the prin- man maintains a certain distance from selves. The Christian West and the
cipal role because it molds his logic and the education he has received. He cri- Islamic East have made war. But within
sensibility. tiques it, he questions it, he rejects parts each civilization, the cultured man is
of it. From then on, his knowledge goes resented: he is dangerously enervated
We call civilization this baggage that is beyond the limits of civilization and deviate who must be eliminated. Hallaj
transmissible from generation to genera- attacks and partially destroys it. The in 922 and Giordano Bruno burned in
tion. For example, rain- in an oceanic monument to the dead inspires antimili- Rome in 1600 were culture murdered by
country- is a material phenomenon unre- taristic talk. The church inspires anticleri- civilization.
lated to civilization. On the other hand, cal opinions.
the habit of carrying an umbrella- or dis-
daining the use of an umbrella- is a fact
of civilization. The sea, the mountain The barbarian is first and foremost
that a child sees each time he goes out- the man who believes in barbarism.
doors are not products of civilization. By
contrast, the village church or the monu- CLAUDE LÉVI-STRAUSS, Race and History
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by Lia Perjovschi

Route of Power/Route of Dissidence

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some standing on stairs, others are familiar logos and signs of different
I Would Prefer Not To standing on scaffoldings, some are sit- brands. Whereas the advertising
ting on the floor and painting. One man footage Agamben was talking about –
is shouting through a megaphone and and of course most of the footage
a woman looks as if she is very proud today – tried to fill the nothing (a non-
of her work. All in all, the picture itself identity) with something positive, with
by Felix Vogel looks – because of the muddle of ads an image or with a story. The ads,
and the people around them – chaotic which are shown in Qingsong’s print do
and the observer is somehow con- not show anything. It is even less than
fused. an empty hull. It is just the emptiness of
what is beyond the footage described
Besides its visually floridness, by Agamben. Here, we have only
Competition tells us much about the empty icons.
chaotic condition of today. The people
working in the picture could be seen as And there is the big difference: Today,
the average people of our world. people are adopting not only identities,
Today, people do not have a proper which are totally incongruous and
identity anymore. Speaking with improper but at the same time sup-
Agamben you can say that we are liv- posed to – at least – mean anything,
ing in a society without classes. Instead what is called “individual”. The people
Assuming that we live in the age of of classes there is just one “planetary in Qingsong’s scenery, in other words
chaos it is not necessarily important to petty bourgeoisie, in which all the old the people of today, are adopting empti-
discuss chaos itself, whereas it is social classes are dissolved” ness, nothingness. Not that they real-
essential to think about today’s peo- (Agamben, Giorgio: The Coming ized that they do not have the possibili-
ples’ condition and identities. While Community. Chapter 15: “Without ty to have a proper identity or to be
reflecting on Qingsong’s photography Classes”). Agamben thinks that every indi-vidual, but their consumerist behav-
Competition, which could be seen as a identity of the people of the planetary ior, their – so to speak – fetishism
paradigm of our today’s world ruled by petty bourgeoisie is improper and inau- towards con-sumer goods arrived at a
chaos, this question is imploringly thentic. He compares them with adver- ridiculous level on which they do not
asked. tising footage in which a product is identify with a product, a brand or an
advertised in a way that does not have obvious lie told about a product, but
On the print you can see a huge corner to do anything with the product itself with empty icons, meaningless brand-
wall full – almost to crack up – of anymore. The people are still searching characters. Some people would now
pieces of paper, which could be identi- for the product they were cheated off to argue that most of the advertising in
fied as advertising posters, hand-paint- try to form their own identity. our world still runs after the scheme of
ed in the Chinese calligraphic tradition. a wrong promise, but during the last
You recognize ads of familiar and total- But I would like to go further than few years there has been – and it most
ly different brands like Boeing, Durex, Agamben did. As you can see in the likely goes still on – something like a
Starbucks, Citibank, Rolex, McDonalds, picture there is nothing like a delusion turn: A lot of brands (not only big
etc. It gets even more fan-tastic and on the ads. There is nothing on the ads names like Armani, Calvin Klein and
crazy, if you observe the people in the that cheats you. No product is adver- DKNY) are now advertising only with
picture. There are approximately twenty tised with wrong promises. The only their brand name / logo, without any
women and men in front of the wall; thing you can see are just a lot of very message, wrong promise or slogan.
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Just billboards like in Competition. can see that beyond the hull there is
nothing. And even the hull of the capi-
Moreover, it is interesting to see that talist and the communist promise looks
there is no significant difference similar – in so far that it does not have
between a McDonalds-ad and a Rolex- do to anything with the system beyond.
ad. They are produced in the same old- The chaos in our world is an alarming
fashioned way and they have the same indication of the self-destruction of
size. In our chaotic world there are no today’s people. It is a sign of the
differences between fast food today’s post-nihilistic condition. Chaos
(McDonalds) and expensive jewelry just started to de-struct the world and it
(Rolex) anymore in so far as only the will, if it has not happened yet, become
logo counts. What there is beyond – I hived off. Consumer-ism went so far
would like to claim that there is nothing that right now there are not many pos-
– is not in-teresting anymore. It even sibilities to stop the capitalist machine
looks like if people accepted the chaos and to break out of the improper sys-
as their state of liv-ing; as their actual tem everyone has internalized.
system instead of being confused of
such paradox situations. A product – One solution could be found in re-think-
and of course its advertising, which is ing capitalism and consumerism and
sometimes more a product than the therefore for the people not to try to find
product itself – can only exists in a a proper identity, but to behave towards
delimitation of other products. But in the system like Bartleby in Melville’s
today’s cha-otic condition every delimi- novel of the same name: I would prefer
tation broke, every border is over not to.

Again, there is another point why this

picture is symptomatic for the age of
chaos. The fact that the scenery plays
in China and not somewhere in Europe
or in North America shows best the turn
from political propaganda – that is com-
munist propa-ganda during the Culture
Revolution in China – to capitalist
advertising, which is also propaganda
in a certain and not necessarily differ-
ent way. Within only very few years the
whole advertising/propaganda system
changed and the improper identity of
the people changed from communist to
capitalist without even complaining.
Both identi-ties are at the first view
oppositional, but at a closer look you Courtyard, downtown Bucharest.
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Pavilion of PAVILION. Image from the installation in Botanical Garden.


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Erik Binder

Plastic Bag Kung-Fu, video, 1’45”, 2004. Courtesy the artist. Plastic Bag Kung-Fu, video, 1’45”, 2004. Courtesy the artist.

Binder's activities are switching from the creative work of a person to the collaborative form of
work of a group with changing members, the Kunst-fu. His interest is rooted in visual appear-
ances of subculture. The projects he manages are using many forms of media and ways of
expression; from video to photographs, to wall drawings, and ultimately to installations. The world
he represents has endless forms, in which every form of existence has a meaning. In this scene
the children and animals' way of thinking is used as a source of inspiration, or it could even be
understood as the artist's philosophy.
As an art activist he shows us how to react to society; creativity is the only possibility to get a
way out of the reality of chaos and reach a kind of personal enlightenment, which we call art.

Venues: National Center of Dance, Museum of Geology

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Erik Binder

Grand Masters Exercises, video, 17', 2004. Courtesy the artist. Grand Masters Exercises, video, 17', 2004. Courtesy the artist. Image of the instalation.
Photo: Claudia Martins.

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Eduard Constantin

“Living in the West – Neighbours”, interactive video, 2004. Courtesy the artist. “Abandoned houses”, video, 4’, 2004. Courtesy the artist.

After an absence of 6 years from my native town, I started to realise how much my neighbour-
hood has changed. I transformed my balcony in an observation point. I film my neighbours who
live in the block of flats in front of my own because they are occupying a large part of my hori-
zon. With a look that might seem indiscreet, we observe each other daily, mostly because our
private balcony is for all of us the only public space where we encounter each other.
From the same point of observation I see the parking of a supermarket, which was transformed
in a playground by the kids, in the same way as the gas station lawn. We have become used to
these things and we consider them normal: living with half of horizon as well as having impro-
vised playgrounds. I try, watching from my tower or walking around it, to make an analysis of the
area I live in: Ploiesti Vest, also called “in the West”. (E.C.)

Venues: Museum of Geology

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Eduard Constantin

“Abandoned houses”, video, 4’, 2004. Courtesy the artist. “Living in the West – Neighbours”, interactive video, 2004, image of the intallation.
Photo: Claudia Martins.

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János Fodor

"First impressions of the world", photography, various dimensions, 2006. Courtesy of the artist. "First impressions of the world", photography, various dimensions, 2006. Courtesy of the artist.

Fodor's sensitivity for diverse, small, meaningful images gives us the feeling that in our environ-
ment small details have symbolic messages. His photographs describe a constellation of objects
and writings he finds in cities. The parallelism of human thinking and behavior is accidental; none
of these situations are arranged or manipulated. The message of his works is to be bravely poet-
ic when we use our eyes to understand the world we are living in. (Zsolt Petrányi)

Venues: National Center of Dance, Museum of Geology.

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János Fodor

"First impressions of the world", photography, various dimensions, 2006. Courtesy of the artist. "Mind", video, 40’, 2005. Image of the installation.

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El Perro

“Democracia”, objects & video, 7’53”, 2005. Courtesy the artists.

El Perro takes the merchandising brand created for The Democracy Shop to the old Carabanchel
prison outside Madrid. Shot on five videos screened in a synchonised manner, skaters decked
out in Democracy-brand boards and t-shirts go around the abandoned penitentiary installations.
The idea to set up The Democracy shop as a brand (for t-shirts and skateboards), using the
image of the soldier Lynddie England torturing prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison as logo, is an
attempt to understand the tortures in Iraq, as Slavoj Zizek said, not just as another case of impe-
rialist arrogance towards the Third World. It tries to focus on the fact that by being submitted to
these humiliating tortures, the Iraqi prisoners were in effect being initiated into the western cul-
ture and its democratic values. They experienced the taste of its obscene underworld, its tedious “Democracia”, objects & video, 7’53”, 2005. Courtesy the artists.
Jackass style jokes and other initiation rites of torture and humiliation to which one must be sub-
mitted in order to be accepted into the heart of a closed community. It is not common to see such
photos, at least not regularly, in western press, except when some scandal breaks out in an army
unit or in a university campus, where the initiation ritual gets out of hand and when soldiers or
students are harmed beyond what is considered acceptable. These humiliations are the compul-
sory finishing touches before being able to access the public values of dignity, democracy and
personal freedom. What we perceive when we see images of humiliated Iraqi prisoners on our
screens, or in our newspapers, is precisely a privileged view of “the values of the civilized
world.”(El Perro)

Venues: Museum of Geology

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El Perro

“Democracia”, objects & video, 7’53”, 2005. Courtesy the artists. “Democracia”, video, 7’53”, 2005. Image of the installation. Photo: Claudia Martins.

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Rainer Ganahl

Bicycling Bucharest, video, 22’, 2006. Courtesy the artist. Bicycling Bucharest, video, 22, 2006. Courtesy the artist.

The bicycle is not only my unique vehicle of transportation but also my urban eyeglass - some
extension of my visual and acoustic organs. As such it is a real social urban interface. When
working with my dreams over an 8 months period I realized with surprise that I was dreaming
constantly of my bicycle in relationship to the apprehension of my world. I'm a bicycle rider since
early childhood. My first birthday present I remember was a bicycle. I have never stayed in a
place for long without a bicycle, including in Tokyo where I was harassed daily by the police for
riding a bicycle. (I was considered a bicycle thief).
I bicycle against the traffic while filming without holding the steering wheel. I drive around the city
filming directly across the steering wheel thus rendering it into cross hairs. This brings me
through a variety of different neighbourhoods and places that give a cityscape quite surprising to
see. This risky and unlawful engagement with the bicycle, the city and my camera creates an
anti-gravitational epic of traffic jams and busy people.
The bicycle is really - next to the computer and the radio - my most important instrument for 'mak-
ing it through my life'. (Rainer Ganahl)

Venues: Museum of Geology

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Rainer Ganahl

Bicycling Broadway, New York, video (60’+90’), 2006. Courtesy the artist. Bicycling New Orleans, video, 40’, 2006. Courtesy the artist.

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Kátia Lombardi

“Untitled”, photography, various dimensions, 1996 / 1997. Courtesy the artist.

Kátia Lombardi’s pictures spent many years in the archive of the newspaper where she worked,
until the photographer decided to rescue them from their "journalistic” status. These images are
shown here for the first time in the context of art, and outside the pages of the “Notícias
Populares” – a sensationalistic daily newspaper in Sao Paulo.
In middle of the 1990s, sensationalism in the press made a comeback. Publications gave new “Untitled”, photography, various dimensions, 1996 / 1997. Courtesy the artist.
packaging to gruesome facts, both in the language they used and the information they contained.
It was the era of the “ham (corpse)-stretched–on-the-ground-beside-a-naked-busty-blonde” –
both bodies sharing the same page. Without wanting to draw a comparison with the dramatic
work of Wegee, there is something sublime in the lights, colours and compositions of Katia's pic-
tures from the late-night shift.
Nothing (or almost nothing) has changed in Brazil as far as murders go. But neo-sensationalist
news is no more a novelty, and “Notícias Populares” has closed. Although dead bodies are still
being photographed for other newspapers, Kátia’s pictures resisted the torrent of information. In
her pictures, we feel time passing and, because of this, they are ever-more powerful encapsula-
tions of a fleeting moment. (Rodrigo Moura)

Venues: National Center of Dance

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Kátia Lombardi

“Untitled”, photography, various dimensions, 1996 / 1997. Courtesy the artist. “Untitled”, photography, various dimensions, 1996 / 1997. Courtesy the artist.

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Agent MC

What about you

When the air fades away,
Will you go on with the madness
Ignite a war every day,
The end of the road
Reach the final stage,
Where will you be
When the puzzles rearrange?

“Untitled Chaos”, words/sound performance, 20’, 2006. Courtesy BB2. From “Untitled Chaos”, words/sound performance, 20’, 2006. Courtesy the artist.

Agent MC is interested in the underground movement and electronic music scene. (Agent MC)

Venues: Skateboard Park Herastrau

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Agent MC

“Untitled Chaos”, words/sound performance, 20’, 2006. Courtesy BB2. “Untitled Chaos”, words/sound performance, 20’, 2006. Courtesy BB2.

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Sebastian Moldovan

“The Paris”, intervention in public space, performance, video (7’30”), photography, 2005/2006.
Courtesy the artist.

I relate The Paris Project to my two-years every-day experience in Bucharest as a “creative work-
er”, so to use Bourdieu’s nomination towards contemporary artists. Being a flâneur is the only way
to survive in a metropolis that can not be reduced to a political-industrial existence anymore; the
city, as Baudrillard puts it, is the space of sign systems, new media and codes. Using Guy Debord’s
theory about the city stroller – dérive, detournement and integrated spectacular – I have explored
certain parts of Bucharest that were once related to the city’s nomination of “Little Paris”. The pur-
pose is simulating a missing reality, using nowadays given situations. The object that I’ve created,
Paris, is a simulacrum that reifies the existence of an entire city and civilization. Strolling with Paris
is part of the process of artification and gentrification implemented to certain parts of Bucharest.
The dérive has led me towards creating psychogeographies as part of urban situations. The object “The Paris”, intervention in public space, performance, video (7’30”), photography, 2005/2006.
Paris, placed in the “Bothanical Garden”, is a sign, a clue offered to the passer-by, in order to devel- Courtesy the artist.
op a spatial consciousness, while taking part in a constructed situation.
Part of the detournement, the video transgresses the limits of spatiality, forging the original by inser-
ating the object Paris in almost every situation. Paris exists as a trompe-l’oeil, under disguise, part
of every-day life events. Suggesting the exit from the city, Paris is rather anihilated, although it can
not ever be exhausted.
Paris becomes a brand, posessing the eternal youth of objects, situated everywhere like a commer-
cial that conquers space. This is the last stage of the flâneur’s intercession, the integrated spectac-
ular, or the total visual experience. You are what you see. The factory observed early in the morn-
ing, trams, fences, clothes hanging outside the windows, rush, too much movement, turmoil – these
are slides from the city we live in. No inner life, no feelings, just sheer movement and Paris, the ulti-
mate state of mind. In the end of the video, we are given the illusion of the artist’s death, ran over
by a tram while carrying Paris. Is Paris dead indeed or it was used a double? (Sebastian Moldovan)
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Sebastian Moldovan

“The Paris”, intervention in public space, performance, video (7’30”), photography, 2005/2006. “The Paris”, intervention in public space, performance, video (7’30”), photography, 2005/2006.
Courtesy the artist. Courtesy the artist.

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Pedro Motta

“Untitled” series, B/W photography, various dimensions, 2003 / 2004. Courtesy the artist. “Untitled” series, B/W photography, various dimensions, 2003 / 2004. Courtesy the artist.

For a series of 7 images (untitled, 2003-2004), Pedro photographed the facades of buildings
facades that were drastically altered after construction. There are doors and windows covered
by bricks and concrete, photographed with severity and a certain monotony, hard and symmet-
rical, recorded in almost-homogenous black-and-white compositions, highlighting textures.
It could belong to the German school of Bernt and Hilla Becher, and is intriguing for its formal
analysis of the constructive typology. However, in Pedro’s image, what is in focus is a decadent
city, captured by the realistic record of the photograph. While they are waiting for a better end,
the abandoned buildings have access to their interiors blocked, preventing invasion in a vulner-
able city. There is no way to escape from that: those blockages are intended to create a separa-
tion between a desirably prosperous and private interior and an outside, as public and as threat-
ening as could be. The realistic character of the images conveys sorrow, impotent in the face of
reality. Never as a denunciation, but more like a contemplation. (Rodrigo Moura)

Venues: National Center of Dance

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Pedro Motta

“Untitled” series, B/W photography, various dimensions, 2003 / 2004. Courtesy the artist. “Untitled” series, B/W photography, various dimensions, 2003 / 2004. Courtesy the artist.

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Ioana Nemes,

“Monthly Evaluation Project”, installation, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.

A recurring element in the work of Ioana Nemes is the documenting, categorizing and analyzing
of her daily activities.
Fascinated by the (im) possibility of capturing a person's life in numbers, words, and colors, the
artist turned directly to herself for an evaluation of her daily life, in an attempt to objectify and
scale her perceptions and emotive responses.
To facilitate this (search for) objectivity she uses the standardized forms of PowerPoint diagrams. “Monthly Evaluation Project”, installation, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.
In a line-chart five variables (physical energy, emotional energy, intellect, income and luck level)
are rated every day on a scale from -10 to 10, in a calendar diagram each day is given a color
and a plus (+), a minus (-) or a equality sign (=).
Although it is of course a question whether objectivity is possible in such a self-reflective under-
taking, the continuous scaling over a long period of time might bring about a development
towards a certain degree of objectivity or rather preciseness in the comparative values attached
to certain states of mind.
For Bucharest Biennale, she chose to wrap approximately 60 books placed in a window display
situated in one of the hall of the Biology University of Bucharest, with colorful covers - a special
selection of 60 days from her monthly evaluations time archive. (Hilde de Bruijne)

Venues: Faculty of Biology

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Ioana Nemes,

“Monthly Evaluation Project”, installation, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.

“Monthly Evaluation Project”, installation, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.

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Ilona Németh

“Morning”, photography (various dimensions) & video 3’50”, 2004. Courtesy the artist. “Morning”, photography (various dimensions) & video 3’50”, 2004. Courtesy the artist.

Morning. My work shows a common, everyday action: somebody is reading the newspaper while
having breakfast at home, in her kitchen. The two guardians, of whom we can't decide whether
they are protecting the person or rather the surroundings from the person, seem to be charac-
ters from another world. They represent the world around us, a parallel world with our lives which,
on the surface at least, we are trying to ignore it. For me the commandos symbolize violence
even if, initially, they seem to be there to defend us. Although the person on the billboard pre-
tends not to see them, it might be that she takes their presence for granted. (Ilona Németh)

Venues: Museum of Literature

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Ilona Németh

“Morning”, 2004. Image from the banner installation. Photo: Cludia Martins. “Morning”, photography(various dimensions) & video 3’50”, 2004.
Image from the banner installation. Photo: Cludia Martins.

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Tatsumi Orimoto

“Boxing Partner”, photography, various dimensions, 2003. Courtesy the artist. “Boxing Partner”, photography, various dimensions, 2003. Courtesy the artist.

Orimoto's activities as a performance artist date back to the seventies. Since then he has elab-
orated his own approach to personal action, where humor and irony plays a key role.
In all of his performances around the world he used understandable symbols of life.
His latest photo documentation of the "home made” performances gives a new approach to the
actions itself. His interest in sick and disabled people turns his humor to dramatic
scenarios.(Zsolt Petrányi)

Venues: National Center of Dance, Museum of Geology

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Tatsumi Orimoto

“Art Mama (Small Mama+Big shoes)”, performance-video, 25’, 2000. Courtesy the artist. “Art Mama (Small Mama+Big shoes)”, performance-video, 25’, 2000. Image from installation.

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Dan Perjovschi

"Decorative Chaos", wall drawing, 2006. Photo: Dan Perjovschi. "Decorative Chaos", wall drawing & installation of a camera transmitting images from inside
Green House 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.

With probably the simplest and most economical of current art practices, Dan Perjovschi’s work
manages to comment on the widest possible terrain of political, economic and artistic subjects.
Living in Bucharest, his view of the world is both particular to that place and riddled with all the
contradictions, wisdom and absurdity that global information systems offer. His work is humor-
ous, sharp and sometimes cutting in its exposure of human behaviour and fragility. In simple
terms, he draws pictures and texts on walls. He makes these drawings spontaneously in the
spaces where he works, allowing the flow of events to effect the final result. The architectural
spaces that he inhabits determine certain outcomes of his installations; the sights and sounds
that he experiences at the time influence some of the subjects in his drawings, while current
affairs and local gossip shape others. Together they form a visual diary as much as a microcosm
of what is going on in and around the Biennial, the city and the world at this moment. (Charles

Venues: Info Point BB2, Botanical Garden, South Shop

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Dan Perjovschi

"Decorative Chaos", drawing on a skateboard plate. Photo: Razvan Ion.

"Decorative Chaos", intervention in “22” weekly magazine during BB2. Courtesy the artist.

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˘ ˘ Rulea

“30s”, video, 24’07”, 2004/2005. Courtesy the artist. “30s”, video, 24’07”, 2004/2005. Courtesy the artist.

...This is the time my Canon A70 unprofessional camera can record images at its 640x480dpi
highest resolution. It is the time it would take for a "good bye", the time for watching a total
strange person moaning, time for printing on your retina an image you will never forget, time of
a gesture, time of astonishment. It could be the time of a revelation, time of a daydreaming. Then
30 seconds expands and become personal time... 30 seconds could last however much; this is
my personal theory on relativity. (Catalin Rulea)

Venues: Museum of Geology

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˘ ˘ Rulea

“30s”, video, 24’07”, 2004/2005. Courtesy the artist. “30s”, video, 24’07”, 2004/2005. Photo: Claudia Martins.

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Janek Simon

“Departure”, computer animation, 6’44”, 2003. Courtesy the artist. “Departure”, computer animation, 6’44”, 2003. Courtesy the artist.

A computer animation showing Krakow’s churches (mostly gothic) lifting off like space shuttles.
The animation is projected on a wall. There are six churches taking off and the duration of the
video is about 7 minutes.
Krakow is famous for its old churches, which are a main tourist attraction here. Krakow is also
the most politically and culturally conservative city in Poland with Catholic Church playing a major
role in decision-making at all levels of the power structure. (Janek Simon)

Venues: Museum of Geology

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Janek Simon

“Departure”, computer animation, 6’44”, 2003. Courtesy the artist. “Departure”, computer animation, 6’44”, 2003. Courtesy the artist.

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Áttila Stark

“The brown ship of two drunken cooks”, graffiti/photography, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins. “The brown ship of two drunken cooks”, graffiti/photography, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins.

Stark's activities are based on the deep understanding and criticism of street art. As an artist he
elaborated his own motives in his graffiti, stickers and wall paintings. His ability to blow up com-
plex images on big surfaces gives a new definition of classic graphic methods. His motives give
an ironic meaning of everyday life and mankind, which we confront as passers-by on the streets
of the cities he works in. (Áttila Stark)

Venues: National Center of Dance, en-route on streets.

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Áttila Stark

“The brown ship of two drunken cooks”, graffiti/photography, 2006. Photo: Claudia Martins. “The brown ship of two drunken cooks”, map of the en-route drawings, 2006.

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Aya Tzukioka

“Hide-and-seek”, objects, photography, video 18’, on going project from 2001.

Courtesy the artist.

In her performance-photo-based project “Hide-and-Seek” Tsukioka describes the status of civi-

lization from her own perspective.
Living in our cities surrounded by fear and terror, the human behavior has to focus on survival.
Her strategy for that is based on hiding: she constructed different suits resembling soft drink
machines, and different objects which she can wear in dangerous situations. The result of her “Hide-and-seek”, objects, photography, video 18’, on going project from 2001. Image from the
work is a complex project where the photo and video documentation, the suits, and the hiding installation. Photo: Claudia Martins.
come together as one unit of life experience. (Zsolt Petrányi)

Venues: Museum of Literature

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“Hide-and-seek”, objects, photography, video 18’, on going project from 2001.

Courtesy the artist.

“Hide-and-seek”, objects, photography, video 18’, on going project from 2001.

Image of the installation. Photo: Claudia Martins.

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Wang Qingsong

“Competition”, photography, various dimensions, 2004. Courtesy the artist.

“Another Battle”, photography, various dimensions, 2004. Courtesy of the artist.

"Another Battle" Series is influenced by the snapshots of patriotism and heroism extolled in the old movies talk-
ing about safeguarding the motherland that I watched in childhood. The heroes gave their lives for the libera-
tion of new China in movies like "Landmine War", "Guerrilla War", "Three Liberation Wars", etc. I used to dream
about becoming a soldier, too. Up until now, this dream has not been realized. Nowadays economic recon-
struction is like a war that progresses so rapidly and intensely. In this war, we have to face contradictions from
both Chinese ancient civilization and modern western civilization. I call these contradictions Another Battle. In
this battle of "defending our country", without fire and gunshots, I portray myself as a defeated commander. It
looks there is no winner at all in this battle.
My new work "Competition" focuses on the power of ads and the misconceptions that ads can create. For this
photo work, I constructed a chaotic backdrop where over 20 people are depicted in a frenzy of competition with
some even fist fighting while jostling for ad positioning on a huge billboard advertisement; this struggle for the
most optimal outdoor ad placement is perceived as inevitably bringing power and influence. The struggle for
ad placement in public space in China is not unlike a battlefield strewn with casualties after a pitched battle for
power. Today one brand wins. The next day, its competitor will replace it with better positioning on public
spaces. Every day, new ads go up, and old ones fall down, scattered in pieces, and discarded on the ground
under newly erected billboard advertisements.
In this work, I've constructed a huge wall, that stands about 14 meters high and 40 meters across, and I fixed
over 600 pieces of paper (110 x 90 cm each) on which wrote in traditional Chinese ink brush style in some
instances and in felt tip pen and magic marker in others, a random selection of slogans and phrases from the
advertisements that bombard us here every day. These ads include both domestic and international informa-
tion about companies and famous brands, such as the lease of houses, education programs, restaurants, foot
massage, etc. Everything is advertised, from items as big as airplanes (BOEING) or as small as vinegar and
condoms. On my gigantic wall, I make the fight for advertising as fierce as a struggle for military power, with
inevitable casualties on the battlefield. I've used around 3000 varieties of products and services on my wall to
show off the allure of this mass advertising campaign that surrounds us. (Wang Qingsong)

Venues: National Center of Dance

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Wang Qingsong

“Another Battle”, photography,various dimensions, 2004. Courtesy of the artist.

“Another Battle”, photography,various dimensions, 2004. Courtesy of the artist.

