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YVUCET 2019 Prospectus

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(Accredited with `B` Grade By NAAC 2.54 CGPA)

(For Admission into Post-Graduate, M.Sc. Integrated, Bachelor of Fine Arts
and P.G. Diploma in Theatre Arts Courses of University and Affiliated Colleges
for the Academic Year 2019 - 20)

Directorate of Admissions
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Central Library Building
TEL: 08562-225442, Website: www.yvudoa.net
E-mail: [email protected] 1
IMPORTANT NOTE: The downloaded applications should not be sent by post or by person to
the director’s office. Applications should be retained by the applicants / candidates and should be
produced at the time of certificate verification only.

1. The application should be submitted only ONLINE at the website www.yvudoa.net by registering the name
and other details. A Helpline number 9705812613 is available from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on all working days.
2. A separate registration is required for each subject and test.
3. Steps for online registration:
a. Read the eligibility conditions for the test to be taken (E.g. Test 101-Advanced Life Sciences)
b. Go to the website www.yvudoa.net and click the “Apply online”
c. Select the subject from the list which ultimately displays the test to be taken.
d. Fill the name, address and other details and press the submit button.
e. It will redirect you to the payment screen.
f. Payment for the application is only through online by Debit/Credit/Net Banking (DOA Account number:
4. Steps for filling up of online application:
a) Filling of the online application form is allowed only after authorization of your payment.
b) Now get ready with scanned passport size photo and scanned signature separately with not more than
150KB each in JPEG/ JPG format only.
c) Upload your scanned passport size photo and scanned signature.
d) Click preview button to confirm the details. If any corrections are needed, press the back button and edit
the data.
e) Press the Save & Print button to get a printout. It is not possible to modify the data after Save& Print.
f) Take two copies of the printout of your application. Paste a recent passport size photograph (identical to
the photo that used for scanning) in the space provided in the printout and save it, one copy of this should
be submitted at the time of entrance examination at examination hall.
g) Preserve the other copy of online application for future reference till the end of admissions.
5. Candidates are requested to follow the instructions given in www.yvudoa.net time to time.

Online registration and uploading of Application without fine
(Registration fee Rs.500/-) : 23-03-2019 to 26-04-2019
Online registration with late fee (Rs.500/- + late fee of Rs.500/-) : 27-04-2019 to 06-05-2019
Last date for uploading of online application : 07-05-2019 till 6.00 PM
Exam schedule (Tentative) : 1st week of JUNE 2019

6. The Candidates are advised to submit the filled in application well before the last date to avoid last minute rush.
7. Mere appearance at the entrance test does not entitle a candidate for admission into a course unless the
prescribed and stipulated eligibility conditions are satisfied.
8. Entrance test will be conducted at Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa only.
9. The Entrance test will be of 90 minutes duration and the question paper consists of 100 multiple choice type
10. The candidates have to mark their responses (answers) on Optical Mark Reader (OMR) answer sheet by darkening
the relevant circles with a Black/Blue Ball Point Pen Only. A model OMR sheet is available on the website.
11. Admission is made by centralized/web counseling only at Yog i Ve m a na U niv e r s ity c a m pus , Kadapa.
Candidates have to appear for the entrance test and counseling at their own expenses.
12. Not withstanding anything contained in this booklet, the rules and regulations that are in force in the University on
the date of counseling will be applicable.
13. The candidates are advised to obtain the Transfer Certificate (TC), Marks Statements of the qualifying
examination and the latest Caste and Income certificates (issued in 2019 only) wherever applicable.
14. The candidates are required to submit all the relevant certificates (Original) along with three sets of attested Xerox
copies. The candidates are required to pay the full course fee immediately after provisional seat allotment and no
extension of time will be permitted.
15. No candidate will be admitted under any circumstances unless all the relevant certificates are submitted and the
required fee is paid.
16. Admission into the University College does not confer the right for accommodation in the Hostel.
17. A PG degree holder who wishes to pursue another PG course is not eligible for Hostel Admission and for any
18. Submission of colour printout copies of Transfer Certificates and/or any other certificates with mala fide
intentions amounts for misleading the authorities will be viewed seriously and will be reported to the
investigating agencies for further course of criminal proceedings against such candidates.
19. Entrance examination and counseling schedule and other details will made available in the website www.yvudoa.net
after the publication of entrance test results.
Common entrance tests are being conducted for admission into M.Sc., M.Com., M.A., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., M.Sc. Integrated
(Biotechnology and Bioinformatics and Earth Sciences) courses offered in the University and affiliated colleges of Yogi
Vemana University, Kadapa for the academic year 2019-20. Oral test will be conducted for P.G. Diploma in Theatre
Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts courses offered in Yogi Vemana University College, Kadapa. The admissions are
governed by the YVUCET–2019 rules and regulations given below. These rules supersede those that governed
admissions in the preceding years. The Admissions Committee of Directorate of Admissions reserves the right to change
or modify any of the rules.

