Design of Shelf Angles For Masonry Veneers
Design of Shelf Angles For Masonry Veneers
Design of Shelf Angles For Masonry Veneers
Indianapolis • How the vertical support systems can
March 3, 2016 be designed.
• Present a few examples.
Indiana/Kentucky Structural
Masonry Coalition
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W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 1
Design -typically ties spaced to resist
out-of-plane loads
Shelf Angle Span
Veneer weight – vertical load Between Anchors Shelf Angle
W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 2
Mortar Blockage in Horizontal
Inadequate Bearing of Brick
Investigation of Problems
Expansion Joints Below Shelf Angle on Shelf Angle
out – no
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W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 3
These analysis showed Based on finite element analyses and Based on finite element analyses and field
that the stiff brick testing, a number of observations about the shelf
(vertically) spans
field testing, a number of observations
angle veneer interaction can be made:
between the less flexible about the shelf angle veneer interaction
sections of the angle can be made: Near Anchor Away from Anchor
with little stress in the
brick 1. The veneer is very stiff relative to its
Floor Slab Floor Slab
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Suggested Design Method Based on Observed Veneer Span Design: Veneer Span Design:
Veneer Height Veneer Height
W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 4
Angle Design: Example 1 Angle Design: Example 1 Angle Design: Example 1
Support a 10 ft height of 4” clay brick veneer
Veneer Height
At limit the brick reaction will be applied at the toe of the
Veneer Height angle - However it is unlikely that the reaction will ever be
applied at this location as the deflection of angle will
Veneer Span actually move the reaction back from the toe.
Veneer Span
The anchor shear reaction would then be (assuming
Previous Table would suggest the brick could span at trib. width distribution): Brick
least 17 ft. and as little as 1 ft height of veneer could Air gap and insulation
span at least 5.4 ft. Reaction from brick = 40 psf x 10’ x 6’ = 2400 lb.
Shelf Angle
Shear OK Adding an additional 10 lb/ft for the angle weight
2400 lb Floor Slab
The brick capacity will not often govern anchor spacing. would produce a total vertical reaction of Anchor Reactions
Brick Note there is also a moment due to the angle self weight How much of the angle is resisting this moment?
but this is very small and can be ignored.
Air gap and insulation
Brick At the limit, ½ the length of the angle on each side of
anchor will resist the moment, however analysis shows the
Shelf Angle Air gap and insulation
angle rotation will reduce the amount of angle effective in
2400 lb Anchor Reactions Floor Slab Shelf Angle resisting the moment for longer anchor spacing.
2400 lb Anchor Reactions Floor Slab How much angle resist the load depends on thickness of the
angle, veneer stiffness and anchor spacing. 30
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W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 5
Angle Design: Example 1 Angle Design: Example 1
Angle Design: Example 1
10 ft height of 4” clay brick veneer 10 ft height of 4” clay brick veneer
10 ft height of 4” clay brick veneer
Thus for the angle in question- Both the vertical leg and the horizontal leg must resist the
The moment at the base of the angle toe =9750 4 x 4 = 16 inches note that this can be quite conservative moment.
and is less than the 72 inch anchor spacing. In addition the vertical leg must resist the tension of 2460 lb.
Veneer Height
Using AISC LRFD provisions and a My limit assuming Fy This produces an axial tension stress of = = 410 psi less
Effective length
= 36 ksi. Limit deformation.
Anchor spacing
of angle then 2% of yield and by inspection the combined loading OK .
. Brick
In the past, the effective length of masonry wall resisting a Sx required = = 0.361 in3
. , Air gap and insulation
concentrated load was 4x masonry wall thickness.
Use a 3/8 x 5 x 5 angle
A 3/8” angle with 16 in. width - S = 0.375 in3 (S = bd2/6) Shelf Angle – Size anchors to resist
The range of analyses showed that combined shear and
this could be used as a conservative rule of thumb You could also make an argument to use Mp = Zx Fy
2400 lb Anchor Reactions Floor Slab tension loading not the
weight is a little higher
For the effective length of the angle And Zx =bd2/6 But not significant.
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Use 4 x veneer thickness ≤ anchor spacing
Angle Design: Example 2 – 5 inch Cavity Angle Design: Example 2 – 5 inch cavity
Angle Design: Example 2 – 5 inch Cavity
The distance between the interface of the veneer and
10 ft height of 4” clay brick veneer Veneer Height support wall is 1 + 4 = 5 in.
But now assume that there is 4” of backing wall Air gap and insulation
Backing Wall
trib. width distribution):
Veneer Height
W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 6
Angle Design: Example 2 – 5 inch Cavity Angle Design: Example 2 – 5 inch cavity Angle Design: Example 2
Assume that the vertical brick load is applied at the center 10 ft. height of 4 in. clay brick veneer
of the veneer. Assume a ½ in. angle thickness. The moment at the base of the angle toe =11,296 Using AISC LRFD provisions and a My limit assuming Fy
Eccentricity = 36 ksi. Limit deformation.
of veneer weight = 5+ ¼+ 3.625/2 = 7.06 in Veneer Height
, .
Sx required = = 0.418 in3
. ,
Anchor spacing Effective length
Air gap and insulation of angle
The angle will have to be 8 inches to pick up the brick
Shelf Angle minimum thickness of this angle size is 7/16 in.
Effective length of angle
1600 lb Anchor Reactions Floor Slab Use 4 x veneer thickness ≤ anchor spacing A 7/16 in. angle with 16 in. width - S = 0.510 in3
Eccentricity of veneer weight
16 inches is less than 48 so use effective length of Again you could make an argument to use Mp
The moment at the base of the angle toe = 7.06 x 1600 =11,296 angle = 16 inches again.
Note there is also a moment due to the angle self weight but this is 38
moment. • Presented a brief overview of Masonry
In addition the vertical leg must resist the tension of 1640 lb.
Veneer Wall systems and their vertical
This produces an axial tension stress of = = 234 psi
supports THANK YOU !
less then 1% of yield and by inspection the combined loading • Discussed how these systems behave
OK . Brick
Use a 7/16 x 8 x 6 angle – Size
anchors to resist
Air gap and insulation combined shear and tension • Presented a method how they can be
loading – note 7/16 x 6 x 8 may
not be available everywhere
Shelf Angle
1600 lb Anchor Reactions Floor Slab • Presented few examples for design
W. Mark McGinley ‐ March 3, 2016 ISEA MEETINGS 7