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Curator BB2 Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia 2001: The X Place, installation - intervention, Madrid, Spain (2003) and curated group
Intercosmos, Gallery Raster, Warsaw, Poland the French Institute, Bucharest shows as Deluxe, Sala Plaza de España,
Smbdy calling you!..., Siemens ArtLab, Madrid, Spain (2002) or Brave New World ,
Zsolt Petrányi Vienna, Austria Janos Fodor Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, Spain (2005). They
Curator of Bucharest Biennale 2: “Chaos: The Born in 1975 - Budapest, Hungary publish Delayed magazine and www.con-
Age of Counfusion”. Hungarian art critic and Recent group exhibitions Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary
curator, who is mostly interested in new 2006
trends of East and Middle-European art. He is Prospective sites, RollingBoards project, Recent solo exhibitions Rainer Ganahl
currently the director of the Mucsarnok - Wiena, Austria 2003 '..' Polish Institute, Budapest Born in 1967 - Bludenz, Austria
Kunsthalle Budapest and teaches contempo- Minimal diversion, Vector Gallery, Iasi, 2004 'hellp' Fészek Klub, Budapest Lives and works in New York, USA
rary art and curating at University of Design, Romania,
Budapest. After he received his PhD on art Blafl and White, American Hellenic Recent group exhibitions Recent exhibitions
history at ELTE University he was the director Foundation, Athens, Greece 2002 Budapest Box', Ludwig Múzeum The Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University
of the Institute of Contemporary Art at 2005 Budapest – Kortárs Mûvészeti Múzeum, Museum, New York ; Museum of Modern Art,
Dunaujvaros - Hungary, where he worked SERIAL CASES_01 Acquaintance, < rotor > Budapest MUMOK, Vienna; Baumgartner Gallery, New
until September 2005. At ICA-D he produced in Holon (Israel), Sofia(Bulgaria), Novi Sad 2003 'Transmissionen', Staatliche Akademie York; The Jewish Museum, New York;
and curated several exhibitions, among them: (Serbia and Montenegro) der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart, Germany Momenta Art, New York; Kunstverrein
“Chaos-the culture of Chaos, the Chaos of Istanbul(Turkey),Usti nad Labem(Czechia), 2004 'Poesis', Mûcsarnok/Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, and Venice Biennial.
culture”, “Fever”, Contemporary Hungarian Zagreb(Chroatia), Graz(Austria) Budapest
Fashion Photographyon the Month of Market, Stará Tr_nica, Bratislava, SK 'Last East European Show', Museum of A Selection of Recent Publications
Photography and “Space”. He had also Iconoclash , Spitz Gallery, London, UK Contemporary Art, Beograd, Serbia William Kaizen, "Please, teach me..." Rainer
curated international exhibitions, such as Piestany Parks Sculpture, Piestany, SK 'Hidden Holocaust', Mûcsarnok, Budapest Ganahl and the Politics of Learning, Wallach
“Cruising Danubio” with Agustin Perez Rubio Chaos,Institute of Contemporary Unframed Landscapes', Dunaújváros – Art Gallery , Columbia University, New York
at Communidad de Madrid, Spain and “The art,Dunaújváros,Hungary Zagreb - London 2005
Body of Nefertiti“ Little Warsaw Exhibition at Prague Bienial, Prague CZ 2005 'Magánügy? / Privat Matter?', Rainer Ganahl (ed.), MONEY AND DREAMS:
Venice Biennale, Italy and “Légér differé” at Hey Europe, Artistic program for international Mûcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest COUNTING THE LAST DAYS OF THE SIG-
Centre d’Art Contemporain, Sete. conference Spirit&Present, Seggau Castle, 2006 'Hétköznapi történetek / Everyday MUND FREUD BANKNOTE, Putnam, CT:
Austria Series', Karton Galéria, Budapest Spring Publications, New York, 2005
Fremde Körper(Alien Body), Galéria Jána Rainer Ganahl, Road to War, MUMOK
Artists BB2 Koniarka/Synagogue El Perro (Museum of Modern Art Vienna), and Verlag
Centre of Contemporary Art, Trnava, Slovakia Lives and works in Madrid, Spain der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne,
Erik Binder Bez Obraz ie – media scream, Data ping 2005
Born in 1974, Hnúst-Likier, Slovakia pong Featuring Erik Schille SK El Perro is a collective made up by Pablo Rainer Ganahl, NEXT TARGET - Versteinerte
Live and work in Bratislava, Slovakia Giving Person, Palazzo Arte Napoli, IT España (b. 1970), Iván López (b.1970) and Politik / Petrified Politics, GAK (Gesellschaft
Beautyfree shop, exhibition in shop, v_stava Ramón Mateos (b. 1968). They live and work für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen), and Revolver,
Recent solo exhibitions v obchode, Prague, CZ in Madrid, Spain. Among their solo shows we Frankfurt, 2004
2005 can remark Democracia, Salvador Díaz Rainer Ganahl, Please, write your opinons of
Superart, Johaniten Kirche Feldkirch, A Eduard Constantin Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2005) and El Perro, U.S. politics..., onestarpress, Paris, 2003
Exhibition in Hilger Contemporary, with Mihail Born in 1977 – Ploiesti, Romania ExTeresa Arte Actual, Mexico DF, Mexico Rainer Ganahl, lueneburger-heide-sprechen,
Milunovic and Renata Poliak, Wiena, A Lives and works in Belgium and Romania (2003). El Perro took part in collective shows revolver, Frankfurt 2003
2004 as ARS 06, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland (2006) Rainer Ganahl, Reading Karl Marx, Book
Superstart /with Kamera skura/, Klarisky Recent group exhibitions Emergencies, Musac, León, Spain (2005) Works, London, 2001
church, Bratislava 2005: On Difference, Württembergischer Mediterraneans, Macro al Mattatoio, Rome,
BinderFresh,with Viktor Freso, Open Gallery, Kunstverein Stuttgart Italy (2004), The Real Royal Trip, P.S. 1- Kátia Lombardi
NCSU, Bratislava 2004: - Europe Square XXL, Amsterdam - MoMA, New York, U.S.A (2003) or Printemps Born in 1967 – Sao Joao Del Rei, Brazil
Go and Kill it!, Galerie & Projekte Mathias 10th International Festival of Computer Arts, de Septembre, Toulouse, France (2003) Lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Kampl, Berlin Maribor, Slovenia
Kunst-fu Featuring Zden/Erik Binder and 2003: - The Show Must Go On, documentary They organised public art exhibitions as Recent group exhibitions
Zdeno Hlinka/ – Numbers of dreams, project, H.arta gallery, Timisoara - Interval X, Capital Confort , Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain 2001 “Impressions Project: Cuba”
SPACE/Gallery Priestor for Contemporary light -installation, 2Meta Gallery, Bucharest (every year since 1997 to 2002), MAD 03, Casa Latina – Belo Horizonte
[234] [235]
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1999 “Photographic Exchange: Minas / 6º Prêmio Porto Seguro de Fotografia. São Ioana Nemes, Tokio
Sergipe / Paraíba” Paulo, SP, Brasil. Born in 1979 - Bucharest, Romania Domestic Goods, B2 Galéria / Gallery,
Centro Cultural da UFMG Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Photofestival. Lives and works in Bucharest, Romania Budapest, H
1999 Multigrade Mostra – 36 photographers” Groningen, Holanda. Collegicum Hungaricum, Wien, A
Ilford Film – Belo Horizonte Arte Brasileira Hoje. Coleção Gilberto Recent solo exhibitions Austria Project, Kultur Kontakt Gallery, Wien,
1998 “Woman in the photography field” Chateaubriand, MAM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, “Temporary Studio: Monthly Evaluations”, A
Belo Horizonte City Hall Brasil. Orizont gallery, Bucharest, Romania 2006 22 minut 50,28 sekundy, Gallery Art Factory,
1991 “A Click in the History” Paisagem Submersa II. Galeria Pace, Belo “Monthly Evaluations / Me (October 2004)”, Praha, Cz
A photo exhibition from the book “Campinas Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, 22 Minutes 50,28 Seconds, CAISA Gallery,
Photojournalism” 2 X 2 . Galeria Gesto Gráfico, Belo Horizonte, The Netherlands 2004 Helsinki, Jyväskyla, University Library
PUC – Campinas - SP MG, Brasil. 2005 Positioning, The National Museum of
Exposição de Verão. Galeria Silvia Cintra, Recent group exhibitions Art - Osaka, Hirosima City Museum of
Sebastian Moldovan Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. “Hidden Rhtyhms” Kunstenaarsinitiatief Contemporary Art – Hirosima, Museum of
Born in 1982 - Baia Mare, Romania Paraplufabriek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Contemporary Art – Tokyo, Japan
Lives and works in Bucharest, Romania Agent Mc 2005 Praguebiennale2, Karlín Hall, Praha, CZ
Agent MC “FAMA FLUXUS MYTHOS BEUYS”, Check Slovakia! ( Young Art from Slovakia),
Recent group exbhitions Born in 1982 - Cluj-Napoca,Romania Kunst+Projekte, Sindelfingen, Germany 2005 Koloman Sokol Gallery, Embassy of the
2005 Almost Censored, Brukenthal Museum, Lives and works in Cluj-Napoca,Romania “Motion Parade” Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna, Slovak Republic,Washington, USA
Sibiu. Member and founder of "Unusual Suspects" Austria 2005 Feszített m_vek / Works on the Edge, Ludwig
2005 The Work of Art is Never Alone, Prague organisation in Cluj-Napoca "ON DIFFERENCE#1, Local Contexts - Múzeum – Kortárs M_vészeti Múzeum /
Biennal. Hybrid Spaces", W. Kunstvereins Ludwig Múzeum – Museum of Contemporary
2005-2006 Visual Eurobarometer, itinerant Recent Solo Shows (alongside dj's) Stuttgart,Germany 2005 Art, Budapest, H
exhibition – Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj. 2006 TM Base Music Workshop, Timisoara „ Soleil Noir“, Salzburger Kunstverein, 2004 Check Slovakia, Neue Berliner
2005 Consuming the City-Paris, The 2006 Test Point ,Bucharest Salzburg, Austria 2006 Kunstverein, Berlin, D
Symposium Collage Bucharest, 2006 Dj Palotai at Cluj Napoca „Strategic Questions: Platform 06“, Kunsthalle Passage D’Europe, Museum of Modern Art,
The University of Architecture “Ion Mincu”, 2006 All Unusual Suspects Events in Cluj- Exnergasse,Vienna, Austria 2006 St. Etienne, F
Bucharest. Napoca „Focus Iasi“, Periferic Art Biennial, Iasi, Under the Blue Sky, Open Gallery, Bratislava,
2004 Assez Loin, Espace Cosmopolis, 2006 Urban Komitet at Iasi Romania 2006 Sk
Nantes. 2006 The Breakbeat Independent ,Budapest
2004 Shoe Polish, Atas Gallery, Cluj-Napoca. 2005 TmBase Festival, Timisoara Ilona Németh Tatsumi Orimoto
2005 48h Festival, Timisoara Born in 1963 - Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Born in 1946 - Kawasaki City, Japan
Pedro Motta 2005 Substil, Bucharest Lives and works in Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Lives and works in Kanagawa, Japan
Born in 1977 – Belo horizonte, Brazil 2005 Dj Snow & Agent MC mix launch
Lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil ,Bucharest Recent Solo Exhibitions Recent Solo Exhibitions
2005 TM Base Aftermath, Timisoara 2005 Németh Ilona, Közelítés Galéria, Pécs, 2005 Mother and Son DNA Die Neue
Recent solo exibhitions 2005 Peninsula Festival, Targu Mures H Aktionsgalerie, Berlin, Germany
2004 Galeria Maria. Diamantina, MG, Brasil. 2004 Rock La Mures Festival, Periam 2004 Retrospektív / Retrospective, Gy_ri 2004 Performance+Document Photo
Museu da Pampulha. “Bolsa Pampulha”, Belo Városi Múzeum, Gyur, H (27Selling Bread-People “Punishment”)
Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Recent Group Shows Segment, _tátna galéria v Banskej Bystrici, Kawasaki city Museum, Kawasaki-city, Japan
2005 BAM Festival,Barcelona (with Shukar Banská Bystrica, SK
Recent group exhibitions Collective) 27 m, Moravská galérie, Brno, CZ Recent Group Exhibitions
2006 5ª Bienal Internacional de Fotografia e 2005 Peninsula Festival,Targu Mures (with 2003 Ilona Németh / Karol Pichler, Galéria v 2003 Shrjah, ARAB Biennale U.A.E.
Artes Visuais de Liège. Liège, Bélgica. Altar) Brämerovej kúrii (SNM – MKMS), Bratislava, 2002 BALTIC Museum Newcastle, U.K.
Neue Berliner Kunstverein. Berlim, Alemanha. 2005 Rock Your Mind Festival, Bucharest SK Sao Paulo Biennale
(with Altar) Lélegz_ padló – Padló III. / D_chajúca podla- The Biennale of Venice
2005 Coleção Pirelli/ Masp de Fotografias, 2005 Rosia Montana Festival (with Altar) ha – Podlaha III. / Breathing Floor – The Triennale of Yokohama
Masp, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 2005 B52 ,Underworld,Substil, Bucharest Floor III, Synagóga - Sahy, SK
Alem da Imagem, Instituto Telemar, Rio de (with B.A.U.)
Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Recent Group Exhibitions
3º FotoArte 2005, Brasília, DF, Brasil. 2006 Positioning, Museum of Modern Art,
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Dan Perjovschi Cracovians Like it Clean, Zacheta National Museum of Modern Art, Russia
Born in 1961 – Sibiu, Romania Gallery of Art, Warsaw 2003 "Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2003"
Lives and works in Bucharest, Romania Echigo-Tsumari Region, Nigata, Japan
Dan Perjovschi is an artist and journalist liv- Recent group exhibitions 2003 "HIDING YOURSELF-FASHION without
ing and working in Bucharest. His recent solo 2005 body-", Art & Design Forum, Kyoto Institute of
exhibition includes "Naked Drawing" Ludwig Return to Space, Kunsthalle Hamburg Technology, Japan