1.1 Admissions are limited only to those candidates who are local to one or the other University areas of
A.P/Telangana State.
1.2 Indian Nationals who are natives of other states (other than AP) are eligible for admission under National
Integration Quota (5%) subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria and Rank in YVUCET – 2019.
1.3 Foreign nationals/NRIs can be admitted without entrance test subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria
and on production of STUDENT VISA for the period of study in the University.
1.4 P.G. Degree holders of a particular course/subject are not entitled for admission into the same course/subject.
However, a PG holder can pursue another PG course in a different discipline but is not eligible for hostel
admission and any scholarship. Further, those candidates who crossed the age of 30 years for OC, 34 years
for BC , SC and ST are not eligible for claiming/applying any Fee reimbursement (As per Memo:
10537/SW. Edn.2/2011, Dt: 01-11-2011).
1.5 No candidate is entitled to pursue more than one full time course at a time. If admitted, no candidate can
undertake any other assignment or employment, or study simultaneously with an exception to the evening part
time course offered by the University.

2.1 (i) The courses offered are of two years duration (4 semesters) in case of M.A., M.Com., M.Sc., M. Ed. and
M.P.Ed. In case of integrated PG courses i.e. M.Sc. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics and M.Sc. Earth Sciences
the duration is 5-years (10 semesters). The duration of Bachelor of Fine Arts is 4 years (8 semesters), and P.G.
Diploma in Theatre Arts (Evening Course) duration is one year (2 semesters). The Regular (R) and Self Finance
(SF) and Sponsored (SP) courses offered in University College and affiliated colleges are listed below.
2.2 It is mandatory that every candidate has to choose a non-core paper (under Choice Based Credit System; CBCS)
from rest of the courses available in the university campus both in the 2nd and 3rd semesters of study. Separate
grades will be awarded for such courses irrespective of the grades in the main course.



Seats under various Categories

Regular SF Total
M. Sc. Biochemistry 15 15 30
M. Sc. Biotechnology 15 15 30
M. Sc. Botany 15 15 30
M. Sc. Chemistry (Organic) 40 40 80

M.Com. (Commerce) 20 20 40
M. A. Economics 20 20 40
M.Ed. - 35 35
M. A. English 20 20 40
M. Sc. Environmental Science 20 10 30
M. Sc. Genetics and Genomics 15 15 30
M. Sc. Geology 24 06 30
M. A. History and Archeaology 30 - 30
M. A Journalism and Mass Communication 15 15 30
M. Sc. Material Science and
15 15 30
M. Sc. Mathematics 20 20 40
M. Sc. Microbiology 15 15 30
M.P.Ed. - 40 40
M. Sc. Physics 15 15 30
M. A. Political Science and Public
30 - 30
M. Sc. Psychology 20 10 30
M. A. Telugu 40 - 40
M. Sc. Zoology 15 15 30
B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts 20 - 20
M.Sc. Five Year Integrated Courses
20 - 20
a). Biotechnology and Bio-informatics
b). Earth Sciences 20 - 20
PG Diploma in Theater Arts 20 - 20
M.A Rural Development - 30 30
M.A Urdu - 30 30
M.Sc Food Technology - 30 30
M.Sc Computational Data Science - 30 30
Total 499 476 975
SF= Self Financing; SP= Sponsored


