CUEE Important Docs
CUEE Important Docs
CUEE Important Docs
Invites Applications from eligible candidates for
Centurion University Entrance Examination (CUEE) - 2019
B.Tech (Engg.) B.Tech (Agril.) and B.Sc. Agriculture Courses 2019-20
for its Bhubaneswar, Paralakhemundi & Visakhapatnam Campus
M. S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture • To get it by Post: Write to the Admissions Co-ordinaors, with a DD
• B.Sc. Agriculture • B.Sc. Horticulture
of Rs. 600/- in favour of ‘CSREM Trust” payable at Bhubaneswar.
• M.Sc Agriculture • B.Sc Fishery Science
For Paralakhemundi and Visakhapatnam Campus, in favour of
School of Vocational Training ‘JITM Trust’ Payable at Paralakhemundi.
• Diploma
(Mech, Civil, Electrical, IT, Automobile, Mining) Duly filled in Applications to be sent at the below mentioned address: