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5.strike Slip, Transtension, Trasnpresion

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Tipo de
Fallas de desplazamiento de rumbo
• Strike-slip faults are
faults where the
displacement vector is
parallel to the strike of
the fault and thus
parallel to the surface
of the Earth.
• Son fallas de alto
• Rectas (vista en planta)
• Grandes
Sinestral o dextral
Fallas de Transferencia

Transfer faults are strike-slip faults that transfer

displacement from one fault to another. In general,
any kind of fault that is connected to at least one
other fault is involved in displacement transfer, but
the term is used specifically for a particular type of
strike-slip fault whose tips terminate against other
faults or extension fractures. Transfer faults are
therefore bounded and cannot grow freely, which
has implications for their displacement–length
Fallas de Transferencia
Fallas de Transferencia
Fallas de Transferencia
Fallas de Transcurrencia
Transcurrent faults is a term preferentially used for strike-slip faults in
continental crust that have free tips, i.e. they are not constrained by
other structures. Their free tips move so that the fault length increases
as displacement accumulates.

In contrast to extensional and contractional faults, transcurrent (and

other strike-slip) faults do not dominate wide areas, such as the areas of
normal faulting in continental rifts or the wide zone of thrust faults in a
fold-and-thrust belt, but rather restrict themselves to a single zone.

The role of a transcurrent fault is to shift rocks laterally, and because

most faults are weaker than the host rock this is most easily done
through continued shear along the existing strike-slip zone. However, as
for any type of fault, the width of a strike-slip fault zone increases as it
grows longer and accumulates displacement.
Fallas de Transcurrencia
At depth they may
terminate against
structures such as
thrust faults,
extension faults and,
as shown
schematically in
Figure 18.7,
subduction zones, or
they may penetrate
the brittle–plastic
transition and
continue downward
as steep plastic
shear zones.
Desarrollo y anatomía de las fallas
de desplazamiento de rumbo.
• Se forman cuando partes individuales de la corteza se mueven
a diferentes tasas a lo largo de la superficie de la Tierra.
• Algunas estructuras secundarias están asociadas con estas
• Formaciones de zonas de deformación (pequeñas fallas).
• Fallas Riedel “R-fractures”: forman un bajo ángulo con la zona
de cizalla regional y muestra el mismo sentido de
• P-fractures: usualmente formadas después del establecimiento
de las R-fracture, y su desarrollo es probablemente relacionado
a las variaciones de estrés local a lo largo de la zona de falla.
• R` shear fractures, fallas antitéticas que forman un alto ángulo
con la zona y son generalmente menos desarrolladas que las R-
Desarrollo y anatomía de las fallas
de desplazamiento de rumbo.
Desarrollo y anatomía de las fallas
de desplazamiento de rumbo.

Pag 359,
Desarrollo y anatomía de las fallas
de desplazamiento de rumbo.
• A simple folding experiment can be carried out by
performing a simple shear movement with your
two hands and a piece of fabric. Folds form
immediately at an angle to the shear direction, and
their hinges reflect the direction of instantaneous
stretching at the onset of folding. Subsequently, the
folds rotate as the shear strain accumulates. Try it!
Fallas de rumbo conjugadas
Las fallas de rumbo pueden ocurrir como simples
estructuras o pueden formar sets conjugados,
implicando que estas fueron activas al mismo tiempo
bajo el mismo régimen tectónico.

El más famoso set de fallas conjugadas de

desplazamiento de rumbo se encuentra en los zonas
de los Himalayas.
Curvatura de la falla
A pesar de la tendencia recta que tienen las fallas de
rumbo; existen fallas secuendarias o segmentos de
falla cuya tendencia es oblicua o curva.

Estructuras compresionales y extensionales se

forman asociados a la curvatura de una falla,
dependiendo del sentido del desplazamiento.


Death Valley is the type area for pull-

apart basins. By type area we mean the
area where it was first defined, in this
case by Burchfiel and Stewart (1966).
Based partly on Wright et al. (1974).
Reconocimiento en secciones
Terminations along transcurrent faults.
(a) Here, the fault terminates in a horsetail
composed of a fan of normal faults. (b) Here,
the fault terminates in a horsetail
composed of a fan of thrust faults.
Description of Distributed
Deformation in Strike-Slip Zones
Regional-scale strike-slip deformation in continental
crust does not produce a single, simple fault plane.
Rather, such shear produces a broad zone containing
numerous individual strike-slip faults of varying
lengths, as well as other structures such as normal
and reverse faults, and folds.
Regional map of the plate
boundary between the North
American and Pacific Plates. The
San Andreas Fault is the strike slip
fault zone that defines this
boundary in California.
(b) An enlargement of California,
showing the major strike slip faults.
J & F = Juan de Fuca Plate.
Locally, one fault dies out where another, parallel, but non-coplanar one initiates.
Estructuras en Echelon
Estructuras en Echelon

Dextral o sinestral ?
Razón de los pliegues?
Estructural en flor
Strike slip movements along
convergent margins
Strike slip movements along
convergent margins

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