S.No. Name of the College Location Name of the courses Intake

1 Annamacharya College of Education Rajampet M.Ed., 50
2 Government College for Men Kadapa 1.M.Com. 40
2.M.Sc. Zoology 30
3.M.A.Telugu 40
4.M.Sc. Botany 30
5.M.Sc. Chemistry 30
6.M.Sc. Physics 30
3 Rayalaseema College of Physical Edn. Proddatur M.P.Ed. 30
4 S. B. V. R. College of Education Badvel M.Ed. 50
5 Sri Varadaraja PG College Proddatur 1.M.Sc. Mathematics 40
2. M.Com. 40
6 Sri Sai Degree & PG College Rly.Kodur 1.M.Sc. Computer Sciences 40
2. M.Com. 40
7 Sri Venkateswara Degree College (SVDC) Kadapa 1. M.Com. 40
2.M.Sc Computer Science 40
3.M.Sc Mathematics 40
4.M.Sc. Organic Chemistry 30
5.M.Sc. Physics 30
8 VRS Degree & PG College V.N.Palli 1. M.A.Telugu 40
9 Nagarjuna Degree & PG College Kadapa 1.M.Sc. Organic Chemistry 30
10 S. V. College of Arts and Comp. Sci. Proddatur 1. M.Sc. Organic Chemistry 30
11 CSSR & SRRM Degree & PG College Kamalapuram 1. M.Com. 40+40
2. M.Sc. Computer Science 40
3.M.Sc. Statistics (With Computer 40
4. M.Sc. Mathematics 40
12 Sri Rachapudi Nagabhusanam Degree and Badvel 1. M.Sc. Organic Chemistry 30
PG College 2. M.Com. 40
13 Sai Parameswara Degree & PG College Jammalamadugu 1. M.Com. 40
2. M.Sc. Computer Science 40

14 Loyola Degree College Pulivendula 1. M.Com. 40
2.M.Sc. Zoology 30
3. M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry 30
4. M.Sc. Mathematics 40
15 Nirmala College of Education Kadapa 1. M.Ed. 50
16 Smt. Sri. Patan Hussain Khan Memorial PG Proddatur 1. M.A. Economics 30
College 2. M.A. History 30
3. M.A. Political Science and 30
Public Administration
17 Sri Hari Degree College Kadapa 1. M.Com 40
2. M.Sc. Mathematics 40
18 S.B.V.R. Degree College Badvel 1. M. Com. 40
19 Sri Vivekananda Degree College for Women Kadapa 1. M.Sc. Computer Science 40
2. M.Com. 40
20 S.K.R & S.K.R Govt. College for Women Kadapa 1. M.A. English 40
21 Prasad College of Education Kadapa 1. M.Ed. 50

*The courses and intake of students are subject to granting of affiliation to the concerned college for the academic year



4.1 The candidates should have passed the qualifying examination with a minimum of 40% marks in the concerned
subject. For the courses where the admission is based on the degree as a whole, the aggregate percentage in the
group subjects should be 40% of marks. For admission into M.Ed., the aggregate marks in B.Ed. should be
50% and the aggregate marks in degree/PG should be 45%. For admission into M.P.Ed., the aggregate marks in
B.P.Ed. should be 40%. In case of M.Sc. 5-year integrated courses the candidate should have passed the qualifying
exam intermediate/equivalent with M.P.C/Bi.P.C with a minimum of 50% marks. For admission into Bachelor of
Fine Arts the candidate should have passed intermediate/equivalent with any subjects/3 years Diploma in Fine Arts
with a minimum of 40% marks. For admission into P.G. Diploma in Theatre Arts which is based on the degree as a
whole, the aggregate percentage in the group subject should be of 40% of marks. Pass is sufficient for SC/ST
candidates for writing the entrance test of any course.
4.2 The candidates who have appeared for the final year qualifying examination are also eligible to appear for the
tests. But they should have passed the qualifying examination with requisite minimum marks by the time of
admission through YVUCET-2019.
4.3 Candidates who qualify themselves in the YVUCET-2019, but do not have the requisite percentage of marks in
the qualifying examination or not satisfying the subject eligibility requirement are not eligible for admission.
4.4 However, candidates qualifying in instant examinations may have a chance to get an admission in the academic year
2019-20 out of the unfilled seats before the schedule of closure of the admissions.


5.1 Online Submission: Application should be submitted online in the website www.yvudoa.net. After filling the
application the candidate should print a nd submit a copy of online application along with proof of fee
paid at the time of entrance examination in examination hall.
5.2 If the candidates apply for a particular test and if found to be not eligible for that test, the test fee paid will not be
refunded. Hence, the candidates are advised to go through thoroughly the eligibility conditions given in the
instruction booklet before applying.