Museum Koln 2005, vanAbbe Museum Prague Biennale 2
Eindhoven or "On the other Hand" Portikus 2nd International Exibition of Contemporary Wang Qingsong
Frankfurt 2006. He participate to Istanbul Art , Prague Born in 1966 - China
Biennial 2005 and Limerick Biennial 2006 and 2004 Lives and works in Beijing, China
to group show such as "I Still Believe in Re:Location Academy, Casino Luxembuorg
Miracles" at ARC Muse d'Art de la Ville de Game Scenes, Yerba Buena Centre for the Recent Solo exhibitions
Paris 2005 or Normalization at Rooseum Arts, San Francisco 2005 Wang Qingsong in Arras, Arras,
Malmo. He receive George Maciunas prize in France.(catalogue)
2004. He’s represented by Gregor Podnar Attila Stark 2004
Gallery Lublijana. Born in 1979. Wang Qingsong - Romantique, Salon 94,
Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary New York City, USA.
˘ ˘
Catalin Rulea Wang Qingsong - Romantique, Courtyard
Born in 1979 – Bucharest, Romania Recent solo exhibitions Gallery, Beijing, China (catalogue).
Lives and works in Bucharest, Romania Tölgyfa Galéria, 2001 2003-2004
Grand Café, Szeged, 2002 Wang Qingsong: Present-day Epics, Saidye
Recent solo exhibitions Bronfman Contemporary Art Center,
2002- The Never Ending Story of Star and Recent group exhibition Montreal, traveling to
Circle and How They've Got to Know Each Békéscabai Biennálé, 2002 Cambridge Galleries, Ontario; Prefix Institute
Other" Galeria galeria, Bucharest Illustrator's Exhibition, Bologna, Tokyo, 2002 of Contemporary Art, Toronto; South Alberta
Dinamo Galéria, 2003 Art Gallery, Canada.
Recent group exhibitions Mumus Galéria, 2004
2005- Motion Parade, Fotogalerie Wien, 7 Chaos, Kortárs Muvészeti Intézet, Recent group exhibitions
November 2005 Dunaújváros, 2005 2005
2005- On Difference 1, Kunstverein Stuttgart, Magyar Intézet, Helsinki, 2005 Re-viewing the City - Guangdong
Stuttgart Szegényház, Kortárs Muvészeti Intézet, International Photo Biennale,Guangdong
2005 – Formate / Moving Patterns – Dunaújváros, 2005 Museum of Art, China.(catalogue)
Kunsthalle Vienna Over One Billion Served, Singapore
2004 – Against Space / Dinamo Gallery, Aya Tsukioka Civilizations Museum, Singapore.
Budapest Born in 1978 – Tokyo, Japan Montpellier-Chine: 1st Biennale Internationale
2004 – The Young Artists Biennial / The vio- Lives and works in Tokyo Japan d'Art Contemporain Chinois de Montpellier,
lence of the image, The Image of Violence, France.(catalogue).
Bucharest Recent solo Exhibitions Follow me! Contemporary Chinese Art at the
2004- Docu-fiction-Rex Cultural Centrum, 2003 "Hide-and-Seek for Living", BEAMS Threshold of the Millenium, Mori Art Museum
Belgrade JAPAN B GALLERY, TOKYO, JAPAN Japan. (catalogue).
2001 "New Hide-and-Seek Great Strategy! Between Past and Future: New Photography
Janek Simon DX", Spiral show case, Tokyo, Japan from China, Seattle Art Museum,
Born in 1977 – Krakow, Poland USA.(Traveling to V&A Museum, London,
Lives and works in Krakow, Poland Recent group Exhibition UK.)
2005 "WRAPPING HOOD", mima Die Chinesen - Contemporary Photography
Recent solo exhibitions (Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art), and Video from China, Museum Het
2006 England Kruithuis, the Netherlands. (catalogue).
Fire of a Firebrigade Headquarters , CCA 2003-2004 "Kokoro no Arika, Location of the PAAF - 1st Pocheon Asian Art Festival,
Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw Sprit-Contemporary Japanese Art-Ludwing Pocheon City Hall , South Korea. (catalogue)
2005 Museum Budapest, Hungary / Moscow
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Writers Press, 2004). Gaming, a series of essays on pology and interculturality, published in published many essays since the late eight-
the aesthetics and politics of video games, Romania, Canada and Hungary. Co-author ies in magazines such as Kinopis, Kulturen
will appear in spring 2006 from University of of Minoritati: identitate si coexistenta zhivot, Golemoto staklo, Siksi, Index, Nu,
Jean Baudrillard Minnesota Press. (Minorities: identity and coexistence, 2000, Springerin, Flash Art, Afterimage, Curare,
Internationally acclaimed theorist whose writ- Timisoara, IIT). She works and lives in Blesok, and has also curated over 50 exhi-
ings trace the rise and fall of symbollic ˇ ´
Marina Grzinic Montreal, Canada. bitions and international projects in Skopje
exchange in the contemporary century. In Philosopher and new media theoretician (Little Big Stories 1998, Always Already
addition to a wide range of highly influential based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She works at Douglas Kellner Apocalypse 1999, Words-Objects-Acts
books from Seduction to Symbollic the Institute of Philosophy of the Research George F. Kneller Chair in the Philosophy 2000, Capital and Gender 2001), Istanbul
Exchange and Death, Baudrillard's most and Scientific Center of the Slovenian of Education at the University of California (Writing and Difference 1992, Self and
recent publications include: The Vital Illusion, Academy of Science and Arts. She is pro- at Los Angeles (UCLA). He received his Other 1994, Desiring Machines 1997,
The Spirit of Terrorism, The Singular Objects fessor at the Academy of Fine Arts in B.A. from Doane College, studied in Always Already Apocalypse 1999),
of Architecture, Passwords, The Conspiracy Vienna, Austria. She has produced more Copenhagen, Tubingen, and Paris, and Providence-USA (Liquor Amnii II 1997),
of Art: Manifestos, Texts, Interviews than 30 video art projects, a short film, received his Ph.D. from Columbia Stockholm (Little Big Stories 1998), Berlin,
(September 2005) and The Intelligence of numerous video and media installations, University in philosophy. Stuttgart and Bonn (Correspondencies
Evil or the Lucidity Pact (November 2005). Internet websites and an interactive CD- Prior to taking his position at UCLA, 2001). She was the curator of the Open
He is a member of the editorial board of ROM (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany). Her last Professor Kellner taught philosophy at The Graphic Art Studio of the Museum of the
CTheory. book is “Fiction Reconstructed: Eastern University of Texas at Austin for more than City of Skopje for many years, and current-
Europe, Post-Socialism and the Retro- 20 years. He has also taught in Canada, ly is a PhD candidate at Goldsmiths
Cristina Bucica˘ Avant-Garde” (Vienna: Edition Selene in Taiwan, Sweden, and Finland, where he College in the UK.
She graduated from Bucharest University in collaboration with Springerin, Vienna, received a Fulbright Fellowship. A popular
1996 and then attended a PH.D program in 2000). lecturer, Professor Kellner has spoken in Ronald F. King
political science at Laval University in many American universities as well as in Professor of Political Science and Chair of
Quebec City, Canada. Her research work ˘
Razvan Ion London, Paris, Berlin, Mexico City, Seoul, the Political Science Department, College
focuses on urban policies and the represen- Media artist and theoretician. Editor of the Tokyo, and other cities throughout the of Arts and Letters, San Diego State
tation of power in capital cities, and more PAVILION. He published recently his artist world. University. Previous to this, he was a pro-
precisely on the urban policies and planning book “visual_witness”. He was a visiting Douglas Kellner is the author of many fessor at Cornell and Tulane Universities.
in Bucharest and in Quebec City. She also lecturer at various universities and art cen- books on social theory, politics, history, and His specialization is social science research
acted as a coordinator of the Quebec ters like University of California Berkeley, culture, including Herbert Marcuse and the methods and American politics & policy.
Capital Committee and for the last three Headlands Center for the Arts, San Crisis of Marxism and Camera Politica: The He has been coming to Romania since
years she has been working as a counsellor Francisco, Art Academy Timisoara. As artist Politics and Ideology of Contemporary 1995, serving for many years as senior
in public consultation and participation for he exhibited around the world. Creator of Hollywood Film. He coauthored, with consultant for curriculum development at
the city of Quebec. the art group Critical Factor (a concept Michael Ryan, Critical Theory, Marxism, Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca).
group which change the members at every and Modernity and Jean Baudrillard: From Among the beautiful things he discovered
Alexander R. Galloway project). He is also the co-director of Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond; in Romania was his wife, who speaks far
Assistant professor in the Department of Bucharest Biennale (with Eugen Radescu). with Steven Best, Postmodern Theory: better English than he speaks Romanian.
Culture and Communication at New York Critical Interrogations, Television and the In San Diego, he can often be found walk-
University. Galloway previously worked for Alexandra Jivan Crisis of Democracy, The Persian Gulf TV ing along the beach, smoking a cigar. The
six years at He is a founding Antropolog and Ph.D. candidate in anthro- War, Media Culture, and The Postmodern author of four books and dozens of scholar-
member of the software collective Radical pology at Laval University (Quebec City, Turn. ly articles, Professor King’s most recent
Software Group, and maker of the data sur- Canada). She worked as programme coor- major publication, Strategia Cercetarii, is a
veillance engine Carnivore. The New York dinator for the Intercultural Institute of Suzana Milevska textbook on research methods published by
Times recently described his work as "con- Timisoara. Since 1998, she is member of Art theorist and curator with degrees in Art Polirom Press. He has been honored by
ceptually sharp, visually compelling and the Third Europe Foundation’s oral history History from “St. Cyrill and Methodius” the Romanian Society of Political Science
completely attuned to the political moment." and cultural anthropology research group. University in Skopje and in Philosophy and for his contributions to modernizing social
Galloway is the author of Protocol: How Jivan is author or co-author of numerous History of Art and Architecture from Central science teaching and research.
Control Exists After Decentralization (MIT articles and chapters in the fields of anthro- European University in Prague. She has
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Cosmin Gabriel Marian ION. He has produced personal art projects contemporary art issues and collaborates assists the Nazis during World War II by
Assistant professor of political science at and intermedia performance. He lectured at with artists, collectives, institutions and searching for boys for a Nazi military camp.
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Art Academy in Timisoara. He was the organizations that are open to strategic Les Météores (1975; Gemini) involves the
Romania. He is specialized in research appointed curator for the Bucharest examination and planning of conditions for desperate measures one man takes to be
methods and data modeling in social sci- Biennale 1 where he produced corporate system-development in the global reunited with his identical twin brother, who
ences. He has no connection whatsoever “identity_factories” exhibition. He wrote for art world. has broken away from their obsessive, sin-
with performing arts, photography, music, different art magazines. Curently he is gular world. Tournier's two subsequent nov-
journalism, new media culture, literature, working on the curatorial project “How ˇ
Sefik ˇ
Seki Tatlic´ els recast ancient stories with a modern
philosophy, mathematics or physics. And he Innocent Is That?”. Since 2006 he was Theoretician, journalist, activist from twist: Gaspard, Melchior & Balthazar (1980;
is perfectly aware that Romania is the appointed co-director of Bucharest Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. Graduated The Four Wise Men) relates the story of the
country were the founder of Dadaism and Biennale (with Razvan Ion). He is living and at the Faculty of Political Sciences, visit of the Magi to the infant Christ, and
Eugen Ionesco, the father of the working in Bucharest. University of Sarajevo. Currently working as Gilles & Jeanne (1983) is about Joan of
Rhinoceros, were born. a theoretician in field of political philosophy Arc's companion, a perverted murderer.
ˇ Raqs Media Collective and media theory. Also active as a free- Tournier's later novels include La Goutte
Tincuta Parv Collective of media practitioners that works lance journalist covering sectors dealing d'or (1985; The Golden Droplet), Le
Artist, curator and art theoretician. After in new media & digital art practice, docu- with new media, alternative copyright Médianoche amoureux (1989; The Midnight