6.1 Hall tickets will not be sent by post. Candidates have to download the hall tickets from the website
www.yvudoa.net by entering the application number given in the print out of the application.
6.2 YVUCET-2019 hall ticket is to be produced at the time of admission. The candidates are advised to preserve the
hall ticket carefully.
7.1 Entrance tests will be conducted at Yogi Vemana University College, Kadapa.
7.2 (a) There is a prescribed syllabus for each entrance test. The syllabus of each test consists of Section-A, Section-
B and Section-C for 40 questions except for Test Number 116.
(b) In case of 5 Years Integrated Biotechnology and Bioinformatics/Earth Sciences (Test code – 116) entrance test
consists of Section-A for 25 questions (Physics), Section-B for 25 questions (Chemistry), Section-C for 25
questions (Mathematics) and Section-D (Biology: Botany and Zoology). The candidate has to opt either Section
– C or Section-D besides Section-A and Section-B. If any candidate has attempted both Section-C and Section-
D, the highest scored section will be considered for ranking.
7.3 Each entrance test will be of 90 minutes duration with 100 multiple choice type questions. Each question
carries one mark. A few model questions are given in Item 20.
7.4 The question paper will be in English for Computer Science, while language tests will be in the respective
languages. For all other tests, the question papers will be in both English and Telugu.
7.5 No candidate will be permitted into the examination hall without proper hall ticket, printed application and
online challan. It is mandatory to bring one original proof of identity such as Aadhar, driving licence, voter
card etc.
7.6 No candidate will be allowed to carry calculators, books, papers, mathematical and physical tables, slide
rules, pagers, electronic organizers, digital diaries, cellular phones or any other calculating aid, or electronic
Gadgets into the examination hall.
7.7 If the Government/University approves the starting of a P.G. course at a new centre after the last date for
submission of filled applications but before the admissions are closed, all the candidates who qualify in the
concerned test that makes them eligible for admission into that course will be considered for admission at the
new centre also.
7.8 The different courses, the number of seats available in University and affiliated colleges (See item 2.3) and the
eligibility criteria for admission into each course along with the entrance test one has to take, are given below (in
item 16). (SF - Self Financing seats, SP - Sponsored seats; all others are Regular seats; YVUC – Y. V. University
7.9 In case of the course where there are seats with different eligibility criteria, the vacant seats in either category
(after exhausting the complete list) can be filled with candidates of other category.
7.10 If the applications received for any test / course are equal to or less than the number of available seats in the
YVU Campus, entrance test will not be conducted for that course. However, the candidates will be admitted
directly in such courses after verifying the eligibility criteria and marks in the qualifying examination.
7.11 The students who are appearing for M.P.Ed. Entrance test should bring their Sport Merit certificates for
verification at the time of entrance examination.
7.12 The University has the right to cancel the admissions for a course which could not secure a minimum of 10
students through admission process.
7.13 However, such a few students will be accommodated in the rest of the courses at the willingness of the
students subject to criteria for admissions.

8.1 The minimum qualifying marks in the entrance test is 25 (Except for Test – 116). The minimum qualifying
marks for Test – 116 is 18. However, for SC/ST candidates there is no qualifying mark.
8.2 In case of admission into M.P.Ed. Course additional marks will be duly considered for such of those candidates
who have participated in games/sports at the international / national / Inter-University / State level.
8.3 When there is a tie on the basis of marks obtained in the test as a whole, it will be resolved on the basis of marks
obtained in Section- C. If there is still a tie, it will be resolved on the basis of marks obtained in Section-B. If
there is still a tie, it will be resolved as per seniority in age.
8.4 Rank cards shall be downloaded from the website www.yvudoa.net after publication of the results (Rank
cards will not be sent by post).
8.5 The rank obtained in YVUCET–2019 is valid for admission for the academic year 2019-20 only.

9.1 The candidate should have passed the qualifying examination with minimum percentage of marks as
mentioned in para 4 .1, when he/she is called for the counseling for admission, failing which the n e xt
qualified candidates in rank order are entitled for admission into such course.
9.2 All admissions pertaining to all the colleges would be made at the office of the Directorate of Admissions, Yogi
Vemana University, Kadapa.
9.3 Candidates have to attend the counseling at the allotted venue, date and time at their own expenses with the
required documents and fees.
9.4 If a candidate fails to attend the counseling at the specified date and time for whatever reason he/she will
forfeit the seat and the candidate next in rank will be considered for admission. Any representation
for postponement of the date and time of personal appearance will not be entertained.
9.5 At the time of counseling, the following original documents should be submitted by the candidate:
a) YVUCET-2019 Rank card and Hall Ticket.
b) Marks statements and Provisional/Degree Certificate of the qualifying examination
c) Transfer and Conduct certificates (Admission will not be given if original T.C. of the institution where
the candidate studied last is not submitted)
d) SSC and Intermediate pass certificates
e) Two Passport size photographs
f) Study certificates from IX class to qualifying examination
g) Caste certificate in original from the Tahshildar in case of SC/ST/BC candidates, obtained in the year 2017
OR permanent caste certificate
h) Income certificate from the Tahshildar obtained in 2019 (for those who wish to apply for
Scholarship/ fee concession). Fee concession will not be given if income certificate is not submitted.
i) Relevant certificate in case of physically challenged/extra curricular activities (NCC/NSS/Games & Sports /
Cultural Activity) category.
j) Discharge certificate and service certificate of the parent in case of a child of armed person.
k) Residence Certificate of parents for stay in the state of A.P. from Tahshildar in case of candidates, who have
studied outside A.P./ carried out private study.
l) Migration certificate (for other University candidates)
9.6 The cases of pending revaluation will not be considered.

9.7 After the announcement of the results, qualified candidates will be called for the admission counseling for the
certificate verification to assess the eligibility and other credentials. Provisional seat allotment to the candidates
will be given based on the availability of seats and by following the rule of reservation through web counseling.
After the provisional seat allotment candidates need to pay the required fee before the stipulated time to get the
confirmed allotment letter. If any candidate(s) failed to pay the fee, the seat will be cancelled and it is treated as
vacancy and will be filled in successive counseling.
9.8 Candidates, who are not satisfied with the first phase of allotment and wish to appear for the second phase, need
not pay the course fee and report to the allotted college. They can appear for the second phase of verification. In
such cases, the allotment of first phase stands cancelled and the allotment in second phase is subject to availability
of seats, merit and rule of reservation.
9.9 However, after the first phase of allotment, any candidate who wants to opt for cancellation of admission is
allowed to do so at the Convener office with a cancellation fee of 10% of the regular or self- financing fee paid or
Rs.500/- whichever is higher until the commencement of the second phase of verification and without refund of
fee from the date of commencement of the second phase of verification.
9.10 For cancellation of admission after the closing of admissions, the candidate has to pay the total fee for the entire
course period without any concession and has to take the original certificates.
9.11 All the admissions arc purely provisional and the University reserves the right to cancel the admission of a
candidate at any stage
9.12 The admission shall be made into M.P.Ed. Course on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance test (Theory),
conducted by the University and the achievement in Sports & Games. The Entrance Examination (Theory) will be
conducted by the Convener, YVUCET-2019 for 100 marks. The weight age marks of 100 for Sports & Games
shall be reckoned based on the highest level he/she has played and certificate produced, on the day of Entrance
test. The certificates submitted by the candidate at the time of Entrance test will be subject to verification for the
genuineness of the certificate from the issuing authority. There will not be any reservation under ECA quota for
Sports & Games for admission into M.P.Ed. Course.
(a) In-service candidates shall produce Relieving Certificate from the concerned Head of Institution along with the
Permission Certificate from the concerned Authorities.
(b) Student should produce Physical Fitness Certificate from Civil Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon (Govt. Doctor) to
get eligibility for admission and to pursue the study.
10.1 The Y.V. University area comprises of the districts Anantapur, Chittoor, Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore.
10.2 The following candidates are treated as local to Yogi Vemana University area
10.2.1 A candidate who has studied in the Yogi Vemana University area (or stayed in case of private study) for
four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she has first appeared for
the final year qualifying examination.
10.2.2. A candidate who has studied (or stayed in case of private study) for seven consecutive academic years
within the state of Andhra Pradesh ending with the academic year in which he/she first appeared for
the final year qualifying examination and studied (or stayed in case of private study) for a maximum
period in the Yogi Vemana University area.
10.2.3. In case a candidate has studied (or stayed in case of private study) for equal periods in the Y.V.
University area and another University area out of the last seven years, he/she should have studied (or
stayed in case of private study) lastly in the Yogi Vemana University area.
10.3 Any candidate who is not local to Yogi Vemana University is treated as non-local to Yogi Vemana University, if
10.3.1 he/she is local to any other University in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana State.
10.3.2 he/she resided for a total period of not less than 10 years in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana (excluding the
periods of study outside the Andhra Pradesh/Telangana State).
10.3.3 His/her parents has resided in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana for a total period of not less than 10 years.
10.3.4 His/her parent/spouse is presently working in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana in government or allied service.