Visual Arts and Cultural Anthropology stud- mentary filmmaking, photography, media licences and infopolitics.Used to work as a Love Feast), and Le Miroir des idées (1994;
ies she is a PhD candidate in "Art and Arts theory & research, writing, criticism and coordinator of new Media Culture program The Mirror of Ideas).
Sciences", Paris 1 University - "Pantheon curation. Raqs Media Collective is the co- in Mediacenter Sarajevo, 2002 / 2004, His works are highly considered and have
Sorbonne". She was for three years project initiator of Sarai: The New Media Initiative, worked as an editor of Center for communi- won important awards such as the Grand
coordinator at Tranzit Foundation in Cluj, ( a programme of interdisci- cation and culture web site 2003-2004. Prix du roman de l'Académie Fracaise in
Romania. Living and working in Paris. plinary research and practice on media, city Worked as an editor of radio program 1967 for Vendredi ou les limbes du
space and urban culture at the Centre for Seppuku sound suicide on few radio sta- Pacifique and the Prix Goncourt (in una-
Lia Perjovschi the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi. tions in Sarajevo. Active as a music produc- nimity).
Artist and curator. As artist she exhibited in Members of the collective are resident at er, releasing for couple of netlabels in He is member of Académie Goncourt since
places like Kunsthalle Wien, Ludwig the Sarai Media Lab, Delhi, where they Bosnia, Croatia and USA. Used to be 1972 and Docteur Honoris Causa of
Museum Budapest, Moderna Galerija work on projects interpreting the city and active as promotor of contemporary music London University from 1997.
Liublijana, Generali Foundation or Biennial urban experience; make cross-media scenes in Sarajevo from 1998. - 2003. In 1999 he was short listed for Nobel Prize
of St. Petersburg. She was a visiting proffe- works; collaborate on the development of in Literature.
sor of Duke University. She is the founder software; design and conduct workshops; Michel Tournier The text in this volume is reprinted from
of CAA in Bucharest (Center for Art administer discussion lists; edit publica- French novelist, born in 1924, whose THE MIRROR OF IDEAS by Michel
Analysis). Co-coordinating her archive for a tions; write, research and co-ordinate sev- manipulation of mythology and old stories Tournier, translated by Jonathan F. Krell, by
lot of years already, and in all this time it eral research projects and public activities has often been called subversive insofar as permission of the University of Nebraska
served her to understand, to analyse, to of Sarai. They are co-editors of the Sarai it challenges the conventional assumptions Press. © 1998 by the University of
question contemporary art, and it served Reader series. They live and work in Delhi. of middle-class society. Nebraska Press.
others, a lot of people, from artists, art crit- His first novel, Vendredi; ou, les limbes du © Editions Mercure de France, 1994, 1996.
ics, sociologists, philosophers, theologians, Marko Stamencovic´ Pacifique (1967; Friday; or, the Other
journalists, etc. etc. to become familiar with Art historian, critic and curator based in Island), is a revisionist Robinson Crusoe, Felix Vogel
everything in contemporary art (from con- Belgrade (Serbia). BA, Art History with Crusoe as a colonialist who fails to Theoretician and curator born in 1987. He
cepts to trends, from exhibitions to their (University of Belgrade, Faculty of coerce Friday into accepting his version of wrotes for different magazines, including
public), and, more importantly, to know Humanities - Art History Department, 2003). the world. The obsessive organizer who PAVILION. He is assistant curator for
each other and to find out about people MA, Cultural Policy and Cultural feels compelled to order life into a pre- Bucharest Biennale 3.
who eventually became their collaborators, Management (University of Arts in dictable pattern is a common motif in
and very often, their good friends. Belgrade, UNESCO Chair for Cultural Tournier's books. Perhaps his most famous
Management and Cultural Policy in the and controversial work, Le Roi des aulnes
Eugen Radescu Balkans, 2005). Beside exhibition-making (1970; The Erl-King; U.S. title, The Ogre),
Curator, theorethician and editor of PAVIL- and curatorial criticism, he is writing on is about a French prisoner in Germany who
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INFO POINT BB2 Entrance from Piata Charles de Gaulle (open BB2 PARALLEL EVENTS May 28, 2006
air) 17.00 “PAVILION Lecture Series”.
B-dul Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2 - May 26, 2006 Lecture and public debate “Queer in
(4th floor, entrance from Laptaria lui Enache) Artists (25th of May, 19.00): Agent MC (per- 17.00 “PAVILION Lecture Series”. Photography”.
Telephone: (021)318 8676 formance) Lecture and public debate “Chaos: Flat
Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 11.00 – 16.00 images in the age of Confusion”. Keynote speaker: Marina Grznic, artist,
South Shop Keynote speaker: Zsolt Petranyi, curator of curator, philosopher, new media theoreti-
Shop, info, maps & guides.Free WI-FI inter- Str. Cotroceni nr. 29 2nd Bucharest Biennale, director of cian based and professor at the Academy
net hotspot powered by ZAPP. Open from Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00 – Kunsthalle Budapest. of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria.
17.00 Participants: artists of the BB2
For group guided tours please call -
0740140233. Artists: Dan Perjovschi Venue: Info Point BB2, Bd. Nicolae
Venue: Info Point BB2, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, floor 4 (entrance from
Balcescu nr. 2, floor 4 (entrance from Laptaria lui Enache).
The core of BB2 is the Info Point. Activated National Museum of Literature
by the visitors and guests, hosting lectures B-dul Dacia nr. 12
Laptaria lui Enache).
and debates, providing free wireless conec- Telephone: (021)212 9652 May 29, 2006
tion to internet, exhibiting books & maga- Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00 May 26, 2006 19.00 N3krozoft Mord, video presentation.
zines, Info Point wish to evolve trought itself Monday closed. 20.00 Opening of the exhibition Ciprian
and express the interactivity of the BB2. - Homorodean, “I Am Luke Skywalker”. The media ensemble N3krozoft Mord will
Artists: Aya Tzukioka, Ilona Nemeth. showcase a selection of past and present
“<I Am Luke Skywalker> reflects on the works, as an introduction to the Babel
VENUES National Center for Dance topic of identification with a familiar hero as Project - a workshop and in-progress exhi-
B-dul Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2 a way of evasion from a world whose reali- bition that will be held during the following
National Museum of Geology (4th floor, Laptaria lui Enache entrance) ties are too bleak to leave any place for the four days, with the aim of establishing a
Sos. Kiseleff, nr.2 Telephone: (021)318 8676 individual. It is a discourse on personal tactical psychogeographic map of
Telephone: (021)650 5094 Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00 dreams by means of identification with a Bucharest. The participants will experiment
Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00 - fictional character, who has become more with various methods ranging from spoken
- Artists: Dan Perjovschi, Attila Stark, Erik than a role model: he is a symbol of the storytelling to electronic imagery and map-
Artists: Attila Stark, Aya Tzukioka, Catalin Binder, Janos Fodor, Katia Lombardi, Pedro attempt to materialize the most intimate ping.
Rulea, Eduard Constantin, El Perro, Erik Motta, Tatsumi Orimoto, Wang Qingsong. dreams. Luke does not exist, but the reality
Binder, Ilona Nemeth, Janek Simon, Janos
created by means of his influence is more
Fodor, Rainer Ganahl, Sebastian Moldovan,
real than ever, repeating itself in an eternal Venue: Test Point, Str. 11 Iunie nr. 50
Tatsumi Orimoto.
time bubble.” (Dana Altman)
Botanical Garden May 30 – June 7, 2006
Sos. Cotroceni nr. 32 Venue: Audi Art Room, Sos Pipera - Tunari 13.00-17.00 Dance Theatre and the
Telephone: (021)410 9139 nr. 2. Theatre of Movement (4Projects and The
Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00 Ten Word Caravan), contemporary
- May 27, 2006 dance/performance workshop.
Artists: Dan Perjovschi, Sebastian Moldovan 17.00 “PAVILION Lecture Series”
“My misery with Karl Marx - or how I Workshop led by choreographer Astrid
Faculty of Biology became an artist!” Toledo and actor Vincent Hermano,
Sos. Cotroceni nr. 32 Lecture and artist talk by Rainer Ganahl. opened to 15 young professionals in the
Telephone: (021)410 9139 dance and theatre fields.
Open from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00 Rainer Ganahl is a postconceptualist artist, Produced by ArtLink.
- widely exhibited, whose subjects is lan-
Artists: Ioana Nemes guage, learning systems, media and poli- Venues : CNDB (building of National
tics. Theatre, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, floor
Skateboard Park Herastrau
Opening of BB2 4) & streets of Bucharest.
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June 02, 2006 Theatre, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, floor Before projections Tom Sandqvist, curator,
21.00 Babel Project, multimedia perform- 4). writer and scientist, will talk about Stefan
ance. Constantinescu’s work.
June 10, 2006 Production realized with support of
This performance will introduce to the audi- 21.00 Makunouchi Bento, sound perform- KONSTNÄRSNÄMNDEN- THE ARTS
ence the results of the workshop given by ance. GRANTS COMMITTEE.
the N3krozoft media ensemble during the The Makunouchi Bento, or traditional The presence of the artist is supported by
past four days. This event concludes the japanese lunchbox, is a highly lacquered IAPSIS.
first implementation of the Babel Project, a wooden box divided into quadrants, each
multi-disciplinary research program of which contains different delicacies. It is Venue: French Cultural Institute, Bd. Dacia nr.
focussed on psychogeographic issues, also one of the most familiar images of 77.
such as the dynamics of urban legends, japan's domestic environment. reading the
space-time anomalies or subterrannean box as both an object and a metaphor, June 23, 2006
architecture. waka x (felix petrescu) and qewza (valentin
toma) have founded this ambient / idm / 19.00 “Process in progress”, contemporary
Venue: Test Point, Str. 11 Iunie nr. 50 soundscapes project. dance performance, directed by Florin
Flueras. Performed by: Mihaela Dancs,
June 4, 2006 Venue: Test Point, Str. 11 Iunie nr. 50. Iuliana Stoianescu, Florin Flueras.
20.00 A production of National Center for Dance.
“Crossroads of illusions”, solo created and June 15, 2006
performed by Adrian Stoian. Venue: National Center for Dance/National
19.00 Stefan Constantinescu, “Dacia 1300 Theatre, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, floor
“Not a life saving device” dance – solo My Generation” & “Passagen”, video pro- 4.
Created and performed by: Alexandra Pirici jections.
Music: The Beatles June 27, 2006
Solo created during the residence in “Dacia 1300, My Generation” is a film 12.00 “The Brunch” at CAA (Center for Art
Tanzquartier Wien, April-June 2005 about the communist regime. What is it like Analyze/Contemporary Art Archive).
to live under a totalitarian regime? How are
Venue: Studio 2, National Center for you influenced by terror and oppression? Panels and debates moderated by Lia &
Dance, building of National Theatre, Bd. What paths does your life take when you Dan Perjovschi.
Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, floor 4. can't trust those around you, your neigh- A democratic choice of the topic will be
bors? When anyone can be an informator, performed to conclude the last day of BB2.
June 8, 2006 a collaborator or snitch? When does your
19.30, Dance Theatre and the Theatre of life becomes more and more squalid, the Venue: CAA, Str. General Budisteanu 19.
Movement (4Projects and The Ten Word electricity is cut off, food is rationed and the
Caravan), contemporary dance/perform- stores are empty and you, yourself, are
ance workshop led by choreographer forced to move to the outskirts of the city?
Astrid Toledo and actor Vincent Hermano. “El Pasaje” (the passage, the ticket), is
Final presentation. about the existential transition of three
Chileans who were forced to leave Chile
Workshop produced by ArtLink. after the Pinochet controlled coup d'etat of
1973. All three ended up living under
Partners: CNDB (National Centre for Nicolae Ceausesc's communist dictator-
Dance Bucharest), and TVR (Romanian ship, and over time, two of them left for
Television) Sweden. El Pasaje is a film about
refugees, strangers, the past, prejudices
Venue: CNDB (building of National and loneliness.
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Special Thanks to:

Esther Classen, Lorand Papp, Oana Ailenei, Andras Kovacs, Kanji Tsushima, Makoto Ito, Ryohei Tobibayashi, Furuya Masato, Etsuko
Yamada, Cristina Panaite, Dieter Schulze, Rainer Schubert, Cinty ionescu, Mircea Dobre, Nina Bratfalean, Mihaela Paun, Ludovic Orban,
Marius Aurelian Paunita, Titi Balasoiu, Claudia Virlan, Nicolae Mircea Salagean, Anton Roescu, Silvio Vitenstein, Alexandru Roibu, Romeo
Mitran, Sorin Basno, Mihaela Coroiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Dragos Bucur, Silvia Comanescu, Monica Tomescu, Tudor Giurgiu, Madalina
Melinescu, Madalina Ionescu, Georgiana Gheorghe, Alex. Sandulescu, Sorin Axinte, Constantin Stan, Anael Garcia, Marta Rincon, Lia
Perjovschi, Octavian Evghenide, Miki Braniste, Paul Constantin, Calin Ricman, Anca Sirbu, Elena Dedu, Gabriela Rigler, Alexandru
Condeescu, Radu Ignatescu, Andrei Sirbu, Anca Iuzic, Mihai Spantoveanu, Catalin Ufo, Ramona Vasile, Felicia Neagu, Claudia Iacobuta,
Alina Constantinescu, Cristian Crisbasan, Dana Altman, Mihai Mihalcea, Vava Stefanescu, Elena Ilie, the team of CNDB.
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