11.1 The allocation of percentage of seats as detailed below is as per G.O.M.S.No.184, Education (EC-2)
Department, dt. 20-8-1993, and G.O.M.S.No.116 SW (CV-1) dt. 10-12-1999 as amended up-to-date.
11.2 Among the seats sanctioned in each course, 85% of the seats are given to reserved categories of local
(L) candidates, while 15% are given to local and non-local candidates (L/NL) on merit.
11.3 The 85% reserved seats are filled by local candidates belonging to OC (Open Category), SC (15%),
ST (6%), BC-A (7%), BC-B (10%), BC-C (1%), BC-D (7%), BC-E (4%), ECA (Extracurricular
activities): NCC/NSS/Sports/Cultural Activities (2.5%), PH (Physically handicapped) (3%) and CAP
(Children of armed personnel) (2%).
At any cost total number of candidates admitted under non-local category should not exceed 15% putting
together in all categories of OC, SC, ST, BC, ECA, CAP and PH. However, filling up of 15% of seats with
Non-local candidates is not a must in case of non-availability of such candidates.
11.4 A vacancy under SC goes to ST and vice-versa. If enough SC&ST candidates are not available, the left-
over seats reserved for them shall be treated unreserved seats and shall be filled by candidates of general
11.5 29% of seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Backward Classes and shall be allocated
among the following groups of Backward Classes as shown below:
BC-A (7%), BC-B (10%), BC-C (1%), BC-D (7%) and BC-E (4%)
If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Class of a particular group are not available, the leftover
seats can be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward
Classes are not available to fill up the 29% seats reserved for them, the left over seats shall be treated as
unreserved and shall be filled up with candidates of General Pool.
No candidates seeking reservation for admission under above categories be allowed to participate, in the
Counseling for admission unless he/she produces the Integrated Community Certificated prescribed by the
Govt. and issued by the Revenue Authorities in the Government (vide G.O. MS. No:58, Social Welfare (J),
Dept., Dated: 12-5-1997).
11.6 For admission into Extracurricular Activities (ECA) seats, participation during the period of study of the
qualifying examination is alone considered. The priorities in respect of the special categories mentioned
above shall be in accordance with Government Orders issued from time to time.
11.7 Expert committees nominated by the University will certify the suitability and priority of the candidates
under special categories (ECA/PH/CAP) by following the up-to-date guidelines.
11.8 Reservation for women: One third of the seats are reserved for women candidates in each category (i.e.,
OC, SC, ST, BC, ECA, PH and L/NL). This rule is not applied if women candidates selected on merit in
a category from one third or more of the seats therein. If there are no suitable women candidates in a
category, the seats will be directed to the men candidates of the same category. Absence of adequate
number of women candidates in a category cannot be compensated by giving more seats for women in
another category.
12. BC-C (1%) SEATS
BC-C allotment will be done taking into consideration of the total seats available in the subject put together under
college by adopting rotation system.
In addition to the seats available in each department at Yogi Vemana University College, Kadapa, an addition of
20% sponsored seats are available and are filled on the submission of sponsored letter from
Industry/Organization/others. The particulars of fee will be displayed in the DOA web site at a later date.


The details of fee to be paid at the time of admission for various PG courses are given in the following table.
Admission fee for income certificate holders means fee for candidates who are eligible for fee reimbursement
under SC/ST category whose parents’ annual income is less than Rs.2,00,000/- and for BC/OC candidates whose
parents’ annual income is less than Rs.1,00,000/-
If any admitted candidate(s) who cannot get fee reimbursement from the Government he/she has to pay the
specified fee to the University immediately, as agreed earlier. In case if government will not reimburse the
equivalent fee as specified below, the candidate has to pay the balance fee to the University, as agreed earlier.

Candidates those who called for counseling has to pay an amount of Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) towards
counseling fee.
Other University students have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 250/-.
Income certificate of parent must be taken from Tahsildar in the year 2019.
Computer lab fee of Rs.1,000/- extra for, Economics, and M. Com. courses.
Study tour/media visit fee of Rs. 1000/- extra for M. A. Communication and Journalism course.

14.1 FIRST YEAR FEE to be paid at the time of admission

Fee without Fee for income
Course Type
income certificate
certificate (Rs.) holders (Rs.)**
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Chemistry (Organic)
Self Financing 28700 8700
Regular 9200 1775
M. Com.* Self Financing 17200 1775
Computer Science Self Financing 21700 1925
Regular 7100 1775
Self Financing 15100 1775
M.Ed. Self Financing 25700 5700
Regular 7100 1775
Self Financing 15100 1775
Regular 11700 1925
Environmental Science
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Genetics & Genomics
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 7100 1775
History and Archaeology Self Financing 15100 1775
Regular 7100 1775
Journalism & Communication #
Self Financing 15100 1775
Material Science &
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
M.P.Ed. Self Financing 25700 5700
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 28700 8700
Regular 7100 1775
Political Science & Pub. Adm. Self Financing 15100 1775
Regular 11700 1925
Self Financing 23700 3700
Statistics Self Financing 21700 1925
Regular 7100 1775
Telugu Self Financing 15100 1775
Regular 11700 1925
Zoology Self Financing 23700 3700
5 Year Integrated M.Sc.
Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Regular 9900 1545
5 Year Integrated M.Sc., Earth
Sciences Regular 9900 1545
Bachelor of Fine Arts Regular 6700 1370
PG Diploma in Theatre Arts Regular 2100 --
M.A Rural Development Self Financing 15100 1775
M.A Urdu Self Financing 15100 1775
M.Sc Food Technology Self Financing 51700 31700
M.Sc Computational Data
Science Self Financing 28700 8700

* Computer Lab fee of Rs.1,000/- extra

# Study Tour / Media Visit fee of Rs.1,000/- extra
**Only for those SC/ST candidates whose parent’s income is less than Rs.2,00,000/- per
annum and BC & OC candidates whose parent’s income is less than Rs.1,00,000/- per
annum. If the Government does not reimburse the fee then the candidate has to pay the full
fee in the College where allotted.

14.2 If the seat allotted to a candidate is cancelled for any valid reasons before the closure of the admissions, the
tuition fee paid by the candidate will be refunded after deducting 10% of the tuition fee prescribed for that
course. In case if a candidate wants to cancel the seat after the closure of the admissions, the candidate is
required to pay the fee as per the norms of the University in order to receive back his/her certificates. A
separate Transfer Certificate will be issued to such candidates.
15. 1 Admission does not automatically entitle accommodation in the University Hostels. Only limited
accommodation is available in the University Hostels for Men and Women. Admission to hostels will
be made as per the rules in vogue.
15. 2 Accommodation cannot be provided in the University hostels to any student who is a native of any area within
20 kms radius of Kadapa.
15. 3 Hostel accommodation will not be provided to those who wish to pursue another PG course.


S.No. Course Eligibility Test Specific Remarks

B.Sc. with at least one biology
1 M.Sc. Biochemistry subject and chemistry as a
compulsory subject
B.Sc. with at least one biology Unfilled seats can be filled
101-Advanced Life
2 M.Sc. Biotechnology subject and chemistry as a with candidates qualified in
compulsory subject Sciences Botany/Zoology/Chemistry
M.Sc. Genetics & B.Sc. with at least one biology subject tests
Genomics and chemistry as a compulsory subject
B.Sc. with at least one biology subject
4 M.Sc. Microbiology
and chemistry as a compulsory subject
B.Sc. with Botany and Chemistry / Nil
5 M.Sc. Botany (Plant Science)
103-Chemistry Nil
6 M.Sc. Chemistry: Organic B.Sc. with Chemistry

Unfilled seats in
Environmental science
M.Sc. Environmental Science can be filled with
B.Sc. with Chemistry/any biology 103-Chemistry
7 candidates qualified in the
Advanced Life
Sciences/botany/ Zoology
tests also)
B.Com. or B.A. with Nil
Accountancy, Statistics
M. Com. and Mathematics /
Commerce /
B.Sc. Computer Science / B.C.A. / Nil
B.A. Computer Applications /
M.Sc. Computer Science B.Com. Computer Applications /
9 B.Sc. Mathematics combination/ 105-Computer Science
B.A. Mathematics combination or
any degree equivalent to B.Sc.
Computer Science.
10 M.A. Economics B.A. with Economics/ B.Com 106-Economics Nil
11 M.Ed. B.Ed. 107-Education
Any graduate with English in Nil
12 M.A. English
Part I or Part II
13 M.Sc. Geology B.Sc. with Geology and any one 109-Geology Nil
science subject
14 M.A. History & Archaeology Any Graduate
M.A. Journalism and Mass
15 Any graduate Unfilled seats in
Communication 110-General Test
16 M.Sc. Psychology Any graduate Psychology can be filled
M.A. Political Science & Public with graduates qualified
17 Any graduate in any test
Nil Unfilled seats in
Material Science &
Nanotechnology can be
M.Sc. Material Science and filled with graduates with
18 B.Sc. with Physics and Mathematics
Nanotechnology 111-Physics Mathematics and Physics
combination and
qualified in Chemistry
entrance test
19 M.Sc. Physics B.Sc. with Physics and Mathematics Nil
20 M.Sc. Mathematics B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics Nil
Unfilled seats can be
M. Sc. Statistics (With B. A (or) B. Sc with Statistics filled with candidates
Computer Applications)* Combination qualified in Mathematics
113-Physical Nil
22 M.P.Ed. B.P.Ed / BPE/BPES
Any graduate with Telugu in Part I or Nil
23 M.A. Telugu Part II or B. A. Oriental learning in 114-Telugu
M.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. with Zoology and any one Nil
(Animal Science) science subject
M.Sc. Biotechnology Nil
and Bioinformatics
Intermediate/Equivalent with subjects
25 (5 Year Integrated
Course) 116- M.Sc. 5 Year
Integrated Courses
M.Sc. Earth Science Nil
Intermediate/Equivalent with subjects
26 (5 Year Integrated
117- (No written Nil
B.F.A. Bachelor of Intermediate/Equivalent with any
Fine Arts subjects/ 3 years Diploma in Fine Arts
Examination) - Skill
test will be conducted
118-(No written Nil
Examination) oral
28 Graduate Diploma in Any graduate
Theatre Arts performance test will
be conducted
M.A Rural Nil
Any graduate 110-General Test
Any Graduate with Urdu in Part I with Nil
30 M.A Urdu
two papers or Part II
B.Sc Home Science or Nil
B.Sc with any of the following
:Biochemistry / Chemistry /
M.Sc Food Microbiology / Aquaculture / Fishery
Technology Science / Zoology / Botany /
120-Food Technology
Biotechnology / Horticulture or B.Sc
(Ag.) / BV. Sc or B.Tech with Food
Tehnology / Dairy Technology
B.Sc Mathematics with Physics, Nil
Chemistry, Statistics, Electronics,
M.Sc Computational 121-Computational
32 Computer Science or B.Tech CSE, IT,
Data Science Data Science
Electronics / Equivalent course with
50% marks in group subjects
*In case of students for M. Sc Statistics (with computer applications) the following priority will be followed:
First priority: B.Sc./B.A with Maths, Statistics and Computer Applications
Second priority: B.Sc./B.A with Statistics as one of the subjects.

17. Syllabus copies can be downloaded from the website www.yvudoa.net

18. Schedule of Entrance tests:

The exact schedule of entrance tests will be displayed in the website www.yvudoa.net after the last date of receiving
of applications.

Subject wise counseling schedule will be notified in the website one week before the commencement of
1. The Second most abundant element in the earth crust is
(a) C (b) O (c) Al (d) Si

2. Which of the following operators in ‘C’ programming language takes only integer operands?
(a) + (b)* (c) / (d) %

3. Find the highest power of 3 in 80 factorial

(a) 6 (b) 16 (c) 26 (d) 36

4. Electron-volt is the unit of

(a) Charge (b) Energy (c) Potential (d) Electric field
5. Depreciation is charged on
(a) Current Assets (b) Fixed Assets (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None


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